The effect of infrared heaters on humans. How do infrared rays work?

When they start circling autumn leaves and the chilly cold makes you want to wrap yourself in a warm shawl; an additional source of heat in the house will be very useful. The choice is wide: fan heaters, convector and oil heaters, as well as their infrared variety.

Infrared heaters for the home are good because they dissipate heat to a minimum extent and provide local heating of a specific object. But doesn't it provide warmth harmful effects on human health?

Operating principle of an infrared heater

Most man-made heaters are not particularly cost-effective: the heat they emit heats the air, and then the heated air transfers the heat to you and us and surrounding objects. The operating principle of the IR heater is borrowed from the “patent office of nature”. And there everything is economical and expedient. Heat rays coming from the sun are absorbed by surrounding objects, which, in turn, heat the air.

This is exactly how an infrared heater works. Its main elements are an emitter and a reflector. The emitter serves as a source of infrared radiation, that is, heat, and the reflector directs these heat waves in the desired direction. Then the heated interior items and walls give off the resulting heat, heating the air.

Types of IR heaters

There are three types of infrared heaters:

  • floor;
  • wall;
  • ceiling

Which option is most preferable? It depends on the installation location and purpose.

  1. In a home with children, wall-mounted appliances should be installed at a height beyond the reach of a child's height.
  2. Indoors with low ceilings installation ceiling version undesirable, there is a danger of overheating furniture and household appliances. This installation option is undesirable in the bedroom, nursery and other places of long-term stay. Constant heating of the head can lead to negative consequences.
  3. Floor-standing specimens are mobile, their location is easy to change, and there is no danger of overheating any part of the body.

The benefits of an infrared heater

Unlike its other intended counterparts, this indoor sun has a number of advantages.

Considering that our body itself is a source of heat radiation in the long-wave range, it needs to be replenished with long-wave heat. If such replenishment is impossible, there is a general deterioration in health, vulnerability to attacks various diseases. That's why it's so pleasant for us to bask by the fireplace, in the sun or by the fire.

Coming from the heater infrared heat practically not absorbed environment, since it represents electromagnetic waves for which air is transparent. These radiation sources can provide you with warmth and comfort in a certain area of ​​the apartment, in the country, in the gazebo and other recreation areas. Thus, the benefits of an infrared heater are obvious.

Harm of an infrared heater

dry skin

Infrared heaters operate in temperature ranges from 300 to 800 °C. The length of the waves emitted by it depends precisely on the temperature of the heating element. Long IR waves do not have a harmful effect on humans and even increase their immunity. These are the waves that come from heaters operating in the temperature range of 300–400 °C. The heater does not light up. As the temperature increases, the waves shift to the visible part of the spectrum, changing their color from burgundy to white. Causes significant harm to health infrared heaters, in which the maximum radiation occurs at short waves.

It should be noted that any a heating element emits whole set frequencies, however, the distribution of their intensity depends specifically on temperature. The human body itself emits and happily absorbs wavelengths of 9.6 microns. Such waves penetrate the skin to a depth of 0.3 microns, being absorbed into it top layer. Whereas the shortest IR waves penetrate the skin up to 4 cm! What is the harm they cause? Like the flame of a large fire, they quickly heat the illuminated surface without changing the temperature of the other side. As a result, this leads to the following harmful consequences.

Knowing that some infrared heaters are harmful to health, you should responsibly prepare for the purchase of such a device.

Choosing the right infrared heater

Infrared heaters are available for sale with three types of heating elements:

  • halogen;
  • carbon;
  • ceramic.
  1. The halogen emitter has two disadvantages - its golden light irritates the eyes and it emits short-wave heat, which has a negative effect on humans.
  2. In addition to thermal radiation, the carbon heating element emits some of its energy in the form of a reddish glow, which can be an irritant to vision and cause a negative reaction in asthmatics and allergy sufferers.
  3. Heating elements with a ceramic shell do not emit light, and their radiation falls in the harmless mid-wave and long-wave range.

In all heaters, to protect the housing from overheating, its heating element is surrounded by a heat insulator. The best thermal insulation material is basalt that does not contain additives. Because when heated, additives can become a source of toxic substances (formaldehyde) and cause poisoning.

film IR heater

Honorable second place, after convector heaters, film IR models took the overall rating. They are thin heating elements laminated with a special film. Their maximum heating temperature is 50 degrees. Such heaters are suitable for heating floors, panels, and ceilings. Because of low temperatures heating, the wavelength emitted by the heater is in the range of 5–10 microns. Moreover, the main part of its wave spectrum falls on 9–10 microns, which coincides with the length of the thermal wave emitted by a person. Therefore, it is easily absorbed by the human body and, as it were, warms it from the inside.

