Fun competitions for the new year at school. Active New Year's game for the company "Chef"

What fun New Year would be complete without competitions, relay races and other entertainment programs? These games will help you entertain your little guests and tell you what to prepare for this. It will be more interesting if you prepare small souvenirs in advance for those who win. This could be any office supplies: pencils, erasers, pens, balloons, notebooks.

Maybe something edible: candy, waffles (packaged), lollipops, chewing gum, etc.


This is a very fun and active game. It should not be done immediately after eating. To conduct this relay race, you will need two chairs (or stools), two ropes on pegs, two buckets, two balls.

Participants are divided into two teams. At the command of the leader, players must complete the following tasks: jump over a rope, run around a chair, throw a ball into a bucket (preferably hit it). The team that performs all the listed actions faster and more accurately wins.


To start this competition, you need to organize a mini-competition for cutting out paper “snowflakes”. To do this, you need to give the children colored and (or) shiny paper of a size suitable for the size of the future “snowflakes”, give them scissors in their hands, and also ask them to use all their imagination and skill and make paper “snowflakes”.

After these small works of art are ready, you can proceed to the competition itself.

“Snowflakes” spill out onto the floor. At the leader’s command (this could be ringing a bell, clapping hands, or the words: “One, two, three, start!”), the children begin to collect “snowflakes.” At the same time, you need to make sure that they collect “snowflakes” not in handfuls, but individually. The game ends when the host rings the bell again (or gives some other command). At the same time, all participants stop, and everyone who can count counts their “trophy”. If the participant does not yet know how to count, then the presenter helps him in this difficult task. The one with the most snowflakes wins.


This competition develops accuracy and attentiveness in children. For this, you need to prepare “snowballs” in advance (3 “snowballs” per child) from a ball of cotton wool and wrap them in shiny, multi-colored “rain.” But if you haven’t had time to prepare, then you can entrust it to little craftsmen to do it. And as a prize you can give them the same “snowballs” that they make with their own hands. But before you hand out the snowballs, organize a competition.

Divide the participants into two teams. Each player must be given snowballs. Children take turns throwing snowballs into a hoop or basket, which must be prepared in advance and placed on the floor. The team with the most snowballs in the hoop will win.


This competition develops children's reaction speed and attentiveness. To hold it, you need to prepare multi-colored “daisies” in advance (according to the number of participants). Each petal of the future “daisy” should be cut out of colored paper the size of a landscape sheet. You also need to cut out a round center that is the size of the “daisy”.

Chamomile petals are laid out on the floor (mixed, colored side up). Participants stand near their “centers”. At the leader's command, they begin to collect daisies. The winner will be the player who collects his daisy first and most correctly.


To conduct this competition, you need to prepare large sheets of blank paper in advance. The size of the sheet will depend on the size of the snowman you want to see. You can take a sheet of A1 format (Whatman paper). The amount of paper and markers (or markers) will depend on the number of participants.

The players are blindfolded (a neckerchief or scarf is suitable for this purpose) and given a felt-tip pen. Each participant begins to draw a snowman. The winner will be the one whose drawing is the most accurate (or more suitable for the image of a snowman).

This competition can be made as a team competition. Each team has three players. In this case, each participant will draw his own snowman circle. The team that completed the task better will win.


For this game, you will need to inflate two balloons in advance, prepare two baskets in which these balls would fit, and two 30-50 cm rulers.

Participants are divided into two teams. Each player must “bring” the ball with a ruler to the basket (through the air) and lower it with the same ruler into the basket standing on the floor. In this case, the ball should not fall to the floor and should not be touched by any part of the body. The winner is the team that gets the ball to the basket faster than the other (one at a time) with the fewest mistakes. The game may end if the ball bursts.


For the game to be a success, you need to draw a snowman in advance on a large sheet of paper (you can use whatman paper) and attach it to some vertical surface (wall, door, closet, etc.). Make the nose for this snowman separately: take a sheet of paper, roll it into the shape of a nose (“potato-shaped”, elongated) and wrap it with tape, but only with the sticky side up, so that the nose sticks to any surface.

Participants line up one after another, dividing into two teams. The queue can be established by numbers that are drawn in advance. The presenter blindfolds each player with a handkerchief or scarf, then spins the participant around his axis with the words: “It spins, spins, everything will stick to us,” and turns him to face the drawing. The player must stick the snowman's nose while blindfolded. For each accurate sticking of the nose, the participant receives a snowflake. The team with the most snowflakes wins.


This game develops attention in children. Both interesting and useful. It will require two identical pictures with drawings (Christmas trees, snowmen, snowflakes, sleighs, skates).

The presenter lays out the pictures on the table, images down, and mixes them. Two participants take turns choosing two pictures. If the images match, the player takes them for himself; if not, he puts them back. The game continues until there are no pictures left on the table. The one who collects the most pictures wins.


This is an active game. To carry it out, prepare in advance a broom (like a janitor) or a broom, skittles (the quantity depends on the available distance). Participants must be divided into two teams. Each player runs on a broomstick (zigzag) between pins placed at a distance of 2-3 m from one another. In this game, the team that runs the fastest and knocks down the fewest pins wins.


In this game, you will need toy cars (preferably trucks), on which you can place glasses (or small buckets) of water, filled to the brim. The number of cars will depend on the number of participants. Participants will have numbers pinned to their chests.

You need to tie ropes of the same length (10-15 m) to the cars. At the command of the leader, participants must quickly wind the rope around the stick, pulling the machine towards them. If the water splashes, the presenter loudly calls the number of the “driver”, and he stops winding the rope for a second. The winner is the participant who pulled up the car faster than the others without spilling the water. You can play without water, you just need to lengthen the rope.


This is a very fun and noisy game. Before the game you need to inflate the balloons very much. Each participant sits on his own ball and begins to jump on it. The goal of the game is to jump on the ball as long as possible without it bursting.

The winner will be the one whose balloon goes the longest without bursting.


