What is the difference between a gas block and a foam block. Geometric dimensions

763 02/13/2019 5 min.

The use of various building materials significantly expands the possibilities for trouble-free construction of any type of building. When choosing optimal option great importance It has Comparative characteristics main criteria. If we take into account such types of modern building materials as gas and foam blocks, the information in our article will help you understand all the nuances of use and make right choice.

What is a foam block

This material is prepared by adding to cement mixture a special foaming agent that makes the structure porous and more voluminous. In this case, foaming must be done mechanically, mixing the solution with nozzles.

Second important point there will be a need external thermal insulation. For all its heat-saving characteristics, aerated concrete has a rather fragile composition that can deteriorate over time. Exterior finishing should be completed as quickly as possible, e.g. facing brick can be laid parallel to the main building.

Video shows the advantages of aerated concrete

You can find out about the advantages of aerated concrete blocks in this

Advantages of aerated concrete:

  • Light weight and easy to install.
  • Saving adhesive composition.
  • Possibility of installation in winter time.
  • Good strength and durability.

Aerated concrete is very attractive and durable construction material with precise geometry and guaranteed factory origin. The use of aerated concrete will reduce the load on the foundation and avoid the characteristic “cold bridges” inherent in traditional materials.

Affordable cost and many options on the construction market are also positive aspects of using aerated blocks. Read the article in detail.

The density of aerated concrete is described in this

Similarities and differences These two materials are much more similar to each other than is commonly believed. Let's start with the fact that the main raw materials used in production are cement, sand and water. Standard cement mortar

Having analyzed the main indicators of foam blocks and aerated concrete products, we can classify the main similarities and differences of these products as follows.

You can learn about the characteristics of aerated concrete D 300 from this

The video explains how to distinguish aerated concrete from foam concrete:

“Foaming” of the solution and the formation of air voids

Foam concrete acquires a porous structure due to the addition of a chemical foaming agent. In this case, it is necessary to involve mechanisms that will “beat” the resulting solution like a culinary mixer. Thanks to this, the structure of the foam concrete is homogeneous, air bubbles are located over the entire surface and do not connect with each other. After preparation, the mixture is poured into special molds and left until completely hardened.

Aerated concrete is made a little differently: a base solution of cement of suitable marking, fine sand and water is saturated with special components that react with each other chemically with the intense release of light gas. The process takes place in specialized equipment - an autoclave. The necessary pressure and temperature are created there environment, which is why it is more difficult to falsify such a product than to make foam concrete yourself.

You can read about the thermal conductivity of aerated concrete in this

Thermal conductivity properties

As mentioned earlier, both materials are made of special type concrete mixture, called cellular due to its porous structure. It is the air bubbles inside the blocks that give the material excellent heat-saving characteristics. The difference in heat capacity will be small, but quite significant if you do not plan to install an outer layer of thermal insulation.

The video shows the characteristics of aerated concrete and foam concrete:

Without going into technical details, we can briefly summarize the positive experience of working with the two materials and draw the appropriate conclusions:

  1. External cladding is necessary in any case to give the building a complete look and attractiveness.
  2. For foam blocks there is no need to additionally insulate the facades of the building; it will be enough to perform decorative finishing.
  3. For aerated concrete, external insulation and cladding is simply a necessity, since the material is quite sensitive to external influences and is capable of destruction.

Foam block buildings are a little warmer, but with sufficient thermal insulation on the outside, aerated concrete will be no worse.

Ease of installation

Here the undisputed favorite will be products made from aerated concrete. Thanks to their clear dimensions and exclusively factory production, such slabs are much smoother than foam blocks, which greatly facilitates installation.

The solution consumption is also considered to be more economical with aerated concrete, but this opinion is very subjective, because the skill of the layer and positive experience of working with similar adhesives will be involved to a greater extent.

The video shows installation features: At the same time, we should not forget that foam blocks can also be laid on homemade cement - sand mortar

. While for gas blocks, a prerequisite for high-quality fasteners are purchased mixtures. In all other aspects, these materials have more similarities than differences. The blocks, despite their impressive dimensions, are quite light in weight (when compared with the corresponding volume of bricks). Trimming blocks can be done in the simplest way hand tools

, and transportation will also be less problematic than brick analogues of the material.

