Japanese curtains: DIY sewing. DIY Japanese curtains: sewing master class

Japanese curtains are an exotic decorative element that came to us from the Land of the Rising Sun. It is increasingly used in interiors, bringing into them a piece of the mysterious East.

Anyone who is a little familiar with the Japanese culture knows how simply and modestly their small homes are furnished. Built-in wardrobe, low bed or a thick mat, a small table for food and tea ceremonies.

Perhaps the only decoration of such an interior are curtains. They are also called Japanese panels. And indeed it is.

Japanese curtains are stripes thick fabric, no more than 50-60 centimeters wide. They are attached to the ceiling rail and cover the entire window space from top to bottom.

The kit includes several panels, they can be different colors and textures. This gives the interior an interesting touch.

Typically, such curtains cover the entire wall where the window is located. This visually expands the space of the room.

Use curtains in Japanese style can be used in any room: living room, bedroom, kitchen. You can divide the space of an apartment or room with panels - use them as a partition.

The main thing is that they are combined with the decoration of the home. Interior styles suitable for Japanese panels: minimalism, hi-tech. The panels can be of different heights, this achieves the desired aesthetic effect.

In the living room

For the main room in the house, Japanese curtains are ideal. Here you can play with color and texture solutions. Panels made of translucent tulle fabrics look very beautiful.

Large drawings will look good here, bright colors and unusual textures.

To the bedroom

When choosing Japanese curtains for the bedroom, it is better to rely on calm, restrained colors. You can slightly “dilute” them with panels with a soft floral or graphic pattern.

Try to avoid here large quantity panels. How simpler device curtains - so much the better.

In the kitchen

For such a room, Japanese curtains will be good decoration. But in the kitchen you need to follow some rules:

  • if the stove is located close to the window, and cooking takes place over an open fire, then be sure to buy curtains with fire-resistant impregnation;
  • if the panels will constantly touch, then choose non-staining fabric tones, otherwise you will spend too much time on washing and cleaning.

Fabric selection

The fabric for Japanese curtains is thick - linen, cotton, bamboo or hemp. Mixed fabrics will also look good. They are more practical to care for, keep their shape and do not shrink.

How to attach

How are Japanese curtains attached? Very simple. They require a special cornice with several rows of tires. Their number can reach up to 5, depending on the wishes of the owner. You can use a regular cornice.

Panels made of different fabrics and different in height are attached to each row. This is usually done using Velcro tape. You can sew regular curtain tape and insert a stick for rigidity. The lower part of the fabric panel is equipped with a weighting agent.

Adjustment can occur in several ways:

  • manually;
  • using a special stick;
  • cord control (like vertical blinds);
  • electronic using the remote control.

DIY master class (step-by-step instructions)

Many home improvement and repair stores offer ready-made kits for hanging Japanese curtains. Sami panel curtains You can sew it yourself, or you can order it from a curtain making studio. The latter option is more expensive and not as exciting as the first.

We are offering to you small master class With step by step instructions How to make Japanese curtains with your own hands.

You cannot make a cornice yourself. It's better to buy in a store ready set.

STEP 1 Install the cornice for Japanese panels in the desired location according to the instructions included with them. STEP 2 Calculate the amount of fabric needed for sewing. This will depend on the length of the panels, their width, combination and the width of the room itself. For example, the width of the room is 3.60 meters, the height is 3 meters. All panels must be end-to-end. We make 6 panels of 60 centimeters each. Add allowance for hemming the edges and shrinking the fabric. We get 6 cuts 305 by 65 centimeters. STEP 3 Cut them out of fabric. STEP 4 Iron the panels thoroughly. STEP 5 Hem the side edges with a hem stitch. STEP 6 We bend the bottom edge of the panels and hem them in the form of a drawstring. STEP 7 Fold the top edge to the width of the Velcro and stitch. You can also process the upper edge in the form of a drawstring to insert the straightener there. STEP 8 Sew curtain tape or Velcro onto the top edge of the wrong side of the panel. STEP 9 We insert a rectifier into the drawstring at the top of the panels, and a weighting agent at the bottom. STEP 10 Attach the panels to the cornice.

Japanese style curtains are ready.


Maria: “I bought fabric and sewed Japanese curtains myself. Fortunately, there are many master classes on the Internet now. Budget and beautiful".

Faith: “I ordered Japanese panels for the kitchen from the studio. I liked the way it looked on the window. It turned out that it can be made from fabric with special impregnation, but they cannot be washed".

