Everything about the surface pump: device, types, advice on selection and commissioning. Connection diagram for a water well pump for individual water supply How to properly connect a centrifugal pump

Among all communications installed in a private home, the water supply system is considered the most important. Moreover, we are not talking about a traditional pipeline with a tap. So, experts recommend using a pump or even a pumping station, which will make the water supply system truly productive and efficient.

Selection of pumping equipment

Special pumping stations are divided into 2 groups: household and industrial. When organizing water supply in a private house, it is recommended to use the first type. Thanks to such pumps, it is possible to provide all residents with drinking water, as well as organize watering of the garden and take care of various household needs, including the use of the bathroom and washing machine. When choosing equipment, it is necessary to consider the source of water supply. This can be a centralized water supply, as well as a well or well.

All pumps are divided into manual and automatic. For home water supply, it is better to choose the second variety, because it operation is simpler and more convenient, however, such models are more expensive. You should also take into account the performance and pressure of the equipment, which means that before purchasing you need to perform the appropriate calculations.

Choosing a location for equipment

The pump or pumping station must be located in a specific location. It could be a caisson or basement. The second option is most common. IN in this case necessary Special attention pay attention to installation to avoid damage to equipment due to possible rising water. In other words, the unit is fixed on a special stand away from the walls. It is important to take care of heating the basement.

If you choose a caisson, then this structure must also be insulated. Moreover, you should make sure that the depth at which the caisson will be installed is at least 2 m.

Connecting the pump to the water supply

Most often, residents of private houses decide to independently install pumping equipment and connect it to the central water supply if the pressure is insufficient. Similar The problem occurs for the following reasons:

  • changes in hydrogeological conditions;
  • increased water consumption caused by population growth;
  • use of outdated equipment.

Before installing the pump, you should pay attention to the characteristics of the water, because there may be harmful impurities that need to be filtered so that they do not get into the pump. This often happens with vibration models.

It is important to remember that installation is carried out in several stages.

  1. First of all, it is necessary to disconnect the water pipe in a certain place.
  2. Then the end of the line is fixed to the storage tank.
  3. After this, you need to connect the second end of the pipe.
  4. Next comes the installation of electrical wiring and adjustment of pumping equipment.

Thanks to correct setting the unit will be able to achieve optimal pressure in the water supply system. If it turns out that the station turns off ahead of time, then it is necessary to reduce the pressure slightly.

Errors during equipment installation

Many people who decided to install and connect a pump for the first time make several basic mistakes.

Pumping station malfunctions and repairs

You can repair the equipment yourself. To do this, it is necessary first of all identify the problem and then fix it.

Thanks to self-installation pump is possible save a lot of money when organizing a water supply system. Naturally, for this you need to select a suitable unit and connect it correctly. As a result, the equipment will make the water supply system truly efficient and will last for quite a long time.

During the installation of equipment for wells, submersible structures are often used. But surface aggregates are often used. The described structures are not lowered into water, so their body is not exposed to negative impact environment. Surface devices are divided into vortex and centrifugal. The first type of device is used to lift water with increasing pressure, and the second is designed to lift liquid from shallow wells. It is worth remembering that if a artesian well, it is worth purchasing more expensive and powerful equipment, since only powerful units are capable of lifting water from a depth of more than 20 meters.

Advantages and disadvantages of surface mechanisms

In the case when a shallow well was drilled on the site, it is used surface devices. Such mechanisms have many advantages when compared with deep-well electric pumps:

The disadvantages of the described electric pumps include the ability to operate only at shallow depths. Also the disadvantage is that for normal operation devices, it is necessary to install special filtering equipment. If this is not done, the mechanism may fail.

Before turning on surface pump You should make sure that it does not start pumping air during operation. Disadvantages also include high level noise during pump operation. It is worth remembering that installing surface self-priming pumps only possible in insulated buildings.

