Bathrooms in guest house rooms. Arrangement and decoration of two bathrooms in the apartment

The guest bathroom is comfortable and modern. It may be very small, but it should have everything you need: that is, a toilet, a sink and a mirror. But you can decorate the room very elegantly so that your guests will be pleased.

Today, a guest bathroom is no longer a luxury, but a basic convenience. They equip not only country houses, but also private apartments. It is especially relevant for large families and hospitable hosts, that is, when there are many guests in the house. Decorating a guest bathroom is just as important as decorating the master bathroom. Of course, the equipment of a bathroom depends on its area. In a tiny room, for example, 2 square meters. m., you can place only the most necessary things, that is, a toilet and a sink, both of small size. Today, you can easily find compact, high-quality plumbing fixtures for private bathrooms. You can save space in a small bathroom by using a corner sink so that you don’t need more to wash your hands. A mirror wouldn’t hurt here, especially since it doesn’t take up any space at all. But if the space allows, you can add one more thing to the minimum set of amenities - a shower stall. Moreover, this can be done very easily and inexpensively. You can use the toilet floor as a shower tray. The main thing is to equip a hole in the floor for water drainage and separate the toilet from the shower with a waterproof curtain. A bathroom like this with a shower is a must when guests stay in the house overnight! To design a guest bathroom you will have to use your imagination. If the apartment or country house is decorated in a classic style with antique furniture and a collection of artistic objects and paintings, then there is always something for a guest bathroom. You can find vintage models of plumbing fixtures, for example, a figured sink, and also decorate the wall with chamber graphics, of course, hiding it under glass. And if the guest bathroom is located in a modern interior context, then it is quite possible to decorate it with a fashionable lightbox or, even simpler, you can play with color there. The simplest thing is to paint the walls in trendy colors, for example, combining purple and orange or making it bright blue from floor to ceiling. We assure you, this will be a big surprise for your guests!

  • Author of the project: Architectural Studio of Sergei Erofeev ">

    The small guest bathroom is decorated simply and originally. Against the background of gray walls, designer plumbing fixtures of round shapes look very stylish. And on the long concrete tabletop there was a place for vintage items: beautiful chess and an openwork birdcage.

    The small guest bathroom is decorated simply and originally. Against the background of gray walls, designer plumbing fixtures of round shapes look very stylish. And on the long concrete tabletop there was a place for vintage items: beautiful chess and an openwork birdcage.

    The bathroom, located on the attic floor of a country house, is decorated in a modern style and in soft pink tones. The room with a sloping ceiling has sufficient area, so in addition to a large console for the sink and a large mirror, the designers installed an original model of a double toilet in the center, which looks like an art object.

    The guest bathroom is tiled with beige ceramic tiles. Due to the minimal space, there was only room for a small toilet built into the wall and a tiny sink. Therefore, for photographing I had to choose a top view!

    The small guest bathroom looks brutal. This is because the walls are lined with textured red brick tiles combined with wooden details. For the equipment, plumbing fixtures of compact size and rounded shapes were chosen, which is important for small rooms.

    The guest bathroom has received a very stylish design. Everything there is high-quality and modern: white ceramic cladding, dark wood finishes and countertops, designer plumbing fixtures and, of course, fashionable decor in the form of a lightbox with a beautiful shadow theater.

    The bright colors made the guest bathroom spectacular and attractive. On the walls, the designers combined two types of finishes: painted orange Venetian plaster and wood panels. Moreover, the joints were decorated with narrow ornamental stripes. Against the background of orange-brown walls, white plumbing fixtures and a composition of floor candles look good.

    According to the idea of ​​designer Alexandra Fedorova, all rooms of the Moscow apartment are decorated in a very diverse way. A dazzling white living room with a b/w photo, a colorful bedroom in pop art style, etc. And for one of the guest bathrooms, the author reserved a style of glamorous luxury with huge mirrors and shiny patterned finishes in chocolate and coffee tones. Great choice!

So, you have a new spacious apartment that you want to equip according to modern standards with a guest bathroom. The guest node is not a stripped-down copy of the main one; it should be just as comfortable and located in a convenient location. Even if the standard layout that the developer had in mind did not include a second bathroom, it can easily be made and equipped comfortably.


The guest bathroom should not be located in a private area, the further away the better. The ideal option is close to the second bedroom. If the layout does not allow, then next to the hall or near the hallway. The main thing is to keep it away from the owner’s personal zone. However, access to it should be convenient from anywhere in the apartment.

