Plunger from a plastic bottle. How to make a plunger with your own hands: emergency help for blockages

Quite often, apartment residents have to deal with clogged sewer drains. A worn-out system, accumulation of debris and rust in pipes lead to sad consequences - water stops flowing into the drain pipe. In order to deal with blockages with your own hands, you need to have a plunger and a special brush on a cable (drainage auger) at home.

The fact that a plug has formed somewhere in the drain system is indicated by the slow outflow of water (or its complete stagnation) from the bathtub or sink. A faucet pre-installed into the water supply system, to which you can attach a hose, can help combat this phenomenon successfully.

How to deal with a clogged sink or sink

You can remove a blockage from a sink or kitchen sink with your own hands using a plunger:

  • Fill the washbasin halfway with hot water;
  • Lubricate the edges of the rubber plunger with Vaseline;
  • Press the plunger against the walls of the sink above the drain hole and press with sharp short jerks 10 times;
  • Check whether the plug was broken through, repeat the operation if necessary.

If the plunger does not help, use a drainage drill:

  • Remove the protective mesh from the drain;

  • Insert the brush into the pipe and gradually move it deeper, rotating the cable handle clockwise;

  • Don’t rush; if the progress of the cable has stalled, you should move it back a little and continue moving;
  • The next stage is to gradually pull the drainage drill back, without stopping rotation;
  • Remains of the plug are removed using special anti-clogging products, thoroughly rinsing it with hot water.

Modern siphon systems for sinks are equipped with a special elbow to remove dirt.

If a plunger and a drill don’t help, you can remove blockages with your own hands using it. To do this, place a container under the siphon and unscrew the elbow cap, draining the water and dirt. Then, using a wire bent with a hook or a drainage drill, pull the plug out of the siphon.

Clearing clogs with hot water

The next way to deal with blockages– flushing the sewer system with strong water pressure. To do this, a hose is connected to the hot water supply system, which is then inserted into a modernized plunger, pressed tightly to the edges of the sink. For such an operation, a regular plunger is modified: the handle is removed, and a hole is cut in the socket of its attachment according to the diameter of the hose. Having threaded the hose into this hole, secure it with a clamp so that it does not get knocked out under water pressure. By turning on hot water for a few minutes, which will be completely directed into the drain hole, you can try to break the plug.

If you can't clear the blockage yourself, call a plumber.

Bathtub clog - causes and elimination

A plug in the bathroom drain is formed for the same reasons as in the kitchen: scale and debris accumulate on the walls: hair, sand or stones after washing dirty clothes and shoes.

Operations for cleaning a bathroom drain are similar to the methods described above. But in this case, successful removal of the blockage with your own hands using a plunger is possible if the water overflow hole is tightly closed. This can be done using a special plug or a second plunger with the handle removed.

Procedure for removing a clogged bathtub:

  • Pour water into the bathtub (a level of 10-15 cm is required) and vigorously pump the drain hole with a plunger;
  • If removing the blockage is unsuccessful, use a drain cable;
  • The situation is aggravated if the plug is stuck in a drain branch further than the siphon;

Removing the siphon in the bathroom for cleaning is not an easy operation and its subtleties largely depend on the design of the siphon. It’s better to invite a specialist than to flood your neighbors below.

After you have removed the blockage with your own hands using a cable or removing the siphon, be sure to pump the drain with a plunger and rinse with a special product and hot water. This will remove any remaining dirt. Don't forget to clean the water overflow system, which also accumulates debris and deposits.

A blockage in a sewer drain often occurs when paper is thrown into the toilet. Moreover, a blockage can occur both in the drain and in the general sewer riser. You can rinse it with hot water, which must be poured into the toilet or cistern, which is more effective.

This can be done using a bucket or hose placed on a special tee embedded in the hot water supply system.

If you are unable to remove the blockage with your own hands using hot water, use another method: lower a bag of sand on a rope into the toilet and then flush it. Under the weight, the plug in the sewer can push into the common riser.

The next cleaning method used when the toilet is overflowing is pumping the water seal.

The operation is performed using a plunger, which is vigorously pumped over the toilet flush. If, after the plunger is removed, gurgling is heard and water begins to flow out, the plug is broken.

To remove a blockage in the toilet, you can also use a drainage auger, which is slowly rotated by the handle clockwise and gradually moved along the sewer drain.

Sewer risers are also cleaned using this device. When performing this cleaning, cover the opening of the toilet with plastic film to prevent dirt from splashing onto the walls of your toilet.

Removing a blockage from a water heater

If a water heater is installed in the bathroom or kitchen, the drainage hoses also sometimes have to be cleared of blockages. Do the following:

  • Open the mixer taps completely and tap the pipeline from the water heater to it;
  • Quickly open and close the water supply valve to the water heater several times.

If these simple operations do not help, more radical intervention is required. It’s better to call a professional who can deal with the blockage more efficiently.


Do-it-yourself removal of clogs in sewer drains is within the capabilities of a person with minimal skills in working with tools.

Quite often it happens that the sink or bathtub does not drain water, and there are no available means, in particular a plunger, at hand. In this case, you can quickly run to the store and buy it, or make a plunger yourself or replace it with improvised items. So, let's try to figure out what to replace the plunger with.

Wire wire.

The wire must be rigid so that it can pass through the pipe without bending. Also suitable for replacement is a car cable or coil, the length of which will reach at least the riser. Unfortunately, it is likely that cable or wire will be even more difficult to find in your home than a plunger. Therefore, let's move on to the next point.

Household chemicals.

Who doesn’t know about this method of dealing with congestion? Nowadays there are a huge number of different options for chemical products in stores. clearing blockages in the pipe. And if it is organic, most likely such products will help. Chemicals are unlikely to cope with household dirt. It is also not recommended to pour alkali- or acid-based products into pipes with organic contaminants, in particular grease. This may lead to a dangerous reaction.

Vacuum cleaner.

Replace the plunger with a vacuum cleaner. Yes, yes, this particular unit for cleaning premises. The main thing is that the vacuum cleaner has a blowing function. You need to scoop out the water from the sink or bathtub, insert a vacuum cleaner pipe into the drain hole and turn on the vacuum cleaner. If the clog is small, this method may work. Although it's hard to believe.


