Water-based paint for walls and ceilings: how to choose the right one? Which white ceiling paint is better: painter's advice The best water-based paint for walls and ceilings.

Ceiling painting is often used as a finishing touch to the ceiling surface. In this case, the result of the work largely depends on the choice of coloring composition. High-quality ceiling paint, selected taking into account the purpose of the room and the characteristics of the processes occurring in it, will help to achieve not only the aesthetic appeal of the surface, but also to obtain a practical, easy-to-maintain and durable coating.

Rules for choosing paint for the ceiling

If you need ceiling paint, which one is best depends on the features of the room and its purpose. In any case, the best ceiling paint is one that meets the following selection criteria:

  1. If you don't want to do repairs every year, then when choosing a coloring composition pay attention to its durability and service life of the coating.
  2. Deciding what is the best way to paint a ceiling? take into account the plasticity of the color mixture. The elasticity of the paint layer determines how much the surface will be protected from the formation of cracks during the drying of the paint mixture or shrinkage of the building.
  3. Ceiling paint should provide a coating that is easy to maintain. It is important to consider the ease of dry and wet cleaning. In rooms where the ceiling is highly contaminated, for example, in the kitchen, you need to choose paints that provide a coating that is resistant to mechanical stress and friction, because it is not so easy to wash off grease and soot from the ceiling surface.
  4. Different types of ceiling paints create a coating with certain properties. Choose those that allow you to hide minor defects in the base, are easy to apply and give a smooth and even finish.
  5. When choosing paint for the ceiling consider the price of the product. The cost of paints ranges from $0.43-9.7 per liter. In some rooms, an inexpensive paint mixture is quite enough, but if you want the coating to meet certain technical and aesthetic requirements, then you should not save.


If you don’t know how to paint the ceiling in your child’s room, then water-dispersion compositions are suitable for this because they are considered environmentally friendly, because they are made on the basis of water.
There are the following types of these mixtures:

  • polyvinyl acetate;
  • adhesive (not popular due to short service life);
  • acrylic;
  • water-based.

When deciding which paint is best to paint the ceiling, pay attention to the advantages of water-dispersion compositions:

  1. Reasonable price is one of the main advantages of these paints.
  2. The coloring mixture dries very quickly and does not emit a strong odor during the drying and application process.
  3. Expensive polyvinyl acetate compounds are resistant to mechanical stress and adhere well to the base.
  4. Fire safety is another advantage of the coloring mixture.
  5. Alkali resistance.
  6. Low abrasion.
  7. Some varieties are moisture resistant, so the coating can be washed many times.
  8. Impressive service life.
  9. Vapor permeability.
  10. Easy to apply and good coverage.
  11. Water-based ceiling paint is suitable for application to plasterboard, wood, concrete, brick and stone substrates.

Among the disadvantages it is worth listing the following:

  • in a damp room, bacteria and mold can multiply on the surface, however, to solve the problem, choose formulations with the addition of antifungal and antibacterial components;
  • as a result of operation at low temperatures, the surface becomes covered with cracks;
  • Not suitable for application on metal, varnished or adhesive surfaces.

A water-based emulsion is distinguished by the fact that it contains polymers. It also contains fillers - chalk, talc or cellulose. Water-based mixtures are often produced in white. To obtain the desired shade, pigments are added to the paint.

Important! Water-dispersion paints, even after drying, get your hands dirty when you touch the surface, and water-based mixtures for ceilings do not leave noticeable marks when you touch the coating.

Oil and enamel

If, when choosing what paint to paint the ceiling, you paid attention to enamels, then it’s worth talking about its features. These compositions are based on varnish, solvents and pigments. Most often, cast iron and steel bathtubs are covered with enamel. The main disadvantage of paint lies in its vulnerability to mechanical damage and cracking. The coating is easily scratched and chipped. In addition, the base under the paint layer is completely devoid of natural air exchange.

Oil-based white ceiling paint is good because it gives a smooth, glossy finish. By adding different pigments, the desired shade of the coloring composition is obtained.
Their advantages include the following:

  • high adhesion to the base;
  • fits well on any type of base;
  • do not require preliminary priming of the surface for painting.

Important! The main disadvantage of oil paints is the strong unpleasant odor that remains in the room for a month after painting.


When deciding which paint is best for painting the ceiling, pay attention to acrylic mixtures. This is the most practical finishing option. Paints belong to the middle price category. Acrylic paints belong to the group of water-based substances.
They are divided into several subspecies:

  • water-dispersed acrylic;
  • styrene-acrylic;
  • mixtures with added vinyl.

