Toilet care. How to properly wash and clean a toilet at home? Cleaning the toilet from water and urine stone, plaque and rust

The toilet should be clean and tidy.

The cleanliness of the residents is judged by the condition of the bathroom - in an apartment with a dirty toilet one can hardly count on compliance general rules home hygiene.

However, there are all sorts of situations: rented housing, lack of funds to replace plumbing, or living in a communal apartment. However, this is not a reason to leave everything as it is: even plumbing fixtures that have been fairly damaged by time and people can be put in order and cleaned white.

How to restore whiteness and freshness to a toilet bowl

The main problems that owners of “faience products” face are yellowness, smudges and deposits:

If the previous owners left the plumbing in a disrepair, then you will have to work hard to eliminate the complex of problems, otherwise it is better to replace everything right away.

Although the deposits vary in their chemical composition, they are equally susceptible to the same oxidizing agents.

Household chemicals

Thanks to modern cleaning products, keeping your bathroom clean will not be difficult.

Part special means for the treatment of plumbing products, aggressive acids are included: hydrochloric, oxalic, orthophosphoric, sulfamic, etc., which dissolve urinary and limestone, remove rust and plaque.

In case of minor deposits, it is enough to fill the places where they accumulate with toilet gel (“CillitBang”, “Sanox”, “Sanfor”, “Adrilan”, “Comet for toilets”, “ Toilet duckling", etc.) and wait required amount time indicated on the package. Usually this is 10-30 minutes, but in case of severe contamination it can be left for 8-12 hours, for example, left until the morning.

Before treating the toilet outlet neck, scoop the water out of it or remove it using a plunger - pushing it in with successive presses.

How to properly clean a toilet? Video instruction:

Homemade folk remedies

Acetic or citric acid are also effective in combating urinary stones, lime deposits and red stains.

    Heat 9% vinegar to a temperature of 40 °C, add baking soda at the rate of 2 tsp. per glass of liquid and mix thoroughly. Apply the resulting mixture generously to problem areas and leave for 8-10 hours - it is better to do the procedure before bed.

    Citric acid is used in pure form. Pour the contents of several sachets (the quantity depends on the scale of the problem) over the deposits so that the powder covers them, and after 2 hours, rinse the toilet with hot water.


Sodium hypochlorite is a strong oxidizing agent; it destroys urinary stone and limescale, simultaneously eliminating yellowness and traces of rust on the toilet. Pour the contents of one bottle overnight into the outlet neck (drainage area), and distribute the remaining inner surface toilet. In the morning, wash off the product warm water.

With old and abundant deposits of urinary stones, the above remedies may be powerless. In this case, you will have to repeat the cleaning procedure several times or use more powerful chemicals.

Oxalic acid

It is sold in its pure form in hardware stores. The product is poisonous and requires special precautions: use it only with gloves, and cover your face with a medical mask or a damp cloth so as not to accidentally inhale it.

Apply oxalic acid powder over the growths of urinary stone and lime, leave for 1-2 hours. After the time has passed, rinse with warm water.

Special household chemicals

You can buy a professional pipe cleaner in supermarkets - it is very effective against salts and limescale.

Coca Cola

Coca-Cola's mild acidity makes it an excellent cleanser.

Oddly enough, the potency of cola is comparable to professional means— it’s no coincidence that experienced plumbers recommend it for cleaning pipes and drains. Pour 4 liters of drink into the toilet, after removing the water from the drain. Leave it overnight, drain the water in the morning and clean the inner walls with a brush.

How to tidy up your toilet cistern

Over time, plaque accumulates on the walls of the tank and deposits form, which affects not only the drainage system, but also the condition of the toilet itself. So, rust is fraught with the appearance of yellow stripes in places where water drains, and calcareous deposits on the bottom, the seal of the valve is broken, as a result of which the tank may leak barely noticeably.

To gain access to the inside of the tank, you must remove the lid. How to do it?

    In older float-type models with a side lever, the cover is not secured and can be easily removed by lifting it up.

    In models with a vertical rod (the handle that you pull to drain the water), you should first pull the rod up, unscrew the handle from the thread, and then remove the lid.

    Modern toilets with a push-button flush system are not much more complicated - to dismantle the lid, you need to remove the button along with the rim. This is done like this: press the drain button and, holding it in this state, wrap the rim ring counterclockwise several times; Then you can release the button and freely unscrew the part.

Now it's time to start sanitary and hygienic procedures. The same products that are used to treat the toilet will help eliminate the problem inside the tank: acid-based gels, vinegar, oxalic acid, Coca-Cola, pipe cleaning fluids (see recipes above).

    Method 1. Drain the water from the tank. Pour a bottle of cleaning gel (Sanox, Sanfor, Adrilan) into the bottom of the tank, wait until the tank is filled with water, and leave for 8-10 hours.

    Method 2. Apply a cleaning agent (liquid, acid powder, gel, vinegar and soda) with a sponge to the walls, bottom, parts of the drainage system and wait the required time, then rinse with warm water, drain, and refill the tank.

The toilet is clogged - what to do?

A plunger is usually used in cases where the blockage is still passable and the water flows out of the toilet, albeit slowly.