How to choose

Before choosing an electric pump for a well on your site, you need to learn about the criteria on the basis of which it is worth purchasing such products. First of all, you need to know how much water will be pumped daily. For water supply country house will need more powerful pump than the design for the water supply of the greenhouse.

When choosing, the following data must be taken into account:

  1. If 4 people live in the house for which the mechanism is purchased, you should choose a device that pumps 3 cubic meters of water per hour. This volume is enough for the whole family. If it is necessary to pump water also to supply water to the greenhouse and vegetable garden, the consumption doubles.
  2. When installing a surface mechanism to provide water to a townhouse, you need to purchase devices with a capacity of more than 5 cubic meters.

The well for the surface pump, which is created on the site, must have a depth of less than 20 meters. If the depth is greater, you need to take a closer look at more powerful types of devices. Typically, for wells deeper than 25 meters, centrifugal pumps are purchased.

How does the installation work?

Installation of the electric pump is quite simple. In order to start using the device, you only need to select a location for installation and then connect the pipes. To perform such work, it is not necessary to hire specialists, but to install the pump you must have minimal experience working with plumbing equipment.

The pump is installed as follows:

  1. At the first stage, the location for the equipment to be installed is selected. It is best to prepare a separate structure for installation. It is worth placing it near the well. It is worth remembering that it is necessary to insulate the created structure.
  2. After this the creation occurs concrete foundation for the mechanism. Metal fasteners for the described equipment are installed in the base. Metal studs allow you to neutralize the load that constantly affects the structure during operation. If equipment is not protected, vibration may cause it to become unusable. short term. At this same stage, the installation of a surface electric pump occurs.
  3. Then the equipment is installed to control the unit. Many automatic systems are already configured and ready for installation. If you have the knowledge, you can assemble the pump control unit in parts. If you are not familiar with the structure of such mechanisms, you should not assemble them yourself. This unit includes sensors as well as control relays that control the water level and other parameters. When the water supply stops, the relays help stop the pump.
  4. The next step is to connect the pump pipe to plumbing system. During connection it is necessary to install on the pipeline check valve. This device prevents water from overflowing and draining after the pump is turned off.
  5. Then the expansion tank is installed. Before you start connecting, you should check the pressure in the chamber. This indicator must correspond to that declared by the manufacturer. If the pressure does not match, it must first be adjusted.
  6. On last stage The cables for the installed surface electric pump are connected. In this case, it is important to make a dedicated line for supplying electricity.

After connecting the surface pump to the well, it is necessary to check its functionality before turning it on for continuous pumping of water.

Own water supply personal plot this is a huge plus, since it does not require much effort from the owner to obtain water for irrigation or water supply to the house. After installing a well or well in the yard, a system is needed to lift the liquid, as well as maintain pressure in the water supply on the way from the well to the house. Due to its ease of maintenance and unpretentiousness, they install submersible pumps, which are also called deep or borehole. From the name it becomes clear that the unit is completely in the water and raises it to the surface. In this article we will talk about how to connect a submersible pump to the network and water supply system with your own hands.

What do you need to prepare?

For uninterrupted supply, automation is needed that will monitor the water supply system and trouble-free operation.

The minimum kit for supplying water from a well or well consists of:

  • deep-well pump;
  • check valve;
  • float with sensor;
  • pressure switch;
  • hydraulic accumulator tank;
  • electronic control unit.

Let's consider the purpose of these elements.

The pump is the main power element that lifts water from the well. A check valve is a bypass membrane that is installed directly at the outlet of the power unit, preventing the reverse flow of liquid from the pipe.

A float sensor is an automation element that monitors the water level in the well. It depends on its position whether permission to start the engine will be given or not. Also often, instead of a float, an electrode level sensor is installed. The sensor connection diagram is provided below:

The pressure switch is another element of automation that directly controls the start of a submerged unit and responds to changes in pressure in the water supply.

Hydraulic accumulator - passive system maintaining pressure in the pipe, smoothing out sudden surges and pressure drops. Works in conjunction with a pressure switch. Extends the life of the pump by increasing the time the engine is turned on and off by accumulating water in the reservoir.

