Successful cultivation of dill in a greenhouse at any time of the year. Growing and care

Growing greens in a greenhouse is a useful and not very difficult activity. Greens are beneficial to the body all year round, and especially during the cold season.

In a greenhouse you can harvest vegetables, fruits, and grow flowers. Some of the cultures are capricious in nature and require special knowledge and skills. Therefore, it is better to start with something simpler, for example, start growing herbs. After all, these plants are relatively unpretentious to growing conditions, and everyone needs vitamins all year round.


  1. Growing greens does not require special skills, financial investments or labor.
  2. The period of ripening of products to the required condition is relatively short, which makes it possible to harvest two or three harvests per year.
  3. You can plant greens at any time of the year.

Before sowing or planting plants, carefully analyze the characteristics and features of each type of greenery, because they differ significantly. It’s a good idea to learn some secrets that will help you get your harvest much faster. Greens are plants in which the entire upper part is eaten.

The main and most requested:

  • Dill
  • Salad
  • Parsley
  • Celery

Greenhouses come with or without heating. For year-round cultivation of these species, it is imperative to take a heated one. After all, in winter there are usually severe frosts that will damage the plants.

How to grow onions

The best varieties for harvesting in the fall are Massalinsky, Margelansky, Troitsky multi-germinate Yantarny, Black Prince, Bessonovsky. At the beginning of winter, varieties are grown from Krasnodar region. In spring, preference can be given to Skopinsky, Timiryazevsky.

Planting material must be of high quality, the bulbs must be intact and healthy.

Growing rules:

  • Rotted manure and compost are added and dug thoroughly. Superphosphate and potassium chloride are added.
  • There should be a distance of about 3 cm in the row, 7 cm between the rows. The plants are watered.
  • Closer to spring, nitrogen-containing fertilizers are added.

Onions grown in this way are harvested in mid-May, when the height of the feather reaches 20 cm. You can cut it or dig it up along with the bulbs. This is a long process, this method is suitable for growing in unheated greenhouses. Here, manure is used as a warming material, which is used to cover the area with the onset of cold weather.

You can get an onion harvest faster. For this purpose, multi-germ varieties are used. The sevok warms up to 40°C. The top is cut off to make it easier for the sprout to break through, a vertical cut is made there and planted. The harvest will be ready in a month. But to do this, you need to maintain the temperature in the greenhouse at least 18°C ​​during the day and 12°C at night.

Growing dill

A very valuable crop for growing in a greenhouse is. It is healthy and gives every dish a summer flavor. Dill is less demanding on temperature conditions; 15 °C is sufficient. To control the temperature, instruments are installed that determine the temperature of not only the air, but also the soil. Prepare for sowing by keeping for 12 hours in a weak solution of potassium permanganate. Essential oils covering the seed will soften, and it will be easier for the sprout to break out. Sow at 3 cm.

To provide dill desired humidity, dill is regularly sprayed with warm water.

Plants are watered in the same way. The soil should be moderately moist before germination. Ventilation of the greenhouse must be done very carefully. The resulting draft can destroy the crop. Dill grows for 40 days before harvesting. They feed it with nitrophoska, introducing it into the furrows when planting. During germination, the plant quickly absorbs phosphorus. It is better not to use nitrogen fertilizers so that the amount of nitrates does not exceed permissible standards.

It is better to take varieties of medium maturity. This:

  • Lesnogorodsky
  • Leafy
  • Bushy

In an unheated greenhouse, dill can be grown until November. In the spring, it is necessary to carry out a number of measures to increase the temperature of the soil and air inside the greenhouse. This is covering the area around the greenhouse and the soil inside it with black geotextiles. Double coating with film and the use of stones that heat up from the sun during the day and give off heat in the evening will help.

Growing lettuce

Different varieties are unpretentious to growing conditions. It is quite cold-resistant and grows well when illuminated with phytolamps. So watercress is ready to eat after 3 weeks. When growing head lettuces, take into account the peculiarities of cultivation:

  • The distance between plants is at least 30 cm,
  • They need more light
  • Hard temperature regime
  • It takes more time to form a head of cabbage.