All of them are produced on the basis of water and differ only in composition.
The advantages of acrylic mixtures include the following:

  1. Since the composition does not contain acetate solvents, there is no unpleasant odor in the room during application and drying.
  2. The surface under the paint layer breathes, which is very important for a wooden house. The exception is vinyl paints, which have low vapor permeability.
  3. Even when applied in one layer, the coating is quite dense and uniform.
  4. The paint hides minor defects in the base.
  5. The elastic film does not crack due to vibration and shrinkage of the structure.
  6. The advantages include ease of application, resistance to ultraviolet radiation and abrasion, and compatibility with any substrate.


When deciding what paint to paint the ceiling in an apartment, it is worth studying the features of latex compounds. Depending on the polymers contained, the following types of latex paints are distinguished:

  • acrylic silicone;
  • acrylic;
  • acrylic polyvinyl acetate;
  • acrylic butadiene styrene.

Their advantages:

  • high elasticity;
  • withstand tensile loads well;
  • hides small cracks in the base;
  • the gloss level reaches 60%, but there are also matte dyes;
  • waterproof;
  • does not collect pollution;
  • high adhesion to the base.


This is a mixture of aqueous dispersion, coloring pigments and liquid glass. Silicate solutions are divided into dispersion and two-component varieties.
Their advantages include all the advantages of water-based paints:

  • good breathability of the coating;
  • high wear resistance;
  • absence of toxic components;
  • fire safety;
  • durability (the surface will last up to 25 years);
  • increased moisture resistance;
  • Thanks to the additives, the coating is not susceptible to damage by microorganisms and fungi.


To decide what to paint the ceiling in an apartment with, you should choose not only the type of mixture, but also a trusted manufacturer. There are many different paint compositions on the construction market, but not all of them are popular. We will describe the most popular manufacturers of coloring mixtures.


German ceiling paint from the Caparol brand is an environmentally friendly water-soluble mixture. They do not contain plasticizers or organic solvents.

Features of Caparol paints:

  1. The price of high-quality German paints is quite high, but this does not diminish their popularity.
  2. The long service life compensates for the high cost.
  3. Resistance to mechanical stress and abrasion.
  4. Can be washed using any detergent.


Don't know which ceiling paint to choose? Pay attention to Tikkurila brand products. This Finnish company has been producing paints and varnishes since 1862. The company's product range includes many types of ceiling paints suitable for different surfaces.
Their advantages:

  • low material consumption (120 grams per square meter);
  • good hiding power;
  • the presence of antiseptic components;
  • suitable for places with high humidity;
  • rich color palette;
  • high performance characteristics;
  • Tikkurila paints are characterized by richness and brightness of shades;
  • easy to apply, adheres well to the base;
  • setting speed - 35 minutes, and complete drying - up to three hours;
  • environmentally friendly, no pungent odor.

Important! The only drawback of Tikkurila coloring mixtures is their high price. But this pays off with a long service life.


Several companies located in different countries are united under this brand. The main office is located in Poland.
Painting the ceiling with Snezka is beneficial for many reasons:

  • the coloring compositions of this brand are hypoallergenic and environmentally friendly;
  • the coating is resistant to temperature changes;
  • moisture resistant;
  • the surface under the paint layer breathes;
  • allowed to wash;
  • abrasion resistance.

Important! The most affordable coloring composition in terms of price is Ultra Bele on an acrylic basis. But the matte finish does not have an impressive service life.

Water-based paints are produced on a water base, which determines its basic qualities. Thanks to its many advantages and versatility, the paint quickly gained popularity among buyers. Suitable for painting not only walls, but also ceilings.

Advantages of water-based paints

Types of paints described

The properties of water-based paint for ceiling surfaces depend on the type, which, in turn, depends on the base.

Table 1. Types of water-based paints.

Paint typeThe basisAdvantagesFlaws

Cement or slaked limeLow cost, suitable for any surface, including concrete or brickShort service life

An aqueous solution of silicate, known as office glueInexpensive, service life up to 20 yearsNot suitable for rooms with high humidity levels
Acrylic polymer emulsionLong service life, durabilityImpermeable to steam and gases (this property can also be used as an advantage), high cost

Acrylic polymer with latex addedSame properties as acrylic water-based emulsions, also painted surfaces can be washedHigh cost, may crack in a cool room

Silicone resin emulsionThey can be applied to any surface, hide unevenness up to 2 mm, are vapor and gas permeable (this can be a disadvantage), and are suitable for any room, including the kitchen and bathroom; painted surface is washableThe most expensive of all water-based emulsions

All water-based paints have a water-dispersed base in common. The term “dispersion” itself means that water does not dissolve other substances, forming a single mixture, but dilutes the paint composition, penetrating between other particles. Thanks to various additives, manufacturers achieve changes in some properties.

