Water air thermal curtains. Water thermal curtains - operating principle and characteristics

Dozens of heating devices have been developed to heat residential and non-residential premises, ranging from simple electric fireplaces with heating elements to powerful heat guns. They differ in size, performance, etc. technical specifications, which greatly simplifies the selection of a suitable unit. Thermal curtain for the home is one of the heating devices described above. She reminds me of something heat gun, but plays a slightly different role - we will talk about this as part of our review.

In it we will look at:

  • The operating principle of thermal curtains and their purpose;
  • The main types of thermal curtains;
  • Technical characteristics of the equipment;
  • Additional options;
  • The most popular models.

The review will be rich, there will be a lot of information.

How do thermal curtains work?

A thermal curtain is a heating device that generates a flow of warm air. For this purpose, a fan and a heating element are provided inside it. Some association with a fan heater suggests itself, and this is true, since these devices are structurally similar. They differ only in purpose, which will be discussed further. Otherwise, they have an identical device and serve to generate warm air.

If a conventional fan heater simply expels heated air masses into the room, heating it, then the thermal curtain performs a slightly different function. Its task is to create a descending air flow that prevents cold air from entering from the outside. This is relevant in entrance areas, where people often slam doors and bring the cold into warm rooms. The thermal curtain, generating heat, mixes it with cold air masses and neutralizes their impact.

The operating principle of the unit itself is as simple as three kopecks. The fan installed inside captures cold air and drives it through the heating element, after which it is sent down. By opening doors, people drive cold air masses into the room, which subsequently enter the thermal curtain and heat up. It should be noted that the air temperature under the device itself is quite high; being in this area is not very comfortable.

A thermal curtain is a reliable and convenient device that provides high-quality protection from many adverse external factors.

Other features of thermal curtains:

  • Provide protection against the penetration of insects - they are simply knocked down by tight air currents;
  • These thermal heaters can work as conventional fans;
  • Some curtains are equipped with an air filtration function, making the atmosphere in the house healthier;
  • The presence of thermoregulation - if you choose a thermal curtain with a thermostat, it will regulate the air temperature in the heated area and save energy.

Now you know how a thermal curtain works and what it can do.

Purpose of thermal curtains

These units are mainly used in non-residential premises, but in houses they are much less common. The thing is that in the overwhelming majority it is quite powerful units with high performance. But in houses and apartments such performance is simply not needed. For example, a thermal curtain with a power of 1 kW can drive through itself up to 300-400 cubic meters of air per hour - this is not relevant in residential premises.

Thermal curtains have found their application in commercial buildings - these can be shops, warehouses, production workshops. In a word, they are necessary where there is a large number of people passing through, often slamming doors. A typical example of this is any store - thousands of customers visit it every day, cooling the air in the sales area. The use of a thermal curtain will save accumulated heat.

If necessary, the thermal curtain can also be used in a residential building. If you actively use winter period your personal courtyard, then it will help keep warm in the hallway or at the back entrance. And by hanging it outside, near a place to relax, you can create excellent conditions for outdoor gatherings - in this case, you will need an infrared thermal curtain, silent and effective.

By the way, the thermal curtain with infrared principle action will also be useful in residential areas - here it will play a role heating device. You just need to choose the right power. Such a heater is also useful in commercial premises - barns, garages, agricultural buildings and much more.

Types of thermal curtains

When choosing a model, you should take into account the dimensions of your doorway. Blown width heat flow the curtain should be wider than this indicator.

Next we will tell you what types of thermal curtains are. The most popular devices are horizontal. They are mounted above doorways and entrance groups and drive air from top to bottom. These are the ones we see in stores and shopping centers where there is a lot of foot traffic. The units differ in their size and performance, just like any other equipment.

Vertical thermal curtains are installed not on top of the doorway, but on its sides. There are two air flows here - one on the right and the other on the left. In terms of their efficiency, they are not much different from their horizontal counterparts, but are more convenient for installation in rooms with low ceilings and high doors (when there is simply not enough free space above the doorways).

Built-in thermal curtains are the least common, as they have a high price. They are built into ceilings and are distinguished by their invisibility. This is relevant in rooms with designer renovation, but in most cases their concealment is not required. Therefore, they are quite rare on sale.

