Spring treatments of fruit trees in the garden. A selection of the best products for treating fruit trees


Spring has finally arrived and gardeners are rushing to their summer cottages. Now they have a lot of work to do, including early spring spraying of the garden. But before that there is one more thing to do.

Now is the time to shake the snow off the trees. It is wet, heavy and may well break branches. Nature wakes up after winter. That's why in early spring it is necessary to carry out a certain set of activities on the site.

Carefully inspect the branches fruit trees, whether there are any pests that have overwintered on them. Now is the time to think about trimming broken and dead branches, so bring along. You can also shape the crown of trees.

But the main work still lies in spraying the trees. As soon as average temperature air reaches + 5°C, and the buds have not yet had time to bloom, it is necessary to fight diseases and feed the trees.

In early spring the weather is quite unstable. It can be high during the day and drop sharply at night. Under these conditions, the bark on the trees warms up unevenly. Let’s say that on a warm March day the temperature of the trunk in the sun will be 12 degrees higher than on the shaded side. Lime whitewashing of the trunk helps to get rid of this difference.

In this case, the readings will differ only within 3 or 5 degrees. Overheating of the bark followed by freezing can cause early spring burns. And they will lead to the death of the tree, especially if it is a young seedling. It is necessary to restore the whitewash if it was damaged during the winter period.

When pruning in early spring garden trees, you need to get rid of damaged branches. They should not be left under a tree, because they are probably infected with: cytosporosis, scale insects, bark beetle larvae, black cancer or other pests and diseases.

At the same time as this work, it is necessary to treat existing wounds on the trunks and branches. The damage is cleaned, smoothed with a knife until living tissue appears, then disinfected with a 1% solution of copper sulfate, in a ratio of 10 g per 1 liter of water, and the area is thoroughly coated with garden pitch.

Modern industry offers gardeners a variety of various means for spraying trees at the very beginning of spring. For these purposes the following is used:

  • copper sulfate;
  • mineral oil emulsion;
  • Bordeaux mixture;
  • emulsion “Preparation-30”;
  • nitrophen and others.

The cheapest drug is copper sulfate. But don’t look at its low cost, it is quite effective, so most gardeners prefer it. It is used against scab, fruit rot, leaf curl, black cancer, brown leaf spot and other diseases.

Mineral-oil emulsions are liquid mixtures of mineral oil with water and an emulsifier. The emulsifier usually contains:

  • soap;
  • glue or kaolin;
  • iron or copper sulfate.

Emulsions fight pests such as aphids, scale insects, and help destroy the eggs of codling moths, copperheads and other insects. They should be used in early spring, before the buds open. In summer, at temperatures above 35℃, the emulsion can cause severe burns on the tree.

Bordeaux mixture is an opaque solution of sky blue color. Gardeners have been using this liquid for more than a hundred years in the fight against garden pests. It is recommended to use it until the buds open. The mixture destroys scab and fungal diseases trees or shrubs. It is also used as disinfectant for wounds of fruit trees. It is not recommended to store it; it must be used immediately after preparation.

Emulsion "Preparation-30" is an oil-oil emulsion of white or light gray. It is packaged in 2-liter jars and has a shelf life of 2 years. In spring, all fruit and berry crops can be treated with emulsion against wintering herds of scale insects, spider mites, leaf rollers, minnows, moths and other pests. And in the summer, spray the trees and ornamental shrubs from stray first and second generation scale insects

Nitrophen is a drug against the wintering stages of pests and diseases. This pasta Brown, packaged in tin or glass jars or polymer bottles. The shelf life of nitrophen is 2 years. It works well as a disinfectant for wounds on fruit trees.

Before spraying, you must first clean the trunk of lichens with a brush. When processing trees you can use hand pump, they are sold in special garden stores. But it is advisable to have an automated sprayer. It is much more convenient and easier to work with. For those gardeners who already have mature trees, you need to have one that can be extended different ways. Most likely, you will have to tie it to a stick so that you can reach even the very top branches or use special telescopic rods.

You should also worry about your own safety. Robe, gloves, hat and glasses. These items will protect you from getting the solution on bare areas of your body. A respirator will not allow solution vapors to enter the upper respiratory tract.

Before processing begins, the solution must be stirred. This is done as follows: 100 g of copper sulfate is diluted in a bucket of water. IN cold water vitriol dissolves less well. Therefore, you can dilute it at home hot water, for example, in a three-liter jar, and then pour the contents into a bucket.