Water-based acrylic paint for ceilings “Stroitel”

Silicone paints have virtually no disadvantages. The only disadvantage may be vapor and gas permeability if reinforced concrete is painted. After some time, the metal will begin to rust, and rust spots will appear on the ceiling. Before painting reinforced concrete with silicone paint, the metal must be protected.

Reference! Today, silicone water-based emulsions with anti-corrosion additives have appeared on the market.

If your budget allows, choose silicone water-based emulsion. Otherwise, use it only in the toilet and bathroom. And remember: after drying, silicone paints give a glossy surface.

Silicate paints are inexpensive, but are not suitable for baths or kitchens. For such rooms it is better to stick to acrylic paints. However, due to vapor and gas impermeability, they cannot be applied to fresh plaster until it is completely dry. Suitable paint for ceilings in living rooms.

A ceiling coated with acrylic water-based emulsion can be washed, but not often and carefully. If latex is added to the paint, the ceiling can be washed many times, even using a brush. The paint is ideal for painting the ceiling in the kitchen.

Characteristics of water-based paints according to GOST

According to GOST 19214-80, the water-based emulsion must have certain characteristics, which are shown in the table below.

Table 2. Characteristics of paints according to GOST.

CharacteristicWater-dispersion paintAcrylic water-based paintWater emulsion with latex
Name according to GOSTVD-VA-224VD-AK-111VD-KCH-26
Frost resistance, number of cyclesAt least 5
- -
Grinding degree, µmNo more than 30No more than 60No more than 70
Covering power of the dried film, g/m2Up to 120Up to 100Up to 210
Film resistance to constant water exposure, hoursFrom 12- From 24
Mass fraction of non-volatile substancesAbout 56%About 55%About 59%

GOST 19214-80. Water-based paints for interior work. Technical conditions. File for download.

Make sure that the manufacturer indicates GOST 19214-80 on the packaging. This means that the paint is manufactured to the highest standards.

Water-based paint for walls and ceilings “Ekodom”

Decoding GOST parameters

When choosing water-based paint for the ceiling, professionals advise paying attention to the parameters below.

Note! If you decide to tint yourself, tint 10% more than the expected paint consumption. There will be paint in the required shade in stock for “light” painting (updating) of the ceiling in the future.

Discoloration of the main color (the proportions are given using the example of the VD-AK-115 color from the manufacturer Syvelovskie Paints - Paint and Varnish Products Plant LLC)

Water emulsion is made on a water basis. One of the properties of water is freezing at zero degrees. Paint loses its properties after freezing, so do not buy it in unheated warehouse stores and markets.

Cost matters. The consumption of expensive paint is often lower than that of cheap paint. Savings in painting partially offset the high cost.

Preparing the ceiling for painting

The preparation of the ceiling surface occurs in several stages.

Step 1. Surface cleaning. The ceiling may have previously been painted or whitewashed, so it needs to be cleaned. The whitewashed ceiling is moistened with water, applying it to a roller and rolling it over the surface. Then take a spatula and scrape off the old layer, after which the surface is washed again with a sponge.

To remove old water emulsion:

Often, cleaning the old water-based coating comes down to simply scraping off the damaged areas with a spatula.

Reference! Rust stains on a reinforced concrete ceiling can be removed with a 5% solution of copper sulfate.

Step 2. Leveling the surface. The ceiling is leveled with putty using a spatula. At the same time, all cracks, cracks, small depressions or recesses are hidden on the surface.

Step 3. Surface primer. The putty surface must be primed, which prevents high paint penetration and the degree of hiding power will increase. It is recommended to choose a primer from the same manufacturer as the paint.

Dyeing process

When the surface is ready for painting, you can begin the actual process.

First, check out these necessary tools:

  • long-haired roller for painting the main surface;
  • a tray where the paint roller will roll out;
  • brush for painting joints and seams;
  • thin brush for correction.

Important! If you do not roll out the roller, the paint will be applied unevenly.

When painting, follow the application rules. If there is one window in the room, then the first layer is applied parallel to it from one blank wall to another. The second layer is applied perpendicular to the first, in the direction from the window to the opposite wall. If there are two windows in the room, then the layers are applied perpendicular to each other, each time from the window to the blank wall.

Important! It is better to apply two thin layers of paint than one thick one. Less consumption, paint adheres better.

Painting should begin at the joints of the corner furthest from the entrance to the room. You need to start painting the joints with a brush; a strip no more than 5 cm wide is painted. Then the surface is rolled with a roller.

Note. For water-based emulsion, use a roller with a long pile, since the paint bubbles on the foam rubber, and a short pile will not capture enough paint.

Allow at least 8 hours between coats to allow the paint to dry completely. The paint must dry under natural conditions, without the use of electrical appliances.

Each layer is applied quickly, since freshly applied paint will stand out next to already dried paint.