We can also highlight several other types of thermal curtains. But they are unlikely to be suitable for heating houses. Here is their list:

  • Infrared - most often used in shopping centers and enterprises where it is necessary to prevent cold from entering the premises without creating excessive noise;
  • Water - in some ways they resemble in-floor convectors with forced convection. They are distinguished by their increased power and high productivity;
  • Gas - these thermal curtains operate on natural or liquefied gas, but they cannot be called safe (like any gas equipment).

Of all this, only infrared devices can be used at home.

Water thermal curtains are most often powered by heating systems - inside them there are radiators blown by fans through which coolant flows.

Advantages and disadvantages of thermal curtains

We will not take into account powerful industrial thermal curtains, but will pay attention to small-sized and low-power units powered by electricity. Let's look at their main pros and cons. Let's start with the positive features:

If the width of the passage exceeds the width of the air flow of the thermal curtain, then it makes sense to install two units side by side. Any gap in the coverage area greatly reduces the overall efficiency of the system.

  • Compactness – despite all their performance, thermal curtains are small in size;
  • High performance – thermal curtains can pass through a huge amount of air;
  • Large selection of power - from 1-2 kW and above;
  • Excellent reviews from customers - everyone who has ever encountered thermal curtains knows about their high efficiency;
  • Reliable protection against the penetration of dust, smoke, exhaust gases and insects;
  • Opportunity to work in summer period as fans with a very important function - in summer they will prevent heat from penetrating into the premises.

There are also some disadvantages:

  • High electricity consumption is typical for all heating electrical appliances;
  • Noise – high-performance fans installed inside these devices are noticeably noisy, which creates difficulties for their use in residential buildings;
  • The heating elements in these units burn oxygen - therefore, the premises must be ventilated.

Despite the tangible disadvantages, it is difficult to do without them.

Calculation of the thermal curtain

Let's talk about calculating a thermal curtain for a home. The main parameter is the height of its suspension - the required initial speed depends on it. The thing is that on the opposite side (near the floor, when installing equipment above the doors), the air flow speed should be 2-3 m/s. If this indicator is lower, then outside air will be able to penetrate into the room - the thermal curtain will only waste electricity. If the performance is too high, the heat will fly out.

Incorrectly selected model in best case scenario may simply not give a positive result. And at worst, it can make the situation worse.

The initial speed directly depends on the working diameter of the fan. For example, with a diameter of 180 mm, the initial speed will be 15 m/sec. As for power, it all depends on the area of ​​the room and performance.

The optimal performance indicator for a doorway with a width of 800-1000 mm and a height of 2000-2200 mm is from 700 to 900 cubic meters. m/hour, power – 6 kW (a little more is possible). For more accurate calculation For all indicators, we recommend using online calculators.

Temperature management

Any heating equipment requires a temperature regulator. Otherwise, it will consume too much electricity, clearly overheating the air in heated rooms. The simplest thermal curtains have built-in thermostats - they analyze the temperature of the intake air, turning the heating elements on and off.

A remote thermostat for a thermal curtain is an element of much more powerful devices. It is an electronic or mechanical thermostat that controls the operating modes of the equipment. When the air overheats, it turns off the heating and only the fan runs. If the air cools too much, the thermostat turns on the heating element. There may also be controls for other functions.

Simple household air curtains use simple remote controls remote control, operating via infrared channel.

Choosing a thermal curtain - main criteria

Next, we will look at how to choose a thermal curtain. As we have already said, the first two indicators are suspension height and performance. It is also necessary to pay attention to maximum dimensions doorways. If the heater will be used as auxiliary heating of residential premises, its power should be 20-40 W per 1 sq. m. Here we can use any suitable models.

Having such a thermostat, you can remotely and accurately adjust the operation of the device.

We also pay attention to the way functions, temperature and performance are controlled. Units with remote controls – wired or wireless – are more convenient. Thanks to this, you can adjust the operating parameters of the equipment from more convenient place. External thermostats are in most cases purchased separately.

