Choosing the ideal mirror for the bathroom: overview of models and application variations (63 photos). Modern bathroom mirror

Bathroom decoration – exciting activity. Those who are planning to decorate a bathroom should remember the well-known design rule: the most attractive view should be in the field of view when entering the room. In bathrooms, this role most often goes to the area around the sink and mirror. Some people prefer to “assign” it to a bath or shower, but this is far from the most rational decision. Proper decoration of a mirror in the bathroom will help it become an effective dominant feature, emphasizing the style of the room.

An original decorated mirror is the main dominant feature of the bathroom

A correctly selected “mirror-lamp” tandem will elevate the most unprepossessing room, and it will also spoil the most thoughtful interior in case of a placement error. Therefore, the first step towards decorating a mirror should be choosing the place where it will be installed and its lighting. The following factors must be taken into account:

  • the light, refracted in the mirror, intensifies;
  • the face is illuminated, but not its reflection;
  • light directed at an object makes it stand out from others and reveals all previously hidden details.

The next stage is choosing the shape of the mirror. It can be very different. However, it should be remembered that for everyone interior will suit only a certain configuration. It can be dictated by the style of the room or matched to the overall design. If choosing a shape is difficult, experts advise imagining the mirror as a window. It will be easier. If this doesn’t help, you can simply cut out paper layouts different forms and experiment with them. After choosing the shape, you can start decorating the mirror in the bathroom.

Mirror with internal lighting, cabochons and stained glass matting

The accessory must fit organically into the interior and become an integral part of it, so it needs to resonate with the color that dominates the room. It would be nice if the decor of the mirror contains a detail or fragment characteristic of general design. Alternatively, you can try to repeat the pattern present on facing tiles, wallpaper or textiles. There are many ways to decorate.

The shape of the mirror may be the simplest, but the decor can be very unusual

Beads and bugles for a glamorous effect

Small glass beads perfectly transmit and refract light, making it play intricately and attract admiring glances. You should start by choosing an image and color range. It is optimal to stick to one color, but several shades. You can also choose beads and beads of different sizes and textures: glass beads, chopped beads, etc. As practice shows, you will need a lot of material, so it is better to buy large bags of beads, it will be cheaper. In addition, you will need silicone transparent sealant and masking tape.

The beads are the same color, but different shades and sizes, gives a special decorative effect

We start with surface preparation. We thoroughly degrease it with alcohol. We glue masking tape along the contour of the future frame. Cover with sealant small area decorated surface. Then take a piece of paper about the size of your palm, carefully bend it, and pour the beads inside. Carefully pour the beads from the paper onto the mirror and immediately align them. You need to lay out the material so that the beads lie flat, without “sagging” or “holes”.

At first, the beads in the sealant are very pliable and move well. It should be remembered that after about 20 minutes the sealant will dry out and work will need to be stopped. As the sections are filled, we move further until the contour is closed. After this, immediately remove the masking tape. Large beads can be inserted between small beads, placing them randomly or in accordance with a specific pattern. At the end of the work, leave the mirror for about a day until the sealant has completely dried.

Such luxury can be created from beads, contours and stones

Original decor using a stencil

We order a stained glass mirror with an exclusive pattern to match your interior style

Select a drawing for decoration. Now you need to make a stencil out of it. Then you can go in two ways. The first, the simplest, involves fairly accurately reproducing the fragment on a special film. After which it is carefully cut out with a very sharp stationery knife. The result may not be the best.

The second option involves preparing the image in one of the graphic editors, for example, Corel Draw, and then cutting it out using a plotter. When choosing self-adhesive film It’s better not to save, otherwise you’ll have to redo everything. Experts recommend the Oracal brand, which is distinguished by high quality and a wide range of colors and textures.

Decorating with a stencil is not complicated, but gives a very impressive result.

We wash and degrease the mirror, then lightly spray it with water. This is necessary to be able to correct the glued fragment. On a dry surface, the film sets tightly. We remove the backing and apply the decor to the glass, smooth it thoroughly, expelling the air. Lightly heat the pasted film with a hairdryer - this way the glue will set faster and defects that need to be corrected immediately will be visible.

Choosing an original frame

If everything is good, you can start gluing stones or rhinestones, which will add the necessary volume to the design. As an adhesive, you can choose a transparent aquarium sealant or a special glue for rhinestones. It must be remembered that the first can only be used on a horizontal surface, while the second can be used on any surface. The glue should be applied to the mirror very precisely, since it will be impossible to move the fragment smeared with the adhesive composition: it will not be possible to wipe off the stained surface.