We’ve sorted out the elements of the system, now let’s talk in more detail about how to connect a submersible pump to automation.

Procedure for installing a water pressure system

The location of the devices must provide access for maintenance and control of the operating mode. It is imperative to provide for the ease of replacement of non-working parts. Take care in advance about protection from precipitation and freezing. To connect the submersible pump to the electrical network, you must use a special cable marked VPP or KVV. The insulation of these wires is designed to last for a long time in water, without loss of flexibility and insulating properties. The imported analogue is labeled AQUA RN8.

We recommend connecting the well pump to electricity through, which is necessary to monitor the insulation of the included devices and cable. After all, a problem identified and resolved in time means a saved budget and nerves for the head of the family.

To install the pump and run water through the pipes we will need:

  • the water-lifting unit itself;
  • special tank - hydraulic accumulator;
  • pressure switch, selected for the capacity of the hydraulic accumulator tank;
  • American coupling for connecting the pressure switch to the hydraulic accumulator;
  • collet coupling, for changing from size to size;
  • brass adapters;
  • fittings, plastic pipes, FUM tape.

As a rule, the installation and connection of a submersible pump begins with tying up the hydraulic accumulator and assembling equipment for it. All stages of assembly are presented in order in the photo:

The first stage is the preparation process. In the second picture we use FUM tape to wind threaded connection. Next, we install the “American” connection, which allows us to further produce simple assembly and disassembly. The fourth and fifth pictures show the installation of a pressure switch and pressure gauge for visual monitoring of the process in the system. After this stage, the process of installing the outgoing elbow from PVC pipes to the tee with sensors. The eighth and ninth photos show the installation collet clamp And pressure pipe water supply. The tenth picture shows the installed group connected to the water supply. Well last steps— opening and connecting to the relay block.

If your system consists of one automation unit, a pressure sensor, then at the terminals of this device indicate the “LINE” input and the “MOTOR” output. That is, the input from the “LINE” socket and the connection of the “MOTOR” submersible pump. More advanced automation consists of an electronic unit.

The pump start control unit ensures an uninterrupted supply of water to the system, protecting the engine from running dry, reacting to the presence and level of water around the pump. The unit produces a smooth start and smooth stop, extending the engine's service life, and monitors its operating mode.

Control unit diagram:

Dry running is the operation of the engine without a sufficient amount of water or without it, which causes overheating of the working windings of the engine, destruction of the insulation, and failure of the motor. All because the water is in deep-well pumps plays the role of a cooler, because passes through it and cools the case.

Assembling the pump group - part 1

Continuation of the master class

How to install the unit correctly

So we provided step by step instructions for connecting the submersible pump to the network and water supply system. As you can see, it’s not too difficult to do everything yourself, the main thing is to have it on hand suitable scheme installation, and also know some of the nuances that we talked about in this article!

Alexei 28.01.2015 Pumping stations

Happy owners country houses and dachas very often face the problem of water supply to their homes.

Bring and store water in large containers is possible only at the construction stage, and subsequently the problem of water supply is solved in other ways. One of them is the installation of a separate well on the site.

In it for uninterrupted water supply is installed special device. This unit can supply water not only to the house, but also to the garden. Connecting and installing a submersible pump is not at all complicated and can be done independently. Let's try to figure out how this is done.

Types of equipment for water supply systems

This type of device differs from others in that it operates under pressure; it pushes liquid to the surface. In this regard, they are subject to significantly less load and, as a result, consume much less electricity. And this is an essential factor for any farm these days.

The pump, unlike a conventional stationary station, makes much less noise and does not lead to vibration on the surface and in the house. Another advantage is that it is made of rust-resistant parts and cannot fail under the influence of water. After opening the tap in the house, you will only hear a small click, indicating that the pump installed in the well has been connected.

