Options for flower stands. DIY garden and indoor flower stand made from various materials

There are many design ideas that can be implemented when organizing home landscaping. You can place plants on walls or floor shelving, but it is better to use flower stands on a windowsill - this way the flowers will not only decorate the room, but will also be provided with the maximum amount of light. What stands can I choose?

Rules for choosing a stand

In order for flowers to effectively fulfill their decorative function, it is important to choose all the accessories correctly. The choice of the type of stand is based on the purpose for which it will be used:

  • If you need to create a general composition of plants of different types, a spacer stand is suitable, the shelves of which are located at different heights and vary in size. It will allow you to beautifully arrange any set of flower pots.
  • If you need to decorate the entire window area without reducing the insolation of the room too much, you should choose stand for flowers on the windowsill in the form of a double-sided shelf. She will frame the window opening with a green frame, leaving the central part of the glass open.
  • A shelf with wide shelves will be the best choice if you need to place seedlings on the windowsill. It will allow you to arrange a large number of pots and give young plants a lot of light.
  • Single flowerpots are suitable if there are not many flower pots.

The main selection criterion will be aesthetics - it is better to buy an accessory that you liked at first glance than one that is more functional but less attractive.

Stand options

Different models of window flower stands have their own design features and differ in shape and size. They can be made of different materials, supplemented with lighting, and accommodate different numbers of plants. Some options can be made with your own hands.


A shelf is the simplest type of stand, which is a set of shelves that allow you to arrange flowers in any order. It can be somewhat cumbersome, but thanks to the variety of designs it makes it possible to realize any design ideas.

The following shelving options are common:

  • Pyramid flower stand for the window. It has a triangular projection - the widest shelves are located at the bottom, and the narrow ones at the top.
  • Inverted pyramid. In this case, the wide part is located at the top. Its supports are a ladder on which additional plants can be placed. Thanks to its tapering shape, the inverted pyramid does not block the view from the window.
  • Rectangular. It consists of two vertical supports to which horizontal shelves are attached. This design is easiest to make with your own hands, preferably from glass, so as not to limit the passage of light.

Forged models can have a complex curved and even closed ring shape.


A spacer is a flower stand under a window, which is a vertical support around which shelves for pots with plants are arranged in a spiral. This is the most compact and elegant option, allowing you to create a beautiful window frame. Shelves can be wooden, glass or steel in the form of rings.

Single rack

Single stands, or planters, are purely decorative accessories designed to decorate individual pots. You cannot place many plants on such a stand, but it will be an excellent addition to the interior if there are few flowers in the house.

DIY flower stand

A do-it-yourself flower stand for a window sill can be made in any version from scrap materials. The easiest way is to make a flowerpot in the form of a basket - to do this, you need to cut out vertical supports and a stand from boards (for example, MDF), connect the elements with self-tapping screws and wind the walls with thick threads. The shape of the basket can be round or rectangular; any size can be made depending on the number of plants.

The bookcase can be made hanging. To do this, you need to take several boards or rectangular glass shelves, drill four holes in them - two on each end edge, and then pass strong twine through the holes. To keep the shelves in place, after passing through each of them, the rope must be tied in a large knot and metal washers must be used. The top ends of the ropes are then attached to anchors in the wall above the window.

A simple and unique stand for flowers on the windowsill with your own hands in the form of a spacer can be made from plastic cans, children’s buckets or bottle halves. The basis of the structure will be a long metal pin. A wooden board is attached to one of its ends, which is necessary to give the accessory stability. Then holes are drilled in the bottoms of the cans into which the support is threaded. The cans will hold on to each other, so additional fastenings are not needed.

With a wide variety of window plant stands, home landscaping can be not only useful, but also a beautiful addition to your interior.