Finally, we apply an acrylic outline; it will give the composition completeness. It is best to choose the color composition of the film, but its shade may well differ. Before applying the first line, it is worth practicing on a piece of mirror or glass. This way you can accurately determine the required degree paint thickness and line width. Having selected the necessary parameters, we can safely begin decorating.

Photo selection of bright mirror ideas

There are many ways to decorate a bathroom mirror. To determine which one is more suitable for a particular room, you can use the help of designers or show your own Creative skills. The first option is guaranteed to be successful. It will not be difficult for a specialist to select several options original decor, which will turn an ordinary bathroom mirror into a small masterpiece.

Making a niche with lighting

Video: ideas for decorating a bathroom mirror

The main functional detail in the bathroom is the mirror. This common object household items help us create beauty and interact perfectly with the bathroom space, expanding its space and creating a beautiful decorative effect.

How to choose bathroom mirrors

All mirrors are made using the same technology, but the coating is reverse side may be different and depends on the purpose of the mirror. Thus, mirrors for the bathroom and for other rooms are different from each other. Ordinary mirrors for rooms are inexpensive, as they have a fairly simple coating. Bathroom mirrors have a specially moisture-resistant coating that allows them to withstand frequent temperature changes and high humidity.

The back covering can be multi-layered and made of resin, it prevents the amalgam from peeling off and water penetration. The most durable mirrors have a silver coating rather than aluminum amalgam. And the mirror production process itself requires the use of expensive equipment and high-quality raw materials, which is why such mirrors are somewhat more expensive. Also due to high humidity the mirror is best placed in a stainless metal or plastic frame. Wooden models are absolutely not suitable.

The main place for a mirror is above the washbasin. It is better if it is elongated vertically and is mounted on hinges to adjust the angle of inclination. Thanks to this, you will get a more complete “picture”. It is also very convenient if the main mirror comes with an additional small mirror on the handle, which will allow you to see yourself from the back.

Bathroom mirror with shelf

A bathroom mirror is not just a stylish piece of furniture, but also a very practical thing. Many mirror models are equipped with additional functional devices. For example, mirrors are often equipped with special small shelves on which they can conveniently sit necessary items: creams, lotions, combs, toothbrushes and pastes and other cosmetic accessories.

Such shelves can be made of glass, plastic or metal and help save space, while all the necessary things are always at hand. Lately, illuminated mirrors have also become very popular. Firstly, it is very convenient, since your face is illuminated under right angle and the reflection in the mirror immediately becomes clearer. And secondly, such a mirror gives the bathroom interior a more attractive look.

In order to buy a quality mirror that will delight you long years, it is best to contact only good specialized stores. Usually they always have in stock a wide variety of bathroom mirror models to suit every taste, various forms and styles.

Types of bathroom mirrors

Gone are the days of small mirrors hanging alone over the sink. The options offered by manufacturers are varied:
1. Large wall-mounted ones - from traditional square and round to models not correct form.
2. Mirror shelves and reflective cabinet fronts.
3. With external or built-in lighting.
4. With frames made of wood, metal or stone and without frames.
5. And many more, not to mention designer collections.

Why do you need a mirror in your bathroom interior?

The question is strange at first glance, but the choice of mirror depends on the answer:
. If the bathroom decoration is made in a certain style, the reflective glass should not stand out from the intended image. Classic harmonizes with a mirror of any traditional shape in a luxurious frame. A product with a built-in LED backlight, running along the perimeter of the surface.
. For visual magnification floor mirrors are good for space. Reflective surfaces placed clearly opposite each other will create the illusion of depth that extends to infinity. Mirror walls considered simple, but quite effective way visually increase the volume of the room.
. If this is just a decorative element that complements the finished composition, there are many options - from a single mirror in an interesting frame to a collage of small reflective glasses.

Mirrors can be placed in the most unexpected ways in the bathroom. They are built into niches, mounted around the perimeter or stretched from floor to ceiling.

Bathroom mirror model

When choosing a mirror, you need to take into account the layout of the bathroom, its size and disadvantages. The shape of the reflective surface significantly affects visual perception, and there are some secrets here:
. a round-shaped product will add additional volume;
. square harmonizes proportions narrow rooms;
. a rectangular or oval vertical configuration of elongated glass will visually lift low ceilings;
. A horizontally located rectangular mirror will enlarge and expand the room.

