We choose a boiler for a bath - gas, electric, or solid fuel. Boilers for wood-fired saunas - types, design, self-production Boilers for water in a sauna

Good alternative brick sauna stove– a metal boiler with a heater. You can make it yourself if you have welding skills, and the quality will not be inferior to the purchased one. The material for making the boiler can be a metal pipe, a thick-walled barrel or sheet iron.

Features of the boiler design for the furnace

The boiler, like any other sauna stove, must necessarily consist of the following structural parts:

  • The furnace in which fuel combustion occurs;
  • A chimney through which smoke from burnt fuel is removed;
  • Ash pan for ash extraction;
  • A heater that allows you to redistribute and remove heat;
  • Water tank.

You can make a boiler without a heater; in this case, the heating of the bath will occur only from the walls of the boiler and the tank, but the steam in such a bath will be heavy, because the heat from the firebox will only be used to heat the water, while it will quickly boil and fill the bath with thick steam .

The boiler firebox is made of thick-walled metal - it carries the greatest thermal load, and thin metal will burn out quickly. The bottom of the firebox must be equipped with a grate through which the ash from the firewood is poured into the ash pan. The thickness of the grate must be at least 5 mm.

An ash pan is a space under the firebox, the purpose of which is to collect ash and conveniently remove it. Through the ash pan door, air is drawn into the firebox, causing fuel to burn.

The chimney is part of the combustion system. It must be equipped with a valve or gate, the degree of opening of which can be adjusted to the draft. The chimney passes through the tank or heater, heats it and ends in a chimney.

A heater is a built-in or mounted container in a boiler in which special stones for a bath are placed. The volume of the heater depends on the size of the boiler and the sauna itself: a heater that is too small is not capable of heating the room, and a heater that is too large will require prolonged heating of the stones, during which time the water in the tank will boil and the sauna will be filled with water vapor, making it hot and uncomfortable. Therefore, you should adhere to the rule: the volumes of the heater, water tank and firebox should not differ much.

1 – lining with refractory bricks; 2 – steel barrel; 3 – metal pipe; 4 – water tank; 6 – partition between the heater and the firebox made of channel or reinforcement; 7 – combustion chamber.

Necessary tools, materials

To make a sauna boiler you will need the following tool:

  • Welding machine;
  • Grinder with cutting wheel.

In addition to sheet metal or barrels, you will also need:

  • trimmings of reinforcement and channel for the manufacture of internal through partitions;
  • sheet of thick-walled (minimum 5 mm) metal for the grate;
  • pipe with a diameter of about 100 mm;
  • metal hinges for the door;
  • tank tap.

To create a screen that allows for better heat distribution throughout the steam room, fire-resistant bricks are used. It is laid out on the outside of the walls closely or at some distance, or lined with it internal walls fireboxes

Boiler for sauna from a barrel

The simplest design that allows you to make a boiler from scrap materials. Such a boiler is made from a metal barrel with a wall thickness of at least 3 mm - thinner walls will quickly burn out.

  1. The bottom of the barrel is cut out and instead, a bottom made of metal with a thickness of at least 5 mm is installed with legs welded to it from scraps of a channel or I-beam.
  2. At a distance of 3-5 cm from the bottom, use a grinder to cut out a window measuring 15x10 cm - this will be the door of the ash pan and ash pan. The door itself is made from a sawn piece of metal. Weld hinges and a latch handle to the door. Fasten the door in place.
  3. Above the ash pit, 5-7 cm, a grate is welded into the barrel - a sheet of metal cut to the shape of a barrel, with holes for air intake and ash discharge. The holes are usually made longitudinal, in the center, 1/2 the diameter of the grate. You can simply weld a row of thick reinforcement rods inside the grate.
  4. 5-10 cm above the grate, by analogy with the ash door, cut out the firebox door, measuring at least 25x40 cm, otherwise it will be inconvenient to put firewood into it. They also weld the latch handle and hinges, and put the door in place. The walls of the firebox are lined with refractory bricks.
  5. A heater is located above the firebox, and the height of the firebox is chosen as 1/3 of the height of the barrel minus the ash pan. The partition between the firebox and the heater is not solid; it is made from channel scraps, and the holes between them should not exceed the size of the stones. The height of the heater is approximately equal to the height of the firebox. In the middle part of the heater it is necessary to make a window with a door - through it stones are placed inside the boiler, and water is added into it when steaming.
  6. The top of the barrel acts as a water tank. The partition between the heater and the tank must be solid, the seams are well welded, and in the center of the partition there is a hole with a diameter of about 100 mm, to which a piece of pipe is welded with a height twice as large as the height of the water tank. The water in such a tank is heated due to hot smoke passing through the pipe, as well as thermal radiation from the stones in the heater.
  7. The upper part of the tank is made in the form of a lid through which water is poured. You can just make a hole, but then the tank will be inconvenient to wash. A piece of half-inch pipe is welded into the lower part of the tank, and a tap is attached to it using a thread.

