Caring for Kalanchoe at home: where to place it and how to care for it. Kalanchoe care: simple recommendations and little secrets Kalanchoe brief information

Kalanchoe is a succulent with thick green leaves and bright pink, white, yellow, and crimson flowers. Belongs to the Crassulaceae family, requires minimal watering, tolerates the lack of fertilizers, and is rarely affected by pests. In general, caring for Kalanchoe at home is not difficult and even a novice gardener can purchase it without fear.

But Kalanchoe can look different, because this genus includes as many as 200 species! Some of them are particularly decorative and bright colors, others - medicinal properties.

Most often grown at home:

  • Kalanchoe Blossfeld - distinguished by decorativeness. Forms a compact bush, blooms with elegant umbrella inflorescences. The well-known variety series - Kalanchoe Kalandiva is characterized by double flowers.
  • Kalanchoe Degremona is medicinal; the juice from its fleshy leaves is used to heal wounds, get rid of runny nose, etc. Belongs to bryophyllum (viviparous Kalanchoe, reproducing by “babies”).
  • Kalanchoe pinnate is also a medicinal bryophyllum. Its oval leaves with vein patterns resemble feathers, which is how the species earned its name.
  • Kalanchoe Mangina (Mangini) is a decorative bryophyllum with long shoots that form an ampelous bush. Blooms with bright red bell flowers.
  • Kalanchoe tubiflora (tubiflora) is an interesting bryophyllum with narrow leaves tucked inward and with many “babies” along their edges.
  • Kalanchoe dissected - the so-called “deer horns”. Produces long shoots with dissected narrow leaves, shaped like deer antlers.

There are many other species, for example, Kalanchoe tomentosa, Kalanchoe paniculata, etc., but they are grown much less frequently.

However, you can grow any Kalanchoe at home, following certain care rules. They are almost the same for both flowering and deciduous species of this wonderful plant.

Lighting and temperature

Like most succulents, Kalanchoe needs good lighting. Of course, you can put the plant in a shaded place, but then its stems will stretch, and flowering will generally be in question.

When growing at home, the best windows for Kalanchoe are eastern and western. And in winter they are completely southern. In summer with south windows you need to be more careful. In the heat, with intense solar radiation, Kalanchoe leaves may acquire a reddish tint, but some gardeners even like such metamorphoses. So, try it.

At home, Kalanchoe is grown in pots on window sills or on the balcony - in balcony boxes

Important note: bookmark flower buds in Kalanchoe occurs with a short daylight hours(lasting about 8-10 hours). But this “day” should be bright, ideally sunny. Then more flower buds will be formed, and the colors of the flowers will be more saturated.

Like many succulents, Kalanchoe grows best with moderate warm temperatures. In summer the ideal temperature is 23-25°C, in winter – 11-16°C. But quite bold variations in one direction or another from the theoretical ideal are also possible. In winter, nothing will happen to Kalanchoe even with short-term temperature drops to 8°C, of ​​course, provided that the plant is kept “semi-dry”. And in the summer, even temperatures above 30 will not harm it if you do not allow the earthen clod to dry out.

Therefore, as soon as the air warms up to 10°C in the spring, you can take the Kalanchoe in a pot out onto the balcony or into the yard. And keep the plant there until autumn, until, again, the temperature drops below 10°C. Some gardeners plant it in the summer open ground into the garden, and in the fall they dig it up and move it back to the pot.

Kalanchoe in summer can be planted in the garden - directly in open ground. Or take pots of succulents out into the yard.

Watering and fertilizing

Kalanchoe is able to retain water in its leaves and gradually use it for personal needs. Accordingly, the plant does not need abundant frequent watering. Excess moisture will only contribute to root rot. Especially often, the death of Kalanchoe from overwatering occurs in winter after heavy watering of cold soil that does not have time to dry out.

Therefore, in winter, Kalanchoe is rarely watered at home, waiting until the soil in the pot is almost completely dry. This is one of the most important rules for caring for succulents! You should be especially careful when keeping it in cool winter conditions, for example, on a balcony. In the summer, when it’s hot, they water more often, but they also focus on the condition of the soil and the dry top layer.

Kalanchoe does not respond to abundant frequent watering, so it should be watered only after the top layer of soil has dried.

