Clogged toilet. How to effectively clean a clogged toilet at home

Almost everyone has encountered such a problem as a clogged toilet. The situation can confuse you or force you to pull yourself together, take your will into a fist and start clearing out the jam. It’s good if there is a man in the house who will take on this unpleasant task. What if he just doesn’t know how to unclog a toilet? Then this article will help him learn to cope with purely male household work on his own.

First of all, you need to try to remember what could have gotten stuck in the toilet; obviously, it was something that was thrown out along with the water and not noticed. Depending on the foreign object in the sewer, one of three methods of removing the blockage is chosen: chemical, household, mechanical.

Read in this article:

How to choose a method for clearing a blockage

Organic clog

Most often, the toilet becomes clogged due to sedimentation on the pipe walls and the passage of organic waste. They accumulate over a long period of time and narrow the passage, interfering with the normal flushing of feces. If the owners are sure that this is the reason, they need to use chemicals that will dissolve the organic matter. On sale, chemicals are sold in different types: liquid, granular, powder.

All of them are very powerful solvents. They are based on alkali or acid. They must be handled with extreme caution.

You need to pour or pour the product into the toilet and leave it there for several hours. Rinse afterwards a large number hot water.

How to clean a toilet at home if you don’t have it at hand store supplies? You can do without them. There is always white, soda, vinegar, and citric acid in the house.

Pour white into the toilet and wait several hours for the clog to dissolve. If you decide to use citric acid, you will need at least 5 sachets, which are poured into the toilet. Before this, there should be a minimum of water left in it.

Another way: first add a pack of soda, then pour in a bottle of vinegar. A head of foam will appear, but it will soon subside.

You can tell that the organic blockage has dissolved by lowering the water level. But don't wash it off right away. You need to let the aggressive substances work properly.

Even if a blockage does not occur, from time to time you need to carry out preventive work: pour in acid-containing agents to dissolve lime deposits on inside pipes and toilet passage.

The toilet is clogged with small debris

The second most common cause of a clogged toilet is debris getting into its passage or pipe. It may be undissolved toilet paper, construction waste, table waste and much more that was accidentally or intentionally thrown into the toilet. How to unclog the toilet in this case?

Chemical solutions will not help here; you will have to deal with it using a household method.

You can try to remove this blockage with a plunger. The up and down motion of the plunger will cause the water to move, carrying debris with it. With a sharp rise upward, the lump of debris is thinned out, and it is easier to wash it away. By the way, if you don’t have a plunger at hand, a plastic bottle with a cut bottom will help. To clear a clog with a bottle, you need to grab the neck and act as a piston, creating water movement. But, if the remains were poured into the toilet cement mortar or threw a large rag, a plunger and a bottle will not help.

The toilet is clogged with a large object

How can you remove a blockage in the toilet if a rag, large potato or other object has gotten into it? First of all, try to remove the object that caused the blockage with your hand. To do this, put on a longer rubber glove to scoop the water out of the toilet, and cover your mouth and nose with a bandage soaked, for example, in perfume. Otherwise, the smell may make you sick. Then stick your hand into the passage and try to grab the object. With a rag this may well work, but you may not be able to grab a potato with your hand, but you can hook it with a wire hook.

Nothing will work if clay gets inside the toilet and forms a lump, stone or broken glass. In this case, it will be possible to remove the foreign body with a cable.

A cable is a plumber's tool. It is a flexible rod with a rotating handle on one end and a sharp tip on the other. There may not be a tip, but instead there is a frayed sharp wire; such burrs can run along the entire length. By the way, a cable with sharp wire cannot be used in a plastic pipe, as it can damage its walls. The tip and burrs of the cable are needed for winding and pulling foreign objects out of the pipe.

To work with a cable you need a partner. One person pushes the tip forward into the toilet passage and pipe, the other turns the handle. Thus, a hole is drilled in the cork, and the water flows out through it. Now you need to remove whatever is stuck from the toilet passage with your hands. You need to work carefully, as the foreign body can be sharp and injure your hand. Flush the toilet several times and make sure the water comes out with good pressure. Rinse and dry the cable so that it does not rust.

It may happen that the lump is not stuck in the toilet passage, but somewhere in the pipe. Then you won’t be able to remove it by hand even after working with the cable. In this case, you will have to disconnect the sewer pipes and search for the blockage with a cable each time until it is found. In the most difficult cases I have to dismantle the toilet.

How to avoid a clogged toilet

If you don’t throw anything down the drain, then the question of how to clean a toilet at home may remain rhetorical. So, what should not be washed off:

  • toilet paper;
  • rags;
  • baby diapers, sanitary pads;
  • cotton pads, tampons, napkins;
  • food waste, including tea leaves;
  • fish offal and scales;
  • a mouse from a mousetrap (this also happens);
  • water after peeling potatoes, carrots, mushrooms;
  • cigarette butts and matches;
  • fatty water;
  • cat litter;
  • contraceptives;
  • remnants of paint, lime, cement mixture, gypsum.