If the water from the toilet begins to drain slowly, it means that there is a blockage in the drainage system. Before calling a plumber, you should try to deal with it on your own - in most cases it works.

Before the appearance modern means The toilet was cleaned with a plunger, pushing the blockage further into the sewer pipe, but now another method is popular: with the help of acid, its cause is softened or dissolved and itself goes into the pipe with the flow of water (of course, if we are not talking about an object that accidentally fell into the drain).

    Scoop out the water from the drain until just a little bit remains, and pour half a pack of baking soda into the hole. Push the baking soda as far as possible with a plunger and pour in a glass of vinegar. The reaction takes 20 minutes; After this time, rinse the toilet drain with boiling water (1.5-2 l).

    Use a special cleaning agent sewer pipes- “Mole”, “TiretTurbo”, “Deboucher”, “Mr. Muscle”, etc. As an alternative, for small blockages, you can pour a two-liter bottle of Coca-Cola into the drain hole.

How to properly care for your “white friend”

To avoid having to get rid of stone and plaque, the plumbing fixtures should be kept clean: wash on time and remove deposits inside the drain tank as necessary, but at least once every six months.

    Use special gels for cleaning - they not only bleach, but also disinfect plumbing fixtures.

    The cleaning agent is applied evenly to the walls of the toilet and distributed over its entire surface - internal and external. To clean the inside of the toilet, use a brush after rinsing it in water. For hard to reach places(under the toilet rim, near the lid mount) use an old toothbrush. For the lid and seat - disposable napkins.

    Fill the outlet neck with gel and leave for 20-30 minutes so that all the dirt comes off, then wipe it with a brush - this will clean it at the same time. If necessary, you can remove the water using a plunger and treat the drainage area with gel manually.

    Don't forget to wash the outside of the earthenware product - for this you will need disposable paper napkins or towels. Apply disinfectant, soak the towels in water and wipe the outside of the toilet with them, including the outlet.

Put in toilet room a pack of antibacterial wet wipes and maintain daily bathroom hygiene. With proper care, you will no longer encounter the problem of salt deposits, limescale and rust.

Clean the toilet? Easily! Video tips:

Cleaning should be done in in the right order with special tools and detergents so that the toilet is free of germs and unpleasant odors.

How to clean a toilet

1. Wear rubber gloves.

They should be long, up to the elbows, so that the detergent does not get on the skin and cause a chemical burn.

After work, wash your gloved hands with soap to disinfect. Instead of soap, hydrogen peroxide is suitable - moisten a cotton pad and wipe the outside of the gloves. Wash your hands with soap afterwards.

2. Pour detergent under the rim of the toilet and into the drain hole, spread it with a brush and leave for 10-15 minutes.

The brush can be synthetic or silicone. A glass for a brush - plastic, glass or ceramic.

Disinfect the brush and glass once a week - pour detergent into the glass and leave for 15 minutes, then rinse with water. If the brush turns yellow and starts to smell, place it in a container, add detergent for disinfection, half a glass of soda, 60–70 grams of vinegar, hot water and leave for an hour. Then throw away the container. Instead, it is better to buy a new brush.

Silicone brush that will replace a plunger

Floor brush with a lid to prevent odors from spreading

3. While the detergent is disinfecting the toilet, wash the seat and lid. Lather the cloth and wipe the seat, lid and rim on all sides. Rinse the cloth and wipe again to ensure there is no product left on the seat, lid or rim. After use, wash the napkin with detergent, store separately from other napkins. Wash the walls around the toilet with another napkin: lather it and wipe the walls, rinse and wipe again, rinse the napkin and put it away.

4. After 10–15 minutes, take a brush, scrub the walls and drain hole, drain the water at the same time and continue scrubbing to rinse off any remaining product.

The floor must be washed every day at the end of cleaning. You can use the same detergents that you use to wash the floors in other rooms.

Everything else is shelves, cabinets, washing machine- Wipe once a week with a damp cloth without detergent.


Cillit Bang


Comet 7 days of cleanliness


Main substance

hydrochloric acid

sodium hypochlorite

sulfuric acid

oxalic acid

What contaminants does it remove?

limescale, rust, urinary stone

rust, urinary stone

limescale, rust



acrid smell

if you do not distribute the product evenly, traces remain; acrid smell

liquid, so it doesn’t last long; acrid smell

does not remove limescale, urinary stones

Price in rubles for October 2017

Cleaning companies use professional products instead. Workers at Iney use Kiehl products.

Phosphoric acid based agent for cleaning rust and limescale deposits

Phosphoric acid based product for removing limescale and urinary stones

All these products are suitable for removing germs and small contaminants, that is, for maintaining cleanliness. There are other ways to remove large amounts of rust, plaque or urinary stone.

How to remove urinary stone, limescale and rust

Stone And raid- these are salt deposits dark color, which accumulate, interfere with the drainage of water and look repulsive.

These are particles of oxidized metal that enter the water from rusty water pipes or from the tank, where there is metal parts.

If one remedy does not help, repeat the procedure again or try another, but you must not mix remedies - they may react.