Quality matters

To ensure that the mirror does not distort the image and serves for many years, the main thing must be taken into account:
. The thickness of the glass should be at least 4-6 mm. An uneven surface on a thin mirror will distort the reflection.
. The glass must be free of dots, stains, scratches, and unevenness. If air bubbles are visible in the polished surface, it means the product is of poor quality.
. The high-quality mirror is covered with two layers of protection, they protect against moisture and damage.

Polished mirror surface requires good lighting, since an optical image is obtained by reflecting light rays. The accessory should be placed so that as much light as possible falls on it, or additional lamps should be hung next to or above it. This will make the room brighter and more comfortable.

For wall decor, many people prefer dark colors. It looks more interesting compared to traditional white. In this case, you will definitely need mirrors to soften the dark tone and add light. This design, combined with vintage plumbing, will give a feeling of glamor.

Without a mirror, the bathroom interior will remain unfinished. This accessory, matching the style and size, will visually transform the room: a narrow one will become wider, a dark one will become lighter, and a small one will become more spacious.

Mirror in the bathroom - photo

There is probably not a single person who would be indifferent to how stylish, cozy (and in some cases even spectacular!) his own home looks. Everyone wants to come home and truly relax. Enjoy the created comfort and the unsurpassed homely atmosphere, for which numerous fashion magazines on interior design and space styling are “fighting” so much.

So, how to create the desired style in a house, apartment, cottage? The final result will, of course, depend on many different factors, such as the combination of the overall tone of the walls, the floor with the selected furniture; as well as the presence (or absence!) decorative elements like paintings, photographs, souvenir figurines, etc. Let's talk about how to “organize” unique style in the bathroom without spending all family budget, which could be useful for other equally pleasant things. Bathroom design: what does it mean?

Speaking of modern tendencies in interior design, one cannot help but note the undeniable “multifacetedness” and variety of various options in the spirit of which you can decorate a room.

  1. Some people like it minimalist style with its strict lines and a small number of objects and decorative elements in the room.
  2. Others, in turn, like the rich and “rich” Empire style, which can also be successfully applied to a modern bathroom.
  3. There are also those who like simple but timeless classics with their laconic combination of colors and shapes.
  4. Well, some, in turn, prefer country style and enjoy the splendor bright colors in the interior and many decorative components. Let's consider these directions in more detail.

It is known that a mirror can significantly transform a space and create many additional visual effects such as expanding and increasing space in a room. If you correctly and carefully choose a mirror for the bathroom, you can achieve an amazing result: even the most mediocre bathroom of “tiny” sizes will seem solid, impressive in parameters and certainly stylish. How to achieve this?

Choosing mirrors for the bathroom according to interior styles

Let's start with the minimalist style. Let's consider which mirrors can be the best option for a bathroom of the chosen design direction. The minimalist style, as you know, is characterized by openness and “airiness” - hence the conclusion that mirrors in a minimalist style bathroom should create visual effect as much as possible open space And free space. For such a bathroom, it is important to choose dimensional mirrors (full-length possible), located along the walls so that they form a right angle with each other. In this case, the space will really visually expand very much and the “illusion” of the infinity of the room will appear due to numerous reflections. However, not only rectangular or square mirrors are suitable for a minimalist bathroom design. They can be chosen in a completely unusual, asymmetrical shape, for example, in the shape of a drop, stars or heart - provided that the remaining design details are strictly consistent with the given style.

In an empire-style bathroom, mirrors of round or oval shapes will become relevant. They do not have to be large - but complex carved frames made in a luxurious style (for example, stucco or its imitation) and giving the whole room a special spirit of the “imperial” era would be appropriate here. The most preferred colors for frames are white, ivory, coffee, etc.

For those who like the classics, you should take a closer look at simple mirrors of standard shapes (oval, rectangle) of medium size. Such mirrors are convenient and functional, they go well with the rest of the interior components. If you add several mirrored shelves to the bathroom, which will greatly enliven and update the room, the result will exceed all expectations.

Speaking about country style in bathroom interior design, we note the presence of many different decorative elements that give a special mood home comfort and warmth. Mirrors in a bathroom of this style are usually not very well chosen. large sizes, and the shape is preferably round, without right angles.

