Moisture-loving plants and shrubs for a summer cottage. Favorite Flowers Perennials for Swampy Soil

Swampy, constantly wet areas are not particularly popular with gardeners.

Meanwhile, by skillfully selecting plant crops, you can easily turn a problematic garden corner into an attractive place.

As a rule, there is no hard boundary between garden zones with different degrees of moisture; most often they smoothly transition into each other. For example, an area with slightly waterlogged soil turns into a damp lawn, which in turn can gradually turn into a constantly damp lowland.

Plants for areas with varying degrees of moisture

The adaptability of some perennials greatly simplifies the choice of plants for these zones. Attractive and resilient cuff soft (Alchemilla mollis), for example, feels just as comfortable in areas with high humidity, on swampy soils, as in a normal flower garden. And such a “Superman” as loosestrife willow leaf (Lythrum salicaria), develops well not only on waterlogged soils, but also simply in stagnant water.

Representatives of the iris family have similar abilities. If Siberian iris(Iris sibirica) feels at home on damp lawns, then the Asian smooth iris(Iris laevigata) does not mind even a swamp 10 cm deep, in which it can remain throughout the year.

True, most other moisture-loving plants do not really like stagnant dampness. For example, Bulley's cascading primrose(Primula bullesiana) and swimsuit(Trollius) have adapted to places that are temporarily flooded with water, but then dry out again. Therefore, they prefer stream banks or periodically damp lawns.

When selecting plants for damp places, it is necessary to take into account both seasonal changes in humidity and the flowering time of perennials.

In spring they bloom with lush colors marigold swamp (Caltha palustris) and primrose pink(Primula rosea). They bloom until late autumn tradescantia(Tgadescantia) and buzulnik(Ligularia). Spurge marsh (Euphorbia palustris) dresses up in a yellow floral outfit in the spring, and sports red willow-like foliage in the fall.

Since excessive diversity of color combinations can sometimes be irritating, it is recommended to include plants with a relief structure in the composition. A lover of moist air near bodies of water can become such a pole of peace between brightly flowering perennials. hosta Siebold (Hosta sieboldiana) "Eleganz" with large dove-blue leaves. Another plant with expressive foliage - Darmera shieldweed, or palmate palmate (Darmera peltata). It prefers soils with stable moisture and blooms in the spring before the leaves appear, which turn a bright copper color in the fall. In short, with skillful care, even the dampest corner of the garden will have an attractive appearance all year round.

Exotic play of colors

Blue-violet Tibetan meconopsis as if competing in beauty with the red and yellow cascading primrose. And in the background, Iris showed off her purple outfit.

Every day new flowers

Early flowering varieties of daylilies (Hemerocallis lilioasphodelus) can be admired as early as May. Its light yellow fragrant flowers are especially beautiful on the shore of a pond.

Spring on the shore of the pond

The flowers of yellow marsh marigold (Caltha palustris) and white daffodil on the shore of the pond herald the arrival of spring already in April. This bright lawn is also good for the little white ceramic chicken.

Beautiful perennials for areas with marshy soil

The name of the plant is Russian (Latin)

Height, cm

Flower color

Image (clickable)

Flowering time

Landing location


(Alchemilla mollis) 30-50 Light yellow June July A beautiful coastal plant; pruning after flowering prevents self-seeding. From June to July it is covered with a light yellow veil of inflorescences. Its green round leaves with a bluish tinge are also beautiful.
(Euphorbia palustris) 100 Yellow April June Rabatka, shore; on wet or damp soil Willow-like leaves with red autumn color; unpretentious; tolerates temporary flooding. Greenish-yellow bracts appear as early as May. And in the fall, spurge delights with the red coloring of its narrow leaves.
(Filipendula ulmaria) 120-150 Light cream June August Wet lawn, shore; on wet or damp soil A wild perennial with fragrant flower clusters and feathery leaves; ancient medicinal plant
Bushes of the red-pink garden variety "Venusta" on fertile clay soils reach 1.5 m in height.
(Iris sibirica) 80-100 Blue May June Wet lawn, ridge, shore; on slightly to moderately moist soil Narrow grass-like leaves; attractive blue, purple or white flowers. Loves moist and fertile garden soil. Its narrow leaves and tall slender peduncles are emphatically elegant.
(Ligularia przewalskii) 120-150 Golden yellow July-September Rabatka, Perennial tapeworm with long golden-yellow candle-shaped inflorescences and large carved decorative leaves; honey plant On hot days he drinks a lot of water.
(Lysimachia nummularia) 5-10 Yellow May-July Near the bush, shore; on slightly to moderately moist soil Ground cover plant with coin-shaped leaves and star-shaped flowers; forms beautiful carpets
(Lythrum salicaria) 60-120 From pink to purple June-September Bright straight candle-shaped inflorescences; honey plant; It can also grow in conditions of stagnant dampness. It grows well along the banks of reservoirs. In summer, its crimson flowers attract insects like a magnet.
(Primula bullesiana) 40-60 Yellow, pink, orange, red, purple June August Near the bush, shore; on slightly to moderately moist soil Cascading flower whorls of various colors; a good plant for decorating the banks of ponds and streams
(Tradescantia andersoniana) 40-60 Blue, white, red, pink, purple June-September Rabatka, shore; on slightly to moderately moist soil An unpretentious long-flowering perennial with reed-like leaves; blooms again after pruning. In favorable places, Tradescantia can produce seeds. White, blue and light blue varieties are known.
(Trollius europaeus) 50-70 Yellow, orange May June Rabatka, wet lawn, shore; on wet or damp soil There are varieties with cup-shaped spherical flowers on straight peduncles; grows in large bushes. Its yellow and orange flowers will adequately decorate both the shores of a garden pond and the interior of the house.