You can paint the ceiling with water-based paint yourself. By following simple rules, you can achieve excellent results. Correctly selected water emulsion for the ceiling will ensure an aesthetic appearance of the surface, practicality in use and durability.

Video - Painting a ceiling with a baseboard using water-based paint

A beautiful ceiling in an apartment plays the same important role in the interior as the floor or walls, so when renovating or decorating it needs to be given no less attention. Today we will talk about the most common material, most often used in finishing work - water-based paint for the ceiling and give advice on which water-based paint is best to choose.

What is a water emulsion? In scientific terms, an emulsion is a dispersed system containing a mixture of microscopic droplets of two insoluble liquids, for example, water and some kind of polymer.

Water-based emulsion is also called water-dispersion paint, since it is based on aqueous dispersions of polymers (polyacrylates, polyvinyl acetates and others) containing suspensions of pigments, fillers, as well as special additives of various auxiliary substances (emulsifiers, stabilizers, etc.). The paint contains no organic solvents, so it is non-toxic and completely safe for health.

In addition, depending on the type of paint and the presence of these same additives, it has some undoubted advantages over other types:

  • Fire and explosion safety.
  • Resistance to aggressive environments, in particular to alkalis.
  • Low abrasion.
  • Moisture resistance(some types of paint can be washed repeatedly using detergents).

  • Long service life.
  • Gas and vapor permeability.
  • Resistance to adverse weather conditions.
  • Good hiding power.
  • Compatible with almost all surfaces.
  • Easy to apply.
  • Affordable price.

Among the disadvantages it should be noted:

  • Exposure to bacteria, mold, fungus, which especially multiply on paint in a damp or poorly heated room. But some types of material contain antibacterial and antifungal additives that solve this problem.

  • Cracks appear at low temperatures.
  • Unsuitable for painting adhesive, varnish and metal coatings.

Important! If you really need to paint the metal, then after applying a couple of layers of primer to it, the water emulsion will perfectly cover this surface as well.

Types of water-based paint

Manufacturers produce several types of “water emulsion”. Technical characteristics, places of application, performance and cost of the material depend precisely on those same additives. Let's try to figure out what types of water-based ceiling paint are available and choose the most suitable one in terms of composition and quality.

So, the market offers the following types of water-dispersion paint:

  • Polyvinyl acetate.
  • Acrylic.
  • Latex.
  • Silicate.
  • Silicone.

Let's talk about each one separately.

Polyvinyl acetate water emulsion

The paint contains the following components:

  • Polyvinyl acetate emulsion (homogeneous thick white liquid), which is used to make PVA glue. It can be of two types: plasticized, afraid of negative temperatures and freezing at 0 degrees; not plasticized, does not lose its performance qualities after freezing and thawing four times.
  • Stabilizers.
  • Color pigments (may or may not be present).
  • Plasticizers.

The paint is made in accordance with GOST 28196 89. When applied to the surface, water evaporates, and additional substances harden and acquire hydrophobic properties. Drying time is 2–3 hours at a temperature of +22 degrees, the resulting film has a homogeneous porous semi-matte structure.

Basically, painting the ceiling with water-based polyvinyl acetate paint is popular due to the following features:

  • No harmful components.
  • Explosion and fireproof.
  • Has good hiding power.
  • Suitable for application on porous surfaces (concrete, brick, wood, plaster, cardboard).
  • Dries quickly.
  • Mixes well with colorants.
  • It has good adhesion and lays flat and beautiful.
  • Forms a strong elastic film.
  • It has the lowest price among analogues.

It is impossible not to mention the disadvantages of polyvinyl acetate paint, these include:

  • Weak water resistance, so paint is used only in dry rooms.
  • Ability to undergo rapid abrasion under mechanical influence.
  • Cannot be applied to metal, chalk, lime, alumina or vitriol surfaces. Contact with these materials may cause paint to peel, crack, or fall off.

Important! When mixing white paint with color, it is recommended to apply at least 2 layers of the composition to the surface to obtain the best effect.

Acrylic water-based paint

It is a composition of a water-dispersed mixture and polyacrylates as binding components. It is distinguished from conventional PVA-based water emulsion by its high moisture resistance. The surface can be washed with detergents, and more than once, and, accordingly, used in rooms with high humidity.

In addition to the listed advantages, acrylic water emulsion has other positive qualities:

  • Ease of application. You can paint the surface with a brush, roller, or spray gun (see How to use a spray gun: advice from professionals).
  • Elasticity. The water emulsion fits perfectly on the ceiling, the layer is smooth, equally covered, without streaks or gaps.
  • UV resistance. The paint does not change the depth and shade of the color even under prolonged exposure to direct sunlight.
  • Combination with almost all materials, even with metal, which must first be primed.
  • Non-toxic and no unpleasant odor.
  • Vapor permeability. The applied composition forms a “breathing” surface that can allow air to pass through, so that microorganisms, fungus and mold do not form under the paint.
  • Abrasion resistance. A ceiling coated with acrylic paint will maintain a presentable appearance for a long time, even with annual wet cleaning.

