Insulated timber: types. Assembling a box from profile insulated timber

Wood construction has such deep roots that it probably makes no sense to make excursions into history. People have always built from wood. Wooden house construction in St. Petersburg and Moscow (the volume of construction is more than 50% of the total Russian market low-rise housing construction) is also actively developing. But it’s worth saying a few words about geography. The first and most obvious is that wood is traditionally widely used in those regions where there are many trees suitable for construction. The second point is associated with such a feature of wood as the ability to repeatedly and without destruction pass through the freezing point of moisture. Hence the natural love for wooden houses among residents of countries with temperate climates.

The specialists of our company have developed their own, original technology package housing construction LogECO™.

This technology allows us to build low-rise, affordable and comfortable housing in regions with any climate, including earthquake-prone ones.

By appearance Our houses are no different from houses made of laminated veneer lumber, but in their main characteristics they are superior to them. To build houses from packaged insulated timber, we use spruce, pine, cedar, oak, and chamber-dried larch.

Know-how on the building materials market is insulated laminated veneer lumber. This material is rapidly gaining popularity. Many buyers are interested in why this type is so good, how it differs and what quality indicators it has. To understand this, you need to plunge into the history of the creation of such material. Technicians thought for a long time how to make it so that timber house there was no need for additional insulation, and to preserve its external natural look. The insulated timber became great solution these tasks. And insulation of a house made of laminated veneer lumber is not necessary at all.

It has a design similar to sandwich panels. It is compared with the glued look only due to the connection of a special insulation with lamellas. This technology is based on multilayering. A sandwich having three layers is glued together special machines under pressure. Wherein upper layer They are made from dry planed wood, like laminated timber, and a special insulation is laid between them. Insulation can have different compositions.

In its own way design features glued insulated material can be:

  1. Batch. This closed design like a box filled with insulation.
  2. Single chamber. This design has two boards connected to each other by jumpers. The distance between the jumpers is 50cm. Insulation is filled inside and gives solidity to the entire structure.

According to its composition, insulated timber is divided into:

  1. Polyurethane foam or polystyrene foam insulated timber (PPU).
  2. Insulated timber filled with cellulose or ecowool.

Polyurethane foam insulated timber (PPU)

This type is a leader in its quality characteristics among other insulation materials. That is why manufacturers began to use it for construction warm timber. The thermal conductivity of such a material is 0.024, which is twice as high as ecowool. This insulation is durable, and when combined with wooden slats, it gains strength. The degree of flammability of polyurethane foam G1 is low-flammable.

The insulated polyurethane foam type can withstand compression of 250 kPa and bending of at least 0.35 MPa. This makes it possible to maintain a strict geometric shape of the lamellas.

There is no need to talk about the environmental friendliness of this product, since all substrates are food products in stores they make it from it. This is the only material that can come into contact with food.

In addition, it is economical, since heating a house with an area of ​​160 m2 requires no more than 2.5-3 kW of electricity. By spending money on this type of warm timber, you will save for the rest of your life.

The main disadvantage of such warm timber is its airtightness. As a result, the house needs additional ventilation.

Insulated ecowool timber

Ecowool is made from newsprint impregnated with a special glue containing antipyrine. The use of ecowool in Russia began in the late 90s; I have been using it all over the world for a long time. The use of ecowool in glued structures has just begun to develop. This product has a big drawback, it is low moisture resistance. But in terms of price, it beats polyurethane foam. Such insulated timber can be called an economy option.

Another main, and probably the main, disadvantage of such glued laminated timber is the inability to carry out installation independently, since it is necessary special equipment.

For a more complete comparative picture, we will give an example in the form of a table of the qualitative characteristics of ecowool and polyurethane foam.

Qualitative characteristics Ecowool Polyurethane foam
Heat retention indoors +
Fire resistance + +
Does not shrink +
Environmental friendliness + +
When exposed to moisture, it retains its qualities and properties. +
Have increased sound insulation + +
Does not separate microparticles (dust) +
Has a low cost +
Resistant to rodent attacks +

The table shows that it is of course more practical to purchase glued insulated polyurethane foam products, since quality indicators he wins.