Urine stone and limescale

Vinegar essence 70%

Pump out the water from the toilet - turn off the tap and push out the remaining water with a plunger, scoop it out or gradually remove it with a sponge. Pour vinegar and leave for 1.5–2 hours, close the lid to prevent odor.

If there is no essence, then you can use vinegar 9%. Heat to 40–45 degrees, add a few teaspoons of soda or iodine (1 tablespoon of soda per glass of vinegar). Leave the heated mixture overnight, and in the morning remove the stone with a brush.

Dampen a piece of cloth and leave it on the rust stain for an hour, then remove the cloth and rinse with water. Residues can be removed with salt and soda or Pemolux. To clean the tank, you need to pour 200-300 ml of essence into it and leave it overnight.

Lemon acid

The number of bags depends on the thickness of the stone. There is no need to pump out the water - pour out the acid and leave it overnight. In the morning, rinse and clean with a brush.

Pour 2-3 sachets, leave for an hour and rinse.

Oxalic acid

Sold in pharmacies and chemical stores. If the layer of stone is thin, then put on gloves, pour acid onto a damp sponge or cloth and wipe off the dirt. If there is a lot of stone, then pour the powder into water and leave for an hour, then rinse and clean with a brush.

Pour onto a damp surface and leave for 15-30 minutes. Rinse with water.

Liquid electrolyte for batteries

Destroys plastic sewer! But if the pipes are metal, then it can be used. Wear gloves, safety glasses and a respirator. Pour a small amount into the toilet, leave for an hour, rinse and remove the remaining stone with a brush.

Wearing gloves, safety glasses and a respirator, pour onto the rust stains and leave for 30 minutes. Rinse with water.

A mixture of salt and soda or Pemolux

Deletes slight dirt. Put on gloves and a mask (inhaling the cleaning product is dangerous), pour the product onto a damp sponge or cloth and wipe off the rust.

A mixture of ammonia and hydrogen peroxide

Mix in a 1:2 ratio (100 ml of ammonia and 50 ml of hydrogen peroxide). Put on gloves, pour ammonia into a dry container, pour peroxide into it, moisten a napkin and leave on the rust for 15 minutes. If there is a lot of rust, you can leave it for an hour. Then remove the wipes and rinse.

To clear cistern from rust, pour a bottle of detergent (acetic essence, oxalic or citric acid), leave for 2 hours, scrub with a brush and rinse. You can drain it with water and process it using one of the methods above.

If the listed measures have to be applied more than once a month and rust quickly covers the plumbing fixtures, you need to replace the old ones metal pipes to plastic ones.

The bathroom and toilet in any home occupy a special position in terms of cleanliness and order, because it is here that, according to the rules of hygiene and even just good manners, there should be almost sterile cleanliness. But to achieve this effect, it is necessary to ensure that the bathroom is in a clean and tidy condition, especially when it comes to the toilet. And, despite the fact that the toilet is most often the smallest room in the apartment, keeping it pristinely clean and fresh is not always so easy.
Unpleasant yellow stains, limestone deposits, rust and other contaminants are common troubles that can bother housewives.

It is logical that in order to get rid of such problems or at least minimize their manifestations, you need to do regular cleaning. The more often you pay attention this issue, the less often you will have to resort to the help of potent chemicals, which are able to cope with even the most complex contaminants, but have negative impact on human health.

Advice: Always remember to use rubber gloves when cleaning and cleaning the toilet. The gloves will reliably protect your handles from harmful effects detergents and cleaning products, besides, they are much more comfortable and you don’t have to worry about your health.

Cleaning the toilet should be done systematically and regularly, because this process takes a little time, and the benefits of such simple manipulations obvious.

Why does plaque form on the toilet?

For the bathroom, as a rule, there are generally accepted sanitary standards and hygiene frameworks, but all people treat their compliance individually. No matter how hard you try to keep your toilet sterile, at some point you may be unpleasantly surprised by urinary stone or limescale deposits.

The chemical composition, as well as the hardness of the water used for the drainage system, directly affects the appearance of limescale. It is important to know that it is possible to prevent the formation of limescale and it is not difficult to do. To do this, you just need to use water softeners. But with the formation of urinary stones, everything is much more complicated. There is no way to prevent its formation, and you can only get rid of it with frequent cleaning.

How to Keep Your Toilet Spotless White

The main enemy of the toilet, the impact of which is almost impossible to get rid of, is urinary stone, which is deposited on the walls with each use.

Another, less common pollutant is limescale, the presence and intensity of which depends on the hardness of the water: the harder it is, the faster a layer of plaque will form and thicken on all surfaces that come into contact with water.

Another factor that can spoil appearance toilet, is the condition of the metal parts of the cistern and the pipes through which water is supplied to it for flushing. If rubber gaskets do not completely block the drain, and the metal parts are of low quality or have already exhausted their service life, then rust can form on them, which tends to leak out of the tank and form an unpleasant strip in the place where water flows in a thin stream from the drain tank.

Advice: To avoid having to clean the toilet very often, you can use special hanging products with gels or tablets that can effectively freshen the air, filling it with a pleasant aroma.