The solution must be poured into the sprayer through a funnel and several layers of gauze. Content filtering is mandatory. This is done to prevent the sprayer nozzle and hose from becoming clogged with undissolved particles. Now you should pump air into the balloon, hang it on your shoulder and go ahead.

This article describes the process of treating trees with copper sulfate. But you can use any products that you like best or have already purchased. Each package contains detailed instructions how to use it.

Wood processing must be carried out carefully from all sides. The jet must be directed from the edge to its central part. It is best to do this one by one with each large branch. Only in this case is it possible to achieve maximum effect.

If trees are not given due attention, even with excellent seedlings and varieties from orchard one can hardly expect a good harvest. One of the most important maintenance activities is spraying fruit trees in the spring.

Timely and competently carried out procedure:

  • will help build reliable protection against a host of dangerous plant diseases;
  • will prevent attacks by insect pests;
  • will create a foundation for future flowering and harvest.

One of the most important events, which opens the new summer season, is aimed at destroying pests that are still hidden from the eyes of the gardener. Many worst enemies fruit trees overwinter and develop inside the bark, in the surface layer of soil under the trees and even inside the buds.

When in the spring will treatment of fruit trees from pests bring greatest benefit? To prevent the massive appearance of an army of insects, the first battle with it is carried out when the average daily temperature overcomes the barrier of +5 °C and the main snow cover disappears. Exact dates It’s impossible to name, because a lot depends on climatic features region and conditions of a particular year.

Spring treatment of fruit trees before buds open

In most areas middle zone You need to start preparing for spraying in mid-March.

What does this preparation involve? Before you begin spring treatment of fruit trees against pests:

  • plants are inspected to identify damaged and dead shoots, cracks and wounds on the bark, crushed branches and other problems;
  • carry out detected dry shoots;
  • carry out cleaning of trunks and skeletal branches from lichens and peeled bark damaged during the winter;
  • Under trees and shrubs, last year's leaves and other debris are removed to prevent the proliferation of soil pests and not only to treat fruit tree pests in the spring, but also to clean trunk circles under the plantings.

All of the above measures are aimed at reducing the risk of spreading infections from dead parts of plants to healthy ones. Therefore, after sawdust and cleaning, all wound surfaces and cuts on shrubs and in the spring, using a 1–3% solution of the substance in water. And only then is sealing done with garden pitch.

How to spray fruit trees in spring?

The choice of drugs for pest and disease control today is so wide that when visiting a store it is difficult to navigate through the colored packages. What products are suitable for spraying fruit trees in spring?

It can be recognized as the most popular remedy among gardeners in Russia. Copper sulfate is a fungicide that successfully combats such common diseases of fruit trees and berry bushes How powdery mildew and scab. It can be used in any weather throughout the year.

To make the treatment of fruit trees with copper sulfate in the spring more effective, it is used to prepare it. For this vitriol in equal shares mixed with slaked lime.

The resulting blue liquid not only has fungicide properties, it:

  • fights bacterial infections;
  • helps to cope with certain types insects

Spring spraying of fruit trees iron sulfate also aimed at combating plant diseases, but is also used as foliar feeding iron supplement. As with copper sulfate, two treatments of the garden with iron sulfate are required to achieve a lasting effect.

In early spring, diesel fuel is effectively used to treat trees against pests that hibernate under the bark. Forming a thin film that does not allow air to pass through, it is deposited on the surface of the bark and prevents insects from breathing. Usually the effect occurs within a few hours. The larvae and eggs laid in the buds and under the bark die without ever developing into an adult insect.

Spraying fruit trees in spring before and after flowering

The second stage of the attack on diseases and pests is carried out when the plants are preparing to bloom, the buds have already opened, and also at the stage of the appearance of the ovary. At this time, the main emphasis is on exterminating pests, as well as consolidating the results of the fight against diseases and infections.

How to spray fruit trees in the spring in order to collect full fruit in the summer healthy harvest? The garden is processed in two steps:

  • when the trees just begin to show colored buds;
  • when most of the petals fly around, and the first signs of ovary become noticeable on the branches.

At this stage, complex insecticides are used in combination with fungicidal agents. In addition, it is worth paying attention to foliar treatment of trees or urea. The chemical product copes well with several tasks at the same time:

  • fights most diseases of apple, pear and stone fruit trees, including all kinds of rot;
  • destroys pests at the stage of eggs and pupae;
  • is nitrogen fertilizing, simulating the growth of green mass.

