Installation of a pumping station for a private house. Connection options for pumping equipment station

Comfortable and complete living in a country house without running water is impossible. For today country houses have not only water intake taps, but also equipment that needs automatic feeding water. Pumping stations are installed to supply water around the clock.

Scope of application

When a water supply structure is being built, any owner wants to end up with constant water pressure. Pumping stations are designed to lift water from depths from wells and wells. There are many models on the market pumping equipment, differing both in power and in location and principle of operation. Surface systems placed on the ground, and water is supplied using a hose; submersible structures are lowered into a well or borehole.

If the pump is used around the clock in a constant mode, then the structure will wear out very quickly, and this is where a pumping station is used to constantly supply water.

Device pumping stations:

  • Pump. This type of equipment uses surface pumps;
  • Filter;
  • Hydraulic accumulator. The principle of operation of the battery is based on stretching the rubber partition when the pressure increases, and vice versa when the pressure decreases. Thereby stabilizing the pressure;
  • The pumping system is equipped with a control unit to determine when it is necessary to turn the equipment on and off.

Options for installing a pumping station for a private home

There are several options for installing pumping equipment, regardless of the location of the source:

  • In the basement of the building. This method greatly facilitates system maintenance, since there is free access, but you should think about it before installation, since some types of pumping stations are very noisy;
  • Can be located in a buiding, standing separately near the well, but this will require additional construction costs;
  • In the caisson– this location occurs below soil freezing.

How to choose a location?

Pumping equipment emits strong vibrations; the base on which the system will stand must be firmly and securely fixed. Otherwise, vibrations may result in leaks at the joints of the water supply system, and the structure should not come into contact with the walls.

The system must not be exposed to frost, the room must be heated, subzero temperature will damage all parts.

Options for connection diagrams of a pumping station for a private house

There are two installation schemes: two-pipe and one-pipe; the choice will depend on the design of the water supply system. Two-pipe scheme used when it is necessary to supply water from a great depth of more than 20 m. The single-pipe design is used at a depth of less than 10 m.

Two-pipe connection

First, the ejector is assembled; there are 3 outlets for connecting the water supply.

  • The mesh filter is installed on the bottom of the ejector; if sand and small debris from the well get into the system, it will protect against damage;
  • Installation of the socket takes place on top part, and then the drive is installed. It may be necessary to attach several bends to achieve the required cross-section;
  • The coupling is mounted at the end of the flow, it will serve as a transition to the water supply.

It is necessary to ensure that the entire structure of the system and its joints are sealed, since if air is taken in, the equipment may begin to function unstably and lose significant power. Using fum tape, gaskets or specialized paste, threaded connections are securely fixed.

During the process of placing pipes in place, you need to take care of some reserve. After laying the pipes, start connecting:

  • The head is mounted on the casing;
  • Using any long object, the immersion depth of the pipes is calculated. The inlet pipe should not reach the bottom of the well by about 1 meter;
  • Polyethylene pipes are mounted to the ejector structure;
  • An elbow is mounted on the well head;
  • Plastic pipes pass through the elbow. When laying pipes, they can be connected by adapters or be bent;
  • The ejector structure is lowered to the required depth;
  • The head is fixed on casing pipe using reinforced tape.

Pipes are laid to the house; they pass through the foundation below the soil freezing level. Afterwards, pipes are connected to the water pipe of the pumping station, everything is fixed with an adjustable wrench.

You cannot run the pump dry; you need to pour water into the upper hole of the pumping station; this procedure must be performed once. After the first start-up, the pressure is checked; according to average indicators, it should be 1.5 atmospheres. If necessary, these figures can be increased using a car pump.

After installing the pumping station, the equipment is started in test mode and the functionality of the system is checked.

Common mistakes when installing a pumping station

At self-installation pumping station, as a rule, four main mistakes are made:

  • If increased water consumption occurs, the pressure in the system decreases sharply;
  • If any kind of error occurred during installation: frequent switching off and on. The hydraulic tank must control the frequency of switching on and the fluid level, but this does not happen in all cases;
  • The electric motor of the pumping station may fail due to power outages; a backup power source can solve this problem. Circuit breakers and stabilizers are needed if frequent surges occur in the voltage network;
  • An incorrect choice of pumping device power or an error in calculating the depth of the well can lead to breakdown of the entire unit, since if the filter is damaged, sand will enter the system.