Andrey: “After the renovation, my wife wanted to hang Japanese curtains. We saw a ready-made kit with accessories in the store. I hung the cornice myself. My wife attached the panels. They are very dense. The cat doesn’t climb on them and that’s a plus.”.

Have you decided to choose Japanese curtains for your home? This is very interesting and non-standard solution. We hope we helped you with this!

Photos of Japanese curtains

Nowadays, unique Japanese curtains are gaining more and more popularity. Many designers specifically use them for visual increase and opening up the space of the room. Their advantage lies not only in the originality of materials and shades, but also in the fact that Japanese curtains fill the room with a piece of another culture, an unknown mystery that you want to know and study. Traditional Japanese elements on curtains have their own history and mystery, but there are also more improved and new versions of patterns on Japanese curtains that are simply used for aesthetic purposes. As a rule, the Japanese style is characterized by simple lines, discreet shades and at the same time grace and oriental beauty.

Characteristics and features of Japanese curtains

In appearance, such curtains are similar to vertical blinds. They are made of rectangular panels, the width of which can vary. The material has a tight tension, which is fixed by the frame. A certain panel is located on its own cornice guide, as a result of which they can be moved one at a time, changing the location of the curtains.

It is also possible to move the panels to different edges and pull them out in the form of a beautiful ladder. Japanese curtains are used not only for window frame, but also to decorate the doorway, divide the room into comfortable zones. They are able to update and improve the kitchen, living room, bedroom and others, no less important rooms your house. The main thing is to correctly select and combine curtains with the interior.

Plain and discreet Japanese curtains will add elegance to the room

Advantages of Japanese curtains

Japanese curtains have gained such popularity among people due to their many advantages:

  • Japanese curtains look best on wide window. But they are able to adapt to a window of any size, thanks to their functionality;
  • Calm shades of Japanese curtains will help you relax and unwind after have a hard day. Bright colors will lift your spirits and create a festive atmosphere;
  • An ideal option when decorating a window opening in the kitchen;
  • Such curtains can save space, and the room will increase in volume;
  • The design is without folds and thanks to this the panels do not accumulate dust, which is very important for people suffering from allergies. Plus, cleaning up after them is quick and easy.
  • Form a barrier for various insects to enter the house;
  • For the manufacture and sewing of curtains, only natural fabrics and materials, which contributes to environmental cleanliness;
  • After washing, they do not need ironing; the material lends itself perfectly to repeated hanging and removal;
  • Such curtains, even when curtained, allow the passage of Sun rays and fresh air;
  • There are no restrictions when choosing shades and patterns;
  • Even a child can control the design of the curtain, both manually and with the help of electrical mechanism, which confirms their versatility;
  • Using these curtains you can divide the room into functional zones. This is often used when you need to place a kitchen and a dining room in one small room. Their design, reminiscent of an elegant screen, looks stylish and unusual in any interior.
  • Looks light and impressive in combination with different styles: eco, constructivism, loft, pop art, eclecticism.
  • With the help of Japanese curtains, it is possible to constantly control the degree of illumination, and the bright shades of the canvas will add freshness and style to the room.

Japanese curtains are often used when decorating a doorway

How to sew Japanese curtains with your own hands?

Sewing Japanese curtains with your own hands will not be difficult, and in the end you will be able to save money family budget and additionally purchase beautiful accessories for the room.

Which material should you prefer?

The modern design of Japanese curtains allows the use of both hard, dense materials and airy, transparent ones. When choosing material for curtains, try to make them only from natural fibers.

As a rule, the following classic fabrics are used for sewing Japanese curtains:

  • silk;
  • cotton.

Japanese linen curtains light colors will complement the interior of any room

For more original models, use such samples as:

  • reed;
  • bamboo;
  • jute;
  • rice paper.

The combination of different patterns and colors is the advantage of Japanese curtains

For cold weather, it is more correct to use dense material; it does not deform and creates a cozy and warm environment. Curtains for warmer weather can be made from the lightest and most airy fabrics. As for the trends of 2018, the panels can be made of colored plastic.

In addition to materials, it is very important to take care of fixing the bottom of the curtains using a weight strip. Thanks simple mechanism changing panels, they can be changed at least every day.

How much material will be needed?

To determine the volume the required material It is worth knowing the features of Japanese curtains. Such curtains are attached to a special cornice, so the standard width of the panels is exactly 60 cm.
But if you choose a different mounting method, then the size of the panel depends on the measurements of the window opening. To do accurate calculations It is worth measuring from the eaves to the floor.