Let's watch the video, a little about the types of pumps:

Currently in production Various types equipment. They are divided according to various characteristics, including according to the principle of action on:

  • Dynamic;
  • Volumetric.

Depending on which feeding method is used, they are divided into:

  1. Submersible;
  2. Superficial.

The most popular among owners of country houses are submersible pump models, which in turn can be divided into several categories: fountain, circulation and drainage.

The majority of devices are dynamic. In this equipment, liquid pumping occurs as a result of the impact on some of its components. Among them are the following models:

  • Lobed;
  • Jet;
  • Airborne.

The first type of devices is further divided into several groups: axial, diagonal and centrifugal.

Types of centrifugal units

This category of devices is most widespread in private homes. They have enough power for this, and their operation is quite easy. The connection diagram for such a pump is accessible to everyone and is not particularly complicated.

The use of devices is quite wide. In addition to supplying water, they are designed to remove drains or other liquids. In private farmsteads, they are used to install a sewerage system.

Pump device

The design of a submersible centrifugal pump can be different. Two types are used:

  • Rod;
  • Rodless.

In the first case, the device is equipped with a drive that is located above the water. This model can be used in wells with shallow depths.

The second option is manufactured as a complete device. Power is supplied through the use of an electrical cable in reliable insulation, immersed in water along with the unit.

Currently, you can choose any water submersible centrifugal pump device that is suitable for certain operating conditions. Manufacturers produce various models that differ from each other both in size and in working volume. This makes it possible to purchase the necessary device without spending extra money for, for example, a very powerful device, but not entirely suitable for certain conditions.

Connecting equipment

In order to do this correctly, you must strictly follow some rules and follow these recommendations. This is how, for example, you need to connect a pressure tank that will receive power from the device. To connect the automation to any submersible pump in this way, you will need the following devices:

The submersible pump circuit is carried out in this way: first of all, we connect a pre-prepared valve and nipple to the device. This is done using a hose, which usually comes with the kit. Next, carefully seal all joints. This can be done using special adhesive tape used in construction. After this, you need to connect the nipple to the return valve.

Let's watch the video, the stages of installing the pump group:

At the next stage, the water supply hose of the pump is connected. The pipe tip is fixed with a nipple.

Then, in the well ceiling, you need to install a hose going to membrane tank installed in the house. Again, you need to carefully seal all joints. This will protect the system being installed not only from minor leaks, but also from possible serious damage associated with this.

The pump cable is pulled through a special hole in the tip and after that the connection itself is made. The next stage involves closing the well to prevent debris from entering it.

Start-up protection device (ROD) for submersible pumps

Automation connection diagram

This element is used during the initial startup of the device and for subsequent acceleration of its engine. This moment is the most unfavorable mode for electric motors, the water-capture part of the well and the pipes through which water rises.

In order to warn Negative consequences problems that arise when starting pumps, and this equipment is used. The ROM serves as current protection for the electric motor, automatically turning it off when an overload occurs. This is done using a thermal relay located in the housing.

In addition to the relay, the device includes:

  • Capacitor block;
  • Klemnik.

All elements are combined into one electrical circuit.

Hydraulic accumulators and features of their connection

Being one of the important components in the water supply of a private home, they are used to accumulate water under pressure and supplied to the system as needed. They are performed in the form metal container, a rubber bulb is placed inside it, playing the role of a membrane.

Let's watch the video, completing the work and the first launch:

Before connecting a submersible water pump to a hydraulic accumulator, it is imperative to check the presence of pressure in the tank. It should be 0.2-1 bar less than the value set on the relay.

In some cases, it is preferable to install the accumulator at the highest possible height, for example, in the attic or on the second floor of a building.


In order to ensure normal water supply to a country house in the absence of a central water supply, submersible pumps that can operate in wells are most often used. They are reliable and easy to use, and their installation scheme is quite simple. Installation is carried out using the most ordinary materials and is within the power of every homeowner.