If the installation procedure was carried out correctly, the pumping station will serve its owners for about 7 years without interruptions or breakdowns; experts recommend that in order to save effort and time, it is better to immediately seek professional help.

The water supply system in private houses and cottages is installed first. Installing a pumping station in a dacha will provide all residents with convenience in the form of a constant supply of water from the hydraulic system, regardless of the pressure in it. Another function of the pumping station is.

The durability of the structure and the quality of the fluid supply depend on the correct installation. Before proceeding with installation, it is necessary to study the information on this issue.

1 Classification of the station by location and method of installation

Depending on the source of liquid, the station can be connected to three types of sources:

  • well;
  • well;
  • water pipes.

The location of the unit can be:

In the first option, the unit is located on a hill. This is necessary to prevent contact Wastewater with the device. To prevent vibrations, the device should not touch the walls of the room in which it is located. The temperature in the room must be positive, that is, a heated room is necessary.

In the second option, placement occurs at a depth of two meters or more. This is due to soil freezing.

Station design options:

  • single-pipe;
  • two-pipe.

The first is used for well depths up to ten meters.

The second is installed at a well depth of ten to twenty meters. The model is equipped with an ejector. The estimate for the installation and location of the pipeline is calculated at the planning stage.

1.1 Design

The design of the pumping station consists of the following parts:

  1. A centrifugal pump that supplies water from a well or borehole.
  2. A hydraulic accumulator that regulates pressure when the unit is turned off and on.
  3. A pressure switch that turns off the device when high blood pressure and turns it on if the indicators are underestimated.
  4. Manometer, pressure measuring device.
  5. Water intake system with check valve.
  6. Pipe connecting the blower to the water intake system.

2 How to connect a pumping station?

The very first step is to develop a layout diagram for the installation. The mechanism is located as close as possible to the source. Before installing the pumping station, it is placed on a rubber mat. This action will prevent vibrations of the device and prevent the device from falling into water. When placing the device in a well, it is bolted to the shelf on which it will be placed.

Connecting a pumping station to a well, as well as installing a pumping station in a well, consists of the following steps:

  1. The hole for placing the pipes is dug to a depth below freezing of the soil. The length of the pipes for the pipeline is selected with a margin. The pipeline is laid in the dug trench.
  2. At a depth below freezing of the soil, holes for the main line are made in the well and foundation of the building.
  3. On the opposite side of the hole in the well, a shelf for the unit is attached.
  4. The pipeline is being laid.
  5. The pumping station is attached to the shelf using bolts. This action prevents the apparatus from moving and falling into the well.

2.1 Laying the pipeline and installing the station

When installing a pumping station in a private house, it is necessary to take into account the length of the pipeline, including turns. Any connection must be tightened tightly using a wrench. When the pressure drops to 1.2 atmospheres, it is increased by compressors. The pressure of the accumulator is controlled using a pressure gauge. To do this, attach a pressure gauge to the nipple and measure .

The required pressure of the pumping station to create pressure is 1.5 atmospheres. If the water pressure in the system is higher, the user will be able to use the shower, but the load on the equipment will be increased, which will lead to wear. With reduced pressure, the system does not wear out, but the water supply will be at a low level of comfort. For comfortable performance it is necessary. The connection of the pumping station to the well is carried out after careful study of the diagrams.

2.2 Setting up and starting the unit

After securing the equipment and connecting to the main line, the connection is made. This operation consists of the following steps:

  1. For the proper functioning of the water intake pipe and the entire system, a filter mesh is attached to its end.
  2. The check valve ensures that the pipe is filled with water. WITH outside it is attached using a coupling.
  3. The end of the pipe is placed in a well or borehole.
  4. An intake hose is connected to the supercharger, and from it reverse side fastened check valve.
  5. All joints are sealed using a special paste.
  6. The pump is connected to the pipeline.

After installation and connection are completed, the entire system is tested. To check, the pump, accumulator and line are filled with water. The motor turns on. The motor turns off when the pressure is reached; until this point, the system is filled with water. To ensure automatic shutdown and activation of the mechanism upon achievement of certain indicators, it is adjusted.