Which color should I choose?

Japanese curtains are characterized by the use of soft natural shades: white, cream, blue, green and others. These colors do not distract attention from the interior common room and do not cause color strain on the eyes.

If you want to create in light room For a bright atmosphere, sew Japanese curtains from transparent or white material.

White Japanese curtains are very popular and in demand this season

And if the room is too bright, then limiting the brightness will help dark colors. The design of Japanese curtains is varied, but as a rule, traditional Japanese motifs are used for their production: images of sakura, bamboo, birds in hieroglyphs, and more.

Step-by-step instruction

To sew Japanese curtains with your own hands, you need to strictly follow the instructions. Otherwise, you risk getting different and uneven canvases. This master class is designed for curtains mounted on a special cornice. However, if you choose a different fastening method, then you should use your own measurements.

The first thing to start with is cutting the material. Apply markings to the material: draw strips of the same width (for a window standard size The width is 60 centimeters) do not forget to leave a few centimeters for allowances. Also, experienced craftsmen know that most materials shrink after washing and ironing. Therefore, you should first carry out all these manipulations, and only then start working.

Then cut the panels and start stitching. To make the work easier, secure all the parts with pins. Using sewing machine make stitches on the side edges. Make the seams carefully and do not rush, it is very important to make the perfect stitch will depend on this appearance curtains Sew drawstrings into the bottom edges - this is necessary for weight strips. Sew Velcro onto the top edge. All parts must be ironed first.

Insert the weights and the Japanese curtain is ready. Now purchase a special curtain rod in the store that allows you to easily adjust the curtain and admire your product.

Japanese curtains harmoniously combine with many modern trends

By sewing them yourself, you will add individuality to the interior of the room. You can even sew several variations of curtains and periodically update the interior of the room. The main thing is that the window textiles complement the overall picture of the interior.

Japanese curtains are an option for decorating a room, when used, you can not only practically decorate a window opening of a large or non-standard size, but also decorate an arch, divide one large room to several different functional zones. But to attach this type of curtain, you need to use a special cornice.

How to choose

You should choose cornices for attaching Japanese curtains depending on your individual needs. After all, the main difference between Japanese curtain rods is the number of guides and options for controlling the curtain fabric.

  • Double row design. In this version, the cornice is equipped with two tracks along which the curtains move. This design can be used not only to decorate a window opening, but also as a partition in a room.

  • Three-row design. This cornice option opens up many options for design solutions in design window openings and room space. Panels of Japanese curtains can be made from materials of different textures and colors.

  • Four and five row designs. Such cornices are installed if the room needs to be completely isolated from prying eyes. Such designs can serve as decoration not only for windows, but also for doorways. The features of these designs allow you to implement the most daring and unexpected design solutions in the interior.

As for the control of cornices of this type, here too several different types can be distinguished:

  • Manual control type. In this option, the curtain panels remain completely independent of each other. The movement of each of the Japanese curtains can be carried out completely independently. One of the curtain panels in this version is fixed in one permanent position. As a rule, these are side panels, in relation to which all other canvases carry out their movement.

  • The manual type of control can also be one in which the curtains move in groups.
  • Automatic control type. In this case, the Japanese curtains will move automatically using a special electric drive. This type of control is usually used if the structure consists of five curtain panels.

Installation of structures of this type

Installing a Japanese-style curtain rod is not that difficult. Almost anyone can carry out this entire process. You can use, for example, step-by-step photos or videos, which are abundantly posted on the Internet and other sources. And to install these structures it is not necessary to choose special tools, because you can also use improvised tools - a hammer drill and an ordinary household screwdriver.

  • First you need to make markings for the structure. At this stage, you should provide for possible required distances from the walls or window opening (depending on the placement of Japanese curtains in the room). It is also worth considering the distance between the brackets. For example, most manufacturers recommend a distance between fasteners ranging from 0.5m to 0.7m. This indicator directly depends on the curtains that will be attached to the cornice.

  • Next, if you follow the step-by-step photos, you need to secure the brackets in accordance with the markings.
  • Now we need to fix the cornice in a permanent place.
  • Hang Japanese curtains on the cornice, which are selected in accordance with the interior design of the room.
  • At the bottom of the curtain panels you need to install special panels weights.
  • It is imperative to test Japanese curtains for performance. If everything is done correctly according to step by step photo instructions, then nothing should interfere with the free movement of the curtain fabric along the cornice.