Environmental friendliness Enough controversial issue , the answer to which is very controversial. On the one hand, in many European countries residential buildings

It is prohibited to build from aerated concrete. On the other hand, in our conditions, the easiest way is to choose factory-molded aerated concrete blocks rather than take risks and buy a semi-basement type of foam concrete.

In any case, you need to make sure that you have the necessary quality certificates for the products, and if in doubt, completely refuse the purchase. Both materials are considered quite environmentally friendly, especially if you perform cladding not only outside, but also inside the room.


An important factor that often determines the choice. The estimated cost of a particular material will depend on many factors, often even on the manufacturer’s brand. If you give approximate figures, then the cost of one gas block can range from $2, while a similar product made of foam concrete can be purchased for $1.2, depending on the size and manufacturer. What to prefer for individual and industrial construction: aerated concrete or foam blocks? The question is quite popular, especially considering the amazing demand for both materials. It is impossible to give a definite answer, because it is worth approaching the problem comprehensively and analyzing all possible factors and conditions for using materials. Gas and foam blocks - great alternative

Building materials with a porous structure are gaining popularity. They are durable and lightweight, used for the construction of private houses, country cottages, utility and commercial buildings, garages. For this purpose, foam concrete and aerated concrete are more often used, but you need to know what the difference is between these two concretes, which are similar in technical characteristics.

Foam concrete and aerated concrete are building materials that are gaining popularity because they have sufficient strength and low thermal conductivity. The porous structure reduces the density and weight of blocks made from them. Air-filled cells account for thermal insulation. Despite the similarity of characteristics, the scope of application of these compositions varies.

The strength and low specific density of foam concrete increases the service life of this material. Therefore, it is used for residential buildings - houses, cottages, garden buildings, baths. The only limitation in the use of foam concrete is that buildings constructed from it should not be higher than three floors. It is used for the device:

  • load-bearing walls of buildings and structures;
  • internal walls for space planning;
  • fences, fencing areas;
  • floors reinforced with steel rods.

The uniformity of the structure of aerated concrete explains one of its main features - increased resistance to cracking and shrinkage of structures created from it. This allows it to be used for the construction of domestic buildings, industrial, public and commercial facilities. It is used for:

  • interior partitions;
  • filling spans in frame buildings;
  • load-bearing structures and walls;
  • multi-storey structures and buildings.

Production technologies and composition

To understand the difference between aerated concrete and foam concrete, you need to understand the technologies used to produce these building materials. During the production process, an internal porous structure is formed at the calculated density and strength - characteristics that determine the main advantages. In this case, components that are harmless to health are used, which significantly expands the scope of application of such concretes.

Production of foam concrete

Foam concrete is produced using simplified technology, available even at home. The components for production are: cement, water, sand, slag and other fillers. The main substance that ensures the porosity of the material structure is sulfite lye. For foam concrete you will need: Portland cement 36%, sand 47%, 16% water. Foaming additives and fiber to increase strength do not exceed 1%. Production stages:

  1. All ingredients are thoroughly mixed in dry form, then a small volume of water is added to them.
  2. A foaming component is added - sulfite lye. Stirring continues until a homogeneous structure is achieved. During chemical reactions, gas is released, as a result of which the material acquires a porous structure.
  3. The prepared solution is placed in prepared formwork in the shape of the required blocks or structures. Foam concrete sets in 10 hours, the minimum time is 5 hours. After removal from the formwork, the blocks are laid on outdoors or in a dry room for final drying.
  4. The necessary strength to allow the use of this material is achieved in 14-21 days.

It is important to pay attention to the quality of the formwork so that the size and surface of the blocks or structural elements met the technical requirements.

Production of aerated concrete

Aerated concrete is produced at industrial enterprises with special equipment. The main components used are cement, quartz sand and lime, and water. The foaming component is aluminum paste. The composition is similar to that used to prepare foam concrete. Pure substance poses an environmental hazard, but during the production process it is completely neutralized. Stages of aerated concrete production:

  1. The components are poured into a concrete mixer in proportions and filled with water, mixed to a homogeneous consistency, according to a previously developed technological map. The added aluminum paste, sometimes powder, reacts with the solution, saturates it with gas, creating a cellular structure and at the same time being neutralized.
  2. The resulting solution is poured into pre-prepared molds. It must be taken into account that as a result of the reaction of aluminum compounds, its volume during setting will increase.
  3. The frozen monolith is removed from the molds and cut into blocks, slabs, lintels, and other elements of the required size.
  4. To increase the strength and waterproofing characteristics, the resulting products are processed in autoclaves under 12 bar steam or high-temperature electric ovens.

