Remove the key from the metal-plastic door lock. What if you solder it without removing it from the lock? Ways to save a castle

Sometimes, at the most unexpected moment, you may encounter such a nuisance as a key stuck in the lock. Almost no one is immune from this, regardless of what locking mechanism is in his door, be it an expensive high-quality brand or a budget model. Of course, if the key is stuck in the lock, then the simplest and the right decision there will be an appeal to specialists who can quickly remove it, but often there are situations where it is not possible to call for help. In this case, you can try to extract the key yourself using our tips. But first, let's look at the reasons that can cause the lock to jam. This will help you understand the problem and prevent it from occurring in the future.

Key stuck in door lock, possible reasons

There may be several reasons why the key is stuck in the door lock:

  • Damaged key. Using the key for other purposes (opening bottles, as a lever or a screwdriver, etc.) can lead to its deformation, which will cause the locking mechanism to jam.
  • Poor quality key. Applying excessive force during rotation will change the geometry of the key made from low-quality materials, or the duplicate is made inaccurately.
  • The lock is not lubricated; the mechanism is operated in conditions high humidity. Corrosion will quickly do its job and disable the locking mechanism.

Also, in addition to the main reasons, there may be those that are not directly caused by the operation of the lock, such as:

  • an attempt to open the door with a master key;
  • debris, glue, or other objects inside the mechanism;
  • a door that was initially installed askew or has sagged over time.

If a key is stuck in the door, you should not try to pull it out using brute force, as this may result in its breaking and, accordingly, complicating the problem.

How to remove a stuck key

The reasons listed above will help prevent this problem in most cases, but if the key is stuck in the lock, how can you get it out yourself? Here are a few practical advice from our specialists:

  • spray the keyhole with WD-40 spray or inject kerosene into it using a syringe;
  • after a couple of minutes, move the key in those directions in which it is possible for better distribution of lubricant;
  • reapply lubricant or introduce kerosene;
  • wait 15 – 20 minutes;
  • try to remove the key by rocking it from side to side and at the same time pulling it towards you.

If you cannot remove the stuck key, you should repeat all operations again. You can use pliers, but in this case you must be extremely careful not to break the key.

What to do if the key gets stuck in the lock and breaks?

What should you do if the key is stuck in the door lock and breaks while being removed? In this case, you need to call a technician, although you can try to remove the fragment yourself, since there is a high probability that the lock has already been unlocked with grease, and the key broke at the very end of the operation to remove it from excessive force and try to open the door with a duplicate to replace the locking mechanism . You can remove the fragment in the following ways:

  • Using pliers or tweezers. But this is possible if there is a piece of debris sticking out of the lock that you can grab onto.
  • Powerful magnet. It may work if the key is made of high-quality metal.
  • A jigsaw file. You should break off the fastening tip, move it along the rod and turn the teeth towards the fragment and pull it towards you.

In any case, if the key is stuck in the lock, even if it was successfully removed, the mechanism should be replaced to prevent this problem from occurring in the future.

What to do if the key is stuck in the door lock, and all the above methods did not help?

You have a key stuck in the door lock, what should you do if you can’t remove it yourself? There is only one answer - call a specialist. The fact is that one of common reasons jamming of the lock, this is a broken spring, as a result of which the pins fell out and fixed the key. Our company “Spas-zamkov” has been providing assistance throughout Moscow and the region for many years, and also offers services for the replacement and repair of locking mechanisms at the most affordable prices in the region. Our operators work around the clock and will promptly send an experienced technician to you to solve the problem.

You have to go through many unpleasant moments if you can’t get into your own apartment, and the reason for this is simple - the key is stuck in the lock of the front door. Whether in this case it is possible to pull it out without breaking the lock, or whether the locking mechanism will have to be reinstalled, depends on what reason led to the jamming.

Why does the key get stuck in the lock?

There are two groups of factors leading to jamming - improper operation or manufacturing defects.

The first group includes:

  • mechanical damage to a key that was used for other purposes, for example to unscrew screws or open bottles;
  • opening/closing the lock with excessive force;
  • operation of the locking mechanism at high humidity without preventive measures;
  • the mechanism is not lubricated;
  • attempts to open the lock with a master key;
  • debris getting inside the mechanism;
  • the door is installed incorrectly - skewed - or the skew appeared over time;
  • instead of lost key a new one was cut out, and it was not made accurately.