For this outdoor game, we will need to cut out 4 paper “snowflakes” in a size that matches the shoe size of the largest participant. “Snowflakes” can be made from ordinary white or colored paper, but it will be better if they are made from some thick paper (for example, Whatman paper) or thin cardboard.

All participants must be divided into two teams. At the leader’s signal, the participants must put one “snowflake” on the floor and step on it with both feet (without stepping on the free floor), then put the other one and step on it. So, rearranging the “snowflakes”, reach the chair. While the kids “fly” from “snowflake” to “snowflake”, the presenter can comment on their “flight”. Participants must run back. The team that arrives the fastest will win.


This outdoor game can be played between two players or between two teams. Two participants stand opposite each other. At the leader’s command, the participants put one hand behind their back and begin to jump on one leg. At the same time, they push each other with their free hand. The winner is the participant who can stay on one leg longer than the other (without falling or standing on the other leg). If the game is played between teams, then each participant who wins is given a “snowflake” cut out of paper. The team with the most snowflakes will be considered the winner.


For this game you need to make a beautiful New Year's hat out of paper in advance, decorate it with tinsel, “rain”, and brightly paint it.

One player is taken out of the room where the participants are located. The remaining players (or the leader) hide one participant under a bright blanket and cover it with a prepared cap on top. All other participants change places. When the presenter brings in the player who came out, the player must determine who is hidden under the hood.


This competition develops imagination and intelligence in young participants. The presenter gives each player multi-colored, bright, non-stick plasticine. Then he shows a letter (it is better to write the letters in advance on separate cards). Participants must create something New Year's (or winter) starting with this letter as quickly as possible. It could be a sleigh, a snowman, a Christmas tree, Santa Claus, a hat, mittens, felt boots. The winner will be the one who makes a plasticine figure the fastest.


A large ring (diameter about 20-25 cm) is suitable for this game. It can be made from wire or cut out of some thick paper. And to make it elegant, it should be wrapped in shiny paper, tinsel or “rain”. Participants sit on chairs in a circle. Each player is given a rope, the ends of which are pre-tied, and a ring is threaded through this rope. The presenter (one of the little guests) stands in the middle of this circle. He is blindfolded with a handkerchief or scarf. The leader’s task is to find the ring on a string, while all participants move it in a circle or in different directions. When the ring is found, the leader should be changed.


In this game, participants must be divided into 2-3 equal teams. Each player is given a paper “sled” tied to a thread (the length of the thread can be 1-1.2 m), which must be cut out in advance from a landscape sheet and decorated with 2-3 (depending on the number of teams) colors. Each participant fastens his end of the thread with the “sledge” to the back of his belt so that the “sleigh” freely touches the floor. If the participant cannot do this, the presenter helps him. Each team has a different color sled. At the leader’s signal, the players, running after each other, try to step on the “sled” of the “opponent.” Participants are not allowed to touch the threads and “sleds” with their hands. The player whose sled is torn off leaves the game. The team with the most sleds left wins.


This competition will require two participants. But it can be carried out until everyone present has played enough in pairs.

You need to tie an “icicle” in the middle of the rope. You can take it from old stocks of Christmas tree decorations or, if you have imagination and skill, make it yourself from paper, cotton wool or something else and wrap it with multi-colored paper, tinsel or “rain”. A simple pencil, also beautifully designed, is attached to the ends of the rope. Each participant stands on their own side of the rope. His task is to wind his part of the rope around the pencil. The winner will be the one who reaches the “icicle” faster than the other.


For this competition, all participants (if there is a very large number of participants, then take half) must be lined up in one line. At the command of the presenter, all participants “jump” into the New Year. The winner is the participant who jumped the furthest.


This is just a fun game that does not require any skills from children. For this game, you should prepare in advance binoculars and a rope 5-6 m long (or such a length that it is comparable to the size of the room in which the competition is held). You need to lay a rope on the floor, not in a straight strip, but in a winding way. The participant is given binoculars, turning them over so that the objects become smaller. The participant, looking through binoculars, must walk along the entire length of the rope, trying to get his feet on it more accurately. The winner will be the navigator who completes the entire course more accurately than other navigators.

Primary school students expect miracles and adventures from the New Year's performance. An extensive entertainment program for the New Year with games, songs and competitions will help to fully meet children's expectations. Schoolchildren will be happy to complete fairy-tale tasks created by Santa Claus. Active games and interesting competitions will bring smiles to the happy faces of children.

    The competition involves 2 teams of 2 people. Each group receives large balloons, double-sided tape, scissors and markers of different colors.

    The participants' task is to connect the balls using double-sided tape to make a snowman. Then you need to decorate the snowman and prepare him for the New Year. You can draw his eyes, nose, mouth, hair, buttons, or any other element. You have 5 minutes to complete the task.

    The team with the most elegant snowman wins. The winner can be determined by the applause of the audience.

    The competition involves 2 teams of 5 people. To carry it out you will need 2 spoons, 2 bowls, 10 ice cubes (2 identical sets) of different shapes - in the form of flowers, stars, squares, hearts, etc. and corresponding molds for each piece of ice.

    Each team is given a spoon and a bowl with a set of ice cubes. Participants line up in 2 lines. Ice trays must be placed at the same distance from both teams.

    The competition begins at the command of the presenter. The task of each participant is to carry a piece of ice in a spoon, put it in the desired shape and return back to pass the spoon to the next competitor on his team. To make the task more difficult, you can place various obstacles along the way that the player must bypass. The winner is the team that puts all the ice cubes into the appropriate molds the fastest.

    The competition involves 2 teams of 6 people. To carry it out you will need a large number of balloons of different sizes and roomy clothes (pants, a jacket or overalls - 2 pieces).

    Each team chooses one player to be the snowman. He wears large size clothes. The snowman stands in one place and does not move. The task of the other players is to, on command, begin to fill it with balls of different sizes scattered on the floor. The competition lasts 5 minutes. After time has passed, the number of balls in each snowman's clothes is counted. Whoever has more - that team becomes the winner.

    The competition involves 2 teams of 4 people. To carry it out, you need to prepare in advance 2 identical sets of clothespins, Christmas tree decorations (snowflakes, paper toys), and a bucket for toys.