The resulting aerated concrete and materials made from it have increased strength, correct geometry.

Comparison of characteristics

The main components and production technologies are largely similar, but specifications these materials are different. The difference in the properties of foam concrete from aerated concrete is explained by their structure and type.

Foam concrete is structured with relatively large cells with low moisture absorption, good sound and heat insulation. The surface is relatively smooth, the color is gray.

Aerated concrete has smaller cells; as a result of the formation of gas in the thickness of the solution, microcracks may appear on the surface. They have good water and vapor permeability, thermal insulation characteristics. The rough white surface requires additional finishing.

The density of aerated concrete ranges from 400 to 800, foam concrete has a higher density from 400 to 1200 kg/m³. Differences in other technical characteristics:

  • Aerated concrete has more stable thermal conductivity because it has a uniform cellular structure. The pores in foam concrete have a diameter of 1-3 mm, they are distributed unevenly, so the thermal conductivity of this material is unstable.
  • The strength of treated aerated concrete is significantly higher than that of foam concrete.
  • Industrial production allows you to get aerated concrete blocks with precise geometry, privately manufactured foam concrete blocks do not have such properties.
  • Plaster is applied to both materials, but the correct geometry of aerated concrete elements allows for savings. Also, aerated concrete has better adhesion.
  • Aerated concrete has better frost resistance, like autoclaved or heat-treated concrete. This indicator for foam concrete reaches 35 cycles of freezing and thawing, and aerated concrete with hydrophobic fillers can withstand up to 75 cycles.

If we compare the performance of foam concrete and aerated concrete, then aerated concrete has the best performance, allowing its use for the construction of various buildings and structures, including multi-story ones.

Advantages and disadvantages

Aerated concrete and foam concrete have their own advantages and disadvantages. What is better to use in specific situation, can only be determined after analyzing the properties of these materials. Among the advantages of foam concrete are:

  • Relatively low thermal conductivity.
  • Relatively low density, which allows you to save on the foundation and lay out the walls yourself.
  • High levels of sound insulation.
  • The optimal size of blocks and other structural elements speeds up construction.
  • Easy to adjust elements using a simple hacksaw.
  • Environmental friendliness allows use for the construction of any residential premises.
  • Long-term operation even in difficult conditions, corrosion resistance.

But this material also has disadvantages:

  • The porosity of the structure imparts fragility; especially at the edges of structures, the strength of foam concrete is unstable.
  • An unattractive exterior surface that would benefit from plastering.
  • When constructing structures made of foam concrete, reinforcement is necessary at the joints of elements.
  • In handicraft production, the quality of the material decreases.
  • The use of this material requires careful calculations of structural strength.
  • Foam blocks do not have correct geometry, since they are not produced in an industrial environment.

The advantages of aerated concrete include the following characteristics:

  • Reduced density with increased strength.
  • Increased moisture resistance of the autoclave block.
  • Fire resistance.
  • Frost resistance.
  • Resistance to biological influences and corrosion.
  • Durability allows buildings to be used for more than 100 years.
  • Excellent thermal and sound insulation performance.
  • Ease of processing.
  • Savings since aerated concrete requires a minimum amount of cement.
  • Environmental Safety.
  • Correct geometry, since structural elements are manufactured in production.

With all the advantages of the material, it also has disadvantages:

  • Increased hygroscopicity requires additional plastering.
  • Care is required when calculating loads, since the blocks may crack.
  • The cost of this material is higher than foam concrete.


When choosing foam concrete or aerated concrete, you need to weigh what is better for construction. These materials have much in common, but there are differences that do not allow them to be used in the same way. Obviously, aerated concrete has the best strength indicators; other characteristics are similar. Therefore, specific calculations, features and budget of work are taken into account, as a result of which a decision is made.

Products from cellular concrete have long established themselves in the market, firmly occupying the niche of wall masonry materials. Although the first years of popularity of these materials on the market even experts predicted a great future for them with the complete displacement of brick, but this did not happen.

The strength indicators of building stone and brick have remained an impregnable bastion for the characteristics of cellular concrete. However, aerated concrete and foam concrete may be interesting for other qualities. Among them energy saving and light weight. Of course there is also whole line operational nuances that should be followed when choosing between gas and foam blocks.