Jamming for these reasons can be avoided, but the next group is entirely on the conscience of the manufacturer. The lock may come with poorly turned keys, the shape of the blank may be damaged, or there may be a defect in the mechanism. Most often, such a defect is that the pins are made of the wrong metal (softer), as a result, they do not move away from pressing the key, but block it. Damage caused by improper use can most often be eliminated, but if there is a manufacturing defect, you have to change the core or the entire lock.

Should I remove the key myself or call a professional?

If you find yourself in a situation where the key is jammed and it won’t turn in the door lock, you should immediately decide whether to call a professional or act on your own. There are several factors to consider here.

  • Jamming occurred when open door- You can try to correct the situation yourself.
  • Trouble occurred when locked– even if you manage to pull out the key, a second attempt to open the door may again lead to jamming. It is better to invite a locksmith to disassemble the lock and eliminate the cause of the problem.
  • The key broke when trying to open the doors, and all the tools are inside - calling a specialist is completely justified.

How to remove a stuck key?

To pull out the key without breaking it, you need to pull yourself together and not try to increase the pulling force. Just a large mechanical force leads to breakage. As a result, opening the doors and getting into the house becomes even more problematic, since you will have to break the lock. If you do everything thoughtfully, it is quite possible to remove the key using a non-destructive method and preserve the mechanism.

The most probable cause– lack of lubrication or rust, especially in the entrance doors of a private house. Therefore, first of all, you need to spray the lock with WD-40 spray or its equivalent. If the spray is not on hand, you can use kerosene or machine oil. It can be dropped into the keyhole using a syringe.

The sequence of actions looks like this.

  1. Apply kerosene or spray with kerosene.
  2. Carefully move the wrench from side to side so that the liquid is distributed along the entire length of the core.
  3. Repeat everything in the same sequence.
  4. Wait 15-20 minutes.
  5. Carefully try to remove the key.
  6. If you can't get it, use a little more force and rock it a little from side to side when pulling it out.

After successful “liberation” you will have to disassemble the lock. This must be done in order, firstly, to identify the cause of the jam, and secondly, to check whether mechanical damage to the mechanism has occurred. Identifying the reasons will make it possible to prevent the same situation in the future.

Do not apply lubricants with cotton wool. Its lint can clog the lock.

What to do if there is a piece of debris left in the lock?

When you pull out the key, it is very easy to break it. It will be more difficult to get the fragment out of the castle. But here, too, you can first try non-destructive methods - lubricating with kerosene or spray or disassembling the lock. The fragment is pulled out in the same way as a whole key, only pliers or tweezers are used to grab it. If a piece of debris sticks out of the lock so that it can be grabbed with pliers, then the probability of a successful outcome is quite high, since with their help you can reliably grab a piece of metal. Otherwise you will have to grab it with tweezers. The capture area is insufficient, so this process rarely ends successfully.

If the gap for gripping is small or not at all, you can use a jigsaw blade with a previously broken off fastening end. It is inserted into the lock parallel to the rod. The teeth should be tilted towards themselves. When pulling out, you need to turn the jigsaw with its teeth towards the rod, trying to grab it. This procedure is repeated several times until a sufficient grip for the pliers is formed.

Prevention measures

To avoid having to pull out a stuck key or call a technician to open the doors, you need to periodically treat the lock.

One of the mandatory procedures is cleaning and lubricating the mechanism. It is done very simply.

  • Pour kerosene-based cleaning liquid into the lock generously.
  • Insert the key into the hole, and when you take it out, wipe it off from dirt.
  • Repeat manipulations with the key several times until it remains completely clean.
  • Pour lubricant (machine oil) into the mechanism and turn the key in the lock several times.
  • Wipe all accessible parts dry.

Taking good care of the door fittings will prevent force majeure situations, and you will avoid an unpleasant time spent near a closed apartment.

It can happen to any of us that when closing or opening the front door of an apartment, house or garage, the key in the lock breaks. How to remove the remaining piece of the lock and open the door. If you don’t panic and approach the issue calmly and competently, then in 80% of cases you can cope with the problem without losses, and in another 10% you will be able to limit yourself to replacing the cylinder or lock.

The main reasons why a key breaks in a lock

There are quite a few such reasons, but the main ones are the following:

  • Wear and tear of the internal lock mechanism and the key itself.
  • Contamination of the secret mechanism or entry of foreign objects into the well.
  • Error when opening the lock (key not fully inserted or another one inserted by mistake).
  • Trying to turn a jammed key using improvised objects and tools (pliers, hammer, steel pin, etc.).
  • Poor quality material from which the lock is made.