Try using a medical bulb or a rubber ball instead of a plunger. If it is a pear, cut off the spout (we make a small hole in the ball) and apply the hole to the drain.

How can I replace a plunger?

Alternately, pressing and releasing, we try remove jam from the pipe.

A plastic bottle is quite suitable for replacing a plunger. Cut off the bottom of the bottle, screw the cap on the neck, and for greater effect you can add a cleaning agent. Next, pour hot water, bring the bottle to the drain hole, pressing and releasing the bottle, try clear the blockage.

If the pipe is metal or hard plastic, you can tap it with a hard object. Contaminants can be released from the walls of the pipeline, and gravity will help the dirt move further along the pipe. The water will do the rest of the work for you.

Well, the last thing. Replace the plunger with its analogue from Rothenberger, namely Ropump Super Plus. This is a special device that breaks through small blockages with a hydraulic shock. The principle of its operation is simple: when the handle is pulled back, air is drawn into the device, which, under the pressure of the valve, is directed into the drain hole and thus the blockage is removed. However, if there is no plunger at home, then such a device is probably also missing.

These are perhaps the most common methods of replacing a plunger that can be used for clearing the blockage. Some of them really help, others help develop imagination and ingenuity. But to effectively solve the problem, it is recommended to contact specialists who have not only the necessary tools, but also the experience to quickly and efficiently perform this type of work.

Home / Educational program / Method of cleaning a sink without a plunger

Method for cleaning a sink without a plunger

The sink can be cleaned using a cardboard method. A lot of time has passed since the sink appeared, but if there is no plunger at hand during a clog, big problems begin. However, the inquisitive mind of man has found ways to clean the sink without using a plunger. The principle of the plunger is that it pushes the blockage further down the pipe. Taking this ability as a basis, you can find other ways to clean the sink. First, you can use a cardboard milk carton, but you just need to cut off the top part first. This bag should be applied with the cut side to the drain hole so that when you press it, the air pushes the blockage through the pipe. If it doesn’t work the first time, you need to straighten the bag again and repeat the procedure. A couple of approaches and the water drains from the sink again, as before. Some companies have thought about how to make the sink even more passable. Filters that retain debris are being developed, and even more passable pipes are being created. But still, no one can be immune from blockages.

Chemical method to clean sinks. You can use another chemical method that will help remove the blockage. To do this you will need acetic acid and soda. You need to pour 4 tablespoons of soda into the drain hole so that a small part of the soda ends up in the pipe, and then pour about 50 ml of acetic acid onto the soda. The chemical reaction of these two elements will cause the soda to quickly foam, releasing some energy in the form of gurgling and splashing, and this in turn will begin to push the clog to disintegrate and flow freely through the pipe. It must be remembered that when working with acetic acid, you should protect your face and wear gloves. Some people take a very responsible approach to choosing the right sink. On the one hand, current sinks are very ergonomic, but the debris that clogs them remains the same. Because of this, in order to avoid clogging, you need to clean the drain hole in a timely manner.

Wire drain cleaning method. To do this, you need to take a wire made of hard metal and insert it into the drain hole with one end, holding the other, you should try to break the resulting plug into several parts. After such actions, the clog must be washed out under the pressure of water from the pipe. But sometimes it happens that the only way to remove the blockage is to disassemble the sink. You need to know how to assemble the sink later. Although, when the hose is removed, cleaning is much easier. In this case, you need to pierce the stuck plug with a mop handle or blow it out under water pressure.

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How to use a toilet plunger. How to clear clogs using other means

The sewerage system sometimes fails, and it doesn’t matter whether it’s a multi-story building or your own. It is very unpleasant during such a situation when a blockage appears in the bathroom, since the owner must quickly resolve the issue of cleaning the toilet. At this point, it is necessary to understand that this incident entails the incorrect operation of other elements and parts of the sewer system. Due to the fact that there are no hopeless situations, during this time they use one of the cleaning methods or call a plumber.

How to properly clear a blockage

First, they find out why the drain is clogged, or what foreign object (paper, plastic bag, rag) is in the toilet. After this, they decide how to extract it, and select one of the methods accordingly:

  • using a plunger;
  • cleansing is carried out using a “doll”;
  • a flexible steel cable is used;
  • use a plastic bottle;
  • chemicals are used.

Let's consider each method separately.

If the blockage is not severe, then use a toilet plunger, which helps to effectively loosen the accumulated debris in the plumbing fixture.

How can I urgently break through a sink if I don’t have a plunger?

Before starting work, the bathroom is filled with water. After that, a plunger with a cone-shaped nozzle is installed on the drain hole, and on the handle of the device, presses are made (several times in a row), then everything is sharply removed. All these actions help loosen the blockage, and soon the water begins to flow freely.

If the plunger does not fit tightly to the drain hole, then lubricate its edges with Vaseline.

If such work does not bring the desired result, then it is necessary to clean the water seal, which means doing without a plunger. For these purposes, a “doll” or a steel cable is used. Let's look at how to deal with them correctly.

When using a rag bag filled with sand, this is the “doll”; a rope is tied to it. After this, the homemade device is lowered into the toilet and the flush button is pressed. But the “doll” is heavy, and therefore it is not always possible to break through the blockage.

A flexible steel cable is a hollow axle that has rigidity and a handle that rotates. At one end it has a spiral-shaped extension made of wire (hard and thick material is used for this), which is attached using a flexible tube. Therefore, the cable is a mobile device that protects the device from mechanical damage. The end of the device is lowered all the way into the toilet, and the handle rotates clockwise. Thanks to this, the cable passes deep into the water seal. These actions destroy the blockage. After an effective cleaning process, you need to flush the toilet with hot water.

The situation with a clogged toilet is sometimes solved in a non-standard way, for example, by using a plastic bottle. The bottom part is cut off and it turns into a plunger. When working with this homemade device, you need to make sudden movements. First, the toilet is filled with water, the bottle is lowered inside with the cut off end and pressure is applied to it. After this, it is abruptly removed.