The resulting boiler is cleaned of scale and rust and, if desired, coated with heat-resistant polymer paint– it is sold in stores that sell sauna stoves.

Sheet metal boiler

It is carried out according to a similar scheme, but the cross-section of the boiler will not be round, but square or rectangular. The main material is sheet metal with a thickness of 3 mm. The boiler doors can be made from scrap metal or welded on ready-made ones purchased at the store. You need to start making such a boiler with a drawing, since correct cutting will help save material.

The boiler consists of a water heating tank (a) with a chimney passing through it (1); heaters (b) with lining (3) and sinuses (4); combustion chamber (c) with a brick lining (5) and firebox and ash pan doors (6, 7). Limiters (2) are welded onto each section.

Location structural elements at the same time, it is the same as in a boiler made from a pipe: below there is an ash pan-ash pit, above it is a combustion chamber, above it is a heater. The boiler can be made dismountable if the sections are not connected to each other by welding. In this case, the joints are insulated from smoke using asbestos.

A boiler made of sheet metal allows you to slightly improve the design and move the combustion door into the dressing room or washing compartment, thereby lengthening the firebox. Water tank in the stove rectangular section can be placed either above the heater or on one of the walls. With the second placement option, the water walls of the tank will serve as a screen from hard infrared radiation.

If you have a task to install or make your own boiler in a bathhouse, it is worth understanding the requirements for it, features of use and other nuances. This will allow you to get quality device, which will provide the necessary return.

It should be noted that the sauna boiler and stove do not have fundamental differences, since both devices provide fuel combustion, space heating and, in some cases, water heating. However, this is only functionality, as for features bath designs, then there are differences. The boiler is a metal tank, and the furnace is a brick structure created according to furnace standards.

In the latter case you will need more costs for materials, more space for placement. And the implementation of the project also requires large investments, since the furnace business is quite specific, and therefore requires the actions of specialists.

Brick boiler

Therefore, it is much easier and cheaper to make a boiler for a bath with your own hands.

Types and features

Note: To select best option design of a sauna boiler, it is worth understanding its varieties. For example, there are devices used to heat the entire bath, and there are products that provide heating exclusively for the steam room.

If the bathhouse consists of many rooms (steam room, treatment room, dressing room, relaxation room, shower room, etc.), it is necessary to ensure the installation of additional heating devices, which are located in separate rooms. In such conditions, as a rule, two devices are used - for the steam room, heating, receiving hot water.

If the bathhouse is small, then one unit is enough, which will take over all the functions. This approach is more convenient and expedient.

Boilers for baths can be:

  • electric – used, but very carefully, considering high level the dangers of using electrical equipment in rooms with high temperature and humidity; moreover, there must be electricity in the room;

  • on gaseous fuel - liquefied natural gas, which means that gas supply must be connected to the site;

  • liquid fuel - fuel oil, diesel, kerosene, etc.; such fuel is not always available, so it is advisable to use similar design remains at the discretion of the owner;

  • solid fuel - using wood, peat, coal, waste, etc.; such designs require constant temperature support by adding solid fuel to the boiler.

Among solid fuel structures can be distinguished pyrolysis boilers for baths, which are products long burning. They provide ease of maintenance and long-lasting maintenance of the required temperature. For heating, firewood or pellets are used with a certain humidity - up to 12%. The fuel is loaded with your own hands once, and the effect of the boiler is ensured for a day.

Material of construction

Separately, it is necessary to note the classification of materials used for the manufacture of units.

Cast iron boilers for baths are used quite rarely. Not used in steam rooms. Installed only in separate rooms. These are suitable sauna boilers for heating water and heating.

The following products are used for steam rooms:

  • metal;

  • metal with brick lining;

  • brick.