Description of aerated concrete

Cellular concrete in the form of aerated concrete is blocks, slabs or panels intended for the construction of walls, partitions or structures. The basis of the material can be cement, lime, quartz sand, slag and waste from various industries.

A gas-forming agent is added to the primary composition, which further activates the process chemical reaction and promotes the formation of a cellular structure.

To understand the difference between aerated concrete and foam concrete, the manufacturing technique is of key importance. High-quality aerated concrete cannot be produced by handicraft methods.. This especially applies to autoclave blocks, for the manufacture of which they use special cameras. Actually, this final stage production, during which aerated concrete hardens.

Advantages of aerated concrete

Disadvantages of aerated concrete

The negative qualities of aerated concrete blocks are due to the same porous structure that endowed the material with many of the listed advantages. However, there are not so many shortcomings and only two can be considered serious:

Where is it preferable to use?

The best solution for using aerated concrete blocks would be interior walls , partitions, creating complex structural elements and providing thermal insulation.

It is advisable to use blocks for laying walls on which light loads are planned to be placed. The panels are suitable as thermal insulation for walls and partitions.

Description of foam concrete

Roughly speaking, a foam block is a simplified type of aerated concrete. The material is also one of the most popular representatives of cellular concrete.

In the manufacture of such blocks, approximately the same compositions are used, but the technology for further processing of the mass has significant differences. When deciding whether foam concrete or aerated concrete is better, you should keep in mind that the former is made using mechanical impact. That is, with the help of pressure units and a foam generator, bubbles are formed, and subsequently pores. In the case of aerated concrete, a similar effect is created by chemical reaction from a blowing agent.

Pros of foam concrete

Disadvantages of foam concrete

By and large, foam blocks correspond The same negative qualities, as in the case of a gas block. This is, in particular, the ability absorb moisture, which negatively affects performance.

It is further noted insufficient strength. The question of whether foam concrete or aerated concrete is better in terms of strength is ambiguous. In both cases, this characteristic depends on the brand, but even the most durable products are incomparable to brick.

In addition, it is the foam block, due to its simple manufacturing technique, that most often offered on the market in unsatisfactory quality, which is almost impossible to verify. Foam concrete can be produced with minimal technical support, therefore you should pay attention only to the products of large manufacturers.

Where is it better to use?

When it comes to the question of whether foam concrete or aerated concrete is better for construction, the first option is more profitable, because has a wider range of areas possible application. Another thing is that aerated concrete allows you to solve problems of a smaller range, nose a larger share responsibility.

The most popular is foam concrete in the form of blocks. Construction of walls in low-rise and high-rise buildings using foam blocks is quite common. Indoors, as well as when finishing facades, this material is used as a means of decorative and structurally complex design.

The concrete itself can used when pouring a roof, floor coverings, thermal insulation of communications, pipelines, etc. Grades with high strength values ​​can also be used in foundation construction, although such technological solutions are still risky and are suitable for structures with small load-bearing loads.

There is a huge amount of closely related materials on the construction market. They are divided into groups and classes, characteristic features and areas of application. Gas block and foam block are analogues and belong to the category of lightweight concrete. However, they are not always used on an equal footing. You can understand the difference between a gas block and a foam block by comparing their characteristics and properties, pros and cons, as well as production technology. Let's try to figure this out.

External and structural differences

The gas block has a rough surface and white color. Its cellular structure consists of small pores, and microscopic cracks are, rather, a feature of the material, rather than a manufacturing defect. The process of moisture saturation under these circumstances occurs quite quickly, which affects the loss of the aerated block’s original shape and further destruction artificial stone under the influence of negative temperatures.

Structures made of aerated blocks require additional protective coating.

Foam concrete blocks gray They have smooth walls, so even in appearance the products differ from their aerated concrete counterparts. They also have a cellular structure, but with larger, closed pores. This structure provides the best performance:

  • moisture resistance;
  • thermal insulation;
  • noise protection.

Research into the structural features of the two materials can be done at home. To do this, you will need to break off a small piece from each block. Experimental samples should be placed in two containers of water so that they float rather than lie on the bottom. Observations will show a significant difference between gas and foam concrete. The first one will quickly become saturated with moisture and drown, while the second one will not sink to the bottom for several days.