Some consumers prefer to use chemicals to clear the toilet from blockages. In each specific situation, it is necessary to make the right choice of cleaning agent; therefore, the nature of the blockage is first assessed.

But most often the consumer uses soda. To do this, ½ pack of the drug is poured into the toilet and dissolved. If this method does not help, then pour 1 liter of Coca-Cola into the plumbing fixture, and after an hour, rinse everything with hot water.

For more serious blockages, use products such as “Mole”, “Drano”, etc. Choose one of these drugs and pour the amount indicated in the instructions into the toilet. Wait a certain time (from 40 minutes to 8 hours), wash off with hot water.

If the toilet clogs frequently, you need to think about purchasing special accessories for cleaning the plumbing. Although these actions can also be carried out using chemical means.

The article discusses how to clean a toilet without a plunger and what you will need for this. If they cannot remove the blockage on their own, then they turn to plumbers for help, who will perform all the work efficiently in a short period of time.

How to clean a toilet - ways and methods

1. How to clean a clogged toilet
2. Cleaning with a plunger
3. Cleaning the toilet with a plastic bottle
4. Cleaning the toilet with a plumbing cable

Many property owners have to think about how to clean the toilet themselves. Even when expensive high-quality plumbing equipment is installed, problems with cleaning sewer pipes are unlikely to be avoided.

The main thing is not to panic, since there are many proven methods on how to clean a toilet at home.

How to clean a clogged toilet

The easiest way to quickly clean the toilet and pipes is to use ready-made products specifically designed for these purposes. They can be liquids, gels, granules or powders, which are chemical preparations that have a composition that can dissolve contaminants.

These products need to be sprinkled or poured into the hole and left for several hours, during which concentrated alkaline compounds dissolve organic plugs. Then the plumbing fixture is washed with a large amount of hot water, which is poured from a bucket in order to obtain strong pressure (read also: “How to break through a toilet after a blockage, how to do this”).

A good replacement for advertised chemicals is to remove the blockage with baking soda, which is poured into the toilet, and then vinegar is poured into it. When the problem is minor, then the contaminants are dissolved and thereby the functionality of the sewer system is restored (read also: “How to remove a blockage in the toilet yourself, using available means”).
In the case when, after using chemicals, water still does not flow well, the cause of the trouble may be a foreign object, and not organic clogging. A cloth or surface cleaning rag may have gotten into the plumbing fixture.

How to make a plunger with your own hands: emergency help for blockages

In this case, it is necessary to clean the clogged toilet using physical methods.

It should not be forgotten that chemicals are capable of dissolving mild organic blockages, but if foreign objects get into the drain, they are powerless and are not able to remove the blockage.

Cleaning with a plunger

You can clear a clog in the toilet using a plunger - this type of work has its own characteristics. This plumbing product cleans drains using vacuum. To do this, the device is installed on the drain hole so that the water covers the rubber part of the tool. If there is more liquid in the toilet than required and you cannot do without a plunger, you will have to scoop out the excess liquid with a ladle.

With this position of the plumbing product, it is necessary to make at least 10 intense movements down and up, leaving the rubber seal on the drain. Then the plunger is removed with a sharp jerk and the procedure is repeated until the water level begins to subside. What it looks like to clear a blockage using a plunger can be seen in the photo.

After successful removal of the blockage, cleaning the toilet continues using a chemical and rinsing it with boiling water. Sometimes, instead of a plunger, they use a stick with a rag wrapped around one end (read also: “How to unclog a toilet, the better way to do it”).

Cleaning the toilet with a plastic bottle

When you don’t have a plunger at home, you can use the most ordinary plastic bottle with a capacity of 1.5-2 liters. Its bottom should be cut off and the lid should be screwed on the neck. Then the bottle is inserted with the bottom into the hole and continuously moved up and down several times with force. After eliminating the obstacle, the cleaning process is completed by rinsing with hot water and usually the functionality of the plumbing is fully restored.

Cleaning the toilet with a plumbing cable

If all the options described above for how to clean a toilet do not help, you can use a plumbing cable, which is considered a professional tool (for more details: “Plumbing cable for cleaning sewers - types and methods of cleaning”). It is a metal rope that has a sharp tip or a spiral-shaped drill at one end and a handle at the other. The photo shows a plumbing cable intended for cleaning drains.

The tool is slowly inserted into the drain hole using rotational movements in a clockwise direction. When an obstacle appears in its path, you should not stop, since it will most likely rest against the toilet bowl.

The moment when the drill gets stuck in a blockage can be determined by the fact that movements are difficult both when moving clockwise and counterclockwise. In this case, they act with short movements in the direction up and down and left and right, thereby trying to push the obstacle into the sewer pipe. Working with the cable requires care so as not to damage the sewer system.
If the water level in the bowl of the device begins to drop, the cable is removed by rotating it in the opposite direction. When deciding how to clean the toilet, you must remember that plumbers work with this tool professionally. After completing the work, pour a solvent into the drain hole. When the water begins to go down the drain at the same speed, the toilet is flushed with a large volume of hot water.

The process of clearing a blockage using a plumbing cable requires certain practical skills, while at the same time, inept movements can lead to new problems. If the sewer system is in poor condition due to prolonged use, then they use other methods and decide how to clean the toilet, or call specialists.

Clogged plumbing is a rather annoying and common problem. Even with careful use of the equipment, particles of grease and hair on the walls of the pipes can one day completely clog the drain. However, do not rush to call a plumber right away. In simple cases, a blockage in the toilet can be removed independently. It is enough to use one of the simple devices described in this review.

Cleaning methods

So what are they? If the drain in the bathtub is clogged and there is standing water, but there is no way to call a plumber, then you can try to clean the drain yourself using the following methods:

  • thermal: use of hot water;
  • chemical: the blockage is removed using certain compounds;
  • mechanical: special devices are used to solve the problem.

The choice of method depends primarily on the type and location of the blockage.

