Does it usually stand out? A universal tool - the rule to keep everything straight


introductory expression

Identified by punctuation marks, usually commas. Details about punctuation when introductory words see Appendix 2. ()

They have little patients, usually, They were in big shirts, and the big ones were in small ones. M. Zoshchenko, Case history. Doubles are usually completely insensitive to pain. A. and B. Strugatsky, Monday begins on Saturday.

Dictionary-reference book on punctuation. - M.: Reference and information Internet portal GRAMOTA.RU. V. V. Svintsov, V. M. Pakhomov, I. V. Filatova. 2010 .


See what “usually” is in other dictionaries:

    "Usually"- the requirement is predominant, and deviation from it must be justified. Source: PB 03 598 03: Safety rules for the production of hydrogen by water electrolysis 31. “As a rule” . The requirement is predominant, and the retreat... ...

    usually- adverb, number of synonyms: 10 mostly (22) in most cases (22) ka ... Synonym dictionary

    Usually- RULE, ah, cf. Ozhegov's explanatory dictionary. S.I. Ozhegov, N.Yu. Shvedova. 1949 1992 … Ozhegov's Explanatory Dictionary

    "Usually"- a decision that is predominant, and deviation from it must be justified. Source: Recommendations: Provision fire safety oil refining enterprises... Dictionary-reference book of terms of normative and technical documentation

    usually- Unism. Used to emphasize the usuality or regularity of something. Lectures by a famous scientist usually attract a full audience of listeners. Legends usually arise from a lack of information. (A. Rosen.) A Siberian rarely cheats... ... Educational phraseological dictionary

    usually- see rule; in zn. introductory collocation Usually. He usually came on Sundays... Dictionary of many expressions

    Usually- Talk. Usually. As a rule, officers had two suitcases. Only Chekhov came with one small suitcase (E. Kazakevich. House on the Square) ... Phrasebook Russian literary language

    Usually- adv. qualities circumstances 1. As usual. 2. Used as an introductory phrase indicating that something is established, usual for someone, and corresponding in meaning to the word: as usual. Ephraim's explanatory dictionary. T … Modern Dictionary Russian language Efremova

    typically a small non-negative integer- Part of the encoding that represents the values ​​of an unbounded non-negative integer, but where small values ​​are more likely to occur more often (ITU T X.691). Topics... ...

    Technical Translator's Guide Fear the first movement of the soul: it is, as a rule, the most noble - Words of the French diplomat, Minister of Foreign Affairs under all regimes of post-revolutionary France, the Directory, the Consulate, the empire of Napoleon I and the monarchy of Louis XVIII, the master of political intrigue Charles Maurice Talleyrand (Talleyrand Périgord,... ...

Dictionary of popular words and expressions

  • Books

Galina Volchek. As a rule, outside the rules, Raikina Marina Aleksandrovna. Galina Volchek is not just a woman, an actress and the main person of one of the most famous theaters in the country - Sovremennik. She lives with her own very non-standard coordinate system. Volchek... Today we have another entry in the section “ Literacy Minute ", and it will talk about a very common difficulty: the placement or non-placement of a comma before the conjunction . I think you, like me, have often found yourself in a difficult position, wondering whether a comma is needed before a conjunction

or not. Today we will learn once and for all when this unfortunate comma is used and when it is not. So...

A comma is added.

We will start with those cases where a comma occurs. There are not many of these cases and, in principle, they are not difficult to remember. 1. A comma is placed in the case if union connects parts of a complex sentence

. Everything here is easy and clear; in this case, you simply cannot do without a comma. Example:.

2. We watched with pleasure as our friend reached the finish line first When the union enters into phrases close in meaning to introductory words . There are few such phrases in Russian, here are the main ones:

as an exception, as a consequence, as always, as on purpose, as for example, as now, as now, as a rule, etc. For example:

In the morning before leaving, as if on purpose, it started to rain. 3. In the event that .

. Everything here is easy and clear; in this case, you simply cannot do without a comma. if the sentence contains a circumstance expressed by a comparative phrase that begins with a conjunction

There were people inside like sardines in a barrel. I draw your attention to the fact that if after the turnover with the union the sentence continues, then you need to put another comma at the end of the phrase (isolate it). For example:.