The type of installation is determined individually - in home spaces where low-power thermal curtains are traditionally used, horizontal models are most often installed. As for vertical units, they are intended for use in commercial and industrial premises.

As for brands, here we recommend taking a closer look at foreign-made thermal curtains for your home. There are also some good domestic units on sale – as an example, let’s take heaters from the Tropic and Teplomash brands. We also pay attention to the following details:

  • The ability to work as a fan - useful in the summer;
  • The presence of a thermostat will ensure maintenance of the set temperature and save energy;
  • The presence of overheating protection will protect the equipment;
  • Noise level is a relevant parameter for home use, because the house should be quiet;
  • Installation type: wall or ceiling.

The right choice will ensure reliable, stable and uninterrupted operation equipment.

You can get acquainted with the descriptions of certain models in our review - we will look at the most popular units. You can also look into the Yandex.Market product aggregator and select equipment that is suitable in terms of characteristics and cost through it.

Most popular models

If you are planning to buy a thermal curtain, you will find the information from our review useful. Let's take a look at the most rated devices and describe their technical characteristics.

The power of the thermal curtain is 3 kW, so this unit can be used for heating apartments and private houses. The heater is also useful in technical and utility rooms– these are workshops, garages, outbuildings and much more. The price of the heater varies from 3.5 to 5 thousand rubles. The air curtain capacity is 350 cubic meters. m/hour, installation height – 2.5 m. Stepwise power adjustment is provided – 1500 or 3000 W at the choice of the consumer.

The main advantage of this heater is its attractive design, providing the possibility of its use in residential buildings.

When selecting a low-power thermal curtain, be sure to pay attention to this model. It is intended for use in private homes, utility and outbuildings, in garages and small shops. Its power is 2 kW, productivity is 300 cubic meters. m/hour. The device is designed for horizontal wall installation at a height of 2.5 m. The control here is built-in, mechanical. Possible work as simple fan. The noise level is only 45 dB - this is a fairly low-noise thermal curtain.

One of the simplest thermal curtains. The model is not intended for domestic use, as it is different high power and productivity - 4.5 or 9 kW, 840 cubic meters. m/hour. It is possible to operate in simple fan mode. The fact that this device is not for the home is also indicated by its appearance - somewhat “clumsy” and angular. Maximum height The installation height for this model is 2.2 m. There are only two controls on board - a general switch and a power selection switch.

We have before us another rated thermal curtain with a power of 9 kW. The productivity of the unit is 900 cubic meters per hour, it is intended for installation in stores, supermarkets, industrial and warehouses. There is a power control system on board, and it is possible to operate in ventilation mode. Despite the impressive power, the unit is compact in size and light in weight.


Greetings to all readers of this blog! Before the onset of winter, a variety of heating devices become a hot topic. Earlier I told you, and in this article we will briefly talk about thermal curtains and fan heaters. We start with thermal curtains.

How does a thermal curtain work?

A thermal curtain is needed to cut off cold air flows from doorways and gates during the winter, as well as to cut off dust and insects in the summer. Inside the thermal curtain there are fans and heating elements, with the help of which the air is heated. Heating elements with fins or needle heating elements can be used as heating elements. The thermal curtain must have a high air volume capacity. So, for example, a 3 kW air curtain should have a capacity of 300 cubic meters air per hour.

The power of the fans determines not only the amount of air passing through the curtain per hour, but also the length of the warm air stream. This length must exceed the height (or width - in the case of vertical installation) of the doorway.

Types of thermal curtains.

Heat air curtains are divided into the following main types:

  • Electric - in them both the fan and the heating element are powered by electrical network. The power of such devices starts from 3 kW and more. With a power of up to 9 kW, it is possible to use a network with a voltage of 220 V. If this power is exceeded, it will be necessary three-phase network with voltage 380 V.
  • Non-electric - in such curtains, the fans are powered by electricity, and the air is heated in some other way. For example, thermal curtains in which air is heated with hot water through a heat exchanger are widely used. In addition, there are gas thermal curtains. Most often, this type of thermal curtains is used where high power of such devices is needed - industrial enterprises, large stores, warehouses and similar facilities.

