I'm just tired of being strong. Tired of being a strong woman

For me, the phrase: “I’m so tired of being strong, I want to be weak so that a strong man will appear next to me” sounds exactly the same as the phrase: “I’m so tired of walking on two legs, I want to jump a little on one so that I can have crutch."

I read an article with this title today on the Internet. Nothing new.

If you are tired of being strong, allow yourself to be weak and then a miracle will happen and all your problems will be solved by themselves.

Well, not by themselves.

A strong man will come and become your support.

For me, the phrase: “I’m so tired of being strong, I want to be weak so that a strong man will appear next to me” sounds exactly the same as the phrase: “I’m so tired of walking on two legs, I want to jump a little on one so that I can have crutch."

Yes, I go too far with metaphors, but I keep the essence true.

Why doesn't anyone say that they are tired of being beautiful, smart, popular, rich and happy?

After all, being strong is the same advantage as intelligence, beauty and charisma.

I get the idea that most people divide the world into black and white. If you are strong, then you have forty hungry cats and a lonely old age. And if you are weak, then you have a strong man, peace, love and doves.

What does it mean to be strong?

First of all, it is to understand that every person I meet in life has the right to their own inner world that does not coincide with mine.

Dragons, hedgehogs, wounded knights, frightened little girls, vampires, good fairies, unicorns and scary monsters can live in this world.

Sometimes this world is beautiful and safe. Sometimes he is dangerous, but attractive. Sometimes this is an abyss from which it is better to stay away.

Strength is the guarantee that you can withstand the world of another person.

Your strength is the ability to accept others with all their differences. Don't try to change it. Don't try to conquer him. Don't try to blend into its landscape. Do not try to deceive him of his resources.

You approach this world from the position of an equal.

Assess the possibility of interaction.

I like hedgehogs. I'm ready to be friends with the dragon.

I have a lot to learn from the vampire. I have ointment for the knight.

I can comfort your crying little girl, if you don't mind, I can give her a ball.

Your monsters aren't very scary.

But it seems to me that the fairy is jealous.

And I don't like the way a unicorn smells.

At the same time, you understand that nothing depends on you. That any person, if you have an equal relationship, moves the way and in the direction he wants. And you don’t blame yourself if it suddenly doesn’t work out. You understand that relationships are an important, but not the most part of your life. And if suddenly it just turns out that you are not on the right path, then it will not kill you, will not maim you, and will not put an end to your future.

It doesn’t mean at all that without another person, you will face a lifetime of slavery working three jobs. Sleepless nights. Lonely childless life. Tears into the pillow. Forty cats forever screaming. Dirty entrance and lack of money.

It just means that this particular person is not right for you.

You live. Instead of waiting for another crutch to lean on. published

Elena Pasternak

P.S. And remember, just by changing your consciousness, we are changing the world together! © econet

I read an article with this title today on the Internet. Nothing new. If you are tired of being strong, allow yourself to be weak and then a miracle will happen and all your problems will be solved by themselves. Well, not by themselves. A strong man will come and become your support.

For me, the phrase: “I’m so tired of being strong, I want to be weak so that a strong man will appear next to me” sounds exactly the same as the phrase: “I’m so tired of walking on two legs, I want to jump a little on one so that I can have crutch."

Yes, I go too far with metaphors, but I keep the essence true. Why doesn't anyone say that they are tired of being beautiful, smart, popular, rich and happy? After all, being strong is the same advantage as intelligence, beauty and charisma.

I get the idea that most people divide the world into black and white. If you are strong, then you have forty hungry cats and a lonely old age. And if you are weak, then you have a strong man, peace, love and doves.

What does it mean to be strong? First of all, it is to understand that every person I meet in life has the right to their own inner world that does not coincide with mine. Dragons, hedgehogs, wounded knights, frightened little girls, vampires, good fairies, unicorns and scary monsters can live in this world. Sometimes this world is beautiful and safe. Sometimes he is dangerous, but attractive. Sometimes this is an abyss from which it is better to stay away.

Strength is the guarantee that you can withstand the world of another person. Your strength is the ability to accept others with all their differences. Don't try to change it. Don't try to conquer him. Don't try to blend into its landscape. Do not try to deceive him of his resources.

You approach this world from the position of an equal. Assess the possibility of interaction. I like hedgehogs. I'm ready to be friends with the dragon. I have a lot to learn from the vampire. I have ointment for the knight. I can comfort your crying little girl, if you don't mind, I can give her a ball. Your monsters aren't very scary. But it seems to me that the fairy is jealous. And I don't like the way a unicorn smells.

At the same time, you understand that nothing depends on you. That any person, if you have an equal relationship, moves the way and in the direction he wants. And you don’t blame yourself if it suddenly doesn’t work out. You understand that relationships are an important, but not the most part of your life. And if suddenly it just turns out that you are not on the right path, then it will not kill you, will not maim you, and will not put an end to your future.