Price for insulated laminated timber

Let's consider the average price for laminated insulated timber in the form of a table:

Type of insulated laminated veneer lumber, 13m long Price per cube, rubles
Single-chamber polyurethane foam with a section of 180x146 mm 18500 — 21000
Single-chamber with ecowool Section: 140x160, 170x160, 140x200, 170x200, 140x240, 170x240 mm 12000 — 15000
D - shaped insulated glued with ecowool Section: 140x240, 170x240, 140x280, 170x280 mm 13500 — 16000
Bagged polyurethane foam Section: 140x160, 170x160, 140x200, 170x200, 140x240, 170x240 mm 20000 — 23000
Batch with ecowool Section: 140x160, 170x160, 140x200, 170x200, 140x240, 170x240 mm 16000 — 18000

It is worth noting that construction with such material implies timber frame, which differs little from the shield structure. This means that if you build panel house and insulate it with mineral wool, covering the top with siding that imitates timber, the appearance will be no worse. And you can win three times the price!

Why then is laminated veneer lumber with insulation becoming increasingly popular in Russia? This question can be answered by considering all the advantages of building a house from this material.

Seven pros and cons of a house made of laminated timber

If we talk about the advantages of such a structure, they are obvious and are already included in the name:

  1. Preservation of heat in the house, 2 times warmer than a laminated timber structure.
  2. The price of a log house made from warm laminated timber is 30% cheaper than from glued timber and two times cheaper than from conventional dry planed timber.
  3. Cross connections in the structure give the house additional strength.
  4. Cheaper foundation. The weight of such material is two times less than that of laminated veneer lumber and five times less than that of rounded logs. This means that the structure turns out to be super-light, and a minimum of money will be spent on the foundation.
  5. Cracks do not appear on such material, since the lamellas are dried.
  6. The appearance of the house is in no way inferior to a wooden timber structure.
  7. Saves heating and electricity twice as much.

These are the indisputable advantages of laminated laminated timber, but there are also pitfalls:

  1. Thermal insulation material deteriorates over time, and it is not possible to replace it in such a structure.
  2. Air tightness. Walls made of such material will not allow air to pass through, which means the house will not “breathe.” Additional ventilation costs are required.
  3. As you know, wood absorbs moisture, and if there is ecowool inside, it picks it up even faster and more. It will be very difficult to dry such a structure later.
  4. One can argue about the environmental friendliness of such a house. After all, no matter how safe the heat insulator that the timber is made of is, it is still an unnatural material.
  5. Rodents love to live in ecowool. And here the design itself is created to create ideal minks.
  6. Wall finishing will still have to be done over time. Since the external slats are made of wood, it is darker and loses its appearance.
  7. Comparison with frame construction makes it possible to talk about extra costs. Since if you cover the frame with panels imitating timber, then external differences will not be visible.

Insulated laminated veneer lumber is made in compliance with all standards and changes in construction SNiP. Even children's institutions are allowed to be built from it. And in my own way price category it is located between a rounded log and a profiled beam. So think and decide whether it is right for you or not. But we advise you to pay attention to this new product in the construction world.

Insulated timber is a new solution in low-rise construction. What it is? Where did this come from? And is it worth using? We will try to answer these and other questions in our article.

Currently, the global market for wooden low-rise construction has established many traditions that have been improved over the centuries. And it would seem that what else can be changed in existing technologies? But the human mind is always improving, and organizing one’s home is one of its most important needs, so new solutions to eternal problems are being found.

The first solution to the problem and the beginning of a new direction in construction was insulated laminated veneer lumber, which revolutionized this area and gradually took a leading position. When this material ceased to surprise everyone, it appeared New Product, which we will talk about next.

First, let’s figure out whether it was worth inventing something new, because wood itself is already a good heat insulator. Yes, this is true, but this thermal insulation is not always enough to meet modern stringent requirements and standards. Therefore, a potential buyer has to make a choice between the environmental friendliness of wooden houses and the energy efficiency of frame houses.

To resolve this difficult choice, profiled insulated laminated veneer lumber was developed, which combines the properties sandwich - slabs and laminated timber gradually began to occupy a leading position in the market. This began to happen due not only to its appearance, which is similar to laminated veneer lumber, but to a greater extent due to its thermal insulation characteristics, which are several times superior to it.

Distinctive features of insulated timber

In order to find out what is the superiority of a given timber over others, it is enough to find out what thickness of a wall is required from a particular building material in order to achieve the requirements of SNiP II-3-79:

  • insulated profiled timber 150 mm;
  • laminated timber 350 mm;
  • brick wall 1700 mm;
  • foam concrete wall – 880 mm;
  • wooden wall – 450 mm.