Operating principle of a plunger

Let's look at this in more detail. Before we look at how to make a plunger with our own hands, let’s understand the operating principle of this device. This is a fairly simple device, which consists of a handle with a cone-shaped rubber nozzle attached to it. Using a plunger, you can remove blockages not only in the bathtub, but also in the sink and toilet. Before cleaning, add a small amount of water to the bath so that it completely covers the drain hole. Then the plunger is installed vertically with the rubber cone down on the drain. After this, they perform downward pushing movements, thereby creating water hammer. Under their influence, the blockage is destroyed and pushed further. In most cases, just a few pushing movements are enough to remove the blockage. If the water begins to go away, it means the procedure was completed successfully. Otherwise, you should repeat it again.

Now that you know how to clean a toilet with a plunger, let's see what you can use to replace this device.

We remove the blockage on our own

The operating principle of a plunger is based on pushing an air plug into the pipe. The air bubble literally crashes into the water, thereby creating a water hammer. As a result, the clog begins to move closer to a wider area in the sewer. But this device is not always at hand. What can replace a plunger? It is possible to get rid of small blockages with your bare hands. To do this, just cover the drain with your bent palm and sharply straighten it, thereby pushing air into the pipe. This movement should be repeated several times until the blockage is cleared.

Handy tools

Making a plunger with your own hands is quite simple. The most common version of a homemade device involves a piece of stick with an unnecessary rag. The fabric should be wound so that it fits tightly into the drain hole. After this, the resulting structure should be lowered into the drain and then abruptly removed. The effect should be like a water hammer. However, in this case you should act with extreme caution so as not to accidentally break the plumbing equipment.

Plunger from a bottle

What is it and what is its feature? Many of you have probably heard about such an unusual procedure as cleaning the toilet with a plastic bottle. A 2 liter container is best suited for this. The bottom should be completely cut off. After this, the bottle is inserted into the toilet drain upside down. Wait until the water completely fills the bottle, and then screw the neck on. Next, you should sharply squeeze the plastic and pull the container out of the drain. The water coming out of the bottle will cause a small water hammer, which will push the blockage deeper into the sewer. It is better to carry out this procedure in clothes that you do not mind getting dirty, since when removing the bottle you can easily splash yourself.

Sink cleaning device

So what is it? How to make a plunger for a sink or bathtub? A plastic bottle will no longer work for these purposes, since its diameter significantly exceeds the circumference of the drain hole. This means that with its help you will not be able to create sufficient air vacuum. How to be in this case? Milk or juice containers work well. A corner of such a container should be cut off so that it matches the diameter of the drain. The bag must be inserted into the drain hole with a cut corner, and then hit it well. As a result, the air inside it will be directed into the pipe. If the procedure does not work the first time, you should repeat this action.

Such an improvised plumbing plunger, when used correctly, can give good results. It is better to use bags with a volume of at least two liters. This will help increase the power of the device.

Cleaning device made from car parts

How to build a plunger from improvised materials? Car enthusiasts probably know that a CV joint boot can be used for these purposes. This is a kind of cover for the front axle shaft. It is usually made of silicone or rubber. The shape of the anther is similar to the bowl of a plunger. Due to its relief and softness, it works no worse than a real plunger. The only modification that will need to be made before using this device is the handle for convenience. There is a suitable hole at the top of the boot. To unclog a bathtub or sink drain with it, simply plug it with a wine stopper. You should not glue the handle to such a homemade plunger, otherwise you will not be able to rinse the device after use.

How to clean a sink using household appliances?

If you have an old vacuum cleaner at home with a reverse function, then you can consider the question of how to make a plunger with your own hands closed. All you need to do is insert the appliance hose into the clogged drain hole. The connection point should be sealed using an unnecessary rag. Then turn on the vacuum cleaner at maximum power in air blowing mode. This method will help get rid of even quite serious blockages.

Cleaning a drain with a shower hose

What is special about this method? Another way to make your own plunger is to use a shower hose. Remove the shower head and insert the hose into the drain hole. The drain around the hose should be plugged with a rag. After this, turn on the hot water at full power. If the cause of the blockage was ordinary dirt, this method will help remove it within a few minutes. Before carrying out this procedure, it is recommended to pour a pack of soda into the drain and leave it for about 10-15 minutes. This will help to better clean the pipe walls from accumulated dirt.

Using a plumbing cable

Let's look at this in more detail. Another good remedy for blockages is a plumbing cable. This device will be especially effective if the blockage was caused by a foreign object entering the drain. To remove such a blockage, a simple water hammer will not be enough. Therefore, if the use of a plunger and similar devices does not give the desired effect, then a plumbing cable should be used. You can use either a finished product, which can be easily purchased at any hardware store, or a homemade one, made from scrap materials.

To create a cable, take a large plastic bottle. The bottom should be cut off. After this, the product is cut in a spiral so that a long plastic strip is obtained. Do not cut off the neck of the bottle as you will be able to use it as a handle. Hold the neck and release the spiral into the plumbing drain while rotating it. Once you reach the clog, the cable will break it up and push it further down the drain. To enhance the effect obtained, the pipe should be pumped a little more using a pneumatic plunger. Both factory and homemade products are suitable.

Clearing clogs with hot water

The most common and simple remedy for blockages is boiling water. It is suitable if the cause of the blockage is salt and fat deposits. You can use boiling water to clean metal pipes. 1-1.5 liters will be enough for cleaning. You just need to pour water into the hole and wait half an hour or an hour. To clean plastic pipes, use water at a temperature of 60-80 degrees. You can try simply opening a hot water tap and directing it to the drain.

To enhance the effect of the thermal cleaning method, try using salt and soda. Half a glass of these substances is poured into the drain hole, and a liter of boiling water or hot water is poured on top. After this, you need to wait a couple of hours and rinse the drain.

A good remedy for blockages is washing powder. To clean the drain, mix 100 grams of laundry detergent and 2.5 liters of hot water in a separate container. After this, the resulting composition is poured in a thin stream into the drain hole.