Accommodation in country house gives you not only many advantages over the bustle of the city, but also a number of problems that have to be solved to ensure the necessary comfort. One of these problems is the arrangement of a water supply system in conditions where you cannot connect to centralized water supply networks. In this case, the only solution is to dig a well or drill a well. However, in order to organize uninterrupted automatic feeding water from a source to the house, you will need pumping equipment, which many owners can install and connect themselves. To do this correctly, you need to know the connection diagram well pump and understand the intricacies of the process.

Before considering the pumping equipment connection diagram, it is necessary to select the correct unit. All pumps can be divided into two types:

  • Submersible units. These pumps work below the surface of the water and push water from the well or well in the country up through a piping system or hose.
  • Surface type devices are installed on the surface and pump out water from a hydraulic structure.

Submersible pumping equipment has whole line advantages over surface products:

  • Since the unit operates underwater in the depths of the well, the noise from its operation is practically inaudible on the surface.
  • For the same reason, the product saves space on the site. In addition, to install the unit you do not need to allocate separate room or install a caisson.
  • During operation of a well pump, less electricity is consumed than when operating a surface product.

In turn, submersible pumps can be divided into several groups:

  • deep well units, which are divided into two subtypes: vibration and centrifugal;
  • drainage pumps;
  • circulation pumping equipment;
  • fountain units.

As you can guess from the name, setting up a water supply system requires the installation of a deep well pumping product. We will look at the connection diagram for such a pump in our article.

Important: a deep unit can lift water from great depths (up to 100 m) and supply it to the water supply pipes of the house. At the same time, most models can easily cope with pumping water containing a small amount of impurities in the form of particles of clay and sand.

Before moving on to the connection diagram, it’s worth figuring out whether it’s vibration or centrifugal type we will need the products. Thus, vibration pumping equipment is suitable for shallow wells. This is inexpensive equipment that can pump even very contaminated water. But its disadvantage is that vibrations during pump operation can destroy the hydraulic structure. Centrifugal units are more productive, safe and durable, which is why they are most often used to connect to the water supply system of a country house.

Optional equipment

The direct scheme for connecting the unit to the network without the use of auxiliary equipment looks quite simple and is carried out by connecting pumping equipment to the contact group. However, this connection diagram may not be used in all cases. Moreover, most often the connection of a submersible well pump is done using automation. This makes it easier to maintain the water supply system and increases its performance characteristics. As a rule, the list of used automation includes the following elements:

  • electric starters;
  • intermediate relay (switches);
  • pressure and liquid level control sensor;
  • hydraulic tank

Purpose of automation

Thanks to the use of automation when installing well-type pumping equipment, it is possible to achieve automatic operation of the water supply system. The fundamental element of this system is a contactor with an open contact group. Power conductors are supplied to the contactor input, and a well pump is connected to the output.

In such a connection scheme, a hydraulic accumulator must be used, which is supplemented with a check valve. A pressure switch is installed next to the hydraulic tank, without which it is impossible to imagine the automation of pumping equipment. The relay controls the contact group and ensures the start and stop of pumping equipment when the pressure increases or decreases to a predetermined level in the water supply system.

Automation for a well pump works according to the following principle:

  1. When the pressure in the system drops to the set minimum, the relay sends a signal to turn on the pumping equipment. At this moment, the contacts of the working group are closed, and the power supply to the pump is turned on.
  2. As the system is filled with water, the pressure in the hydraulic tank gradually increases.
  3. When the pressure reaches the set maximum, the relay sends a signal to the contactor. As a result, the contacts open the circuit and the pumping equipment is automatically disconnected from power.

For water supply systems that work with significant volumes of liquid, it is not electric automation that is more suitable, but float sensors that automatically control the water level in the storage tank - the hydraulic tank. In principle, this connection diagram for pumping equipment does not differ from systems using automation. The only difference is that instead of a pressure switch, a level sensor is installed here.

Important: to connect to a submersible well pump, special waterproof cables of the KVV or VPP brand are used. Instead, you can take an imported product labeled AQUA RN8.