But whatever the reason, if the key breaks and a piece remains in the lock, you need to decide what to do in this situation.

How to remove a broken key from a keyhole

If the key in the lock breaks, you should not immediately resort to radical measures - breaking the door or cutting it with a grinder. You need to try to remove the fragment and open the door.

Under no circumstances should you immediately throw away the piece of key remaining in your hands. If you manage to remove the stuck part, then using two halves, specialists in the workshop will make a new key in a few minutes that can be used to open the lock.

Before taking any action to remove the stuck part of the key, you need to drop grease into the keyhole several times and wait 15-20 minutes until it spreads over the entire surface of the fragment and the lock mechanism. This will significantly increase your chances of success. Suitable lubrication is WD-40, gun and machine oil (spindle), any transmission or automobile oil, as well as brake fluid.

  • The ideal and easiest option for removing a broken key is to disassemble the lock and remove the broken piece. But this can be done when the door is open (or it is possible to open it from the inside). If you plan to use the lock in the future, then before assembly it must be thoroughly cleaned and lubricated.
  • If a piece of the key sticks out of the hole, you can try to grab it with round nose pliers, small pliers or tweezers. This must be done carefully. Should not be applied great strength or jerk sharply. Gently rocking up and down and from side to side, you should try to pull out the stuck part. You can simultaneously lightly tap on any accessible part of the lock. Vibration and shaking will help move the fragment from its place.
  • If possible, insert two thin awls into the cracks between the fragment and the keyhole from above and below (or from the sides) and, swinging the stuck part, try to remove it.

  • Truly jewelry, but very effective method removing a piece of any key using a self-tapping screw. It is necessary to drill a thin hole at the end of the fragment, being careful not to damage the lock or break the drill. A self-tapping screw of the appropriate diameter must be screwed into the resulting hole. Then, holding the head of the screw, constantly shaking the stuck piece, carefully “fish” it out of the lock.
  • A less effective, but quite effective method is using a jigsaw file. It is necessary to cut off the fastening tip of the file. The file must be inserted under the key so that the inclination of the teeth is “towards you”, carefully turn the teeth towards the fragment and pull outward. The operation is repeated several times until the stuck fragment can be removed.

  • If the key is made in the form of a cylindrical pin with bits (level locks), then you can remove the fragment using a copper or brass tube of a suitable diameter. Its size is selected according to the part remaining in the hands. The tube must be placed on the pin with very great force. Having slightly expanded the very tip of the tube, you need to heat it blowtorch or above gas burner, then forcefully put it on the piece of debris sticking out in the lock. After waiting for the tube to cool well, pull it out of the lock along with the clamped part of the key.

Opening a door with a damaged lock

What to do if the key in the lock breaks and you cannot remove the piece. To open the door, you will have to sacrifice, in best case scenario- the cylinder of the castle, or at worst - the castle itself.

To open the lock, you can do the following:

  1. When not quite correct installation castle cylinder mechanism may protrude above the trim. In this case, the end of the cylinder can be clamped with a gas wrench and rolled up. All that remains is to clear the hole from debris and open the door with a flat-head screwdriver.
  2. If the cylinder does not protrude, then you can additionally sacrifice the trim by tearing it off with a nail puller or chisel, after which you can use a gas wrench.
  3. If you don’t have a gas key, you can knock out the cylinder with a hammer, but it is advisable to do this after the internal armor plate has been removed, which is not always possible. It must be borne in mind that after such an opening, the lock will most likely have to be replaced.
  4. Using a drill, you can drill a cylindrical insert slightly below the key hole. This will destroy the tsugali - the mechanism of the code. Then, having pulled out the drill, lightly tap the end of the cylinder so that the debris falls down and does not jam the lock. All that remains is to insert flat screwdriver replace the key and open the lock. If the key is double-sided (has shaped cutouts on both sides), then you need to drill from both sides.
  5. You can completely drill out the cylinder mechanism. For this, a drill with a diameter of 6-10 mm is used. This usually damages the cam. To unlock the lock, you need to bend the end of a screwdriver or strong wire about 1 cm (it should reach the locking mechanism), insert it into the hole and move the bolt.

If you can’t cope with the problem yourself, then breaking or cutting the door is still not worth it. It is better to contact a service department whose employees know what to do in a specific situation.

The cause of key failure is often contamination or wear of the lock. You can extend its performance by periodically lubricating the mechanism with spindle or gear oil. If the lock begins to periodically jam, it is better to repair or replace it.