In large gardens located far beyond the boundaries of residential properties, spring treatment of fruit trees against pests is carried out using the drug DNOC, which simultaneously acts against ticks, insects and pathogens.

The drug is toxic, so serious safety precautions are required when using it. Treatment is carried out in very early spring or autumn, when plants do not show signs of active growth.

Recently popular drugs of biological origin are good for disease prevention. If the tree is already sick or affected by pests, such remedies, although they are safer for the plants themselves and humans, will not help much, and may not cope with the problem at all.

How is fruit trees sprayed in spring?

How to spray garden plants? How much solution may be required to irrigate a particular tree?

If you refer to the instructions included with the products chemical protection plants, there are always the proportions of dilution of the drug, as well as the approximate consumption of liquid per meter of area. But how can we rely on these figures when spraying of fruit trees in the spring is carried out not only on the ground, but primarily on the crown?

That is why it is extremely important to prepare a high-quality sprayer before the beginning of spring, which allows you to moisten the most inaccessible areas of the tree using a directed jet. Usually, good device allows you to save chemicals, avoiding waste and providing a powerful, fine spray. A video about spraying fruit trees in the spring will help you master the technique of competently selecting preparations and irrigating plants. The treatment can be considered complete when the crown of a tree or shrub is wet on all sides, the trunk is processed and root area soil where insects can hide and fungal spores can overwinter.

Spraying fruit trees in early spring - video

Many gardeners, especially beginners, often ask how to treat the garden in early spring so that in summer pests and diseases pester the plants less and do not destroy the crop. Spring cultivation of the garden is carried out before the buds open, when the snow has just melted and a stable above-zero temperature has established. Some drugs work better when low temperatures. These include copper sulfate, optimal temperature air temperature for it is no higher than +8 degrees. Exactly this effective remedy in the fight against a number of diseases of fruit trees and shrubs. It must be diluted in the proportion indicated on the package.

A garden treated with copper sulfate in a timely manner is distinguished by a delicate blue coating on the bark of plants. That’s why this treatment is affectionately called by gardeners – “blue treatment”. "Blue treatment" can be carried out with other copper-containing products. Bordeaux mixture is very popular. It consists of two components, copper sulfate and lime, which must be mixed in a certain proportion. Its effectiveness depends on the correctness of this proportion.

In spring, fruit trees are processed twice. The first, early spring, work is carried out before the buds open. Before cultivating the garden in early spring, it is necessary to perform sanitary pruning, remove moss and dead bark, cover the wounds with protective paint, and dig up the soil at the bases of the plants.

Moss and dead bark are removed with a stiff brush or plastic spatula. The procedure must be carried out carefully so as not to damage the living tissue of the tree. Cleaned areas can be disinfected with copper sulfate and a weak solution of manganese. These measures will remove harmful insects remaining for the winter and prevent the development of fungal diseases.

After cleaning, the trees must be whitened with a solution of lime or a special paint based on it, which can be purchased at gardening stores. This paint will not only protect the plant from the development of disease and eliminate the possibility of sunburn in areas without bark, but will also cope with some diseases.

The cut areas after sanitary pruning should also not be left uncoated with paint or garden varnish. A cut of a dry branch is covered with protection immediately; a living branch must stand for a day before it can be painted over. Such careful care of exposed areas of the tree will prevent black cancer, anthracnose, cytosporosis and moniliosis.

Great harm to fruit plants, especially apple trees, is caused by the codling moth and the cute-at-first-look bug Alenka shaggy. The fight against them is carried out at the second stage of garden treatment, at the beginning of flowering, and allows the use of drugs that are harmless to bees.

To prevent the codling moth caterpillar, which has overwintered in fallen fruit under a tree, from climbing onto the branches in anticipation of tasty fruits, a special trap must be placed on the trunks.

The photo below shows the simplest trap made from available means, which effectively copes with many pests that want to climb onto tree branches to have a snack.

Hairy alenka, a type of chafer, destroys all the flowers in its path, leaving the gardener not only without a harvest, but also without beautiful flower beds. It is very difficult to fight her. Beetles must be collected periodically by shaking them off the branches. A new drug has been created that acts on insects, but does not harm bees and other pollinators. "Calypso" is one of the few products that can be used during abundant flowering.

