Leading brands of dry construction mixtures. Dry building mixtures - overview and characteristics

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Currently, the Russian market is literally oversaturated with manufacturers of dry construction mixtures. Let’s figure out what segments this market can be divided into and what brands are leading in it.

Manufacturers of dry gypsum-based building mixtures

A large share - almost a third Russian market occupied by a manufacturer of gypsum mixtures Knauf. Putties, plasters, mixtures for self-leveling floors, tile adhesives, masonry and grout mixtures, levelers - the growth rate of sales of Knauf dry mixes is surprising. Every year Knauf factories increase sales by 35%. Knauf has been known in Russia since 1993, and has about 250 enterprises around the world.


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Building mixtures M150, M200, M300 significantly simplify and speed up the entire work process, both for specialists and for people who decide to make repairs on our own. These building materials are so convenient to use that there is no need to experiment with the selection of components; it’s easier to take ready mixture and after reading the instructions on the package, add water and start working with the ready-made solution.

How to choose which mixture to buy

Whether it’s renovation of an apartment or large-scale construction of an industrial complex, when choosing necessary materials their purpose must be taken into account - each type of construction, repair or finishing work corresponds to a certain type of construction dry mixtures.

For leveling and plastering walls, filling cracks and eliminating chips in concrete, brickwork in residential and production premises, in office and commercial buildings, the universal mixture M150 is most suitable , which is also convenient to use when renovating old premises and when preparing floors, walls, and ceilings for final finishing in new buildings.

For unstable moving soils, in active seismic zones, the M200 dry mixture is simply irreplaceable. Its use will ensure the reliability and strength of the masonry load-bearing walls, partitions made of brick, foam concrete, cinder blocks. Material M200 is also used when laying concrete blocks for foundations, for interconnection window openings and lintels, walls and window sills, and other individual building elements that require increased strength.

Sand concrete M300 allows you to quickly correct uneven floors, walls and ceilings, prepare all flat surfaces for further painting, whitewashing and wallpapering. Behind short term, with a minimum of costs, by choosing sand concrete, you can seal seams and cracks and eliminate frequent defects in foundations in monolithic structures.

It is from the M300 solution that the primary leveling of floors in industrial and private premises, garages is carried out, and entrances to the house are equipped. Without fear that the structures will not crumble after a few years, various reinforcing and decorative elements are produced from this material.

Sale of dry mixes M150, M200, M300

The brands of dry compounds M150, M200, M300 combine ease of use, profitable price and quality, by contacting our company, you can profitably buy high-quality building materials from manufacturers at reasonable prices from warehouses in Moscow and near Moscow. Our company provides preferential discounts to wholesale and regular customers. Delivery within Moscow and outside the Moscow region is possible, as well as pickup from the warehouse.

The sale of building mixtures wholesale and retail is carried out from warehouses in Moscow and near Moscow in any quantities. Our company’s specialists will provide consulting services and help you make right choice brand and type of mixture. Buying high-quality dry mixes M150, M200, M300 from our company means insuring yourself against counterfeit building materials. Contact our company and you will be satisfied not only with the quality of service, but also with the high quality of building materials!

Dry building mixtures M150

Composition and properties of the M150 mixture

For the M150 mixture, an original composition is provided, which includes washed river sand and Portland cement High Quality and mineral plasticizers can be added depending on the type construction work. The M150 building material, easy to apply to the surface, has good strength and easily adheres to the surface being treated. The high environmental friendliness of M-150 brand materials is combined with resistance to frost and moisture.

Features of the use of M150 mixtures

Strength, ductility and economical cost in consumption allowed the M150 brand to be used for the preparation of mortars for laying concrete blocks and bricks, for priming and puttying of ceilings and walls. When performing not difficult repair work When sealing seams, cracks, and crevices, it is convenient to use M150 brand mixtures, since this building material is sold ready for use.

To start construction work, you just need to add water and mix everything until smooth, observing the ratio of proportions of water and dry powder indicated on the packaging. The resulting solution retains its properties for up to two hours; the ambient temperature should be 5 degrees above zero.

Dry building mixtures M200

Composition and properties of the M200 mixture

Certified high-quality binders are added to the M200 brand to improve its properties - Portland cement, mineral plasticizer and dry construction sand.
Of the many positive characteristics M200 has not only high strength, high adhesion to mineral substrates, vapor permeability, but also frost resistance, which makes it possible to use the M200 material for external and interior work Oh.