How to prevent serious toilet contamination

Everyone understands that it is easier to deal with any pollution at the stage of its appearance, and not to take the situation to the extreme. Moreover, today consumers are presented with a wide range of professional cleaning products that allow them to effectively deal with dirt without spending too much time and effort.

An excellent result can be easily achieved by having the most ordinary brush and a simple cheap cleaning product in the toilet, provided, of course, that they are used regularly. Before you start cleaning the toilet, you need to pour a cleaning agent into it and leave it for a short time, then simply wipe it with a brush. If you carry out this procedure once a week, and the water has low or normal hardness - the toilet will delight you with cleanliness and whiteness. In case of increased water hardness, preventative cleanings, most likely, will have to be carried out more often.

How to prevent rust?

Of course, nothing can be done about the quality of the water (only a distiller will help). But it is still possible to prevent the formation of rust bands so that you don’t have to wash the rust off the toilet. To do this you need:

Adjust the tank so that water does not flow into the flow. In the vast majority of fitting kits this is easy to achieve. To do this, you just need to bend the float lever.
But there are cases when the situation can only be saved by serious repairs or even replacement of fittings.

Tank tablets can also help, as they dissolve over several weeks, turning the water a pleasant color, giving it a fresh smell and preventing the appearance of any deposits, including rust.

How to clean a toilet using chemicals

Many people are accustomed to cleaning the toilet from rust using chemicals. In this case, it is necessary to choose the right remedy. There are three main types of chemical cleaning products:




Abrasives- These are special cleaning powders. To clean the surface of the toilet, apply a small amount of this powder to a brush or sponge and rub until the rust is washed off. The main advantages of cleaning products are their effectiveness and affordable price. Among the disadvantages, it can be noted that to achieve the desired effect you will have to put in a lot of effort. In addition, abrasive particles can damage the enamel of the toilet bowl.

Alkaline products- These are special liquids that are very easy to use. To clean the toilet, you just need to apply the product to the dirty surface and rinse off after 15 minutes. However, if the surface of the toilet is heavily soiled, alkaline cleaners may be ineffective. Also, using such products, you can remove grease, but they do not cope with rust effectively enough.

Acidic products are considered the most effective way removing rust. To do this, you need to apply this product to the surface, leave it for a short time, and then rinse it off. Do not forget that acidic cleaners can harm human skin, so do not neglect rubber gloves.

All types of these chemicals are available on the market in large quantities How domestic producers and imported ones. There are instructions for use everywhere. The most effective ones are selected by trial.

Gentle methods of cleaning the toilet using folk remedies

There are many folk remedies that will help make the surface of plumbing fixtures perfectly clean and remove various contaminants, including rust.

Oxalic acid will help deal with toilet contamination. It should be applied to the surface and left for about one hour, then simply rinse off with a sponge, after wetting it ammonia. Afterwards, you need to rinse the surface of the toilet with copious amounts of water.

Vinegar will help get rid of rust. To do this, you need to apply vinegar to the cloth and apply it to the rust-affected area for half an hour. Afterwards, remove the cloth and rinse the surface with water.

There is another effective one A way to remove plaque and stone from a toilet bowl is with citric acid. You need to pour a few packets of powder into the toilet, close the lid and let it sit for several hours. After time has passed, drain the water, go over it with a brush and, if anything else gets scraped off, wash it off.

Hydrogen peroxide mixed with ammonia (1:10) will also help cope with toilet stains.. This mixture should be applied to the surface and allowed to stand for a couple of hours, and then wiped with a sponge and rinsed with water.

To make the toilet sparkle clean again, you need to pour out one cup of borax into the toilet and leave overnight. In the morning, all that remains is to wipe the toilet with a brush or brush. Overnight, the borax will dissolve all difficult-to-remove layers. Borax also does a good job of removing rust deposits.

Another indispensable folk remedy for cleaning the toilet is baking soda. You just need to sprinkle baking soda on the dirty toilet bowl, and after a short period of time, pour vinegar over everything and thoroughly clean it with a brush. The result will be pleasantly surprising.

To others Hydrochloric acid is an effective toilet cleaner.. This good remedy to fight rust. The acid must be applied to the surface for just a couple of minutes, and then rinsed off thoroughly. When resorting to this procedure, it is important not to forget about precautions, since hydrochloric acid is a very aggressive substance.

In addition to all the above methods, To combat toilet contamination, you can throw two large dissolvable vitamin C tablets into it. and leave overnight. In the morning, simply clean the toilet with a brush and drain the water. This method is good for cleaning the drain hole.

The universal and well-known “Whiteness” can also save the situation. The substance must be poured into the toilet, having first selected water from it using a plunger or a glass. The result will be predictably successful.

Relatively recently, Coca-Cola began to be used to remove stone and plaque in the toilet. A bottle of this drink should be poured into the toilet, while generously watering the areas where stone and plaque accumulate. After about four hours, the toilet should be flushed and the dirty areas should be cleaned with a brush.

Method for cleaning complex toilet stains

The fundamental way to clean the toilet from urinary stone and limescale is to use electrolyte (which is poured into batteries). When resorting to this method, you must work very carefully, be sure to wear rubber gloves, preferably goggles, and try not to inhale the fumes. Be careful when pouring liquid into the toilet to avoid splashing, which could get on your skin or clothing. This method can only be used if the pipes to the riser from the toilet are not plastic.