Experts advise growing lettuce in the fall through December. The period from January to April is also favorable for growing this crop in a greenhouse.

Among leaf varieties The best are considered:

  • Emerald lace
  • Moscow greenhouse
  • Parliament

Grows well in moist, loose soil. The soil must have a slightly acidic or neutral reaction. This can be achieved by adding lime to reduce acidity, and superphosphate and potassium chloride to increase it. Before sowing, the soil consisting of humus, peat and sand must be added (50 g/m2). Sow small lettuce seeds to a depth of 1 cm.

Water before emergence and immediately after the plants emerge from the ground.

The larger the plant becomes, the less often it is watered. Water is poured into morning hours in the aisles. Lettuce leaves do not like water. They are losing marketable condition. The temperature during the day is 18-20°C, at night 10°C is enough. The salad needs to be illuminated at least 16 hours a day. For this purpose they use or, in the absence of this, fluorescent lamps. They are more like Sun rays. Additional illumination with an ordinary electric light bulb will not help here. For rapid growth plants can be a couple of times nitrogen fertilizers. But you need to strictly adhere to the norm, not using more than 10 g/m2, so that a large amount of nitrates does not spoil the quality of the product.

more than other plants depends on the temperature regime. Although it tolerates low temperatures without freezing in winter under a layer of snow, its leaves will not grow in a greenhouse without heating. Therefore, it is grown there until December. In heated greenhouses, parsley is planted in January. Daylight hours at this time are already increasing significantly. The air temperature must be kept low, 12°C. When it rises above 20°C, it fades.

And parsley does not like temperature changes.

For its successful cultivation, humidity must be maintained at least 75%. The greenhouse can be ventilated; parsley is not afraid of drafts. Water only when the soil dries out. When growing, artificial lighting is used.

The soil for growing parsley needs light soil, otherwise the root crops may turn out clumsy. Soddy-podzolic and light loamy soils are suitable. The plant does not require fertilizer.

Parsley is grown from or root vegetables:

  • The first method is simpler, but requires much more time. Seeds kept for 5 days in damp cotton cloth or sand are sown in the ground. Hardening the seeds for 10 days can significantly speed up the growing process. Maintain temperature 1°C. The seeds are sown. The seedlings are thinned out, leaving one plant per 5 cm.
  • I choose small roots for forcing, up to 5 mm thick. If the root is very long and would be inconvenient to plant, cut it to 8 cm. The leaves are removed. Root crops are immersed in wet sand, where they are kept for 10 days at 2°C. Then they are placed in the prepared grooves, tilting them at an angle of 45°. Sprinkle with soil so that the top of the root crop is on the surface. Plantings are watered regularly. The air temperature when growing parsley is 15°C. You can cut the leaves after a month, when they have grown 25 cm. The yield is about 1.5 kg/m2.

Celery is not as popular as onions or dill or lettuce, but in terms of healing properties it surpasses many of them. Celery can be leaf, root and petiole. Typically, greens are grown from roots in a greenhouse.

The leaves of an adult celery plant with a formed root crop are quite tough. Yes, and they get them from square meter up to 4 kg. In order to avoid this drawback, the leaves are cut three times. At the same time, the yield increases to 7 kg/m2. And the greens themselves become much tastier and more tender. The carotene content increases slightly.

Varieties for forcing in a greenhouse:

  • Apple delicacy
  • Kornev Gribovsky.

Celery is grown from seeds in a greenhouse:

  • germinated before sowing.
  • Sow about 2 g/m2.
  • After a week, shoots appear. After sowing, the temperature is maintained at 20°C during the day and up to 12°C at night.
  • After the seeds have sprouted, the temperature is lowered to 14°C during the day and to 6°C at night. During the entire subsequent period, the temperature is maintained at 18°C ​​during the day and 14°C at night.
  • Humidity is maintained at all times within 60-70%.
  • The amount of harvest directly depends on the length daylight hours, so it should be as long as possible. Additional illumination with phytolamps is used.
  • In the phase of 1-3 true leaves, plants dive into peat pots, or plant non-peaked plants with 3-5 leaves in the ground. The distance in the row is 15 cm.
  • It takes up to 70 days from sowing the seeds to planting them in the soil.

