Possibility of full lighting of the gaming room. About night lights in the nursery

Not only the mood, but also the health of the baby will depend on how well the lighting in the children's room is organized. The distribution of light should not only be correct, but also harmonize well with the interior design of the room. In addition, the design must correspond to the age of the child living in it.

An aesthetically designed room, taking into account the rules of harmony of lighting and decoration, will help the normal development of a growing person. However, the most important aspects in this matter is the organization of safety and compliance with sanitary standards.

When organizing a children's room, several nuances must be taken into account. One of the most important is lighting. However, the color preferences chosen for the interior also play an important role. In short, these two factors must work together to create a healthy atmosphere. If the color for the room is chosen incorrectly, the lighting will not help correct the impression of a gloomy or even “aggressive” interior.

Color design for a children's room

The choice of color “scheme” for decorating a children’s room depends not only on the preferences of the child and his parents, but also on his psychotype. For example, for overly active children it is better to choose calmer, pastel, not too light colors, which promote peace and perseverance. Pastel can be any of the colors, but dimmed by adding white. To prevent the room from being completely boring, it is enlivened with several elements of brighter colors.

For phlegmatic characters, on the contrary, it is worth making the room brighter by choosing expressive colors that evoke activity and give joy. Psychologists include such colors as orange, yellow, bright blue, grass green and others.

In the same case, when a room is decorated for an infant, the process of selecting colors and light must be approached very carefully. At this age, the child’s worldview is still being formed, and the environment around him plays an important role in this.

The best option for this age would be combined design. That is, the main ones should be pastels. light shades, which will give the baby peace of mind. Will stand out well against a light background bright objects or drawings. They will attract the baby's gaze, helping to focus it on a specific area.

Basic principles of organizing children's room lighting

Zoning a children's room

When drawing up a layout lighting fixtures It is necessary to take into account that the children's room is divided into three zones - work, play and rest area.

  • The work area is located near the source if possible natural light, that is, near the window, since it should be illuminated as much as possible. However, it is necessary to provide additional light sources that can be turned on on a cloudy day or at dusk. Table or table lamps are used as additional lamps. pendant lamps.

  • A play area is necessary for children from one to 7-8 years old. It is necessary to place in it a convenient safe cabinet or cabinet for storing toys, a sports complex, as well as a comfortable rug for playing on the floor.

A play corner on the floor can have separate backlight. But this "habitat area" little man should be equipped with brighter light. For this purpose, wall or suspended ceiling devices are used.

  • Rest place. It is recommended to install two types of lighting for this area. Some devices will illuminate the entire area, while others will spotlight only the sleeping area. In any case, the lamps should have a soft, calm light. It is advisable to attach a sconce above the head of the bed, which will create comfortable conditions for reading. And spotlights or pendant lights would be appropriate on the wall or ceiling.

In addition, the children's room should have general intensive, but soft and uniform lighting.

How to organize safe lighting?

The most important factor is the safety of lighting fixtures and associated elements - switches and sockets. Therefore, this issue must be thought through very carefully, protecting your child from the risk of an accident.

To accomplish this task, when drawing up a diagram and during installation of the system, you should adhere to certain rules:

  • Lighting fixtures in the children's room younger age should not be located in an area accessible to them. Due to their curiosity, kids can begin to explore internal structure lamps.
  • The same applies to electrical wires. It is better to place them hidden in the walls or in special cable channels. It is better to switch on the devices from a key switch - it is perhaps the safest.
  • Massive chandeliers with open incandescent lamps, as well as with glass shades, are inappropriate in a children's room. Their presence can lead to hazardous situations. For example, when playing with a ball or throwing a pillow, a child can break or knock down the lampshade. And it is heavy in itself, that is, it poses a danger if it falls. And besides, it will break into numerous sharp fragments.

