Carrying out work on installation of electrical equipment. Features of installation of electrical equipment

Electro installation work(EMR) are the production operations performed in the workshop and on the ship for the preparation, installation and operational testing of electrical equipment and ship cables.

Rice. 1 Fastening bundles of main cables in cassettes on board the engine room

EMR is produced by regional electrical installation enterprises (EME). As a rule, at each shipbuilding enterprise there is an EMP electrical installation shop that performs EMP.

In EMR, electrical equipment is understood as the totality of:

  • Generating;
  • Consuming and transforming electrical energy devices;
  • And also radio-electronic;
  • Navigational;
  • Automatic control system;
  • Communication systems and others like that.

In other words, any device, device, product to which cables are connected is included in the concept of “ship electrical equipment”.

Rice. 2 Hangers for installing electrical equipment
a - L-shaped suspension;
b - U-shaped suspension

The technological cycle of EMR takes place in several stages, the duration and volume of which is closely related to the readiness of the ship’s hull and is determined by it.

Stages include:

  • Preparatory work in the workshop;
  • Before and after insulation preparatory work on the ship;
  • Installation of electrical equipment;
  • Cable installation;
  • Adjustment and delivery works.

Design of EMR technology consists of:

  • Development of organizational and technological methods for their implementation;
  • Verification method;
  • At a construction site;
  • Adjustment of electrical equipment and cable network;
  • Delivery to the customer.

Depending on the method of forming the ship’s hull, the content of each stage of the EMR may be different, its organization and duration may also differ.

Methods for organizing electrical installation and setup and commissioning work have become practically widespread:

  • Parallel;
  • Autonomous-regional;
  • Aggregate-block.

Technological stages of EMR include:

  • Preparatory work in the workshop for the selection of electrical equipment for technological kits and brigade sections, as well as the preparation of measured sections of cables on technological drums; in the workshop, electrical installation components and blanks are manufactured, pre-installation preparation of electrical equipment is carried out, which includes the re-preservation of equipment received from the manufacturing plant, dismantling ( for storage between operations) of fragile and breakable parts, cleaning of equipment grounding areas, installation of shock absorbers and grounding jumpers, technological configuration of electrical equipment for premises and brigade areas;
  • Before insulation preparatory work on the ship includes marking (routes) and installation of fastenings for electrical equipment and cables;
  • Post-insulation preparatory work involves preparing the ship's premises for electrical installation work and installing part of the electrical equipment;
  • Installation of cables consists of tightening, laying and fastening cables, introducing them into electrical equipment, sealing the places where cables pass through decks and bulkheads, grounding the metal sheaths of cables and electrical equipment housings;
  • When installing electrical equipment, contact and protective terminations of cable cores are carried out, they are marked and connected to electrical equipment; at this stage, detachable parts of electrical connectors are also installed;
  • Adjustment and commissioning work includes testing electrical equipment in action, handing it over to the customer during mooring, sea and state tests.

The parallel method of organizing EMR is used when the total length of the cable to be laid is up to 100 km, when the entire hull of a ship can be handed over for electrical installation. The parallel method is based on the simultaneous performance of work on tightening and connecting cables to the equipment in all areas of the vessel prepared for installation, with the laying of each cable without intermediate coiling. The main cables are tightened first, then the local ones. Setup and commissioning work is carried out in the entire hull of the vessel (partially it can be carried out on stands). The parallel method allows for installation of electrical equipment in a short time, but requires the vessel to be commissioned for electrical installation in one stage. In this case, it is necessary to involve large quantity electricians working on board the ship at the same time.

Rice. 3 Free installation of electrical equipment
a - on the bracket;
b - on the frame

The autonomous regional method of organization is used for sectional and block methods formation of the ship's hull and with the total length of laid cables exceeding 100 km. EMRs are carried out in construction areas, “islands” or blocks with the provision of autonomous installation areas for electrical installation, regardless of the readiness of other areas of the vessel. EMR is carried out in two stages - in ready-made areas, and then in the whole building. In each district, work begins with tightening intra-district cables.