Our life is replete with funny incidents, but it is one thing when such an incident causes everyone to laugh and lifts the spirits, and quite another when it turns into serious difficulties. When opening the front or garage door again, you can find yourself in a situation where one part of the key remains in the lock, and the second is in your hands. Usually, as luck would have it, you are in a hurry somewhere, hoping to jump home or into the garage as quickly as possible, grab some thing, in order to run further, but one careless movement and it turns out that there is no point in running.

Having broken the key, the most important thing is not to panic and not do anything stupid so as not to aggravate the situation. There is no need to push the fragment remaining in your hand into the keyhole, pushing the broken part even deeper; it is better to use the advice of experts on how to remove a broken key from a lock, we presented them in this article.

Why does the key break off when opening the lock?

Before considering specific tips for extracting pieces of a key from the secret of a lock, let's determine why such a key breaks. There are actually quite a few reasons for this. Let's define them briefly.

Whatever the reason for the key breakdown, the fact is obvious, it is broken, and something needs to be done about it. Many ways out of the situation have been invented. Lock picking experts kindly shared some secrets on how to remove a broken key from a lock with the least risk of damaging the lock. And we will definitely share this information, but first I would like to talk about how unnecessary it is to act when removing a stuck key.

Myths about the ease of removing a key from a lock

On the Internet you can find many information articles that vying with each other about simple ways removing a piece of key from the lock. In fact, everything is not so simple, because in most cases the key does not just get stuck in the mechanism, it gets jammed there. Moreover, it often jams tightly, and it is not possible to pull it out with superglue, as the authors of some articles suggest to us.

Experts, assessing the method of extracting part of the key using superglue, simply laugh, because this “method,” if I may say so, does not stand up to criticism. Firstly, the glue is not able to “grab” the two fragments well enough for the stuck part to be pulled out. And secondly, most likely the glue-smeared fragment that you push into the lock will smear internal walls his wells. And the second part of the key will safely stick to them.

The option with glue is also bad because careless handling of it can lead to chemicals getting into the secret mechanism of the lock, which will inevitably lead to its breakdown. Then you will have to look for a way to clean the lock mechanism from superglue, but why is all this necessary? There is also a mythical proposal on some forums to remove a piece of a key from keyhole using a wire. I would like to ask the author of the method, has he tried to do a similar trick himself?

Experts say that theoretically, with the help of a thin steel wire, it is possible to remove the stuck part of the key, but this requires skill and this is possible only in a very limited number of cases.

We take out the broken part of the key by disassembling the lock

If the key in the lock is broken, then you need a quick and reliable way remove the broken part from the keyhole, preferably without damaging the lock. Reliable methods exist, but the speed of removing the damaged part will depend on your skill. Perhaps the most the right way The solution to such a problem can be considered to be the removal of debris from a disassembled lock.

But there is a problem here, because you need to get into the room and open the door to gain access to the lock body, and this is often inaccessible. That's why this method you can take note in case you manage to come up with Alternative option entering a closed space.

A self-tapping screw will help you remove the key

You can relatively quickly and efficiently remove a stuck piece of wood from a keyhole using a drill with a thin drill bit and a self-tapping screw. The work ahead is very delicate, worthy of the best jeweler. The task is to use a drill to get into the end of the stuck piece of the key, drill a hole in it and manage to screw a self-tapping screw into it; if you act carefully, this is quite possible.

Do not rush to pull the screw or twist it, trying to remove the fragment right away; it is better to spray WD-40 liquid into the keyhole and carefully shake the stuck part of the key. Only after 5-10 minutes of this “swinging”, you can try to very carefully “fish out” the fragment using pliers.

Let's use pliers

If a piece of key fragment sticks out of the key hole and is large enough to be grabbed with pliers, round nose pliers, or, as a last resort, sharpened tweezers, you should try to remove it using these tools. Again, when doing this, do not repeat the mistakes of thousands of “would-be-masters” who, grabbing a fragment with pliers, pulled it so hard and thoughtlessly that they broke it again, aggravating the problem.

Before you start “operating” the tool, you need to thoroughly lubricate the insides of the keyhole, and wait until the lubricant spreads, getting between the stuck fragment and the walls of the secret mechanism, and only then make attempts to pull out the broken part of the key. Act carefully and the chances of success will be very serious.

Exotic ways to remove a broken key from a lock mechanism

To summarize, we note that there are quite a few unusual ways removal of a broken key from a lock, offered by professionals. Let's consider them too, since they clearly deserve our attention.

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