Latex water emulsion

Depending on the polymer included in the paint, latex serves as an additive for the following types of water-based emulsions:

  • Acrylic.
  • Acrylic silicone.
  • Acrylic polyvinyl acetate.
  • Acrylic butadiene styrene.

The “breathing” ability is created by latex copolymers, which, when dried, form a special crystalline structure that is not afraid of moisture, so this coating can even be washed with alkaline solutions.

The gloss level of the paint is indicated on the packaging.

In appearance, latex water emulsion can be:

  • Highly matte (CM 0–5).
  • Highly glossy (SG 90–100).
  • Glossy (G 60–89).
  • Matte (M 6–10).
  • Semi-glossy (PG 30–59).
  • Semi-matte (MP 11–29).

If we paint the ceiling with water-based latex paint, then it is recommended to pay attention to these designations. Depending on the degree of gloss, the ceiling can be made shiny or silky-matte, with a fabric effect.

Important! If the ceiling is decorated with wallpaper for painting, then a matte water-based emulsion will especially emphasize the texture and pattern of the canvases, while a glossy emulsion, on the contrary, will blur the clarity and distract attention from the texture.

Latex water-based paint has all the positive characteristics of water-dispersed paints; an additional advantage is its special strength and abrasion resistance. The downside is the deterioration of quality at low temperatures, so it is advisable to use it in heated rooms.

Silicate water emulsion

Paint is a dispersion of water, liquid glass and coloring pigments. It has all the advantages of water-based paints, such as vapor and air permeability, wear resistance, non-toxicity, explosion and fire safety.

Of particular note is the high moisture resistance and durability of the coating. Surfaces painted with silicate water emulsion last 20–25 years without the need for renewal or repair. In addition, special additives ensure the complete absence of fungus, mold and microorganisms.

Silicone water emulsion

This paint is based on silicone resins, which interact well with almost all types of surfaces. If you have not yet decided which water-based paint to choose for the ceiling, then we advise you to pay attention to silicone.

And there are several reasons for this:

  • The structure of the paint is such that it easily hides cracks up to 2 mm wide; after the water-based emulsion has dried, the defects are completely invisible, and the surface looks even and smooth.
  • The paint adheres well to damp or frequently exposed to moisture ceilings, so it is suitable for use in showers, bathrooms (see Painting walls in the bathroom: how to do it right), and kitchens.
  • Due to its high vapor permeability, fungus and mold simply do not grow on it and under it, which means there is no need for antiseptic impregnation.
  • The surface coated with silicone water emulsion does not absorb dirt, so it practically does not get dirty and does not need frequent cleaning.
  • The paint has good hiding power; one thin layer is enough to achieve a smooth, uniform surface.

The cost of water-based paint for this type of ceiling is quite high, but it is offset by the high technical and operational characteristics of the material.

If you decide to paint the ceiling yourself, then experts recommend adhering to several basic rules when performing this work:

  • Calculate in advance the consumption of water-based paint per 1 m2 of ceiling and purchase the required amount for the entire area, and add 10-15% to the resulting volume for unforeseen expenses. If this is not done, then the missing paint purchased later may end up with a different shade, and the entire ceiling will have to be repainted.

  • The surface must be leveled and all visible defects removed (cracks, gouges, bumps, unevenly applied old paint, etc.), since under a thin layer of water-based emulsion all defects will be visible especially clearly.

  • Before painting, the ceiling must be coated with a primer to remove dust (see How to prime a ceiling: we’ll figure it out step by step), reduce paint consumption and improve adhesion with the water-based emulsion.
  • Instead of a primer, you can use the same paint, but diluted half with water.

  • If you do the tinting yourself, then you need to prepare the entire volume of paint at once, otherwise you may not be able to guess the shade later.

  • Corners and hard-to-reach places must first be painted with a brush, and in a thin layer, otherwise later the places covered by the brush will differ from the tone of the general area.

  • You can paint the ceiling with a roller or spray gun, apply the paint evenly, without smudges, streaks or gaps.

  • The ceiling is covered with at least two layers of water-based emulsion; strokes of the first and second layers are applied perpendicular to each other.

Important! The stripes of the finishing layer are placed towards the light source, this will help hide possible minor irregularities or unevenness of the coating.

  • Instructions for using this type of paint are printed on any packaging; to obtain a high-quality and durable coating, they must be strictly followed.


We talked about the types of paint, as well as the advantages and disadvantages of each. But you will have to decide which water-based paint is best for the ceiling yourself; the choice depends on the type of surfaces to be painted, the type of room and your budget. We invite you to look at the photos and videos in this article to finally decide on this issue.