It is worth remembering that when choosing Japanese curtains and cornices for decorating a room, which look especially impressive in the photo, the main rule of interior design in the traditional Japanese style is the absence of unnecessary details that could distract attention. But anyone can mount a cornice for attaching this type of curtain fabric without special effort and time consumption.

Massive curtains, drawstring on regular curtains or simple mesh tulle are no longer in fashion today. Complement the style given interior kitchen or living room modern homes Japanese curtains. They serve a role sliding panels, protect well from the sun, look simple and at the same time elegant. What types of Japanese panels are there? How to choose the right window decor for a room and what is the price of such decoration?

What are Japanese curtains

Laconically emphasizing the design, fitting harmoniously - this is how you can briefly describe what Japanese curtain panels are. In reality these are simple sliding structures with a wide panel of fabric that in a special way attached to the ceiling and floor. Metal carcass designed in such a way that the curtains move freely different sides, sometimes opening access to the sun, sometimes blocking it.

Pros and cons of curtains

Russians, who are accustomed to the fact that curtains on the windows must hang and gather in many folds, are primarily attracted to Japanese partitions. oriental design. However, this is not the most important advantage of this interior element. Japanese screens have a number of undeniable advantages:

  • you can independently choose the type of fabric, its color and pattern;
  • such curtains do not collect dust, dirt or debris that accumulates in the folds of heavy curtains;
  • they are simple and easy to care for;
  • Japanese screen panels allow you to completely close the opening from ceiling to floor, which makes the design especially attractive with panoramic windows.

In addition to the listed advantages of curtains, it is worth adding ergonomics, versatility and Beautiful design. Two, three or four-layer structures will allow you to completely change the atmosphere in the room in a matter of seconds. The only drawback of Japanese paintings is the restrictions in the choice of shape: such screens can be rectangular or square.

How to attach

If you look at the photo Japanese curtain panels, then in appearance they strongly resemble roller curtains when opened. Indeed, there are some similarities, but the main difference between curtains made in the Japanese style is the ability to fix the fabric in several rows. This is achieved by attaching the material to a special cornice located on the ceiling. No hooks or special stripes are required to secure the fabric; the store will offer you:

  • Curtain hangers – move along the curtain rod using rollers. The disadvantage of such devices is that the fabric will sometimes gather in folds even if there are weights at the bottom.
  • Panel with Velcro - attached with glue to plastic surface cornice. Such panels are also moved apart by rollers, but the fabric does not bunch up.

Curtain rods for Japanese curtains

The standard width of the fabric for each curtain is 50-60 centimeters. Manufacturers are trying to make cornices to fit these same dimensions. If your window is wide or you want to extend the cornice yourself, then the product will have to be made to order or made with your own hands. Cornices are usually made of plastic or durable acrylic, but if desired, you can purchase metal devices for fixing Japanese panels.

Japanese style curtains in the interior

Simple design Japanese screens in no way harm the style of this piece of furniture. Such curtains will become great decoration living room, divide the children's bedroom into play area and a place to rest, they will fence off a hanger with outerwear. In addition, Japanese screens look great on windows, protect from heat, bright sunlight and prying eyes. The main thing is to be able to choose the right design for the interior of the room.

To the kitchen

According to Japanese traditions, complete concentration and calm should reign in the kitchen while cooking, because this is the only way to achieve harmony in the taste of the dishes served. Because of this, many designers recommend choosing light prints for this room. It is better to buy Japanese curtains with a color found in nature untouched by man: green, brown, shade of fallen leaves or stone.

As for materials, you should give preference to smooth or textured fabrics without a pattern. It’s even better if the curtains are made of bamboo sticks or soft straw. Do you like fabric covering? Then buy artificial fabric. It removes greasy stains more easily, removes odors more easily, and allows cooking steam to dry out faster. As for the sizes of curtains, for small room optimal dimensions - up to the window sill. Spacious kitchen With large windows Floor-length screens are suitable.

For the living room

For a common room, it is worth considering contrasting options for combining Japanese screens with traditional curtains or tulle. Here you should carefully ensure that all textures are perfectly combined with each other. You can hang materials on the window that do not stretch over time - linen, satin, reaper, silk, voile or cotton. For contrast, buy Japanese blinds made of sheer chiffon, organza, taffeta or moire.