  • The best option would be plastic lighting fixtures. Even if the lightweight plastic cracks when dropped, it will not cause serious harm to the baby.
  • Light chandeliers made from small elements made of tempered glass. Even if such a fragment falls on the floor, it will not break, and the child will not be able to cut himself on it. True, even on its own small lampshade this type can be quite heavy.
  • It is not advisable to install floor lamps in the room with small fidgets, as they can easily be knocked over during outdoor games.
  • It is not recommended to purchase portable lamps for children’s rooms, for example, table lamps. It's better to replace them stationary options, attached to a wall, table or cabinet.

  • A good solution would be to install suspended lamps or spot lamps mounted on horizontal brackets, as well as spotlights built into the suspended ceiling.

Separately, it is necessary to say about the location and number of sockets and switches. It’s still not possible to do without them completely, and these devices often pose the most direct danger.

Most often, switches and sockets are located in three places around the perimeter of the room:

  • Next to front door. This is the most convenient place to place the switch general lighting. When entering a room, you can immediately turn on the light without having to search for the key in the dark. According to established rules safety, the device must be located at a height of 750÷900 mm from the floor and at least 100 mm from door frame. At the same time, it cannot be covered with pieces of furniture.

These parameters were not set by chance. A very small, foolish child will not be able to reach the switch. An older child, in order to turn on the light, will not have to substitute a chair or other object from which he could accidentally fall and get injured.

Special sockets should be installed, equipped with special protection against excessive curiosity of the child.

  • In the sleeping area. In this area, an additional light source is usually required. Therefore, it is necessary to provide a double socket near the bed.

Connection points will be needed for desktop or wall lamp, as well as for newfangled electronic devices, which have been actively used by young mothers in recent years. For example, this is a baby monitor or a baby cradle.

  • Placement of sockets and switches in the work area. This combined option installation of devices is necessary for the child school age. Power points will be needed to connect a desk lamp, a computer, as well as peripheral devices necessary for its operation.

Multiple outlets can be installed in this area. Their number will directly depend on how many electrical appliances will be used simultaneously.

Features of choosing electrical appliances for children

All electrical appliances purchased for a children's room must be well protected and safe for the child. This applies to both lamps and switches, as well as sockets.

Safety sockets

Nowadays, manufacturers present wide choice various points power connections. This includes special ones designed for children's rooms or even for the entire apartment in which small children live.

Both sockets and switches for the nursery must meet several criteria:

  • Devices must be made from environmentally friendly pure materials, that is, do not highlight in environment toxic substances.
  • Devices and their connections must comply with regulations fire safety, which will help avoid spontaneous fires.
  • Products must be grounded.

  • It is necessary to purchase sockets that have special protection - these can be curtains, hard-to-remove or key-locked plugs. Such devices completely block access to current-carrying parts. For example, protective curtains are removed only when a plug is inserted into the socket. This option is convenient because you don’t have to insert a plug every time. After all, one day you can simply forget to do this, and the baby can take advantage of the moment.

Some appliance models have a snap-on lid that you can open small child I don't have enough strength

One more important point needs to be said. On sale you can see rosettes made in the form of stars or flowers, having bright color. Yes, perhaps their design fits perfectly into the interior of children's rooms. But it is still strongly not recommended to purchase them, since they will probably unnecessarily attract the attention of children with their shapes and shades, which is extremely undesirable.

Switches for children's rooms

As for switches, they must also be safe. But, in fact, all these devices, if they are in good condition, are such, since they do not have open access to current conductors. Therefore, the most important point is the correctness of their connection and the reliability of the material of manufacture.

The device can be selected according to the design that matches general design premises. There is no shortage of this now - you can find various options switches.

Many people do not know that manufacturers have developed antimicrobial versions of the devices. These models are coated with silver ions. This helps to destroy pathogenic bacteria, which are the source of various infectious diseases. Such switches are perfect not only for children's rooms, but also for the bathroom.

Devices equipped with an antibacterial coating may have special markings on their surface. Or they are accompanied by a certificate indicating this quality.

A switch equipped with a function for adjusting the brightness of the light (dimmer) is well suited for a very small child’s room. This device will allow you to turn on the lighting to minimum brightness, for example, if you need to go into the room at night to check the baby’s condition.