According to orientation in space, thermal curtains come in the following types:

  • Vertical - can only be installed vertically on the side of the opening.
  • Horizontal - installed only horizontally above the doorway.
  • Universal.

Rules for installing electric thermal curtains.

Here are the general rules for installing electric heat curtains. I advise you to be sure to read the operating instructions for the device before proceeding with installation. It may contain any special recommendations from the manufacturer.

  • The thermal curtain must cover the entire opening of the door or gate. If the curtain is narrower than the doorway, then part of the cold air flow will not be cut off.
  • It is recommended to install the thermal curtain as close as possible to the upper edge of the opening. In this case, the distance to the ceiling should not be less than 10-15 cm.
  • Heat curtains with a power of more than 3 kW are connected directly to distribution box through an automatic device or RCD. To ensure safety, this work must be carried out by a person with the appropriate clearance group.
  • The thermal curtain must be accessible for routine maintenance and repair.
  • If it is not possible to use a curtain required power, then you can build a warm vestibule near the door. This will reduce required power device.

Fan heater is a household heating device designed for heating residential and production premises. Inside the fan heater there is the fan itself and a heating element (coil or heating element). The fan creates forced convection air through the device, and the heating element increases its temperature. Most household fan heaters use a refractory wire spiral as a heating element. This is the most cheap option heating element. Its main disadvantage is that such a device burns noticeably oxygen in the air.

A fan heater, unlike a thermal curtain, consumes much less air per hour, but heats it to a higher temperature. For this reason, it will not work to use a wall-mounted fan heater instead of a thermal curtain.. It simply doesn't have enough power to cut off the air flow.

All fan heaters are equipped with a thermostat, which allows you to set the optimal room temperature for you. This is done as follows:

  • Turn on the fan heater to maximum and wait until it heats the room to the optimal temperature.
  • After the room has heated to the optimal temperature, the thermostat knob must be turned towards decreasing the temperature until it clicks.

After this, the fan heater will constantly maintain this temperature.

Installation of a fan heater.

Floor-standing devices do not require any installation at all. They can simply be installed on a solid base and turned on from the mains. Modern fan heaters are equipped with protection against tipping over and overheating, but you still shouldn’t leave them unattended!

The wall-mounted device is mounted on the wall at a height of 1.8 meters and connected to the network. It is controlled using buttons on the panel or remote control. At this point, the installation details are almost complete, but it still wouldn’t hurt to read the instructions. That's all for now, write your questions in the comments!

It is unpleasant when cold air enters warm house and cools it down. However, this problem can be easily solved. In order to save optimal temperature indoors, water thermal curtains have been developed. This equipment will help prevent warm air from escaping outside and preventing cold from getting inside. Such a system serves as a barrier separating the house and the outdoor space using an air stream that is supplied automatically.

You don't have to be afraid of the cold if you install curtains

Main characteristics

There are systems that operate from various sources heat. There are electric and water curtains. The second type is more economical to use, since heating occurs due to water hot temperature. Such equipment has many advantages, including:

  1. Reliable protection of the room from heat loss.
  2. Creating a special barrier that does not allow dust to enter the house, various insects and exhaust gases.
  3. Preventing cold air from entering the home.
  4. Temperature optimization.
  5. Additional heating.
  6. The ability to keep the door in the house open.
  7. Creating a cool and comfortable temperature in hot summer conditions.
  8. Economical.

In this video you will learn the pros and cons of the Teplomash water thermal curtain:

Operating principle and installation

The equipment operates according to simple principle: the fan generates intense air flow, which forms an invisible barrier, thanks to which warm air does not leave the room, and cold air cannot enter it. Water air curtain heat source - hot water therefore, central heating is required to operate such a system.

Very often, water heat curtains are installed in industrial areas with wide open openings. The system is absolutely indispensable in places where doors are constantly opened due to large crowds of people, for example: in shops and restaurants.

Professionals most often install above the doorway. If the installation was done above the door, then the curtain is horizontal, and if it is installed on the side, it is vertical. It is worth considering that vertical system must have a height of at least ¾ of the height of the door. Apart from this nuance, the types of equipment do not have any differences.