The list can be continued almost endlessly; plumbers can confirm that almost everything that is smaller in size than the drain hole has been taken out of clogged pipes. There should always be a trash can in the toilet, then the hand will not reach into the toilet to throw out the trash. Construction waste, even liquid, must be taken to the trash can.

To prevent blockages, pour products containing acid or alkali into the toilet once every 2 weeks. At home, always have such devices as a toilet brush, plunger, cable, rubber gloves.

It’s not a shame to once again remind the upstairs neighbors what the consequences of throwing the above items into the toilet can be, especially if they have already committed a similar sin. After all, they can throw garbage, and the toilets of those who live on the toilet will pour over the top. lower floors. And yet, any man should at least theoretically know what to do if the toilet is clogged.

Blockages are a common problem that plagues not only cast iron pipelines, but also modern plastic pipelines. The most effective and at the same time inexpensive way to combat them is a plumbing cable.

Let’s take a closer look at what to take into account when choosing and using a tool and how to clean a toilet with a cable.

The choice of the type of tool and method of eliminating the problem depends on what type of blockage you have to deal with.

Regardless of the cause of the problem, clogging provokes a malfunction of both plumbing fixtures and sewer system generally

There are three types of blockages:

  1. Operational. It occurs due to the ingress of organic and household waste into the system, for example: food debris, grease, sand, wool and hair. Plaques and deposits formed on the walls narrow the diameter of the passage opening, preventing the normal passage of water.
  2. Mechanical. Occurs when there is a violation generally accepted rules operation of the sewer system. For example, due to carelessness or ignorance, large garbage is thrown into the toilet. He is a hindrance to waste water, forming a dense blockage.
  3. Technological. It occurs as a result of a violation of the installation technology of the communication system or due to its wear and tear.

Plugs of an operational nature are easily handled by the simplest rope-type cables, 5-6 meters long and 6 mm and 9 mm in diameter. Simple mechanical blockages help eliminate spring-wound cables.

Technological blockages cannot be eliminated using a cable. Correcting a defect by solving a problem is possible only by complete replacement pipes

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Main types of plumbing cables

The plumbing cable used for cleaning is a flexible shaft that performs the function of transmitting torque. The tool is used not only for “punching” sewer pipes, but also for cleaning water supply lines, as well as treating the inside of boiler and boiler pipes.

A rotation handle is attached to one end of the steel plumbing cable, and a rigid sleeve-tip is installed on the opposite side of the device

The tip performs two functions:

  • holds replaceable tools that can be used to facilitate the cleaning process;
  • prevents self-unraveling of the cable, thereby extending the service life of the product.

The cable structure is represented by a rod or shaft, the central part of which is equipped with a core. Wire strands are wound around the core in several layers in different directions.

The direction of the strands of each layer alternates: the first layer is laid to the right relative to the axis, the second to the left. When manufacturing a core, the number of layers of strands is repeated until a certain shaft diameter, specified by technological standards, is reached.

Although the design of the cable is simple, it has a clear advantage in the form of the ability to control the degree of pressure on the tool during the cleaning process when passing pipe bends and other “vulnerable” areas

In addition to the main function - clearing blockages in the water supply and sewerage systems, cables are often used to remove blockages in boilers and boilers, as well as to clear soot from chimneys.

There are three main types of tools on sale: rope, spring-wound and spring.

It should be remembered that when cleaning with a cable, earthenware plumbing can be seriously damaged. In order not to lead the situation to the need for mechanical destruction of the blockage, the following preventive measures are recommended:

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Rope type device

The rigging cable is used to clean small clogged sections of the pipeline inside the apartment. It is made of galvanized durable steel, which is famous for its high strength and durability. Rope-type products are traditionally made with a diameter of 6 mm, due to which they are flexible and resilient.

Rope-type devices are able to easily pass through all joints and bends of the sewer system, without violating the integrity of the connection points of residential plumbing equipment

The end of rope-type products is crimped with a tip to prevent unraveling of the wire threads. To make it easier to remove hairballs from the pipeline, manufacturers give the tip a fluffy brush shape.

To clean the plumbing inside the apartment, rigging cables with a length of 2.5 to 5 meters are used. It is not advisable to purchase longer products, since the main line rarely exceeds a length of 5 meters.

Spring-wound cable

A spring-wound cable is a more rigid product, the diametrical cross-section of which is at least 9 mm. It is chosen for cleaning toilets, as well as indoor water and sewer pipes.

The device received its name due to the fact that its main structural element is a wound spiral, inner part which is empty

This cable is equipped with a rotating handle, which has a curved shaft design. The device ends with a bend or tip, with the help of which it is easily moved into the cavity of the pipe. Devices of this type for domestic use are not equipped with special attachments.