Preventing the formation of plaque on the toilet

It happens that the cause of plaque is a malfunction of the toilet. In this case, you should try to eliminate the leak as quickly as possible. To avoid constantly flowing water, sometimes simply adjusting the float is enough. Sometimes you have to make more serious repairs, replacing some gaskets with new, more durable ones.

Special tablets for the toilet can help prevent the problem of limescale and urinary stones in a timely manner. Even in the case when it has already appeared (in small quantities), tablets will save you from plaque and help keep the toilet clean.

If you systematically, at least once a week, treat the toilet with cleaning agents, it will last much longer, and it will not be spoiled by an unpleasant red coating.

To prevent the re-formation of stones, you need to wash the toilet once a week with warm water and powder. Everything is simple here: the powder must be diluted in warm water and the surface of the toilet bowl must be cleaned from the inside with a regular abrasive sponge.

How to clear a clogged toilet

The blockage can be cleared using potato water. To do this, you need to pour boiling water into the drain and wait about 5 minutes. During this time, the sewer should clear. In addition, you can pour into the drain holes baking soda and after a few minutes turn on the hot water. Soda will not only remove blockages in pipes, but will also remove bad smell in pipes.

To prevent the toilet and drain from becoming clogged, for preventive purposes, you can pour a bucket of hot water into it once a month. This is much easier and better than cleaning it with chemicals later.

Now you know a few simple ways How to clean a toilet quickly and effectively. I would like to believe that such troubles as limescale and urinary stone will no longer bother you, and your toilet will always be clean and sparkling.

Even with the most careful use, the toilet still loses its whiteness over time. How to clean a toilet from urine stone, rust, limescale and other contaminants - all this is in our article. What you need to pay attention to when cleaning and what products to use to avoid big expenses.

Of course, the toilet is a place that is difficult to name " face» apartments. And yet, those who visit you quite often judge your housekeeping and cleanliness precisely by the state of the restroom. And you yourself, you will agree, it is always more pleasant to use clean plumbing fixtures than a toilet bowl overgrown with yellow plaque.

Another thing is that achieving whiteness and beauty can be difficult. Few people like to clean a place like a toilet, and lime and urinary deposits on the walls, as luck would have it, stick very firmly, and you have to spend a lot of effort to remove them.

What should you pay attention to when cleaning the toilet so that regular cleaning does not turn into hard work?

First problem area toilet- this is the area under the sides of the bowl where the bulk of microbes accumulate, limescale builds up, urinary stone is deposited, and over time all this spreads lower and lower in the bowl.

Therefore, when cleaning the toilet Special attention need to focus on this area. It is necessary to wipe it as thoroughly as possible with a sponge with a cleaning agent, and if necessary, carefully brush it with a brush to remove existing deposits.

Second problem area The toilet bowl is the area where water drains. Everyone has at least once seen a toilet that is fairly clean in itself, but whose appearance is nonetheless spoiled by a yellow stripe going down from the drain hole in the cistern to the “step.” They also suffer from the same problem modern toilets a new design, where there are no “steps”, and the water flows around the entire bowl. The fact is that thin streams still flow down the same places on the walls - and over time they begin to leave rusty streaks.

So that you don’t have to clean it all off later, it is better, without waiting for such streaks to appear, to wipe the walls in these places especially carefully, not leaving rust even a chance.

Finally, special attention should be paid to the seat and sides of the toilet. If on outside It is easy to notice dirt on the seat, but on the back side, plaque can accumulate for a long time and unnoticed. Rinse thoroughly every time you wash. reverse side seats - not necessarily with a cleaning agent, you can just use a damp sponge.

And of course, don’t forget to wash the outer sides of the toilet too. This area is least susceptible to contamination, but dust, splashes and household dirt still settle on the sides (as well as on the tank and lid).

How to properly clean a toilet?

Cleaning the toilet is not a very pleasant task, but at first glance it seems quite simple. Especially if you know what to pay attention to. However, in fact, there are several more rules regarding the cleaning process - by neglecting them, many complicate their lives, and simply cannot clean the toilet properly.

Firstly, you can clean a toilet really well only using special means. Simply wiping its walls with a brush or brush and draining the water is not enough - this will not remove the inevitable deposits. There are quite a lot of toilet cleaning products - Domestos, Komet, Silit and other well-known powders and gels. To save money, many people use improvised means - soda, vinegar, bleach. What to choose is up to you, focus on your convenience and finances.

Secondly, cleaning the toilet must be done with rubber gloves. And the point, of course, is not only that of touching with bare hands To various kinds deposits are unpleasant. Toilet bowl cleaners, household or chemical, are always quite toxic and affect not only dirt, but also the skin, corroding it.

Therefore, gloves are needed for your safety - they must be thick and long so that the detergent does not get on your hands. Also pay attention to the sponge you will use to clean the toilet - you need it to be hard and abrasive on one side, since a soft surface is unlikely to achieve a good result.