The thermal curtain is unique means, especially in production

Main element

The main component of the design is the central fan. This element must be located along the entire length of the system and be uniform in order to create a uniform flow. The motor is located on the side of the fan.

However, some manufacturers place the engine in the center, and small turbines on the sides. The reason for this decision is the difficulty of creating a full-fledged element of the required length. Such a water air-thermal curtain has a more affordable price, however, it protective properties won't be enough. There will be a “dip” in the center of the air flow. Moreover, the heating elements will be blown unevenly, which will significantly reduce the service life of the equipment.

Air thermal curtains Antares 2009:

Equipment management

The system must have at least two switches, one of which is responsible for the heating elements, and the other for the fan. In addition, a heating power regulator can be installed, which includes two or three switching levels. Fans can operate at two speeds. The curtain has a thermostat that automatically turns off the heating elements when the programmed temperature is reached.

There are wired and built-in remote controls for controlling the system. The variety depends on the specific model. The built-in type is used for small curtains installed on doors and windows. This is explained by the fact that in this case the user will simply reach the buttons.

In some situations, it makes sense to install a limit switch that allows the system to start only when open door. It is especially convenient in a hangar or warehouse.

It is easy to control this mechanism, for example, from a distance using a remote control

Design selection

To choose suitable system, there are many factors to consider. Including:

  1. Performance. It directly affects the air flow speed, as well as the installation height of the equipment. For example, for a door 2 meters high and 1 meter wide, a curtain with a “pumping” of 700-900 cubic meters/hour is suitable. The cost of such equipment will be quite high. For installation on small openings, systems with lower productivity are purchased. Because similar designs most often used in industrial premises, you should not skimp on this factor, otherwise the system will be ineffective.
  2. Power. An example for calculation is a room 10 meters square with a ceiling height of 3 meters. In this case, the power should be 1 kW. However, in such a situation the building must be thermally insulated. For well-heated areas, there is no need to choose a high-power system. It is worth remembering that the air leaving the system will not be hot even at the highest power. Its temperature is always warm because the heating elements produce airflow at high speed.
  3. Length. Can be from 60 cm to 2 meters. The most popular length is 80 cm-1 meter. Such systems are mounted above the door, so they are not suitable for industrial purposes. In order to pick up efficient equipment, you need to choose structures with a length equal to the width of the opening or slightly larger.

Thermal curtain with a boiler in operation:

Thermal curtain market

There are many types of equipment. On Russian market The following manufacturers are popular:

  1. Ballu (international company). They produce products that have minimal energy consumption. Both horizontal and vertical models are presented.
  2. Frico (Sweden). Systems have wonderful design, are reliable and high quality assemblies.
  3. Tropic Line ( Russian company). The equipment is highly efficient and has an acceptable cost. The main specialization is household thermal curtains, however, there are several types of industrial models.
  4. Teplomash ( domestic manufacturer). Issues quality equipment at affordable prices.

How to buy a curtain without overpaying for the brand:

Teplomash company models

The Teplomash company has a wide range of thermal curtains. Models differ by category: Low power. Series 100 for openings of 1-2.5 m. There is equipment with ceramic heaters and the ability to regulate.

  1. Medium power. There are three series in this line. Systems designed for openings of 2-2.5 m, 3-3.5 m, as well as models that are built into the ceiling.
  2. Interior. IN interesting series number 600 includes unusual systems in the form of vertical columns, as well as stylish horizontal varieties with lighting.
  3. Industrial. Designed for openings of 3-5 m and up to 6 m.

In addition, there is a special highly reliable design for openings up to 12 m. It can be purchased at individual order.

The range of thermal curtains is not small, so we base our choice on our needs

All models included in the series can be installed both vertically and in horizontal view. If necessary, it is possible to install on both sides of the opening.

Observing simple rules, you can pick best option water thermal curtain for home or industrial building. Currently presented big choice equipment. Such systems will give coziness and comfort in any room.

How to choose a thermal curtain:

Air thermal curtain - the solution to all problems with one wave of the hand - easy and not expensive!

Tired of the constant penetration of cool air into the room?

Do you heat the room, but because the door is constantly opening, the room is still cold?