Flower growers, gardeners, and dacha owners consider excessively moist areas to be problematic. The choice of beautiful flowering plants for such habitats is limited, but they exist. With the help of moisture-loving crops (hygrophytes), you can create an attractive garden corner, a flower garden, delighting with rich, bright shades throughout the season.

Constant excess soil moisture is an undesirable factor for most plants, making it difficult for the root system to breathe. The soils of such habitats are usually heavy, clayey, structureless (one option is peat - acidified, poor in nutrients). Water stagnates due to the lack of adequate flow and drainage. Lowlands and swampy areas are suitable for moisture-loving crops; there are plants that tolerate shading.

Hygrophytes require constant moisture for normal growth and development; they do not tolerate drought well. The list of other requirements is short; such plants are usually unpretentious, they are little susceptible to disease, and are almost not damaged by pests. Most bloom beautifully, and the leaves and stems have a special emerald hue.

For many years, the delicate yellow corollas of simple and double forms of marigold and leotard, the luxurious crimson color of loosestrife, the multi-colored carpet of primrose, the tenderness of forget-me-nots, and the greenery of hosta will delight the eye. Moderately moisture-loving plants include aquilegia (columbine), bergenia, and periwinkle. A gardener can select perennials with different flowering times and colors to maintain the elegant appearance of a wetland garden area from spring to autumn.

Plants that prefer moist soils:








Lobelia - purple - sparkling

Fern - Onoclea - Osmunda - Ostrich
Herbaceous peony



Shrubs for wet areas


Bird cherry

The article will be useful to those who got it in Soviet times or those who bought it in Russian times, a plot located in a swampy area, on infertile (or with a thin fertile layer), clay or rocky soils, as well as on a slope. In it we will talk about choosing plants for such difficult places for gardening and horticulture.

Also, many may encounter such problems in well-kept and landscaped dachas, with fertile soil that has been fertilized for many years. The thing is that the garden is growing, and no amount of annual pruning of trees can stop this growth, so sooner or later the entire area becomes shaded - old flowers and ornamental plants stop growing in it, wither, and few people know what to replace them with. It’s about plants for such places, in combination with shade, that we will talk about - after all, initially planting flowers that are tolerant of certain unfavorable conditions means saving yourself from wasted care for those plants that, in any case, will not grow in this place.

Plants for a site in a “wet” place (shade + swampy)

Swampy areas of the site or low banks of reservoirs have moist, almost wet soil.

The situation is aggravated by shade caused by the presence of tall trees and building walls. Thickets in natural villages are suitable for such corners.

the process behind them consists in the timely removal of wilting plants and weeds, thinning out thickening to ensure the necessary air circulation.

  • Plants: hosta, crowberry, ostrich, magnificent, kupena, iris calamus.
  • Conditions: in case of inhomogeneous shade under tall willows and hazel, sun-loving plants such as elecampane can be used along with pachysandra.

Plants for a moderately moist shady area

Very moist, rich, slightly acidic soil is common in areas that were formerly swamps or water meadows.

A similar substrate is found in relief depressions, depressions, and on the gentle banks of streams. The greatest obstacle to the normal development of the root system will be the compaction of the soil substrate, so the soil structure must be improved to a loose state.