Brick boiler for a bath

The first option can be purchased at finished form, while the other two require professionals to fabricate on site. As a result, each type will cost a lot. Therefore, many people try to make a boiler for a bath with their own hands. Of course, this activity is associated with certain difficulties and requires time and financial costs, however, using the made unit will be much more pleasant, because it is made by yourself.

With removable hatch


Let's look at a few successful combinations boilers that can be used for a bath and made with your own hands:

  • Pellet and electric. The disadvantage of this solution is the cost of the equipment. Therefore, quite large initial costs are required. In this case, you will need to allocate quite a lot of space to accommodate the devices. However, there are also advantages of this solution: affordable cost of pellet fuel, the ability to automate the process, cost reduction due to the inclusion electric boiler only at night if a two-tariff meter is installed.

  • Gas and . This is a technological solution that will allow you to fully automate the process, without fiddling with solid or liquid fuel, while always being provided with heat. After all, if there is a power outage, the gas supply is unlikely to be interrupted and vice versa.

  • Coal and electric boiler. Under certain conditions, such a combination can be both beneficial and convenient. Of course, you need to be able to buy coal profitably.

Coal or electric boiler, which is used in baths

Knowledge and skills

First you need to decide on the fuel on which the boiler will operate, because many other parameters depend on this.

Note: Considering the safety conditions, accessibility and traditional nature of the procedure, it is better to choose. Solid fuel units are quite simple to build with your own hands, lightweight and easy to maintain.

If you choose, for example, for a bath, this increases the danger of performing bath procedures. In addition, the installation of such a unit will require approval from regulatory authorities.

Therefore, solid fuel units - optimal choice. And their organization should begin with the preparation of diagrams and drawings. Some elements today can be purchased at construction stores, the rest can be done with your own hands. And the result can be no worse than in the photo.

It is especially important to have the skills to use welding machine. This is necessary to obtain a high-quality weld, ensuring the reliability and durability of the structure.


So, let's try to make a cauldron for a sauna with our own hands. For small rooms it's quite possible to do homemade design from several metal pipes. You can take products with a diameter of up to 50 cm with a wall thickness of up to 1 cm. To ensure maximum compact placement, the sauna boiler can be made vertical.

Features of self-production of an effective boiler for a bath

You should also use:

  • grate;
  • tap for water tank;
  • fittings for creating a heater;
  • three steel circles: for the bottom, top covers;
  • hinges and latches for doors.

The main tools are a grinder and a welding machine.

To organize the firebox, a pipe 90 cm long is used. A cutout 20 cm long and 5 cm deep is made in it. At the bottom of the boiler it will be needed as a vent. To provide the ability to change the draft, a sash with a latch is installed.

A grate is installed above the ash pit (the height should be convenient for loading firewood). It needs to be welded. Even higher is a hole for the door, which is hung on hinges.

Installation metal boiler in the bathhouse

Reinforcing bars are welded inside the pipe, which will serve as the foundation for the heater. Another hole is made in the upper part of the structure, which will allow liquid to be added to the stones to generate steam.

At the end you need to weld steel sheets above and below the structure, ensuring its tightness. Top cover must have a hole under chimney, which is welded.

A 60 cm long pipe is installed on the structure, which will be used as a water tank. A tap is installed at the bottom of the product, and a circle cut into two parts is installed at the top. One plays the role of a hinged lid for pouring water (for this you need to provide a handle with a wooden cover), the other part is secured by welding.

Of course, such a boiler for a bath is not the only design that you can make with your own hands. Products may differ in type, size, shape and other features. Moreover, the devices can be used not only for heating, but also for hot water use. Ready-made designs are installed on concrete foundation. If appearance is unpresentable, it can be refined with your own hands by covering it with brick. This will also make it safer to use.

The result is an attractive and functional solution.

Making a sauna stove from a pipe

The most important stage construction of a bathhouse is installation heating device- furnace or boiler. And to figure out how to installDIY sauna boiler,you need to figure out how it differs from a stove.

Let’s say right away that often there is no particular difference between them. Of course, if it was laid out in accordance with all the standards of stove art, then it is impossible to call it a boiler. Just as it is impossible to call an iron barrel used for heating a stove. But their functions are the same:

  • heat the room;
  • heat water;
  • heat the stones.