Video about how to properly grow lettuce in a greenhouse.

Growing celery from root vegetables:

  • Celery greens are grown from pre-prepared root vegetables with a diameter of about 8 cm and petioles of 3 cm.
  • After the leaves are cut off during storage before planting, many lateral buds form on the root crop.
  • Before planting, water the soil well.
  • Consumption of root crops per square meter – up to 7 kg.
  • The soil should be light and fertilized.
  • Can be used for cow dung or bird droppings. It is carried out during each period of leaf growth.

The greenery is cut after it reaches a height of 30 cm. Again, 3 cm of roots are left. The third time, the roots are dug up along with the greenery. True, not all of them live to see the third harvest. Some of them disappear earlier. Therefore, the last harvest is usually significantly lower than the first two. But the quality of the products during the growing process is much higher than during a one-time harvest.

Growing greens is fun and useful activity. It is not difficult to comprehend its secrets. And the result will delight you and your loved ones.

Sowing in greenhouses begins in early March. Growing greens can continue all year round, if there are conditions to maintain the temperature regime.

The threshold for entering the business is very small; it does not require special investments. In a small greenhouse 20x5 meters with 2-tier shelves you can plant one hundred square meters of greenery. From this area you can get up to seven hundred dollars in net profit per month if you sell it at retail yourself.

In large stores, greens are purchased in bulk at a price not lower than half the retail price. With this option, the profit from such a greenhouse will be no less than five hundred dollars.

Spacious greenhouse for greenery

If there are problems with the clientele, sales volumes can be increased by expanding the range. You also need to decide on your priorities: which greens to place your main bet on, which ones to keep in the wings.

The greenhouse can be selected with metal frame. But only wood can provide better ecology and additional warmth. It is good to use a special frost-resistant film with an increased level of density in a greenhouse, which has an outer and inner layer. The outer layer is welded.

At the top of the greenhouse, special arcs are installed, covered with another layer of durable film, which will provide the greenhouse with constant solar lighting. We need to take care of ventilation.


Algorithm for growing onions

The maximum effect is obtained by growing onions in racks in 2 tiers. Each bulb can yield up to four harvests. If the owner of a greenhouse specializes in onions, the profit reaches one hundred percent.


Algorithm for growing dill


Parsley is a storehouse of vitamin C. In winter, the body needs this greenery.

The plant loves light, fertile soil. Not afraid of the cold. Tolerates light frosts. At warm winter She won't need heating in the greenhouse until December. At twelve degrees, parsley is comfortable. At temperatures above twenty, its leaves begin to fade.

Parsley is very unpretentious and grows well in a greenhouse

The following conditions are created for parsley.

  • Artificial lighting during short days;
  • Humidity – up to 75 percent;
  • Periodic ventilation;
  • Avoid sudden temperature fluctuations;
  • The soil should be light loamy or soddy-podzolic (better); fertilizers should be applied very sparingly.

Parsley is grown in a greenhouse from seeds or root crops.

Algorithm for growing parsley from seeds

Algorithm for growing from root crops

Growing parsley from a root vegetable is somewhat more difficult.

This method is more labor-intensive. But it is economical: in one harvest, up to eight kilograms of greens are obtained in this way.

  1. For planting, healthy root crops are selected, having an upper bud, five to eight centimeters in length, weighing about seventy kilograms. Good variety– Harvest sugar.
  2. We keep the root vegetables in sand at a temperature of about plus two degrees.
  3. Across the beds, every fifteen centimeters we make grooves with a depth of the entire length of the root. We wet them generously.
  4. We plant the root crops at an angle of 45° to the soil, leaving 5 centimeter intervals between them.
  5. Sprinkle with earth, sand or ash, two hundred grams per square.
  6. Lightly press down the soil and water again.
  7. After the first watering, it is necessary to water only after the soil has dried and to the very roots.
  8. When the leaves reach a height of 25 centimeters, they are cut off