    The team's task is to quickly and beautifully decorate the New Year tree. One of the team members acts as a Christmas tree. The second one needs to hold a bucket of toys. The third and fourth players hang the toys on the Christmas tree using clothespins. The competition begins at the signal of the presenter. The team that decorates the Christmas tree the fastest wins.

    Game "Guess who has a snowflake"

    The game involves 2 teams of 8 people. Each group of children chooses a captain and sits down at the table. One of the commanders receives a small paper snowflake and begins to pass it under the table to the rest of the players on his team.

    At this time, the other group counts to 10. As soon as the word “ten” is heard, team members put their hands on the table. At the same time, the person who has the snowflake must hide the fact that he has it.

We have collected for you, dear readers, the best New Year's games for children 3-6 years old. May the holidays be fun and memorable! We are sure that you remember many of the games from your own childhood and will be happy to join the kids to plunge into the carefree atmosphere of children's laughter and joy.

If at the moment you are storming the Internet for entertainment for children around the Christmas tree, this is the place for you. We will tell you with your family, at a children's party, and even on New Year's Eve. No complicated props!

Fortune telling and lotteries

There are plenty of options. You can put a beautiful spruce branch in a vase and decorate it with notes with predictions. Everyone who enters the house tears off a piece of paper and receives a prediction for the next year.

Why not offer your guests cookies and fortune-telling candies? Both adults and children will eagerly respond to this little surprise: everyone is interested in looking into the future. You can write anything you want - both humorous prophecies and serious ones.

For example:

  • Be careful, the frost is about to pat your cheeks.
  • It seems your parents are planning something good and gift against you.
  • It seems it's time for everyone to see your unique smile!

Who stuck to whom?

On pieces of paper, write the names of body parts (forehead, left ear, right cheek, nose, left index finger, heel, right big toe, stomach, etc.). Place them in a hat or magic box. Players must take turns taking out pieces of paper and “freeze” to the neighbor at the table (or to the previous player) with the part of the body that is written on the piece of paper. You cannot move after you are frozen. Each time it will be more and more difficult to “freeze”, you will have to get into strange and sometimes funny poses.

It is snowing?!

Make “snowflakes” from small balls of cotton wool. Give one to each participant. On command, players must throw up their cotton balls and blow on them, trying to keep the “snowflake” in the air for as long as possible. You can't help with your hands!

New Year at the Zoo

New Year is celebrated not only by people, but also by animals. People at the festive table sit upright and use a fork and knife. How about the animals? Show us how you eat your New Year's dinner...

  • hippopotamus
  • turtle
  • giraffe

Don't laugh!

In advance, write one New Year’s-themed word on pieces of paper: pine cone, snowflake, icicle, Christmas tree, Snow Maiden, Santa Claus, snowman, garland, etc. Place the leaves in a box or hat. Each player pulls out one piece of paper and silently reads what is written there. The facilitator asks the participants prepared questions. The answer is the word that the player drew. The winner is the one who answers all the host's questions and doesn't laugh.

For example:

What is your name?
- Cone.
- What did you have for lunch today?
- Snowflake.
- Who do you look like?
- On an icicle.

Accurate snow thrower

Make a Christmas tree from a large piece of cardboard, cut holes in it with a diameter of 15-20 cm. Distribute paper balls to the participants in the game. From a distance (draw a line) you need to get into the holes on the Christmas tree. The most accurate sniper will receive a prize!

Another game option to compete in accuracy. Make “snowballs” from cotton wool, polystyrene foam, foam rubber or paper. You can buy tennis balls. Place a container (basket, large saucepan, basin, etc.) in the center of the room. Hand out “snowballs” to the players, place everyone around the “basket”, marking a conditional line that cannot be crossed. The task is to get snowballs into the basket.

Dancer in a hat

Music is playing. Everyone is dancing near the Christmas tree. The presenter puts a hat on any dancer, then must show various dance movements, and repeat the rest after him.

Photo proofs

Create an image for each guest. Arrange a casting with photo tests for the role:

  • the kindest Santa Claus;
  • the most greedy Santa Claus;
  • the most beautiful Snow Maiden;
  • the sleepiest Snow Maiden;
  • the most overfed guest;
  • the most cheerful guest;
  • the most cunning Baba Yaga;
  • the biggest snowflake, etc.

New Year's popcorn

Team game. Cups of popcorn are attached to the players' feet. Secure them with masking tape. You need to run the allotted distance, scattering as little popcorn as possible. Once the team's players finish, the popcorn is poured into the bowl. The team whose bowl is fuller wins.

Magic message

Kids will love the game. A few minutes before you start, prepare a sheet of paper. Using PVA glue, draw a thematic picture or make an inscription. The number of drawings must correspond to the number of players. Invite the children to cast a magic spell and blow a magic snowball (semolina) onto the drawing to bring it to life. A miracle has happened!

Let's make a snowman

There is nothing difficult about making a snowman: three balls, a carrot nose. And you try to make it together! Two participants sit next to each other at the table, and you can hug. The left hand of one participant and the right hand of the other must act synchronously, together, as if they were the hands of one person. It's actually difficult. Try pinch off a piece of plasticine, roll a ball between your palms... It is best to form pairs so that adults and children work together.

Who lives under the Christmas tree?

Prepare pictures of different animals (bunny, squirrel, dog, cat, mouse, chicken, etc.). Place the pictures on the table, face down. The player selects a picture and uses gestures to show everyone else what is depicted. Whoever guesses correctly becomes the leader.

Don't lose your socks

An active and fun game, suitable for any age. Everyone present puts colorful socks on their feet, gets down on all fours and tries to take off the socks of others, but at the same time save their own. The one who collects the most socks wins.

Geese and ducks

Participants in the New Year's competition line up one after another so that their hands are on the shoulders of the person in front. It's good if boys alternate with girls. The presenter approaches each of them and whispers in their ear either “duck” or “goose” (there should be more such people) so that the others do not hear it. After this, the presenter explains that if he now says the word “duck”, all the players to whom he said it will press both legs together. If “goose” - one leg. It seems that there is nothing special in this New Year's competition, but as soon as you say the cherished word out loud, you will understand how fun it is.

