Seeing a cherry tree in a dream. Why do you dream of ripe red cherries? Modern dream book - achieving goals

Cherry in a dream represents disappointment, unrequited love and grief due to your family. Sometimes a dream about her warns that your illicit love affair will bring you a lot of grief and disappointment. Cherry is a fruit that does not last long, and therefore seeing it in a dream means fragility of feelings, false promises, and wasted work. Seeing a cherry tree in bloom in a dream foretells happy changes in fate. Seeing cherry blossoms in a dream is a sign of happy changes. Planting a cherry tree means wealth. Picking cherries from a tree is a sign of joy and pleasure. Eating cherries in a dream means disappointment and a lot of worries. Eating a sweet cherry in a dream means pleasure and enjoyment. See interpretation: garden, trees, fruits.

Interpretation of dreams from the Family Dream Book

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If you dream of cherry blossoms, get ready for love to suddenly illuminate you.

Cherry fruits, ripe and large, portend pleasure from sexual relations with a new lover.

You will enjoy the novelty of sensations.

Dried cherries, on the contrary, promise a cooling of feelings and separation from a former partner.

Interpretation of dreams from the Dream Interpretation of Sexual Dreams

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Cherry in a dream represents disappointment, unrequited love and grief due to your family. Sometimes a dream about her warns that your illicit love affair will bring you a lot of grief and disappointment. Cherry is a fruit that does not last long, and therefore seeing it in a dream means fragility of feelings, false promises, and wasted work. Seeing a cherry tree in bloom in a dream foretells happy changes in fate. Seeing cherry blossoms in a dream is a sign of happy changes. Planting a cherry tree means wealth. Picking cherries from a tree is a sign of joy and pleasure. Eating cherries in a dream means disappointment and a lot of worries. Eating a sweet cherry in a dream means pleasure and enjoyment. See interpretation: garden, trees, fruits.

Interpretation of dreams from the Family Dream Book

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If you dream of cherry blossoms, get ready for love to suddenly illuminate you.

Cherry fruits, ripe and large, portend pleasure from sexual relations with a new lover.

You will enjoy the novelty of sensations.

Dried cherries, on the contrary, promise a cooling of feelings and separation from a former partner.

Interpretation of dreams from the Dream Interpretation of Sexual Dreams

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Seeing a cherry tree in a dream - perhaps you will owe your popularity to such spiritual qualities as friendliness and selflessness.

If the cherry blossoms are all in bloom, this means happiness and good fortune.

Climbing a cherry tree means a lucky turn of fate will change your whole life.

A cherry full of ripe berries means a happy home, a loving spouse, grateful children.

Picking cherries is a sign of joy and pleasure.

Picking a cherry blossom means joy is just around the corner.

Eating ripe cherries in a dream means well-being, but if they are sour, give up dreams of the impossible.

Unripe cherries mean illness. Picking cherries means entering into a secret love affair.

Cutting down a cherry tree means vain expectations.

Planting means getting wealth.

Drinking cherry tincture means an upset stomach; giving it to someone means causing an insult in a public place.

Interpretation of dreams from the Dream Interpretation alphabetically

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If you dream of cherry blossoms, get ready for love to suddenly illuminate you.

Cherry fruits, ripe and large, portend pleasure from sexual relations with a new lover.

You will enjoy the novelty of sensations.

Dried cherries, on the contrary, promise a cooling of feelings and separation from a former partner.

Interpretation of dreams from

To visit a cherry orchard in the spring, to enjoy its aroma and the beauty of the blossoms means to receive an unforgettable pleasure, to plunge into the memories of your stormy youth, and to be charged with the energy of joy and grace. We’ll find out why we dream about ripe cherries on a tree in proven dream books.

A ripe cherry on a tree is a symbol of happy changes for the dreamer. Cherries have always symbolized fertility, prosperity, and high yields. In the Christian religion, it was called the fruit of paradise, which bestows love, tenderness and fidelity. In Chinese mythology, the spring flowering of this tree is compared with hope for the best, youth, and female beauty. And in Japan, a ripe cherry is a sign of prosperity and wealth.

For women who dream of getting married and having a child, tasting ripe cherries in a dream is an excellent omen. All dreams will definitely come true. But if the berry had to be picked in winter and it was completely tasteless, this does not bode well for good changes. You may expect disappointment in the areas that are most vulnerable to you: love, work, personal connections. Family life during this period will not bring joy, mutual claims and grievances of the spouses towards each other will accumulate. And your distance and coldness towards your other half can provoke a final separation.

For a girl to stand under a flowering tree - to meet on her way a desired stranger who will become a faithful and loving spouse. For an older woman, this story will serve as hope for the restoration of her former health. Strength, lightness and energy will come to you again. This will definitely set you up for positive changes and quickly get you out of a state of long-standing depression.

Collecting unripe fruits means hoping for quick enrichment, popularity and fame. But recognition will not come as quickly as you think. Any work will require a lot of mental and physical labor, but it will definitely result in a good result.

For a business person, a wilted berry in a dream may hint at incompetence or being behind the latest trends or technologies. This is a symbol of lost time or opportunities. You now regret that you once spent your life on frivolous vanity and various nonsense. But such a dream can be a hint of a second chance. All you have to do is believe in yourself and act.

I dreamed of cherries on the top of a tree that defy attempts to remove them - a sign that children are no longer amenable to your control and power. Perhaps they have simply matured and rightfully demand respect for their opinions and independence.

What else can you expect from a ripe cherry on the tree?