Excess moisture can cause rot and powdery mildew. Plant plants that are resistant to such diseases and keep the soil free of weeds.

  • Plants for a site in such a place: tree-like “Anabell”, bellflower, Fortune hosts, Canadian hemlock “Jaddeloh”.
  • Conditions: The ideal lighting for a composition of hosta, hydrangea and bluebell will be sparse shade or partial shade. More dense shade will lead to a loss of brightness in the hosta leaves and less friendly flowering of the bell.

Plants for a site in a dry place with infertile soil

Poor, dry and loose soil with a neutral reaction is often found near paths or after garden beds, depleted over many years of use without sufficient fertilization.

Such substrates are perfect for shade-tolerant plants of foothills, mountains and hills. You can use them to make living carpets that are beautiful in design and easy to care for, or to create a rocky composition or a small flower garden.

Watering and fertilizing are carried out in exceptional cases; it is useful to protect the entire composition with a flexible border tape that prevents the roots of lawn grasses from penetrating into its space.

  • Plants: yellow green grass, Arends saxifrage, awl-shaped, aubrieta.
  • Conditions: you will always find a place for such a flower garden in an old orchard. In too bright light, the delicate petals of early flowers will lose their richness of color, and the shaving will not have enough moisture. If there is not enough sunlight, the rosettes and bushes will become too loose, and flowering will deteriorate.

Plants for the north, northwest, northeast side.

Fertile moist loams very often accompany shady places. The most problematic places are considered to be on the north, north-west or north-east sides of the building.

In the spring, the snow does not melt here for a long time, and in the summer the soil does not have time to dry out between rainy periods. High humidity also affects plants in the air, so species that are susceptible to fungal diseases are excluded.

When choosing plants, pay attention to the rich variety of astilbe, which allows you to effectively fill problem areas.

  • Plants: hosta plantain, Przhevalsky's buzulnik, speckled yasmotka. Numerous astilbes: “Fanal”, “Milk And Honey”, “Red Sentinel”, “Straussenfeder”, “Erica”, “Younique Silvery Pink”.
  • Conditions: although the basis of this flower garden consists of shade-tolerant and unpretentious plants, the longer the area is illuminated in the morning and evening hours, the more blooming and lush the composition will take on.

Clay soil is destructive to the roots of many types of perennials. Shrubs often suffer from lack of drainage and waterlogging during the wet season. For better permeability, a drainage device will be required; it is useful to add sand and humus soil to the soil.

Plant species that do not require soil composition or grow well in clay soil are planted. Digging is carried out to improve the soil structure. They loosen the soil deeply, add mowed lawn grass and sawdust as mulch, which are embedded in the top layer of soil.

  • Plants: varieties of milky-flowering peony and officinalis peony, Thunberg barberry, common viburnum, white dogwood, prickly spruce.

You can add mountain ash, caragana tree, Japanese quince, bladderwort, peach-leaved bellflower, daylilies, periwinkle, rudbeckia, aconite, bukharnik, grateweed, and astilbe.

Plants for an area with a thin fertile layer

A shallow, 25-30 cm, fertile soil layer is found on recently cultivated arable lands of state farm fields, as well as in the case of imported substrate.

In such areas, flower beds are planted with annuals and perennials with a shallow root system.

Annual addition of compost soil and organic mulch, fertilizing with organic fertilizers will increase the fertile layer and expand the plant range. Timely watering and the absence of weeds will promote the development of plants.

  • Plants: cornflower and its double and semi-double varieties, physostegia, Siberian iris, Chinese aster, lavatera. You can add nasturtium, evening primrose, tenacious, heather, Carpathian bell.

Plants for areas with rocky soil

Rocky, gravelly, sandy, poor soil in an area exposed to the sun is a serious test for plants. Fortunately, it has the significant advantage of good drainage.

Since the planted plants will face a lack of moisture, it is advisable to choose drought-resistant species.

You can arrange a dry garden, rocky compositions, or. Even drought-tolerant plants need watering occasionally!

Mulching the soil will stop the evaporation of moisture, retard the growth of weeds and prevent the formation of a crust on the soil surface. Small crushed stone or pebbles are suitable as mulch.

  • Plants: young, pinnate carnation, mountain pine, subulate phlox, subulate bryozoan, Gouter fescue. You can add speedwell, herbal carnation, gray fescue, mountain alyssum, seaside armeria, cat's paw, and breaker.