It is best to pour the cleaning agent not onto the sponge or “step” of the toilet, but along its circumference under the rim. Most cleaning products even have a special lid geometry that allows for convenient distribution of the product.

Many people, after pouring cleaning product into the toilet, make the mistake of immediately starting to wash it. This is wrong - in order for a chemical or household product to work properly and have time to thoroughly corrode the accumulated deposits, the treated toilet must be closed with a lid and just left to stand for 15 - 20 minutes - and only then can you begin to clean it directly.

By the way, the restroom is a rather cramped room, especially when it comes to separate bathroom. Therefore, when cleaning the toilet, it is important to ensure normal ventilation of the room. After all, you will have to bend over the tank and inhale harmful fumes. If this cannot be avoided at all, then it is necessary to at least reduce their concentration in the air as much as possible.

Do not lean too low over the tank - otherwise you may accidentally splash the cleaner on your face and get it in your eyes.

After you have filled the toilet with cleaning agent, waited, and then thoroughly treated the entire surface with a sponge or brush, you can drain the water. At the same time, continue to rub the walls to completely remove the cleaning agent from them.

The lid and outer sides are traditionally treated last - simply with a damp sponge, since we are not talking about heavy contamination.

How to clean a toilet from difficult stains

We have listed the main points to pay attention to and the procedure to follow when cleaning the toilet. But what to do if for some reason the toilet is already heavily covered with limescale, urinary stone and rust? Is it possible to somehow eliminate them, or is the only solution to buy a new toilet?

In most cases, it is still possible to eliminate unsightly plaque. And even if the toilet doesn’t become “as good as new,” it will still be noticeably cleaner.

Best for dealing with deposits strong acids and alkalis. Thus, one can choose especially to fight strong remedy, on which it is written that it is intended for heavy pollution- For example, " Schumann».

And you can use household products. Citric acid, ordinary vinegar or soda are especially popular.

According to the principle of operation, they work approximately the same way - the product is poured or poured into the toilet bowl and left there for several hours (therefore, it is advisable to fill the toilet bowl at night and close the lid). The difference is mainly in the dosage:

  • if you use soda, then you need to pour the whole pack into the toilet;
  • in the case of a bite, a glass will be enough - but it is advisable to slightly warm the liquid before this and add soda or iodine (a spoon) to it;
  • citric acid is poured in the amount of 4 - 5 sachets.

Whiteness, which is generally very widely used on the farm, also helps to cope well with plaque.

To remove light and medium stains, simply rinse thoroughly with water and wipe with a sponge before doing so. Heavy deposits will have to be dealt with with a brush.

What can I do to make the toilet dirty less?

First of all, you need to clean the toilet regularly - at least once a week. Then all the deposits that begin to accumulate simply will not have time to move into a serious stage.

In addition, you must generally use the toilet carefully - that is, monitor its cleanliness directly during use, and do not forget about the brush.

If rusty stains constantly appear on the toilet, this is not normal. You need to look into the toilet tank and try to adjust the flush - since a yellow stripe appears on the wall, it means that water continues to leak unnoticed even when not in use.

And finally, to avoid the appearance of urinary plaque, special balls and capsules for the toilet bowl are used, as well as special tablets that dissolve in the toilet. Toilet blocks are hung on the rim, with each flush they are doused with water, and thus the toilet is immediately treated with a disinfectant and cleaning agent. In addition, such products also have a pleasant smell - that is, they will additionally deodorize the room.

To understand the question “how to clean a toilet,” you first need to study the nature of plaque formation. No matter how strange it may sound, but main reason its appearance is hard water. Chemical substances, which are part of it, when washed off irregularly or incompletely, or not thoroughly cleaned, remain on the surface of the bowl, gradually accumulating and turning into a problem.

Cleaning the toilet is a mandatory procedure in every home.

Lime deposits most often appear on damaged plumbing fixtures. That is why it is necessary to monitor not only the cleanliness of the toilet, but also its integrity. For example, few people know that the formation of cracks can be caused by hot liquid, which is what some housewives do by pouring various wastes into the toilet. high temperature. Plaque easily and quickly accumulates in the cracks that form.

Stone in drain hole and on the rim of the toilet is formed if there are small children in the family who do not know how or are not accustomed to using the cistern flush button after each trip to relieve themselves. Urine remaining in the device contributes to excessive deposition yellow plaque, and that one - a urinary stone. Important! It is impossible to remove urinary stones with a regular brush or detergent. This requires more effective and aggressive measures.

How to clean a toilet

The range of cleaning products for plumbing today is quite wide. In addition to industrial chemicals, many housewives actively use folk remedies. We suggest considering both options.

Majority special drugs contain strong acids, chlorine or alkali. Their use requires special care and protection of hands and respiratory organs. Aggressive cleaning products quickly deal with dirt, so most housewives give them the palm.

  • Oxalic acid from deposits on toilet walls

The drug can be purchased at a hardware store or pharmacy. The powder is applied to a wet cloth, which is used to rub the problem area. You can also pour oxalic acid into the toilet and leave it overnight. This component is often included in professional chemicals, for example, in Sarma and Sanox Ultra.

