Foliar feeding of indoor flowers. Spraying and foliar feeding of indoor plants

In order for indoor plants to delight with beautiful greenery and bloom luxuriantly, it is very important to follow the basic rules of spraying them.

You can regulate the humidity level in the room using a household humidifier. Simpler and affordable way- spraying with a spray bottle.
Spraying allows you not only to humidify the air in the room, but also to reduce the amount of water evaporating from the surface of the leaves indoor plants and substrate, as well as keeping the flowers clean.
In hot weather, it is better to spray plants with delicate leaves before 9 a.m. or after lunch, but it is still better to care for flowers that are placed on the north side of the apartment when the air temperature is at its maximum.
Regular spraying of plants does not replace watering them. And regular watering does not mean that you need to stop manipulating with a spray bottle. In the matter of hydration indoor flowers there must be a golden mean.
We invite you to familiarize yourself with the basic rules for spraying house plants.
Rule 1. Plants with hard and shiny leaves (cypress, azalea, arrowroot) and their inhabitants must be sprayed from the top and bottom sides flora tropics (orchid, philodendron, bromeliad).
Orchids can be sprayed several times a day
But plants with velvety (gloxinia), thin (pelargonium), transparent (caladium) leaves do not tolerate high humidity and are susceptible to rotting.
During the cold season, watering these plants should be limited as much as possible.
To maintain an optimal level of humidity, you can spray the space around them or place vessels with water nearby.
Rule 2. So that after spraying there are no stains left on the furniture, and the window sill and window do not have to be wiped every time, it is better to carry out water treatments In bathroom.
Rule 3. Ideally, spraying should be done twice a day - morning and evening. However, the main thing here is not to overdo it. After all, the water that flows down the leaves into the substrate stagnates. A excess moisture, as is known, can harm the plant, causing its disease.
Therefore, it is very important to set the spray bottle to a minimum spray.
Rule 4. Flowering plants It is worth moisturizing in such a way that droplets of water do not fall on the inflorescences. Otherwise, the flowers will quickly wither.
Rule 5. First, the plant should be watered and only after that it can be sprayed.
If you don’t follow this rule, you can easily water one flower twice and not water another at all. After all, after spraying, the substrate is darker, and it is impossible to determine by eye whether the plant is moistened or not.
Rule 6. When spraying plants in the warm season, you still should not carry out the procedure when the flowerpot is under straight sun rays.
Flowers standing in the sun should not be sprayed.
To avoid burns on the leaves, it makes sense to rearrange the flower or wait for the sun to “go away” from the room.
By following these simple rules for spraying house plants, you will be able to grow on your windowsill beautiful garden, which will delight you and your loved ones with lush color almost all year round.

Greetings, dear friends!

Every plant needs enough moisture to grow. Therefore, watering and spraying indoor plants is important stages caring for them. After all, even if you create for your pets necessary conditions, but you organize it incorrectly water regime, then it could harm them.

How to properly water indoor plants

There are certain rules , compliance with which is necessary to organize competent care for your plants.

Rule one. Water plants should only when they really need it. If you have doubts about whether the plant needs water at the moment, it is better to postpone watering until tomorrow.

Rule two. Pay attention to the water in the pan. If you water the plant correctly, then after some kind of water accumulates in it over time. Excess moisture should be drained some time after watering.

Rule three. The intensity of plant growth varies depending on the time of year. At the beginning of summer, flowers gain strength and intensively use water for this. In winter, flowers experience a period of “hibernation”, then they need moderate or even meager watering.

Rule four. Water is used for irrigation room temperature, since cold water is contraindicated for indoor flowers. It can be taken from the tap, but it is better to let it settle first, because in tap water contains impurities harmful to flowers.The best option is.

Watering modes for indoor plants

Watering regimes depend on different factors: time of year, type of plant, type of rhizomes and leaves.

Sparse watering is necessary for succulents, as well as bulbous plants, which are in a period of rest. By watering such plants every few days or even months, you will provide them with sufficient moisture.

Most often, indoor plants need moderate watering. If indoor flower has fleshy leaves and thick roots, it needs a moderate regime. Maintaining a moderate regimen is quite simple. The plant should not be watered immediately after how the top layer dries, and after one, sometimes even after two days after that.

Plants with delicate and thin leaves need abundant watering. tropical plants also love moisture. As soon as in a pot the soil dries out, you need to water the flower again.

Spraying indoor plants

One of the ways to saturate indoor plants with moisture and organize their normal water balance- This is spraying. In addition, regular spraying of indoor flowers allows do indoor air more humid.

Spraying should be done very carefully. Some plants do not tolerate moisture on their leaves, while others, on the contrary, require spraying for normal growth.

Tropical and conifers. You can also safely spray flowers whose leaves are hard and shiny. Flowers with velvety and thin leaves cannot be sprayed, as they are sensitive to the formation of rot.