It doesn’t mean at all that without another person, you will face a lifetime of slavery working three jobs. Sleepless nights. Lonely childless life. Tears into the pillow. Forty cats forever screaming. Dirty entrance and lack of money.

It just means that this particular person is not right for you. And you move on with your life. You live. Instead of waiting for another crutch to lean on.

All! Tired. I can't do it anymore. Like a squirrel in a wheel all your life. Tired of being strong and independent. When will I be able to play the role of a real woman?! Where is men's care and attention, when will this be for me?

When will a normal man come into my life and I will breathe a sigh of relief?! I'm tired of being strong, I just want to be a woman. In the meantime, I constantly have to solve all the problems and issues myself. My man doesn't want to do anything or help. I'm tired of being a strong woman, tired of understanding and accepting such a life.

I'm tired of being strong, I want to be weak! Teach!

Why are other women lucky in life because men decide everything for them and help them? I have no luck in this matter, probably because I simply cannot pretend to be a weak fool. I'm tired of being a strong woman, I want to be...

But how they infuriate me, these... How do they do it? It's my own fault that I'm carrying everything on myself. But you have to be either a bitch or a helpless fool. Men seem to love them. Because it won't work any other way. I'm tired of being strong, I want to be weaker than I seem. Maybe men will then begin to show their care and attention!?

Tired of being strong... I want to relax!

Carrying everything on yourself and resolving all the issues wears you out more and more every day. I’m tired of being a strong woman when with all my soul I want to lean on a reliable man’s shoulder. At one point I'll just lose my temper. And I’m scared to think how it will end.

If you are tired of being strong and you want to understand how to remove this curse of “doing it all by yourself”, the answer can be found

I have completely turned upside down.. in my mind... There is only one thought in my head - it’s time to end this.. you are a nonentity.. The world has not changed, I have changed, and I can’t do anything about it.. I’m tired of being strong.. I I don’t want anything, I’m not interested in anything.. not even my own children.. I’m like a robot.. Probably nothing can help me.. I just need to speak out.. I’m sorry..
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Dandelion, age: 36 / 07/13/2011


This is not forever!! Believe me!!! I had this too.. I was terribly tired of everything.. And I wanted to do THIS.. So as never to return to this cruel immoral world... But, thank God, I realized in time that I needed do! Just be yourself, don’t do anything in public. You don’t owe anyone anything, and be strong too! Live for yourself! Be sure to try, you’ll understand how wrong you were!!

Anya, age: 30 / 07/13/2011

Hello, Dandelion!
Your nickname is cheerful, so all is not lost. Listen, everyone has moments of fatigue, and there’s nothing to worry about. Try to find an opportunity to relax at least a little, take pity on yourself and take some time for yourself.
Just go for a walk, and on the way go to church, quietly pray to the Lord and tell Him about everything that is happening in your life, about your fatigue and problems, about everything... And He will definitely answer you, fill you with strength, give you wisdom , what to do next. It is written in the Bible: ask and it will be given to you... so you ask, and the Lord will answer, because He loves you very much.
May God bless you!

Aleana, age: 41 / 07/13/2011

Such an abyss of despair, my friend, requires very strong medications. I really advise you - get out for a few days - somewhere away from everyone - into nature, you can work in a monastery, for example - if there is nowhere else.
You have driven yourself - and the driven animal no longer understands where, why, why. But you're not an animal, are you? Are you human? It’s natural for you to think and act wisely, to love, to forgive, to cry!
Don’t act like a crazy, unreasonable animal now - following only your incomprehensible feelings and desires. Be patient. Fix the situation - what you can and come to terms with what you cannot fix.
By calling yourself a nonentity, you are behaving like a person full of selfishness and pride. After all, you are ready to do something bad to yourself, you don’t need your children. You don’t know yourself and your heart, but you talk about the world. Judge yourself first and correct yourself. Then you will see how the world around you will change.
Don't kid yourself that you can't help yourself. Can. But I'm just tired. Go somewhere for a while. There in silence, look at your life from above, see how much needs to be corrected. Don’t forget about GOD’s help if you are a believer. If you don’t let yourself be led by your desires, you will save your soul and life, if you work on your heart, you will become happy.

Svetlana, age: 29 / 07/13/2011

The most beautiful flower.
The park bench was free, and I sat down to read under the long, sparse branches of an old willow tree. Disappointed with life, I had the right to sit and be sad, because the world was determined to drag me down to the very bottom.

And as if that wasn't enough to ruin my day! Out of nowhere, a boy appeared in front of me, sat down next to me and joyfully exclaimed, “Look what I found!”
In his hand he held a flower, which was a pitiful sight - its petals had withered and lost their shape - perhaps from lack of moisture or sun. To make the boy leave quickly, I forced out a fake smile, nodded and moved away, pretending to be engrossed in the book.
But instead of leaving, he sat down closer, brought the flower to his nose, inhaled and said in surprise: “It smells so good, and it’s also beautiful! That’s why I picked it! Hold it, it’s for you!”
The weed in front of my nose had either completely withered or was close to it. It has lost its color and freshness. But I decided to take the flower, otherwise the boy would never leave me. So I reached for the flower and replied: “Yes, your flower is what I need.”