The priority of tightening depends on:

  • The ratio of the number of local and trunk cables in each of the autonomous installation areas;
  • The presence of critical sections located on the critical path of the ship’s construction schedule, and complex electrical installations (from which electrical installation begins);
  • Location of cables in fastening points and equipment;
  • Design features of cables.

Interdistrict trunk cables are laid in several stages along the main directions of cable tightening and, as a rule, without intermediate coils. The autonomous-district method provides a high rhythm and a wide scope of work. When designing a ship, electrical equipment will be placed in such a way as to minimize the number of cable connections between autonomous installation areas. Electrical equipment to which a significant number of main cables are connected is, if possible, located in areas where the main main routes pass or in rooms adjacent to them.

To carry out setup and commissioning work in autonomous installation areas or in their groups until the completion of electrical installation of the ship as a whole, the electrical power system must receive temporary power from the shore network. If necessary, temporary power panels and switches are used that meet the safety requirements for setting up and commissioning work.

Rice. 4 Installation of the ship control panel (VCS)

To supply electricity from the shore to the ship during its construction, it is advisable to allocate separate stage"section-scheme" of generation electrical system(MSB), distribution boards, cable connections. EMR of the “section” should be carried out at an early stage without waiting for the preparation of other areas of the ship for electrical installation.

The aggregate-block method of organization is appropriate with the block-modular method of forming the body. Performing EMR is then possible outside the slipway, and mass and labor-intensive production processes and technological operations in workshops, areas and workplaces can be mechanized. If the same technology and the same technical means as on a ship (without specialization of work and the use of workshop mechanization), then in itself the transfer of the main volume of work from the ship to the workshop will not reduce labor intensity. But there is a reduction in the construction slipway period and an improvement in working conditions, and the effect of reducing the slipway period exceeds the effect of reducing the labor intensity of EMR.

For an electrical installation enterprise, the use of the aggregate-block method also gives an effect, as there is an increase in labor productivity, improved working conditions and an increase in the quality of work. The employment of electricians is distributed more evenly and peak loads at the final stages of ship construction are smoothed out.

Rice. 5 Installation of the main switchboard Main switchboard 380 V

At traditional technology During the construction of ships, the connection of electrical equipment to the cable network is carried out only in the ship's conditions. With the block-modular construction of ships, it is possible to transfer part or all of the EMR to the workshop conditions.

When organizing EMR, ships are divided into electrical installation areas that correspond geographically and in terms of the scope of work to the brigade area. The areas are characterized by the relative functional autonomy of the electrical equipment located and the isolation of the hull structure. The division into districts is carried out both according to territorial and schematic characteristics.

As an example of districts formed on a territorial basis, the following can be cited:

  • Engine and boiler rooms of small and medium-sized ships;
  • Separate platforms of these departments on large ships;
  • Tiller compartment;
  • Auxiliary and household premises(cabins, bathrooms, catering units);
  • Separate superstructure decks and masts.

An example of districts formed according to a schematic basis can be special posts (in particular, control posts). For each electrical installation area, working drawings necessary for the installation of electrical equipment and cable laying are completed.

The procedure for performing electrical installation and adjustment work on a ship is determined by the technological plan, which must ensure:

  • Carrying out EMR in accordance with the ship construction deadlines without interfering with work on the hull and mechanical parts;
  • Priority installation of objects located on critical routes, as well as electrical systems that ensure the safety of the vessel afloat;
  • The maximum possible uniformity of loading of the electrical installation shop throughout the entire cycle of electrical installation and adjustment work.

The development of the EMR technological plan is carried out at the stages of preliminary and technical design of the vessel. Further, the plan is clarified and detailed during the development of a detailed design of the EMR of the lead and serial ships.