When choosing plants for the banks of reservoirs, you should pay attention to representatives of botanical groups that prefer moist soils for growth. There are various plants for the shore of a pond, many of them have beneficial properties. This review presents plants for decorating the banks of a pond, which can be grown even by not very experienced gardeners.

The beauty of the reservoir ultimately depends on the design of the banks. Plants intended to decorate the coastal zone of an artificial reservoir or stream must match the reservoir in size and fit well into the composition; among the many suitable ones, you should choose those that are decorative from spring to late autumn and do not require serious care. A film or hard plastic form reliably protects the soil of the bank from water poured into a pond or stream, so in principle it is possible to plant any plants here, not only those that need high soil moisture, but it is worth planting only those species that create the right impression of the water . For example, bright tulips, dahlias or gladioli on the shore of a landscape-style pond contradict the impression of it and do not look harmonious and natural here. Not only those that decorate the banks of a pond, swamp or stream will be appropriate, but also garden plants native to other parts of the world that look logical near the water and enhance the impression of it. If the garden pond is not very large in size, try to use not species plants, but varieties and garden forms for planting on the shore or in shallow water; they are not only more interesting, but also less tall.

Names and photos of plants for decorating a pond

The following are names and photos of plants for ponds that can be used when decorating the banks. Let's list some of the plants for decorating a pond; they all love moist soil during the growing season, but require dry wintering. You can see plants for ponds in the photo, which illustrate examples of successful ones.

Astilbe - (Astilbe)

Astilbe (Astilbe) is now at the peak of garden fashion, although it has gained its current popularity only recently. There are about 300 luxurious varieties of hybrid astilbes, belonging to several main groups:

Photo gallery

And new selections can no longer be attributed to any of these groups.

Astilbes are winter-hardy, not capricious, happy to live in any garden soil.

Their only requirement is constant sufficient humidity during the growing season and, as a consequence of this, the possibility of growing in places with high groundwater levels, near natural streams and reservoirs. Light partial shade is the optimal place for them to live; they will do well in moist soil and in full sun. Flowering in the sun is more magnificent and brighter than in the shade, but ends faster. There are species and varieties of astilbe that tolerate dry soils.

The elastic stems of astilbe are not broken by the wind; even in heavy rain, their wet panicles do not lie on the ground, but hang gracefully. The leaves are good on long petioles, strong, beautifully cut, most often dark green, sometimes light green, reddish-green or bronze. These wonderful plants, decorating the garden for a long period, are a gardener's dream and a godsend for a garden designer.

The stems of this perennial are erect, the height, depending on the type and variety, is from 20 cm to 2 m. Small flowers, white, pink, salmon, lilac, red or purple, are collected in paniculate inflorescences of various lengths and shapes. The flowering period of various varieties is from late June to September.

Every year, new buds are formed in the upper part of the rhizome, vertical growth is 3-5 cm per year, and the lower part gradually dies off, so mulching is necessary, which creates favorable conditions for wintering, covering new buds, mulch maintains soil moisture and looseness, and prevents the appearance of weeds . In favorable conditions, astilbes grow quickly. They are usually divided every 5-6 years, but they can grow in one place for up to 20 years and bloom profusely if they are fertilized and mulched annually.

Highlander - (Polygonum)

This plant has changed its Latin name several times and now belongs to the genus Polygonum, although it is sometimes found under the name Persicaria. Botanists say that it should be called with the accent on the last syllable, because a mountain man with an accent on the first syllable is a man from the mountains, they are probably right, but I have never heard him called that way.

Most familiar to us snake mountaineer (P. bistorta), or crayfish necks, often found in wet places in nature near Moscow. It is a perennial 70-100 cm high with pink cylindrical long inflorescences, blooming in June, growing well in sun and partial shade on moist soils. There is a variety called “Superbum” with especially large inflorescences.

Highlander related (P. affine)- an excellent ground cover plant with dark pink inflorescences 30 cm high, it has several good varieties, differing in height and color of the inflorescence - pink, rose-red, salmon pink. The knotweed blooms starting in June for three months. Prefers shade, but grows well in the sun, drought-resistant, does not tolerate stagnant soaking, winter-hardy, but may suffer in snowless winters, preventive cover for the winter with spruce branches is advisable.

Perhaps most impressive knotweed (R. amplexicaule), a plant 70-100 cm high with inflorescences of different colors depending on the variety: white, bright red, dark red, pink, dark purple. Blooms from mid-July to late August. The “Firetail” variety, 90 cm high, with bright red, upward-flying, slender inflorescences, is especially good.