Lighting devices

When choosing lighting fixtures for a children's room, you must immediately decide for how long they can be used. This is due to the fact that there are lamps with a design that is suitable for any age of a child, and will be appropriate in any interior design. However, you can also find devices on sale that are designed for a certain age of children.

Therefore, if you need to save money, and not at the expense of the design of the room, you should opt for basic lighting lamps, suitable for any age. Individual lamps, for example, night lights, or those that illuminate play area, you can choose according to the age of the child.

In addition, when choosing lighting equipment, the following points should be considered:

  • The brightness and power of the lighting, as well as the tone of the light (it can be cold or warm). For example, for general light you can choose a cool option - it will illuminate the room more brightly. Better suited for the sleeping area warm tone, more calm, conducive to relaxation.
  • Reliability of the device design. The overhead light should be built into the suspended ceiling or firmly fixed to its surface. To install on a table, you need to choose devices with a heavy and wide “sole” so that the lamp does not fall forward. Unfortunately, there are many models on sale in which the manufacturer clearly did not think through this point.
  • It is desirable that the brightness of the light be adjustable. This will allow you to increase or decrease its intensity as needed.
  • Easy to operate and maintain. The lamp should be easy to turn on and off, that is, you should choose an option with a conveniently located button. When buying a device with numerous design details, you should not forget that dust will collect on all these parts, which will be difficult to remove completely. Therefore, it is recommended to purchase models with simple but interesting shapes.
  • The color scheme of lampshades and other details framing the lighting element is usually matched to the main interior. But this moment also depends on the preferences of the owners.

Can be used for children's room different types lighting fixtures:

  • Spotlights installed in suspended ceiling or in suspended structure. This option is universal and has no age limits. It is suitable for the design of a room furnished both for a baby and for a teenager who already considers himself an adult.

  • The chandelier can also be chosen so that it is interesting to both a child and a teenager, and also fits well into any interior.

Moreover, some models are suitable for both a boy’s and a girl’s room. But others still have, so to speak, a “gender preference.”

  • Of course, you can choose chandeliers for younger and middle-aged children. Such models are made in the form of the sun, moon and stars, various funny bees, butterflies, flowers, and cartoon characters. However, such a lamp is unlikely to be suitable for a child over 10-11 years old, so it will have to be replaced in the future.
  • Wall lamps can be easily removed and replaced with other options, which means they can be selected according to the age of the child. For very young children, it is better to choose flat models with shades that completely cover the lamp.

For older children, you can install a lighting device in which the direction of the light is adjusted.

  • Table lamps for working area The baby will need them only at about three years of age, when he begins to create his first works of art on paper or from plasticine.

  • A night light is needed for any child’s age, especially since some babies have difficulty falling asleep in the dark. But when purchasing both a table lamp and a night light, you need to check its stability. Better yet, securely fasten it to the surface of a table or bedside table.

  • If you want to buy a floor lamp for a child, then you should choose a stable and reliable model. However, it is still too early to purchase a floor lamp for a room where a baby who is just learning to walk still lives. A floor lamp is best suited for the rooms of children aged 5–7 and older.

This device is used to organize lighting for a specific area. This could be a play mat or a chair where the child likes to look at and read his favorite books.

As for the choice of lamps for lighting in a children's room, you should not choose ordinary incandescent lamps, as they are quite dangerous. Today, the quality of these products is not high enough, so it happens that, overheating, the glass part simply flies off from the base. In this regard, it is best to give preference to LED, the safest of all lamps existing today. The maximum that can happen is that they may burn out, but they will not break from being hit by a ball and will not fall apart from overheating.

LED lamps may have different shapes, are available in a wide range of light output and light temperature. In addition, manufacturers equip them different types plinths. Therefore, these lighting elements can be selected for any lamp. In addition, LEDs consume a minimal amount of electricity, while at the same time having high efficiency.