  • lush color - to new opportunities and intentions;
  • eat sour or rotten - to be disappointed in love or strong friendship;
  • planting a cherry tree is a promising investment in future success and profit;
  • break off a branch - offend your beloved with your temper and persistence;
  • staining clothes with ripe berries - to a long relationship that will lead to the creation of a strong family;
  • watching beautiful fruits ripen is a symbol of patience and expectation of pure and sincere love for a woman. For men, such a scenario marks a worthy reward for hard work;
  • wandering in the cherry orchard - realizing one’s own purpose, gaining insight;
  • hugging a cherry blossom tree - finding inspiration for creative realization.

Author's dream books

Sigmund Freud

A ripe cherry on a tree symbolizes the feminine principle, and specifically points to the dreamer’s sexy and voluptuous lips. For the sleeping woman, this is a good sign; it characterizes her maturity, femininity, and wisdom. Picking such a berry from a branch in a dream means losing one’s virginity to a young lady or enjoying sexual intimacy for an adult woman after a long period of abstinence.

A pinkish berry on a branch in a dream is a sign of naivety, purity and gullibility in reality. For a girl, this vision may hint that she needs to be more vigilant with frivolous and frivolous men who want to take possession of her beautiful body that has not known temptation.

A man eats a ripe cherry, picking it from a tree - to strive to take possession of an as yet inaccessible person. Your excessive passion and lust may turn off a potential lover. You should not express and show your desire so openly. Tasting light-colored berries means surprising you with their childishness and playfulness. You are not at all in the mood for a serious relationship and if your friend insists on legitimizing your union, feel free to refuse her. Otherwise, sad consequences cannot be avoided.

Admiring exotic varieties of cherries in a dream means preferring variety in sex. You are full of fantasies, eager to fulfill your dreams in bed with your beloved. But it is not easy for you to please with your choice of companion; sometimes this indicates too high demands on fans. You are often haunted by loneliness due to futile attempts to find your other half.

Gustov Miller

A juicy and ripe cherry on a tree personifies a woman, her charms and character. For the dreamer, this is a favorable reason to hope for her success and popularity among people of the opposite sex. Your friendliness, openness and external charm will make their hearts beat much faster.

I dreamed of eating a berry from a branch - to take possession of some desired object that I had dreamed about for a long time. For married couples, this scenario predicts harmony and happiness in the family, where children are grateful and the elderly are respected.

Harvesting means being proud of the result of your labor. It's time for emotional release after a busy week of work. This is not the time to make plans for the future; it is better to devote these minutes to household members who have long wanted your attention.


The cherry orchard is associated with a family idyll, prosperity, cordiality and generosity. The riper the berries, the more stable and wiser the spouses in the family. They know how to appreciate and be grateful to each other. Picking berries and distributing them to children means sharing your experience and knowledge with the younger generation, passing on to them a family secret or a secret that will affect their future.

To dream of strangers picking fruits from your trees is a sign of danger. Someone from the outside may encroach on your family values ​​and traditions, destroying moral foundations and principles. In this case, it will be very difficult to influence the future plans of the children, which will not coincide with your intentions.

Buying cherries at the market means finding an opportunity to get even with old enemies or competitors. Selling means making a significant profit in reality, not without the help of distant relatives.

Cherry in a dream - Seeing a cherry tree with ripe berries- joy that will no longer please you, due to its untimeliness. Maybe even sadness because of this.
Seeing a girl picking cherries- to quick love or infatuation.
A cherry in a dream could represent gaining respect in society due to your friendly attitude towards others.
A cherry in a dream could also mean receiving a promise that will not necessarily be fulfilled.
Cherry symbolizes a good sign. This means that if you dreamed of a cherry, good news and good luck await you in your chosen endeavors.
If you dreamed of cherries in the spring, it means that you will soon achieve the desired result.
If you dreamed of a cherry, then such a dream portends happiness.
If you dreamed of a cherry, then this may mean imminent sadness, which is associated with some sad news, news from relatives, distant friends and acquaintances.
If you dreamed of a cherry blossom, then in reality you will soon fall in love.
If in a dream you see only a couple of berries on one branch, in reality you are too worried about your finances and do not care about your education. Don’t forget about seminars and conferences, thanks to them you will not only be able to make successful acquaintances, but also get interesting cooperation with those who interest you.
If in a dream you see a green cherry- in real life, success and good luck await you.
If in a dream you see a cherry blossom- your happiness is near, think about it.
If in a dream you greedily eat the fruits of a cherry tree- to mental distress and sadness.
If in a dream you pick a cherry- prosperity awaits you in real life.
If in a dream you scattered cherries, then soon you will meet important people in your life who can change it. But everything will depend only on you.
If in a dream a young girl picks a cherry from a tree, this is a sign of a love affair; seeing a green cherry in your dreams means that minor troubles await you in the near future.
If you see a cherry tree with berries in a dream- such a dream speaks of happiness in your home in real life.
If you see in a dream how a girl picks cherries- you will become attached to someone in real life.
If you eat cherries- unpleasant news awaits you.
If you eat sour cherries- in reality, tears and grief await you.
Eating cherries in a dream- soon you will have what you have long dreamed of, what you wanted to acquire, but for a long time you didn’t dare or didn’t get around to it.
Eating sour cherries, and feeling their unpleasant taste means some kind of disappointment, sad news.
Green cherry- to good luck. You can completely calmly and confidently try to accomplish your plans: you will receive unexpected help, or the matter will be easier than it seems to you at first.
Red, ripe and bright cherry- a symbol of trust in your soul mate. This means that all past omissions or secrets will become apparent and will be safely forgotten.
If you dreamed that you were cutting down a cherry tree in a dream, this signifies fundamental changes in your life. Rotten cherry symbolizes separation and tears.
A shriveled cherry means that your love is lost and cannot be returned.
Black cherry- a symbol of deception of a loved one. Expect lies from your loved one or loved one, to prevent this kind of situation - try to talk honestly and openly about problems with your significant other.

The dream came true

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