Among the many types of finishes, painting the ceiling is considered one of the most economical and easiest to implement options. Today on the building materials market you can find an abundance of paints from different manufacturers. It is not so easy to choose the best option among them.

To decide what is a good ceiling paint, you need to consider all the existing options and their composition. The result of painting and the durability of the resulting layer will depend on it.


Before you figure out what is a good ceiling paint, you need to decide what you want it to look like.

To get a good result, you also need to take into account the surface of the ceiling. According to the effect created, paints can be divided into two classes:

  • matte;
  • glossy.

These classes, in turn, are divided depending on the characteristics and composition into the following types of paints used for the ceiling area:

  • water-based;
  • water-dispersed;
  • acrylic;
  • silicate;
  • latex;
  • silicone.

Matte ceiling paint

After painting with this type, the ceiling will have absolutely no shine. for the ceiling can hide minor defects and minor flaws in the surface, so if the ceiling has flaws, then it is better to choose this option.

This is what experts most often recommend. But compared to the glossy type, there are also disadvantages. The matte surface collects more dust, and dirt is more difficult to wash off. The positive aspects include the following factors:

  • the ceiling surface has no glare;
  • problem areas are not visually visible: unevenness, roughness and other flaws;
  • easy to get any shades;
  • the ceiling dries out quickly enough;
  • There are practically no odors when painting.

Glossy ceiling

A shiny surface can be an interesting design solution. Glossy ceiling paint gives a beautiful shine, but is only suitable for perfectly flat areas.

If there are even minor flaws in the putty work, then from afar they will be clearly visible. This option is only suitable for painting a smooth ceiling surface without flaws. A ceiling painted with glossy paint has an undeniable advantage - it is resistant to washing and abrasion, so repeated use is allowed. Due to this, the surface has a longer service life.

What can't you paint?

Anyone who is choosing a good paint for the ceiling and does not have experience in this should know that an option that is absolutely not suitable for painting ceiling surfaces is: After final drying, it becomes like a solid dense film that does not allow liquid vapors and air to pass through . Over time, this will lead to destruction in the floor structure, so this type should not even be considered.

Water-based paint

Quite often, it is with its help that ceiling surfaces are painted. As a rule, it only comes in white. The desired shade is formed using toner. This paint has many advantages:

  • non-toxic and environmentally friendly;
  • easy to apply and does not have a strong odor;
  • suitable for any surfaces, with the exception of those previously painted with glossy paints and varnishes;
  • allows you to change to any color;
  • If necessary, wash off well with soapy water.

Waterborne paint

This type is divided into two main ones: acrylic with latex and latex with an acrylate base. All of the listed types can be found on the construction products market. They are represented by both more expensive paint and varnish products from Dulux, Sherwin Williams, Tikkurila, and budget options (paint “Tex”, “Marshal”).

The acrylic type of paint and varnish products contains not only water and chalk, but also acrylic polymer. The coating is of fairly high quality, but if necessary, it can be washed off like whitewash.

Due to the addition of latex (a natural material), it becomes viscous in consistency and resistant to abrasion. It is suitable for ceiling surfaces with microcracks or prone to shrinkage, for example in a new apartment.

It is considered by experts to be one of the best options due to its good performance properties. Due to the combination of acrylic and latex, it is both durable and stretchy.

Paint and varnish products "Tex"

Today, one of the topics discussed by those who are planning or have just completed a renovation is Tex paint. Due to its relatively budget price, it attracts the attention of consumers.

A bucket of paint weighing 14 kg of the “Universal” series will cost between 400-450 rubles, and a container with the same weight of the “Pro” class can be purchased for 650-700 rubles.

Experts who use it to paint ceiling areas have noted the following positive aspects:

  • has environmentally friendly properties and is safe for others;
  • when thickened, it is easily diluted with water, which can be used to easily clean tools;
  • due to its thick consistency it does not drip when applied;
  • It dries completely in about 6-8 hours.

But opinions about negative qualities differ significantly. One part of the professionals claims that this is a good option in terms of cost/quality ratio, and they are quite satisfied with the coloring result. Other experts note a lot of disadvantages:

  • professionalism is required for application;
  • requires mandatory preliminary priming;
  • does not hide defects well;
  • painting requires at least 3-4 layers;
  • not suitable for washing.

Tikkurila paint

The Finnish brand Tikkurila is one of the most widespread on the Russian market. Tikkurila ceiling paint, according to expert reviews, has all the necessary protective characteristics, is relatively durable and quite convenient to use. The area covered with it meets all the requirements for painting ceiling surfaces. Tikkurila paint and varnish products not only have a wide selection of types, volumes and bases, but also a wide palette of shades, allowing you to realize the ideas of any design. However, recently some clients have stopped using it, since over the past two years it has risen in price by almost 50%. The relatively high cost induces consumers to choose more affordable domestic analogues.