Removing clogs with vinegar

This method was also used by our grandmothers. It is quite simple and involves the use of ingredients that can be found in any kitchen. To remove the blockage, you must first pour a glass of soda into the drain, and then pour 250 ml of vinegar into it. As a result, a chemical reaction should begin. It is better to close the drain hole with a plug for a while. After half an hour or an hour, the drain can be rinsed with hot water.

If you don't have vinegar at home, you can try replacing it with citric acid. For a glass of soda, it will be enough to take 2-3 spoons.

If the above remedies turned out to be ineffective in removing the blockage in the bathroom, you should try more special household chemicals. It contains aggressive substances that help quickly get rid of blockages of any complexity.

Using household chemicals

Currently, you can find many special chemicals for clearing blockages on sale. They can be in the form of a gel, powder or liquid. The most widely used products are Sanox, Krot, Tiret, Chirton, Sanfor. When choosing a cleaning product, you should pay attention to its composition, as well as the material from which the pipes are made. It’s good if the product you choose, in addition to salt and fat deposits, can also dissolve wool, threads and hair. Typically, household chemicals contain substances such as sodium hydroxide and acid. When working with these compounds, extreme caution should be exercised and directions for use strictly followed. Be sure to use hand and face protection.

These compositions are usually used according to the same principle: they are poured or poured into the drain hole in the quantity specified in the instructions. The powder usually needs to be poured on top with water. After this, the product should be left for some time. The waiting interval may also vary. It is usually indicated on the packaging.


In this review, we examined in detail how it is not necessary to use a factory plumbing plunger for this purpose. Instead of this device, it is quite possible to use improvised means. Plastic bottles, juice or milk cartons work well. You can also use an old vacuum cleaner with a reverse function. The role of a plunger can easily be performed by an automobile part such as a boot.

If the blockage is small, then you can do without using mechanical cleaning methods. Perhaps hot water and special chemical compounds will help eliminate the problem.

Almost every Russian has an ordinary plunger in his household closet, among the jars and bottles filled with “miracle” remedies. By the way, it is this simple design that will save your sink, bathtub or toilet from clogging, and you from the need to call a plumber. To become a home sewer expert, all you need to know is how to properly use a plunger and put your knowledge into practice.

Operating principle. A standard plunger is a cup-shaped valve made of thick rubber on a plastic or wooden handle. The operation of the device can be compared to a pump: when you pull the handle, water “flows” to the valve, and with it the garbage plug is squeezed out. In addition, the water hammer effect is triggered: due to changes in pressure, water rushes into the drain at high speed, pushing through the blockage.

Most often, pipes become clogged at narrowing points, at turns (corners) and joints. The plunger is not only an effective, but also a safe device. Unlike chemicals that can corrode pipes from the inside, a plunger is completely harmless.

Types of plungers. Depending on the tasks assigned to the device, the following variations are possible:

  • A plunger with a cup-shaped nozzle, which copes with small blockages, and costs just a penny.
  • Improved model with a cone-shaped nozzle (to provide better adhesion to the drain), designed for more severe blockages.
  • A powerful pneumatic plunger helps to cope with completely clogged drains and pipes, working like a pump. The configuration of such devices may vary (depending on the manufacturer).

Step-by-step instructions for using a sewer plunger

If too much water has accumulated in the toilet, scoop out the excess - the remaining volume should cover the rubber “bowl” of the plunger. Before cleaning the sink or bathtub, close the overflow holes with plugs (in extreme cases, plug them tightly with a rag).

The following algorithm of actions is suitable for cleaning any plumbing fixtures:

  1. Place the plunger as tightly as possible against the drain hole.
  2. As a rule, water “stands” in clogged plumbing fixtures. If it is not enough to completely cover the plunger nozzle (and therefore create the required pressure), add the required amount.
  3. If the nozzle does not “stick”, lubricate the edges with Vaseline.
  4. Without moving or moving the plunger, apply firm pressure to the handle several times. The “sucking” sound is a sign that you are doing everything right. To clean a toilet or bathtub with a plunger, several “approaches” of 3-5 strong pushes are enough.
  5. After you have gotten rid of the garbage plug, clear the hole of any floating debris and run hot water over the pipes for 5-10 minutes. If the toilet is clogged, flush the water several times and pour a bucket of hot water down the drain.

How can I replace a plunger?

It happens that a clog has already formed in the sink, but there is no plunger at hand. In this case, do not rush to call a plumber: look in the closet, perhaps there is something there to replace the plunger. The main thing is to create a pressure difference, simulating the operation of a plunger.

  • Wrap a thick but soft rag around a wooden (less slipping) stick. Alternatively: cut off the bottom of a 1.5-liter plastic bottle, then screw the cap onto the neck.
  • Home craftsmen use narrow hoses, rubber boots, pear enemas, milk cartons, wire brushes, rubber balls cut in half, and even a vacuum cleaner with a “blowing” (reverse) function.
  • Homemade “chemistry” will help: pour 200 grams of baking soda into the drain, and add a bottle of 9% table vinegar. After 30-40 minutes, drain the water.
From a soft cloth
The simplest option from a bottle

It is worth saying that such methods and means are suitable for removing only small blockages.

The solution is quite simple: if you don’t have a plunger, then you need to make one yourself.

The easiest way to do this is to wrap a floor cloth, for example, on a Mor mop (with cotton ropes). The main thing is that the device fits tightly into the toilet hole.

You can create a water hammer to clear a clogged toilet using a 2-liter plastic bottle.

  • cut off the bottom.
  • insert the bottle into the toilet with the neck up.
  • After the water has filled the bottle, screw the cap onto the neck.
  • We sharply squeeze the bottle and immediately pull it out of the toilet.

A powerful water hammer created by the pressure released from the water bottle will push through the blockage.

If you are a car enthusiast and store auto parts in the garage or somewhere on the balcony, then you probably have a CV joint boot. You can quite easily make a plunger out of it by attaching a handle.

If you need to clean the drain of a bathtub or sink, you need to unscrew the diffuser from the shower hose, insert the hose into the hole, seal it with a rag to create a tightness and open the hot water to maximum pressure. A stream of hot water under pressure will break through the average blockage of the siphon or pipes.