Sewerage and water supply equipment. When connecting sewer pipes and hoses to the toilet, the main thing is that the supply is complete; both cold and hot water are needed. In new apartments, this is quite easy to do, since modern architectural solutions involve initially equipping houses with several risers. In old houses, where there is only one riser, this will be difficult to do; you will have to lay everything yourself.


The first is the calculation of the area. As a rule, this very area, no matter how much it is, is always not enough. And usually the guest bathroom is combined with a shower or bathroom. In order to plan everything correctly, you need to immediately decide on the operating mode of the second bathroom. If it is assumed that it will be used only by guests, then a combined one will do, but if it is planned to be used by family members, perhaps you should be a little more generous and make it separate.

Secondly, you should decide on the frequency of its use. How often do you invite guests, how long do they stay with you? If no one stays overnight, or this happens extremely rarely, then there is no need to make a bathroom, since there is no need for it. The best option is to limit yourself to allocating a small space with a minimum set of plumbing fixtures.

As a rule, their area is only 2-4 sq.m. However, modern new buildings are built with maximum consideration of human needs for comfort and coziness, which is why in new apartments the area of ​​bathrooms has been increased almost 2-3 times. In addition, in those apartments where the number of rooms reaches 4-5, the number of bathrooms increases to two. Thus, if guests come to the house, to adult family members or children, one can be easily made a guest . This is to create certain conveniences not only for the owners of the house, but also for their guests.

It is worth noting that it is customary to distinguish between a public and guest area and a private one. The public and guest area includes a living room, large kitchen or dining room, but the private area is. Undoubtedly, it is human nature to protect his private zone, which is why the presence guest bathroom is a necessary element of comfort.

So the question is about guest bathroom equipment This problem is most acute in a country house or in an apartment whose area exceeds 60 square meters. m. Most often, this is preceded by the work of a designer and the creation of a project for a living space, where a guest bathroom is provided. It can be considered that creation is a luxury, however, it is still a necessity, because the guest bathroom should be located so that guests do not have to be led into it through the entire house and their private area. Of course, guests will also have little pleasure in searching for the toilet door in the dark at night.

Placement of a guest bathroom

Currently, there are several options for placing a guest bathroom in a residential area. The most common option is to place it in close proximity to the hallway or hall. However, if there is also a guest room - a guest bedroom, it is more advisable to place the bathroom next to it. Undoubtedly, when planning the arrangement of a guest bathroom, you will have to one way or another face redevelopment, the main difficulty of which is that it is necessary not only to determine the location of the guest bathroom, but also to resolve the issue of connecting all the necessary communications to it.

That is why, if desired convert an old storage room into a bathroom It is simply impossible to do without specialists. The point is that this must be agreed upon with the BTI on the basis of a previously prepared redevelopment project. When equipping a guest bathroom, special attention should be paid to the fact that it should be located above the apartment that is located on the floor below. This nuance leads to the fact that they end up equipping a large kitchen on the territory or part of the free space is stolen from the main bathroom. Of course, in the latter case it is quite difficult to talk about a full-fledged guest bathroom, since it is located directly with the main one, but this will avoid an unwanted queue in it.

Guest bathroom interior

It is worth noting that the above option for placing a guest bathroom is not at all rare, since it allows you to save free space. In addition, instead of a regular toilet, its wall-hung counterpart can be used, and instead of a large bathtub, a regular one can be used. shower cabin. The shower cabin, among other things, is also easy to install, requiring slightly less attention than a traditional bath. However, when installing the cabin, you must always remember to ensure high-quality ventilation.

As for the choice sinks for guest bathroom, then experts recommend opting for fairly narrow models with an oval shape. You can easily place a cabinet under such a sink, which will perfectly accommodate all the toiletries that are intended for guests. Nowadays, choosing such a cabinet will not be difficult, since manufacturers of furniture for bathrooms and toilets strive to satisfy the most diverse tastes of consumers and release a huge number of different models onto the market.

Decorating a guest bathroom

After all the necessary engineering systems have been installed, you can think about designing a guest bathroom. It is worth noting that it should not at all coincide in style with the main bathroom; in addition, it is very important to visually expand it so that guests do not feel discomfort in a closed bathroom. Thus, the appropriate finishing material will allow you to somewhat expand the visual space of the bathroom for guests. For example, ceramic tiles decorated with a small beige pattern will visually expand the space of the room. The same effect can be achieved if you place two mirrors opposite each other. However, a small room can become a kind of canvas for the implementation of many of the most original and non-standard design solutions that will leave a lasting impression on your guests.