Rice. 6 Installation of the main distribution board 24 V

The main stages of drawing up a technological plan include:

  • Study of the design of the electrical technical part of the vessel and the technology of its construction, analysis of the features of installation and delivery of electrical equipment, taking into account the capabilities of EMF;
  • Choosing an organization method electrical installation work on a ship;
  • Determination of installation areas (with parallel organization of work the whole building, with autonomous-district organization - autonomous-assembly areas and the whole building, with aggregate-block - assembly units, autonomous-assembly areas and the whole building);
  • Determination of technological labor intensity preparatory work in the workshop and on the ship, electrical and electrical work, adjustment and commissioning work;
  • Calculation of the technological habitability of installation areas, i.e. the permissible number of workers in a compartment during EMR;
  • Determining the duration of the EMR, and using the technological and network schedules for the construction of the vessel, determine their required duration;
  • Development of a fundamental technological schedule for the implementation of EMR and a schedule for counterparty supplies of equipment;
  • Development of basic provisions for organizing the preparation and implementation of EMR.

In the presence of complete information about a vessel at the stage of detailed design, the entire scope of work performed by the EMP is divided into technological kits.

Installation of electrical equipment is a set of actions for its installation and connection to electrical networks, carried out in accordance with the project. Electrical installation may involve laying cable lines, installing distribution lines and transformers, installing wiring, various electrical power plants and other equipment. Even the most modern equipment with excellent reliability and safety indicators, errors during its installation and commissioning can damage it.

Therefore, in order for the operation of electrical equipment to proceed uninterruptedly and as efficiently as possible, its installation and commissioning must be carried out specialized organizations who have licenses and permits to provide such services. Electrical installation carried out to a high standard professional level- this is the basis safe operation facility and stable operation of equipment.

Stages of installation of electrical equipment

Installation of electrical equipment at an enterprise or other facility includes:

  1. Preparatory stage - preparation of wiring units and lighting lines, preparation of routes for laying wires and grounding elements, installation of embedded parts for further fastening of equipment. These works are carried out simultaneously with construction and finishing activities.
  2. Laying cables and wiring along prepared routes, with serial connection. IN industrial premises These works are carried out in parallel with the installation of electrical equipment.
  3. Carrying out electrical measurements and insulation resistance measurements. Preparation of a technical report.
  4. Performing commissioning work:
  • study of design and technical documentation;
  • checking the readiness of electrical equipment for commissioning;
  • searching for faults that occurred during installation;
  • startup of electrical installation;
  • adjustment of electrical equipment;
  • preparation of the Equipment Acceptance Certificate and technical report.

When carrying out installation work, it is important to comply with all the requirements of the current regulatory documents(PUE, SNIP, PTE, TNP, PTB). It is also necessary to strictly follow the decisions and parameters specified in the project and technical documentation, and strictly comply with the installation requirements set out in the instructions for the equipment.

Installation of industrial electrical equipment

Installation of industrial electrical equipment is a responsible and labor-intensive process that requires professional approach at all stages. Violations during transportation and unloading of equipment, as well as errors in design and installation, negatively affect the operation of electrical installations and can ultimately lead to an accident. To prevent such consequences, the installation of electrical equipment must be entrusted to competent specialists who guarantee high-quality performance of work of any complexity.

Engineering center "ProfEnergia" carries out installation of electrical equipment in facilities for various purposes- from residential and administrative buildings to shopping, entertainment and office centers, warehouses and industrial enterprises. We fulfill our obligations professionally, on time and in full accordance with the concluded contract.

Projects are drawn up in accordance with customer requirements, operating standards and safety regulations. All work is carried out by experienced electricians with the necessary approvals, using certified components and installation devices from leading manufacturers.

Electricity has long become a common good for people, used every day in everyday life, in production and in other areas of activity. But we rarely think about what complex equipment provides power supply to facilities. But turning on familiar electrical appliances and simply lighting a light bulb would be impossible without the work of specialists who provide reliable and safe work electrical installations.

Order installation

The cost of an error when installing electrical equipment

For safe and economical use of electrical equipment over a long period of time, it is necessary to ensure that it is correct installation. If the installation of electrical equipment is carried out with violations, without competent calculations and with incorrect connection devices, such carelessness often leads to accidents. In order to prevent dire consequences, it is necessary to entrust all work on the installation of electrical installations to trusted specialists, professionals in their field.