Options for organizing children's lighting

Some parents ask whether there is a universal, obviously correct scheme arrangement of children's lighting. No, there are no standard options. For example, how many light bulbs to install in each zone will depend on their type and emission luminous flux. Therefore, the decision for each room is made individually. In addition, the area and shape of the room, the number of windows, the height of the ceiling, and the color scheme of the interior are taken into account. The lighter the surfaces, the easier it is to provide intense lighting.

But at the same time there is sanitary standard illumination of the children's room. Thus, it has been established that for this room the minimum illumination (if we take into account only the main lighting) should be 200 lux (Lx).

When carrying out renovations, you should consider installing sufficient electrical outlets in the room. in the right places. They will help, if necessary, to supplement the upper main light in certain areas. It is especially important to provide for this if there is only one window in the room, which may face the north side, be heavily shaded by trees, etc. And for these reasons, natural light may clearly not be enough.

It is desirable that each of the children's areas, in addition to general lighting, have its own lighting. Therefore, before purchasing this or that lamp, you need to carefully consider its future location.

This topic is quite complex both in understanding and in calculations. But you can figure it out - detailed explanation is given in one of the portal publications.

Important question - proper organization lighting

Selecting lighting devices “by eye”, according to the principle “it seems fine, it will work” is an amateurish approach. Lack of illumination, and even its excess, can cause serious harm to residents, both physically and psychologically. A special article on our portal will help you understand the selection of lighting devices based on calculations. It describes the step-by-step process of performing the necessary calculations and contains convenient calculators.

First option

A standard room in an ordinary modern apartment, equipped for two children aged seven years and older.

Despite the small area of ​​the room, it provides everything necessary for comfortable stay. The work area, located by the window, is additionally equipped with tabletop lighting. Due to the fact that the source of natural light is insufficient large sizes, the designer abandoned traditional curtains, replacing them with blinds. Instead of the latter, Roman blinds attached to the window frame can also be used. The absence of volumetric curtains allows you to use natural daylight to the fullest extent, and also makes the room visually larger.

Each sleeping place is equipped with a compact but bright enough night light, which distributes light only in a certain area.

The overhead light is spotlights built into the suspended ceiling. Unfortunately, there is no way to evaluate the brightness of the overhead light, since the project is presented only to indicate zone lighting. You may need another general ceiling lamp, which will set the illumination in the room at least below the sanitary standard.

The interior of the room is made in light colors that do not absorb, but enhance lighting, and this can be called a smart solution for small room. At the same time, the design cannot be called boring, since light shades are diluted with a few bright spots. In the created atmosphere, children will feel comfortable and calm, as there are no aggressive factors in it.

Second option

The design of this interior for a child over ten years old can also be called successful. Moreover, it is suitable for both girls and boys.

The organization is immediately noticeable overhead lighting, consisting of spots mounted on tires. This allows you, if desired, to rearrange the direction of the light. As you know, changing the direction of lighting can significantly change the perception of interior design and the color scheme used in the design solution.

The work area is located near enough large window, which allows you to do without additional lighting during the daytime. The desktop, instead of a traditional table lamp, is equipped with overhead lighting - these are pendant devices mounted on a rail. This solution can be called successful, since the overhead light covers the entire area that requires additional lighting.

Since for older children there is no longer any special need to organize a play area, this room is divided into two zones - a working and a sleeping area. The dividing element is a podium made in a light warm tone. The walls of the room are painted in cool pastel colors. This effect achieves the color balance of the interior.

Dark curtains match the color of the bedspread, which makes the color distribution harmonious. Moreover, despite dark colors, curtains do not visually reduce the room, but fit organically into the interior. At night, they create an atmosphere of security, allowing the occupant of the room to feel calm.

Rational organized lighting and the color scheme of the decoration in combination make the room more spacious and filled with air.

Third option

The room, equipped for a child 4–6 years old, includes everything necessary for a child of this age.