In a word, as you can see, well-chosen mirrors can greatly transform the room of any bathroom and turn it into a real example of style, be it a classic style or newfangled minimalism. Happy design, cozy interiors and don't be afraid to experiment!

Bathroom mirrors video:

A bathroom mirror is one of the key elements in interior design. He has many important responsibilities. After all, in addition to practical function it should act as a worthy decoration of the interior, enlivening and filling it with its reflected light.

Therefore, you need to be careful when choosing a beauty reflector.

The bathroom is one of those rooms in the house that is characterized by high humidity. It also has a detrimental effect on ordinary mirrors, which use aluminum amalgam as a reflective layer.

A bathroom mirror should not be afraid of exposure to steam and moisture deposition. If it is framed, then the frame material should also be highly moisture resistant. Otherwise, an expensive purchase will result in disappointment.

Mirrors created using silver amalgam, a material that is an alloy of mercury with tin, zinc and silver, are ideal for decorating bathrooms.

Silver-coated mirror surfaces have excellent optical properties. Their perfectly smooth surface produces images without any distortion.

You can try to order a mirror with amalgam with added gold. The so-called “Venetian mirror”, the secret of its manufacture was kept secret by glass masters for several centuries. These mirror sheets are expensive and are made to order.

IN modern interior the following can be used as a basis:

  • Silicate glass - the material is famous for its good reflective properties, but is characterized by increased fragility. This drawback can be eliminated by choosing impact-resistant tempered glass as the mirror base.
  • Plexiglas – mirror plastic, which is a type of synthetic polymer. Amalgam-coated acrylic has a specularity of 98%. Reflective polymer is 5-6 times stronger than ordinary glass.

Acrylic products received wide use in interior decoration.

A significant disadvantage of plexiglass is its low mechanical strength. If handled carelessly, scratches may appear on its surface, which are almost impossible to get rid of.

Mirror surfaces in the interior

Mirror surfaces have amazing ability reflect objects opposite, doubling the space. This technique is often used by designers, using as many reflective surfaces as possible in the design of cramped bathtubs.

Mirrors placed at a certain angle or opposite each other create the effect visual expansion space

Using mirror planes, you can create spatial illusions, skillfully hiding planning flaws. For example: to “transform” a rectangular bathtub into square room, it is enough to place a reflective surface along a long wall.

To decorate bathrooms whose area is quite small, designers recommend using the “false window” technique.

A framed backlit mirror panel imitates presence solar lighting, filling the room space with “daylight” light

False windows look most advantageous in shallow niches. With their help you can completely transform appearance empty walls and corners.

To make the most efficient use of the space in a small bathroom, you should choose cabinets with mirrored doors.

Cabinets equipped with mirrored doors can not only transform the interior, but also help to place all kinds of bath accessories

Wanting to make reflective surfaces more decorative, manufacturers decorate them by applying laser engraving. Sandblasted mirrors look interesting.

Under the influence of the supplied pressure air flow with sand, the reflective surface is destroyed, and a matte pattern appears in areas not covered by the stencil

The image can be applied both from the outside and from the back of the product. Thanks to the application different techniques processing, manufacturers have learned to make translucent and embossed images, obtaining a halftone effect.

Mirrors decorated with a sandblasted pattern look especially impressive when backlit.

Using unobtrusive, dim lighting, a familiar bathroom can be turned into a home bath at any time, adding romantic notes to the atmosphere

In models where the backlight is located under the plane of the product, an amazing effect is created that it is floating in the air. A widely used technological solution gives the interior a modern feel.

An interesting effect can be achieved by decorating the wall with small mirrors of the same shape, but different sizes. Such models look advantageous against the backdrop of bright or dark colorful finishes.

At first glance at the wall, it seems that it is decorated with a dozen miniature portholes, and additional lighting inside some of them makes the illusion more real

Several hung in a “random” order round mirrors can turn a boring wall into an accent surface.

Mirrored doors, walls and more

In addition to the mirror suspended above the sink and cabinets decorated with reflective glass doors, V modern baths you can see decorated mirror panel walls and doors.

Decorate front door a few mirror inserts - and a small but cozy bathroom will seem lighter and more spacious

Mirror walls have the ability to blur the boundaries of a room, creating the illusion of endless space and filling it with freedom and lightness. Panels of mirror tiles can add originality to the interior.