Are employees whose workplaces are located close to the entrance sick?

In summer it is constantly hot, no matter how many air conditioners you install?

Dust and dirt from the road flies straight into your building, and the amount of it does not allow you to work comfortably?

Then this article is for you.

What is a thermal air curtain?

The thermal curtain is designed to create a kind of protective barrier in doorway, which does not allow air masses to get inside, and this is the cause of unpleasant temperature jumps. It is necessary to remember that an air-thermal curtain is a fan heater that can be installed on top of a doorway (horizontal curtain) or on the side (vertical) - these two differences will determine what kind of curtain you need, but more on that a little later. It should also be noted that heat curtains can not only regulate the indoor climate and promote heating, but also protect people from all kinds of pollutants and insects.

Experts say that the following fact plays a big role in the operation of these devices: during the installation of such devices, it is necessary to ensure that they completely cover the doorway and are as close to it as possible. In addition, if the thermal curtain is slightly longer than the passage itself, this will provide better protection for the warehouse, room, or office. If the opening is too large, several devices can and should be installed closely. Please also note that the higher the doorway, the higher the speed of air flow that the curtain releases should be.

Operating principle of a thermal curtain

The thermal curtain has a fairly simple operating principle. Thanks to the operation of the fan, which is located inside the device, air is drawn from the room. The air passes into the thermal curtain through the perforated wall in the housing. At the next stage, the air masses are heated in a special compartment using an electric / water heater. Next, the curtain blows the masses through the nozzle with a powerful flow, and thus the air flows back into the room. A strong stream of air, which is directed along the entire height of the doorway, covers it completely, and creates a so-called curtain of air, invisible to the human eye and preventing drafts from penetrating inside.

It should be noted that the design principle of the turbine (it is responsible for the created air flow of certain characteristics) determines how the thermal curtain works. In order for the jets to be uniform, you need a single turbine with an engine at the end, which will run along the entire plane of the device.

It is worth remembering that manufacturers very often save on this part. This means that they do not want to spend a lot of money on the production of a turbine whose length exceeds 80 cm. To cheat, manufacturers place the engine in the center of the thermal curtain, and the turbines small sizes fastened on the sides. Such tricks run the risk that the device intended for protection will not perform its original functions. Moreover, it may fail prematurely due to uneven airflow of those elements responsible for heating. That is why experts recommend paying attention to the quality of the equipment, not choosing the cheapest models, and be sure to take into account the brand when selecting a thermal curtain.

Types of air curtains

We want advise you

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There are two types of these devices - with air heating and without this function. An air curtain without heating operates on the principle of taking air from the room and returning it around the perimeter of the door with a powerful flow. Thus, the air is not heated, but the created barrier does not allow penetration through the door harmful elements, and also does not allow you to change the temperature in the room. This installation is suitable for warehouses and similar premises, where it is important to control the balance not only at the entrance to the building, but also when it is necessary to maintain different parameters for several rooms. A heated air curtain has the same purpose, but in addition it will serve as an additional source of heating/cooling air. Or, for example, a heated air curtain for your home will provide you with warmth after being in the cold.

It should be noted that heated air curtains are also divided into the following categories: electric and water.

IN electrical devices, tubular electric heaters are used as heating elements. They are selected taking into account a certain length, power and required blowing speed. Note: inside these metal tubes, heaters are most often placed in the form of a spiral, and on top they are covered with protected glass ceramics.

In water thermal curtains, the heater is ordinary hot water, which is simply supplied through pipes (small connector sections) into the heat exchanger. It should be noted that such devices are considered more economical than electric ones.

Air-heat curtains can also be classified according to the principle of their installation - that is, divided into built-in, vertical and suspended horizontal. The first of them are constructed from two elements - a module and a special decorative lattice. In this case, the flow regulator is necessarily hidden behind suspended ceiling. From the outside, only the grille remains visible, which serves as an opening for the passage of air.

Horizontal thermal curtains must be attached using threaded rods to durable ceiling structures. However, they can also be placed directly on the wall (namely, above the door), secured with brackets.
As already mentioned, fixtures should be located as close to the openings as possible to ensure full protection from the penetration of air masses, dirt and insects.