  • Phosphoric acid removes rust and limescale

A 5% solution of the substance copes well with stains. It can be poured not only into the device, but also into the tank. Phosphoric acid does not harm in any way plastic pipes. The operating time of the liquid in the tank is 15 minutes. Afterwards, all walls and surfaces are thoroughly wiped with a rag, and the water is washed off. You can buy the reagent at a car dealership or in the radio department, because it is used for soldering.

Chlorine is good for cleaning and disinfecting toilets.

  • Chlorine disinfects and bleaches

Bleach, which contains chlorine, is most often used in public toilets, where its persistent pungent aroma is present. Antibacterial properties and whitening, along with a low price, make the product especially popular and in demand. It is not recommended to regularly use products containing chlorine at home, as they can damage ceramic products. In addition, chlorine is dangerous to human health. In isolated cases, Whiteness – good helper. On a regular basis – not recommended. Pour into the bowl for 30 minutes, then wipe the surface with a brush or sponge and rinse off.

  • Hydrochloric acid = Domestos, Silit Bang, Toilet duck

It is recommended to use a solution of hydrochloric acid as a very effective remedy for cleaning the toilet. However, it should be noted that it is very dangerous. It is better to use professional chemistry, which includes this substance. In addition, manufacturers take care of user safety by equipping containers with dangerous liquids with comfortable thin spouts and child protection. And the fact that the products have a thick gel consistency also simplifies the process of treating plumbing fixtures.

  • Pemolux for plaque and urinary stones

The cleaning powder contains surfactants, soda, marble chips and fragrances. It's effective, but also very dangerous drug which can cause chemical burns. Before use, all water is pumped out of the toilet, the product is sprinkled on dirty areas, wiped with a sponge, and rinsed off. It should be taken into account that the powder scratches the surface, as a result of which microcracks may appear, into which dirt will subsequently become clogged.

When choosing a product, be sure to focus on the composition

When choosing between one means and another, you should not focus only on price. Main criterion- this is the composition. The most popular bathroom cleaners:

  • Stork;
  • Domestos;
  • Comet;
  • Sarma;
  • Silit;
  • Dressing Duckling;
  • Chistin.

At the same time, household chemicals for the restroom can be made in the form of a powder or gel, oxygen-containing, abrasive, and even containing Dead Sea minerals. You should choose according to age and nature of contamination. It is important to remember about the dangers of fumes, rubber gloves and regular preventative measures, which will help avoid extreme situations.

The best preparation for daily toilet hygiene is special tablets for the tank or gels for flushing. They have a pleasant smell and color. Most are attached with inside rim. They save time on cleaning the latrine and do not harm your health, because during tedious scrubbing you have to make not only effort, but also breathe in harmful fumes. An additional plus is the absence of negative emotions.

It’s not scary to let guests into a clean restroom. The latter will not feel disgust when using someone else’s latrine.

How to properly clean a toilet without professional chemicals? Carefully, carefully, using rubber gloves. All other subtleties and nuances depend directly on the chosen reagent.

  • Baking soda is a universal cleaning agent

Any will do. Food or caustic. Easily copes with dirt on the surface. Any. From the toilet to the sink or bathtub. Sprinkle onto contaminated areas and leave overnight. In the morning, the bathroom is cleaned with a brush or sponge. Everything ends with washing off. If necessary, the procedure is repeated. Another way to use baking soda involves having vinegar in the house. Soda is poured into the device for 30 minutes, then filled with vinegar. During the reaction, the surface is wiped with a brush. This method allows for simultaneous disinfection and removal of limescale and rust.

Baking soda is a good helper in cleaning stains

  • Vinegar for limescale

250 ml of 9% vinegar is heated to 50 degrees in a container with closed lid. Add 1 tbsp to the solution. soda and a drop of iodine. The resulting product is poured into the toilet bowl, which is soaked for two to six hours. Afterwards, the device is treated with a brush and rinsed well with several runs of water.

  • Citric acid as a cleaning agent

Citric acid crystals, like vinegar, are good at removing plaque and urinary stones. To do this, pour the product into a bowl and leave it overnight. You should pay attention to the condition of the crystals; they must get wet, otherwise they will not work. The ideal consistency is porridge. The amount of citric acid is selected depending on the area of ​​contamination. If the procedure helped partially, it can be repeated. Some housewives add citric acid wood ash, providing a foam effect.

  • Coca-Cola

Regular Coca-Cola will help make your toilet shine. The fact is that it contains orthophosphoric acid. It is the one that removes plaque and stone well. Soda is poured into the toilet bowl overnight. So it is guaranteed to give a positive result.

Coca-Cola contains orthophosphate acid

  • Mustard powder is an excellent antimicrobial drug

Ideal for daily cleaning bathroom. It can not only disinfect, but also wash away greasy film. To do this, take 1 tbsp. mustard powder, 100 g starch and 1 tbsp. citric acid. Mix with water to a pasty consistency and apply to the walls and rim of the toilet. After a few hours, wipe with a sponge or brush. The remedy will not work old plaque and rust, therefore it is recommended as a preventive measure.

The following tools will also help in the fight for cleanliness:

  • borax;
  • tablets for cleaning dentures;
  • vitamin C;
  • hydrogen peroxide + ammonia.