In the distance, the water sparkled like a mirror.

The comma is NOT included. Now I propose to determine those cases when the union

is not separated by a comma. 1. In the event thatestands between subject and predicate, Awithouthimthere would need to be a dash there.

For example: Nose like a beak. Night is like day.

2. If the turnover is with a unionis part of a phraseological unit. As we well know, phraseological units are separate integral language constructs, as a rule, immutable.

as an exception, as a consequence, as always, as on purpose, as for example, as now, as now, as a rule, etc. Duringconversationhe sat on pins and needles.

3. Whenturnover with the unionin a sentence acts as an adverbial modifier of action.

as an exception, as a consequence, as always, as on purpose, as for example, as now, as now, as a rule, etc. The path twisted like a snake.

In such cases, our turnover with the union can be replaced by an adverb ( like a snake) or a noun in the instrumental case ( snake). However, the problem is that the circumstances of the course of action cannot always be distinguished with complete certainty from the circumstances of comparison. It is precisely such cases that cause the most difficulties for writers.

4. In those casesif the turnover is with a unionis part of the predicate and a sentence without such a phrase does not have a complete meaning.

. Everything here is easy and clear; in this case, you simply cannot do without a comma. Young womanholdingI wanted tolike a mistress.

5. If a comparative phrase is preceded by a negationNot orone of the following particles: completely, completely, almost, exactly, like, simply, exactly. In this case, instead of a comma there is already a particle ( no, like, simple, etc..), so such moments, as a rule, do not raise much doubt.

as an exception, as a consequence, as always, as on purpose, as for example, as now, as now, as a rule, etc. These two don't act like good friends. In this light, her face was exactly like her mother's.

Compound conjunctions.

Don't forget that the word can be part of a compound union So And or because, as well as revolutions: since, as long as, since, as little (more) as possible, etc.. It is quite natural that in such cases the comma before not installed.

as an exception, as a consequence, as always, as on purpose, as for example, as now, as now, as a rule, etc. All windows are as inthe house itself, and inthere werewide open.

That's all for today. I hope we have brought the necessary clarity to the issue of placing commas before the conjunction , and this knowledge will be useful to you in your everyday writing activities. Don't forget to follow the blog updates! See you soon!

The requirement is predominant, and deviation from it must be justified. Source: PB 03 598 03: Safety rules for the production of hydrogen by water electrolysis 31. “As a rule” . The requirement is predominant, and the retreat... ...

Adverb, number of synonyms: 10 mostly (22) in most cases (22) ka ... Synonym dictionary

"Usually"- a decision that is predominant, and deviation from it must be justified. Source: Recommendations: Ensuring fire safety of oil refineries... Dictionary-reference book of terms of normative and technical documentation

usually- Unism. Used to emphasize the usuality or regularity of something. Lectures by a famous scientist usually attract a full audience of listeners. Legends usually arise from a lack of information. (A. Rosen.) A Siberian rarely cheats... ... Educational phraseological dictionary

usually- introductory expression Is distinguished by punctuation marks, usually commas. For details on punctuation for introductory words, see Appendix 2. (Appendix 2) Their small patients, as a rule, wore large shirts, and the large ones wore small ones. M. Zoshchenko,... ... Dictionary-reference book on punctuation

usually- see rule; in zn. introductory collocation Usually. He usually came on Sundays... Dictionary of many expressions

Usually- Talk. Usually. As a rule, officers had two suitcases. Only Chekhov came with one small suitcase (E. Kazakevich. House on the Square) ... Phraseological Dictionary of the Russian Literary Language

adv. qualities circumstances 1. As usual. 2. Used as an introductory phrase indicating that something is established, usual for someone, and corresponding in meaning to the word: as usual. Ephraim's explanatory dictionary. T … Modern explanatory dictionary of the Russian language by Efremova

typically a small non-negative integer- Part of the encoding that represents the values ​​of an unbounded non-negative integer, but where small values ​​are more likely to occur more often (ITU T X.691). Topics... ...