The name of the blocks explains the production technology lightweight concrete. The prefix “gas-” means that the production process is associated with a gas formation reaction, and “foam-” - with the presence of components capable of releasing foam when mixing the concrete mixture. Both materials contain:

  • cement;
  • water;
  • lime – imparts stability to the characteristics of finished products;
  • fillers - aerated concrete contains quartz sand, and foam concrete contains industrial slag or sludge.

The technology for manufacturing foam blocks requires the presence of soap or sulfide liquor. It is this component that is responsible for the formation of the foam component. In the case of gas blocks, aluminum paste or suspension enters into a chemical reaction. As a result of a properly organized process, the harmful component seems to dissolve, turning into a gaseous state. This makes it possible to assert that finished aerated concrete blocks are completely safe for the environment and humans.

Foam blocks can be produced in artisanal conditions, and aerated concrete products can only be produced in factories.

How does the process of manufacturing piece building materials from lightweight concrete take place?

Products are produced using high-tech equipment, so they differ more high quality and price compared to foam blocks made in artisanal conditions. The shape of the “bricks” is ideal, without significant deviations, and therefore significantly less mortar is used during laying. The advantage of gas blocks is the possibility of using adhesive solutions providing minimum size seam

The strength of aerated concrete blocks is increased by processing the products in autoclaves.

Simple technology allows you to produce masonry material almost at home. The process itself includes:

  • mixing the main components mechanically;
  • adding a foaming agent;
  • pouring concrete mortar into forms;
  • natural curing.

Often finished goods have large deviations in geometric dimensions. This disadvantage eliminated by making the seams thicker when laying walls, which affects the quality of the completed structure. When constructing walls, it is recommended to contact professionals.


Differences in manufacturing technology and composition of lightweight concrete are reflected in their quality and performance indicators. For clarity, we present a table.

What conclusions can be drawn? The thermal conductivity coefficient of gas blocks is lower and the sound insulation is worse, but they weigh in terms of cubic meter, less. The density of foam concrete is higher, water absorption is lower, but appearance leaves much to be desired. Only the vapor permeability of the materials remains the same, although foam blocks have another attractive side, which is often taken as a basis when purchasing construction products. It concerns lower cost.

What the choice will be and what will be a priority is left to the owner of the future object to decide. Much depends on the purpose and importance of the structure, on the location of the blocks and exterior finishing walls Load-bearing fencing of low-rise buildings and partitions are erected from both materials, but more can be built from aerated blocks. tall house, since the technology of their installation allows the use of reinforcement.

Many developers in the process of building a house are faced with the problem of choosing optimal material- and this is not at all surprising. The market is rich in assortment, and every year it only increases.

More and more new products are appearing that are similar in quality. And for acceptance the right decision, you should understand the characteristics in detail, taking into account the entire list of advantages and disadvantages.

In this article we will look at which products are preferable for building walls. So, foam block or gas block, which is better?

What is an aerated block: main characteristics

It’s worth noting right away that both materials are extremely similar to each other, so a detailed analysis is simply necessary. We will start with aerated concrete products.

Properties and features of the material

Aerated concrete is one of the varieties of cellular concrete. It is distinguished by the presence of a porous structure. It can be achieved through a chemical reaction of quicklime and a gas-forming agent, which, as a rule, is aluminum powder.

The solution swells and pores form. The more such pores, the less durable the finished block is, but at the same time lighter and has an increased ability to maintain temperature.

In addition to lime and aluminum powder, the composition includes cement, sand, most often quartz, purified water and various modified additives that help improve the characteristics of the material. Let's consider the main indicators of the technical, physical and operational qualities of aerated concrete and products made from it.

Table 1. Characteristics of aerated concrete:

The thermal conductivity coefficient of aerated concrete ranges from 0.09 to 0.34. It is typical for products that are in a dry state. Natural humidity, of course, influences this indicator, increasing it.

With such ability to maintain temperature, the minimum wall thickness should be at least 40 cm.

GOST dictates the requirement for frost resistance for products intended for the construction of external walls; the minimum value should not be less than 25 cycles.

Frost resistance of partition blocks technical documentation not standardized.

Manufacturers assure potential consumers that their products can withstand up to 150 cycles of time-based freezing and thawing.

The numerical value varies from 300 to 1200. In accordance with the density, there is a classification of the product.

Aerated concrete can be structural, structural-thermal insulating and thermal insulating.