In addition to the traditional arrangement of pieces of tiles, they can be laid out diagonally, in the form brickwork, or in a vertical version

Mirror plates can even be used instead of the usual plastic screen for Bath.

The design only benefits from mirror panels installed on the outer wall of the bathtub and does not seem bulky and dull

Using mirror mosaics or panels, you can even visually raise the ceiling. They are ideal for cladding parts complex configuration. The main thing is not to overdo it! Otherwise, it is easy to have the opposite effect, creating a feeling of isolation.

Creating mirror interior, it is worth remembering that reflective surfaces double everything that falls into their viewing angle - from drops of water to fingerprints on the surface. Therefore, caring for large glass surfaces should be more thorough.

For bathrooms it is better to choose products with moisture-resistant coating, the thickness of which is at least 3-4 mm. Back wall in such mirrors it is also covered with a moisture-repellent film.

To protect the underside of the mirror, some craftsmen cover it oil paint, or a melted composition, which is made from two parts of turpentine and one part of wax.

When purchasing a product, check its integrity: the surface must be smooth, without chips, scratches or mechanical damage. Bubbles and bulges in the coating are considered defective.

Mirrors offered for sale may be:

  • without frame;
  • with falsetto edge;
  • framed with baguette.

Particular attention should be paid to the frame of the product. Baguettes made of aluminum, polystyrene, and chrome can withstand conditions of high humidity. metal frames. Products with a falsetto edge, which outwardly imitates an elegant frame, can harmoniously fit into any interior.

To be able to keep frequently needed personal items at hand, choose models with small but spacious shelves

These shelves between the sink and the mirror also help protect the reflective surface from unsightly water splashes.

The size of the product must be proportional to the space of the room in which it will be installed. To catch the proportion and create harmonious image When choosing a mirror, take into account not only the value specified by the manufacturer, but also the possible error. Broaden your search, for example, by considering products with a width of 60-80 cm and a height of 80-100 cm.

If the mirror will be located above the washbasin, take into account the dimensions of the plumbing fixtures.

IN modern designs In bathrooms you can often see two sinks. In this case, it would be logical to place a couple of mirrors above them.

The most harmonious combinations look in which the width of the mirror surfaces rectangular shape does not exceed the size of shells. If the product has a round or irregular shape, then in this case there are no restrictions.

Mirrors in various design styles

When choosing a mirror, it is important not to forget about the designer style. Personalize your room design and add variety to your color design The easiest way is to use the original frame.

For bathrooms decorated in country style, rectangular mirrors framed with massive wooden frames are ideal.

Using equestrian attributes when decorating a space, you can create a unique and incredibly original interior.

Mirrors with artificially aged frames, with cracked and partially peeling paint will be relevant. They will perform beautiful element decor for interiors in the style of shabby chic or French Provence.

As a edging for a bathroom mirror made in rustic style, wicker weaving or imitation wooden shutters are perfect

Mirrors of strict shapes in an aluminum, plastic or even glass frame will ideally fit into the design of a high-tech bathroom.

Original print on wide frames, acting as a connecting bridge between the snow-white finish and in a dark tone furniture, looks contrasting and attractive

Multifaceted mirrors can also bring variety and the necessary contrast to a traditional interior.

When decorating an interior in a non-trivial art deco style, successfully combining modernity with classics, a sun mirror is perfect

The rays of such a frame, which do not have distinct contours and frames, can resemble stepped trapezoids.

It is appropriate to complement the classic style with symmetrical models of the correct shape. While creating modern style Designer novelties are best suited: panels with LED backlighting, with built-in magnifying parts.

Emphasize beauty luxury styles, such as Rococo or Victorian, are capable massive mirrors, decorated with snow-white stucco or gilding

A worthy addition to the lush decoration will be forged and embossed items, decorated with motifs in the form of scallops and shells. But the main thing when designing is not to cross the line, so that elegant luxury does not turn into imaginary pomp.

If you can't find best option, which would become a harmonious addition to a thoughtful design, it is better to purchase mirrors without frames. And the production of frames for them should be made from materials used in finishing the bathroom, entrusted to craftsmen or made with your own hands.

Classic ways to install mirrors

When planning to install a mirror for the bathroom, you first need to consider all the nuances of its location.