Thanks to the excellent elasticity of the tool, despite the sufficient rigidity of the structure, the cable easily copes with all difficult obstacles in its path.

Spring spiral with tensioner

The spring cable belongs to the category professional equipment. It is used by plumbers to break through serious, complex blockages in both horizontal pipes and vertical risers. The diametric size of products varies in the range of 13.5-16 mm. The length can reach from 25-60 meters.

Small-diameter products are used for cleaning toilets, urinals and sewer pipes in public places. A large-section spring with increased rigidity is used when it is necessary to remove blockages from sewer risers passing through interfloor ceilings

Basis for making cable spring type protrudes a rod wrapped in durable steel non-galvanized wire having a cross-section of 2 millimeters

As the diameter of the cable increases, the size of the wire used for its manufacture also increases:

  • for products with a thickness of 10-12 mm, use a metal cord D 1.4 mm;
  • for 14 mm cables – thread D 1.4 mm;
  • for rods D 16 mm – wire D 2.1 mm.

Spring-type products, like their simpler analogues described above, are equipped with a handle. But in models of this type it serves as a tensioner. At the moment of rotation and tension, the spring acquires special rigidity, thanks to which it easily destroys even the most complex blockages.

In professional models used for long pipes, the handles are often made sliding. Due to this, they easily move along the length of the rod and are fixed in the desired position. This constructive solution allows you to avoid twisting the cable during operation.

Depending on the model, the equipment may be equipped various kinds nozzles. They are selected based on three parameters:

  • pipe type;
  • material of their manufacture;
  • design features (presence of joints and elbows).

To break through crumbs of stone and sand, use a bottom nozzle; to remove compressed blockages, use a punching tip; and to remove lumps of dirt and old rags, use nozzles in the form of loops and hooks.

Tool selection criteria

When choosing a product, you need to touch and inspect it for mechanical damage. The cable should not have any bending memory. Make sure the handle is securely fastened. Pay attention to the pipe. It should be a little springy and plastic.

All elements of the tool, including nozzles intended for impact, must be made only of high quality steel.

The main parameters that should be considered when choosing a plumbing cable:

  1. Device diameter. The size of plumbing cables available for sale ranges from 6-18 mm. The required size of the rods is selected based on the diameter of the laid pipes and the complexity of the blockage.
  2. Design. The handle can have G- and Z shape. Handles equipped with a locking system are available on sale. They are convenient because they hold the rods and at the same time allow them to be rotated in any direction.
  3. Complete set of replaceable nozzles. Among the variety of replaceable nozzles on the market, the most popular are “harpoons”, with the help of which it is convenient to remove large elements of dense plugs, and reinforced punches, capable of breaking through the hardest blockages.

To work with sewer and drain pipes D 100 mm made of plastic, rods with a diameter of 10-12 mm are selected. Models of this size are also irreplaceable if the pipeline includes large number turns with an angle greater than 45°.

If it is necessary to work with sewer pipes D 100-200 mm, which have a large length, choose tools D 14 mm. For pipes D 200 mm or more, tools with a diameter of 16 mm are used.

Included with the cable, you can also purchase a set of attachments that will make the cleaning process simpler and more effective.

Important point! If the first and last layers of the core are wound to the right along the axis, then this indicates that the cable is designed for right-hand rotation. In this direction the tool has 2 layers of wires more than in the left direction. And if you rotate the cable to the left, it will simply break.

If possible, you can purchase an electric cable.

Modifications with a combined electric drive, referred to as “turntables,” have a number of auxiliary functions that greatly facilitate the task.

“Turnables” are able to quickly and effectively remove simple blockages on short and medium distances of sewer routes.

Rope Application Guide

Clearing clogged water and sewer pipes using a cable involves a number of main steps.

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Carrying out preparatory work

It is better to carry out cleaning operations when the first signs of communication obstruction are detected. You shouldn’t wait until a small blockage compacts and turns into an impenetrable plug.

The main signs indicating that a blockage has formed are slowly draining drain hole water, as well as the appearance unpleasant odor from a pipe

Having determined the type of blockage that has formed and its location, prepare a tool with appropriate attachments to eliminate the problem.

The first stage involves preparing the cable for operation. To do this, the instrument is inspected for integrity and performance. On the cable itself, it is necessary to check the strength and reliability of the handle.

Before starting work, the floor must be covered with film. It is recommended to carry out further manipulations wearing protective gloves.

Cleaning clogged areas

To properly clean the sewer, it is necessary to open free access to the socket of the outlet pipe. To do this, the first thing you need to do is remove the siphon. It has the shape of a curved pipe and is attached to the drain hole.

Before inserting the tip of a steel tool into the cavity of the pipe, the place where the siphon is connected is washed from remaining dirt with jets of hot water.