If you should buy plain curtains for the interior kitchen, then you can hang screens with bright prints in the living room. The following topics always remain in fashion: big flowers, small stripes, cityscape, birds, hieroglyphs, abstractions. The main thing is not to overdo it. To make the alternation smooth, designers advise hanging a plain canvas closer to the window opening, then a curtain with a bright pattern, and behind it a light-proof curtain.

Japanese curtains as a partition

If you need to close an unsightly hanger with clothes or separate the sleeping area from the working area so that the partition does not take up much space, it is difficult to find a solution simpler than Japanese panel curtains. The only room of a studio apartment can be divided into two zones: a bedroom and a living room. For a child's room, a panel screen will serve as a barrier between the play area, a place to study and sleep.

In adult bedroom Zoning composed of two or three canvases in pastel shades or with dim thermal printing will look appropriate. On one curtain you can depict a romantic landscape, a sakura tree or any other design that will combine with you calmness and tranquility. For the sleeping area, it is important to choose natural opaque fabrics: cotton, linen, light silk, lace.

Price for Japanese curtains

If you wish, you can purchase screen curtains at any textile store. Our experts will help you choose the right size, material texture, and shade. If there are no suitable colors on sale, try sewing curtains according to step by step description or order individual tailoring from a tailor. With a discount or promotion, you can buy Japanese curtains in an online store or order by mail, the only drawback is that the price does not include delivery by courier. The average price for this piece of furniture in Moscow and St. Petersburg is as follows.

In modern interior solutions, many types of curtains are used, a large niche among which are confidently occupied by Japanese ones. The products are used to create a laconic and discreet atmosphere filled with clear lines and clear geometry.

Thanks to a specially designed console, the canvas moves, allowing you to change depending on your mood. The principle of operation is reminiscent of wardrobe doors sliding behind each other.

Japanese curtains: nuances

The products visually expand the space of the window opening and with one remote control they change the geometry of the room space. Curtains are made up of slats, like vertical blinds. But elements of Japanese curtains, unlike standard ones, come in widths from 20 cm to 1.2 m.

The practicality of the design is obvious: the panels do not require special care, and the products are easy to hang and remove. Little dust collects on the canvases, because... the surface is wrinkle-free. In addition, with the help of such products, the flow of sunlight can be easily regulated.

Windows decorated with Japanese curtains look non-trivial and aesthetically pleasing, even if plain material is used. Fabrics that differ in color scheme, pattern, density and texture, guarantee the curtains an original appearance and enliven the interior. When manufacturing, companion fabrics or contrasting options are used (plain/patterned; dense/transparent).

Polyester is often used for this type of curtain. But there are models made of viscose, linen or materials containing PVC. The canvases are characterized by dust-repellent properties, they are durable and environmentally friendly. If there is a need for 100% insulation from sunlight, use.

Choosing a cornice design

Japanese textile systems are used by designers as light protection screens and for zoning rooms. Various types Japanese curtains are also used to create an interior in a Japanese style.

How the system will be attached is decided based on functional requirements.

Based on the material used, consoles are divided into aluminum and plastic. More often than others, plastic curtain rods are used, which are a long strip with guides into which Japanese curtains are attached. Fixation methods include “hangers” for loops (Velcro tape).

The panels move inside the system along guides using special rollers, which facilitate the process of opening Japanese curtains. To prevent them from falling off the eaves, special plugs are used, fixed at the corners of the product.

To make the curtains create a Japanese aura, take fabric with sakura print or hieroglyphs. If there is no goal to emphasize the oriental setting, the canvases are chosen according to the style of the room.

Work begins by cutting out fabric with a width of at least 60 cm (in accordance with factory cornices). At the bottom of the product there are side seams and a drawstring. The fabric is then warped. After this, Velcro is attached to the top of the curtain, and the product itself is carefully ironed. The Japanese curtain is ready.

  1. Markings on the wall. Be sure to take into account the necessary distances from the window and walls, depending on the location of the cornice. During the process, be sure to take into account the distance between the brackets. Experienced craftsmen they claim that it is equal to 0.5-0.7 mm.
  2. Drilling holes using a drill.
  3. Fixing the cornice on permanent place.
  4. Hanging selected panels taking into account the nuances of the cornice.
  5. Installation of special weights inside the pocket located at the bottom of the canvas. They are needed to avoid involuntary movements of the canvas.


We managed to install curtains without special problems? The product is now being tested for lung item and unhindered sliding. If the stages of work are followed correctly, the result should only please you.

Japanese curtains are ideal for massive window openings and are used to decorate office or public spaces. The product has become widespread due to its elegance and functionality.

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