You can even clean the toilet using... a sticker. Inventive Koreans have figured out how to do this using a sticker made of durable elastic film. Here is a short video about this invention:

This film is sold on ebay, although it costs a decent amount - $33. If anyone would like to purchase, here is the website of an enterprising Korean:

We can replace the Korean plunger with a piece of rubber from a car inner tube or, for example, rubber from a large burst fitball, which women use for exercises before childbirth. I remembered because I have one). You can secure the rubber to the toilet with double-sided tape.

Quite often it happens that the sink or bathtub does not drain water, and there are no available means, in particular a plunger, at hand. In this case, you can quickly run to the store and buy it, or make a plunger yourself or replace it with improvised items. So, let's try to figure out what to replace the plunger with.

Cable or wire.

The wire must be rigid so that it can pass through the pipe without bending. Also suitable for replacement is a car cable or coil, the length of which will reach at least the riser. Unfortunately, it is likely that cable or wire will be even more difficult to find in your home than a plunger. Therefore, let's move on to the next point.

Who doesn’t know about this method of dealing with congestion? Nowadays there are a huge number of different options for chemical products in stores. устранению засоров in the pipe. And if it is organic, most likely such products will help. Chemicals are unlikely to cope with household dirt. It is also not recommended to pour alkali- or acid-based products into pipes with organic contaminants, in particular grease. This may lead to a dangerous reaction.

Vacuum cleaner.

Replace the plunger with a vacuum cleaner. Yes, yes, this particular unit for cleaning premises. The main thing is that the vacuum cleaner has a blowing function. You need to scoop out the water from the sink or bathtub, insert a vacuum cleaner pipe into the drain hole and turn on the vacuum cleaner. If the clog is small, this method may work. Although it's hard to believe.


Try using a medical bulb or a rubber ball instead of a plunger. If it is a pear, cut off the spout (we make a small hole in the ball) and apply the hole to the drain. Alternately, pressing and releasing, we try remove jam from the pipe.

A plastic bottle is quite suitable for replacing a plunger. Cut off the bottom of the bottle, screw the cap on the neck, and for greater effect you can add a cleaning agent. Next, pour hot water, bring the bottle to the drain hole, pressing and releasing the bottle, try clear the blockage.

If the pipe is metal or hard plastic, you can tap it with a hard object. Contaminants can be released from the walls of the pipeline, and gravity will help the dirt move further along the pipe. The water will do the rest of the work for you.

Well, one last thing. Replace the plunger with its analogue from Rothenberger, namely Ropump Super Plus. This is a special device that breaks through small blockages with a hydraulic shock. The principle of its operation is simple: when the handle is pulled back, air is drawn into the device, which, under the pressure of the valve, is directed into the drain hole and thus the blockage is removed. However, if there is no plunger at home, then such a device is probably also missing.

These are perhaps the most common methods of replacing a plunger that can be used for устранения засора. Some of them really help, others help develop imagination and ingenuity. But to effectively solve the problem, it is recommended to contact specialists who have not only the necessary tools, but also the experience to quickly and efficiently perform this type of work.

Mechanical impact

Most often, home apprentices use the following tools for cleaning:

  1. Cable (plumbing drill);
  2. Plunger.

Depending on which pipeline the problem occurred in, options for eliminating it may vary. The kitchen sink most often becomes clogged due to the constant flow of water containing grease and food debris. They accumulate on the walls of the system, which reduces the flow of water or stops work altogether. The easiest way to clear a clogged kitchen drain is to use a special cable with attachments.

Photo - using a plumbing drill

Now every plumbing store sells Boers, which have changing tips. Depending on the type of problems that arise, you can find any attachment: with a hook, a spiral, a bayonet, etc. Please note that if the sewer system is made of plastic communications, then you need to act very carefully so as not to damage the entire system.

How to work with a cable:

  1. Carefully install the nozzle on the cord head, make sure that it does not fall off during operation;
  2. Using a rotating motion, insert the drill into the sink and move until it stops;
  3. If the cable stops, it means that it has hit the cause of the blockage;
  4. Depending on the situation, you need to either push out the clog or try to pull it out to clear the drain.

Often cotton pads or sponges end up in the sink, which would be better removed from the system. But if the reason lies in the remains of soap, grease or food waste, then you need to try to push them into a pipe with a wider working diameter.

Photo - cable cleaning

If you don’t have a special cable at hand, you can make a homemade one. It is necessary to take several wires of the same diameter, for example, copper. Twist them together to form a twisted spiral, it should look something like the photo. There is no need to put attachments on such a device.

Photo - homemade cable
Photo - how to cut a spiral from a bottle

Sometimes craftsmen also cut cables from plastic bottles, but this is only for small stains.

Sometimes to clean the kitchen sink, without plunger there's simply no way around it. This is a universal device that helps to quickly and effectively get rid of the accumulation of food debris in the siphon, the elbow under the sink and directly in the mains. You need to do the following:

  1. Place the rubber head of the plunger opposite the drain hole. Many craftsmen say that to work more efficiently, you need to fill the sink with water so that it covers two-thirds of the plunger head;

  2. After this, make several progressive movements up and down. With such a sharp change in pressure inside the system, pieces of garbage and food will change their position, which will allow them to be washed with a strong stream of water;
  3. After finishing the work, it is advisable to additionally clean the system with a cable to remove any remaining food from the walls of the sewer.
Photo - how to use a plunger

If your bathroom sink is clogged, you can quickly clean it even with ordinary hose. Your goal is to insert it into the pipe as close to the blockage as possible and try to wash it away with a strong stream of water. This principle is very similar to the treatment of an external or main sewer with a hydraulic machine.

It is much easier to clean a clogged bathroom sink using a cable and hook than in the kitchen. The fact is that most of the clogs in the sink are hair, which can end up in the drain from your head or after washing your pets. They roll into a large lump, which interferes with the normal passage of water, reducing the useful diameter of the sink. To remove it, you need to grab the edge of the blockage with a hook and carefully pull it out.