According to the type of fuel used, sauna boilers are divided into the following groups:

When choosing a material there are also some nuances. Thus, cast iron boilers are rarely used, since they cannot be placed in a steam room, but only in a separate room. In the steam room itself you can put:

For hundreds of years, it was customary to build massive brick ones in bathhouses, but thanks to modern technologies Today, mostly compact metal models are manufactured.

Pay attention! Not everyone can afford to buy a factory-made unit, but if you have certain construction skills, you can make a boiler for a sauna with your own hands.

What do you need to know?

First you need to decide on the fuel that will be used and, therefore, on the type of boiler. It is not advisable to make electric ones yourself, but if the choice was made in favor of one of them, then it is better to buy a ready-made high-quality boiler. Otherwise, the risk of emergency situations will increase.

It is also worth noting that an installed gas boiler must be inspected by a representative of the relevant authorities. Therefore, it is much easier to assemble and install a solid fuel unit.

The iron cauldron has enough simple design. Preparatory work consists of studying boiler drawings, as well as purchasing all the necessary equipment.

Stage 1. Consumables and equipment

In most cases, boilers are made of thick-walled metal pipes. Experienced specialists they use large barrels with a volume of up to 200 liters, but in our case it is recommended to use a small pipe ø50 cm with a length of 75-100 cm. This will allow you to design a device capable of heating a room with a volume of 15 cubic meters, which approximately corresponds to an area of ​​9 m².

In addition, you will need the following tools:

  • welding machine (electric);
  • Bulgarian;
  • metal circles.

Stage 2. Welding of structural supports

After preparing everything you need, you can start working.

Step 1. The boiler body will consist of a pipe in which you need to form three supports located parallel to the ground, on three different levels. To do this, you will need three pieces of reinforcement ø1.4 cm, 3 cm long each.

Level No. 1 is required to install the stove.

The height of level No. 2 is calculated depending on the planned type of blower door.

Level No. 3 should be located 20 cm from the top edge of the structure.

Step 2. A circle of the appropriate diameter, cut from sheet steel 5 mm thick.

Step 3: All wood stoves They include a metal grate necessary for supplying oxygen to the combustion chamber (installed from below). It will require a circle of metal of the maximum possible thickness, perforated or with slots.

Step 4. The oven lid will also serve as a support for the stones, so it is cut out of the same 5 mm steel. A hole is made in the center of the lid for the chimney pipe.

Step 5. A hole is made in the lower part of the pipe for the box, and it is closed with a stove door.

Pay attention! The depth of the box depends solely on the thickness of the walls!

Step 6. The box itself is constructed, and a partition is installed inside it to separate the combustion and ash chambers. The level of this partition must coincide with the level of the grate, and the grate itself must be located inside the boiler.

On the right side there is a round door for storing stones

Stage 3. Assembling the structure

This process can be divided into several stages.

Step 1. First, a box is welded into the structure. If the installation takes place indoors (and in our case this is exactly what happens), then the box should go either into the combustion chamber or outside.

Step 2. Then a chimney pipe is installed on the hole made in the lid.

Step 3. Build for the oven. It can be as usual reinforced concrete slab, and a 10-centimeter concrete screed poured onto a “cushion” of crushed stone 15 cm thick.

Step 4. The structure is installed on the base, stones are placed on the lid.

Video - Sauna stove made from a pipe. Design. Manufacturing step by step

Stage 4. Heat shield

In most cases, the screen is built from brick. This can be done in two ways:

  • cover the entire boiler;
  • fence it off with a small wall.

Pay attention! At the bottom of the screen you need to do small holes– they are necessary for air convection.

Let's consider another option for a sauna stove - an open metal heater lined with brick.

Stage 1. Preparing everything you need

Most of consumables can be purchased at hardware store, then the components of the firebox are sold only in specialized retail outlets. So, the work requires:

  • sheet steel (5 mm) for the walls of the structure;
  • steel (10 mm) for the bottom - it should be thicker, since the lower part of the boiler is usually more exposed to high temperatures;
  • factory boiler elements (doors, taps, tank, etc.);
  • reinforcement rods ø3 mm - a mesh for stones will be constructed from them;
  • channels;
  • 1.5 mm thick tin for making a chimney (more precisely, its lower part);
  • asbestos for the top of the pipe.

Pay attention! To fasten the chimney elements, a flange connection is used, and a damper is installed at the junction. This is the most fireproof option, since most of the channel will be protected from ultra-high temperatures.