Work on mistakes

It is dangerous to overdry indoor plants. If the leaves are slightly wilted, this is the first sign that means your flower lacks moisture. Conifers and citrus fruits, ivy,, azalea, as well as some other plants do not tolerate drying out at all and die immediately. If you want to bring a dried out plant back to life, then the pot with soil should be placed in warm water. After five hours, you need to remove the pots from the water.

If the plant, on the contrary, is flooded, then you need to loosen the soil. In some cases upper layer the lands are removed and completely replaced with new ones. If the excess moisture is extremely large, then the plant must be transplanted into a new fresh soil, after washing its roots and removing rotten ones.

Try to carry outwatering and spraying indoor plants according to these rules. See you later, friends!

In order for indoor plants to delight with beautiful greenery and bloom luxuriantly, it is very important to follow the basic rules of spraying them. How to properly spray indoor plants? Are there any house flowers that are undesirable to spray?

Flower lovers can say with confidence that some types of plants are very fond of showers and regular spraying, others do not react in any way to such procedures, and still others can get sick and rot.

Why are indoor plants sprayed?

  • To humidify the air around plants. Most indoor flowers do not tolerate too dry air in apartments, especially with winter heating. A fine mist of water from a sprayer saturates the air well with water vapor.
  • To cleanse plants. The leaves of indoor plants gradually become covered with dust. It's not just unsightly, it's harmful to flowers because it disturbs them natural processes respiration and photosynthesis.
  • For watering, fertilizing and treatment. All plants are capable of absorbing water leaf blades and shoots, for some epiphytes this is the main way to obtain moisture. Fertilizers and preparations for pests and diseases are also applied by spraying.

What problems can arise from spraying?

Such problems sometimes arise due to improper spraying:

  • Flowers are damaged by water.
  • White spots remain on the leaves.
  • Sunburn is possible.
  • Some types of plants rot.

It is not difficult to avoid these troubles by adhering to certain rules.

Can all plants be sprayed?

The answer is simple - yes, everything! But in different ways. Indoor flowers came to us from wildlife, most of tropical forests. It rains everywhere, sometimes even in deserts, and this benefits the plants. But, just watch the ordinary garden flowers to understand: warm summer rain is good, but prolonged cold rains lead to waterlogging of the soil and rotting of plants. Rain is also undesirable during flowering - water spoils the delicate petals.

Plants of humid and hot forests with large leathery leaves (orchids, aroids, bromeliads) feel great under constant downpours because they have an interesting ability - they easily absorb moisture, and when the rain stops, they quickly evaporate the excess, preventing the roots from rotting . Plants that do not have such characteristics do not need any abundant watering, nor in regular spraying.

How to spray water for spraying

Most home flower lovers do not think at all about spraying water. And this is very important question! There are two methods:

  • Water fog - the droplets are very small, evaporate quickly, the leaves almost never get wet, and the water does not flow down the stems into the soil.
  • Spraying - drops of all sizes, both large and small, water consumption is large, water flows down the plant into the pot and onto the windowsill.

To humidify the air, you need “water mist”; it can be used regularly. For cleansing, fertilizing, chemical treatment larger droplets are required - splashing.

In most cases, a regular plastic sprayer with hand pump. It allows you to slightly regulate the flow of water, but it is still a splash. It is better to buy a special sprayer with different modes work.

How to spray indoor plants correctly

  • Check the air humidity regularly. At normal or high humidity, daily spraying is not necessary for any flowers. If the air is too dry, then to increase humidity it is better to spray the area around the plant with a water mist, rather than the flower itself. Even better is to use a humidifier.
  • Consider the room temperature. Do not spray when the room is cold. In winter, especially if the plants are on the windowsill, you need to remember that the air temperature near the window is lower than in the room. As is known, the combination high humidity and cold directly next to the window can contribute to the development of fungal diseases and rot.
  • Do not overwater delicate plants. Those indoor flowers whose leaves are pubescent, velvety or simply very thin and delicate (Saintpaulias, gloxinias, arrowroots) are not sprayed every day. As a rule, they do not need frequent watering because they evaporate little water. Once a month light warm a shower is useful, but they don’t need constant water procedures.
  • Use soft water, settled, maybe rain or distilled, so that spots do not appear on the leaves. Salt stains are not only unsightly, but also harmful to plants.
  • Water temperature is room temperature. You can use a lukewarm one, but never use a cold one. tap water straight from the tap. The only case when cold water can be used is to create a fine mist of water around plants on a hot summer day; this is useful not only for humidifying the air, but also for normalizing the temperature.
  • Keep the soil moist. When spraying, some of the water flows into the pot along the stems and leaves. This can lead to root rotting from excess moisture. You can cover the soil with film, but this will only partially help.
  • Do not spray in the sun. Water droplets on the leaves act like tiny lenses, easily causing burns. If a flowerpot with big plant stands in the sun, then water procedures can be done early in the morning or after sunset.