Darmera - (Darmera peltata)

More recently, this plant was called Peltiphyllum thyroid (Peltiphyllum peltatum), now his name is Darmera. This is a decoratively stable perennial with beautiful large round leaves up to 50 cm in diameter, which rise above the ground on strong thick petioles up to 90 cm long. A peduncle 50-60 cm long appears before the leaves in May, small pale pink flowers collected in a shield with a diameter of up to 12 cm, look very gentle. If the plant falls under spring frosts, it will not bloom this season.

This perennial has a powerful, rather thick, knotty rhizome located near the soil surface. Darmera (Darmera peltata) prefers loose, moist, fertile soils, is moisture-loving, but does not tolerate stagnant water. It is winter-hardy, like all plants with superficial rhizomes, and loves mulching. In partial shade it can grow on any buds without any care for many years.

To decorate a spring picture, it is good to plant spring small-bulbous plants between the roots of the peltiphyllum, as well as daffodils, primroses and other plants that bloom at this time. The autumn color of darmera is unusually good.

Flowers and plants near a pond

Properly planted flowers near a pond create a beautiful view and fill the air with a wonderful aroma. For planting, plants near a pond are grouped according to their botanical characteristics.

Merlin - (Lythrum)

Loosestrife (L. salicaria), or weeping grass, is an inhabitant of our swamps, water meadows, roadside ditches and swamps. This perennial is ubiquitous in the Moscow region; from nature it is not difficult to bring it into the garden, where it will grow well in moist and normal soil. Its root system is powerful, but not deep, so it is not difficult to remove it from swampy soil.

The species plant is a straight bush up to one and a half meters high, blooming in June - August. Its lance-shaped green leaves are similar to willow leaves. Dense vertical spikes consisting of star-shaped purple small (up to 1 cm in diameter) flowers are very good. Loosestrife (Lythrum) is an excellent honey plant; it is loved not only by bees, but by bumblebees and butterflies. This species has several varieties, differing in height and shade of flowers, for my taste the best of them is “Robert”, about a meter high.

Another winter-hardy species is also interesting - common loosestrife (L.virgatum), differing from the previous species in more compact proportions (height 120 cm) and brighter flowers. Its inflorescences are sparser, but the flowers are more intensely colored. There are several varieties of different shades of pink-raspberry color. Blooms in June - August.

Merlins grow well in sun and partial shade, are unpretentious, tolerate drying out, but prefer moist and rich soil. They tolerate stagnant waterlogging well, but only in the summer. They live for many years without rejuvenation.

Merlins are valued for their long, abundant flowering; they look stunningly organic near bodies of water.

Deschampsia, pike - (Deschampsia)

The Russian name for this cereal is simple - pike, sometimes it is called meadow grass, but the Latin is quite euphonious - deampampsia (Deschampsia). This perennial forms dense tussock bushes, consisting of thin, long, dark green wintering leaves, a “skirt” with a diameter of 1-1.5 m and a height of about 40 cm. In June - July, shoots with a height of 20 to 120 cm (depending on the variety) appear above them with graceful spreading panicles and small shiny spikelets, green, yellowish or pale purple, taking on a straw color as they ripen. It looks like a transparent swaying cloud.

All pikes are unpretentious and long-lived plants, growing well in a variety of soils, preferring moist ones, in the sun and in partial shade; in full shade they almost do not bloom.

Dechampsia requires virtually no care other than pruning. It should be done early in the spring, before the young leaves begin to grow; if you forget about this operation, you will get a gray mound that is not very neat until the young leaves grow and cover the old ones.

The varieties of this plant differ from each other in the height of the stems, the shades of the spikelets and the length of the leaves, but they do not differ much, in nuances, therefore, if you do not consider yourself a collector of these cereals, you can easily limit yourself to one variety. Pike are especially spectacular at the end of summer and autumn, covered with dew or frost.

Molinia - (Molinia)

Molinia (Molinia) quite recently it began to be used in Russian garden design, although it has undoubted advantages: a beautiful bush shape, graceful inflorescences, cold resistance and unpretentiousness.

Two types are used in the garden.

Blue molinia (M. caerulea)- a perennial with a height of 40 to 150 cm, depending on the variety, growing in a non-spreading tussock. The stems are erect, the leaves are flat, narrow (from 3 to 10 mm).

It is especially spectacular in late summer and autumn during flowering thanks to its spreading panicles consisting of purple spikelets. The plant is a soloist; its original appearance invariably attracts attention.