For example, acrylic paint of the SIRO Himmea series (matte) with a volume of 9 liters will cost 4300-4500 rubles, and the elite class HARMONY (matte with a velvet effect) of the same weight will cost about 6000 rubles.

What's the best paint?

Not a single specialist will point to a certain type of paint and varnish product, saying that this particular paint is good for the ceiling. Reviews from professionals on choosing brands vary. Each type has both positive aspects of use and disadvantages. Experts say that good paints must meet the following criteria:

  • good moisture resistance;
  • high level of abrasion resistance;
  • consumption rate per square meter;
  • ability to pass moisture vapor and air.

Many experts believe that water-based and water-dispersed types of paints are a reasonable and optimal option for the ceiling area. At the same time, the purpose of the room is also of great importance. For example, for bedrooms and children's rooms, many experts recommend latex-based acrylic paint, but for rooms with dampness (baths, kitchens) it is not very suitable.

Kitchen ceiling

The kitchen is a high humidity area in the house. Many options for paint and varnish products are not suitable for it. A good paint for the ceiling in the kitchen must meet the following requirements: easy to wash if necessary, not fade, be resistant to abrasion, be environmentally friendly and have a composition that prevents the formation of microorganisms.

The ideal options for ceiling kitchen surfaces are considered to be: They meet all the listed requirements, but have a relatively high cost, so they will not fit into every renovation budget. Acrylic, latex and silicate paints are also great for kitchen ceilings.


Having considered the properties of all types of paint and varnish products, it is not difficult to decide what is a good paint for the ceiling. But in each individual case the choice will be different. It will depend on the tastes of the owner of the room, the type of the room itself, the budget planned for the renovation and the requirements the owner places on the ceiling surface.

A closer look from the bottom up

White indelible dirt, a vacuum cleaner with a spray bottle, stains on the ceiling - the picture “we whitewashed the ceiling” still terrifies representatives of the middle and older generations in our country. Fortunately, the actively developing market for construction and finishing materials has provided many alternatives to this natural disaster of repairs. And the easiest way for those who decide to update the freshness of the ceilings in the house is painting. Matte, glossy, textured, colored design is easily achieved using a regular brush, roller or spray gun.

All the consumer needs is to understand the materials offered and decide which ceiling paint is best.

Photo: him40.ru

Which ceiling paint is better to choose?

ABOUT paint materials should be valued based on the following factors::

  • hiding power (the ability of paint to completely hide the previous layer with minimal consumption);
  • masking effect;
  • volume;
  • methods of caring for painted surfaces;
  • price.

Total offered in stores 6 types of ceiling paints:

  • water-based polyvinyl acetate;
  • acrylic;
  • latex;
  • silicone;
  • silicate;
  • textured.

All these paints are aqueous suspensions of polymers and pigments, so it would be correct to call them water-based or water-dispersed. All water-based paints and varnishes differ in the type of polymer by which the paints are named. There is also a difference in price, color offerings, and, of course, quality.

Dufa - the best glossy ceiling paint

Photo: vanna-rem.ru

Approximate price for Dufa Superweiss (10 liters): 3300 rubles.

This ceiling paint is praised for its snow-whiteness, silky gloss, excellent hiding power, durability, strength and reasonable pricing policy from the manufacturer.

Pleasant gloss is a priority for most users. It not only emphasizes the purity of color, but also helps to visually increase the volume of the room. That is why Dufa is often used when painting ceilings in small rooms and corridors.

The manufacturer's assortment also includes decorative coatings that create spectacular patterns on ceilings. This means that it is possible to experiment not only with shades and halftones, but also to create original optical illusions and various interesting textures on the surface.

Reviews: “Dufa is a pleasure to work with - great paint.”

Caparol - the best paint for the ceiling in the country

Photo: www.kavkaz-torg.ru

Approximate price for Caparol CapaSilan (10 liters): 3950 rubles.

This is one of the few manufacturers specializing in silicone paints for ceilings.

Silicone compounds, when drying, easily eliminate or hide small unevenness, roughness and cracks on the ceiling. The adhesive properties of Caparol silicone paint can “hide” cracks up to 2 mm thick.

The material is also characterized by high hiding power and, even in one layer, perfectly paints the surface, is easy to clean and almost does not become dirty, as it has a powerful dust- and water-repellent effect.

Reviews: “In my opinion, the best paint for ceilings in unheated rooms. I used it for ceilings in the country, and although the house was not heated in winter, in the spring all the ceilings looked like they were freshly painted.”