Stage 2. Assembling the structure

Step 1. First, a drawing of the future boiler is created - this is very important and mandatory stage work. The drawing should include: a top, side and sectional view of the structure, the main parameters of all elements separately (in millimeters), sketches of the most important components, etc.

To do this, you need to clearly understand the principle of operation of the boiler, master special terms and the “language” of the circuit.

Step 2. Buying everything you need (this was described in the previous section).

Step 3. Metal cutting is performed. A thick-walled box is formed from sheet steel, which will serve as the body for the boiler.

Pay attention! When cutting, you should use only high-quality metal scissors, since the evenness of the edges will depend on this.

Step 4. The cut sheets are welded. To do this, you need to be a professional welder or hire one (for an appropriate fee), because they must be perfect.

We form a water tank. We cut a hole in the combustion chamber for the chimney

Step 5. A brick screen is built. It is necessary to mitigate the effects of high temperatures, the source of which will be metal structure. A kind of brick box is constructed with ventilation holes along the perimeter (as in the previous version).

An example of lining a stove in a bathhouse with bricks

As a conclusion

Now you are convinced that it is much easier and cheaper to build a boiler for a bathhouse than a brick/stone stove, since this does not require any special knowledge or skills. Indeed, in terms of complexity, the boiler cannot be compared with the masonry of the furnace.

Name of the stoneDescription
Hot Ice (White Quartz)Quartz has a unique healing property: when heated and sharply cooled with water, it releases spontaneous oxygen, due to which the air in the steam room is saturated with ozone.
Ozone enriches the blood with oxygen, improves overall well-being and stimulates brain function.
JadeGreen stone. Jadeite is the most beautiful natural material, which has ever been used in saunas. Thanks to its unique physical and mechanical properties, jadeite is the most durable stone for saunas. Jadeite saunas are very popular abroad. The most fashionable and prestigious complexes consider it their duty to equip their saunas with jadeite, including LUX rooms.
Soapstone chloriteOne of the main advantages is exceptional resistance to high temperatures. These stones can withstand heat up to 1600 °C. In addition, soapstone is attributed to certain medicinal properties, including normalization blood pressure and metabolism.
Gabbro-diabaseGabbro-diabase is deep rock volcanic origin, mined in the Urals.
At a relatively low price, gabbro-diabase has all the necessary properties stone for heaters - heat resistance, resistance to cyclic temperature changes, the ability to heat up quickly and retain heat for a long time. Supports the healing effect of the bath.
SerpentiniteA dark green stone interspersed with minerals and fine veins, serpentinite is primarily suitable for those looking for stones with high decorative properties. It will decorate any steam room, and at the same time, in terms of its characteristics and strength, it is not inferior to other breeds.
DunitAlmost 90% of dunite consists of the mineral olivine, also known as peridot, chrysolite, forsterite. It is believed that chrysolite normalizes blood pressure, has a beneficial effect on the functioning of the cardiovascular system, and calms the nerves. According to lithotherapeutic studies, chrysolite helps cope with colds and promotes the treatment of eye and spine diseases.
NephritisResearch conducted in our time has shown that the use of jade in the bath promotes:
general cleansing of the body, increasing skin elasticity, normalizing metabolism, increasing muscle tone, increasing potency, increasing stress resistance, getting rid of insomnia.
Jasper waxWax jasper in folk medicine considered a Universal Healer, a stone with high energy. It cleanses the blood, helps stop bleeding and heal wounds, treats many female diseases, has a beneficial effect on heart function, and normalizes sleep.

Video - Making a metal boiler for a bath

The construction of a traditional Russian bath requires special approach and the use of special heat sources that can relatively quickly warm up the steam room space to a high temperature. For this purpose, boilers for wood-burning saunas are used, which have a special design that allows them to transfer maximum heat into the room.

Sectional view of a boiler for a bath

Design and types of boilers for steam rooms

The main task of the heat source in the bathhouse is to effectively burn solid fuel and due to this, heat the air in the room to 100 ⁰C, and in some cases more. That's why at The design of a boiler for a bath should provide for intense heat exchange between heated surfaces and air. For this reason, steam room boilers do not have a water jacket; they can only be equipped with a separate tank for heating water. In heating the room there is a radiant component from the heated outer walls of the firebox. Second component heat flow, convective, is present due to the ribs made outside the firebox body. They are washed by the room air, which circulates from the bottom up due to heating.