When the house is hot and the air is very dry, arrange artificial rain. The moisture will be partially absorbed by the plant and partially evaporated. This will happen very quickly, the humidity will increase, the temperature will drop slightly and nothing will rot. But home flower will be cleared of dust, which will definitely benefit him.

Apple scab
Apple scab

If you have treated apple trees for scab, and gooseberries for powdery mildew on young leaves, then spraying must be repeated on young ovaries. It is best to use a drug against diseases and pests for this. "Vectra". It’s better not to use pesticides in your garden, but use biological products, and instead of chemicals, treat plants against diseases with a biological product "Zircon"(4 drops per 1 liter of water).

In the photo there are black currant bushes with small orange spots

Small orange spots may appear on blackcurrant bushes - columnar rust, or larger orange swellings - goblet rust. How to spray plants with diseases in this case? Treat the bushes with a preparation containing copper, for example, HOM. Biological products are also suitable "Fitoverm" or "Fitosporin".

cherry leaves
Gooseberry leaves

If last year the leaves of cherries and gooseberries turned yellow and fell early, then spray them with any of these preparations for the treatment of plant diseases.

Gray rot on strawberries
Gray rot on raspberries

In wet weather, there is a risk of gray rot appearing on strawberries and raspberries. Sprinkle the soil around the bushes with ash. Good drugs for this plant disease are "Fitosporin" And "Zircon".

Pictured is a red gall aphid

On red currants in dry weather, it is necessary to carry out preventive spraying with a solution of drinking or soda ash(3 tablespoons per 10 liters of water) against red gall aphids.

Late blight of tomatoes
Bacteriosis of cucumbers

In the greenhouse at the end of the month, tomatoes should be treated against late blight and cucumbers against bacteriosis. For this purpose, use a drug to protect plants from diseases. "Zircon". If it appears on cucumbers spider mite(massive yellowing of entire leaves), then apply "Fitoferm".

Plants do not set fruit well

If plants in greenhouses do not set fruit well, then once every 10 days spray them with preparations for treating plants against diseases "Ovary" or "Bud".

Peony sprouts
Peony sprouts

As soon as pink sprouts appear on the peonies, immediately spray them protectively against rot with a solution of any preparation for combating plant diseases containing copper (solution Bordeaux mixture, "Fitosporina").

Cover with white spunbond

Also open roses and clematis and do the same spraying. Then cover them again, but without spruce branches, only with boxes. Place white spunbond on top. This shelter can only be removed when the threat of frost has completely passed. Phlox plantings also need to be sprayed, perennial asters, delphiniums and bearded irises right on the ground. Later, when the lilies sprout, repeat this procedure. This is especially important for oriental hybrids. In general, they should be sprayed systematically all summer (at least once a month). Zircon to avoid damage by botrytis.

Asters in the photo

Water annual asters with a drug against plant diseases "Fitosporina"– it helps to get rid of the black leg.

Spray the entire garden with one of the biological products to normalize the composition of plant cell sap. The best one is "Silk" ("Novosil"). Also suitable "Epin-extra" or "Healthy Garden". "Healthy garden"(or even better, a preventive protective cocktail: 2 grains each "Healthy garden" And "Ecoberina", 4 drops each "Zircon" And "Uniflora-bud", 8 drops "Fitoverma" per 1 liter of water) in general, all plantings should be treated once a month.

Aphids on bushes
Aphids on trees

In dry weather, green (melon) aphids may appear on bushes and trees. How are plants treated against pests in this case? Systematically spray the plantings, especially the ends of the branches, with an infusion of pine needles or onion peel. Also use an infusion of citrus peels or dissolve 3 tbsp. l. urea in 10 liters of water. There is also a chemical against aphids to protect plants from pests - "Perimore". However, it is better for spraying homeopathic, environmentally friendly "Healthy Garden"(6 grains per 1 liter of water).

But it is impossible to get rid of aphids once and for all. A flying female, flying from afar, immediately lays hundreds of eggs. Within a week, the insect will multiply.

Ladybug larvae

Our most reliable helpers in the fight against this pest are ladybugs and their large black larvae with dots of red or orange color On the sides. They destroy hundreds of aphids and their eggs every day. Many, unfortunately, do not know what larvae look like ladybug and destroy them.

Gall midge in the photo

Another assistant is the predatory gall midge. She loves to settle on legumes and spicy crops, so these plants should always be planted on your site, in addition, they cannot be sprayed with pesticides.