Dulux - the best matte ceiling paint

Photo: www.profkom64.ru

Approximate price for Dulux Magic White (10 liters): 3100 rubles.

Dulux is the best ceiling paint if you're looking for a matte option (we're talking about products made in the UK, as the company's Russian factories can't always boast the same quality). Its light-absorbing characteristics are so good that they almost completely mask all minor errors in the ceiling surface. The paint has excellent hiding power: just two layers are enough to make the ceiling look perfect. If we add here the low consumption per square meter, environmental friendliness, a wide selection of shades, easy care, the absence of an unpleasant odor and the ability to apply the composition to an unprepared surface, then it becomes clear why the paint is so popular, despite its rather high cost.

The price is high for this brand, and the quality of Russian-made paint is not stable.

Reviews: “There are no downsides except the price. The paint on the ceilings dries very quickly, and within just half an hour there is no smell in the house.”

"Oreol" - the best washable paint for the ceiling

Photo: domi-on.ru

Approximate price for "Oreol Discount" (13 kg): 900 rubles.

“Oreol” paint adheres very well to surfaces and ceilings of any type, creating an almost perfect matte finish. Most matte compositions are characterized by high coverage rates, especially when it comes to white, pastel or terracotta shades. “Halo” in this case is no exception. And even more.

The finished coating dries one and a half times faster than other manufacturers, and is easy to wash and clean. Information from forums and specialized sites distinguishes “Oreol” paints from others and gives them the highest rating based on the results of actual use.

The consumption declared by the manufacturer does not always correspond to actual results.

Reviews: “Good choice at a reasonable price. We painted over old yellowed wallpaper, the result exceeded all expectations.”

Tikkurila - the highest quality water-based ceiling paints

Photo: diva-keramika.ru

Estimated price for Tikkurilla Euro 7 (9 liters): 2800 rubles.

Tikkurila has long been synonymous with the word “quality” when it comes to paints and varnishes. The paints of this brand contain all the advantages that consumers are looking for:

  • pure color;
  • unlimited coloring possibilities;
  • durability;
  • environmental friendliness;
  • UV resistance;
  • excellent performance characteristics.

Tikkurila has one drawback - the high price, but you have to pay it for really good quality. At the same time, it is important to understand that by quality we mean “real” Tikkurila; the product produced near St. Petersburg is not always so ideal.

When purchasing, you need to be careful about where the paint is produced.

Reviews: “Good paint for the ceiling - it doesn’t leave streaks and dries quickly.”

Ceresit - the best silicate paint for ceilings

Photo: www.kupyura.ru

Approximate price for Ceresit C.T. 54 (15 liters): 3300 rubles.

Ceresit silicate paints are primarily intended for facade work, but it is also quite acceptable to use them inside a building - including for ceilings. Builders and consumers like them for their final result, good hiding power, environmental friendliness, antifungal properties, easy maintenance and durability.

Ceresit paints are quite demanding on the base and work best on mineral plasters.

The paint is “capricious”: if you just don’t pay attention to the base, the result will be unpredictable.

Reviews:“Ceresite is applied quickly and very simply. I used a regular brush for painting and the ceiling looks just great. But I had to struggle with the plaster.”

"Snezhka" - the best quality in the inexpensive segment

Photo: wikibud.com.ua

Approximate price for SNIEZKA EKO paint (10 liters): 1400 rubles.

Ceiling paint pleasantly surprises with the best price/quality ratio. Suitable for almost any type of surface, has excellent hiding power. Allows you to ideally combine surfaces of different textures, which is often necessary when installing plasterboard on the ceiling.

Almost all options are not very resistant to water, but are hypoallergenic and environmentally friendly. The paints are easily tinted to the user's desired shade. Unfortunately, the paint consumption indicated by the manufacturer differs almost twice from the actual one, for which “Snezhka” receives a big minus from us.

Reviews: “I was pleasantly surprised by the hiding power, the paint really applies to the ceiling very evenly and in one pass you get a very high-quality white coating.”

"Expert" - excellent white paint for ceilings

Photo: www.domstroy45.ru

Approximate price for “Expert Washable” (14 kg): 850 rubles.

Expert paints are one of the areas of paint and varnish materials from DEKART. After applying products from this brand, ceilings look truly white. It is for its pure and bright color that the paint is valued by finishing craftsmen. "Expert" ceiling paints have a range of advantages:

  • dry quickly;
  • do not lose color over time, do not crumble or wear off;
  • have no odor after drying;
  • non-toxic;
  • look great in glossy and matte finishes;
  • suitable for all types of surfaces.

The tinting of the composition is not always successful, so this paint is best chosen by those who are planning to paint the ceiling white. The second drawback noted by users is excessive thickness. This problem is easily solved by diluting the paint to the desired consistency, but this information, alas, is not noted by the manufacturer in the instructions.

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