Flowers in a house or in an ordinary city apartment are always beautiful! And if you consider that they are able to produce oxygen and maintain an optimal microclimate in the room, then this is also good for health. But still, the main role that flowers are meant to play is aesthetic. And here a lot depends not only on the type of flower or composition, but also on the stand on which the living composition is placed. What types of flower stands are there, how should you choose them, and how to make such a design with your own hands?


There is a huge variety of stands for indoor flowers, various flowerpots and so on. Conventionally, they can be divided into the following large groups:

  • classic;
  • tower;
  • decorative slides;
  • screen stands.

Each of these types has its own characteristics and advantages, and some of them are even designed specifically for certain plants.

Classic coasters

As a rule, they are floor structures that can be made of a variety of materials, designed for one flowerpot. The height of such a stand can vary from 10 to 70 cm. A high flower stand is ideal for plants with leaves hanging down: palm trees, ficus, dracaena and others. Lower ones are suitable for almost any flower. The diameter of the plate can reach 35 cm.

Tower structures

Tower flower stands allow you to place a mini-greenhouse - several pots at once - in a limited space. They can have a straight, round or spiral design. Thoughtful design and ergonomics allow you to place flowers in such a way that they do not interfere with each other and each of them receives the required amount of sunlight, light and air.

Decorative slides

A decorative flower stand in itself is already a significant detail of interior design. Such designs are made from a wide variety of materials, sometimes take on very bizarre shapes and allow you to place from two to six flowerpots or pots in a small area.

Screen stands

In addition to their decorative role, such structures also perform the function of dividing space into certain zones. However, with equal success they are placed along walls, on balconies, and even on the street.

It is difficult to list all the types and types of flower stands or subject them to any strict classification. The design solution, construction, materials used, color schemes can be very different, sometimes completely unexpected!

Execution materials

The material from which the flower stand is made can be very different. The most popular options are the following:

  • tree;
  • metal;
  • plastic;
  • glass;
  • wicker materials;
  • artificial or natural stone;
  • other.

Of course, any of the listed materials has its own individual characteristics, features and advantages.

Wooden structures

The main advantage of wooden stands or floor shelves for flowers is their environmental friendliness and naturalness. Wood has the ability to “breathe” and absorb the fragrance of plants. In addition, wooden structures themselves can be a real work of art. Especially if they are decorated with carvings or made in an antique style.

The disadvantages of wooden shelves include their massiveness, heavy weight and ability to absorb moisture, which necessitates their treatment with special compounds.


Metal flower designs can have completely different designs. Openwork forged, lightweight aluminum racks, and other types and form factors are widely used here. In addition, a variety of types of metals can be used in manufacturing. The main advantages of such structures are strength, durability and versatility.

However, metal is not always able to fit into the overall concept of interior design of a particular room. In addition, a metal floor shelf for flowers, especially a forged one, is noticeably more expensive.


The undoubted advantages of plastic are lightness, unpretentiousness, limitless shapes and color palette. In addition, plastic shelves or stands for indoor flowers usually have the most affordable price.

But in terms of strength, durability and aesthetics, plastic models are often noticeably inferior to all other options.

Wicker materials

Wicker coasters bring a feeling of coziness, warmth and naturalness to the interior. They can become an independent element of decor, adding original notes to it.

The disadvantage of almost any wicker structure is its capriciousness. Wicker materials do not like changes in temperature, humidity and mechanical stress.


Floor glass shelves for flowers, photos of which can be seen on this page, can look very stylish and impressive. They are especially appropriate in interiors made in the “Modern” or “High-Tech” styles. Typically, stands with tabletops or slides are made from glass, allowing flowers with different needs for sunlight to be placed at different levels.

The main disadvantage of such structures is their fragility. Even tempered glass is not that difficult to accidentally break with a heavy flower pot. In addition, the cost of glass models is quite high.


Artificial or natural stone looks luxurious, rich and chic. Such a shelf or stand can decorate almost any interior. In addition, the strength of the stone, its resistance to mechanical loads and high levels of moisture resistance are beyond any doubt!