Attracting the symbol of the year

In advance, you need to draw up several interesting and educational questions regarding the animal that will be a symbol of the coming year. The one who gives the most correct answers will receive a prize in the form, for example, of the animal’s favorite treat.

Now she's smart...

Team game. Each team receives Christmas tree decorations and clothespins. The task is to hang everything on... one of the team members. Let him spread his fingers and shine like a Christmas tree! The presenter keeps track of the time; you can turn on music or the “chime” to count down the time.

Games around the Christmas tree are a favorite New Year's entertainment at home or in children's recreation areas. And we have new and unusual games!

Well, the house and garden are decorated and waiting for the holiday, the table is full of your favorite dishes and desserts, all that remains is to think over the holiday program. Fun games and competitions will fit well into the feast, and everyone can participate in them without exception and age discounts. These modern games are suitable for preschool children (2-3 years old, 5-6 years old), as well as for elementary school; young students will also find it interesting.

Games at the Christmas tree

Game: Now I’ll sing!

The traditional round dance at the Christmas tree can be varied with this game. The guests loudly sing everyone’s favorite “A Christmas tree was born in the forest...” When the presenter claps, everyone falls silent and continues to sing the song to themselves, and at the next clap, everyone sings out loud again. Someone will definitely enter at the wrong time, and that’s why he’ll be eliminated from the game. (Naturally, you can sing any songs).

Game: Congratulate your friends alphabetically!

The host offers to congratulate each other on the New Year. He tells the player the first letter of the alphabet A, and he comes up with and voices a happy holiday wish for this letter, for example: “Delicious dishes for you in the New Year!” or the next player with the letter B: “Be healthy, live richly” and so on until the end of the alphabet, just distribute the letters to the guests randomly so that they cannot prepare in advance. The funniest thing will be when you get to the letters Y, ь, ы, Ъ.

Game: Decorate the Christmas tree

To play, take several balls of ribbons, tinsel, and garlands, depending on the number of players. Women act as Christmas trees; men decorate them without using their hands, taking tinsel or a garland with their lips. The couple whose Christmas tree is decorated the fastest wins.

Game: Mittens and Buttons

Pairs play - a man and a woman. Male players are given thick winter mittens. The partner is put on a shirt or robe over the outfit, and what follows is clear to everyone - fasten as many buttons as possible on the partner. Fun guaranteed!

Game: Mysterious Chest

Two players are given chests or suitcases containing a variety of different and unexpected items of clothing, the more the better. The players are blindfolded and begin to dress up as the Snow Maiden and Father Frost at the command of the presenter. Then the next couple is called and dresses up in what is left in the suitcases. At the end there is a competition for the most beautiful Father Frost and Snow Maiden.

Game: Who is faster?

This game, like subsequent ones, is best played outdoors. Participants stand in a circle. The driver runs behind the players and, tapping someone standing on the shoulder, runs on. The chosen one rushes to run around the players in the opposite direction. The task of those running towards each other is to take the vacant seat. The player who hesitated becomes the driver - all over again.

Game: Magic Word

The participants of the game stand in a semicircle. The presenter very quickly gives out commands, which are carried out only when the word “please” is added to them. Without it, the command does not work and there is no need to execute it. The one who makes a mistake must stand up, or better yet, take a step forward with each mistake, without losing the right to participate in the game. The winner is the one who stays in place, making fewer mistakes.

Game: Who is faster?

To play you need two reels or thick sticks and a rope several meters long with a knot or ribbon in the middle. Two players disperse in different directions with spools and ends of the rope in their hands. On command, they begin to quickly rotate the reel and wind the rope around it, moving towards the middle. The one who gets to the mark faster wins.

Game: Pull - Push

Two players from the same team sit on the sled. Only with their backs to each other. The task is to get to the finish line as quickly as possible, but they must push off the ground only with their feet, and yet one of them is sitting with his back...

Game: Sculptors

Conduct this competition if there is sticky snow outside. Any letter of the alphabet is called the leader, and the participants of the game sculpt a thing that is called with this letter. The one who blinds faster and more reliably wins (at the end of the game, recognition of what has been stuck on can be arranged).

Game: Whose team is bigger, faster and higher?

This game involves couples. Better child and adult. A time is recorded, for example, five minutes, during which these two must roll a snowball. The players with the biggest lump win. The competition can continue. At the signal, the couples roll their comas to the finish line. Naturally, those who reach the finish line faster and in one piece win. And then - the favorite snowmen from such large lumps. Who has it higher than others?

Rhyming games for spending the New Year with children

Questions for the players in an entertaining rhyme arouse the interest of the little participants of the holiday. Can be done with both children and spectators.

All players must repeat the last syllable after the leader twice.

Run up, kids (ra-ra)
The game is announced. (ra – ra)
Don’t spare your palms (lei-lei)
Clap, stomp more joyfully. (lei – lei)
You will have time (you – you)
A whole hour! (hour – hour)
Do you need two? There will be two! (two - two)
Think with your head. (howl - howl)
How do we hear a wolf howl? (howl - howl)
How does the rooster crow in the morning? (uh-uh)
This is an owl, and what about a rooster? (uh-uh)
It's right? Exactly? (so-so)
In fact, how, how? (how how)
What is three plus two? (two - two)
My head is just spinning! (va – wa)
Is it lips or nose? (nose - nose)
(point to lips)
Could this be a steam locomotive? (voz - voz)
Is it eyebrows or eyes? (eye - eye)
(point to eyebrows)
What do we have here then? (us – us)
(point to nose)
Well done, you are right, right? (Yes Yes)
Just today or always? (Yes Yes)
Are you tired of playing? (at - at)
(Whoever answered “no” is out of the game)
You will be bored (points to the one who made a mistake)

We start to play
Let's find a rhyme.
I'll read the words.
You say a rhyme. Yes?!
Snow fell at the gate
The holiday is coming soon...(New Year)!
Children make noise happily
Decorate the Christmas tree... (want).
We hung up the toys -
Here are the garlands and ... (crackers).
Here are the snowflakes and pinwheels,
Bunnies, hedgehogs, little animals.
A little cold under the branches
Good Grandfather...(Frost).
He brought gifts to everyone,
Look - a whole (cart)!
Well, the Christmas tree is beautiful -
(brought) joy to the children!
Look what a wonder
And elegant, and ... (beautiful).
Here at the request of the guys
They will sparkle on it...(lights).
All the people are dancing
Starts...(round dance).
Here are the poems and songs -
I'm glad that we are all...(together)!
We will celebrate the holiday
Let's...(celebrate the New Year)!

