Spring interior in your home! Create a “Spring Mood” poster in Photoshop.

Spring mood is a state of mind, and therefore of our home.

And if you have inspiration, then you can start decorating your home in February. This way you can bring spring and warmth closer.

The options on this topic are endless. The main thing is not to limit yourself to wishes from the Internet, but to include your personal imagination.

This year I haven’t cleaned up the Christmas tree yet, but I’ll tell you about decorating your apartment for spring based on the experience of past years.

I "picked up" various things, mainly from public places, stylish restaurants and clubs. I added a little of my wishes - it turned out very beautiful.

You can, of course, approach the issue globally, paint entire walls spring flowers. But I personally am not ready for drastic decisions. Therefore, I limit myself to only the elements.

Spring in the interior means flowers, birds, greenery.

Anything you have previously used will do. Vases, for example.

It would be nice to work with the interior together with the children. Cut beautiful birds, stick on the mirror, hang on the chandelier.

Gentle and touching. And most importantly, it is not expensive.

Beautiful bouquets in basics. Ideally, of course, alive. It’s better to forget about artificial ones. It's not fashionable or interesting.

Next is my favorite option. Pour soil into a beautifully decorated pot or flowerpot. It is sold in any flower shop. You can also buy a bag of lawn grass there, or rather its seeds. The grass is planted simply and germinates quickly. Looks very attractive. This grass can decorate a table, window sill, or mantelpiece. Green design element especially in bright room will add tenderness and spring mood.

I have made such beauty more than once. There was always success.

Now even more practical, but no less interesting option greenery You can sprout parsley and dill. Then it will be spring mood, and spring taste. Your household will appreciate your efforts.


I also return to my little helpers: green vases.

It seems like nothing special. but when they contain small bouquets or green twigs with young shoots, they are transformed. They decorate the room and are pleasing to the eye.

I also really like the spring design of the most ordinary curtains and curtains.

The same paper birds as in the first photo will look great and harmonious on curtains.

The finished birds are carefully attached in a chaotic manner. This is how I like to decorate living rooms.

And in the living room large vase with tulips. It is very expensive, but very beautiful.

But remember that even with a crazy fantasy with spring decoration, it is important not to go too far. After all, everything is good in moderation.

Has spring come to you yet? Are you already in the spring mood? Have you already gone out for your first spring shopping?

All I mean is that it’s spring and gifts should be spring. Just for this mood. And we, the ones who make this blog for you, know where to get them!

The first thing we need are bright yellow glasses!

Where to buy: (look on the website for a list of retail stores)

According to scientists, a person perceives up to 90% of information through the organs of vision. What we see can affect not only our mood, but also our well-being. Maybe this is why there are so many sad faces and colds in autumn and early spring?

Let's not give dullness a single chance! Close your eyes, put your glasses on your nose, open your eyes. Voila! In a blink of an eye, everything around you became as cheerful as a newly hatched chicken! (By the way, if you also squeak with pleasure a couple of times, it won’t be any worse). Yellow transforms everything around - and now you already feel a surge of strength and a smile that stubbornly creeps onto your face.

Congratulations – the first step has been taken!

Now let's do the second one - let's go outside.

There are many interesting and unpredictable things waiting for us on the street. For example, puddles. As you know, the depth of a puddle is inversely proportional to the height of the shoes in which you climbed into this puddle. Therefore, in order for sidewalk seas and curb lakes to turn into puddles, we need the right shoes.

A couple of years ago in rubber boots We only took the children to the garden and went to pick mushrooms. Now the picture has changed dramatically. Multi-colored, like a summer meadow, and cheerful, like a flock of parrots, rubber boots have firmly taken their place in the wardrobe.

Where can I buy:
Price: 2900 rubles

The brightest ones will suit us. Such that passers-by would smile when they look at you, and children would shout “I want those!” And don’t forget about the length – the higher you go, the more puddles you’ll conquer! Bright striped boots are just right! You look into the puddle under your feet - and there is a rainbow! At least look for her tail and take the pot of gold for yourself.

If a child goes for a walk with you or you yourself are still not far from this enthusiastic age, there are super-duper boots especially for him (or you, if your foot size allows). Nothing special in appearance: blue, pink or green. However, there is no need to rush to conclusions. With a slight movement of the hand with a special felt-tip pen clamped in it, the boots turn into an absolute exclusive. You can paint even before a walk, recharging yourself with vigor and good mood, or even during a walk, creating your own on your boots. your own map or a diary.