But instead of putting the flower in my palm, the boy simply held it in the air. Only then did I realize that he was blind and could not see the flower. My voice shook and tears came to my eyes as I thanked him for the gift. “You’re welcome,” the boy answered, smiled and ran off to continue playing, not realizing how much he influenced me.
I sat and thought, how did this little blind boy manage to notice a lonely woman under an old willow tree? How did he know about my cry from the heart? Maybe it's all his heart, maybe inside he is endowed with true, pure vision.
Through this blind child, I finally realized that the problem is not in the world around me, but in myself! For how long I was “blind” and did not see the truth. Then I promised myself to appreciate the beauty of any thing and enjoy every moment of life.
I brought this wilted flower to my nose and smelled the sweet scent of a rose. I smiled exactly like this blind boy. In an amazing way, he managed to change the life of a complete stranger!

Katya, age: 19 / 07/13/2011

Hello dandelion!
you write that you are tired of being strong. for you, “being strong” is something specific, a certain image of a person or life. But in fact, when we try on other people’s masks, we confuse our real selves and ourselves “in the image.” When a person plays a role for a very long time, he gets used to it. But the role remains a role. You need to get real. Do you understand what I'm writing about?
Don’t be strong, don’t be weak, don’t succumb to any cliches or any templates. Finally, become yourself.

Dusya, age: 29 / 07/14/2011

Dandelion, we urgently remember that we are women, and we don’t have to be strong (in terms of stopping a galloping horse and entering a burning hut). You need to be strong in your desire to live and be happy. And everyone gets tired - some after 14 hours of work, some from sessions at the university, some from naughty children, and some from the constant need to “be strong.” Fatigue is relieved by rest and a change of activity. Therefore, be a little selfish - when was the last time you went on vacation to the sea? Feel free to pack your suitcase and take a last-minute trip to hot countries (you can grab a friend). Manicure-pedicure, bright nail polish, a couple of new dresses - believe me, this often helps. Take this life more lightly, playfully - no one forces you to always be an unyielding rock, radiating strength, allow yourself freedom. Allow yourself to learn something new (dance, languages, a cooking course, or finally get a motorcycle driver's license, for example). There are a lot of activities to relieve fatigue! “Why do I need all this?” you ask? And for no reason - just like that! To relax and finally start enjoying this life. After all, she is BEAUTIFUL;)

Katyolina, age: 23 / 07/14/2011

Dandelion, come to the forum and speak out, communicate. Perhaps in a friendly and favorable environment your thoughts will change.

Agnia Lvovna, age: 70 / 07/14/2011

Nick, age: 40 / 07/15/2011

Have you been betrayed? What is the reason? I myself stood at the age of 36 on the edge of an abyss, which I now very much regret. But I definitely need to speak it out. Don’t keep everything to yourself.

Mosya, age: 37 / 08/31/2011

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A woman can do anything: stop a galloping horse and enter a burning hut. This has been the case for many years, although men consider themselves the stronger sex. But if even one representative had to spend one day in the role of a woman, by the evening he would be completely exhausted. After all, a woman does a lot of things and still remains in excellent shape.

Of course, this does not apply to all women, but to the majority of them. They take on obligations that no man can fulfill. They take it and deal with it! But there comes a time in the lives of many women when they, too, give up, when they no longer have the strength to move forward, dragging a load of problems with them. And all this is different. Some take a break and go on vacation, some fall into deep depression, and others look for a solution to all their problems at the bottom of a bottle.

And each of these decisions cannot lead to anything good. Time passes, but problems remain. Moreover, there are even more of them. After all, neither on vacation, nor in depression, nor intoxicated, a woman is able to do what is entrusted to her. But there is a way out, but it is located in a different place. The one that women sometimes don’t even remember.

It's actually simple. You just need to accept the games imposed by society. We should not forget that this is the era of patriarchy. You need to remind men more often that you are the weaker sex, and you shouldn’t demand too much from you. Women, as a rule, drive themselves into a circle, which is very difficult. They protect men from the storms of modern life, lying with their chests on the embrasure. All you need to do is shift some of the worries onto the man, and any woman will have more time to smile and relax.

Don't think that the stronger sex won't cope. After all, they can also cook cabbage soup, cook laundry, raise children and earn money. Women simply worry too often that a man will do everything wrong. Yes, maybe the first time everything will not work out as it should. But with time, anyone can do housework. You just need to competently lead him to this. Of course, you can inform your spouse as an ultimatum that from today he is engaged in purchasing and washing dishes. And in some cases this will give results. In some, but not all. Therefore, it is worth being a little more cunning in order to shift some of the worries onto strong male shoulders. Allow yourself to be a woman, not a robot who can do everything all the time. Remember that you are a representative of the weaker sex and remind your men of this more often. And then your life will become much more joyful.

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