The sequence of actions when working with the tool:

  1. Holding the rotary handle in the palm of your hand and fixing the main part of the cable in a coiled position in the shape of a ring, the working end of the tool is inserted into the hole in the pipe.
  2. By making translational and rotational movements with the handle, they move the device deeper into the pipe and overcome difficult sections. The cable itself must be unrolled only to the length required to clear the blockage.
  3. Having reached the blockage, rotate the handle to increase the force and increase the speed of movement, trying to destroy the seal.

There are two ways to remove a dirt plug: by pushing it forward, after putting on a punch suitable size, or by removing it using a hook-hook. When making translational movements, you should not press the tool with force. This can damage the equipment and ruin the inside surface of the smooth plastic pipe.

By performing translational-rotational movements, you will make it easier for the flexible rod to easily overcome bends and bends present in the sewer system

When guiding the cable and imparting torque to it, rotational movements must be performed only in the direction of clockwise movement. If you rotate the handle of the tool in the opposite direction, you can cause the flexible core to unravel.

During the process of passing obstacles, you periodically need to pull the cable to the surface and clean it from any remaining adhering dirt. It is better to do the work together, dividing the responsibilities of rotating and pushing, alternating with cleaning the tool nozzle.

System health check

Noticing that the accumulated liquid begins to leave, empty the tank or open the tap with hot water. At first, it is better to supply water at low pressure. If everything goes smoothly, you can gradually increase the flow strength.

If, during a test drain of water, an improvised funnel is observed to form in the drain, this indicates that the problem has been completely eliminated

There are situations when the cable gets stuck in the pipe during rotation. In this case, the easiest way to solve the problem is to turn the tool to the left or right while applying light pressure.

General rules for caring for the device

The cable, like any other plumbing fixture, needs proper care. After each use, the instrument must be washed under pressure of water or in a filled container with added soap solution. To avoid rust between the wire layers, the spring part of the tool must be regularly treated with machine oil.

In the future, if it is necessary to shorten the cable, the cut site will need to be pre-annealed by 10-12 cm.

Convenient rotation of the handle is ensured by the operation of special bushings; The task of a prudent owner is not to forget to periodically lubricate them with used engine oil

The oil-treated cable is wiped dry with a piece of cotton cloth and rolled into a coil. In this position, it takes up minimal space, making it easy to place it in a corner under the bathroom or in a cabinet among tools. At proper care Such equipment can serve its owner well for more than two decades.

Conclusions and useful video on the topic

Overview of the main types of plumbing cables:

And finally, advice from the master. When cleaning, to soften the blockage and make it easier for the tool to move through, if possible, pour portions of hot water into the pipe. Otherwise, the procedure for cleaning a sewer using a cable should not cause any particular difficulties.

All troubles are a nuisance - the toilet in the house is clogged. Where to run, what to do, who to call - these questions arise, as a rule, among the female part of the population. A man should assess the situation without panic and immediately ask his household - who threw what into the toilet?

Causes of blockages

The toilet is clogged - how to clean it?

Anything can get stuck in the toilet - rags, potato peelings and pickles, apples, newspapers, tufts of hair, grease. If you know a plumber, you can ask him around. We guarantee he will tell you a lot of interesting things.

You are guaranteed to be 100% clogged if hygiene products (pads, diapers), condoms and baby litter end up in the toilet. cat litter. In the latter case, we are talking about practically cementing the conclusions, and if your suspicions are truly justified, call a plumber or emergency service.

Another worthy contender for the title of winner is plastic bags. If with its help the toilet becomes clogged, how to clean it is up to you. You can try it yourself, using a cable, or call a plumber. Be prepared that along with the package you will be able to get a lot of all sorts of “goodies”.

Interesting. There is a known fact when a man who dropped his dentures into the toilet in public toilet, tried to reach it with his hand. We had to call the Rescue Service and get rid of his hand along with his jaw - he still caught it.

If we are not talking about clogging the entire riser, you can try to solve the problem yourself. We are talking about three ways in which it is possible to unclog a clogged toilet:

  • simple mechanical - using a plunger;
  • chemical - using ready-made or improvised means;
  • plumbing - using a cable.

The first method is mechanical. The simplest, suitable for minor blockages. Take a plunger (the desired diameter is 10 centimeters), insert it with the rubber part down and make 10-15 movements up and down. If necessary, scoop out excess water. We repeat this procedure three times. As a rule, if the plug is small, the water begins to drain quickly. Along with it, parts of the blockage fall into the riser.

If you don't have a plunger, you can use a plastic bottle. To do this, you need to cut off the bottom, close the bottle tightly with a lid, insert it into the toilet and also pump it. Watch the video below for more details:

The toilet is clogged - what to do? Method two

The second method is chemical. So, the toilet is clogged - what to do to remove it as quickly as possible, without having a plunger at hand (or you just don’t want to bother with it).

You can try the following. You can try to break through clogged fat or something similar with hot water (not boiling water), which is poured at a right angle to create pressure. In such cases, you will need a bucket; it is more convenient to work with it than with basins or pans. You will need to pour out at least three buckets. Hot water will dissolve body fat, the water will begin to decrease. But be careful not to overdo it - if the plug is tight, the water will begin to overflow. This is not recommended.