The players must all answer the questions “yes” or “no” together.

Is Santa Claus coming to school? (Yes)
Is he humorous and cheerful? (Yes)
Is he playing hide and seek with you? (No)
Does he do exercises at school? (No)
Ate all your gummies? (No)
Does he bring you a Christmas tree on holiday? (Yes)
Does he wear braids with bows? (No)
Is he young all the time? (No)
Does he wear a fur coat with a beard? (Yes)
Does he adore all the boys? (Yes)
Does he provide them with gifts? (Yes)
Does Frost have brothers? (No)
Is our mimosa good? (points to the Christmas tree) (no)
Will the New Year come soon? (Yes)
Is it New Year only in Russia? (No)
Is there a Snow Maiden in Paris? (No)
Does she come to us as a redhead? (No)
Is she friends with Santa Claus? (Yes)
Does he dance with you in a round dance? (Yes)

A letter from the guys to their beloved Santa Claus

The guys in the audience are asked 14 adjectives. These adjectives, in the order in which they were named, are then inserted into the letter template.

Santa Claus...hello!

Our... children are really looking forward... to meeting you. After all, the New Year is the most... holiday for everyone. The guys will sing their ... songs for you, dance ... dances!

Very soon... New Year will come! And then... the holidays. The guys will forget about... studying.

And today, bring your... bag with... gifts and distribute them to the children.

Your... girls and... boys.

Game "At the Zoo"

Children, if the statement is correct, should say “We saw it, we saw it, we saw it at the zoo!”

– There is a whole family at the zoo near the duck pond.
“The lion has a whole bunch of children behind bars.
– Here is a huge hippopotamus chewing a lettuce leaf.
– The penguins hatched two chicks from their eggs.
– The most terrible crocodile almost bit me.
“And the tigress hatched a chick from an egg yesterday.”
“Here’s a hungry pelican,” the crane swallowed.
“And the huge elephants are sweltering from the heat.”
“There’s a kangaroo in the enclosure, humming in the morning.”

When asked, the players shout, “It’s me, it’s me, these are all my friends!”

Who runs into the classroom in a cheerful flock every time?
Who doesn’t prepare his homework and only goes to school to get a bad grade?
Who has been friends with sports since childhood, about health and does not worry?
And who is really overcome by sadness today?
Which of you is neat and pleasant in appearance?
Who does their homework diligently?
Who walked to school today with their heads upside down?
Who, tell me honestly, wears a hat on his foot?
How many of you have a complete cold and have walked through puddles in slippers?
Whose diary is in order, always clean in a notebook?
Who washed their face from the tap early this morning?
Who scatters toys here and there in the corners?
Who can dance for exactly five hours at a festival?

Winter games for kids

The sun is getting lower, there are fewer leaves on the trees, and every morning it’s getting colder - these are the first signs of winter. Soon the first snow will fall and we will all go into the yards together with our little ones to sculpt snowmen. But to make the winter festivities more varied, I want to offer you several joint games with the youngest children.

Game No. 1 "Santa Claus - red nose." A leader is chosen, preferably an adult, and the rest of the children form a circle. Next, the presenter closes his eyes and spins around himself with the words “I’ll freeze, freeze!!!”, then he stops and begins to catch the children. Whoever he catches is frozen, this person becomes the leader.

Game No. 2 known to all of us since childhood - this "Loaf". The kids gather in the yard and begin to dance in a circle to a poem everyone knows. Of course, this is a game for the little ones, older children are not interested in it, however, if you diversify the rhymes in the game or add a “prize fund”, older children will also agree to play this game.

Game No. 3. Game "The Wolf and the Seven Little Goats" can also be a good way to spend time. The wolf is allocated a small area on the site - his kennel, and the piglets are given houses, for example, under a hill, in a sandbox or under a tree, where the wolf cannot reach them. After this, the terrible beast goes to his home and falls asleep with wild snoring. When he wakes up, he goes out hunting with the kids, and they, running away from him, can hide in the house. When the wolf catches its prey, it circles it around itself, then lets it go and the game continues.

Game No. 4 called "The Snow Queen and Santa Claus". This is a game for little ones, as it does not have particularly strict rules or plot. Children arm themselves with shovels, buckets and begin to sprinkle bushes, twigs and trees with snow so that they do not freeze and winter comes around faster.

Game No. 5. The game is also suitable for little ones "Angel": children lie on the snow with their backs and move their hands up and down, drawing wings in the snow.

Game No. 6 “Enemy Banner”. The next game on our list is for more adults. The children in the yard are divided into teams and build themselves barricades of snow, with a flag placed on top of each of them. The task of each team is to obtain the opponent’s banner, defending its citadel with snowballs.

There are a great many other winter games for the youngest children. The main thing is not to walk outside if the temperature is below -15 C, and make sure that all the kids are in motion.

Characters: Presenter, Snow Maiden, Father Frost, Koschey, Baba Yaga, Murchik the cat.

The children entered the hall and stood near the Christmas tree.

1st child:

Came to us again today

Christmas tree and winter holiday.

This holiday is New Year's

We waited impatiently!

2nd child:

A dense forest, a blizzard field

The winter holiday is coming to us.

So let's say it together

Children(in chorus): Hello, hello, New generation!

1st child:

Said goodbye to the dark forest

Christmas tree, beauty.

She hurried to us from the forest,

The holiday begins.

2nd child:

The Christmas tree is dressed up for the holiday,

It lit up with lights.