Electricity never forgives carelessness. In particular, the photo shows a typical example of violations during the installation of electrical equipment and their consequences.

IN in this case led to the fire:

  1. incorrect choice of protection rating for electrical wiring against overload and short circuit;
  2. poor contact pressure.

Engineer consultation

Cost of installation of electrical equipment

Prices for installation of electrical installations and electrical equipment depend on the characteristics of the equipment itself and the requirements for its operation. As the level of complexity and cost of the unit increases, the price of its installation or repair also increases. To save money and at the same time ensure all conditions for stable operation of the equipment, you need to use the help of professionals who will take into account all the factors important for the installation and subsequent operation of electrical installations.

Professionally installed equipment not only looks aesthetically pleasing, but is also extremely safe to use, since it allows you to accurately and quickly identify problems during the use of electrical installations and immediately eliminate them.

The minimum cost for installing electrical equipment in our company is 9,800 rubles.

One of the results of competent assembly and installation electrical panels control stations you see in the photo.

Why do you need to check electrical installations?

In addition to the correct installation of electrical equipment, it is important to take care of checking all its parameters to confirm the correctness of the chosen solutions. These functions perform commissioning work, during which full check electrical installations for compliance with safety standards and declared parameters. This work is performed by highly qualified specialists who are able to draw correct conclusions and eliminate detected inconsistencies.

During operation, electrical equipment wears out, resulting in an increased risk of its breakdown and injury to people. electric shock. Periodic inspections of electrical installations help monitor equipment wear and prevent emergency situations, production stoppages, huge costs for restoring failed equipment and paying fines.

Electrical laboratory "ProfEnergia" provides professional services for the installation of electrical equipment, as well as for checking commissioned and used electrical installations for compliance with current standards and regulations.

Saving on periodic inspection of electrical installations is dangerous and unprofitable, because the costs of eliminating the consequences of an accident are much higher than the cost of services to identify equipment defects.

  • Laying cables in a trench

      Gasket types:

  • Geodetic services
  • Installation of electrical equipment and networks
  • The company carries out a full range of activities related to the installation of electrical equipment:

    • construction of transformer substations, as well as package transformer transformer substations and radio transformer substations, adjustment and electrical installation of any type of equipment: built-in, mast-mounted, separately installed, kiosk transformer substations (KTP, RTP);
    • equipping with design equipment, supplying electrical installation materials to transformer substations (KTP, RTP);
    • installation of package transformer substations;
    • installation of internal and external cable lines 20-0.4 kV;
    • installation of power electrical equipment;
    • arrangement of internal lighting and power supply;
    • installation of ring and couplings low-voltage and high-voltage cables;
    • arrangement of grounding circuits with grounding devices;
    • assembly of electrical switchboard equipment, including installations that compensate for reactive power;
    • dismantling electrical equipment in need of replacement or disposal. Installation, commissioning and commissioning of new units is carried out, including the installation of transformer substations.

    Main directions

    Ensuring a high quality level of electrical installation work is achieved thanks to the following factors:

    • qualified personnel;
    • introduction of certified equipment and materials;
    • advanced tools are used;
    • attention and responsibility;
    • control over the quality level of all stages of work.

    Rules for placing orders for electrical installation work:

    The customer provides technical task or a project to carry out work in person, sending it by fax or email.

    The company engineer, having familiarized himself with the submitted documents, goes to the site and, together with representatives of the customer, begins to inspect it, discussing the technical side of the issue related to the project or task. An engineer visits the site free of charge.

    Based on the data provided in the documentation and information received by the engineer on site, an estimate for the work is drawn up.