When you come to the decision that you need to buy a thermal curtain, then at this point it is important to understand that such equipment requires competent selection, and then correct installation. At the first stage, everything seems simple - you need to measure the width of the doors and choose a curtain of the same length. But in fact, you need to take into account all the gaps, correctly determine which type of air curtain is right for you, make a power calculation, and also take into account the current/future ventilation, heating, and air conditioning system. This matter must be approached with the utmost seriousness. After all correct selection will allow you to operate the system with the desired effect all year round.

A thermal curtain is climate control equipment, which is a type of room heating. The structure, design, and characteristics of such devices are different, but all devices have a single operating principle. The process of connecting and selecting a thermal curtain requires special attention, since safe and efficient operation depends on it.

Design and purpose of a thermal curtain

To regulate the microclimate, a device such as a thermal curtain is often used. This equipment is a powerful fan heater, which is housed in a metal casing, often having an elongated rectangular shape.

The thermal curtain is installed above the entrance door and does not spoil the interior

The equipment design contains the following elements:

  • an air duct through which warm air masses are carried;
  • heating elements in electric models are heating elements, and in water models - pipes;
  • radial fans or turbine have parameters depending on the length of the thermal curtain;
  • filters clean the air coming from outside from dust and debris;
  • the housing has perforated walls for air flow in and out;
  • control buttons are located on the side panel of the device.

The device is easily mounted on the wall and provides a flow warm air

The thermal curtain is designed to regulate the microclimate and distribute temperature zones in different rooms. Often the equipment is installed above the entrance from inside the room, which allows you to protect the space from cold currents and provide comfortable temperature. This solution is optimal for a private home, store, shopping centers and any other buildings where Entrance door often opens and cold air flows through it.

At the same time, safety requirements prohibit the installation of curtains in rooms with flammable materials, in transport, mines, and automated production facilities.

Operating principle The simple principle of operation of the air curtain is ensured thanks to the well-thought-out design of the device. Powerful fan

draws in air from outside, after which the masses pass through the filter and are cleaned of dust. Next, the air moves through the area of ​​the electrically heated spiral, the temperature of the flow increases and it enters the room through the nozzles. The direction of the jet can be vertical or horizontal.

The air entering the room is cleaned of dirt, heated and supplied to the room Distribution and increased flow of warm air occurs thanks to the fan. The power and operating speed of the equipment may vary, and functional models

have buttons and switches that allow you to configure operating parameters.

Heat curtain options The range of thermal curtains includes several types of devices, differing in design and appearance , placement location. Electric models are in demand and practical to use, but they consume a large number of electricity to heat the air. A heating element

in such devices there is an electric spiral.

Electric models are easy to use, but not economical There is also a water type, which contains a heater. This element can withstand changes and low temperatures

, which ensures the reliability of the equipment. The device is connected to a central hot water supply, as a result of which the installation and price of the structure are higher than that of electric options.

Water models are difficult to install and have a high cost These options are the main and most popular for providing heat at the entrance to the room. The dimensions and power of the devices are presented in various options , which allows you to choose optimal equipment

depending on the parameters of the opening, the air temperature outside and the desired level of heating inside the room.

Video: features of choosing a thermal curtain

Preparing to install tools and materials Before installing the device, you need to take into account that the thermal curtain must correspond to the width (if placed horizontally above the door) or the height of the opening (if vertical installation electric model, and for work you will need following materials and tools:

  • screwdriver, screws, pencil;
  • building level, tape measure, hammer drill;
  • mounting hardware included in the air curtain kit;
  • for mounting on the ceiling you will need a pendulum suspension;
  • if several devices are connected in one line, then a connecting kit is needed;
  • M10 bolts, nuts and screws, consoles.

Pendulum pendants are required for ceiling mounting

When purchasing brackets or hangers for fixation, you need to take into account the weight of the equipment. Such parts may be included with the device, but you can also select them separately.

Options for placing thermal curtains

For openings less than 1.5 m wide, horizontal placement is optimal, which involves installing the device above the entrance to the room. In this case, the curtain can be installed on the ceiling or above the door. Thus, the device can be fixed close to the wall or suspended. Other options for placing the curtain are also possible, each of which has certain features.