You are beautiful, Christmas tree

(strokes the Christmas tree and withdraws his hand),

Just too harsh!

1st child:

Christmas tree, don’t inject yourself,

Should you be angry?

We gathered for the holiday,

To have fun.

2nd child:

You have a Christmas tree

Beautiful needles

And from bottom to top

Beautiful toys.

1st child:

Let's dance merrily

Let's sing songs

So that the tree wants

Come visit us again!


And the Christmas tree is happy for you all,

So much fun all around

Let's go guys

Let's sing about the Christmas tree.

There is a song about the Christmas tree.


In a very, very old fairy tale

There is a snow tower, and in it

Snow Maiden Princess is sleeping

Uninterrupted sound sleep.

She sleeps, but today,

Waking up from sleep,

Come to us for the Winter's Tale celebration

She will be a guest.

Elegant favorite

We are all waiting for the holiday,

Our dear Snow Maiden,

Elegant, beautiful

We'll invite you to visit us.

All: Snow Maiden!

The Snow Maiden enters.

Snow Maiden:

Hello my friends,

I came to your Christmas tree!

I heard from friends

From all the forest animals,

Why did you decorate the Christmas tree?

Everyone was invited to the celebration.

The children all came to the Christmas tree,

Guests are here, but here's a question:

Where does our merry wander?

Good Grandfather Frost?

It's time for him to come,

He was delayed on the way.

Santa Claus, ay, ay,

Do you hear me calling you!

For some reason he can't hear me,

Maybe we can call together?

Children: Santa Claus! Santa Claus!

Santa Claus: Aw, aww!

Children: Santa Claus! Santa Claus!

Father Frost: I'm coming!

Music sounds and Santa Claus enters the hall.

Father Frost:

I am a cheerful Santa Claus,

Your New Year's guest,

Don't hide your nose from me,

I'm good today.

I remember exactly a year ago

I saw these guys

The year has flown by like an hour,

I didn't even notice

Here I am again among you,

Dear children!

Behind the mountains, behind the forests

I've missed you all year,

I remembered you every day

I collected gifts for everyone!

Quickly everyone get up in a circle,

Sing a song together.

Round dance "A Christmas tree was born in the forest."

Ded Moroz and Snegurochka:

Happy New Year!

With new happiness!

With new joy for everyone!

Let them sound under this vault

Songs, music and laughter!

Father Frost:

I'm feeling a little hot, granddaughter.

I'll fly on business

And then I will return to you.


Now we'll sit

And let's look at the Christmas tree.

Near the New Year tree

Miracles happen,

Right now in our hall

The fairy tale begins.

The lights go out. A soundtrack of slow music plays. The light turns on.

Koschey lies by the Christmas tree, Baba Yaga sits nearby, preening.

Murchik the cat comes in, sits at a distance, and washes himself with his paw.

Snow Maiden: Once upon a time there lived Koschey, Baba Yaga and the cat Murchik.

Murchik: Oh, and I got the owners, well, it’s just punishment! Koschey's skeleton lies on the stove all day long, and Yaga spends weeks twirling in front of the mirror, preparing for a beauty contest, a beauty has been found!

Baba Yaga:

Slender little leg,

A twig in a braid...

Who doesn't know Yagochka?

Everyone knows Yaga.

Witches at the holiday

They will gather in a circle.

How does Yagochka dance?

Best of all friends!

Murchik: Wow! I wish you had a poker and a broom, you slackers! Good people have everything in stock for winter: pickles, jams, firewood, and kind words! And you will stretch out your paws!

Koschey: We drank tea and ate potatoes. The last wood in the stove has burned out... What are we going to do?

Baba Yaga: What to do, what to do?.. Let's eat the cat!

Murchik: Masters, have you gone completely wild? We need to run away from here before we really get eaten out of hunger!

Baba Yaga and Koschey try to catch the cat, but it runs away.

Baba Yaga: There’s nothing to do, Kosha. Since we don’t like to work, we have to go to robbery. Let's go get ready...

They leave.

Snow Maiden: Guys, while these idlers are gone, let's continue the celebration. In winter there is a lot of snow, you can make snowmen and just snowballs from it. Let's have a snowball fight!

Game "Collect snowballs"

Two children or two teams play. Snowballs made of cotton wool are scattered on the floor. The children are blindfolded and given a basket. At the signal, they begin to collect snowballs. The one who collects the most snowballs wins.

Snow Maiden: Well done, guys! Oh, it seems that Yaga and Koshchei are returning. Sit down on the chairs, let's see what they will do?

They come in. Baba Yaga and Koschey with pistols, rope and saber.

Baba Yaga: It looks like we’ve gathered, but when are we going to commit robbery? When do we start?

Koschey: Let's start now! And that is, I really want to! Forward! Robbery!

Baba Yaga: Forward!

They run away screaming. The cat Murchik appears.

Murchik: What wicked people they are, they just want to ruin everything, they’ve been like this all their lives!

Snow Maiden: Don’t worry, Murchik, they won’t be able to ruin our holiday. Let's play one very interesting game with the guys.

Murchik: In which?

Snow Maiden: The game is called "Save Santa Claus."

Murchik: Meow! What should we save him from?

Snow Maiden: Now you'll see for yourself.

They bring out two portraits of Frost without a nose.

Snow Maiden: You see, Murchik, he came to see us at the beginning of the holiday, and it’s very hot here, so he sent his portraits with a melted nose. We'll put a spell on his nose now, and it will appear on him right away.

Murchik: How do we do this?

Snow Maiden: Very simple.

Game “Let's put a spell on Grandfather Frost's nose”

Two children come out.

Snow Maiden: Here is a portrait without a nose, and here are the noses.

(The Snow Maiden gives the children a piece of plasticine.)

Snow Maiden: Look carefully, do you understand where to attach the noses? (Children answer.) We’ll just bewitch our noses with our eyes closed. Look again and remember.

Snegurochka and Murchik blindfold the children, spin them around and offer to fasten their noses.