One of the positive assets of IR film coatings is their ability to maintain comfortable temperature, in which the air does not dry out and the oxygen content in it does not decrease. Large heating area promotes the formation negative ions which have a positive effect on the body.

Manufacturers of infrared heating equipment convince us of its complete safety. In fact, whether an infrared heater is harmful or not largely depends on the correct choice when purchasing and installing it.

local action of the IR heater

When choosing the power of an infrared heater, focus on the ratio of 1 kW for every 10 sq. m. area to be heated. But this is only in the case when this unit will be the main source of heat.

For short-term local heating, the best option would be low-power IR emitters, about 3 kW, with carbon or quartz heaters. Their heat transfer is much more efficient. If you just need an additional heat source, then the power can be reduced.

Selecting an option ceiling mount heater, make sure that the distance from it to your head is from 0.7 to 1 meter. If you place the device too low, you will get headaches and poor health. You will have to reinstall the heater or change the work area.

In other words, the harm of an infrared heater is “not programmed” in the principle of its operation, but may be caused by its incorrect installation or excessively long use. Infrared heating technology is economical, easy to operate, and it’s not for nothing that it’s called climate control technology future.

The article was written by Svetlana Semyonovna Dracheva, a physics teacher of the highest qualification category.

The average person who sees this invention on the shelves may have doubts about its safety. Is it harmful to health? This fear is largely due to the fact that the word “infrared” sounds somewhat intimidating and is associated with ultraviolet or radiation.

The sun emits both types of radiation - both IR and UV. And the infrared heater - according to the manufacturers - acts like the sun, but without ultraviolet radiation.

But in reality there is nothing like this in such a device. Moreover, infrared waves have long been used in medicine to treat various diseases. They are perfectly accepted by the human body and allow you to effectively fight ailments.

The same principle underlies the heater itself. Infrared waves, like the sun's rays, are transmitted to the human body and warm it up quite quickly.

Infrared should not be confused with ultraviolet radiation. The second is really dangerous to health, while the first is considered quite harmless.

Advantages of infrared heaters

If we compare infrared heaters with others, we can highlight a number of its advantages. A device that emits infrared waves is capable of warming all objects around it that it is directed at. Even when the heater is turned off, the heated floor, ceiling and walls continue to give off their heat, and the room remains at a comfortable temperature for a long time.

The infrared heat device can also be used to keep warm on outdoors(on the balcony, veranda).

For comparison, convector or oil appliances can only heat air. At the same time, they need a certain time to heat the room. To maintain heat in the room, they need to be kept on almost constantly, which negatively affects energy bills.

In addition, when using an infrared heater there is no need for additional use various air humidifiers, which inevitably needs to be done when turning on other thermal devices. The air does not dry out during operation of this device. This technique can even destroy mold and dampness, which cannot be said about its competitors.

Are infrared heaters really harmful to health?

However, IR heaters can still cause some harm. First of all, it concerns them correct operation. Previously, the very first models of these devices were considered quite fire hazardous. It only took one fall to start a fire. Today, heaters are produced equipped with several sensors that cut off the power from the network if the device accidentally falls.

However, everything is subject to some degree of error. If the device misfires, including any sensor, it may not work on time. Therefore it is better to choose wall models, and it’s good to keep an eye on the floor ones and keep them away from children.

In addition, when purchasing a device, please note Special attention on the manufacturer and composition of the device. There is a risk of purchasing counterfeit IR heaters. When heated, they release various harmful compounds into the air along with heat.

When the autumn leaves are swirling and the chilly cold makes you want to wrap yourself in a warm shawl, an additional source of heat in the house will be very useful. The choice is wide: fan heaters, convector and oil heaters, as well as their infrared variety.

Infrared heaters for the home are good because they dissipate heat to a minimum extent and provide local heating of a specific object. But does this heat have a harmful effect on human health?

Operating principle of an infrared heater

Most man-made heaters are not particularly cost-effective: the heat they emit heats the air, and then the heated air transfers the heat to you and us and surrounding objects. The operating principle of the IR heater is borrowed from the “patent office of nature”. And there everything is economical and expedient. Heat rays coming from the sun are absorbed by surrounding objects, which, in turn, heat the air.

This is exactly how an infrared heater works. Its main elements are an emitter and a reflector. The emitter serves as a source of infrared radiation, that is, heat, and the reflector directs these heat waves in the desired direction. Then the heated interior items and walls give off the resulting heat, heating the air.

Types of IR heaters

There are three types of infrared heaters:

  • floor;
  • wall;
  • ceiling

Which option is most preferable? It depends on the installation location and purpose.