Photo - types of nozzles

Some craftsmen also use the power of a vacuum cleaner to clean the sewer system. To clear a clogged drain in a bathroom or sink this way, you need to insert a flexible hose to the point where the blockage occurs. After this, turn on the vacuum cleaner at full power in reverse mode so that it blows out the clog. This option is ideal for free-flow sewerage in a private home.


It is almost always much faster and more convenient to clean clogged drains and sinks yourself using chemical options. The most common folk remedy is considered alkaline baking soda solution. This substance has excellent qualities, is used for different types of pipelines and eliminates many problems:

  1. Helps remove mineral formations on the walls of the pipeline;
  2. Promotes the dissolution of fat and food residues;
  3. Together with vinegar, it corrodes hair and threads, which helps to quickly deal with clogged drains in the bathroom;
  4. Excellent odor removal;
Photo - cleaning the sink

Step-by-step instructions on how to clear clogs in bathroom and kitchen sinks with soda and vinegar:

  1. It is advisable to use ordinary baking soda. Calcined is also very effective, but its combination with vinegar can produce strong and caustic fumes that damage the mucous membranes;
  2. Half a pack of the product should be poured into the sink or knee, depending on what is more convenient to do;
  3. Then pour a glass of ordinary table vinegar into the hole on top of the soda;
  4. It remains to wait 1.5 hours, in some cases 2;
  5. To remove the alkaline film, it is necessary to pour a large amount of hot water into the pipe. Be careful while working - try not to inhale the fumes released.

Very often, other household cleaning products are used to clean the sink. For example, " Domestos“This is an excellent option for eliminating microbes, unpleasant odors and a greasy layer on the walls of the pipe. All you have to do is turn off all the water in the main pipe and fill the drain with several caps of the product. It is recommended to leave for several hours; be careful, this method cannot be used on ceramic pipes. After the time has passed, simply flush the entire pipeline with hot water. If, in addition to poor performance, there is an unpleasant odor coming from the system, Domestos can be left overnight - this will help eliminate the cause of the stench.

Photo - handy cleaning products

Despite the effectiveness of home cleaners, professional products are still considered the most effective. Many plumbers use " Mole"is an alkaline composition that removes mineral deposits, grease and dirt from the walls. It is available in three forms: gel, powder and liquid, but the form does not affect the result. You need to pour or pour 250 grams of the product into the drain hole, and then leave it for a while.

Most often, metal and plastic pipes are cleaned within 2 hours. Afterwards they are washed with plenty of water. It is very important not to over-expose the mixture, otherwise it may damage the surface of the walls. Depending on the clog, you may have to repeat the procedure several times. For prevention, we recommend using “Mole” in the sink and toilet once every six months.

Video: how to choose a cleaning agent

Step-by-step instructions for using a sewer plunger

If too much water has accumulated in the toilet, scoop out the excess - the remaining volume should cover the rubber “bowl” of the plunger. Before cleaning the sink or bathtub, close the overflow holes with plugs (in extreme cases, plug them tightly with a rag).

The following algorithm of actions is suitable for cleaning any plumbing fixtures:

  1. Place the plunger as tightly as possible against the drain hole.
  2. As a rule, water “stands” in clogged plumbing fixtures. If it is not enough to completely cover the plunger nozzle (and therefore create the required pressure), add the required amount.
  3. If the nozzle does not “stick”, lubricate the edges with Vaseline.
  4. Without moving or moving the plunger, apply firm pressure to the handle several times. The “sucking” sound is a sign that you are doing everything right. To clean a toilet or bathtub with a plunger, several “approaches” of 3-5 strong pushes are enough.
  5. After you have gotten rid of the garbage plug, clear the hole of any floating debris and run hot water over the pipes for 5-10 minutes. If the toilet is clogged, flush the water several times and pour a bucket of hot water down the drain.

It happens that a clog has already formed in the sink, but there is no plunger at hand. In this case, do not rush to call a plumber: look in the closet, perhaps there is something there to replace the plunger. The main thing is to create a pressure difference, simulating the operation of a plunger.

  • Wrap a thick but soft rag around a wooden (less slipping) stick. Alternatively: cut off the bottom of a 1.5-liter plastic bottle, then screw the cap onto the neck.
  • Home craftsmen use narrow hoses, rubber boots, pear enemas, milk cartons, wire brushes, rubber balls cut in half, and even a vacuum cleaner with a “blowing” (reverse) function.
  • Homemade “chemistry” will help: pour 200 grams of baking soda into the drain, and add a bottle of 9% table vinegar. After 30-40 minutes, drain the water.
From a soft cloth
The simplest option from a bottle

It is worth saying that such methods and means are suitable for removing only small blockages.

How to properly clear a blockage

First, they find out why the drain is clogged, or what foreign object (paper, plastic bag, rag) is in the toilet. After this, they decide how to extract it, and select one of the methods accordingly:

  • using a plunger;
  • cleansing is carried out using a “doll”;
  • a flexible steel cable is used;
  • use a plastic bottle;
  • chemicals are used.

Let's consider each method separately.

If the blockage is not severe, then use a toilet plunger, which helps to effectively loosen the accumulated debris in the plumbing fixture. Before starting work, the bathroom is filled with water. After that, a plunger with a cone-shaped nozzle is installed on the drain hole, and on the handle of the device, presses are made (several times in a row), then everything is sharply removed. All these actions help loosen the blockage, and soon the water begins to flow freely.

If the plunger does not fit tightly to the drain hole, then lubricate its edges with Vaseline.

If such work does not bring the desired result, then it is necessary to clean the water seal, which means doing without a plunger. For these purposes, a “doll” or a steel cable is used. Let's look at how to deal with them correctly.

When using a rag bag filled with sand, this is the “doll”; a rope is tied to it. After this, the homemade device is lowered into the toilet and the flush button is pressed. But the “doll” is heavy, and therefore it is not always possible to break through the blockage.

A flexible steel cable is a hollow axle that has rigidity and a handle that rotates. At one end it has a spiral-shaped extension made of wire (hard and thick material is used for this), which is attached using a flexible tube. Therefore, the cable is a mobile device that protects the device from mechanical damage. The end of the device is lowered all the way into the toilet, and the handle rotates clockwise. Thanks to this, the cable passes deep into the water seal. These actions destroy the blockage. After an effective cleaning process, you need to flush the toilet with hot water.