Words of the French diplomat, Minister of Foreign Affairs under all regimes of post-revolutionary France, the Directory, the Consulate, the empire of Napoleon I and the monarchy of Louis XVIII, the master of political intrigue Charles Maurice Talleyrand (Talleyrand Périgord,... ... - Words of the French diplomat, Minister of Foreign Affairs under all regimes of post-revolutionary France, the Directory, the Consulate, the empire of Napoleon I and the monarchy of Louis XVIII, the master of political intrigue Charles Maurice Talleyrand (Talleyrand Périgord,... ...

Dictionary of popular words and expressions

  • Galina Volchek. As a rule, outside the rules, Raikina Marina Aleksandrovna. Galina Volchek is not just a woman, an actress and the main person of one of the most famous theaters in the country - Sovremennik. She lives with her own very non-standard coordinate system. Volchek...
  • Galina Volchek is usually outside the rules, Raikina Marina Aleksandrovna. When the famous cameraman, father of the Moscow camera school Boris Volchek looked at his little only daughter, he could hardly imagine that she would be significant in art...

Used in construction work ah tool – rule – belongs to the category measuring instruments. Using this universal remedy we can maintain precision in different repair work. Let's look at what's what one by one.

What is a rule - exact definitions

The name of this tool is directly related to the measurement terms. For a simpler understanding, this name comes largely from the term “correctly”. In fact, it is precisely this tool that allows us to carry out construction work correctly and does not allow us to make mistakes. It's hard to find today construction industry, where this miracle tool is not available. What is it? this device? Usually this is a perfectly straight strip, allowing you to find flaws while checking the plane.

Alternatively, it can be used in wood, but is currently available in metal. Initially, the construction tool was usually intended to check the absence of dents or bulges on various types plane. Although this feature continues to be widely used, this tool proved useful in other construction works.

The rule is a tool for plastering and more

Let's first compare two versions of this instrument; as we have already said, the rule can be either wooden or metal. But what distinguishes these two types? In theory, these tools are completely identical, even slats, what can I say. But if you use wooden rule for plaster , Then we can confidently say that in a day it will be impossible to use it.

Everyone knows that plaster is prepared with water. Accordingly, the wood absorbs moisture, and after drying, the wooden guide simply loses its shape, and the smooth edges can become arched. The same cannot be said about tools made of metal; aluminum is mainly used. A tool in this design is, first of all, lightweight and convenient, which is a positive indicator during work. Changing the shape and its failure is excluded, unless, of course, this causes mechanical damage.

As mentioned earlier, the matter does not end with the use of plastering tools; here is a list of construction jobs where the rule is widely applied:

  • Laying tiles, where it is necessary to correctly maintain the plane relative to the horizon and vertical.
  • Application of soft elastic putties, in this case the rule is used as a large spatula.
  • The device of the couplers is very handy tool to level the solution on the floor.
  • Installing ceilings, this is the kind of tool that can help you get a perfectly flat ceiling surface.

Despite these comparative characteristics, both versions of the tool are used in construction. They try to apply the rule of wood in work where there is no contact with dampness; metal is used everywhere.

Let's get to know each other better - how to use the tool?

I would like to note right away that this line of tools also has its own specifics, which lies in the size of the models. IN construction stores we can find a standard set that includes the following sizes: 1 m, 1.5 m 2 m, 2.5 m. There is no point in producing longer models, since not every specialist uses the 2.5 m rule. Although a real master has in its arsenal the entire line of models from the shortest to the longest.

If this is your first time holding a construction rule in your hands, we will now tell you how to use this tool using an example. For simplicity, let's check the quality of the wall after plastering. To do this, attach the rule edge to the wall, preferably so that the guide is vertical and level. If the wall is well-plastered, the lath should not move vertically, but should fit tightly to the wall along the edges. You also need to check the wall relative to the horizon and diagonally.

If there are bulges on the wall, then our inspection will immediately detect this, since on the bulge the even plank will move around without having a tight fit. If the plane has flaws in the form of depressions, we can find them by looking at the plane at an angle. Against the background of the smooth surface of the guide, gaps in the form of depressions will be visible. If, when checking the plane, you find defects in the form of depressions, do not worry, building codes allow such gaps. In the future they will be hidden by putty. In the case of bulges, the situation is different; they must be definitely removed.