Weevil on strawberries
Weevil on raspberries

At the beginning of June, the weevil moves from strawberries to raspberries. How to water the plants against pests in this case? Take advantage chemical preparation "Zipershans" or biological product "Fitoverm"(which is preferable).

At this time, it is no longer possible to spray the garden with concentrated mineral fertilizer or iron sulfate against lichens.

Leave this work to late autumn, but do protective spraying against the first pests that lay eggs in the opening buds, and then the detached buds.

Spray the garden

Before flowering, you can use karbofos, since it decomposes within a week and will have time to be neutralized by the time it comes out beneficial insects at the moment of flowering of the garden. It’s even better to spray the garden with an infusion of citrus peels or onion peels. It is especially important to process viburnum in a timely manner.

Gooseberry bushes
Black currant bushes

Gooseberry bushes, black currants, affected powdery mildew, and apple trees suffering from scab, spray with a preparation to protect plants from pests "Zircon"(4-6 drops per 1 liter of water).

Make the first spray on young leaves, the second - about 2 weeks after flowering ends on young ovaries. In the fall, you should carry out another spraying with the same preparations after harvesting.

Preparations for treating plants against pests

Make sure that at the time of flowering the ants do not eat the blackcurrant ovaries. If the bushes bloom but don’t produce berries, that’s their job. To protect against ants, place a rag soaked in kerosene under the bushes (but please do not water the soil with kerosene).

Ant larvae

Ants and many other insects do not like this smell. You can put a drop of any anti-ant gel on each trunk growing from the ground. A good drug gel for controlling plant pests "A great warrior". Insects will come running to the bait. Since the ants not only eat themselves, but also carry prey to the anthill, each of them, except themselves, will destroy a lot of their relatives, and most importantly, the queen will die. ( By the way, this drug acts on wasps in exactly the same way.) If there is a scurrying on the ground under the bushes a large number of ants, remove about 2 cm of the top layer of soil, most likely you will find oviposition there. Pollinate it with a preparation against plant pests "Phenaxin" or "Ant"(the preparations are low-toxic for other insects and warm-blooded inhabitants of the garden). Ants and eggs will die under the influence of the drug.

Bud mite on black currants

Check if there is kidney mite on black currants - the pests are located in large round swollen buds, which are very different from other buds and are clearly visible. Diseased kidneys should be picked and burned, and not thrown away anywhere or composted. When the black currant blooms, look to see if any bush has irregular flowers with narrow fused petals of a dirty pink color. This indicates a very dangerous and contagious disease - terry. Immediately uproot and burn such a bush, even if you find flowers on just one branch.

Red Ribes
Red gall aphid

Red currants are often attacked by red gall aphids, which penetrate inside the leaf, eating away the pulp. Its feces cause poisoning, which manifests itself in red swellings on the leaves (galls). How to spray plants against pests in this case? Early spraying on young leaves will help. "Fitoverm" or "Akarin", which is absorbed by the leaves and functions in the cell sap for 3 weeks, protecting the plant from any sucking or gnawing pests.

Important! After treating plants with pest control drugs, there should be no rain for 3-4 hours so that it does not wash away the drug. In addition, spraying should not be done in sunny weather, because the drug will evaporate faster than it will be absorbed by the leaves.

The photo shows an aphid inside a leaf

Any external treatment is practically useless, since the aphids are located inside the leaf. To prevent it from getting into the leaves, spray soda in dry weather, but always on the underside of the leaf, as well as on the buds that are swollen at the very beginning of spring (3 tablespoons of drinking or soda ash per 10 liters of water). The fact is that the aphid penetrates the leaf from the underside, and the soda will burn its delicate cover and it will die. This pest lays its eggs at the very tip of the branches at the end of the season.

To destroy them late autumn after the leaves fall, treat the ends of the branches with boiling water or spray with concentrated mineral fertilizer/saline solution. Be sure to mow the grass around the area, preventing it from sprouting, especially sedge, which is a breeding ground for rust.

Pictured is the Colorado potato beetle
The photo shows the larvae Colorado potato beetles

If you find bright salmon-colored larvae or yellow-black striped Colorado potato beetles on potatoes, then treat the potato bushes with the preparation "Sonnet"(over large areas - "Aktara"). Spraying is carried out once a season before flowering.

Phlox in the photo
Irises in the photo

Feed peonies, phlox, irises, and asters with ash, sprinkling it on the moist soil around the plant and lightly loosening it.

In the photo there are strawberries

If the strawberry bushes have become “boring” or aphids (spitting aphids) have appeared in the middle of the bushes, then pour a hot solution (60-65 °C) of bright pink potassium permanganate over the strawberries.

Red beetle on a lily bud
Red beetle on a lily flower

The drug "Sonnet" or "Aktara" You can spray lilies if you find a red beetle on them that eats leaves (semicircular cutouts appear on them along the edges), buds and flowers.

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