In addition, this construction material much more energy efficient, since for comparison it is almost 2 times lighter than solid timber. This makes the work of DIY builders easier and speeds up the process of installation work. It also allows you to save money by using a not very deep foundation. Reinforced concrete foundation can be replaced with a foundation using screw piles, which also affects the timing and cost, since its price is quite low.

Savings are also expressed in a reduction in heating costs, almost 3 times, but at the same time the walls are vapor- and air-permeable, which has a beneficial effect on the atmosphere of the entire house.

The construction method itself is also simplified. Since all elements of connections and openings for doors, windows and openings are manufactured directly at the factory. As a result, the customer has a designer and instructions for assembling the house. The instructions are quite simple, so skilled construction crews and special equipment are not required, but only 2-3 people are enough.

There is no need for additional work on internal and exterior decoration Houses. Since wood is processed on special woodworking machines at the manufacturer's factory.

Types of insulated laminated veneer lumber

There are several types of insulated timber, which differ in the type of heat-insulating material, as well as in the type of timber structure itself.

Thermal insulation material

  • Polyurethane foam ().

This material has a good set positive properties. For example, a fairly low thermal conductivity coefficient. When using it, the entire volume of the timber frame is filled, and the possibility of the formation of cold bridges is also reduced. But along with the advantages, there is also a disadvantage. This material has low vapor permeability, because of this, when designing a building, you need to take care of having an effective ventilation system.

  • Ecowool (cellulose).

The advantages of this insulation lie in its fairly high thermal insulation characteristics, as well as relative cheapness, which affects the cost of the insulated timber itself. But when using of this material the potential for exposure to rodents increases. It is also necessary to use special equipment, which increases the construction time.

Construction of insulated profiled timber

  • Single chamber timber

The design of such a beam consists of two boards, which are connected by jumpers every 500 mm. A frame of this type is in most cases filled with polyurethane foam, which ensures the “solidity” of the timber used.

This type of construction is in many ways similar to the design of a single-chamber beam. But there is an important difference. Its frame is divided by longitudinal jumpers, in addition to horizontal ones, which form separate honeycombs closed on all sides. They are filled with the selected insulation. This type of construction device significantly increases the characteristics of single-chamber timber, but at the same time the cost of such material increases.

An example of assembling a box from profile insulated timber

  • Having selected and installed the foundation according to the project, we install anchor bolts at a given distance.

Note! Do not forget to take into account that the type of fastening of anchor bolts varies depending on the type of foundation. This division is made to strengthen the structure.

For a foundation made of screw piles, anchor bolts are attached as shown in the diagram:

The two-story house is built from insulated stacked timber using the patented LogECO technology. In a packaged beam with wooden lamellas, cavities filled with alternating thermal insulation material: foam glass or ecowool. Both insulation materials allow air and steam to pass freely without interfering with the “breathing” of wood. The alternation of lamellas and cavities, in order to avoid the occurrence of “cold bridges”, occurs in a checkerboard pattern. Packet timber is approximately 2.5 times superior to laminated timber in terms of heat conservation. That is, a 240 mm thick wall made of packaged timber will be as warm as a 600 mm thick wall made of laminated veneer lumber.

When making packaged timber, you can do without glue, using only mechanical connections with special ties

STEP 1 – shallow tape

Since packaged timber is almost half the weight of ordinary laminated timber, it is possible (and even necessary!) to get by with a lightweight foundation. Shallow strip foundation made of monolithic reinforced concrete is laid at a shallow depth, so it will experience less stress when the soil freezes and moves. Concrete is poured in permanent formwork. In the foundation strip laid under all load-bearing walls at home, vents are left for ventilation.

The base tape is covered with rolled waterproofing material, and the support board is laid on it. The log house is assembled using inter-crown insulation.

Since the packaged timber is lightweight, it is much more convenient to work with it than with ordinary laminated veneer lumber.

Pouring concrete into permanent formwork

Laying the backing board

STEP 2 – assembling the frame

The assembly of the log house takes place in the most in a simple way– end-to-end, without cutting out complex cups and outlets. The corners are fastened with dowels through 3–5 crowns and tightened with pins. To protect against blowing, the timber has a double tongue-and-groove lock. The photographs show that instead of glue, special ties were used in the manufacture of the timber.

This is what a packet beam looks like

Butt assembly

STEP 3 – full factory readiness

Window and door openings are cut at the factory. Package timber arrives at the construction site, marked for trimming in accordance with a computer-optimized cutting map (waste is no more than 10%), which is assembled in accordance with the “order”.