Green-leaved varieties of molinia are distinguished by the spreading nature of the bush and its height. Any of them is miraculously good and unusually elegant. Its variegated form (M. caerulea var variegate) is curious, 40-50 cm high with longitudinal yellowish-cream stripes on the leaves.

Molinia reed (M. arundinacea) stronger, more powerful and more architectural. A grass with a bushy growth form up to 2 m high, with much wider leaves than the previous species, turning yellow in autumn. Blooms in August - September. This strong plant, swaying from the slightest breeze, looks especially impressive when illuminated by the setting sun, as well as in the morning in droplets of dew or frost. The bushes grow slowly at first, but after 3-4 years you get an unusually spectacular and practically maintenance-free plant, the only concern for which is watering during drought. Molinias love moist soils, even soaking ones, grow in any soil - from acidic to alkaline, and thrive in the sun and partial shade. Good varieties are “Fontane”, “Karl Foerster”, “Transparent”, two-meter, widely spreading bushes that are not very different from each other (the difference in the color of the spikelets and the shape of the panicle is hardly noticeable in the garden).

Lightning lines are great for decorating the coastal zone. Do not forget that these are accent plants, give them enough space and surround them with low plants that do not interfere with admiring the shape of the bush.

Miscanthus - (Miscanthus)

Miscanthus chinensis (M. sinensis)- a powerful, short, rhizomatous perennial grass with erect, leafy stems up to 2 m in the lower part. Spikelets are loose panicles of long, silky hairs.

There are more than 100 varieties of miscanthus, which differ in the shape and color of the inflorescences (from pure white and pink to brownish-burgundy), as well as the shape, size and color of the leaves, which can be thin, gracefully curved or strong, vertical, green or brownish in color, the leaves may have longitudinal or transverse stripes of white, cream or yellow. Varieties also differ in the shape and size of the bush. Many of them are successfully cultivated in central Russia, but there are also more heat-loving ones.

Miscanthus blooms from August to October, depending on the variety. Flowering sultanas, reddish or pinkish when opening, turn silvery white when withered. The typical color of autumn foliage is yellow; in some cultivars, the foliage turns various shades of red in autumn.

When planting Chinese miscanthus, it is necessary to choose a warm place in full sun, protected from cold winds, with fertile, loose soil, high air and soil humidity is desirable (the plant cannot tolerate drying out) and careful compliance with all agricultural technology requirements. The plant begins to vegetate quite late, at a temperature of 25 °C, at which time it must be fertilized several times with nitrogen-containing fertilizer; liquid fertilizing is desirable. For the winter, it is recommended to cover it with sphagnum moss, or with cut leaves or boards. With good proper care, miscanthus grow quickly and powerfully, which allows them to overwinter better. In the Moscow region they don’t like division and take a long time to recover after it. For planting, choose the most winter-hardy and early-flowering varieties.

Euphorbia - Euphorbia

Most often grows in gardens Euphorbia multicolor (E. polychroma). It is a perennial with erect stems 50 cm high. The spathe leaves are light yellow and orange during the flowering period. It blooms in May for a month, retains its shape and decorativeness until autumn, only in October the leaves turn yellow and fall off. This type of milkweed will decorate the banks of a stream or pond from spring to fall.

In central Russia it winters without shelter and is drought-resistant. A place is given to it in the sun or in partial shade on well-drained, light, limed and fertilized soil. It can grow in one place without transplanting for 5-6 years; frequent division is not recommended.

In autumn, the stems are cut to the ground and the plants are covered with humus.

Plants near the pond

Euphorbia Griffith, or M. fiery (E. griffithii). This is a perennial plant up to 80 cm tall. The growth habit is bushy, with straight shoots.

It grows quickly, occupying a large area. The leaf is lanceolate, matte green, yellowish-orange in autumn. Inflorescences are orange-red leaves on free-standing umbels. It blooms for a long time, starting in June, and is especially beautiful in the sun, but can also grow in partial shade. The plant is winter-hardy, but it is advisable to cover it with a dry leaf for the winter.

Variety "Fireglow" has dark green leaves with a pale midrib and orange-red inflorescences, the variety "Dixter" has the same inflorescences, but the foliage is purple-red. These milkweeds do not tolerate heavy and wet soils.

Euphorbia swamp (Euphorbia palustris), an indigenous inhabitant of European swamps, forms a rounded dense bush 1 m or more high, up to 1.5 m in rich soil, it is a large architectural plant that prefers moist soil. Blooms from mid-June to mid-July. It has a powerful, multi-headed, branched rhizome and erect, thick, bare, densely leafed stems. The leaves are lanceolate, the flowers are collected in complex apical umbels with broad, ovate, lemon-colored bracts. Grows well in partial shade.