Kalanchoe is also not demanding of fertilizers. It is advisable to feed it during budding and flowering, using any fertilizer for flowering indoor plants. During the growing season you can apply universal fertilizer. It is enough to fertilize Kalanchoe once a month, using half the dose recommended by the manufacturer. And during the dormant period, you should completely abandon any feeding.

For fertilizing Kalanchoe half the dose of fertilizer specified by the manufacturer is enough

Soil and transplantation rules

The best soil for Kalanchoe is slightly acidic or neutral, well-drained and permeable to water. Ideal for these purposes:

  • soil for succulets;
  • universal soil + sand.

Young, fast-growing plants are transplanted every year in the spring into a new pot, 1-2 cm larger in diameter than the previous one. Adult Kalanchoe that have reached optimal height, replanted once every 2 years.

When planting (transplanting) Kalanchoe, a layer of drainage is required, which will protect against stagnation of water at the bottom of the pot and, as a result, from the possibility of rotting of the roots for this reason.

The transplant process step by step:

  • water the Kalanchoe in an old pot;
  • After a few minutes, carefully remove the plant;
  • shake off carefully old land from the roots;
  • prepare new soil, in its structure and properties it should be similar to the old soil;
  • prepare a new pot (which may be slightly larger or the same size as the previous one);
  • add 1-2 cm of drainage and a small layer of new soil to the bottom;
  • Place the root ball in the pot, pour new soil into the spaces formed along the walls of the pot.

In new soil, the transplanted Kalanchoe takes root in about 1-2 weeks.

To replant Kalanchoe, you can use ordinary universal soil, adding to it Not a large number of sand

Trimming and shaping

All Kalanchoes tend to stretch and grow over time. Of course, some time after shopping kalanchoe looks like a miniature squat bush (and only if you care for it properly), but gradually, at home, the decorativeness of the plant decreases. The stems are stretched, the leaves become smaller.

To prevent this from happening, Kalanchoe must be shaped by pruning and pinching.

Kalanchoe is pruned immediately after it has finished flowering. Cut off faded flower stalks and shorten the stems. New shoots will appear at the site of the cuts, which can also be pinched for further branching.

Typically, pruning and shaping of Kalanchoe is carried out in spring/summer. Then, by autumn, many young shoots grow on the plant, ready to produce flower stalks. If you plan to stimulate the plant to flower at another time (this is possible by artificially reducing daylight hours, this is written below - scroll down the page), then pruning should be stopped a couple of months before the start of stimulation.


Kalanchoe can be propagated in several ways:

1. “Children” (bryophyllums only)

They are fully formed plants, only small, but already having leaves and roots. The mother bryophyllum sprinkles these “babies” anywhere, even into nearby pots with other plants. And the new settlers quickly take root, forming entire families of new young Kalanchoes.

Reproduction of Kalanchoe-bryophyllums by brood buds

2. Apical cuttings

A universal method, suitable for any type. And it allows you to quickly get an adult flowering plant. Apical stalk cut from mother bush, dried for 1-3 days and buried in the ground. Do not cover the top with anything; water a little at a time after drying the top layer of soil. Or they place the cut cuttings in water. Kalanchoe produces roots easily, even in winter.

3. Leaf cuttings

A universal method similar to the previous one. The leaf is buried in the soil, it gives roots very quickly. After a while (you'll have to wait!) a shoot begins to grow from the buried leaf - a new full-fledged Kalanchoe. With viviparous Kalanchoe, you can do it differently: place the leaf vertically on the ground, then “babies” will quickly appear from the axils.

4. Seeds

The seeds are laid on the surface of moistened soil, covered with glass, and placed in a warm, bright place. After a few days, shoots appear. Propagation by seeds is the most labor-intensive method of propagating Kalanchoe, but it also has its place. Especially if you want to grow rare variety, from which it is not possible to take a cutting or a “baby”.

How to make Kalanchoe bloom

To understand how to care for Kalanchoe at home and achieve flowering, let’s turn to botanical reference books. In its homeland (Madagascar), Kalanchoe blooms at the end of the African summer, when sunny days become short. Accordingly, this succulent is genetically programmed to lay flower buds in short daylight conditions. In our latitudes, its natural flowering occurs in December - May.

Interesting fact:

At suitable conditions and care, Kalanchoe Blossfeld can bloom almost all year round.

However, in the store you can buy flowering Kalanchoe in a pot at any other time of the year. How did growers care for such a plant that they managed to throw off its biological clock? The secret is to artificially reduce daylight hours to 8-10 hours. The remaining 14-16 hours of Kalanchoe are placed in complete darkness. This regime is maintained for 4 weeks, during which flower buds are formed.