Autumn work after harvest is of great importance in the fight against the proliferation of pests already noticed in the previous year on trees. Removing affected fruits and leaves in a timely manner and deep digging of the soil at the base of the tree will significantly affect the health of the plants and the quality of the fruit. If it is not possible to remove contaminated organic matter from the garden or burn it, then it must be buried to a depth of at least 50 cm. Only then will the pests that awaken in the spring be able to get to the surface and begin their insidious task.

Problems of fruit bushes

Early spring processing of fruit bushes is the second stage on the path to a good harvest. The first was in the fall after the fruit was harvested. Before treating the garden with chemicals in the fall, it is necessary to remove diseased, damaged branches, collect fallen leaves where fungal spores could be hiding, and dig up the ground to destroy pests that have settled there for a cozy wintering.

Spring processing should be carried out as early as possible, because currants and gooseberries wake up very early. You should carefully examine the currant buds that have not yet blossomed. Those that are too large and significantly different from others must be collected in a container and burned. These are the ovipositor sites of the bud mite. It can only be identified on a bush in early spring by its incredibly swollen buds.

Garden shrubs infect the largest number of pests - up to 80 species. The fight against them is 80% effective due to the removal of affected branches or buds, fallen leaves and regular digging of the soil under the bush.

For a good grape harvest

Before cultivating the garden in early spring, you need to take care of the grapes. Gardeners pay a lot of attention to caring for grapes, especially their elite varieties, throughout the year. This includes spring removal of cover, sanitary pruning, regular weeding and watering, vine formation, pinching, pest and disease control, which sometimes kill the entire harvest of tender berries.

In the fall they laid on summer cottage young garden. Tell me, when should you treat garden trees in the spring to protect them from pests and diseases?

With the onset of warm days, gardeners begin to spring work. After all, from sun rays Not only the trees wake up, but also the pests that overwintered on them. To preserve the plantings and prepare the garden for the fruiting season, a number of measures should be carried out, including cleaning the trees and directly treating them with special preparations.

Preparing trees for spraying

First of all, all trees must be carefully inspected and branches that have dried out or frozen out must be cut out. At the same time, you can form or adjust the crowns. You can start working around mid-March.

Fallen leaves in the fall that have not rotted over the winter should be raked and burned along with the cut branches, since they may contain pest larvae.

In early spring, the air temperature is not yet stable - the sun is hot during the day, and frosts are possible at night. To protect the tree bark from burns, the trunks should be whitened with the addition of PVA glue.

Before whitewashing, the trunk must be cleared of dead bark and lichens.

Last preparatory stage there will be digging around the trunk circles. It is advisable to do this a couple of days before spraying the trees.

As for when to treat garden trees in the spring, you can start the first spraying as soon as the air temperature warms up to 5 degrees Celsius.

Stages of spring tree processing

Treatment of garden trees must be done 4 times during the spring season:

  1. Before the buds open. Spraying of plantings in order to destroy the remaining larvae that have awakened, as well as pathogens of diseases such as scab, cytosporosis, moniliosis, coccomycosis, etc. Preparations: iron and copper sulfate, urea, Fundazol.
  2. Before flowering (along the green cone). It is carried out to destroy the codling moth and to prevent scab and spotting. Preparations: a mixture of vitriol and slaked lime, a solution of diesel fuel, Keltan, Fury, Kinmiks.
  3. During flowering. Reprocessing trees against clasteosporiasis, moniliosis and coccomycosis. Spraying to combat ticks and weevils. Preparations: copper sulfate, Bordeaux mixture, anabasine, DDT, karbofos.
  4. After flowering. Treatment against fungal diseases. Destruction of pests. Drugs: Fury, Skvor, Fundazol, Marshall, Barrier.

The break between each subsequent spraying should be at least two weeks.

In large garden farms to obtain big harvest For fruits and berries, trees are sprayed from 10 to 16 per season. Business owners are interested in producing fruits of the most beautiful, “commercial” quality, and environmental friendliness this method agricultural technology is secondary.

But for summer residents it’s the other way around: they need an environmentally friendly harvest. Everyone has their own priorities. But besides us, there are still a lot of pests vying for the harvest.

Spraying of trees in spring in home gardens is carried out 4 times. That's enough the main task don't miss the moment.

Pests and pathogens wake up and begin to fly in completely different terms. And in this matter, it is important not to miss the first signs. And they appear very early: at a temperature of +5 degrees. And in some latitudes this is the month of January!