The curtain must be equal to the width or height of the opening

Horizontal mount

Horizontal fixation can be done on the ceiling or on the wall above the opening, as mentioned above. The second option is the most popular, as it allows you to more effectively prevent cold air from entering the room than when installed on the ceiling. In this case, the air flow will be directed from top to bottom.

Horizontal mounting provides good protection from the cold

For installation, perform the following basic steps:

  1. Unpacking equipment, checking the quantity and type of fasteners.
  2. Approximately 10 - 15 cm are retreated from the upper edge of the opening, and with a pencil, draw the bottom line on which the body should be located.
  3. At a distance equal to the length of the body, mark the mounting points of the brackets and make holes there.
  4. The brackets are screwed with bolts and nuts to the body, and then the entire system is fixed to the wall.
  5. The equipment is connected to the power grid and the functionality is checked.

Detailed instructions taking into account individual characteristics device, supplied complete with a thermal curtain. Therefore, before installation, you should study the manufacturer's manual.

Vertical installation of a thermal curtain

Placing devices on the sides of the opening to its full height is a vertical method of installing thermal curtains. This technology is optimal if horizontal method does not allow covering the entire area of ​​the opening with a warm air flow, as well as when the entrance width is more than 2 m.

For vertical placement it is required large quantity devices than for horizontal

Installation is carried out according to the instructions, but the main stages of the work are expressed as follows:

  1. You need to step back about 10 cm from the edge of the opening and mark the fixing points of the brackets.
  2. The fasteners are installed in the prepared holes and on the body.
  3. If necessary, connect several buildings with special elements.
  4. Check the functionality of the equipment.

Installation of elements vertically is carried out using the same technology as horizontally. In this case, the housings are fixed on both sides of the opening, which will ensure good protection by cold.

Connection features

Modern equipment has a flexible cable and plug that provides connection to the mains through an outlet. If a stationary installation is carried out, then it is possible to connect the curtain through a central-type switch, which has an air gap and a parameter of 3 mm. This connection option is always carried out by an electrical specialist.

You can do the installation yourself, but the connection is carried out by a specialist

Connection diagram thermal equipment to the central switch is developed individually. The simplest thing is to connect one device, and for this, two wires from the air curtain are connected to the corresponding network cables, taking into account the location of the “zero” and “phase” wires. For safety, an RCD unit is added to the chain, which can turn off the system in an emergency. The housing and all power parts must be grounded.

Video: review of the Ballu thermal curtain

Connecting air curtains from different manufacturers

Most famous manufacturers climatic equipment are produced by Teplomash and Ballu. Each manufacturer includes in the equipment package detailed instructions on connection and installation, but the main features can be considered separately.

The Ballu brand produces various models of thermal devices

Features of connecting and operating Ballu equipment are expressed as follows:

  • connection to the electrical network is carried out through circuit breaker;
  • When installing fixed wiring, use a three-core cable with a minimum cross-section of 1 mm 2 over a copper conductor. The electrical network to which the air curtain will be connected must provide protection of the product from overloads and short circuit currents;
  • To install the control panel, you need to unscrew the screw and remove top cover and the remote control panel, fix the remote control to the wall, install the panel and the top cover.

Teplomash devices have simple design and affordable

The Teplomash device involves controlling air curtains from a remote or remote control. The degree of protection of the control panel shell is IP20. When controlling the air curtain from a remote control, it is necessary to maintain a distance to the infrared receiving device on the remote control of up to 6 m and an angle of up to 60°. The curtains are connected to the network through a circuit breaker and a residual current device (RCD). The RCD response current is 100 mA. The curtains are powered from a three-phase electrical network with a voltage of 380 V/50 Hz. The control panel requires connecting a 7x0.5 mm control cable using the “ hidden wiring" If cable connection is necessary " external wiring", then you should make a 50x10mm recess in the wall where the wire exits from the remote control housing.

Selection, installation and connection of thermal curtains different manufacturers involve following general rules, including taking into account the required functionality and device parameters. Correct further operation will ensure the safety of the equipment.

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