However, the stone is as expensive as it looks. In addition, the weight of a structure made of artificial or natural stone is the highest of all possible material options.

Flowers in the house create a unique atmosphere and a healthy climate. In addition, for some housewives they become some kind of pets. After all, they also need to be looked after, they sometimes get sick, they need to be watered. But what joy can the blooming of an indoor flower bring! And beautiful, comfortable and functional stands, shelves or flower stands, photos of which can be found in abundance on the Internet, will greatly enhance the charm of silent, but dazzlingly bright pets!

Living plants in the house are a wonderful decoration, which can be complemented by a metal floor flower stand. Together they can make the room more comfortable and improve the atmosphere of the home. As for flowers, some of them are very beneficial. They can help with various diseases and also purify the air. The latter is very important for children's rooms, so their interior is often complemented with pots of house plants.

Most often, flowers in apartments live on window sills. However, this is not always a good option. Firstly, not all indoor flowers can tolerate large amounts of sun, and secondly, you really don’t want to hide some specimens from prying eyes behind curtains.

And here such a simple but useful solution as purchasing a flower stand will come to the rescue. They can be made from a variety of materials, but the most sophisticated options are made from metal. Such stands are successful decorative elements and can be placed on the floor or hung from the ceiling.

Metal floor flower stands will not look like an ordinary item that simply takes up space in the room. Nowadays, designers offer such a variety of options that even the most demanding buyer will choose the right option for themselves.

In modern stores you can buy metal flower stands inexpensively, and these include designs in the form of high or low stools, openwork shelves, forged ladders, and pyramids. It all depends on the manufacturer, or rather, his imagination. And with certain skills and special tools, you can make a metal flower stand yourself.

When choosing metal racks for indoor flowers, professionals recommend that you first decide on a place for this element. Depending on how much free space in the room can be devoted to a flower stand, the size of this decorative element will also depend.

Metal openwork flower racks are perfect for many interiors; they will fit best into a Provence style room. In this case, the metal frame should be painted white, as it is considered optimal for French country style. Metal flower stands, photos of which can be seen below, can be made not only in the form of ordinary tables or ladders, but also in the shape of carts and bicycles to create a rustic atmosphere.

There can be many varieties of such decorative elements. It all depends on the designer’s imagination and the manufacturer. Floor-mounted options are very popular, which can sometimes take up space from floor to ceiling. On such racks it is very convenient to place a large number of plants on a minimum of square centimeters. Saving space is important for many city apartments, so high floor shelving is very popular.

Often, for interior decoration, home owners opt for low metal supplies on legs. They can be for one pot or for several.

It is very important to adhere to the general style of the room, for example, if the room is decorated in Provence style, a metal floor flower stand in the form of a barrel, bicycle or cart will fit here. In general, absolutely everything that emphasizes the rustic orientation of the interior will be relevant. But for classic design ideas, it is better to choose a stand for indoor plants in the form of openwork stools or shelving. Antique bronze flower stands look very original.

As for the color design, it can be completely different. Here you need to focus on the general design solution and color scheme. For a classic look, a black metal stand with gold elements is best. In French country, light colors are encouraged, so it is better to paint the flower bed white. For a modern high-tech style, where metal is often used, you can completely leave the product in its original color.

Advantages of metal stands

Professional designers believe that floor-mounted metal flower stands are a decorative element that gives the room a certain completeness. Often it is flower gardeners who use it as the finishing touch to make the room more cozy.

A huge advantage of metal racks is that they are very durable, so you can choose tall ones and not be afraid that they will fall apart due to the large weight of flower pots. For practical people who are not used to wasting money, metal stands for indoor plants are just perfect. Such decorative elements are highly durable and durable. The metal structure will look like new even after many years of use. At the same time, its shape and dimensions will remain unchanged, as if the stand had just been brought from the store.