Construction rule with a level: help to the master

As we have already said, with the help of the rule we maintain a certain accuracy during construction work. But in order to determine zero mark plane, you still have to resort to help building level. Usually rules are applied to the edge, and thus the horizontal or vertical plane is checked. This naturally causes a lot of inconvenience, which can subsequently provide erroneous data.

But today this is over; for the convenience of taking measurements, you can buy building rule with level, where the design of the instrument itself already provides built-in measuring cones. The convenience of such a tool is obvious; now you just need to attach the guide to the plane, and you will see the exact indicators that interest you. In some cases, such a tool is much more convenient than a regular aluminum rule.

Practical example - plastering walls according to the rule

Let us return to plaster and use this example to look at how to use such a tool in practice. Moreover, the rule is associated with plastering more than with other types of work. According to technological data, plastering walls is usually a high-quality job. Also, this type of plastering can be done with or without beacons.. We will focus on plaster using beacons.

  1. First of all, we need to install a beacon strip, which will provide us with a future flat surface. The rail is attached to the wall using putties, maintaining vertical and horizontal alignment. All these moments can be controlled by a rule with a level.
  2. Afterwards you just need to give installed beacons stand up. This is done so that the mounting points harden properly and the lighthouse stays firmly on the wall; it usually takes twenty-four hours.
  3. After the beacons have settled, you can begin plastering. It is desirable that it be elastic, but do not make it too thick.
  4. Apply using a trowel mortar mixture between two lighthouse slats. After using the pointed side of the rule, cut off the excess.
  5. If you see that there are holes on the surface in the form of a lack of solution, apply additional plaster mixture and remove the excess again with the rule.
  6. If your plaster layer thickness exceeds five millimeters, do not try to level the surface right away; let the first layer settle and dry. If you try to continue working, the applied solution may begin to fall off due to its weight.
  7. After applying the second layer and leveling the surface as a rule, the finished surface must be rubbed with a plaster float and leveled to zero.

The building rule is the simplest of the precise ones construction tools. Moreover, the word “accurate” is decisive, because if the rule is not accurate, it turns into an ordinary wooden or aluminum strip, suitable for best case scenario to prop up the door so it doesn't slam in a draft.

The plaster rule mainly performs two functions: it controls the evenness of the surface on a section of wall or floor and is used for leveling plaster solutions on the wall and screeds on the floor when applied.

Initially, the rule was precisely wooden and for a sufficient volume plastering works They were made in several ways: from slats with straight grains without knots, with one or two straight edges. After one work shift, such a construction rule was simply thrown away, since the moisture accumulated during work inevitably led to warping of the wood, which made it unsuitable for further use.

But back in the early 2000s, such a familiar tool to us as the aluminum rule was practically unknown to most professional plasterers. It appeared on mass sale only in the middle of the first decade of this century. And, in just 10 years, it became an indispensable tool, even purchased additional functions, turning into a long level after installing alcohol ampoules with bubbles into it.

Differences in building regulations based on shape, size and price

The most common 3 forms of plastering rules are:

  • h-shaped;

  • trapezoidal;

  • rectangular.

Basically, building regulations are issued in sizes of 1 m, 1.5 m, 2 m and 2.5 m, although there are also 3-meter ones - these are usually used for two people. There are also mini-rules, but more often craftsmen make them themselves for the convenience of performing certain types of work, cutting them off from a longer rule, which sometimes has lost its geometry along the entire length.

There are also industrially produced building codes for the formation internal corners. And if you are unlikely to find them in construction supermarkets, then this option is present in online stores.

If we talk about the types of rules, then it would be appropriate to classify aluminum rules with a steel edge as a separate group. The manufacturer claims that the service life of such a tool is extended by 10 times or more compared to its all-aluminum prototypes, which, frankly, is hard to believe, but 3 to 5 times seem very likely. At the same time, the price of the latter is almost as many times higher, and here the choice is yours: whether to buy 3 new rules or use one for 3 times longer.