What reduces the effectiveness of treating trees against pests and diseases

  • Precipitation
  • High humidity
  • Fog
  • Temperature changes

Spray the tree for the first time before the buds awaken

When to start spraying trees

No one will tell you the exact date. Firstly, the timing depends on the climate, and secondly, on weather conditions this year. After all, winter can be harsh one year, and warm and with minimal precipitation the next.

Main landmark:

  • Dry sunny weather.
  • Plus temperature at night.

First spraying of trees in spring

Trees are treated for the first time by dormant buds or “bare” tree. It is important that the kidneys are still haven't started to swell. During this period, spores of fungal diseases scatter. The insects have not yet shown themselves.

The first spraying in spring is carried out from moniliosis who especially loves stone fruits(cherries, cherries, plums, peaches). It is easily recognized by the brown withered tips of the branches on the tree, as if the leaves had been burned. The disease is called monilial burn.

And on apple trees and pears (pome crops) they begin to actively reproduce scab spores. Source of the disease: wilted fruits, leaves left on the tree in the fall. The spores of this disease live under the bark and in fallen leaves.

Preparations for the first spraying of trees

You need to spray with ONE of these drugs!

  • Bordeaux mixture 3%
  • Pharma Iodine (suitable for organic farming)
  • Abiga Peak
  • Oksikhom
  • Chorus (works at +5 degrees, and at more high temperature decomposes quickly)
  • inkstone
  • Nitrafen
  • Carbamide (urea) in a large dose: 700 g per 10 liters of water + 50 g of copper sulfate.

Green cone

How to spray trees using a green cone

The second treatment of the garden is carried out during the period when the buds have already swollen and burst, but the leaves have not yet begun to bloom. The kidneys have cone-shaped.

This is critical important point to combat apple blossom beetle(weevil). Apple and pear trees suffer greatly from it.

The flower beetle lays its larvae in an unopened bud, which turns brown and does not open. Insects feed on the juices of the buds; sometimes you can notice how the buds “cry”: droplets of juice are released on them.

Pest repellents:

  • Decis Profi
  • Spark
  • Inta-Vir
  • Fufanon
  • Kinmiks
  • Tanrek

Simple, very effective and safe remedy from apple blossom beetle : Place a film on the ground under the tree. Wrap a cloth around a long stick and tap it on the branches and shake the entire tree. The insects fold their legs and fall down onto the film. They need to be collected and destroyed.

Used for diseases:

  • Bordeaux mixture 1%
  • Oksikhom
  • Chorus (if the air temperature is not higher than +5).

During this period they hang hunting belts for a tree post, adhesive plates, pheromone traps for catching adult females of various pests.

Pink bud phase

Spraying trees in the pink bud phase

Spray BEFORE the buds open! At this moment already codling moth flies throughout the garden and lays its eggs on the leaves next to the flowers or directly in the flower. The larva penetrates the fruit and the result is wormy apples.

Important to process the whole crown, so you will need a good sprayer with a long hose. With high-quality and TIMELY spraying against the codling moth, there will be practically no carrion.

Pest repellents:

  • Spark
  • Inta-Vir
  • Fitoverm (biological, effective at temperatures above 12 degrees)
  • Bitoxibacillin (also biological).
  • Decis Profi
  • Fufanon
  • Kinmiks
  • Tanrek

From diseases, if you did not have time to spray in the previous phase, use the same preparations as for the second spraying.

Important: Some medications can be mixed, read the packaging carefully. It doesn’t matter what to spray first: diseases or pests. 1-2 days should pass between treatments.

Rules for spraying trees in spring:

  • Spray for the first time against diseases.
  • The second is from pests.
  • The third is for pests and diseases, if not sprayed earlier.
  • Biological preparations should be used at temperatures of +12 degrees and above.
  • It makes sense to spray with chorus only at low temperatures (from 1 to 6 degrees Celsius).
  • Treat the entire crown and trunk from all sides.

The ovary has appeared - it’s time to spray the garden

Fourth tree treatment

The last time trees were sprayed was when fruits the size of peas will set. At this moment it begins the second wave of moliniosis, and the codling moth again operating at full strength. By the way, she flies at dusk and at night. Good way getting rid of it is compote bait.

Make apple compote and hang small buckets of compote on the tree. Apple codling moth will fly to the smell of an apple and thus it will be possible to collect adult individuals. Drugs for spraying are the same as for treatment 3.

Currants, blackberries sprayed against diseases in early spring with the listed drugs, and in the summer - against aphids with Fitoverm or.

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