  1. In a home with children, wall-mounted appliances should be installed at a height beyond the reach of a child's height.
  2. In a room with low ceilings, installing a ceiling option is undesirable; there is a danger of overheating furniture and household appliances. This installation option is undesirable in the bedroom, nursery and other places of long-term stay. Constant heating of the head can lead to negative consequences.
  3. Floor-standing specimens are mobile, their location is easy to change, and there is no danger of overheating any part of the body.

The benefits of an infrared heater

Unlike its other intended counterparts, this indoor sun has a number of advantages.

Considering that our body itself is a source of heat radiation in the long-wave range, it needs to be replenished with long-wave heat. If such replenishment is impossible, there is a general deterioration in well-being and vulnerability to attacks from various diseases. That is why it is so pleasant for us to bask by the fireplace, in the sun or by the fire.

The infrared heat emanating from the heater is practically not absorbed by the environment, since it represents electromagnetic waves for which the air is transparent. These radiation sources can provide you with warmth and comfort in a certain area of ​​the apartment, in the country, in the gazebo and other recreation areas. Thus, the benefits of an infrared heater are obvious.

Harm of an infrared heater

Infrared heaters operate in temperature ranges from 300 to 800 °C. The length of the waves emitted by it depends precisely on the temperature of the heating element. Long IR waves do not have a harmful effect on humans and even increase their immunity. These are the waves that come from heaters operating in the temperature range of 300–400 °C. The heater does not light up. As the temperature increases, the waves shift into the visible part of the spectrum, changing their color from burgundy to white. Infrared heaters, whose maximum radiation occurs at short waves, cause significant harm to health.

dry skin

It should be noted that any heating element emits a whole set of frequencies, however, the distribution of their intensity depends specifically on temperature. The human body itself emits and happily absorbs wavelengths of 9.6 microns. Such waves penetrate the skin to a depth of 0.3 microns, being absorbed in its upper layer. Whereas the shortest IR waves penetrate the skin up to 4 cm! What is the harm they cause? Like the flame of a large fire, they quickly heat the illuminated surface without changing the temperature of the other side. As a result, this leads to the following harmful consequences.

Knowing that some infrared heaters are harmful to health, you should responsibly prepare for the purchase of such a device.

Choosing the right infrared heater

Infrared heaters are available for sale with three types of heating elements:

  • halogen;
  • carbon;
  • ceramic.
  1. The halogen emitter has two disadvantages - its golden light irritates the eyes and it emits short-wave heat, which has a negative effect on humans.
  2. In addition to thermal radiation, the carbon heating element emits some of its energy in the form of a reddish glow, which can be an irritant to vision and cause a negative reaction in asthmatics and allergy sufferers.
  3. Heating elements with a ceramic shell do not emit light, and their radiation falls in the harmless mid-wave and long-wave range.

In all heaters, to protect the housing from overheating, its heating element is surrounded by a heat insulator. The best thermal insulation material is basalt, which does not contain additives. Because when heated, additives can become a source of toxic substances (formaldehyde) and cause poisoning.

film IR heater

An honorable second place, after convector heaters, in the overall rating was taken by film IR models. They are thin heating elements laminated with a special film. Their maximum heating temperature is 50 degrees. Such heaters are suitable for heating floors, panels, and ceilings. Due to the low heating temperatures, the wavelength emitted by the heater is in the range of 5–10 microns. Moreover, the main part of its wave spectrum falls on 9–10 microns, which coincides with the length of the thermal wave emitted by a person. Therefore, it is easily absorbed by the human body and, as it were, warms it from the inside.

One of the positive assets of IR film coatings is their ability to maintain a comfortable temperature, at which the air does not dry out and the oxygen content in it does not decrease. A large heating area promotes the formation of negative ions, which have a positive effect on the body.

Manufacturers of infrared heating equipment convince us of its complete safety. In fact, whether an infrared heater is harmful or not largely depends on the correct choice when purchasing and installing it.

local action of the IR heater

When choosing the power of an infrared heater, focus on the ratio of 1 kW for every 10 sq. m. area to be heated. But this is only in the case when this unit will be the main source of heat.

For short-term local heating, the best option would be low-power IR emitters, about 3 kW, with carbon or quartz heaters. Their heat transfer is much more efficient. If you just need an additional heat source, then the power can be reduced.

When choosing the option for ceiling mounting of the heater, make sure that the distance from it to your head is from 0.7 to 1 meter. If you place the device too low, you will get headaches and poor health. You will have to reinstall the heater or change the work area.

In other words, the harm of an infrared heater is “not programmed” in the principle of its operation, but may be caused by its incorrect installation or excessively long use. Infrared heating technology is economical, easy to operate, and it is not without reason that it is called the climate control technology of the future.

The article was written by Svetlana Semyonovna Dracheva, a physics teacher of the highest qualification category.