  • The first type is characterized by a density of 1000-1200 kg/m3 and can withstand significant loads. It is mainly used in the construction of load-bearing structures.
  • The second type is the most common. Has a density of 500-900 kg/m3. It is used in the construction of walls and partitions.
  • The third type - thermal insulation - has a low density - 300-400 kg/m3. Used as thermal insulation material, has a low thermal conductivity coefficient.
Strength grades - from B1.5 to B15. They cost depending on the density of the material and increase with it.

The indicator is 0.3. Often during shrinkage aerated concrete walls may crack. However, this problem can be solved. You can restore the wall using gypsum mortar.

Aerated concrete is very hygroscopic. The ability to absorb moisture is high and equal to about 25%.

In this regard, the material needs a finishing that can prevent the aerated concrete walls from getting wet.

2. The aerated concrete mixture does not contain harmful or toxic substances.

Does not burn. May be under the influence high temperature up to 120 minutes.

Possesses good performance soundproofing. Able to protect those in the room from extraneous noise.

Aerated concrete is vapor permeable. Thanks to this, a favorable microclimate is established in the room.

The fact is that the products are able to absorb excess moisture and release it when the air is dry.

Advantages and disadvantages

Aerated concrete, like any other building material, has a number of strong and weaknesses. And to figure out which is better: a gas block or a foam block, you need to take into account all the pros and cons of the products.

The positive qualities are as follows:

  1. Aerated concrete block is lightweight, which will help to significantly reduce the load on the foundation;
  2. The material is quite large in size, which will significantly increase the speed of wall construction;
  3. Environmental friendliness and fire resistance of products– also significant advantages;
  4. Low thermal conductivity will help save on insulation, and, in the future, on heating the building;
  5. High numerical values ​​of frost resistance indicate the stability and durability of the material;
  6. Strength and density of products allow them to be used in the construction of buildings up to 12 meters high;
  7. Variability of interior and exterior decoration;
  8. Affordable price for consumers;
  9. Possibility of making products with your own hands will help reduce costs for the developer and try his hand at self-production material. High costs not required, you will need instructions and a minimum set of raw materials and tools;
  10. Diversity in the choice of manufacturer, variability of sizes, types and types of products, wide scope of application;
  11. Ease of handling and installation. Aerated concrete is easy to saw, cut and sand. This does not require specialized equipment and tools. A simple saw or hacksaw will be enough;
  12. Good product geometry will allow you to lay blocks on glue while minimizing cold bridges.

Basic negative sides– the following:

  1. High percentage of water absorption equal to 25%. As already mentioned, aerated concrete intensively absorbs moisture, which can have a detrimental effect on the structure of the block.

If it crystallizes during a period when negative temperatures prevail, the structure of the block will be destroyed from the inside. As a result, durability, frost resistance and strength indicators will decrease significantly.

  1. Fragility of products. Care should be taken during transportation and work.
  2. The presence of handicraft industries increases the chance of purchasing defective or low-quality products.
  3. Problems may arise when fixing elements to an aerated concrete wall. It is necessary to use specialized hardware intended for products made of cellular concrete.

Moreover, if you want to fix heavy objects, the knots must be planned and strengthened in advance.

  1. Low adhesion with finishing materials will lead to additional costs in order to increase it. This is the purchase of primers, reinforcing mesh, special compounds and mixtures.
  2. Shrinkage. Aerated concrete is prone to it.

Note! Partially, if the work is carried out technically correctly and the requirements are met, the shortcomings can be leveled out. For example, by protecting products from moisture with the right finishing, it is possible not only to preserve, but also to increase the service life of the material.

The concept of foam block

Now it’s time to consider the features and main characteristics of foam concrete.

Material characteristics

Foam block, like gas block, belongs to one of the types of cellular concrete. It is also characterized by the presence of pores, but their structure is closed, which somewhat reduces the hygroscopicity of the products.

Swelling of the solution occurs as a result of the addition of a blowing agent, but otherwise, the composition is almost similar to aerated concrete, it is: cement, sand, lime, water and, mainly, fiber fiber (see).

Let us consider, using the table, what technical and physical characteristics has a foam block.

Table 2. Properties of foam block:

As you can see, the foam block has quite competitive characteristics. Most strengths its are the ratio of density and thermal conductivity. It is also worth noting that the foam block, like the gas block, has a similar classification depending on the density of the products, their scope of application is the same.