A chandelier that matches the design of the room is the main overhead lighting. It is adjacent to ceiling surface, therefore eliminating the risk of damaging it with a ball or pillow during the game. The main thing is that the correct lamps are selected for this chandelier, capable of setting the required level of overall illumination of the room. In the illustration general light it looks quite dim, but perhaps the chandelier is simply equipped with a dimmer and operates in a “muted” mode.

The work area, which is also part of the in this case and gaming, equipped with two types of lighting. One of them is a compact table lamp, and the other is two pendant lamps, with shades that echo the design of a chandelier. Each of the devices has a different color, but the unifying element is a pattern in the form of clouds.

In addition to the table lamp, on the nightstand next to the bed there are small night lights made in the form of funny little animals that will protect the child’s sleep all night if he suddenly gets scared in the dark. In addition, for more intense lighting of the sleeping area, for example, for reading or viewing books, wall option a lamp that can be easily turned on from a button, which, if necessary, can be easily reached without even getting out of bed.

In this interior, only a window that does not have curtains can cause anxiety in a child. Especially in cases where there is a street lamp outside the window or moonlight falls into it. Therefore, it is advisable to close the window at night with one of the types of curtains. As it seems, the best option could become blinds.

Fourth option

This room project for children under 10-11 years old has a rather harmonious design. However, the designer made some mistakes in arranging the furniture. It is necessary to talk about them first of all, since this also affects the placement of lighting fixtures.

  • Firstly, it is advisable to place the desktop closer to the window - this factor will help keep the child good eyesight. And the workplace lighting can be turned on much less often. In addition, the table is installed so that the child, sitting down at it, will completely block the natural light coming from the window with his body.
  • Secondly, a bunk children's bed cannot be placed near a window, even if the second tier is protected by an enclosing side. This is due to the fact that parents cannot predict what kind of games their children may play. Therefore, the window in this situation is a dangerous factor.
  • This means that the best option would be to swap the sleeping complex with the work desk. By the way, the room with such a rearrangement will only benefit in spaciousness.

The room lighting planned by the project looks quite interesting. Original ball chandeliers are used as the main light, making the light soft and the device safe. They are equipped in a complex with a two-tier suspended ceiling, which is also equipped with backlight. General lighting at correct selection there should be enough lamps.

The night lights are shaped like cute bugs that don't protrude too much from the wall. Therefore, it will be difficult to accidentally touch them with your hand.

The workplace is equipped with a table lamp. However, the light emanating from it, which is shown in the photograph, raises doubts about the sufficiency of adequate lighting at the desktop.

The designer chose well color scheme, including the combination of tones. The light light green color harmonizes perfectly with warm shades wooden products, as well as white walls and ceilings, adding light to the room. Greenish tints have a good effect on a child's vision. They do not put strain on the eyes; on the contrary, they give your eyes a rest. The same can be said about pleasant color options wood

Fifth option

This furniture and lighting distribution project is for a narrow but long room with one window. The room is designed to accommodate two children aged 7 years and older.

This solution can be called optimal, since all the rules for arranging the room, which is divided into two zones with using easy plasterboard construction. Moreover, the shelving partitions also have functional purpose. So, they can hold books, framed photographs or other decorative accessories.

The work area is located near the window, and each child has his own place to work. The main lighting is concentrated in the back area of ​​the room, since this is where homework is done, as well as playing or working on the computer. True, in this case, natural light from the window will fall correctly for one of the children, on the left side, and for the other, on the right, that is, a shading zone is created on the table. This should be taken into account when arranging local lamps.

The sleeping area has soft overhead light, as well as night lights mounted on the wall near each bed.

One cannot help but pay attention to the combined ceiling, which is a plasterboard structure with tension fabric. Thanks to the glossy shine of the ceiling and the reflection of lighting fixtures in it, the impression of expansion is created. small space. The same effect also contributes to increased lighting intensity.

The interior is made in warm ocher shades, which gives it comfort. However, at the same time, the chosen colors visually make the space somewhat smaller. If the basis was a combination of warm and cold colors that go well with each other, then you can make the room look larger and more spacious.