    Installation of electrical equipment and commissioning activities are carried out by our company with a 1-year warranty. If necessary, the company is able to repair the facility and provide post-warranty service. The work performed is carried out by qualified specialists with extensive experience, which is why the company is ready to guarantee quality. Customers can count on preferential terms when ordering post-warranty service. Contact our company and experience the benefits for yourself individual approach to the client and flexible pricing policy.

    Electrical equipment is necessary in premises for various purposes, on the territory of industrial enterprises and in residential buildings. The continued safety of people staying in this room largely depends on the correctness of its installation and adjustment. In this regard, electrical equipment installation work should be trusted exclusively to highly qualified specialists.

    Professional installation of electrical equipment at affordable prices

    Our company has been specializing in the provision of electrical equipment installation services for many years; their cost, by the way, is one of the lowest on the market. We work throughout Moscow and provide the most comprehensive range of specialized work. Masters highest category They carry out high-quality gating of walls for wiring, installation of socket boxes, laying of cables, installation of electrical boxes, and other types of installation work. If necessary, our specialists will dismantle electrical wiring, sockets and switches, lamps and power cable. They will connect kitchen hood or an electric stove, they will install electric heated floors and other types of work.

    The main advantage of our company is affordable prices for installation of electrical equipment. We pursue a flexible financial policy, which is aimed at maintaining extremely low prices. In each individual case, the final cost of the work is calculated individually. Depends on the complexity of the project, the upcoming scope of work, the need to provide additional services, such as the purchase of spare parts and materials or an emergency visit of a technician. For a more detailed list of available services and their costs, please see the price list below.

    The OPTELECTROMONTAZH company is engaged in the installation of cable systems in offices, manufacturing enterprises and government agencies. The company is implementing a lighting and power supply system, video surveillance, security and fire alarm, ventilation and air conditioning systems.

    The main thing in the company's work is strict adherence to standards and ensuring the quality of projects.

    The company's goal is to ensure long-term cooperation with customers, during which all the needs and wishes of customers are satisfied.

    An integrated approach to installing cable networks helps solve connectivity issues various types networks, minimum costs for the execution of work, further expansion in connection with the emerging needs of the customer.

    The advantage of our company is excellent quality and affordable prices.

    The clear and coordinated work of the company is based on high qualifications, extensive experience, effective interaction when performing work.

    Financial issues when performing work occur strictly individually.

    Favorable prices are provided through the use of low tariffs for design and installation. Low prices for the purchase of equipment and materials are provided in connection with its delivery by regular partner suppliers.

    The company takes into account the need to quickly complete all work, from design to installation work, and carries out all this work in a short time.

    When working with clients, the company's goal is long-term relationships. This is ensured by the high quality of service.

    The company strives to be a constant partner and assistant for all its clients in solving all the issues you need.