Advantages and disadvantages

Now, based on the above, let's analyze the positive and negative aspects of the products.

The advantages are the following:

  • The low weight and large dimensions of the products simplify the process of building walls and significantly speed it up;
  • Ease of use, no need for highly specialized equipment;
  • Low thermal conductivity coefficient;
  • High density and strength indicators allow the material to be used in the construction of load-bearing structures;
  • Durability, excellent geometry of autoclave products;
  • Possibility of home production;
  • Low cost of production;
  • Environmental friendliness and fire resistance;
  • Ability to vapor permeate and sound insulate;
  • Wide scope of application and prevalence of the material among manufacturers;
  • Since we are trying to figure out which is better: a foam block or a gas block, it is worth paying attention to the ability to absorb water. And, in in this case, the hygroscopicity of foam concrete can be considered an advantage, since its indicator is much lower due to the closed pore structure.

There are also disadvantages:

  1. Like aerated concrete, foam concrete is characterized by low adhesion to finishing materials. Reinforcement and priming are mandatory when carrying out work;
  2. The situation with hardware is similar. If you want to secure something, you will have to purchase special products;
  3. Fragility and vulnerability to mechanical stress;
  4. Presence of handicraft industries;
  5. Shrinkage of products;

We can tentatively conclude that the similarity of materials is obvious. At least the list of shortcomings is almost the same.

Comparison of technical, physical and operational characteristics of both products

Now it's time for a direct comparison. Let's finally find out what is better: foam blocks or gas blocks?

Table 3. Gas block or foam block, which is better:

Characteristic Comparison and comments
Thermal conductivity index If we reconsider the tables containing the thermal conductivity coefficients, it is worth noting that they are almost the same. The foam block is only 1/100 ahead of its competitor.

However, if we compare the density ratios with the above characteristics, then aerated concrete will go ahead somewhat. That is, with the same density, the thermal conductivity index will be lower for the gas block.

Frost resistance of products In this regard, again the winner is aerated concrete. As already mentioned, its frost resistance can reach 150 cycles, while foam concrete has a maximum numerical value of 100 cycles.

On a note! Since both materials are a variety of the same group, the GOST requirements for them are the same. The higher performance of the gas block is largely due to product manufacturers.

Which is better: gas blocks or foam blocks: comparing strength and density indicators The density of both materials can reach 1200, which is typical for structural products. In general, we can say that their indicators are similar.
Durability of buildings built from both materials With technically correct finishing and correctly executed masonry, the durability of the products will be very high. Both foam block and gas block can last for many years.
Environmental friendliness and fire resistance Both materials are environmentally friendly and fire resistant.
Which is better, foam block or gas block: which material is more vulnerable to moisture? In this case, it is worth paying tribute to the foam block. This is one of the few indicators in which it outperformed aerated concrete.

However, despite this, moisture absorption is inherent in it and protection from moisture is simply necessary. Otherwise, the result will be equally negative for both products.

Product shrinkage The numerical value of shrinkage for a foam block is slightly higher. However, the appearance of cracks is typical for walls built from both materials.
Construction speed and processing complexity In this regard, there is no winner. The materials have large dimensions, which is extremely convenient for laying. Both are easy to saw, cut and sand.
Foam blocks or gas blocks, which is better: variability of internal and exterior finishing And in this case, both materials are on the same level. The variety of finishes is equally great. Below, in the photo, several finishing options are presented.
Cost of materials Foam block is slightly cheaper, about 10%.
Scope of application The scope of application for both materials is extremely wide. This is largely due to the similar classification of products.
Prevalence among manufacturers In general, both foam and gas blocks are common among both manufacturers and developers. But, due to higher performance, it is still worth highlighting the aerated block; it is a little more popular in the construction market.

It is worth noting that the foam block must be distinguished by the presence in its range of products with cladding. They do not require subsequent external finishing. The gas block cannot boast of this.

The video in this article: “Air block and foam block, which is better” contains useful information for developers who decide to give preference to one of these materials.


Answer to the question: “Air blocks or foam blocks - which is better for construction?” It's extremely difficult to give. After all, both materials are similar in performance. And in order to make the right choice, experts advise first of all to figure out which of the characteristics are of primary importance to you.

If it’s price and hygroscopicity, choose a foam block, and if, for example, frost resistance and shrinkage, then it’s obviously better for you to give preference to aerated concrete products.

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