Purpose of the hydraulic accumulator

Principle of operation submersible unit involves its launch at the moment the pressure in the water supply system decreases. However, frequent opening and closing of taps in the house will lead to frequent starts and stops of pumping equipment. Since even when the tap is open, the pump creates a fairly strong pressure, the unit can automatically turn off. As a result of this mode of operation, pumping equipment will quickly wear out and fail. To protect the engine from frequent starting due to pressure changes, the pump unit is connected through a hydraulic tank.

Hydraulic accumulator- This is a steel sealed container, inside of which there is a rubber bulb. The wall of the bulb, like a membrane, divides the tank cavity into two chambers: inside the first chamber (bulb) there is water, and in the second chamber (in the space between the walls of the bulb and the body) air is pumped. The pump pumps water into the bulb until the air pressure balances the water pressure. If you open any tap in the system, air will push water into the pipes.

Some hydraulic accumulators are made in the form of a container divided into two parts by a rubber membrane, and not with a bulb in the middle. In one part of the tank there is air, in the other - water is pumped. Their operating principle is the same. The volume of the hydraulic tank depends on the number of residents in the house and water consumption. For an average country house, a tank with a volume of 100 liters is sufficient.

The main purpose of the hydraulic tank:

  • it maintains the pressure in the system at the required level;
  • a certain amount of water is stored in the tank;
  • The hydraulic accumulator reliably protects the water supply system from water hammer.

Important: thanks to the hydraulic tank maintaining a given pressure, pumping equipment is started less often, which reduces engine wear and extends the service life of the product.


To connect a well pump you will need the following components:

  • hydraulic tank of adequate capacity;
  • pressure switch suitable for the selected type of hydraulic tank;
  • American inch adapter coupling;
  • coupling with collet clamp;
  • brass adapter;
  • sealing tape;
  • fitting;
  • plastic water pipes.

To make it easier to connect the automation to the well pump, a pit made of concrete rings or a caisson is installed. Moreover, their bottom should be below the soil freezing level. It is more convenient to carry out work on assembling the control circuit of pumping equipment not in a caisson or pit, but on the surface. After assembly, the entire system is lowered to the bottom of the pit (caisson), where it is connected to the pump. Automation assembly work is carried out in the following sequence:

  1. First, the hydraulic accumulator is tied. FUM tape is used to seal all connections.
  2. Then a pressure switch is connected to the accumulator. In this case, the connection is not made directly, but through an American adapter. This allows you to easily dismantle the product if necessary, and also simplifies setup and connection operations. A special gasket is used to seal the connection between the relay and the harness.

Important: install the pressure switch in such a place that you can take readings from the pressure gauge without sinking to the bottom of the pit or caisson.

  1. In order to connect a water supply to the outlet coming from the pressure switch, you need to make a prefabricated elbow. It is soldered from a piece plastic pipe and fitting. At the end of the plastic pipe, a coupling with an MPH thread is soldered. It must be tightly connected to the outlet from the relay.

As for the pumping equipment itself, its installation takes place in the following sequence:

  1. A filter must be installed in front of the unit where the pressure switch with hydraulic accumulator is mounted rough cleaning. It is advisable to install the same filter on a section of pipeline running from the hydraulic accumulator to the entrance to the house. However, this is not necessary.
  2. The sequence of connecting the wires can be seen at electrical diagram pumping equipment. The length of the submersible cable with reliable grounding, which provides power to the pump, is determined taking into account dynamic level immersion of the pumping unit plus the length from the well to the installation site of the control panel.
  3. The cable is soldered to pumping equipment, and the insulation is performed using a heat-shrinkable fluid coupling.
  4. The pump is connected to the water supply pipe through a barrel, check valve and fitting.
  5. Pumping equipment for steel cable suspended in the well so that the unit does not approach the bottom of the hydraulic structure more than 1 m.
  6. A head is mounted on the well.

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