The lighting of the room is also important. When designing lighting, consider the moment so that while admiring yourself in the reflection, your back does not block the flow of light. If this condition is not met, the effect will be the same as when you shoot with a camera against the sun.

There are three possible solutions to this problem:

  • Install a mirror equipped with already built-in lamps.
  • Install lighting around the perimeter of the mirror yourself.
  • Buy wall cabinet with backlighting that will illuminate not only mirror surface, but also the contents of its shelves.

Traditionally, mirrors are installed above the sink. If lighting is not provided in them, it is necessary to lay a cable in advance to connect the lamps.

Thanks to the illumination wall lamps reflective surfaces instantly transform and become the focal point of attention

For rooms with high humidity Manufacturers suggest installing touch switches, which, unlike contact switches, react to heat. For smart technology to “feel” the heat, just move your hand a short distance along the mirror.

If we are talking about a shower stall, then it is worth considering the option of placing a mirror on the side door of the stall. When space allows, in addition to the main large mirror, you can place a small cosmetic mirror, which is convenient to look at when applying makeup.

The most convenient way to place them is by placing them on a countertop near the sink or hanging them on the wall.

Included in most modern models includes a system of clamps and fastenings. To hang it, you just need to drill holes in the wall and insert plastic dowels. Then use screws to screw the product to the wall.

A mirror whose thickness does not exceed 6-10 mm can also be placed on tile adhesive.

When “planting” the product with tile adhesive, first glue borders onto the cleaned vertical surface, which will hold the glass until the solution dries, and only after that the plane itself is mounted

It is convenient to glue mirror mosaics and reflective plexiglass panels to the wall, “setting” them on construction glue, for example, liquid nails.

A well-chosen mirror that combines functionality and elegance can instantly enliven and decorate the interior. Therefore, when drawing up a design project for a bathroom, be sure to think about the “mirror” issue.

Double mirrors in the bathroom interior create a feeling of multidimensionality of space

You can use mirrors in the interior of a small bathroom different ways. Numerous photos on the Internet prove: mirrors can play a key role in creating decor, but this does not mean that they themselves should not be stylish

Whether you're looking to completely renovate your bathroom or just want to update it and add some flair, you'll find plenty of inspiration here.

Here are the most interesting design solutions.

1. Double up

One mirror is good, but two are even better and much more unusual!

Make the view twice as impressive. This is usually achieved by installing double sinks, but including several small mirrors instead of one will provide the same result.

2. Think outside the box

Create in the bathroom romantic atmosphere using a heart-shaped mirror

One of the most attractive ideas is to choose an unusual mirror shape. This way you can effectively focus attention on it, regardless of the size and design of the bathroom. Mirrors of interesting and intricate shapes are sold on the Internet and in antique stores. This is the perfect way to complement the interior unique element and do not use unnecessary accessories that only take up space in the room.

3. Mix and match

The arrangement of round mirrors resembles soap bubbles in a bubble bath

Collect mirrors of different sizes and/or styles and hang them on the wall to create a gallery-like look. But choose only mirrors that will complement each other. And place them all on one wall, otherwise the bathroom may turn into a funhouse.

4. Hang it up

An extraordinary solution for a mirror in a wooden frame

In most cases, mirrors are directly attached to the wall. However, if you hang it on a visible cord or wire, then there will be a certain element of surprise that attracts attention. You can choose any material that is safe enough to hold a heavy mirror in a frame. A thick rope, similar to a ship's rope, is suitable for supporting marine theme, and steel wire will make the interior more modern and industrial.

5. Light it up

An illuminated mirror will create an intimate atmosphere in the bathroom

An ordinary mirror can be updated with additional lighting. There are ready-made mirrors with built-in LEDs on sale, but you yourself will certainly be able to create the one you like. Illuminated mirrors are ideal for installation above dressing tables, where women usually apply makeup. They are also ideal for bathtubs where access is limited. natural light. Just use lamps with warm light so that the eyes do not experience discomfort.

6. Increase

Thanks to the mirror, which occupies almost the entire surface of the wall, the room seemed wider

Large mirrors not only look impressive - they can also add light and dimension to a space. If the parameters of the room and the chosen style allow it, you can add a frame to the mirror to make it look more impressive. If the interior of your bathroom is designed in a minimalist or futuristic style, it is better to leave the mirror without a frame.

These original ideas will help you give your bathroom an even more stylish look. We need mirrors every day, so feel free to use them to improve your interior!

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