The situation with a clogged toilet is sometimes solved in a non-standard way, for example, by using a plastic bottle. The bottom part is cut off and it turns into a plunger. When working with this homemade device, you need to make sudden movements. First, the toilet is filled with water, the bottle is lowered inside with the cut off end and pressure is applied to it. After this, it is abruptly removed.

Some consumers prefer to use chemicals to clear the toilet from blockages. In each specific situation, it is necessary to make the right choice of cleaning agent; therefore, the nature of the blockage is first assessed.

But most often the consumer uses soda. To do this, ½ pack of the drug is poured into the toilet and dissolved. If this method does not help, then pour 1 liter of Coca-Cola into the plumbing fixture, and after an hour, rinse everything with hot water.

For more serious blockages, use products such as “Mole”, “Drano”, etc. Choose one of these drugs and pour the amount indicated in the instructions into the toilet. Wait a certain time (from 40 minutes to 8 hours), wash off with hot water.


If the toilet clogs frequently, you need to think about purchasing special accessories for cleaning the plumbing. Although these actions can also be carried out using chemical means.

The article discusses how to clean a toilet without a plunger and what you will need for this. If they cannot remove the blockage on their own, then they turn to plumbers for help, who will perform all the work efficiently in a short period of time.

How to get rid of a clog without a plunger

The main operating principle of a plunger is to push an air plug into the pipe. Crashing into the water, the air bubble creates a hydraulic shock, which, as a result, pushes the blockage to a wider area of ​​the sewer. You can get rid of minor blockages in the sink and bathtub without any equipment at all, literally with your bare hands. Use your palm like a plunger - cover the drain with your bent palm, and then sharply straighten it, pushing air into the pipe. Do this several times and the clog will go away.

Note to fashionistas: practical tips and rules for ironing a pleated skirt.

If you need to “break through” the toilet, you can build something like a plunger from a stick and an unnecessary rag. Wind the fabric onto the stick so that the winding fits snugly into the hole in the toilet. Then lower the resulting structure into the drain, and then sharply pull it out. You will get the same water hammer effect as when using the original tool.

Important! Try to act carefully so as not to break the precious plumbing during the cleaning process.

How to make a plunger from a plastic bottle

If a stick and an unnecessary rag are not nearby, you can build a kind of plunger with your own hands from a plastic bottle. Take a two-liter container and cut off the bottom completely. Then insert the bottle into the toilet flush hole with the cut bottom down. Wait until the water fills the bottle and screw the cap on the neck. Now sharply squeeze the plastic and pull the container out of the drain. The water that comes out of it forms the same hydraulic shock that pushes the blockage deeper into the sewer.

Advice: carry out this operation in an apron or clothes that you don’t mind getting dirty. It's quite easy to get splashed when removing your homemade plunger from the drain.

What to make a plunger for cleaning a sink

If your sink or bathtub drain is clogged, a plastic bottle will not work as a cleaning tool. Its diameter is much larger than the size of the drain hole, which means it will not be possible to create a sufficient vacuum of air with its help. How to make a plunger suitable for such an occasion? We take a milk or juice tetrapack and cut off a corner so that the cut is approximately equal in diameter to the plum. Using the cut corner, we insert the bag into the drain hole and hit it well to squeeze the air collected inside into the pipe. If it doesn’t work the first time, straighten the tetra pack and repeat the operation.

Tip: Take a two-liter bag to increase the power of your plunger.

An analogue of a plunger for car enthusiasts

Motorists do not need to think about what and how to make a plunger at home. All they have to do is rummage through the spare parts and find the CV joint boot. This is the name of the cover for the front axle shaft of the car, made of rubber or silicone. Its shape resembles the bowl of a plunger, and due to its softness and relief, it works no worse than a real plumbing fixture. The only modification it will need is to attach a handle. There is even a suitable hole for this in the upper part of the boot. And to clean the sink or bathtub, you can simply plug it with a wine stopper.

Tip: Don't glue the handle/stopper to your homemade plunger. So, if necessary, it can be disassembled and washed more efficiently.

Vacuum cleaner instead of a plunger

If you have an old vacuum cleaner with a reverse function gathering dust in your closet, you don’t need to think about how to make a plunger with your own hands. Insert the vacuum cleaner hose into the drain hole of the clogged plumbing fixture, sealing the connection with an unnecessary rag. Then switch the vacuum cleaner to air blowing (reverse) mode and turn on the device at maximum power. In this way you can get rid of even the most serious blockages.

Useful tips: how to properly clean a shower stall.

Read: how to remove a sticker from a refrigerator without leaving sticky residue on the door.

Find out what to do if blackbirds appear in your dacha.

A similar operation can be performed using a shower hose. Unscrew the shower head and push its hose deeper into the drain of the clogged sink/tub. Plug the drain around the hose with a thick rag and turn on the hot water at full power. If the blockage is caused by normal dirt and not by a foreign object getting into the pipe, it will disappear after five minutes.

Tip: before this treatment, you can pour a pack of soda into the drain and wait 10-15 minutes. This way you will not only remove the blockage, but also clean the pipe walls from adhering soap scum and other dirt.

DIY plumbing cable

Sometimes neither analogues of a plunger nor the plunger itself help to cope with a clog in the sink. Most often this happens when a foreign object gets into the drain - a clump of hair, scraps or pieces of food, etc. To break such a blockage, water hammer is not enough. Therefore, in addition to tips on how to make a plunger yourself, we offer you a recommendation on how to build a plumbing cable yourself.

For this device you will need another plastic bottle, preferably a large one. Cut the bottom off and then cut in a spiral to create one long, twisted strip of plastic. There is no need to cut off the neck; it will act as a handle. Holding the neck of the bottle, little by little release the resulting spiral into the drain hole of the clogged plumbing fixture, rotating it along the way. Once it reaches the blockage, your cable will crush it and push it further into the sewer. And then, to consolidate the effect, you can pump the pipe again with a plunger - factory or homemade.

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