Lettuce in a greenhouse

  • Leaf lettuce is rich in carotene, vitamins B and E. It grows at temperatures from plus five, optimal temperature for growth is twenty degrees. Cannot tolerate sudden temperature fluctuations. Blooms faster with excess moisture. Loves light.
  • Greenhouses are recommended for greenhouses mid-season varieties. For example, the Moscow greenhouse.
  • Lettuce can be planted immediately permanent place without seedling method. To obtain a constant harvest, it must be constantly sown. For example, every two weeks.
  • When watering lettuce leaves, water should not get on them. Experienced way you should choose the best irrigation technology for your conditions.
  • Natural soil can be used to grow lettuce if winter period it does not freeze in the greenhouse. You can plant it in boxes.
  • Throughout the growing period, the soil must be loosened, watered and weeded. Fertilize twice with a solution of ten grams of nitrogen-potassium fertilizers per five liters of water.

Algorithm for growing lettuce

Lettuce seeds

  1. We add fertilizers to the soil: 25 grams of nitrate, 30 grams of superphosphate, 15 grams of potassium chloride per cubic meter, four kilograms of compost. We loosen it.
  2. We select the largest seeds and sow them into the soil to a depth of 1 centimeter according to a 6x6 cm pattern; It is also possible in furrows in increments of ten centimeters. Seed consumption is half a gram per square.
  3. In winter, it feeds the soil twice at the rate of ten grams of fertilizer per five liters of water for the entire growth period.
  4. We thin out the crops twice, achieving an interval of twenty centimeters between plants, and at the same time loosen the soil around them.
  5. We water the seedlings first every other day, then weekly. We tear off the diseased (with white coating) leaves.
  6. In two weeks a white rosette will form. A week after this, the salad can be removed.

Head and watercress are also grown, Chinese cabbage. For a good harvest of head lettuce, there needs to be more light.

Growing greens in a greenhouse as a business is an economically viable, profitable and profitable activity. The initial investment in it is low, but the profit from sales of the product is considerable, especially in the cold season. To organize your own enterprise for growing greens, you should draw up a business plan, calculate costs, decide on the sales market and the varieties to be grown.

Growing greens in a greenhouse is a profitable business

Before you start growing greens on an industrial scale, you should decide on options for selling your products. Main sales options:

Second phase - official registration entrepreneurship. This procedure takes up to a month, after which you can legally grow greens. You should register with the Tax Office as individual entrepreneur and choose a simplified tax calculation system - Unified Agricultural Tax (deductions are calculated depending on the profit received and amount to 6% of it).

Then they install greenhouses, equipment, fertilizers, plant seeds and begin growing greens.

Growing greens - income all year round

Options and features of growing greens

If a novice entrepreneur has a plot of land, then growing greens all year round will not be a problem. But, the enterprise will be most profitable if the plot is located in the south of the country, otherwise the costs of lighting, heating and other means necessary for growing greens will exceed what can be earned by selling the crop.

There are several ways self-cultivation greenery:

  • sowing seeds is the classic, most inexpensive option;

  • extended cultivation - if greens grow in beds, before the onset of cold weather they are dug out of the ground and transferred indoors;

  • from seedlings - the disadvantage of this method is that you have to grow it yourself or buy it, which will be more expensive than purchasing seeds;

  • forcing - the most convenient way, since the sown material is already ready to grow.

Choosing the variety of greens to grow

Before you start growing greens, you should study the needs of the market and decide on varieties.


  • unpretentious;
  • seeds germinate in a couple of weeks;
  • the harvest can be realized in 45-50 days;
  • the optimal temperature for crop growth is only 17 degrees;
  • not susceptible to pests and diseases;
  • cons of dill - required in cold weather additional lighting and has a short shelf life.


  • for growing crops, it is preferable to use black soil and the soil must be regularly moistened;
  • easily tolerates cold weather;
  • Plants need to be fed after each cut;
  • the harvest is harvested within a month after sowing;
  • the optimal temperature for growth is 20 degrees;
  • For good growth plants are planted in large containers and provided with constant lighting.