* * * * * * *

All presented options for organizing children's rooms and arranging lighting fixtures can be taken as a basis when drawing up own project. At the same time, you can change the color scheme, furniture accessories, and also choose lighting fixtures according to your own taste and capabilities. However, in order to preserve the health and vision of your child, it is recommended to follow the rules of zoning the room, its normal illumination, lighting and rational placement of furniture.

At the end of the publication, we invite you to watch a video in which the designer shares his vision of organizing lighting in a children's room. Of course, one can argue about some nuances, but in general this information can be useful.

Video: Designer's tips for organizing lighting in a children's room

Reading time ≈ 3 minutes

A children's room is exactly the place where all interior details should be carefully thought out, and comfortable furniture, comfortable colors and proper lighting - ensure a healthy and comfortable stay in it. When arranging a room for children, it is necessary to take into account many factors: its location, what age and how many children will live there, what they will do there - play, sleep, study, etc., therefore lighting in the nursery is an extremely important and responsible element .

When choosing a room for your baby, do not forget that in addition to artificial lighting The nursery also needs natural sunlight, which will have a positive effect on the emotional mood during the day. To achieve this, it is advisable to choose a room for children located in the eastern or southeastern part of the apartment.

There is not always such an opportunity, and it may be in the west, in which case the light will appear through the window only in the evening, and the whole day will be dull and dull. In any case, you should competently design the lighting in the children’s room with your own hands or trust the professionals in such a delicate matter.

First of all, you need to decide which lamps should be present. When choosing a chandelier, you should give preference to flat-shaped matte shades that are as close as possible to the ceiling or to spotlights, the bulbs in which will ensure the distribution of light throughout the room evenly.

At the same time, you need to remember that in a children's room there are possible various games, so chandeliers with lampshades, crystal or other decorative elements It's better not to install. If there are schoolchildren or children in the room of different ages, then you can’t do without a table lamp and a lamp above the bed or a night light, for example in the shape of various funny animals, which can be attached to the wall, ceiling or placed on shelves, a chest of drawers or a table. For clarity, take a look at the photos of lighting in the children's room, which will help you choose the most interesting option.

If one child is studying at the desk and the other is already sleeping, the light from the desk lamp should not fall on the sleeping baby.

Lighting for children's work area

Particular attention should be paid to the lighting of the workplace in the children's room, because it is very important not to spoil vision and create comfortable conditions for studying. It has long been known that desk It is necessary to place it near the window so that the light falls from the left and from the front. As for artificial lighting in the nursery, the light from the lamp should not be too bright or dim; for this purpose, it is advisable to use light bulbs no more than 60 W and a lampshade so that direct rays do not fall into the eyes.

To distribute light evenly, it is necessary to use a ceiling chandelier along with a table lamp. All recommendations for parents regarding lighting in the children's room will ensure maximum comfort and health for the child's eyes.

Convenience and safety

Before you ask yourself: how to make lighting in a nursery, take care of safety, i.e. any lighting fixtures should be hard to reach, light bulbs should be out of reach, and sockets and switches should be hidden under special plastic boxes. Today, lamps of various modifications, shapes, sizes, colors and designs are offered, which will undoubtedly delight the child, and correctly selected lighting in the children's room will make the life of your baby just as bright, light and colorful.

The children's room is perhaps the most important room in the house. Parents usually pay special attention its interior, because this is where the child spends a large amount of time before the stage of growing up: plays, sleeps, does homework, spends free time with his parents, is engaged in creativity, which means he develops and grows. Ergonomic furniture depends on how well the space in the children's room is organized. harmonious design interior design, comfortable textiles, original details emphasizing the overall style - it largely depends on whether the child’s stay in his personal territory will be comfortable. Most child psychologists are of the opinion that the most important role in this is played by well-provided lighting in the children's room. It is this that influences the child’s perception and attitude, has a direct and indirect effect on the child’s psycho-emotional state, his well-being and mood.

What lighting sources should be present in a children's room?