Features of the use of M200 mixtures

Dry mixture M200, installation and masonry, used for bricklaying, concreting, sealing and repair concrete walls, installation of flights of stairs and floor slabs, floor screeds. M200 is also used when working in places increased loadground floors, foundations, wall concrete blocks. Mixtures of the M150 and M200 brands contain a suspended amount of cement, which gives the right to confidently characterize the dry compositions M150 and M200 as high-quality building materials. Like M150, the mixture under the M200 brand is easy to prepare and use.

Mix M300 (sand concrete)

Composition and properties of sand concrete grade M300

Sand concrete grade M300, consists of construction river sand– large and small, Portland cement, special mineral additives and plasticizers. Rapid-hardening high-strength Portland cement is used as the main binder component; plasticizers are necessary to increase ductility, delamination ready solution prevented by special additives.

Sand concrete is characterized, first of all, by environmental Safety, convenient use in all types of construction work, high strength, frost resistance, water resistance, resistance to shrinkage. Sand concrete is not subject to corrosion, has high adhesion (strong adhesion to the surface), provides thermal and noise insulation of rooms, and is resistant to temperature changes.

Features of the use of sand concrete grade M300

Due to its composition, M300 sand concrete has undoubted advantages over other self-leveling materials. cement mixtures. Being very durable and ductile building material, sand concrete is used for facade and interior work, for pouring foundations and concrete forms, concrete screeds When constructing concrete walls, cracks and seams are sealed with a mortar mixture.

Each package of sand concrete M300 indicates the conditions, methods and rules of preparation mortar mixture. The amount of added water affects the strength and durability of the mixtures: excess water leads to the formation of cracks, lack of water leads to poor surface quality and reduced strength. With materials based on sand concrete M300, the minimum strength is achieved after two days, the final strength gain at temperatures above 10 degrees occurs after 28 days.

Sand concrete should be stored in dry, ventilated areas. The properties of sand concrete under the M300 brand are preserved during storage, transportation, and warehousing thanks to special packaging. Transportation and storage are convenient and safe, since the composition of sand concrete is non-toxic. Low price sand concrete M300 allows you to carry out construction work of any volume at the lowest cost.

Dry building mixtures are widely popular in the construction and renovation industry. They are easy to prepare and apply. Dry mixtures belong to the group of auxiliary building materials that are used for internal and exterior finishing premises. Immediately after dilution with water, they become suitable for use and are used for plastering, laying tiles, brickwork, etc. Precise dosage of all components of the composition and compliance with the rules for mixing the starting raw materials make it possible to obtain high-quality solutions for use in different areas construction.

Classification of dry mixtures for construction

Modern mixtures are used for various types works, therefore they are usually divided into:

  • masonry – thick-layer and thin-layer;
  • adhesive – mounting, facing. Used for laying tiles and porcelain tiles, aerated concrete blocks, bricks, etc.;
  • floor - for leveling, making screeds, creating a finishing layer. They are ordinary and self-leveling;
  • repair - injection, volumetric - and surface-restorative;
  • insulating – used to create heat and sound insulation;
  • plastering – light, special and heavy;
  • putty – leveling and to create a finishing layer;
  • grout - for grouting joints up to 6 millimeters thick, and joints more than 6 millimeters wide;
  • universal - mixtures that can be used for various construction and repair work.

Dry mixtures are also classified by composition binder- they can be simple and complex. To create simple mixtures, only one binder is used, for example, cement or gypsum. In complex mixtures, several binder additives are used simultaneously.

In addition, dry mixtures are divided into special and universal, which can be used for most repair and construction work. So, for example, leveling mixtures for putty are often used when pouring the floor, starting finishing wall panels etc.

Dry mixtures are used for both internal and external works. When carrying out work inside buildings, gypsum mixtures are most often used, thanks to which a microclimate favorable for humans is maintained in the room. When carrying out external work, mixtures are used that are based on cement - a substance that is highly resistant to moisture, fire-resistant and resistant to atmospheric conditions.

Dry mixtures are classified according to the dispersion of the filler - they can be finely dispersed - the filler fraction does not exceed 0.315 mm, and coarse - the fraction is 2.5 mm and above.

Composition of dry mixtures

The basis of the mixtures can be gypsum, polymers and cement; various additives are also added to them, giving the composition the necessary quality characteristics. Substances used in the production of dry mixtures are conventionally grouped into several groups:

  • Mineral binders - lime, Portland cement, gypsum.
  • Organic binders are polymer powders based on ethylene, vinyl chloride, acrylate.
  • Fillers – chalk, quartz sand, amorphous silica, talc, asbestos, vermiculite.
  • Water-retaining additives, plasticizers and substances that regulate the setting of the material.