Palm sedge, Muskingumen - (Carex muskingumensis)

Narrow leaves Muskingumen sedge (Carex muskingumensis) extend from the roots and are located in bunches (“palms”) at the ends of weak stems growing up to 60-80cm. The plant is a slightly spreading green tussock. Flowering in June - July is not of interest. In winter, this sedge turns green and remains like this until mid-winter. It should be pruned in early spring, as the plant begins to grow back early. Grows well in the shade or in moist soils in the sun.

Variety "Wachtposten" differs from the species in having stronger stems, but the species plant, even when it “falls apart,” does not look sloppy. A good variety, lower than the species, is “Silberstreif” (syn. “Variegata”) with a bright white stripe along the edge of the green leaf.

Plants around the pond

What plants around the pond will allow you to create a unified landscape design? Among them, you should first pay attention to hosts.

Hosta - (Hosta)

Magical leaf color, elegance, sophistication - this is all about hostas. In recent years, they have become the most popular among perennials, which is explained not only by their high decorative value, but also by their durability. With age, their bushes become more magnificent and beautiful. Green, blue, yellow hosta leaves, which may have a contrasting border or center, and even longitudinal stripes, add extraordinary colors to the garden palette. Hostas also have tricolor varieties. The varieties with the wavy edge of the leaf blade are extremely interesting - this is one of the latest trends in hosta breeding. Good autumn leaf color, decorative until frost. The texture of the sheet is also varied: glossy, wrinkled, wrinkled, with a waxy coating or a metallic tint.

The host has a lot of advantages. They are unpretentious, cold-resistant, shade-tolerant, exclusively decorative, and not susceptible to diseases. Hosta is often called the queen of shade, but some species and varieties grow well in full sun, which expands their uses.

More than 2,000 host varieties have now been registered, varying greatly in size - from giants 120 cm high to dwarfs not exceeding 5 cm.

For the hosta to achieve maximum decorative value, it takes at least 4-5 years. At the age of 8-10 years, it will look beautiful and will not lose its advantages, remaining in one place for 20-25 years, each year forming larger and larger leaves, acquiring a shape characteristic of the variety and showing all the nuances of color.

Hostas with blue leaves prefer shade, while yellow-leaved hostas are more resistant to sunlight. The general rule is to plant varieties with dense leaves in sunny areas.

Hostas (Hosta) are unpretentious and can grow in any garden soil, but for them to show maximum decorative value, they need nutritious, moist, well-drained soil from slightly acidic to slightly alkaline (pH 6.5-7.5). They are responsive, with proper care the bushes grow faster, the leaves turn out larger, and if there is a lack of water, the tips of the leaves dry out.

If you don’t want the hosta bush to become less dense during flowering, break out the young flower shoots, but there are hostas that are valued specifically for their flowering, for example, the varieties “Fragrant Bouquet” and “Guacamole” with large white fragrant flowers, such as varieties are best planted in the sun.

Astrakhan tomatoes ripen remarkably well lying on the ground, but this experience should not be repeated in the Moscow region. Our tomatoes need support, support, garter. My neighbors use all sorts of stakes, tie-downs, loops, ready-made plant supports and mesh fencing. Each method of fixing a plant in a vertical position has its own advantages and “side effects”. I'll tell you how I place tomato bushes on trellises and what comes out of it.

Flies are a sign of unsanitary conditions and carriers of infectious diseases that are dangerous to both people and animals. People are constantly looking for ways to get rid of unpleasant insects. In this article we will talk about the Zlobny TED brand, which specializes in fly repellents and knows a lot about them. The manufacturer has developed a specialized line of products to get rid of flying insects anywhere quickly, safely and at no extra cost.

The summer months are the time for hydrangeas to bloom. This beautiful deciduous shrub produces luxuriously fragrant flowers from June to September. Florists readily use large inflorescences for wedding decorations and bouquets. To admire the beauty of a flowering hydrangea bush in your garden, you should take care of the proper conditions for it. Unfortunately, some hydrangeas do not bloom year after year, despite the care and efforts of gardeners. We will explain why this happens in the article.

Every summer resident knows that plants need nitrogen, phosphorus and potassium for full development. These are three main macronutrients, the deficiency of which significantly affects the appearance and yield of plants, and in advanced cases can lead to their death. But not everyone understands the importance of other macro- and microelements for plant health. And they are important not only in themselves, but also for the effective absorption of nitrogen, phosphorus and potassium.