In general, if we talk about prices for rules, they range from 140 rubles. for a meter h-shaped rule up to 3000 for a 3-meter trapezoidal rule with a steel edge, 2 alcohol level flasks and 2 handles.

But only the form of what you purchase building regulations only partly determines the nature of the work performed with its help. So h-shaped rules are mainly used for light plaster mortars indoors.

And here is the tool rectangular section It is more common to use when making screeds.

This division is very arbitrary and does not mean at all that the rule rectangular shape you can’t plaster the walls - it’s more a question of whether a particular master has one or another tool and his personal preferences. Although it is clear that acute angle trapezoidal rule is very convenient for cutting off excess plaster from walls, and the presence of 2 or 4 working edges when pulling heavy cement mortar on the floor will extend the life of the tool.

Obviously, to control the straightness of the surface, the rule is more convenient long length With sharp edge(trapezoidal), because we determine the evenness of the surface by light.

It is also clear that the level built into the rule simply expands its functionality, and when directly working on the coating device, it is needed insofar as. But this same function can be performed by any level together with any rule.

When installing beacons, it’s a different matter.

Choosing a building code

Of course, most of the factors discussed in the previous section can significantly influence your choice of the tool described in the article, but in addition to the form, we recommend paying attention to the content. And if with the h-shaped rule everything is more or less clear, and when choosing it you should pay attention to the absence of shells and inhomogeneities, the absence of a yellowish tint, indicating the low quality of the instrument, then the “insides” of the trapezoidal and rectangular rules are worthy of separate analysis.

It is clear that the same external factors, to which we can add the absence aluminum shine, can be justified in your choice of rules only by the unprecedentedly low price and low requirements for the quality of work that will need to be performed with this tool. In all other cases, avoid it.

And if we talk about more or less quality instrument, then let's look at photos of the most common trapezoidal building rules.

The longitudinal semicircular groove, in addition to serving for the convenience of holding the tool during operation, also serves as a stiffening rib, which helps the rule maintain its geometry under various unintended influences. There are specimens with two grooves, which is even more technologically advanced. Besides, good rules They have one or two stiffening ribs inside, allowing them to maintain an unchanged shape even with significant unauthorized loads that so often occur on a construction site.

The most advanced in this regard is the form of the rule shown in the last photo. This rule will last longer than others.

Plastering walls and installing screeds using the rule

We specifically decided not to separate these two processes, despite their obvious differences, because, first of all, they differ in materials, and not at all in working methods and technology. In a nutshell, the whole process in both the first and second cases consists of uniformly filling, using a rule, with various building compounds the cavity between two guide beacons set to a width less than the length of the rule at a certain distance from the base surface.

It’s just that various building moldings act as beacons. When plastering walls, these are, as a rule, standard beacons, produced industrially and differing in material and coating (steel with or without coating, aluminum, plastic), with different perforations.

Fundamentally, they are not much different from each other. But it is important to remember that if you intend to leave the beacons in place after plastering the walls, then under no circumstances should you use uncoated steel ones, which will inevitably appear as red spots on the wall over time.

Beacons on the wall are exposed to the same solution with which it is planned to plaster the walls, using laces secured after marking, which is now more often done using laser level. To speed up setting, gypsum is added to it if the solution itself is not based on it.

The distance between adjacent beacons is made approximately a quarter less than the length of the rule with which the plaster layer will be leveled. Sometimes it is also divided in half so that there are 2 spans per filling area.

The same rules apply to the placement of floor screed beacons. It’s just that in this case, in this case, they are often either various profiles for drywall, pipes, or even even wooden slats.

In fact, both after plastering the walls and after installing the floor screed, it is recommended to remove the beacons and fill the cavities formed after this with the same composition. But not everyone does this even on floors, and on walls only experienced plasterers can perform this work efficiently. Meanwhile, beacons left in the floor, especially from wooden slats, can be created in the future serious problems. You can leave them in floor screeds only if there is still a fairly thick leveling layer on top, and even then it is not advisable due to the exceptional hydrophilicity of the wood.

In general, the process of working with building rules is intuitive for most home craftsmen, and skills in working with this tool are acquired much faster than experience.

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