There are two sources of indoor lighting: natural and artificial. Natural is daylight coming through windows sunlight. Artificial lighting includes all kinds of chandeliers, lamps, floor lamps, lamps, sconces, spotlights ceiling lighting and much more.

Natural and artificial sources lighting in a children's room

The child’s room must have sources of natural light, in other words windows, as well as artificial light. For a child’s comfortable stay and life in the children’s room, it is necessary to have three lamps: ceiling, bedside, table.

Basic principles of competent organization of lighting in a children's room

To ensure proper lighting in a child's room, the following important points should be considered:

  • In the child's room, soft lighting is preferable. Avoid too bright light sources, as well as excessive reflection in shiny surfaces. However, twilight in the nursery is not acceptable. Ideal lighting can be considered in which there is no sharp changes from light to shadow and when all corners and objects of the room are evenly and equally well illuminated.

  • You should not choose too bulky chandeliers and lamps, since in the children's room they often hold active games with a ball and other objects that may accidentally hit and break such lamps.

  • When choosing a chandelier, it is better to give preference to flat or round lampshades with a frosted bulb. Also ideal is a spot ceiling light, which on the one hand provides good illumination, and on the other hand makes it unobtrusive and comfortable for the eyes. In turn, you should not purchase a chandelier with crystal or mirror details for a child’s room in order to avoid glare.
  • Today, fluorescent lamps are very popular, however, they are not the most suitable for children. best option. Such lamps provide negative impact per person, lead to irritability and fatigue. Therefore, they have no place in the children's room.
  • Bedside lighting is especially important for those who like to read at night. If the bedside lamp has the ability to adjust the brightness of the lighting, as well as the direction of the light, then it can also be used as a night light.

Bedside lighting should be soft and unobtrusive
  • For best lighting When choosing a desk, care should be taken to ensure that it is located closer to the window. The optimal source of light on a desk is still a table lamp. It would be good if it had fasteners and was fixed to the edge of the table. The light source should be located in front and to the left if the child is right-handed. lamp or table lamp It is better to choose one with a lampshade to avoid too much light load on the child’s eyes.

Finally, special attention should be paid to the safety of lighting sources. Lamps should not be too easily accessible, the same goes for wires. The materials from which the lamps are made must have sufficient strength.

Elvira Goleva for website

When planning renovations in a children's room, thinking through the design, color design You need to think carefully about the lighting of the children's room.

What chandeliers, lamps or other light sources will you use as light sources for the nursery?

Remember that in the children's room the child sleeps, rests, studies, plays sports, and it is with these functions in mind that it is necessary to select different lighting sources.

What to consider when placing light sources in a nursery

When decorating your child's room, you will inevitably face the problem of organizing proper lighting. Great value depends on which side the children's room is oriented to. Most correct location considered east and southeast. With this arrangement, the room will be flooded in the morning sunlight, which will certainly have a positive impact on psychological state child.

If the windows are oriented to the west, the light regime will be unnatural, as a result the child will quickly get tired, become absent-minded and lethargic.

The nursery, located on the north side, requires bright lighting close to natural.

Proper lighting should provide sufficient brightness to surrounding objects and surfaces. High brightness can create unwanted shine on illuminated surfaces. But sharp transitions from light to shadow are also unacceptable, since such contrast is a threat to the child’s vision.

What lamps and chandeliers are best to use in a nursery?

For artificial lighting of a children's room, you will need a ceiling lamp that illuminates diffused light the entire room, a desk lamp for the workplace, as well as a night light located at the head of the bed.

For general lighting, a large flat lamp installed in the center of the room is optimal. Nowadays, halogen light bulbs, which are located around the perimeter, are very fashionable. They provide good lighting, quite bright, but not blinding. For a children's room this is a completely acceptable option.

Fluorescent lamps, which until recently were very popular and widespread, today are not recommended for lighting a children's room, as it has been confirmed that they cause irritability and increase fatigue.