All of them are poured or poured into the bowl of the device and left overnight. This is followed by treating the surfaces with a brush and rinsing in the form of rinsing. To do this, just press the button on the drain tank.

Bottom line! Folk remedies are safer than professional ones. However, the former require more effort when cleaning plaque or rust and are more suitable for regular preventive measures. Folk remedies are safer for health. Professional cleaning is more effective. Which ones to choose? It is up to each housewife to decide regarding the degree and nature of contamination, as well as her own preferences.

A good cleaning result is ensured not only by the correctly selected detergent, but also by a clear sequence of actions. So, wash the bathroom correctly.

  1. Cleaning the area around the toilet so that nothing gets dirty or splashed, and subsequently spoiled by aggressive chemicals.
  2. Cleaning all things from the cistern, including working tools used during cleaning, as they may fall into the toilet bowl.
  3. Before cleaning, water is removed from the toilet. A plunger is used for this.
  4. Sand accumulated at the bottom of the bowl is also removed using a plunger and a bucket of water.
  5. Helps make dirt easier to remove warm water, which moistens the walls of the bowl. Attention! The water should be warm, not hot.
  6. Apply the cleaning product to the inside of the toilet, including under the rim. The amount of time you have to wait to receive required result, indicated in the instructions on the packaging of the drug.
  7. While the product is working, you should proceed to cleaning the external surfaces of the device and the restroom as a whole. For this you can use the same product as for the bowl.
  8. Thorough treatment of the seat - washing and wiping dry.
  9. Processing the hinges on which the seat is attached. Rougher cleaning is also possible - with a brush, hard or metal sponge.
  10. The next glass in line is the lower part of the toilet.
  11. Now you can return to the surface of the bowl, filled with gel or covered with powder. It should be rubbed well with a brush or sponge, paying special attention to the area under the rim where greatest number dirt, bacteria and germs. Next, you should work the drain well to the bottom.
  12. Finally, the toilet lid is closed and the soap is washed off with water. We can assume that the bathroom has been cleaned.
  13. There is no need to rinse the brush additionally, but it should be dried before placing it in the tray. To do this, just put it under the toilet lid. This will prevent bacteria from growing in the tray.

If desired and have time, many housewives remove the toilet lid and seat and wash them separately. To do this, simply unscrew the two mounting screws.

Don't forget about the toilet seat

Before starting work, you should stock up on the necessary equipment:

  • long and durable rubber gloves that prevent hands from coming into contact with the surfaces being cleaned;
  • detergent for cleaning the bathroom;
  • sponge;
  • toilet brush;
  • refreshing spray;
  • cleaning tablets for plumbing fixtures;
  • paper towels or microfiber cloths.

Once the strategic plumbing fixture has been cleaned, you can move on to cleaning the surrounding area. The dirtiest place in the restroom is behind the toilet. He is not visible. It is difficult to reach. However, it also needs to be cleaned periodically, especially if it is used as a storage area for household chemicals and cleaning accessories.

Where to begin? Step by step:

  • freeing up space;
  • removing debris with a broom or vacuum cleaner;
  • disinfection with household chemicals;
  • washing with a damp cloth;
  • cleaning all jars and bottles by washing or wiping;
  • drying the area with a disposable towel, removing excess moisture and divorces;
  • placement of all items in their places.

The same actions must be taken in relation to the areas around the plumbing fixture. The floor and tiles in the restroom must be disinfected! Again, do not forget to use rubber gloves. It is important not to confuse them with others, such as those used when washing dishes or cleaning floors in the rest of the home. A little trick will help with this - the color of the product. Initially, you should buy gloves of a different color. They must be stored in the same toilet room, after washing well after each use.

Cleaning the toilet does not end with cleaning the toilet. It is necessary to wash all hard-to-reach places

Warning! You should never wash the toilet lid or seat with a brush. Thus, it is possible to spread microbes concentrated in the bowl over all surfaces, which can lead to contamination, infections, allergic reactions in the form of itching and rashes.

Important! Household chemicals, including for cleaning toilets, should be stored out of the reach of children and animals. It is recommended to use the drugs according to the instructions.

Preventive measures

Rust, stone and plaque are a consequence of the lack of regular or proper care behind the toilet.

To prevent their occurrence, just follow these recommendations:

  • "No" DC water - the drain tank must be in good working order;
  • “yes” to devices that maintain cleanliness: balls, capsules, discs, tablets, washing gels, attached under the rim of the seat;
  • a ban on fatty foods thrown into the toilet;
  • weekly treatment of the bowl with a cleaning reagent;
  • regular use of a brush soaked in soapy water;
  • timely cleaning at the slightest contamination;
  • chlorine-containing products are intended only for excessive dirt and no more than once a week;
  • use of separate gloves, rags, sponges and other equipment for cleaning;
  • preventive cleaning before guests arrive and after they leave;
  • closing the toilet lid when there are pets in the house.

Carrying out regular cleaning and undertaking preventive measures, you don’t have to worry about the appearance of not only plaque, stone, rust, but also various types of infections. Now you know, .

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