Wood-burning sauna boiler

To install the heater, the installation provides a special container, which, as a rule, is fixed on top of the body. Some wood-burning stoves and sauna boilers are equipped with a mesh that encloses the firebox on all sides and serves to fill the stones.

Heating boiler for a bath

The third and most expensive option heating installation is a stove finished with polished natural stone.

An electric heating boiler for a bath is an option for homeowners who have the necessary electricity limits and who prioritize operating comfort above all else. Installations of this type are fully automated, do not require kindling and can be used even in city apartments if there is an appropriate exhaust ventilation. But every lover of a traditional Russian bath will say that the heat from them is “lifeless” and using such a steam room does not bring much pleasure. In fact, the hot surfaces of heating elements deprive the air of natural ionization, giving it a certain “artificiality”, hence the health benefits of such a steam room are low.

Stone finishing

The best effect in all respects will be achieved by installing a boiler in a bathhouse made of special bricks or natural stone. They are durable, give off excellent heat and retain heat for a long time after extinguishing. Stone boilers have an excellent aesthetic appearance and fit well into the interior of the room. Available for sale ready-made kits such baths, but the cost of materials and installation is very high, for these reasons stone ovens not available to everyone.

Advantages and disadvantages

Traditionally they have high popularity. Their advantages are obvious:

  • High-quality products use special high-chrome alloy cast iron, which resists temperature changes and does not crack.
  • The material is durable, its service life can reach 25 years.
  • Cast iron is not subject to deformation from exposure to high temperatures.
  • The surface layer of the material is not subject to scale formation and does not collapse over time.

There is only one drawback worthy of attention: high cost. Wood-burning boilers made of heat-resistant steel are more accessible in this regard. But they are not so durable, and the specifics of heating the bathhouse and the work process itself are such that the welds of the firebox are tested increased loads. In traditional units for heating a house, the walls of the combustion chamber are cooled by a water jacket, and the flue gases leave with a maximum temperature of 200 ⁰C. A metal wood-burning boiler for a bath is cooled only by air, which is why the chamber walls and welds become very hot. The result is burning out of the joints over time.

Finnish sauna boiler

The second factor that destroys the steel combustion chamber is high temperature, when burning wood it reaches 600 ⁰С. Over time internal surfaces The furnace produces scale, which falls off, thereby reducing the thickness of the metal. After a few years, the matter may end with the appearance of a “sieve”, when the entire wall of the wood-burning boiler is covered with small holes. The period of time that will pass before such an effect appears depends entirely on the quality of the steel used and its thickness, and can range from 5 to 15 years of work.

Due to the high cost heating equipment many homeowners practice installation. Their advantage is that you can independently select the thickness and grade of steel for manufacturing, strengthen the structure in every possible way at the joints and weld a sufficient number of ribs for effective heat transfer. It is also possible to make a heater of any type and organize its good heating. For these reasons homemade boilers Wood-fired saunas are becoming increasingly popular.

If you have chosen a traditional type of fuel for yourself - wood, then the choice of a boiler for a bath in your case will be made between two options: a steel or cast iron body of the unit. Cast iron is a fragile material, so when choosing a boiler made of this material, you need to make sure that there are no thin parts in the design. In progress long-term operation thin cast iron elements can simply break. It is necessary to ensure that the wood-burning boiler for a Russian cast iron bath has massive door hinges, handles for opening them and other parts. It is worth inspecting the working surface of the combustion chamber and the rest of the body casting for manufacturing defects in the form of cracks or chips.

Cast iron boiler for a bath

Wood-burning stoves for steam rooms are presented on the market by several domestic and foreign manufacturers. Among them, the presence of Finnish brands such as NARVI or KASTOR is natural. As a rule, Finnish sauna boilers are made with high quality and do not cause any complaints during operation. The only requirement that must be met, regardless of the type of unit purchased, is to ensure good draft of the chimney pipe. Without this, the furnace will never reach its designed capacity and will not be able to heat your room to a high temperature. If the draft is too high, the problem can be solved by closing the damper, but the lack of draft is much more difficult to correct.

When choosing a boiler, you should pay attention to the chimney duct inside the unit. It is desirable that it has as few bends and turns as possible on its way out. This is especially true for steel units, since the temperature of the flue gases in them is high and in places of greatest resistance the metal will burn more intensely.