A more effective way to pierce a toilet is to use a regular baking soda. Suitable for all types of plumbing fixtures, including built-in toilets. For one use, it is enough to fill half a pack and let it stand for about 30-40 minutes. Then pour hot water on it. When soda is dissolved in water, an alkaline environment is formed, which corrodes fat and other food residues. You can repeat it twice, it won’t hurt.

Important. In some sources, “craftsmen” recommend a method such as using soda and acetic acid together. Can you imagine this process? First of all, a large amount of gas is instantly released, which may well rupture the system. Secondly, acid residues will act destructively on metal parts or pipes. This method is not used at home. But, if you are planning to install a toilet soon, you can try it.

Active agents offered for sale: Mole, Tiret and others with most likely will help clear blockages of almost any origin. Their validity period is from 40 minutes to 8 hours. This is perhaps the best option to use if the toilet is clogged. Included finished drugs includes alkalis and other chemicals active substances, capable of dissolving even hair.

Interesting. Lately there has been a lot of talk about wonderful properties Coca-Cola, including its use for resolving blockages. They say this assumption is not without foundation, since the drink contains orthophosphoric acid. If you are pressed for time and the disaster has not yet reached the scale of a catastrophe, you can fill the toilet with Coca-Cola.

How to unclog a toilet with a cable - video

The third method is the most reliable. Using a plumbing cable, which is a flexible metal wire with a spiral at the end. For home use A three-meter one is best.

It's better to clean it together. One person turns the handle, the second directs the cable. You need to act carefully so as not to damage the pipes or corrugation. Using a rotating motion, the cable must be pushed through the pipe until it hits the blockage. Then you should try to push it into the drain or hook it.

The operation may have to be repeated several times. You should have a bucket and a rag or rags on hand to immediately wipe the cable from organic residues.

Important. If there is a plug in the toilet, an unpleasant odor often occurs, which is the first sign of a blockage. Therefore, if we suspect something is wrong, we clean it immediately with what is at hand - soda, water or ready-made products. It definitely won't get any worse.

What to do if the toilet is completely clogged

As soon as you discover that there is something wrong with your toilet, we proceed according to the following algorithm:

  • check how the water flows in the bathroom or in kitchen sink, and we draw conclusions - if it drains well, it means that the blockage formed before it entered the sewer;
  • we will find out from our household members whether they have thrown anything into the toilet;
  • We quickly figure out what exactly could have caused the traffic jam and take appropriate measures.

At the first suspicion that the riser is clogged, call the emergency service - in such cases you can wait indefinitely for a locksmith. Notify your neighbors about the trouble, prepare old rags, buckets of water, and rubber gloves just in case. It may be necessary to take emergency measures to prevent sewer contents from entering the apartment.

If you are very squeamish, make some kind of mask so as not to breathe in the fumes.

Now you know what to do if the toilet is clogged. The main thing is not to panic.

For our part, we wish you that your biggest problem is how to clean the toilet from limescale.

The toilet is clogged - what to do at home and how to clean it? A clogged toilet is like a natural disaster - it occurs suddenly, requires immediate action and turns the life of household members into a real nightmare. The vast majority of people immediately begin frantically digging through the phone book in search of the treasured telephone number of the housing office emergency service. But hopes for brave and fast plumbers begin to fade over time - utility services are not in a great hurry to help. In this regard, you have to think about independent measures to remove the blockage and resume your usual way of life, without going to your neighbors “out of need.”

First, you need to figure out why such a blockage occurred, what could block the normal passage of sewage through the pipes, and what to expect from this situation.

Why do blockages occur?

  • The most common cause is the toilet becoming clogged with too much toilet paper and feminine products. hygiene products or completely unexpected objects getting into it: rags, toys, etc.
  • Wrong installed toilet. During installation, a certain angle of inclination of the toilet to the riser must be maintained, as well as the optimal distance from the riser to the toilet.
  • Lack of valves that equalize the pressure in the pipe when draining.
  • Poor toilet design. It even happens, because now handicraft industries are a dime a dozen. Non-professionals may not know the intricacies of making a properly functioning toilet.

The most common methods of cleaning a toilet

Hot water

If there are no ones at home special means, the toilet is clogged - you don’t know what to do, you can try the hot water option. You will need to bring about a bucket of water to a boil and immediately pour it into the toilet. It is necessary to pour strictly at right angles and quickly to create pressure. If you see that the water is gradually starting to go away, you can add another bucket of water to enhance the effect. Small blockages can be cleaned very well using this method.

Cleaning the toilet with hot water is the easiest way to deal with a clog.

Important: Even with such fairly simple manipulations, extreme caution should be exercised so as not to get burned.