Garden strawberries, or strawberries, as we used to call them, are one of the early aromatic berries that summer generously gifts us with. How happy we are about this harvest! In order for the “berry boom” to repeat every year, we need to take care of the berry bushes in the summer (after the end of fruiting). The laying of flower buds, from which ovaries will form in the spring and berries in the summer, begins approximately 30 days after the end of fruiting.

Spicy pickled watermelon is a savory appetizer for fatty meat. Watermelons and watermelon rinds have been pickled since time immemorial, but this process is labor-intensive and time-consuming. According to my recipe, you can simply prepare pickled watermelon in 10 minutes, and by the evening the spicy appetizer will be ready. Watermelon marinated with spices and chili can be stored in the refrigerator for several days. Be sure to keep the jar in the refrigerator, not only for the sake of safety - when chilled, this snack is simply licking your fingers!

Among the variety of species and hybrids of philodendrons, there are many plants, both gigantic and compact. But not a single species competes in unpretentiousness with the main modest one - the blushing philodendron. True, his modesty does not concern the appearance of the plant. Blushing stems and cuttings, huge leaves, long shoots, forming, although very large, but also a strikingly elegant silhouette, look very elegant. Philodendron blushing requires only one thing - at least minimal care.

Thick chickpea soup with vegetables and egg is a simple recipe for a hearty first course, inspired by oriental cuisine. Similar thick soups are prepared in India, Morocco, and Southeast Asian countries. The tone is set by spices and seasonings - garlic, chili, ginger and a bouquet of spicy spices, which can be assembled to your taste. It is better to fry vegetables and spices in clarified butter (ghee) or mix olive and butter in a pan; this, of course, is not the same, but it tastes similar.

Plum - well, who isn’t familiar with it?! She is loved by many gardeners. And all because it has an impressive list of varieties, surprises with excellent yields, pleases with its diversity in terms of ripening and a huge selection of color, shape and taste of fruits. Yes, in some places it feels better, in others it feels worse, but almost no summer resident gives up the pleasure of growing it on his plot. Today it can be found not only in the south, in the middle zone, but also in the Urals and Siberia.

Many ornamental and fruit crops, except drought-resistant ones, suffer from the scorching sun, and conifers in the winter-spring period suffer from sunlight, enhanced by reflection from the snow. In this article we will tell you about a unique product for protecting plants from sunburn and drought - Sunshet Agrosuccess. The problem is relevant for most regions of Russia. In February and early March, the sun's rays become more active, and the plants are not yet ready for new conditions.

“Every vegetable has its own time,” and every plant has its own optimal time for planting. Anyone who has dealt with planting is well aware that the hot season for planting is spring and autumn. This is due to several factors: in the spring the plants have not yet begun to grow rapidly, there is no sweltering heat and precipitation often falls. However, no matter how hard we try, circumstances often develop such that planting has to be carried out in the midst of summer.

Chili con carne translated from Spanish means chili with meat. This is a Texas and Mexican dish whose main ingredients are chili peppers and shredded beef. In addition to the main products there are onions, carrots, tomatoes, and beans. This red lentil chili recipe is delicious! The dish is fiery, scalding, very filling and amazingly tasty! You can make a big pot, put it in containers and freeze - you'll have a delicious dinner for a whole week.

Cucumber is one of the most favorite garden crops of our summer residents. However, not all and not always gardeners manage to get a really good harvest. And although growing cucumbers requires regular attention and care, there is a little secret that will significantly increase their yield. We are talking about pinching cucumbers. Why, how and when to pinch cucumbers, we will tell you in the article. An important point in the agricultural technology of cucumbers is their formation, or type of growth.

Now every gardener has the opportunity to grow absolutely environmentally friendly, healthy fruits and vegetables in their own garden. Atlant microbiological fertilizer will help with this. It contains helper bacteria that settle in the root system area and begin to work for the benefit of the plant, allowing it to actively grow, remain healthy and produce high yields. Typically, many microorganisms coexist around the root system of plants.

Summer is associated with beautiful flowers. Both in the garden and in the rooms you want to admire the luxurious inflorescences and touching flowers. And for this it is not at all necessary to use cut bouquets. The assortment of the best indoor plants includes many beautifully flowering species. In the summer, when they receive the brightest lighting and optimal daylight hours, they can outshine any bouquet. Short-lived or just annual crops also look like living bouquets.

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