For a device in its country house For a traditional Russian bath, the best option is a wood-fired boiler. Further selection lies in the availability of the heater at a price. We should not forget about fire safety his future bathhouse, so you shouldn’t save too much on such a serious purchase; it’s better to buy a high-quality, reliable product.

A sauna boiler is often confused with a stove, especially when considering the simplest units, the energy carrier of which is special solid fuel, or, more often, firewood. In fact, the boiler has more complex device, and is equipment that consists of a furnace, a tank for heating water, a heat exchanger, and a chimney.

The heat exchanger is a coil consisting of a two-in-one pipe design and a radiator grille. The main pipe contains coolant for heating. It also contains a second pipe for supplying hot water. For maximum heat transfer, water circulates in them in different directions.

Equipment for heating water can be built-in or remote. Often the tank is placed in a steam room, in a dressing room, or in a washing room. Cover it with stone or brick for better heat retention. First of all, the choice of unit depends on what energy carrier will be used: electricity, gas, firewood, or special solid fuel.

Electric boilers for baths

An electric boiler is used today in almost every apartment, since according to the principle of operation it is a regular boiler. If we consider such equipment as an option for heating the coolant for heating, an electric boiler is uneconomical.

At the same time, the equipment itself and its installation are inexpensive. Electric boilers They are practically not used for baths, since they have significant disadvantages:

But the use of electric boilers also has positive aspects: environmental friendliness, cleanliness of the room, compactness, and automatic operation. Therefore, in a small bathhouse they often install a boiler, or a small single-circuit boiler, to heat the water in the washing room.

The electric boiler is installed when the bathhouse is in basement, or the garage of a private house. If such equipment is installed, it should be taken into account that the stones used to create steam can also be heated by electricity.

Gas boilers for baths

The most profitable and efficient gas units to use: compact, simple and inexpensive to operate, multifunctional. There is no need to constantly purchase fuel. They are used for heating dressing rooms and washrooms, and heating hot water.

During the combustion process, gas heating equipment does not emit any burning or odor. Since gas devices are explosive, it is not recommended to make them yourself. There are specialized gas sauna boilers that are designed only for heating stones, a steam room, and a small dressing room.

For large bath complexes, or simultaneous heating of residential premises and outbuildings are used gas boilers for home:

  • Single-circuit - for heating a small bathhouse, heating water in the washing room.
  • Double-circuit - they heat the dressing room and heat the water. If the bathhouse is attached to the house, then the equipment can also be used for individual heating.
  • Three-circuit - for heating the floors of a room, and when a small pool is equipped with a bathhouse.

Gas pressure is an important criterion when choosing a boiler for a sauna

It should be taken into account that when supplying gas to the boiler from the central line, or even more so from a cylinder, it is necessary to monitor the pressure. When purchasing a boiler, the pressure in the network is one of the criteria for its selection, since manufacturers warn that a disruption in the energy supply is not safe for the operation of the device.

Solid fuel boilers for baths

Solid fuel units long time store heat and do not require additional connection to a power source. But their operation is expensive, so they are used only for heating water in the washing room, and, less often, for heating a small dressing room.

For this type of boiler, coal of a certain fraction and humidity is required, since too much firewood will be needed to heat the water. Because of coal, there will be specific dust in the room, which is difficult to get rid of. In addition, this equipment cannot operate in automatic mode. And the most unpleasant moment is that the boiler will need regular cleaning.

The operating principle of a solid fuel sauna stove with an external firebox is described in detail in our article.

Most often, for small baths, simple wood-burning boilers are used, which are also classified as solid fuel. Such equipment is usually installed together with the stove during the construction of a bathhouse. Unlike other types of energy carriers, you can make a wood-burning stove and a boiler for a bathhouse with your own hands, but this will require some experience in construction.

Making a wood-burning boiler for a sauna

The first step is to prepare a place to place the equipment: strengthen flooring. Materials used:

The base is made smooth and durable. For the manufacture of the chimney, only non-combustible materials are used. WITH outside it is additionally covered with thermal insulation. It is important to know: the junction of the heating device with the chimney pipe is made collapsible.

The manufacturing process consists of three stages: preparation of materials, welding of supports, creation of a screen.


Having chosen a boiler in a cylindrical bath, use metal barrel 200 liters. A thick pipe with a diameter of half a meter and a length of up to a meter will do.