Thus, guest bathroom Most often it is arranged based on the principle of saving free space, while the moment of stylistic design is not key. Even this small space can become comfortable and cozy with just a little effort.

For ordinary small apartments, a guest bathroom is more of a luxury than a necessity. When every inch of nook and cranny is counted and occupied by storage spaces, it’s quite difficult to squeeze in another toilet somewhere.

Where should the guest toilet be located?

Some apartment layouts initially assume the presence of a guest toilet near the front door. Sometimes a storage room located close to the riser and water pipes can be used for this purpose. In any case, the closer the place for the guest toilet is to the riser, the easier it is to arrange it there.

Minimum Required Refurbishments

For normal operation of the bathroom, in addition to the space, a water supply and drainage are required. While stretching flexible pipes is no problem, with a drain pipe everything is not so simple.

For the drain to work properly, the pipe needs a slope. It turns out that the further the toilet is removed from the common riser, the higher it should be located. When planning, this should be taken into account so as not to end up with a high pedestal that you will have to climb onto by steps.

Sink, shower

If possible, a sink is installed in the guest bathroom. Otherwise, it loses its meaning: guests will still wander around the apartment to wash their hands in the master bathroom.

In a private house, the guest bathroom is usually equipped with a shower. Guests will be grateful to you for the opportunity to wash themselves, especially if they came to you for an overnight stay.

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Modern bathroom design: TOP 12 popular trends

The bathroom (bathroom) is the place where every new day begins. For this reason, one should not be indifferent to the design of the room, justifying the lack of renovation by the fact that here, compared to the living room or kitchen, we spend much less time. Now I will offer several options on how to create an original design for a 4 sq. m bathroom or any other area.

Any bathroom consists of a toilet and a bath. According to the classification, it can be combined (the toilet and bathroom are in the same room) or separate (the bathroom and toilet are in different rooms). Now we will discuss the design of a combined bathroom.

If you still doubt the importance of bathroom design, remember its meaning for us:

  • in the morning we wash ourselves here, put ourselves in order, and a pleasant environment can help us to have a positive mood;
  • in the evening here we wash away the fatigue of the past day.

So, we can conclude: the design of the bathroom is very important for mental and physical comfort. And even more so if the place hasn’t been renovated for a long time: old plumbing and rusty pipes definitely won’t lift your spirits.

If you decide to update the design of this room, I will be happy to tell you how to do this, and also share the secrets and little tricks of modern bathroom design.

Choosing a style

Every person wants to live in a beautifully decorated and comfortable house (apartment). At the same time, there are many interior design styles. Let's look at what styles would be appropriate in the bathroom.

If you cannot cope with the choice of a suitable style or are not strong in the secrets of decorating a room, contact the designers. Working together will allow you to choose the best design options.


This style in any interior is the pinnacle of elegance and sophistication. The main difference is its ability not to go out of fashion for years. Even after 15-20 years, your bathroom will look, perhaps not entirely modern, but definitely relevant (you may need to replace the plumbing with newer ones, and that’s all).

To introduce a classic style, it would be appropriate to use natural pastel shades - sand, gray, beige, olive, blue. The tiles in this style should be light, but the furniture can be chosen a little darker if desired.


The motto of this style is to combine the incompatible. Use different palettes, textured materials and all kinds of textures, as within this style, unusualness is a must.


I find the natural and unobtrusive nature of this style to be very valuable as you progress. I can say that this direction not only in the design of the bathroom, but also in other rooms allows us not to forget where it all began.

This style involves only natural materials.

These include:

  • stone;
  • tree;
  • wrought iron.


This style has much in common with country, but the peculiarity of ethnicity is that the room is stylized as a particular national home of a certain people. You can use Indian, Arabic, Japanese, cowboy and other motifs as a basis.

Since choosing the constituent elements for an ethnic style is not always easy, I recommend not spending a lot of time searching and immediately making the necessary furniture and plumbing to order. The finished product will correspond to your wishes and required dimensions.


This style uses such pure colors as black, white, yellow, red, green. In one room you can simultaneously use several contrasting colors, and it is appropriate to create contrast not only between the floor, walls and ceiling, but also in the decoration of the walls.

The spirit of the avant-garde requires special attention to the choice of furniture - it must be original, unusual, with clear contours and the absence of unnecessary details. It is better to choose furniture made of wood, metal, glass.