Binders are added to mixtures in order to increase their strength characteristics and adhesion. A distinction is made between hydraulic and non-hydraulic components. Hydraulic ones give the mixture high resistance to water.

Modified additives for dry construction mixtures

Thanks to the use of modifying additives, dry mixtures for construction acquire the necessary specifications. In dry mixtures, the proportion of modifying additives is about fifteen percent. Modifying additives can be of organic or inorganic origin. They increase the connection of components with water and improve its adhesion characteristics. Additives regulate spreading and are responsible for plasticity and durability during further use.

Scope of use of dry mixtures for construction

Dry mixtures can be used in almost all types of work related to the construction and renovation of premises. So, for example, the M150 mixture, created on the basis of sand and Portland cement, is used:

  • for processing joints and seams;
  • laying bricks, porcelain stoneware, paving slabs;
  • when conducting plastering works;
  • for leveling any surfaces;
  • when concreting stairs;
  • during the repair of floors and other reinforced concrete structures.

The M150 mixture is quickly applied to the surface and hardens within 24 hours.

Dry mixture M200 can be used for laying bricks and aerated concrete blocks, pouring foundations, and when carrying out plastering work. It contains Portland cement, sand, and modified additives. The mixture was created taking into account the requirements of GOST 28013-98. Material consumption is 10 kg per 1.9 liters of clean water.

M300 is a self-leveling mixture, the main difference of which is its fast hardening time. It is used not only for leveling floors, but also for pouring foundations, load-bearing structures, brickwork, fastening reinforced concrete structures. The M300 mixture is characterized by maximum strength indicators, resistance to high humidity and temperature changes.

Advantages of dry construction mixtures

Due to their special composition and ease of preparation, building mixtures are widely popular in the construction industry. The main advantages of dry mixtures include the following factors:

  • Easy to use and prepare - the packaging of each mixture contains instructions, following which you can obtain a high-quality and ready-to-use solution.
  • Stability of the composition - all components are added to the dry mixtures in strictly dosed form, so any composition retains all the specified characteristics.
  • Cost-effective – the use of building mixtures helps to save costs, since the solution is applied in a thinner layer. In addition, the time spent on finishing is significantly reduced, which is important.
  • Uniformity and plasticity - if the instructions are followed, the solution turns out to be homogeneous and can be applied well to any surface.
  • High adhesive qualities – reliable adhesion to almost any base.
  • Excellent sound and heat insulation properties.
  • Long shelf life – even with long-term storage mixtures do not lose their original characteristics. They can be transported and stored even at low temperatures.
  • Environmentally friendly - all mixtures intended for repair and construction are absolutely safe for human life, therefore they can be used for both external and internal work.

When choosing mixtures for work, it is best to follow the rule of choosing materials from one manufacturer - they are perfectly combined with each other, guaranteeing quality and long term operation.

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Used for plastering work, they have a number of significant advantages. Their composition may vary depending on the purpose, method of production and use, and area of ​​application. For example, for exterior work it is always cement-based. Plasters for interior use include gypsum. Gypsum solutions cannot be used in rooms with high humidity and for outdoor work.

There are a number of brands that differ from each other in the percentage of dry mixture components and the types of substances included in the composition. For example, it is a highly reliable mixture, which is comparable in strength to concrete. It consists of river construction sand and fractionated sand with a fraction of 1.5:6 mm. The scope of application of sand concrete is wide - it is used for pouring foundations, making screeds, and for external plastering work where special strength and resistance of the coating to mechanical stress is required.
cement-based are also called universal. One of the most commonly used product names is the universal mixture m 150. The composition of this mixture includes Portland cement, lime, river construction sand with a fraction of up to 2 mm, . The product is manufactured in accordance with GOST 28013-98. Used for external and internal plastering, filling floors, leveling surfaces. successfully replaces cement in construction. You can lay tiles on it, including paving tiles.
The universal mixture M200 has reinforcing properties and is used in cases where special strength of the coating is required for painting or wallpaper; when concreting stairs and floors, processing ceiling seams. Due to its increased strength, it does not require the use of reinforcing mesh. The product contains washed river construction sand of fraction 2, and VSM fiber is used as a reinforcing substance.
There are also dry mixtures with synthetic additives that can improve the quality of the product and give it additional properties- special plasticity and adhesion. They can be used to perform traditional plastering work on any surface, including brick, masonry, concrete, aerated concrete, and primed surfaces.

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