    Name of works Unit Price, rub.
    Grooving a wall for wiring measuring 20x20 mm in gypsum plasterboard m.pog 120
    Grooving a wall for wiring measuring 20x20 mm in concrete m.pog 350
    Grooving a wall for wiring measuring 20x20 mm. in brick m.pog 220
    Grooving a wall for wiring measuring 40x40 mm. in the gypsum board m.pog 140
    Grooving a wall for wiring measuring 40x40 mm. in concrete m.pog 400
    Grooving a wall for wiring measuring 40x40 mm. in brick m.pog 280
    Grooving a wall for wiring measuring 70x70 mm. in the gypsum board m.pog 250
    Grooving a wall for wiring measuring 70x70 mm. in concrete m.pog 650
    Grooving a wall for wiring measuring 70x70 mm. in brick m.pog 500
    Grooving a wall for wiring measuring 100x25mm. in concrete m.pog 900
    Installation of a socket box in foam block, brick (for socket, switch) PC 200
    Installation of a socket box in concrete (for sockets, switches) PC 230
    Installation of an internal junction box 100x100x60 mm PC 230
    Installation of an internal junction box 80x80x60 mm PC 190
    Drilling through holes in walls PC 200
    Construction of a panel for a built-in 24 module concrete/brick PC 3000
    Installation of a built-in panel 36 modules concrete/brick PC 4000
    Installation of a built-in panel 54 modules concrete/brick PC 6000
    Installation of a 24 module mounted panel PC 1400
    Installation of the panel of the mounted 36 module PC 1600
    Installation of a 54-module mounted panel PC 2200
    Wiring and marking of junction box PC 250
    Installation of the SHU-1 metering cabinet on one meter PC 2100
    Installation of an electricity meter PC 870
    Current transformer installation PC 350
    Installation of a single-pole circuit breaker on a 6 A DIN rail PC 170
    Installation of a three-pole circuit breaker on a 6 A DIN rail PC 220
    Installation of a single-pole circuit breaker on a 16 A DIN rail PC 180
    Installation of a three-pole circuit breaker on a 16 A DIN rail PC 220
    Installation of a single-pole circuit breaker on a 25 A DIN rail PC 180
    Installation of a three-pole circuit breaker on a 25 A DIN rail PC 240
    Installation of a single-pole circuit breaker on a 32 A DIN rail PC 200
    Installation of a three-pole circuit breaker on a 32 A DIN rail PC 300
    Installation of a single-pole circuit breaker on a DIN rail up to 63 A PC 300
    Installation of a three-pole circuit breaker on a DIN rail up to 63 A PC 400
    Installation of a single-pole circuit breaker on a DIN rail up to 100 A PC 450
    Installation of a three-pole circuit breaker on a DIN rail up to 100 A PC 540
    Installation of a two-pole RCD up to 40 A PC 260
    Installation of a two-pole RCD up to 63 A PC 300
    Installation of a four-pole RCD up to 40 A PC 380
    Installation of a four-pole RCD up to 63 A PC 420
    Installation of a two-pole differential. automatic machine up to 40 A PC 250
    Installation of four-pole differential. automatic machine up to 40 A PC 350
    Installation of a two-pole contactor up to 40 A PC 300
    Installation of a four-pole contactor up to 40 A PC 450
    Terminal installation Installation of terminal group up to 35 A PC 18
    Tray gasket up to 400 mm wide m.pog 250
    Tray gasket up to 200 mm wide m.pog 180
    Installation of bracket for tray up to 400 mm PC 92
    Installation of bracket for tray up to 200 mm PC 70
    Installing a cover for a tray up to 400 mm m.pog 35
    Installing a cover for a tray up to 200 mm m.pog 25
    Laying corrugated pipe dia. up to 20 mm m.pog 36
    Laying corrugated pipe dia. up to 40 mm m.pog 48
    Laying of plastic pipe dia. up to 20 mm m.pog 40
    Plastic pipe laying, dia. up to 40 mm m.pog 50
    Installation of the Holder for pipe dia. up to 40 mm PC 2
    Installation of electrical box size. up to 100x60 mm m.pog 150
    Installation of electrical box size. up to 60x40 mm m.pog 90
    Installation of electrical box size. up to 40x25 mm m.pog 60
    Installation of a single-key external switch for 16 A PC 180
    Installation of a two-key external switch for 16 A PC 180
    Installation of a three-key external switch for 16 A PC 220
    Installation of a single-key internal switch in a ready-made 16 A sub-switch PC 180
    Installation of a two-key internal switch in a ready-made 16 A sub-switch PC 200
    Installation of a three-key internal switch in a ready-made 16 A sub-switch PC 220
    Installation of an external three-pole 16 A socket PC 200
    Installation of a three-pole socket in an existing 16 A socket box PC 180
    Setting up a call PC 280
    Connecting and installing the fan PC 400
    Installing an outlet for an electric stove PC 600
    Connecting the power line in the shield PC 500