Also prepare:

  • Reinforcement 14 mm thick, making three sections of 3 cm each for supports.
  • Metal sheet 4 mm thick;
  • Metal sheet 5 mm thick;
  • Bricks and cement.


We weld three supports parallel to the body. The first one, the bottom one at the very bottom. The middle one is located depending on the location of the blower door. The third is 20 cm lower from the top of the body.

  • Next, cut out the bottom and lid from sheets of metal. We make a hole in the chimney ring in the lid.
  • We make a hole in the side of the body for the box. We install oven and blower doors there.
  • Inside the box we make a partition for the compartments. And we make a screen: we lay out a brick wall or completely cover the boiler.
  • We leave a hole at the bottom for air convection. But first, we weld the box into a barrel or pipe.
  • Insert the bottom, lid, grate. We install a chimney.

Even saving on self-assembly boiler for a bath, a lot of money and time will be spent on purchasing and searching for materials, not to mention installation work. If your site has a centralized gas supply, it is better to use more modern heating equipment.

Choosing boilers for the bathhouse

To maintain stable optimal temperature hot water, it is recommended to install equipment with cast iron heat exchangers. They heat up slowly but last a long time desired temperature.

The following facts speak in favor of installing gas heating equipment in a bathhouse:

  • Savings in fuel consumption and payment when compared with electric or solid fuel equipment.
  • Environmentally friendly: no burning, no smell, no harmful emissions.
  • Easy to install, configure, operate, repair.
  • Electricity consumption is only 40 kW.
  • Compactness.
  • Simultaneous heating of the room and water.

Taking into account all these factors, we can conclude that the installation gas device- an economical and environmentally friendly solution. It is chosen taking into account the parameters of the bath and the functions it performs. A gas boiler for a bath is selected according to the following characteristics: thermal power, availability of automation, control means. When selecting equipment, you need to pay attention to its rated performance.

Detailed information about choice gas boiler for heating the house you will find in our material.

For a wooden bathhouse, you should not purchase wall-mounted equipment, only floor-mounted equipment. Since in this case the high temperature of the combustion products is unacceptable. According to fire safety rules, gas boilers can be installed in a bathhouse whose room height is at least three meters. And the width of the door and window openings not less than 80 cm.

If the boiler is installed individually for a bathhouse, then it is recommended to pay attention to the equipment of the latest models, which can operate on two energy sources. You can choose whether to use gas or wood. Vivid examples of such devices are: Teplodar, Uralochka, Sinara, Termofor.

Since modern equipment makes it possible to use any energy source; the choice of device depends less and less on their availability. Therefore, when buying a boiler, you should pay more attention to:

  • total area steam room;
  • quality and thickness of the furnace metal;
  • heating speed and temperature;
  • water tank volume;
  • sizes and dimensions: pipes, stoves, tanks.

Installing a gas boiler in a bathhouse with your own hands

Before connecting the equipment, it is necessary to obtain the appropriate permits and approve the project with the authorities. Develop in specialized service gas supply project, and then send it and accompanying documents for approval, for example, to Gorgaz. You will need papers from the manufacturer: equipment data sheet, instructions, certificate of conformity.

Work with gas equipment is carried out by specialists in accordance with accepted rules and regulations: SNiP 42-01-2002 and II-35-76, set of rules: SP-41-104-2000. They give detailed description, how to perform this work correctly, and what to do is strictly prohibited. For example, the diameter of the chimney is selected in accordance with the power of the device using special formulas.

Having received the necessary permits, you can begin work: install a gas pipeline and water supply, line the wall with fireproof material, make a hole for the chimney.

  • Flush the device's pipe systems.
  • Attach wall-mounted equipment to the slats.
  • Make holes in the wall, secure the planks with anchors or self-tapping screws.
  • Secure the boiler to the mounting strips.
  • Attach taps and filters to the pipes;
  • Connect the taps at the inlet and outlet;
  • Install squeegees;
  • Connect heating system;
  • Connect the squeegee to the heating;
  • Connect the water supply;
  • Connect the chimney.

For floor-standing equipment it is allocated separate room. The walls and floor are covered with special fireproof materials. The unit is screwed to the floor. The rest of the connection diagram is identical wall version.

Bottom line

Today there are many options for boilers for baths, so everyone can choose necessary equipment for your needs. When installing, assembling, or connecting the unit yourself, follow all the standards and rules specified by the manufacturer - the safety of you and your family depends on this. Remember gas equipment explosive.

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