The pressure switch is adjusted as follows:

  1. When self-assembly the station needs to set the shutdown and on indicators. Under top cover there are two springs. The large one is responsible for regulating the lower pressure, the small one for the pressure difference.
  2. The device turns on. After the hydraulic accumulator reaches the required parameters, the tank is connected to the system and turned on. The pressure gauge readings are monitored. Valid values pressure should not be exceeded. If it is exceeded, the home pump is switched off.
  3. After the supercharger is turned off, the relay is adjusted. To adjust the shut-off pressure, rotate the nut marked “P” clockwise or counterclockwise. If the pressure indicator needs to be increased, rotate it clockwise. To decrease, go counterclockwise.
  4. To adjust the lower pressure limit and then turn on the supercharger, you need to rotate the nut with the “DP” indicator. To decrease the reading, rotate it clockwise, to increase it, rotate it counterclockwise.

There is a rule for setting pressure indicators, which allows you to prevent rapid wear of the membrane . The difference between the switch-on and switch-off pressure indicators of the unit is ten percent in favor of the switch-on indicator.

2.3 Installation and startup of the pumping station in the basement (video)

3 How to connect the pumping station to the water supply?

Installing a pumping station with your own hands to the water supply system is appropriate if there is insufficient pressure in common system water supply If it is necessary to connect a boiler or home water heater to the system, the pressure must be sufficient.

To connect to the main line, use the tapping or tee method. If the water supply is polyethylene pipe with a diameter of thirty-two millimeters (this is the standard for such material), in this case the method with a tee is used. If the water supply consists of steel pipe, and its diameter is more than thirty-two millimeters, in this case the method of insertion into the system is used. Be sure to seal all connections with a rubber band to prevent leaks.

To connect the station, a ball valve is attached to the insert. A pipe is connected to the tap, connected to couplings at both ends. The extreme coupling is attached to the apparatus.

They are attached to the outlet of the unit using a fitting. ball valve. A collet that fits a plastic pipe is screwed into it and the pipe leading into the room is attached.

3.1 Nuances when connecting

Installation is carried out with storage tank. The storage tank must be connected to the general water supply system. Before entering the home, water, passing through a container, goes to the pumping station. After this, the wire and equipment settings must be installed. The installed water pump unit is being configured. Connecting a pumping station to a water supply without regulated pressure will not function.

Pressure adjustment at the pumping station is carried out as follows: after filling the cochlea with two liters of water, control the shutdown and activation of the device. The switch-off indicator is three bars, the switch-on indicator is up to two bar. Screw P is used to adjust the switching pressure, and screw DR is used to adjust the switch-off pressure. The screw is used as a pressure regulator.

When installed, the pumping station must be provided with a filter for pre-purification of water. The filter is installed on the suction unit. Installation of a pumping station is accompanied by cleaning the filter, since its contamination will lead to contamination of the entire system and a decrease in pressure in it. Adjustment of the pumping station is carried out painstakingly for quality work the entire mechanism.

By installing a pumping station in the country, the user receives constant pressure in the tap and comfortable use of water. A properly adjusted and configured unit will last a long time.

The water supply system in a country house is considered one of the most important, so it is installed first. Thanks to modern technologies you can create an effective water supply system that will provide all the needs of the family. Required element The water supply system is considered to be a pumping station, which can be done. We invite you to find out what are the types of pumping stations? for home and connection diagram.

What is a pumping station

Pumping stations vary in type. They are industrial and household.
Industrial stations can only be installed by specialists, but are suitable for home use household station. Such a station provides a stable water supply for drinking, using water for household and household needs, as well as supplying water to the heating system.

The connection of this installation depends on the type of water supply. There are three types of sources: the central water supply line, the well and the borehole. The pumping station operates automatically or is controlled manually. This directly depends on the amount of water consumed daily.

Where is the pumping station installed?

A home water supply station can be installed in basement, ground floor, caisson, or separate room. If the station is installed in a basement, it is protected from moisture in case of any possible flooding or rising groundwater. To do this, install a shelf or stand. The station must not touch the walls. The room must also have heating.

If it is a caisson, then it is pre-insulated. The station is located below the soil freezing depth, at least 20 centimeters. The depth of the caisson should be about 2 - 2.5 meters. If the well is 10 meters long, a single-pipe station is suitable. If it is 20 meters, then a two-pipe ejector station is installed.

Pumping station connection diagram

To assemble the ejector, that is, a cast unit with 3 connecting outputs, a mesh filter is inserted into it. A squeegee with a diameter of 32 millimeters is placed on top of the ejector and secured to a plastic socket. The drive has two parts with special adapters. At the outlet, a bronze coupling is attached. The coupling connects the outlet to the polyethylene pipe. For reliability, a sealant made of flax, tape, or paste is wound (applied) onto the threads.