Recently, infrared heaters have become increasingly popular. They are used to heat not only offices and shops, but also houses and cottages. They, unlike other devices for heating rooms, are quite widespread. But the high price of infrared heaters hinders their spread among urban and rural residents, because it is cheaper to purchase a convector or an oil radiator. In addition, many are interested in the question of whether infrared heaters are harmful or not harmful to humans. Before answering it, you need to learn more about these devices and the principle of their operation.

How does an infrared heater work?

Harmful! At first glance, such a statement simply has no right to life. In principle, the heater can be compared with sun rays. But there is one difference. When the heater operates, infrared radiation occurs and there is no ultraviolet radiation. It passes through the air and only partially heats it. Heat, more precisely, is transferred to objects at which the infrared heater is directed. The angle of incidence of the rays, shape, surface material and even the color of the object - all of the above affect the degree of heating. It is safe to say that this type of heater really works on the principle of the sun: it warms up the air, gives off heat to objects, and they continue to give off heat even after the heater is turned off.

Benefit or harm

The heater, at first glance, is very tempting. But many people do not trust advertising and the manufacturer and suspect that infrared heaters are harmful to humans.

Specialists from different countries We have been trying to find the right answer to this question for many years. Numerous studies have been conducted, the results of which indicate that this type of heaters is absolutely safe for humans and does not affect health in any way. Moreover, even doctors claim that using an infrared heater is not harmful to health.

Naturally, it was previously believed that infrared heaters were harmful, but because of their radiation. The fact is that the first models had very high power and numerous cases of fire were recorded. Modern models are not so powerful, and they also have a fall sensor. That is, if the heater accidentally falls, it will immediately turn off thanks to the sensor, and there will be no fire. This is very convenient if the family has small children or pets. Infrared carbon heaters are considered the most comfortable and economical. When using such a device, heat can be directed directly to a person. And for those who value originality, there is an option when the heat comes from a favorite painting - basically, these are infrared film heaters. All these devices work on approximately the same principle.

It is also worth remembering that scammers do not miss the opportunity to earn extra money by dishonest means, and counterfeits of infrared heaters that can be harmful to health periodically appear on the markets. Therefore, it is better to buy such devices in trusted places and require a quality certificate.

Infrared heaters are the most popular air heaters used by people at home.

They are more efficient oil radiators, “heat guns”, consume a small amount of electricity, do not burn oxygen in the room and no negative impact have no effect on human health.

In addition to their direct duty - heating rooms, heaters began to be used in “infrared saunas”, which also do not harm health.

Is there any harm from an infrared heater?

Any heating household appliance emits infrared rays. But the difference between a conventional heating battery and an infrared heater is significant. Such devices emit “waves” different lengths and intensity.

Infrared radiation is electromagnetic radiation, invisible to the eye, the wavelength of which varies from 1-2 millimeters to 0.74 micrometers. The most intense source of such radiation is the sun.

In the warm season, the share of infrared radiation in the sun's spectrum is at least fifty percent. Manufacturers often mention this, saying that supposedly sunlight is not harmful, which means that the heater will not have an effect on the body.

As is known, the body is affected by those infrared waves that penetrate under the human skin, as well as into its subcutaneous layers.

These waves are emitted from an infrared heater. But there is one nuance here. The closer a person is to the source of radiation, the greater the impact on him by infrared waves.

The effect of radiant energy depends on the intensity and wavelength, as well as the duration of exposure to it.

It is known that infrared rays, the wavelength of which is from 0.8 to 1.5 microns, penetrate tissue human body deep enough and can have a negative impact on them.

Therefore, infrared heaters that operate on short-wave radiation are more harmful than those that operate on long-wave radiation. This is worth paying attention to when purchasing.

It is also known that in moderate doses infrared radiation has no effect on the human body.

Infrared radiation is even often used for treatment various kinds diseases.

However, such treatment is prescribed only to those who have no contraindications.

High intensity radiation can be harmful to health. The same can be said about medium-power radiation if it “impacts” a person for more than six hours.

For this reason, it is important to follow the rules for handling heaters:

  • If you want to install a powerful heater in your apartment, then try to make sure that it is not too close to you. You can buy a ceiling heater and install it on maximum height.Try to position it so that the radiation flow is not directed directly at people.
  • It is not recommended to install an infrared heater in a children's room or bedroom. If there is an “urgent” need for this, again, do not direct it at the person.
  • Heaters should not be too “powerful”. Ideally, they should give off heat only to the floor, walls and other interior items.
  • Before purchasing, be sure to ask the seller about all the nuances and inquire about the manufacturer of the devices.

Many unscrupulous manufacturers make air heaters from low-quality materials, which in turn can also cause health complications.

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