Every housewife has soda and it helps us out in many situations. It will come in handy here too. You just need to pour half of the standard pack directly into the toilet. The clog will gradually dissolve under the influence of alkali.

Chemical cleaning

People have long been accustomed to using ready-made solutions in all areas of their lives and manufacturers successfully use this. Stores household chemicals offer enough wide choice specialized means for cleaning pipes and toilets. They are available in the form of liquids, gels, powders and granules. There may be disposable packaging and large containers, designed for several times. These tools cope excellently with the problem, while also performing a number of other functions:

  • Disinfect the sanitary equipment to be cleaned.
  • Eliminates unpleasant odors from sewer pipes.
  • Keep pipes clean.
  • Have a preventive effect.

The most common brands:

  • Tiret.
  • Mole.
  • Domestos.
  • Tofix.
  • Domol.
  • Mister Muscle.

Important: When using chemicals, you must strictly follow all the rules specified in the instructions so as not to accidentally get burned or damage your plumbing. Rubber gloves use is a must.

People who are closely familiar with chemistry as a science know how to clean a toilet at home using various acids: acetic, hydrochloric, formic or sulfuric. However, such aggressive solutions can damage old pipes in the house.

Mechanical cleaning methods

How to unclog a toilet without using chemicals? Suitable for this mechanical methods cleaning, which imply the presence of certain devices.


This device is recommended for everyone who has a toilet. Its design is simple: on a wooden or plastic handle a rubber hemisphere is fixed. The plunger copes with simple and shallow blockages with a bang. It happens this way:

  • The toilet bowl should be filled with water until it covers the rubber bowl of the plunger.
  • The plunger is positioned so that the hemisphere completely covers the drain hole.
  • With a confident and strong movement, the plunger is pressed inward and returns to its original position.
  • These movements should be performed until the result is achieved.

The plunger seems to suck out parts of the clog from the depths of the toilet until it is completely removed.

Corrugation cleaning

If the toilet is attached to the riser using a corrugated pipe, then you can try to solve the question of what to do and how to remove the blockage in the toilet by simply cleaning it. The pipe can be easily removed and, if there is a kind of plug in it, debris can be removed. After cleaning, the corrugated pipe is put back in place.

Rubber hose

It works like this:

  • One end of the hose is attached to a hot water tap.
  • The other end is lowered into the toilet as low as possible.
  • Hot water is released with strong pressure.

This method is also good in combination with chemical cleaning.

Plastic bottle

When a clog suddenly appears in the toilet, not everyone knows what to do and how to remove it, especially if there is no the necessary experience. If the farm does not have any supplies special devices, you can use the recommendation craftsmen. Take a regular plastic bottle with a volume of 1.5-2 liters. Cut off the bottom and screw the neck tightly. Insert the bottle into the drain hole with the cut side down and perform the same movements as when working with a plunger.

Plumbing cable

Such a device is a rare guest in ordinary apartments, because it is considered professional tool plumbers. But if, fortunately, one is still present, then you need to attach a sharp nozzle or a piece of thick wire to one end of it (if necessary). This structure is immersed in the toilet until it stops and the handle is turned clockwise. The cable can reach even a very distant blockage, after which it is recommended to clean the system with one of the special products or use hot water for this.

When you need to call a plumber

If you know perfectly well how to remove a blockage in the toilet yourself, but all the methods have already been tested, but the result has not been achieved, then you will still have to wait for a plumber.

There is a situation in which you need to call a plumber immediately. This is when water continues to flow in the toilet despite attempts to remove the blockage. This means that the riser is clogged below the level of your floor. When the neighbors above continue to drain water, sewage will spill over the edges of the toilet and end up in your apartment. This problem can only be solved by specialists; they know how to clear a blockage in the toilet and riser.

If you are interested, we have an article on this topic on our website.

Water pressure standards in the water supply system are given in the material.

You will find a review of water filters at this address. Nowadays they are becoming more and more necessary.

Prevention and precautions

Having figured out what to do if the toilet is clogged at home, you need to talk about what rules should be followed when handling plumbing in order to prevent unpleasant situations with a clogged toilet.

  • Never throw foreign objects into the toilet. If by chance you or a child drops something there, you must try to remove the item immediately.
  • You should not throw food scraps, even liquid ones, down the toilet. Fats from food gradually accumulate on the inner bend of the toilet bowl and at one “wonderful” moment they can form a dense plug.
  • Children should be taught the rules of using the toilet from infancy and should not be allowed to throw toys into the toilet.
  • If the toilet is being renovated, it is advisable to carefully cover the toilet so that construction debris does not get into it.
  • To prevent blockages, you can periodically use products specially designed for this purpose. They will keep the pipes clean. When working, you must strictly follow the manufacturer's instructions.
  • Old, rusty pipes will be a constant cause of blockages, because their loose inner surface Garbage accumulates faster. To protect your apartment from sudden outflow of sewage, you need to change the pipes to newer polymer ones.