The trench is dug deeper than the freezing point of the soil. A pipe is laid into the finished trench. Its length should be generous. If the pipe is left without reserve, the pipeline may subsequently leak. All possible turns and bends, the thickness of the walls, everything must be taken into account. For the casing pipe, you need a head that fits on it. If there is no head, you can take a knee with a slight slope. To connect the pipe with the ejector, special couplings are used. The second end is led into the elbow with a slope of 90 degrees. The resulting space is foamed with installation foam. After this, the pipe is connected with adapters with an angle of 90 degrees and is aligned with the pipe from the outside.

Pumping station connection diagram

The ejector is placed in the well (well) to a pre-marked depth. The head is secured with reinforced tape to the casing pipe; other material is not suitable. If the pressure in the accumulator drops below 1.2 atmospheres, it is necessary to increase the pressure using a car pump or compressor.

If it is necessary or desirable to connect the pump to the central line, for example, to supply water to a heating system or when the water in the well is not enough for constant pressure, you need to install a storage tank in the form of a tank. There may also be a lack of water due to old equipment or growth in the family (increased water consumption).

A place is being prepared for the water pipe connector. The end of the pipe removed from the main is connected to the storage tank. Water is discharged from the storage tank to the inlet of the pumping station. At the exit, a pipeline leading to the household is connected.

Watch the video: Autonomous water supply system. Pumping station and storage tank

When these manipulations are done, the electrical wiring is installed. Then the equipment is configured. The pressure is equalized. It flows into the cochlea through a special hole. a small amount of water. When turning the pump on and off, you need to check the pressure. To start work it should be 1.5 barrels, to finish it should be about 2.7 barrels. If the indicators do not match, the pressure decreases. To do this, remove the cover from the pump relay and tighten the screw in one direction or another.

For long-term operation of the pump, it is necessary to install a filter. To select a suitable filter, the water is analyzed for all components it contains. All harmful impurities must be cleaned before water is supplied to the pump. To do this, a filter is installed on the suction device of the station. Sand and clay entering the pump will soon cause it to fail. In this case, the vibration pump station breaks down the fastest.

How to make water supply at home

Any filter lowers the pressure and the pressure becomes smaller. To minimize this, you need to clean the filter regularly. Otherwise, the dirty filter will clog and the pump will break down. At the time of buying quality equipment for water supply and its correct installation, soon the entire system will pay for itself and will work without interruption.

Now you know the features installation of a pumping station, so if you want to save money, you can install it yourself. Use step by step diagram and the tips from this article, then your home or dacha will have full-fledged running water. Improve your own Vacation home, then you can stay in it not only during the weekend, but also spend a full vacation with your family.

Connecting a pumping station to a well makes it possible to solve the problem of supplying water to private houses outside the city and within the city limits. This operation is easy to do with your own hands. And we'll tell you how to do it.

If your dacha or private house does not have centralized communications for water supply, this does not mean that you will have to carry water in buckets. A similar problem can be solved very simply these days - by installing wells. Their depth may vary. It all depends on how far from the surface of the earth the aquifer lies. To generate in a private water supply network the pressure necessary for the permanent operation of sanitary devices and fixtures, special well equipment is used - pumping stations.

Various pumping station options

They ensure the uninterrupted rise of water from wells up to 20 m deep. In addition, such equipment distributes (evenly) the raised liquid between all points of its consumption in the home. As a result a private house constantly provided with water. At least as long as there is electricity (pumps run on electricity). But even in situations where there are power outages in your area electrical energy, you will not be left without water from the well. Small power plants or special compact electric generators help solve this problem.

Installation and connection of a household pumping station is carried out only in cases where they are drilling to a depth of no more than 20 m. If the aquifers lie in the ground below, there will be no use from a compact pump. In such situations, you should install a special deep well pump. When selecting the equipment we are interested in, we should pay attention to its technical specifications and modes of operation, and not just the cost of the pumping station. First of all, you need to decide on the type of suction pipeline.

Pumping station

It happens:

  • ejector (in other words, two-pipe);
  • single-pipe.