You should avoid fine finishing and decoration, as such moments are not inherent in this style. The avant-garde tends to use unimaginable designs. Why not take advantage of this and install an unusual bath, for example, in the form of a hammock?

Empire style

This style is very diverse and effective; it is based on elements of Roman classics, as well as ancient Greek motifs - pediments and friezes in furniture decoration, antique columns, gilding and a variety of ornaments in finishing details.

The Empire style color scheme is based on intense tones - blue, purple, emerald green, crimson and coral.

Bronze-colored fittings with gilding are most suitable for sinks and bathtubs. The furniture is usually dark, but light and colored furniture is also allowed. Various patterns are used for decoration: figurines of mythological creatures, crossed shields and spears, curls and plant motifs.

A bathroom in this style needs good lighting. For a spacious room in the Empire style, I recommend using a chandelier with crystal pendants and elements that imitate candles. If the layout is standard, a dotted one with expensive glass or gilding will fit into the style concept.

You can transform an ordinary bathroom into a luxurious room in the Empire style by using the most expensive finishing materials. Traditionally, the flooring is marble slabs, artistic parquet, granite.

In modern decoration, surfaces imitating marble, mosaic tiles, light tiles and natural stone are widely used. And enameled ceramic tiles will find their place in wall decoration.

Exquisite things will help to give logical completeness to a room in the Empire style:

  • floor vase;
  • original mirror in a carved gilded frame;
  • a marble box for toiletries and other things that fit into the Empire style concept.

The atmosphere of the Empire style premises will appeal to connoisseurs of art, tradition and refined luxury.


Antiquity refers to the architecture of ancient Rome and Greece. A room made in this style should be elegant, but at the same time simple, without unnecessary details.

Instructions for creating a design as in the photo:

  • the floor and walls are tiled with decorative patterns;
  • the sink and bathtub are simple, without unnecessary details;
  • mirror with a wide bronze-colored edging;
  • dark wood chair;
  • lighting that imitates candles.

For furniture in an antique room, you should use wood (cedar, beech, cypress, maple are suitable), sometimes bronze or marble. Antique design is spacious, so there should be a minimum of both furniture and accessories.


It is impossible to deprive attention of this exquisite style in bathroom design. Those who believe that Gothic is 100% funeral candles and black would do well to familiarize themselves with examples of design in this style. Perhaps after this the attitude towards Gothic in the apartment may change.

When planning to create a bathroom in a Gothic style, you can experiment with colors. It is only important to choose dark, rich tones and add light accents. The following example can be considered a good design option: dark purple walls + black furniture + white floor, plumbing accessories.


In this style, the emphasis is on the rationality and functionality of the room. The color palette is laconic, and the shapes are simple, perfectly combined with the eccentricity and asymmetry of the overall design.

Rationality, utilitarianism, expediency of any materials and objects are the main characteristics of furniture for this style. Metal and glass are actively used in this style. Natural stone finishing is often used for countertops and floors.


Lofts originated in the New York area in the last century; such apartments were located in former industrial buildings, including warehouses, factories and utility rooms. Pipes, bricks, concrete and beams give American lofts a special character.

In the modern loft style, metal, plastic and glass are used for design. The decoration of the walls is as simple as possible, and aged brickwork is considered something chic. Furniture can be either bright or neutral.


This style is suitable for the design of both small and large bathrooms. The motto of minimalism is a minimum of objects, maximum comfort. Introduced into the bathroom, it allows you to leave as much free space as possible and forget about cramped spaces.

A bathroom in the minimalist style means light shades, simple shapes, a feeling of freshness and cleanliness. White is the most popular color, but it can be complemented with black and any shade of gray. If you use other colors (sand, beige), then contrasting with them are various shades of brown.

When decorating a bathroom in a minimalist style, you need to carefully consider the choice of plumbing fixtures. You should not buy something that is too elaborate or extremely simple - it should not attract all the attention. In order to emphasize the style, it is enough to choose elegant, strict lines without unnecessary angles.


This bathroom style is suitable for those who want to admire Renaissance masterpieces in their home.

The Renaissance style has the following features:

  • special attention is paid to the choice of materials: velvet, leather, brocade, wood, marble;
  • the color palette is variegated, saturated, but not too much: yellow, burgundy, orange shades, as well as purple and beige are ideal;

  • It is customary to decorate the ceiling with stucco around the entire perimeter;
  • tiles are appropriate with an ornamental repeating pattern;
  • if the bathroom is in a country house, the windows should be large, decorated with exquisite curtains made of expensive material (preferably silk);
  • preference is given to antique furniture; if possible, it would not hurt to decorate it with gilding;
  • if the bathroom space allows, you can place various accessories inherent in this design direction;
  • installation of a rich massive one is an integral part of the design of a bathroom in the Renaissance style.