  • in cloudy weather and in winter, it needs illumination with phytolamps, turned on daily for 4 hours;
  • the crop grows in a month;
  • if the crop was planted with seeds, it will take more than a year to produce a harvest;
  • needs abundant and regular watering and fertilizing;
  • grows well at 20 degrees Celsius.


  • more demanding to grow than dill or onions;
  • cold resistant;
  • The downside is that the seeds take a very long time to germinate.

Growing celery in a greenhouse

  • unpretentious;
  • produces up to 4-5 harvests per year;
  • spicy onions ripen quickly, but the feathers have little mass;
  • sweet varieties of crops ripen longer, but their weight is greater;
  • Plants are planted in February, in boxes, and in March they are transplanted into a greenhouse;
  • After planting the first batch, you can immediately begin growing the second.

  • unpretentious;
  • harvesting is possible after 12 days;
  • grows in shaded areas;
  • After cutting, the plants need to be fed.

Leaf salad:

  • more demanding than watercress;
  • Regular, abundant watering is required;
  • does not tolerate heat.

Growing salads is the most profitable activity; the growing season for plants is a maximum of 25 days. In terms of demand among buyers, the undoubted leader is onions, with dill and parsley taking second and third places.

Soil selection

Suitable for growing greens the following types soil.

Selection of greenhouse and equipment

Greenhouses are:

The best option for growing greens at any time of the year are polycarbonate greenhouses- they retain heat well, let sunlight through, and heating them is not difficult. It should be noted that for uninterrupted cultivation of crops, at least 3 greenhouses will be required:

  • in 1 - seeds are sown;
  • in 2 - shoots rise;
  • at 3 - the harvest is harvested.

Basic equipment

To grow greens, you need to purchase a certain set of equipment that provides comfort, convenience and an appropriate level of temperature and lighting.

  1. Heaters or heating - necessary to maintain the temperature level, regardless of weather conditions outside the greenhouse. In a moderately cold winter, a couple of heaters will be enough to maintain a temperature of 20 degrees for one greenhouse.

  2. Lighting devices, lamps - ideally install fluorescent light bulbs or phytolamps that provide necessary for plants lighting level. Each box of greens requires 1 lamp. Additionally, reflectors are installed.

  3. Hydroponics system. Growing greens on an industrial scale without this system is fraught with difficulties and difficulties - from rotting of the root system to damage to the crop by diseases.
  4. Shelving - containers with herbs will be installed on them.

  5. Thermometer - required to control the air temperature in the greenhouse.
  6. Foil - with it experienced gardeners It is recommended to wrap pots with plants to avoid overheating of the soil.
  7. Watering system (regular watering cans can be used).

  8. Containers - pallets, for plants, for settling water, boxes, bottles and others.

Harvesting and transportation

The disadvantage of greenhouse greens is that they require careful handling - the slightest wrong movement and the crop will be damaged, lose its presentation and will not be stored. For this reason, harvesting begins with a preliminary abundant watering plants 5.5-6 hours before they need to be pulled out of the ground.

After this time, each plant is carefully dug up at the roots with a spatula. If the harvest of feather onions is being harvested, then the feathers are collected together with the heads - the plant is held at the base of the growth of the feathers and is slowly pulled out of the ground. After removing the greens from the ground, it is necessary to wash the roots from excess soil, pack and transport them to customers.

Greens grown in winter - photo

It is recommended to store and transport greens in waterproof containers, and the bunches should be with their leaves facing up and tightly adjacent to each other. To keep plants fresh longer, water and special additives are added to the containers. A simple and inexpensive mixture has worked well - dissolve an aspirin tablet in a liter of water.

Profit calculation

The business of growing greens in a greenhouse becomes most profitable in the winter - at this time the price of products reaches its maximum. At a price of 200 rubles per kilogram of greens and a yield of 1.5 kilos per square meter, and the crop ripening within a month, from a greenhouse of 6 acres you can get about a ton of products. Accordingly, the profit will be about 200,000 rubles.