Single pipe stations are very simple in design. In them, fluid from the well enters the housing of the pumping equipment used through the only available line. Installing such a unit yourself can be done without problems, and quite quickly. Pumps with two pipes are structurally more complex device. But the efficiency of its operation is many times higher and more reliable than single-pipe equipment.

In an ejector pumping station, the rise of water is ensured by vacuum, which is formed by a special wheel. It is initially installed in the unit. The increase in vacuum is due to the inertia of the liquid, which makes a circular motion when the equipment is turned on. Due to this scheme, pumps with two pipes are always characterized low power, while having a large indicator useful action. They are capable of lifting liquid from great depths. Therefore, the installation of a two-pipe pumping station is recommended for depths of 10–20 m. If the well depth is less than 10 m, feel free to install equipment with one line. It will cope with its tasks one hundred percent.

So that connecting pumping equipment with your own hands does not cause you serious difficulties, it is advisable to know its design in advance and understand the principle of its operation.

Connected pumping station

It's not all that complicated here. The main elements of the pumping station are given below:

  1. Centrifugal pump. The basis of the entire structure. He is directly responsible for lifting liquid from the well, as well as for supplying it to a residential building.
  2. Electric motor. It is connected to the pump and to a special pressure switch. The latter has great value For normal operation all equipment. The relay starts the engine when the pressure in the system decreases and turns off the engine when an excess load is detected.
  3. Hydraulic accumulator. This unit is assembled from two individual parts. They are separated from each other by a special membrane. The only task of the battery is to smooth out the water hammer that occurs during the operation of the pumping station.
  4. Water intake element. This part of the equipment must be equipped with a check valve. It is located directly in the well.
  5. Pressure gauge. It monitors the pressure in the system and transmits data to a relay, which turns the pump on/off.

Also, the described equipment for collecting water from a well is equipped with a pipeline. It connects the pump and water intake into one system. The cost of the stations we are considering for installation on a well depends on the quality of all the components described above, on the throughput potential of the equipment (it can be 1.5 cubic meters water per hour and 5), from the maximum pressure and power of the unit. The price of the pump is also influenced by the promotion of the company that produces it.

Experts recommend installing water intake equipment in a building separate from the house. It is advisable that it be located at some distance from the home, since during operation the pump emits quite loud sounds. They can disturb the sleep of the inhabitants of the house. The room for installation of equipment must be dry. Let us remind you that the unit runs on electricity. Which means high humidity has a detrimental effect on the pump. Servicing equipment under such conditions is life-threatening.

Pumping station in its designated place

The station should be installed on a special pedestal made of blocks of wood or bricks. The unit can also be placed on a solid, well-leveled concrete base. A rubber mat of suitable size must be placed under the pump. It will protect you from possible electric shocks, as well as dampen vibrations that occur during startup and operation of the unit. The station, in addition, must be attached to a concrete (brick, wood) base. Anchors are used for these purposes. They are installed in pump feet, which are initially included in the equipment of all manufacturers.

If water intake equipment there is no possibility to place it separately standing building, it is allowed to be installed in the basement. But in such situations, you should select pump models that produce a minimum of noise during operation.

There are two outlets on the pumping equipment. They allow you to connect it to the home’s water supply and directly to the water intake point (in our case, to the well). First you need to connect the station to the well. This is done using a 32mm. You connect one of its ends to the pump, and immerse the other into the well. It is advisable to insulate the pipe product using good insulation. Branded products are suitable Thermoflex.

Station operation after connection

At the end of the pipe, which is immersed in the water intake source, it is necessary to install coarse filter cleaning. Its function is performed by a thin metal mesh. Place a check valve on top. It will ensure constant filling of the pipe with water. If there is no liquid in the pipe, the station will not be able to pump it out of the well. Fix the metal filter and valve using a coupling with an external thread. Similar fasteners are used to install the second end of the pipe. Mounting diagram in in this case looks like this: connect the American valve (faucet) to the pump outlet, then install the coupling and connect it with a collet to a plastic pipe product. All work is done by hand without the slightest difficulty.

The next step is connecting the equipment to the water supply. For these purposes, the station (in its upper part) has a special entrance. An American tap is first connected to it (on the thread), and then a 32-mm combined coupling (usually polypropylene) is screwed in. Be sure to solder the coupling and pipe. Then their connection will be truly strong. You have connected all the elements of the pumping station. You can run it and enjoy an uninterrupted supply of water to your home from a well!

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