Those people who have already experienced the horrors of a clogged toilet once, as a rule, take precautions more seriously and use the toilet strictly for its intended purpose.

Every city resident has had to deal with a clogged toilet at least once. When the toilet is clogged at home, and the sewer pipe cannot cope with removing wastewater, then questions arise about how to remove the clogged toilet yourself, what to do for this, and also what means to use.

Signs of a blockage

The main signs indicating that a toilet or sewer pipe is clogged are:

  • the appearance of an unpleasant odor from the sewer hole;
  • slow removal of water from the toilet when flushing;
  • the appearance of waste products in the toilet and dirty water rising from the opening of a sewer pipe.

With such signs, it is important to determine the cause of the blockage in order to know exactly how to unclog the toilet. What to do if the toilet is clogged, and how to remove the clog in the toilet? To get answers to these questions, you can look best photos, allowing you to independently remove dirt from the toilet drain or from sewer pipe.

Causes of blockages

Removing a clogged toilet begins with identifying the causes, which can be divided into two types:

At home, a clogged toilet can occur due to lime or mud deposits on the drain or sewer pipe. However, the person himself can influence the fact that he has to think about how to remove the blockage in the toilet on his own. Often, leftover food is flushed down the toilet, toilet paper is thrown away, cat litter gets in, a rag slips out along with water after cleaning - all this tries to get into the drain, but gets stuck.

And if the water is pressed cistern the toilet and doesn’t think about leaving, you will need to unclog the toilet yourself. Here, the owners have to decide whether to remove the blockage themselves or call a plumber who can quickly break through the blockage in the sewer pipe. Look at the photo, which shows how a toilet can become clogged, and how to unclog a toilet yourself.

Mistakes made during sewer installation often lead to a blockage in the toilet, what to do in this case? The situation when the toilet is clogged requires a search best options removing blockages in the toilet and sewer riser. From the corresponding videos and photos you can find out that toilet installation errors include:

  • insufficient angle of inclination of sewer pipes;
  • not designed fan ventilation in a sewer riser pipe;
  • using a cement solution to connect the toilet to the sewer drain pipe instead of a special gasket.

To clean and remove blockages in the toilet, it is important to accurately determine the location of dirt or various objects. And the correct installation of the toilet shown in the photo will allow for a long time don’t think about what to do if the toilet is clogged.

Removing blockages at home

Your toilet is clogged, what should you do? You will have to think seriously about this and find a way to quickly remove the blockage in the toilet. How to unclog and remove a clog in a toilet at home with your own hands? First of all, in order to effectively eliminate the problem in the toilet, you need to determine where exactly the blockage occurred. Often the blockage forms in the water seal, but the cause may be in drain pipe and sewer riser.

To check if it is clogged sewer riser, you need to drain the water in the bathtub or sink. If the water is flushed normally, we can conclude that the toilet is clogged, what to do in this case? To unclog and remove a clog in the toilet, you can:

  • clean the toilet drain by filling it hot water;
  • use mechanical means(plunger and plumbing cable);
  • apply chemical method when you can use chemicals that corrode fatty deposits on pipes;
  • flush the toilet manually;
  • use air way to clean the toilet and pipes.

If it was not possible to break through and remove the blockage in the toilet drain pipe, then more radical measures may be required. You may have to completely replace the sewer riser because you were unable to clear and remove the blockage in the toilet with your own hands. It is unlikely that you will be able to do this yourself - you will need the help of a specialist, but you can familiarize yourself with the process by studying videos and photos.

Cleaning with water

What to do if the toilet is clogged, first of all? The simplest, but very in an effective way, at home is flushing the toilet with hot water. It is best used to clean and remove minor blockages in the toilet. If you choose this method, to unclog the toilet, you need to pour a bucket of hot water into the drain hole.

You can use water from a drain tank, which is pre-filled with hot water. To break through and remove a blockage in the toilet, you need to perform this procedure several times (look at the photo showing how to clean the toilet yourself). This effective way for use at home helps to liquefy deposits on the walls of sewer pipes. It allows you to clean the toilet and flush liquid mud down the drain.

Using a plunger

A plunger should be used when it is necessary to clean and remove a blockage in the toilet, if the water slowly but still flows into the sewer pipe. You should close the toilet drain hole with a plunger and use it back and forth to quickly clear the blockage in the toilet.

If you don’t have this tool at home, you can make a similar device with your own hands from plastic bottle. The bottom of the bottle is cut off, and then some kind of handle is attached to it. With this device you need to do the same things as you would with a plunger to remove a blockage in the toilet (see photo showing how to remove a clog with a plunger).

If this method does not allow you to remove the blockage, you will need a plumbing cable, which the blockage will definitely not be able to “resist”. With its help, you can eliminate this problem even if the toilet is clogged cat litter. A plumbing cable allows you to remove dirt from the walls of a drain or sewer pipe due to its flexibility and long length. To learn how to properly use a plumbing cable to clean a toilet, look at the photo and video, which allows each person to remove the blockage in the sewer pipe themselves.