If desired, you can significantly save space in the room. High floor racks make it possible to place a large number of flower pots, allocating only a few tens of square centimeters for this . In this case, each plant will be clearly visible and presented in the most favorable light.

Sometimes metal flower stands are chosen not only by apartment owners, but also by people living in private houses. Good options will perfectly complement the interior of the yard and at the same time will last a very long time, unlike their wooden or plastic counterparts, which can be extremely susceptible to the influence of the external environment and will quickly become unusable. Floor-mounted metal flower stands look very good on terraces.

Most modern housewives love to have various indoor plants. But, in order for them to fit better into a particular interior, special flower stands were invented. Typically, such flower racks look like a small structure with rectangular or ring-shaped shelves. There are several types of flower plant stands. What are they?

The presence of flowers in an apartment or house always speaks of the kindness and cheerfulness of the owners. After all, in a place where a negative atmosphere reigns, indoor plants simply will not survive. A beautiful and elegant flower stand will highlight the individuality of your design solutions. How to choose the right stand? Here are some useful tips:

  • Before purchasing a rack, first determine its location in the apartment or room where it will be located. It is worth considering not only your design imagination, but also the characteristics of the plants that will be located on this stand. For example, if flowers love light and warmth, then the best place for them would be a window sill or the top shelf of a rack, and if the plant is not afraid of shadow and darkness, then the lower tier is perfect for it.
  • Use a tape measure to measure in advance the location where you would like to place the flower stand. Determine the exact number of pots that will be placed on the rack. After all, the dimensional characteristics of the plant rack will depend on these data.
  • If you have chosen a stand with round shelves, then before purchasing it, find out the diameter of the flower pots so that they fit clearly into the chosen stand.
  • Find out what material this or that flower stand is made of. Metal stands are considered the most reliable and durable, but they cannot fit harmoniously into every interior.
  • When purchasing a multi-tiered flower stand, be sure to consider the distance that should be present between plants. Flowers should breathe and not interfere with each other's growth.
  • In families with children under three years of age or pets, special attention should be paid to the safe fastening of the flower stand and its stability on the floor.
  • Pay attention to the butt seams. They should be smooth and not have a sharp edge that could cause serious injury.
  • If you have chosen a model consisting of several parts, then make sure that the stand comes with detailed assembly instructions.
  • When choosing a flower stand, always listen to your own taste.
minimalist plant stands

round plant trays

Classification of stands for indoor flowers

There is quite a huge number of different flower stands. They all differ in purpose, material, size, design features, and so on. Let's look at each type in more detail.


Here are the following types of racks for indoor plants:

  • Floor-standing. This stand is considered the most stable and quite simple to assemble and fasten. But, unfortunately, it is very cumbersome. The floor stand can support quite a lot of weight, and can also accommodate a considerable number of flower pots.
  • Mobile. Usually, small wheels are attached to the bottom of such flower stands, which are used for ease of movement. Since this model can be moved throughout the apartment, this functional feature will greatly help the housewife save time on cleaning.
  • Wall-mounted. These racks are hung on the wall, so they do not take up much space. But, the wall stand is not able to withstand heavy loads, so it is strictly forbidden to install a large number of flower pots on it. Such models can accommodate no more than two medium-sized indoor plants.
  • Tabletop. Attaches to tables, cabinets and other room furniture. Often, stands of this type are made in the form of sculptures and various figures. Tabletop stands are usually used for installing large-sized plants.
  • Window or balcony. This flower stand is hung on the inside or outside of a window or balcony. Special brackets are used for fastening. The window stand is great for light-loving plants.
  • Decorative. Has an unusual appearance. You can often find racks of this type, made in the form of a bicycle, house, cart, etc. Used as a decorative element. Allows you to accommodate a small number of indoor plants.
  • Corner. This type of stand is made in such a way that it can easily fit into the corner of the room. Significantly saves space, but has a fairly small distance between shelves. Therefore, it will not be possible to place many plants.