Of the money received, approximately half will go to pay taxes, wages, transportation costs, purchase of materials, seeds and fertilizers. As a result, the net profit for the month will be about 100,000 - 120,000 rubles. And the total costs of organizing and starting a business will be a maximum of half a million rubles, this includes:

  • purchase and installation of greenhouses;
  • heating or installation of heaters;
  • lighting installation;
  • purchase of soil and fertilizers;
  • purchase of seeds and containers for planting and care;
  • business documentation and other costs.

At first, profits should be spent on expanding production in order to be able to grow greens on a larger scale. The demand for high-quality and fresh herbs is only growing, so investing your Money V this business- the right decision.

Video - Growing greens in a greenhouse in winter: secrets for beginners

15.11.2015 8 924

Growing dill in a greenhouse - delicious greens are always at hand!

Experienced vegetable growers know how to grow dill in a greenhouse to obtain fresh herbs all year round. The presence of a greenhouse on summer cottage gives more possibilities for gardeners - cultivation early cucumbers and tomatoes, peppers and eggplants, as well as any greens, including dill. In addition, many summer residents successfully grow dill for sale in order to make a profit.

Dill in a greenhouse - creating optimal conditions

Even in harsh cold conditions, tasty and first greens can be cut at the end of March if you follow simple rules:

Simple rules make it possible to grow dill in a greenhouse in winter and summer. But to force dill in the winter months, additional light will be required, the light-loving herbaceous plant it's necessary.

in the photo - dill grown in a greenhouse

Growing greens in a greenhouse can take about two months, as the dill ripens sufficiently long time. As a result, you can collect a lot lush greenery, which will differ in its taste and aroma in comparison with those purchased at the market or store.

Healthy and strong dill can be grown in soil with neutral acidity. Acidic soils are not suitable, there is a risk of disease. Dill grows on any soil, but to grow good greens, it is better to add humus and fertilizer to the beds.

Growing dill in a greenhouse in winter requires a stable temperature inside, within 15-17 °C. Dill tolerates coolness well, so it will grow at this temperature. Now on the market you can find varieties that are resistant to temperature fluctuations. If the greenhouse is not heated, but you want to grow greens as early as possible, then you can sow just such varieties.

An important criterion when growing greens such as dill is the presence of light. Daylight should last at least ten hours a day. Provide extra light to dill, this is only required during the cold winter months. By the end of February, the auxiliary lighting is removed; at this time there is enough natural light for dill.

Watering dill should be regular and the soil should always be moist. Irregular watering lead to flowering and dill disease, as does excessive watering.

Step-by-step instructions on how to grow dill in a greenhouse

You need to decide which one you are going to grow. For the greenhouse, varieties are recommended that are tolerant of lack of light and resistant to flowering: Grenadier , Amazon , Diamond , Kibray , Sevastopol .

in the photo - dill in a greenhouse

Preparatory work completed, you can start sowing:

  • Growing dill in a greenhouse involves sowing sprouted seeds. If you haven’t done this, then at least soak them for two days in warm water so that they swell and are released from essential components. After this procedure, the seeds will sprout faster and better;
  • Dig up and loosen the beds for greenery;
  • Make grooves, retreating 15 centimeters each time;
  • Sow the seeds, but not too thickly;
  • Sprinkle soil on top and compact upper layer no need.

To know how to grow dill in a greenhouse, you need to remember proper watering. Until the first sprouts appear, irrigate the dill plantings, do not overwater. Future watering is carried out regularly, maintaining an optimal balance of soil moisture. Regular loosening and weeding will improve the exchange of oxygen in the soil, which will have a positive effect on the growth of dill in the greenhouse.

Many gardeners, growing greens in greenhouses all year round, can afford to put up some of their produce for sale. Good harvest homemade is in considerable demand, so you can really make money on agricultural products. But in order for growing greens to be used as a business, you will have to familiarize yourself with all the intricacies of this process.

How to optimize costs?

Growing greens in a greenhouse for sale can only be profitable if you correctly select and build suitable greenhouses. To minimize the cost of heating and maintaining buildings, you should give preference to polycarbonate greenhouses small size. What points should be taken into account?