Where can I buy:
Price: 1600 rubles

So, our eyes are happy and sunny, our legs are beautiful and comfortable, it’s time to think about the sky above our heads.

During a walk, you can expect all sorts of surprises and whims from the sky. The latter must be prepared especially carefully. Rain that falls at the wrong time can easily drive you back under the roof. And there’s tea, a blanket, and again “hello, blues” - it won’t do!

We will hide from the rain without leaving the street! Our first assistant in this is an umbrella! Umbrellas come in different varieties, and everyone is free to choose a design based on their own preferences. After all, what matters is what's inside!

And inside we will have an orange orange mood. A double-sided umbrella is just a godsend for greedy people: all the juiciest things go only to you, and to those whom you invite under your umbrella!

Where can I buy:
Price: 789 rubles

Another no less unpleasant spring surprise is the wind. Even though it smells like spring and invites you to follow you somewhere into the distance. However, this wind can greatly ruin your spring days by bringing a sore throat on its wings. In this case, a scarf becomes an important accessory!

The most spring scarf I could find - the colors of spring and flowers! With such a scarf, even the gloomiest day will become a little happier.

Where to buy: livemaster.ru
Price: 500 rubles

And finally - stock up good friends, ready to share with you all the joys of a spring walk. As a last resort - a player with your favorite, always cheerful and positive music.

Have a nice spring!

Vera Tanalina |

02/04/2015 | 678

Vera Tanalina 02/4/2015 678

Spring is just around the corner. Let's create the appropriate mood and get rid of the winter blues.

When your mood is at zero and there are no desires, listen to yourself, feel your true aspirations. And start awakening your interest in life!

We write down pleasant things

If you feel low in energy, tell yourself: “Fatigue is a transition to new stage" If you're tired, then you've done it at this stage everything possible. Now you need little rest, which is better to organize according to your desires. And then you can take a step to a new level.

Be a pedant: write down in as much detail as possible all the pleasant things that happen during the day. They called you affectionately by name - write it down, received a letter from a friend - mark it. And in the evening, read and rejoice. Supplement this with a portion of jokes or a comedy series. And be sure to record everything that piques your curiosity.

Creating an “orange mood”

Will help dispel the darkness of long nights additional lighting and adding white into the interior. You can turn on the lamp in the hallway at about 5 a.m. (if you have the opportunity and desire) to create a feeling of the day just beginning. Or light a lamp next to your bed as a symbol of dawn.

Experts advise turning to orange shades: this is the color of the sun, energy itself. Therefore, orange scarves, hairpins, and oranges on the table will be very appropriate.

By the way, about the “living” sun. Get to know him again. Just as recognition occurs gradually with an unknown person, treat the sun the same way. Greet him as if you were seeing him for the first time. Give him a face, smile. Let it caress you with its rays.

We love spring for the budding grass, unfolding leaves and delicate snowdrops. So interspersing spring landscapes and still lifes into your life will be beneficial. And the most wonderful option is fresh flowers. Try growing snowdrops or tulips in your apartment (having previously learned the theory of how to do it correctly). Imagine how happy it will be when they bloom!

Smile every day

Although it’s still the end of winter, you can already feel the spring renewal of life around you: the sun is shining a little longer, the birds are singing with all their might. And what prevents us from bringing novelty into our lives, loves, and work? For example, update the decoration of the apartment with unusual bright photos, trinkets, symbols Have a good mood, energy, love, new furniture(at least a shelf). And smile every new day!

And finally, about the long evenings and nights that will remain like this for another month. We can even turn them to our advantage. Remember how once in our youth the darkness was fraught with mystery for us and beckoned us with adventure? What did you love then, at sixteen? Maybe dance? So move around at home to music (or you can go to a club!).

Each of us once had hobbies that we are now embarrassed to take out of the “bins” of memory: someone read adventure novels, and someone collected postcards or chewing gum inserts. I wonder if you could find them? To watch it again, to be moved. This will breathe life into you and bring back the sparkle to your eyes.

Happy coming spring! There's only a little bit left before it.

The cold winter days are far behind us. Spring is already visible on the calendar, nature is slowly waking up from hibernation. But this is not enough for us women. I really want to change something everywhere: in the soul, in the house, and in the image. How to create a truly spring mood for yourself? There is no need to wait for anything. Let's take action ourselves. So where do we start?