Floor beams are cut into the walls, and the assembly of the attic floor begins.

Windows are factory cut

Floor beams are mounted using metal fasteners

Start of assembling the attic floor

STEP 4 – insulation of the log house

After the assembly of the log house is completed, insulation is poured into the cavity of the stacked timber - foam glass, ecowool or ordinary expanded clay. The insulation serves to prevent air from mixing in the cavities.

Filling insulation in the cavity of the packaged timber

Laying the inter-crown seal

STEP 5 – rafter system

The gable ends are being trimmed. Then the Mauerlat is laid and secured with anchors. The rafter system is being installed. For a more rigid fastening, special plates are used as fasteners.

Rafter system installed

STEP 6 – reliable support

Mounted support pillars and terrace beams. Then the window and door frames(“Osyachka”) according to a floating pattern that takes into account shrinkage.

Support pillars

STEP 7 – roof insulation

Installation of an insulated ventilated roof is carried out “from the bottom up”. First of all, a waterproofing film is sewn from below to the rafters, the purpose of which is to prevent water vapor from entering the insulation from heated rooms.

Insulation is placed in the space between the rafters, which is covered on top with a diffusion membrane that allows water vapor to pass through, but retains water. A ventilation gap is formed on top of the membrane, and a sheathing is hemmed on top, on which the OSB sheets– lining for soft tiles.

The insulation is covered with a diffusion membrane

OSB sheets laid

STEP 8 - start finishing works

Roofing material is being laid - soft bitumen shingles, and is immediately mounted drainage system. The house has rough floors laid and rough ceilings hemmed. Hidden ones are laid engineering Communication. The floor and ceilings are insulated.

The house is being painted outside. The openings are currently covered with film so that there are no drafts inside and a stable temperature and humidity regime is established. Fences and railings are installed on the balcony and terrace.

Floor insulation

Fences installed

STEP 9 – interior finishing

The walls and partitions inside the house are covered with decorative boards. The finished floor is being laid and the ceiling is being sheathed. On internal balcony railings and balustrade are installed. Windows are inserted, doors are hung, trims are nailed and painted. The roof overhangs are hemmed; in this case, you need to remember that in the ventilation gap under roofing material air circulated freely. Deck boards are laid on the terrace and balcony.


The insulated timber is innovative development in the field of low-rise construction. What is it, where did it come from and can it be used at all? This, as well as much more, will be discussed in today’s article.

Features and characteristics of insulated timber

First, you should figure out whether it was necessary to invent anything at all, because wood, as you know, is already an effective heat insulator in itself. In fact, this is exactly the case, but such thermal insulation is not always enough to meet strict modern standards and standards. For this reason, consumers have to choose: environmental friendliness wooden houses or the efficiency of frame construction.

To solve this difficult dilemma, an insulated profiled beam was created, which is a successful combination laminated veneer lumber and slab sandwich. Over time, this material began to gain increasing popularity not only because of the amazing visual similarity with the usual laminated veneer lumber, but also due to its high thermal insulation properties, which are many times superior to its analogues.

To find out what exactly this superiority is, you just need to find out what the minimum wall thickness is when using a particular building material to comply with SNiP standards.

SNiP II-3-79. Construction heating engineering. Downloadable file (click the link to open the PDF in a new window).

Let's compare these indicators for different materials.

  1. U wooden wall this is 45 centimeters.
  2. Glued laminated timber has 35 centimeters.
  3. On a wall made of foam concrete, this is as much as 88 centimeters.
  4. At the brick wall - 170 centimeters.
  5. The profiled insulated timber has only 15 centimeters.

Moreover, the material described has higher energy efficiency, since its mass is approximately half that of, say, solid timber. This makes it easier installation work, yes and manufacturing process noticeably accelerates. Finally, the use of insulated timber makes it possible to save some money, because an overly deep foundation is not required. A reinforced concrete base is completely replaceable with a foundation on screw piles, which will have a positive impact on both the cost of construction and its duration.