What solutions are relevant in 2016?

In 2016, the distinctive features of the design of a modern bathroom are the following:

  1. Firstly, simplicity and minimalism are in fashion instead of fancy combinations.
  2. Secondly, the placement of plumbing fixtures deviates from the standards. If the space of the bathroom allows, the plumbing fixtures are not placed close to the walls, but are indented.

  1. Thirdly, it is advisable to choose decoration and furniture from natural materials (you can use imitation on them). Natural stone, marble or wood are materials that are perfectly suited for a modern bathroom.

  1. Fourthly, simplicity does not dictate the complete absence of accessories. High-tech style is the best way to create a beautiful design without unnecessary accessories.
  2. Fifth: more, even more light! Proper lighting adapts to the decor of the room and can highlight the advantages of the design.

Secrets of “spacious” design in a small bathroom

Even if your bathroom is separate, one of the first options for expanding the space is to combine these two rooms. If the toilet is already combined with a bathroom, this is great from the point of view of the design approach.

A combined bathroom is not the most convenient solution if a large family lives in an apartment/house. In this case, you can install a decorative screen to suit your taste. It will not only replace an ordinary curtain, but can also turn into a wonderful decorative element.

Even a small bathroom can be turned into a real work of art. The main task is to get rid of everything unnecessary

Any owner of an apartment or house wants to make the bathroom cozy, especially if it is small. Now I will tell you about tricks with which you can visually enlarge a bathroom, even with an area of ​​even 3 sq. m. Choose the method that suits the style of decorating the room.

So, to visually increase the space, you need:

  1. Use a lot of mirrors. They cope with the task perfectly. Their disadvantage is their increased soiling, which, by the way, can be easily compensated for by “virtual” square meters.

Use one of the following options in your bathroom:

  • mirror mosaic as decorative inserts on the wall;
  • one wall is completely mirrored;
  • mirror lining of the rear wall of the niche or its ends;
  • a large framed mirror hung above the sink;
  • a very wide mirror mounted from the top edge of the washbasin to the ceiling.
  1. Don't forget about cabinet furniture. Even if the room is small, this is unlikely to cancel the natural need for storing things. It is better to use laconic specialized furniture for storage and arrange things on shelves than to overload the pantry or balcony.

  • pencil case;
  • washbasin cabinets;
  • hanging shelves;
  • towel rack;
  • locker for dirty linen.
  1. Decorate the bathroom in light colors. White and other light shades look good in this room. A similar color scheme of elements and a large amount of very light color seem to dissolve all the boundaries of the room.

You definitely can’t do without accents in a bright room. It is important to figure out at what stage to add it.

There are several options, but for a small room one of the following is sufficient:

  • accessories (toothbrush stand, soap dispenser, soap dish);
  • decor (figurines, flowers and candles);
  • floor mats;

  • curtain or decorative partition for the bath;
  • Bath towels;
  • a cabinet under the washbasin (if you also have frame furniture, then selecting just one);
  • various prints or images under glass, in frames.
  1. Give preference to transparent rather than frosted glass. When it comes to choosing a bathroom partition or shower screen, most people choose frosted glass.

Frosted glass is chosen for its ability to hide racy details if someone enters the premises while showering. Firstly, transparent glass, fogged up from steam, becomes opaque, and secondly, for such moments there is a latch on the doors.

  1. Choose small tiles. You can choose small rectangular, square, or hexagonal samples with sides of 20 or 30 cm. Laying small tiles is distinguished not only by the ability to implement almost any design idea on the walls, but also by the visual expansion of the room due to a larger number of elements.

  1. Do not use too many accessories or leave unnecessary items on display. In a cramped room, a large number of accessories makes it even smaller. If possible, use storage systems to hide excess items.


When it's time for a planned bathroom renovation or you just want something new, it's time to decide on the design issue. There are very, very many styles, but you need to choose decoration, furniture and accessories, first of all, focusing on your own preferences. Having made your dream come true, you will feel only positive emotions every day.

Watch the video in this article if you want to get some interior design ideas. If you have suggestions or questions on the topic, leave your comment below.

June 4, 2016

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