Creating a spring mood

Every woman strives to be ideal. Therefore, we pay attention to our appearance Special attention. In early spring Almost all people suffer from vitamin deficiency. So first, take care of your health. Start taking vitamins, go on a diet, sign up for a swimming pool or fitness class, eat fresh fruits and vegetables. It's so nice to exercise your body! Very soon you will be able to feel vigor in your body and see the result of your labors. Naturally, without a new one fashionable clothes not enough. Take some free time for yourself and go hiking. Shopping! Try to buy bright things that will remind you of spring every day and lift your spirits.

In this tutorial I will show you how to create a spring poster in Photoshop. You can use this spring revival theme to create posters, flyers, invitations for various events such as wedding events. This is a simple lesson that is ideal even for beginners.

Final result:

Step 1

Create a new document in Photoshop. Fill the layer with background(Background) color #94c8c6. Go Filter - Noise - Add Noise(Filter > Noise > Add Noise). Set the noise level.

Translator's note: Set the working document dimensions that are suitable for your project.

Step 2

Choose a grunge texture. Move it to our working document using the tool Moving(Move Tool).

Step 3

Next, let's go Image - Correction - Isohelium(Image > Adjustments > Threshold). Install Brightness threshold(Threshold Level) so that only white dots and small lines are visible, as shown in the screenshot below.

Step 4

Let's go Filter - Noise - Add Noise(Filter > Noise > Add Noise). Set the noise level as shown in the screenshot below.

Step 5

Change the blending mode of the grunge texture layer to Replacement with light(Lighten), and also set Opacity(opacity) of the layer between 70% - 100%. Set the opacity level to your liking within the specified value.

Step 6

Write your text in the middle of the image using any font you like. I used the Bakery font, which you can download for free from the link at the beginning of the tutorial. Text color #f6f4ee.

Step 7

Open the original image with a dove. Move this image onto our working document, positioning the dove as shown in the screenshot below.

Step 8

Duplicate the dove layer. Press the keys (CTRL+T) to transform the duplicate layer. Install Horizontal scale(horizontal scale) by -26%, and Vertical scale(Vertical scale) by 26%, as shown in the screenshot below.

Step 9

Open the original image with a couple in love. Using one of the selection tools, remove the background from this image. You can also use the tool Eraser(Eraser Tool) to remove background. Next, move the selected image of a loving couple onto our working document.

Don't worry if the selection around the image is not perfect, because we will apply a spray effect, this effect you can create by watching the lesson on the site; you can also use a free action to create the said effect. If you decide to use the action, then you need to process the selected image of a couple in love, after opening the original image in a new document.

Step 10

Create a few more duplicates with the dove image. Zoom in on the duplicates to about 120% and then apply a filter Gaussian blur(Gaussian Blur), for this we go Filter - Blur - Gaussian Blur(Filter > Blur > Gaussian Blur). Install Radius(radius) blur 4 px. Place the wings in the corners of the image as shown in the screenshot below. If you want, you can use Feather brushes by downloading them from the link at the beginning of the tutorial, brush color #ebead9.

Step 11

Open the image with climbing plants. Using the selection tool, select the branch with leaves that you like. Place a twig with leaves in the dove's beak. Apply scaling and rotation to make the branch look realistic.

Translator's note: to scale, activate the tool Free Transformation(FreeTransformCtrl+T), and to rotate the image, right-click on the transformation area and select the option in the menu that appears Turn(Rotate).

Step 12

Step 13

Add foliage to the foreground. Apply filter Gaussian blur(Gaussian Blur).

Step 14

To complete the composition, add more leaves different sizes on separate layers. Apply filters to the added petals Gaussian blur(Gaussian Blur) and Motion blur(Motion Blur) to add dynamics. Apply scaling and rotation to make the leaves look realistic.

Step 15

Add a Solar Flare texture to our working paper. Change the blending mode for this texture layer to Lightening(Screen).

Step 16

You can also add highlights as additional lighting effects. Add the highlights you like, change the blending mode for the layers with highlights to Lightening(Screen) or Replacement with light(Lighten).

Step 17

Next, add an adjustment layer Gradient map(Gradient Map) on top of all other layers. Change the blending mode for this adjustment layer to Overlap(Overlay), and also reduce Opacity(opacity) of the layer up to 50%. The gradient colors are #153433 and #b5a47e, but you can use any color shades that you like.

Step 18

As a final touch, apply a filter Colour contrast(High Pass) to sharpen the image.

Translator's note: to apply filter Colour contrast(HighPass), first create a merged layer from all visible layers (Ctrl+Shift+Alt+E) and then go Filter - Other - Color Contrast(Filter -Other -HighPass).

Step 19

You can use a frame to present your work in the best possible way. I hope you enjoyed this tutorial. See you again!

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