  • Since the cultivation of greenery will take place not only in winter, but all year round, it is worth erecting the building on a fairly solid foundation (preferably brick);
  • The frame of the greenhouse should be made of profiled pipe, and the casing should be made of polycarbonate;
  • Infrared heaters are usually used heating systems or batteries that emit heat by circulating hot water through them;
  • The technology for growing greens, in particular onions, involves rapid forcing of crops. Therefore, without good lighting there is no way around the construction.

Examples of external and internal structure suitable greenhouses are shown in the photo.

The cost of an equipped greenhouse is largely determined by its dimensions and equipment. When drawing up a business plan, you will have to include at least 100 thousand rubles in equipment costs. Of course, if you decide to grow greens on a huge scale, then a million may not be enough.

What can you grow?

Growing greens in a greenhouse as a business is a very delicate matter. First of all, you need to decide on the popular types of greens that are in greatest demand among consumers in winter. The most popular crops include:

  • green onions;
  • arugula and parsley;
  • basil and dill.

In order for the process of growing food as a business to go with a bang, it is advisable to think about planting several types of crops at once. Thus, you will be able to satisfy the needs of a wide audience of consumers, which will certainly bring good results.

Features of growing onions

Polycarbonate greenhouse – perfect place in order to grow beautiful onions per feather. This culture loves a lot of natural light, so it will not refuse diffused, but still natural sunlight. In order to seamlessly “produce” feather onions all year round, it is advisable to pay attention to the following nuances:

  1. It is best to give preference to plant varieties such as “Spassky” and “Troitsky”. They are less heat-loving and easy to care for;
  2. Growing greens in a greenhouse in winter begins with adding manure and mineral additives to the soil, which will stimulate the development of crops;
  3. To grow greens very quickly, you need to observe a special temperature regime - from 18 to 23 degrees. With such a microclimate, the crop can be harvested literally every 25-30 days;
  4. Early greens in the greenhouse are watered almost daily, but about a week before being sent to the counter, the plants begin to be watered once every 3 days.

If you want to compose successful business plan and really earn a lot of money from the growing process cultivated plants, be sure to include feather onions in your product range.

How to grow basil?

A greenhouse made of polycarbonate, in comparison with other types of buildings, is more airtight and therefore allows you to grow almost all heat-loving plant crops. Basil is also in great demand in winter. It is worth noting that the agricultural technology of this crop is quite complex. But from the point of view of profitability of production, basil occupies almost a leading position.

How to properly grow greens in greenhouses?

  1. To plant basil, you will need turf soil with a fairly light structure;
  2. To fertilize the soil, you need to take at least 4 kg of manure to cultivate 1 m2 of land;
  3. From time to time the plant needs to be fed with a urea solution;
  4. Cultivation of small basil sprouts is carried out only by the seedling method due to the fragility of green seedlings;
  5. Picked seedlings are transplanted into a greenhouse approximately 40 days after germination;
  6. Water the plants not daily, but only once a week;
  7. To early greens had a presentation, periodically ventilate the room.

How to grow dill?

Greenhouses for growing herbs all year round are ideal for the “production” of dill. As a business, growing this particular plant will not bring much profit, but to diversify the assortment, dill can also be cultivated. How to plant it?

  1. For the greens to ripen, you will have to wait about 50-60 days. But for such a painful wait you will collect good harvest– approximately 1.5-2 kg per 1 m2 of bed;
  2. To improve taste qualities dill, before planting it is worth adding mineral and potassium fertilizers to the soil;
  3. To soften the shoots of the plant, maintain the temperature in the greenhouse at least 17 degrees;
  4. Early greens need large quantities light, so it is advisable to place fluorescent lamps above the beds;
  5. It is better to grow crops from seeds rather than root crops. This will significantly increase your yield, so you can offer more products for sale.

The process of planting cultivated plants in greenhouses is demonstrated in more detail in the video. The materials in the video clearly demonstrate methods for stimulating rapid growth of crops and the most optimal options lighting.


Growing greens in winter can easily develop from a hobby into a business. With proper organization of work and making the right choice crops to grow, you can get maximum profit from the usual process of “production” of onions, parsley, basil and other herbs.

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