Murchik: Well done, guys, it’s okay that Grandfather’s nose has grown a little crooked, the main thing is how he can breathe.

Snow Maiden: Well, since Grandfather Frost’s nose is fine, maybe he’ll come to us again, at least for a little while?

Murchik: Meow! Yes, yes, otherwise your ears will melt, and it’s harder to bewitch two ears than one nose!

Snow Maiden: Let's call him!

All: Father Frost!

Santa Claus solemnly enters, the cat leaves unnoticed.

Father Frost:

Hello again guys,

Dear girls, boys,

Cheerful, funny,

The kids are very nice.

Granddaughter, have you figured out during this time whether there are naughty people and pranksters at our holiday?

Snow Maiden: Not a single one!

Father Frost:

Yes? Well, let's ask them themselves.

Guys, are there any pranksters among you? (No!)

What about the ugly ones? (No!)

And the mischievous ones? (No!)

What about the naughty girls? (No!)

What about the good kids? (No!)

You see, Snow Maiden, there are no good kids among them either. (Laughs.)

Snow Maiden: Oh, grandpa, you’re joking again, and yet the Christmas tree isn’t lit yet.

Father Frost:

What is this? What a mess it is

There are no lights on your Christmas tree!

So that the tree lights up,

You will use the words:

“Surprise us with beauty,

Christmas tree, turn on the lights!

Come on together, come on together!

Children repeat the words, the Christmas tree lights up.

Snow Maiden:

Guys, stand in a circle,

The music calls to the Christmas tree,

Hold your hands tighter.

Let's start the round dance!

Round dance "Santa Claus".

Father Frost: Is there order in our domain, Snow Maiden?

Snow Maiden: What's the order, grandpa? There is no snow, no icicles, I’m generally silent about the blizzard. If only you could sprinkle some snow on the kids for fun!

Father Frost: I will now blow cold magical breath - it will become cool and snowflakes will swirl.

Dance of snowflakes.

Snow Maiden:

Wow, there was so much snow!

I suggest you play!

And everyone has fun together

Throw snowballs.

The Snow Maiden takes out “snowballs” from her bag - tennis balls pre-decorated with snowflakes and a container into which these “snowballs” need to fall - a Magic Pot.

I made some snowballs

I forgot to take them with me

We need to give everyone snowballs

We will throw them accurately.

The Snow Maiden puts some of the snowballs on the floor so that later they can be conveniently taken out, distributes one to the children, and keeps one for herself.

Snow Maiden(addressing a child):

Here, take it, my friend, snowball

And throw it into the pot (Snow Maiden shows how to do this.)

We'll get some more snow

We'll hit it very accurately! (The Snow Maiden offers to throw a snowball to another child.)

The game continues until all the snowballs are abandoned. in the Magic Pot.

And now in our pot

Let's cook porridge for Santa Claus.

The Snow Maiden brings a pot of snowballs to Santa Claus.

Father Frost: Well, we've fed you! Thank you guys. Well, Snow Maiden, the snow is fine, let's check everything else.

Game "I'll freeze"

The players form a circle and extend their arms forward. At a signal from Santa Claus, they run inside the circle in opposite directions. Santa Claus tries to slap the players on the palms, which they must have time to remove. Anyone touched by Santa Claus is considered frozen and no longer takes part in the game. The last player wins.

Father Frost: Wow, well done guys! And you, granddaughter, saved such cold in my magic refrigerator! Have you hung up the northern lights?..

Snow Maiden: I hung it up! Oh, grandfather, we didn’t count the stars! Suddenly so lost!..

Father Frost: Yes, it's a mess! You count from that edge, and I will be from this.

Father Frost and the Snow Maiden go into the background behind the Christmas tree, Baba Yaga and Koschey appear.

Koschey: Look, some grandfather...

Baba Yaga: And with him is a girl and a bag...

Koschey: What are we going to steal?

Baba Yaga: Come on girl!

Koschey: No, a bag! Why do you need a girl?

Baba Yaga: Do you have a granddaughter?

Koschey: No.

Baba Yaga: Neither do I. If we steal her, she will do everything for us, and we will only go to robbery and lie on the stove.

Koschey: Well, you stupid thing is a stupid thing! Where have you seen girls doing something? Mothers and grandmothers do everything for them. We take the bag.

Baba Yaga: Now we’ll check whether I’m right or you. Well, girls, which one of you is brave?

Game "Cleaner"

To play you will need 4 buckets with small toys. On command, Baba Yaga and Koschey begin to scatter toys, and the girls quickly collect them in buckets. The one who managed to collect the most will win.

Baba Yaga: Ha, I told you so! You see, girls are always useful on the farm. Moreover, the girl will walk with her own feet, but she will have to carry the bag.

Koschey: This is an argument! We take the girl, and if she doesn’t help, she can always be eaten!

Baba Yaga: Hey girl!

Snow Maiden(turns around): What, grandma?

Baba Yaga: Do you want this candy?

Shows a huge candy with his hands.

Snow Maiden: So big?

Koschey: Big, big! (Takes out a small caramel.)

Baba Yaga and Koschey kidnap the Snow Maiden. Santa Claus finishes counting the stars and comes out from behind the tree.

Father Frost: Four million six hundred eighty seven... Snow Maiden! Did she fall into a snowdrift?.. Granddaughter! We have no time for jokes, the guys are waiting for us!

Murchik the cat comes running.

Murchik: What's happened? What's wrong? What happened, Santa Claus?

Father Frost: The Snow Maiden is missing! I was just standing here, and now I’m not!

Murchik: Children, did you see who stole the Snow Maiden? (Children speak.)

Father Frost: Oh, that’s clear, don’t worry, nothing will work out for them! My granddaughter has character! Well, if things get difficult, we will come to the rescue. Now start a round dance to lift your spirits!

After the round dance, the children sit on chairs. Father Frost and Murchik fade into the background, Baba Yaga and Koshchei appear, pushing the Snow Maiden in front of them.

Koschey(pushing Snow Maiden): Drag her through the snowdrifts! Punishment! And she said - she’ll go on her own, she’ll go on her own! What's your name?