Chemical method

When the toilet is clogged, what should you do if mechanical means are unable to clear the blockage? At home, you can use chemicals that eat away the blockage in the toilet, causing the water to quietly go down the drain. You can purchase a solution for toilet blockages to use at home and break through the blockage yourself at any hardware store.

The best chemical toilet flush cleaner is considered to be “Mole”, which can decompose limescale, greasy deposits, hair, that is, everything that got into the drain and sewer pipe. This toilet unblocker can clear clogs caused by cat litter down the toilet drain.

There are also folk remedies that also belong to the category of chemicals - you can use soda and vinegar, which can perfectly clear the blockage in the toilet. To clean and remove blockages in the toilet, use baking soda and vinegar as follows: scoop out excess water from the toilet, pour out half a pack of soda and push it deep into the toilet drain, pour in a glass of vinegar, and after the reaction between soda and vinegar is completed, boiling water is poured into the drain hole (or just hot water from the tap in cases where the connecting corrugation in the toilet is made of plastic).

Sometimes baking soda and vinegar are great chemicals folk remedies, which can quickly clear and remove blockages in the toilet, allowing water to flow freely into the sewer pipe. Check out the photo below to see how to use baking soda and vinegar to clear clogs yourself.

Plumbing cable

For difficult clogs in the toilet (when vinegar does not help), it is better to use a plumbing cable, which is a long piece of twisted steel wire. The plumbing cable at one end has a special tip that allows you to clear the sewer pipe, and the other end is equipped with a handle so that the device can be conveniently used to clear blockages in the toilet.

It is more convenient for two people to clean the toilet using a plumbing cable - one person pushes the cable deep into the sewer pipe in a back-and-forth motion, and the second person helps turn the plumbing cable. Study the photos that show how to properly unclog and unclog a toilet using a plumbing cable. Then you can do it yourself quickly and easily.

The plumbing cable is pushed into the sewer pipe until it hits an obstacle, which most likely turns out to be a blockage - it urgently needs to be cleaned and removed from the sewer pipe. After you have managed to remove the blockage and clean the sewer pipe thoroughly plumbing cable, you need to use hot water to remove any remaining dirt that has come away from the pipe.

Further, as preventative agents, you can use soda and vinegar or other chemicals for more strong action. The best photos will tell you how to properly use products to clean and remove any blockage in the toilet - they clearly show how to use a plumbing cable or strong chemicals. After studying the photo instructions, you can quickly eliminate the causes of the blockage and clean the sewer pipe with your own hands.

Air cleaning

You can clear and remove blockages in the toilet by supplying air masses into the wastewater drain hole. For this method, which allows you to quickly remove a blockage from the toilet, use a hose with a special tip or special installations, which supply air under pressure and allow you to quickly break through the blockage.

Installations designed to clean and remove toilet blockages can be equipped with small video cameras that allow clearing blockages in the sewer pipe while constantly monitoring the entire process. How to remove a clogged toilet in this way, you will find photos that will allow you to easily deal with the problem yourself. And while the best chemicals can cost a lot, this method allows you to eliminate the cause of the blockage in the toilet without harming your wallet.


To avoid the need to clean and remove blockages in the toilet and sewer pipe using a plumbing cable or chemicals, it is important to prevent such problems. It is better to make sure that the toilet does not “suffer” from blockages, and for this you need to adhere to the following rules:

  • You cannot throw garbage, paper, various objects, or food waste into the toilet;
  • if rags, toys or other things get into the drain, you must remove them immediately, otherwise you will have to remove the plug later (objects can clog the drain and sewer pipe);
  • you need to monitor the serviceability of the toilet cistern and flush waste products in a timely manner;
  • carry out periodically preventative cleaning with the help chemicals(“Mole”, vinegar) and hot water.

Learn more about prophylactic agents that allow you to eliminate fatty deposits in sewer pipes, you can see from the video and step by step photos, which give a person the opportunity to break through the blockage himself and eliminate the unpleasant problem.

You can constantly fix problems that have arisen with your plumbing, or you can simply use it without hassle. In any case, experts recommend:

  1. Carry out regular prevention of blockages with your own hands by washing with hot water or using the best chemicals (vinegar, alkaline and acidic substances).
  2. Be sure to explain to children the rules for using the toilet so that toys, pieces of paper and other things that cause a blockage do not get into it.
  3. Apply chemicals only in accordance with the instructions and use gloves.
  4. Always have a plunger on hand, which allows you to quickly break through a blockage in the toilet and remove dirt into the sewer pipe.
  5. It is best to use two people to clean a clogged toilet using a plumbing cable.
  6. Invite a specialist to clean the sewer pipe if you couldn’t break the plug in the toilet with your own hands (perhaps the problem is in the common riser, and not in a clogged drain).

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