floor stand

stand on wheels

wall stand

table stand

window stand

balcony stand

decorative stand

corner stand

Design features

Based on the type of design, there are only two main types of flower stands:

  • The prefabricated one is quite easy to maintain, easy to transport, and under any circumstances can be disassembled and put into a box.
  • Solid - is durable and reliable, but cannot be disassembled. This greatly complicates the transportation process.

three-story flower stand

original shelf for plants

Material of manufacture

Stands for indoor plants are made from the following materials:

  • Wood is considered the most environmentally friendly and reliable material. But a flower stand made of wood is not suitable for every interior. Beech, oak or juniper are used to make flower stands.
  • Glass is a fairly airy material that gives the product an impressive appearance. Its main disadvantage is its fragility and difficulty in transportation.
  • Metal is one of the strongest and most durable materials. Products made of metal can withstand enormous loads. The metal stand can accommodate up to ten potted plants.
  • Plastic is a modern lightweight material that is quite easy to maintain and affordable. The stands, made of plastic, are quite compact and easy to transport. The main disadvantages are the fragility of the service life, as well as the fragility of the structure itself.
  • MDF is one of the most inexpensive materials, but, unfortunately, not very durable. Some types of MDF can emit hazardous chemical compounds, which can adversely affect human health. MDF flower stands look very simple and no frills.

wooden stand

glass stand

metal stand

plastic stand

plastic stand

MDF stand


Pay attention to the dimensional characteristics of the flower stand. Everything will depend on the total area of ​​the room in which the flower stand will be installed. For a small room, models in the form of a bookcase or a rack with several tiers are perfect. If you have a spacious apartment, then you can afford to purchase a stand of absolutely any size range. The distance from one plant to another should be at least 45 centimeters. If this condition is not met, then the flowers may not receive the vital amount of heat and sunlight.


Standard stands can hold from one to twenty flower pots. Everything will depend on your personal preferences and the dimensions of the room.

curved stand

miniature stand with a bird

Performance style

Flower stands are made in classic and modern styles.

  • Classic racks have an elegant appearance and are also decorated with various decorative details. Some models are quite bulky and require a lot of space for installation. The material for such stands is usually metal or wood.
  • Flower stands made in a modern style have simple geometric shapes and are devoid of any decorations or decorative elements. Minimalism is the main idea behind the design of such flower stands. Plastic, metal or tempered glass are often used for manufacturing.

classic counter with floral pattern and decorative scrolls

minimalist counter in a modern style without decoration

Manufacturers of flower stands

The most popular manufacturers of racks for indoor plants:

  • Plantstand is one of the largest Russian manufacturers of flower stands.
  • Phoenix is ​​considered a leading manufacturer of forged flower stands.
  • Profsanmontazh has been producing flower stands in various variations for many years.
  • Keter Ive Planter is a foreign manufacturer that produces a variety of accessories for indoor plants.

forged flower stand in the form of a ladder

How to make a flower stand with your own hands?

Making your own flower stand is quite simple. We would like to introduce you to one very interesting option for a stand for indoor plants, made using scrap materials. For this you will need:

  • wooden boards;
  • medium thickness rope;
  • ceramic flower pots;
  • electric jigsaw;
  • drill;
  • oil paint and brush;
  • metal ring;
  • To strengthen the structure of the flower stand, it is necessary to make a special protrusion measuring two centimeters. Such a protrusion is cut out on a wooden blank. Take a ceramic pot and trace the top of it onto a wooden board. Then measure out the required squares, of which you will need four pieces.
  • To determine the location of the internal cut, cut out a circle from cardboard, the diameter of which will be two centimeters smaller than the circle drawn before this circle. It is circled in the central part of the square blanks.
  • We cut out the internal parts of the future stand. We take a drill and use it to make a small hole in the center of the square. Then you will need a jigsaw, which is used to process the wood so that its edges are smooth and even.
  • We drill holes for the rope, which is necessary to maintain the level of the stand. Mark with a simple pencil the place where you will drill the holes.
  • After carrying out the engineering work, we move on to the design. To do this you will need oil paint of your chosen shade.
  • As soon as the parts of the future flower stand are dry, they need to be fastened together, having previously measured the height of the indoor plants. Assembly of the structure begins from the top. Four ropes are alternately attached to a metal ring and threaded through the holes. Strong knots are tied at the base of the square and the level is adjusted in height.
  • The same actions are done with other parts of the stand. They select the adjustment and bring the structure to an ideal appearance. The excess ends of the rope are cut off.