How to make the right lighting for a child's workplace

The workplace should always be illuminated using a directional light source. But the ideal option would be to make maximum use of natural light, so the desk should be placed near the window. It is known that light should fall from the left and from the front. While doing homework, the general overhead light should be turned on, as well as a directional light source - a 60 W desk lamp. It is necessary to ensure that the child's eyes are protected from direct rays. Be sure to choose a table lamp with a shade made of light-proof material. The light should be locally concentrated on the working surface of the table. There are lamps on a movable leg, their position is adjusted depending on the height of the child. In addition, above the child’s workplace, you can attach a lamp with a mobile bracket to the wall, which can be installed however you want.

Proper lighting in the resting and sleeping area

Certain rules must also be followed when lighting the resting and sleeping areas. It is important that the light does not fall on the child’s face, much less hit the eyes. Place a night light with adjustable brightness at the head of the child's bed. Today, pendant lamps for combined lighting. The presence of a long cord allows you to hang such a lamp in various areas ceiling, you can direct its light wherever you want - on a desk, in a play area, on a sleeping place.

An important task when decorating a children's room is the choice of lighting fixtures. The main criteria here are convenience and safety. When choosing a lamp model, it should also be suitable for general style interior

Children's lamps can be in the form of toys, funny animals, flowers.

Such models are widely presented in various stores. They can be made of wood, colored plastic, glass. Depending on the modification, they can be attached to a wall or ceiling, or suspended on thin string holders. There are also tabletop options; they will look great on shelves, a table, or a chest of drawers, delighting your baby with their unobtrusive warm light.

So that the child is not afraid of the dark, a night light - a “firefly”, which emits a slightly muted red or green light. The night light is plugged into a power outlet and only requires 0.3 W to operate.

Working lighting is created using a special table lamp that provides a 2-directional luminous flux. When purchasing such a lamp, you need to take into account that light of a bluish cool tint does not tire the eyes as much as yellow light from ordinary lamp incandescent

Halogen lamps provide light that is as close to natural as possible. Currently, lamps with adjustable brightness are available for sale.

If energy-saving elements are installed in the lamps, then their cost depends on both the design and the type of lamp - the closer the light is to daylight, the more expensive the lamp.

Remember that improper lighting can be a threat to vision and can even upset the child’s psyche.

Every day, a huge number of harmful factors affect the eyes, and if an adult independently compensates for them, then the child is entirely dependent on the decisions made by his parents. One of these factors is light. Large quantity During the time the baby is in his room, maximum attention must be paid to it when arranging the light. What kind of lighting should be in the nursery?

If it is possible to choose the location of the room for the nursery, it is best the room will do with windows facing east or northeast. With this arrangement, already in the morning the nursery will be filled with sunlight, while setting good mood to your child. If this is not possible, the lack of daylight must be compensated with artificial lighting.

The best solution would be to place a white matte lampshade in the center of the room; it will provide excellent soft light reflected from the ceiling without irritating children's eyesight. As additional light, you can use recessed lamps along the perimeter of the ceiling; they will cover poorly lit areas, while eliminating the sharp contrast of illuminated and shaded areas, which can also irritate the eyesight.

Time does not stand still, the child grows, and the lighting should change with him. If at all at a young age It will be enough to place a small night light on the wall near the crib, which will help the child fall asleep, then adolescence, you will already need a more serious bedside lamp, implemented in the form of a sconce or a table lamp on the bedside table.

For reading books and studying at your desk, a table lamp with a closed shade and an adjustable leg is perfect, and it will be possible to adjust it so that the light from the lamp does not fall into your eyes. The lamp should not exceed 60W, so that the bright light reflected from white sheet did not blind the child. The most convenient lamp is one that has special mount, allowing you to secure it to the tabletop, since table lamps easily tip over and can pose some danger.

When studying at a desk, it is imperative to turn on the main lighting in order to remove significant contrast between dark room And bright table. And most importantly, you should not place huge pendant lamps in the children's room, which the child can break while playing; different sides, can cause serious injury.

Take care of proper lighting in the nursery and at the same time about the child’s vision, in the future you will understand how important it is to do this on time.

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