Thief Bob 2 play big screen. Adventure games for boys

The long-awaited continuation of the adventures of the little superhero Bob is the game Bob the Thief 2. This time Bob will have to deceive the most important criminal in the city and fight with an entire army of bandits, obtaining the necessary information, robbing banks, freeing hostages, etc. In the game you will meet new characters - zombies, angry dogs and jock guards, new locks and places to store door codes have appeared, there are more game levels, and the tasks are more complex and varied. For example, in one of the missions Bob needs to save a hostage, and on the next level give a gift to a very bad prison inmate.

Now thief Bob can use different tools - a master key helps to open doors with padlocks faster, a camera is good against security cameras, and a stun gun is the only effective weapon against jock guards.

Remember that Bob can hide in the shadows and then none of the security (and the camera either) will notice him, the main thing is not to move at this moment. The guards and dogs, in general, are a little stupid - if you walk behind the guards, they pay absolutely no attention to you. You can still run past cameras and guards if they are “looking” in the opposite direction. Codes to doors can be found not only in notes, but also in computer files. Sometimes, to open a door, you need to play a mini-game with a lock. To open a mechanical lock, use the arrow buttons - the UP button moves the key, the LEFT-RIGHT buttons move the lock hole. After being stunned by a baton or a shocker, the guards behave differently - dogs, police and ordinary security remain motionless for quite a long time, but zombies and warriors in yellow protective suits come to life almost instantly. If you run into security or a camera four times in a row, Bob the Thief's mission will fail. Don’t forget to look through the lockers, shelves, safes and pockets of the guards who were hit with a baton - there may be money there that will be very useful to you at the last levels of the game.

With the money Bob got, you can buy tools in the store, in the intervals between game levels (the house with the dollar sign). Lock Pick - a master key that allows you to open doors with mechanical locks faster; Energy Drink - an energizer drink that allows you to move faster for a while; Instant Photo - helps against security cameras, you need to stand under the camera and take a photo; Shocker - a stun gun immobilizes guards from a great distance; Masking Spray - masking spray makes Bob invisible in the shadows, even if he moves. Purchase items and move them to empty inventory slots and then use the Z, X, C buttons to use the purchased tools.

The long-awaited continuation of the adventures of the little superhero Bob is the game Bob the Thief 2. This time Bob will have to deceive the most important criminal in the city and fight with an entire army of bandits, obtaining the necessary information, robbing banks, freeing hostages, etc. In the game you will meet new characters - zombies, angry dogs and jock guards, new locks and places to store door codes have appeared, there are more game levels, and the tasks are more complex and varied. For example, in one of the missions Bob needs to save a hostage, and on the next level give a gift to a very bad prison inmate.

Now thief Bob can use different tools - a master key helps to open doors with padlocks faster, a camera is good against security cameras, and a stun gun is the only effective weapon against jock guards.

Remember that Bob can hide in the shadows and then none of the security (and the camera either) will notice him, the main thing is not to move at this moment. The guards and dogs, in general, are a little stupid - if you walk behind the guards, they pay absolutely no attention to you. You can still run past cameras and guards if they are “looking” in the opposite direction. Codes to doors can be found not only in notes, but also in computer files. Sometimes, to open a door, you need to play a mini-game with a lock. To open a mechanical lock, use the arrow buttons - the UP button moves the key, the LEFT-RIGHT buttons move the lock hole. After being stunned by a baton or a shocker, the guards behave differently - dogs, police and ordinary security remain motionless for quite a long time, but zombies and warriors in yellow protective suits come to life almost instantly. If you run into security or a camera four times in a row, Bob the Thief's mission will fail. Don’t forget to look through the lockers, shelves, safes and pockets of the guards who were hit with a baton - there may be money there that will be very useful to you at the last levels of the game.

With the money Bob got, you can buy tools in the store, in the intervals between game levels (the house with the dollar sign). Lock Pick - a master key that allows you to open doors with mechanical locks faster; Energy Drink - an energizer drink that allows you to move faster for a while; Instant Photo - helps against security cameras, you need to stand under the camera and take a photo; Shocker - a stun gun immobilizes guards from a great distance; Masking Spray - masking spray makes Bob invisible in the shadows, even if he moves. Purchase items and move them to empty inventory slots and then use the Z, X, C buttons to use the purchased tools.

How to play

The game is controlled by the keyboard:
Bob's movement and interaction with objects - arrow buttons;
using a baton - SPACEBAR button;
using tools - Z, X, C buttons.

A special version of the game with cheats only on ChitGround!

Description of flash game

Robber Bob 2

Bob The Robber 2

Robber Bob is back on the hunt for other people's money in the online game Robber Bob 2. This is an exciting game about a clever thief who constantly finds adventures on his own. As the game continues, you will have to overcome new obstacles and steal in other places. The game begins with Bob learning from the newspaper that the city has been attacked by zombies. This means that while law enforcement agencies are solving another problem, you can engage in robbery. So, you control Bob's actions. We'll have to start small - with ordinary houses, shopping centers and other buildings. In this game you will find yourself inside a building that is guarded in a variety of ways. There may be surveillance cameras, vertical and horizontal lasers, security guards and more. Bob needs to go from one room to another, picking locks, stunning guards and using logic to solve confusing situations.

Money may be stored in the rooms, so explore the safes and the room in general to claim your reward. But you need to complete tasks promptly, as a detective may appear who is trying to catch you in hot pursuit. If you find an item that is indicated in the task, go to the desired room and the level will be completed. If anyone notices you, the Bob the Robber 2 level will fail. Good luck in shady dealings.

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