elegant white flower stand for the balcony

small three-seater flower stand

If you want to give the interior of your apartment a “zest”, then a flower stand will be an excellent solution in this matter. Flowers decorate our lives; they will refresh any room, both office and residential. Just imagine, on a cold winter day, when there is only snow outside and summer is very far away, your house is filled with bright greenery and the beauty of indoor plants.

Indoor plants make a home more beautiful and comfortable, clean it of carbon dioxide and saturate it with oxygen. Well, in order for indoor flowers to fit harmoniously into the interior of the house, it is important to place them correctly.

The problem is that sometimes there are not enough window sills for all the flowers, in addition, green spaces on the window sills are not always comfortable, so in sunny weather they may be too hot, and the aggressive sun, reflecting from the glass, can damage the leaves, and in frost on the window will make them feel cold.

The ideal solution would be a flower stand. Moreover, well-chosen stands themselves can decorate the room.


Stands for indoor plants vary in structure, configuration, material and color. Based on these criteria, several types of stands are distinguished.

Floor flower stands are hanging shelves on a stable vertical support. Moreover, the frame of the stand can be either mobile or fixed. This product can combine several shelves at the same time.

Shelving stands are a rectangular frame, reminiscent of a bookcase with open shelves. You can find modern models whose design has an oval or round shape.

Mobile stands are products of different shapes, consisting of 2 or more tiers with wheels that allow you to move flowers.

Unusual models are stands of unusual shapes and colors, for example, stands on which towed parts and carved or concave supports are fixed; often such products are brightly colored. Unusual creative supplies can be seen in the photo of the flower stand.


The most common materials for creating a stand are wood, metal, plastic, stone and glass.

Metal. Metal flower stands are the most popular because, due to their strength and stability, they allow you to place the maximum number of flower pots.

In addition, if we are talking about a forged stand, then it is also very graceful and elegant.

Forged flower stands can be made in different stylistic directions.

Recently, manufacturers have been delighting flower growers with unusual shapes of forged stands, for example, in the form of a medieval carriage, or an Egyptian pyramid, or a musical instrument.

Wood. Wooden flower stands are convenient, practical and inexpensive accessories for indoor plants.

Thanks to wooden supplies, you can not only decorate the interior, but also change the space by placing several pots of flowers in one area, thereby focusing attention in the right direction.

Wooden products look great in a Provence interior and in a minimalist style. More original analogues, for example, in the form of wooden steps, will harmoniously fit into an interior designed in a high-tech or loft style.

A stand made of natural wood will become stronger if you complement it with metal parts, which, in addition, will add elegance to the structure.

Many people wonder how to make a flower stand themselves. In order to make a stand with your own hands, you will need a wooden frame and wicker elements; such a stand is perfect for a room in a rustic style.

Glass structures

Such a design solution as a glass flower stand looks quite interesting in the interior.

Glass flower stands can be of various shapes and colors, decorated with patterns, matte and transparent. This stand model is suitable for any style room.


Plastic is popular among florists due to its plasticity, because it can be used to make a product of any shape and size.

Therefore, as an accessory for flowers, it is worth taking a closer look at plastic models, because both low and high flower stands will be equally beautiful and comfortable.

In addition, plastic coasters are usually sold at an affordable price.

Photo of flower stands

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