Table No. 1. Product comparison

Insulated glued laminated profiled wall timber

price, rub. m3

Width, Height, mm

Length, mm

According to the project

price, rub. m3

Width, Height, mm

Length, mm

According to the project

Backing board covering forced drying 10-12%

price, rub. m3

Width, Height, mm

Length, mm

According to the project

Glued laminated timber, profiled wall

price, rub. m3

Width, Height, mm

Length, mm

According to the project

Additional savings are achieved by reducing heating costs (more than three times), although the air and vapor permeability of the walls at this time remains quite high, which means the atmosphere in the house will be more comfortable. The construction technology itself is also simplified, because everything is produced at the factory connecting elements, selections, door and window openings. As a result, the buyer receives a “constructor set” with instructions for its assembly. There is nothing complicated in the instructions itself, so construction will not require either qualified specialists or expensive special equipment - two or three assistants are quite enough.

It is also worth noting that insulated timber allows you to avoid finishing work both outside and inside the house. The fact is that wood is processed at the factory using special woodworking equipment.

Video - Insulated timber

How to insulate a bathhouse from the inside

Previously, we talked about how to insulate a bathhouse from the inside and what materials should be used; in addition to this article, we advise you to read this information

Strengths and weaknesses of insulated timber

So, we found out that houses made using the technology described in the article are reliable and heat-protected, which reduces heating costs. Let's get acquainted with the main advantages of the material. For the convenience of users, they are all presented in the form of a small table.

Table No. 2. Strengths insulated timber



High thermal conductivity

The indicator here is approximately 3 times higher than that of ordinary timber, which is explained by the use of ultra-precise tongue-and-groove connecting technology. As a result, there are no cold bridges at all.

Light weight

The weight of insulated timber is approximately two times less than that of ordinary wood. For example, its weight with a cross-section of 15x15 centimeters is about 74 kilograms, but for insulated products with a similar cross-section - no more than 40 kilograms.

High construction speed

Thanks to the previous advantage - light weight - there is no need for a solid foundation; a shallow foundation will suffice.

A building made of such timber can “breathe”

This is explained by the excellent vapor and air permeability of each element of the sandwich.

Increased strength designs

Achieved thanks to the transverse arrangement of the jumpers.

Finishing (both external and internal) is not required

All elements are properly processed at the factory.

Low cost

Thanks to this, construction costs are reduced by almost one and a half times.

As for the disadvantages of the described timber, it is worth mentioning only the degree of vapor permeability - although it is not bad, it is still lower than that of traditional solid wood. For this reason, when constructing residential buildings from this material, it is imperative to provide high-quality ventilation.

Video - Production of insulated timber

Types of laminated laminated timber

Insulated timber is produced in several varieties at once, having different specifications. Moreover, even the design of the timber itself can in this case differ.

Let's start with the fact that thermal insulation material can be different.

Option #1. Polyurethane foam

This insulation has impressive advantages. For example, it has a relatively low thermal conductivity. If polyurethane foam is used for insulation, then the entire volume of the frame is completely filled, thereby reducing the risk of the formation of so-called cold bridges. However, there are also disadvantages, more precisely, there is only one - we are talking about low vapor permeability, and therefore at the design stage it is necessary to provide for the presence of a high-quality ventilation system.

Option #2. Ecowool

This material, also known as cellulose, is impregnated with antiseptic agents during production, and it effectively holds thermal energy and is quite cheap. To reduce the volume of ecowool (and also for more convenient transportation), the material is pressed three times, resulting in its density reaching 110 kilograms per cubic meter. Immediately before use, it is fluffed up in a bucket or any other container using an electric drill with a mixer attachment, after which the volume increases to its previous size (that is, it grows three times).

Note! During the fluffing process, a huge amount of dust is formed, and therefore a person must use a respirator.

During insulation, not only a team of workers may be required, but also special equipment. After all with bare hands, especially in large volumes, it is impossible to lay it down (sometimes, in principle, it is possible, but this is very uneconomical). After installation, the ecowool should be left for several days: due to contact with moisture in the air in a dissolved state, the outer layer of the material will harden and a crust will form. Actually, this is how warm timber is formed.

It is worth noting that there is also a classification of insulated timber according to design features. Here it is also divided into two types, let’s get acquainted with them.

Option #1. Single chamber bars

From a constructive point of view, this kind of beam consists of a pair of boards connected to each other by special jumpers with a pitch of 50 centimeters. As a rule, such frames are filled with polyurethane foam insulation, due to which the ready-to-use beams acquire “solidity.”

Option #2. Packet beams

In fact, structures of this type are not much different from the bars that were described above. Although at least one important difference still exists. In this case, we are talking about a frame, which is divided not only by horizontal jumpers, but also by vertical ones, and therefore a kind of honeycomb is created inside the structure, completely closed. These honeycombs need to be filled with the previously selected insulation material. Yes, the use of the batch method significantly increases performance characteristics timber, but at the same time the cost of the product also increases.