    Installation of heated floors, from sq.m. 600
    Installation of time relay PC 300
    Installation of motion sensors, volume sensors, from PC 340
    Laying a three-wire power cable (cross-section 1.5 mm - lighting) in a cable channel m.pog 22
    Pulling a three-wire power cable (cross-section 1.5 mm - lighting) into the corrugation m.pog 24
    Laying a three-wire power cable (cross-section 1.5 mm - lighting) in a groove m.pog 30
    Installation of a three-wire power cable (cross-section 1.5 mm - lighting) open method on brackets on concrete, brick m.pog 28
    Installation of a three-wire power cable (cross-section 1.5 mm - lighting) in an open way on brackets or glue on plastic, wood, metal m.pog 28
    Laying a three-wire power cable (2.5 mm cross section - lighting) in a groove m.pog 35
    Pulling a three-wire power cable (cross-section 2.5 mm - lighting) into a corrugated m.pog 26
    Laying a three-wire power cable (2.5 mm cross section - lighting) in a cable channel m.pog 28
    Installation of a three-wire power cable (cross-section 2.5 mm - lighting) in an open way on brackets on concrete, brick m.pog 35
    Installation of a three-wire power cable (cross-section 2.5 mm - lighting) in an open way on brackets or glue on plastic, wood, metal m.pog 35
    Laying a three-wire power cable (section 4 mm; 6 mm; 10 mm) in a groove m.pog 44
    Pulling a three-wire power cable (section 4 mm; 6 mm; 10 mm) into a corrugated m.pog 39
    Laying a three-wire power cable (section 4 mm; 6 mm; 10 mm) in a cable channel m.pog 35
    Installation of a three-wire power cable (cross-section 4 mm; 6 mm; 10 mm) in an open way on brackets on concrete, brick m.pog 44
    Installation of a three-wire power cable (cross-section 4 mm; 6 mm; 10 mm) in an open manner on brackets or glue on plastic, wood, metal m.pog 50
    Laying telephone cable m.pog 25
    Laying television cable m.pog 25
    Laying computer - network cable m.pog 25
    Installation of telephone, computer, TV sockets PC 190
    Power connection lines in the switchboard PC 670
    Lines TV
    Dismantling electrical wiring m.pog 14
    Removing sockets and switches PC 50
    Dismantling telephone and television cables m.pog 12
    Removing the power cable m.pog 14
    Dismantling of lamps PC 200
    Automatic dismantling PC 62
    Cable channel (duct) dismantling m.pog 20
    Electric meter dismantling PC 200
    Jacuzzi baths, shower cabins connected to the electrical network (cabling is paid separately) PC 1500
    Installation of a fan in the hood with connection (installation and dismantling ventilation grille paid separately) PC 600
    Installation and connection of duct overhead fan PC 670
    Video intercom (calling panel) installation PC 500
    Video intercom (monitor) installation PC 1400
    Hoods kitchen installation with connection (wiring is paid separately) PC 1400
    Ground loop installation, from PC 9000
    Electric floor heating installation sq.m. 600
    Electric stove connection (cabling is paid separately) PC 800
    Departure of the master, from: departure 900
    Emergency dispatch of a technician departure 1500
    Oral consultation with a specialist hour 800
    Budgeting estimate 600
    Coefficient for work over 3 meters coefficient 2
    Minimum cost of electrical installation PC 20000
    Service for purchasing materials, spare parts. parts, etc. hour 600
    Commissioning work % of electrical installation work percent 2
    Overhead % of electrical work percent 4
    Transportation costs % of electrical installation work percent 2
    Travel expenses % of electrical installation work percent 7
    Winter price increase for street work percent 30

    The main advantages of cooperation with our company

    By contacting our company regarding the installation and commissioning of electrical equipment, each client can be absolutely confident in highest quality carrying out the stated work. Our staff is staffed exclusively by qualified employees who can successfully cope with even the most complex tasks. We offer our clients a comprehensive installation of electrical equipment and prices that are truly pleasantly surprising. In addition, we guarantee the customer:

    1. comprehensive consultations on all issues of interest;
    2. professional and responsible approach to business;
    3. strict adherence to designated deadlines;
    4. full compliance finished project current norms and standards;
    5. operational safety and uninterrupted operation of installed systems.

    We will be happy to provide comprehensive maintenance of facilities and are happy to perform the entire range of electrical work!

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