Snow Maiden: Snow Maiden!

Baba Yaga: Are you hard-working?

Snow Maiden: Me? Very! I love to draw on windows and I can count stars!

Koschey: We can paint on windows ourselves! There's no point in getting them dirty! But, for example, can you cook borscht?

Snow Maiden: Borsch? Is this cabbage soup?

Koschey(briskly): With cabbage, with cabbage!

Snow Maiden: No I can not. Grandpa and I love ice cream more.

Baba Yaga: Now it has tied itself around our necks. He doesn’t know how to cook borscht!

Koschey(To Baba Yaga): I told you, you need to take the bag, and you keep the girl, the girl...

Baba Yaga: In general, Snow Maiden, you will now be our granddaughter.

Snow Maiden: And who are you?

Baba Yaga and Koschey: Robbers!

Snow Maiden: Real robbers?

Baba Yaga: Yes, the real ones! We have everything: an ax, a pistol, a knife, and a rope! And we gathered helpers for ourselves.

Hey, robbers, come running,

Let your dance begin!

Dance of the robbers.

Snow Maiden: What is it, the New Year is coming, but you have neither a holiday nor a Christmas tree?

Koschey: How is it not? There are many Christmas trees in the forest!

Snow Maiden: Oh, I'm talking about a decorated Christmas tree. Even children know about this.

Santa Claus enters.

Father Frost: Ah, there you are, robbers, I’ve finally found you! Give me my Snow Maiden, otherwise I’ll make fir cones out of you!

Koschey and Baba Yaga:

Oh, don't, oh, we're afraid,

We will surrender to you without a fight!

They back away, run away and stealthily steal Santa Claus's bag.

Father Frost: It seems that we have gotten rid of these idlers and hooligans. Now I want to listen to poetry, sit and rest, otherwise I was completely exhausted while wandering through the forest.

Children read poetry.

Father Frost: Well done!

Snow Maiden: Grandfather, who do you think is more fun in our hall - girls or boys?

Father Frost: But now we’ll check it out, and for this we’ll split up like this: the guys will freeze! They will laugh: ha ha ha!

Snow Maiden: And the girls are little snowmen - hee-hee-hee!

Father Frost: Come on, they're freezing! (Laugh.)

Snow Maiden: And now the snow babies! (Laugh.)

Father Frost: And the naughty boys - ha-ha-ha! ha ha ha!

Snow Maiden: And the fun girls - hee hee hee! hee hee hee!

Father Frost:

They made a noise, they laughed

All of you, truly, from the heart.

Both girls and boys

They were very good!

We sang and played

I'm glad to have fun!

Now isn't it time for us

Host a masquerade ball?

Snow Maiden:

Come on, everyone is in suits and masks

Become as if in a fairy tale.

Let's go with Grandfather,

We'll find the best suits.

Father Frost:

We will rightfully reward everyone,

We won't deprive anyone.

Snow Maiden:

Everyone knows, on New Year's Eve

Each of us is waiting for a gift!

For someone in the morning Santa Claus

He brought them in a large basket.

But good luck here for you too

Santa Claus has gifts in store!

Father Frost(looks for a bag): It can’t be! What's happened? I can't find the bag!

Snow Maiden: Or maybe you left it in the forest?

Father Frost: No, I know for sure that I hid the bag somewhere here, but I can’t remember where!

Snow Maiden:

No, the bag is not visible here,

Grandfather, what a shame!

Really no gifts?

Will the children leave the party?

Father Frost:

How will they leave? I won't allow it!

I'll find the gifts!

Wait, children, we will come

And we'll bring gifts.

Father Frost and Snow Maiden leave the hall. Koschey and Baba Yaga appear. Koschey is carrying a bag.

Baba Yaga: Kosha, come here quickly!

Koschey: Wow, I barely carried the bag. And why is it so heavy? There are probably a lot of goodies in it.

Baba Yaga: Come on, come on, here, here! How will we divide?

Koschey: Yes! Am I carrying a bag? I! This means that most of the gifts are mine!

Baba Yaga: Look, what a smart guy! Who gave you the idea to do such a thing?

Baba Yaga and Koschey are arguing. The Snow Maiden comes in.

Snow Maiden: You again? And what do you have? Come on, come on! Bag!

Baba Yaga and Koschey are blocking the bag.

Baba Yaga:

We found a treasure under a bush,

And there is innumerable goodness in him.

Snow Maiden: Yes, this is Santa Claus's bag!

Koschey: We don't know anything! This is our bag!

Snow Maiden: Let's see, Santa Claus will come, then speak differently. Guys, call Santa Claus!

Santa Claus appears. Santa Claus: What happened?

Snow Maiden: Grandfather, we found it, we found it! Here's your bag of gifts...

Koschey and Baba Yaga:

We won't give you a bag,

We'll eat everything in it ourselves.

Father Frost: Well, if so, help yourself!

Koschey and Baba Yaga, pushing each other away, take out a torn shoe and hat from the bag.

Baba Yaga: We don't want such gifts! Koschey: Just holes!

Father Frost: What they deserved is what they got. Whoever touches my bag with dishonest hands receives rags and cast-offs as gifts.

Baba Yaga: Is this really how the New Year will go without gifts?

Father Frost: Various miracles happen on New Year's Eve. I made sure the gifts ended up under your pillows. You will definitely find them!

Koschey, Baba Yaga: And we?


Eh, we want some treats

We ask for your forgiveness!

Grandfather, Snow Maiden, forgive me,

And give me a gift!

Baba Yaga:

We will improve, believe me,

We will start a new life!

We will be kinder, better

Every hour, every day!

Father Frost: Well, guys, shall we forgive them? (Yes!)

Fine! And you will find gifts from me in the hut.

Snow Maiden:

Here we say goodbye to you,

And we give you an order:

May you all be healthy

Getting better every day!

Father Frost:

To have in your life

And fun and laughter.

Happy New Year, Happy New Year

Congratulations to everyone, everyone, everyone!

See you next year,

Wait for me, I'll come!

The characters say goodbye and leave.

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