Important points that sellers may not mention!

Actually, there are only two such moments, let’s get acquainted with them.

  1. Today, insulated timber is often produced in low quality. Therefore, immediately before construction, you will have to check each product separately.
  2. It will be stuffy in a house made of such building material, since it (the house) will be completely sealed.

Manufacturing Features

The procedure for making insulated laminated veneer lumber looks something like this: first of all, the boards are placed in a special dryer and brought to a moisture content of no higher than 12 percent, then special elements are made from them - lamellas with inserts. If we talk about lamellas, then these are a pair of long boards located in parallel and fastened together using special fasteners (known as “dovetail”) with one step or another.

It turns out that identical cavities are formed between these boards, into which, as noted above, insulating material will be placed during installation.

To give products the profile required by technology, a special four-sided planing machine is used. And due to the fact that the heat insulator will evenly compress/bulge during installation, it will not be able to penetrate through the seams in the beams - this is precisely what ensures the final external characteristics both inside and outside (we are talking about the fact that a house made of such timber looks like a completely wooden building).

Note! If desired, the developer may well use combined timber– this is if one part is made of wood more than High Quality, and therefore more attractive in terms of aesthetics.

Technology for constructing a building from insulated timber

The procedure consists of several stages; let’s take a closer look at each of them.

Stage 1. Foundation

We have already talked about this, but a lot depends on specific project(for example, the house may have basement), soil features and depth groundwater. An individual decision must be made in each specific case. If there is no basement, then it is possible to build pile foundation, otherwise it is preferable to resort to reinforced concrete or strip monolith.

A house made of such timber will weigh little. On average, a cubic meter of a building will exert a load of no more than 300 kilograms on the foundation, which means that the foundation itself in this case may be light.

Stage 2. Assembling the box from the described timber

After the construction of the foundation is completed, you can begin installing anchor bolts at the distances specified by the project. It is worth remembering that for each type of foundation, its own type of fastening of such anchors is selected. Thanks to this separation, the strength of the future structure will noticeably increase.

So, if the base is made on screw piles, then the anchors should be fastened in the manner shown in this diagram.

In case of use strip base, flooded concrete mortar, the anchors should be attached slightly differently - something like this.

Further actions should be carried out according to the following algorithm.

Step 1. After installing the anchor bolts, insulating material is laid over the base.

Step 3. Then the bottom layer of the structure is installed. For this purpose, profiled boards are used (they are also called backing boards), which should be placed on the studs mentioned above.

Step 4. The insulated timber, in which the grooves are made, must be laid on the board. Typically, the pin should be a guide.

Step 6. It is also necessary to lay a profile board on top of the top beam of the box. Only after this the beam is tightened using a nut.

Stage 3. Installation of the screed on the crowns

Next, it is necessary to equip ties on the crowns of the beams. For this, you should use thermal tape that can withstand critical temperatures (from minus 60 to plus 80 degrees). Under the influence of operating temperatures, such a tape is capable of stretching somewhat (by about 15 percent), after which it returns to its original dimensions. What is characteristic is Sun rays The thermal tape does not react in any way, as well as to aggressive climatic factors (snow, subzero temperature, rain, etc.). Finally, thanks to this tape, you can do without finishing the beams, which means that construction costs will be lower.

Stage 4. Windows, doors

When installing these integral elements, it should be remembered that they can be of standard dimensions or made according to individual sketches. Thanks to the use of laminated timber, you can easily resort to both the first and second options. Here special furniture panels, which will prevent the walls from deforming until the windows/doors are finally installed. These panels should be installed immediately after the roof of the house is built.

Stage 5. Floors

As for the floor, it is preferable to make it concrete, with reinforcing steel mesh. This way the surface will be smooth, and rodents will not be afraid. Beams are laid on top of the screed (the step should be 0.6 meters), and then the floors themselves are laid. If desired, you can install a “warm floor” system (provided that the screed is thick enough for this) or install additional thermal insulation.

The roof frame is attached using timber with a cross-section of 10x20 centimeters. There are many ways to insulate a roof, as well as decorate it (plywood, drywall and others), you can choose any, the main thing is not to forget that the ceilings must be insulated.

Stage 6. Roofing

At the end, the roof is installed, but this is a topic for a separate article.

Video - Assembling a building from insulated timber

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