The same can be reproduced at home. To do this, at a certain time you should cover the Kalanchoe with a box, a thick bag, or place the plant in a dark closet. And after 14-16 hours - expose it to light or remove the cover. For example, at 5 pm a bag is put on a plant, and at 7 am it is removed. And so on for 4 weeks.

You can stimulate Kalanchoe to flower even in summer, for example, by specific date. Why not?

During the period of preparation for flowering, the following conditions will be ideal:

  • short daylight hours;
  • high level of illumination, direct sunlight is welcome;
  • cool;
  • poor watering.

After a month of such preparation, a set of buds and during flowering, the need for short daylight hours disappears. But it is advisable to provide coolness - this way the flowers will last longer. Watering can be increased, that is, the regime can be switched from “sparse” to “moderate”. And admire the flowering, which can last 3-4 months!

Blooming Kalanchoe is an unforgettable sight!

To encourage the plant to bloom for a long period, old faded inflorescences are removed. In their place, new shoots with buds grow.

Care after flowering

When the last Kalanchoe flower fades, care for it at home changes. The dormant period begins - the time during which the plant will regain its strength and prepare for the new growing season and flowering.

In preparation for the dormant period, faded flower stalks are cut off and the stems are shortened, that is, pruning is done. Then the Kalanchoe is placed in a cool, shady (but not dark!) place. This could be a corner of a loggia, a cold northern window sill, etc.

Conditions of care during this period:

  • lack of direct sunlight;
  • poor watering;
  • cool (11-16°C ideal, but variations are possible).

In about a month of such maintenance, the Kalanchoe is completely restored. And then you can, if you wish, start forcing again and get re-flowering in 2.5-3 months.

And now we invite you to watch a video that tells you how to grow Kalanchoe:

Houseplant passport

V kindergarten


Homeland - tropical regions of Asia and Africa.

There are more than 2000 plant species.

The plant is not whimsical.

Ficus is a light-loving plant

Water the ficus 1-2 times a week.

In summer, the plant is sprayed daily.

The plant is transshipped first annually in March.

Then once every 3-4 years.


Homeland - tropical regions of Asia and the island of Java.

There are about 150 species.

A very heat-loving plant.

Coleus is a light-loving plant.

In summer, water every other day,

In winter, water less frequently.

On hot days, spray daily.

The plant is replanted annually in the spring.


Homeland: Eastern India.

There are about 600 species.

People call it touchy or Vanka wet.

For the plant to bloom in winter, the temperature must be at least 15 C.

In summer, water frequently; in winter, reduce watering.

Spray carefully, avoiding getting on the flowers.

Replanted at any time of the year.


In nature, dracaena grows in tropical and subtropical areas.

There are 140 known plant species.

The flowering period occurs every 8-10 years.

Dracaena prefers diffused light.

Dracaena is best suited for moderate watering; in winter, watering is reduced to a minimum.

Dracaena needs a certain amount of moisture in the air.

Young plants are replanted annually, adults are replanted as needed.


Kalanchoe in natural conditions found in Africa, the Arabian Peninsula and the islands of the Indian Ocean, in the tropical regions of Australia.

The plant prefers warm air.

Kalanchoe loves well-lit rooms, but it is advisable to protect it from direct sunlight.

Watering - once a week, but abundantly.

In autumn and winter, the amount of moisture is reduced.

Kalanchoe will develop better if it is in early spring transfer to a larger pot.

Kalanchoe needs frequent rejuvenation, that is, growing new plants from cuttings.

Pelargonium (geranium)

Homeland - South Africa.

There are about 280 species in nature.

The flowers are collected in umbellate inflorescences.

Pelargonium is photophilous and needs direct sunlight.

Watering is moderate, very little in winter.

Transplantation is done annually in March, cutting off the shoots so that 3-4 buds remain on each.


Homeland - South America, Asia, Africa.

More than 2000 species are known.

Begonias grow and develop best in partial shade.

These plants are watered only after the surface of the earthen ball has completely dried.

On hot days, the air around the begonias is sprayed, trying not to get on the leaves.

Replant the plant only if necessary.


Distributed in the subtropics and tropics.

Cyperus grows well at temperatures from 13 to 24 C

Cyperus grow well both in light and in partial shade.

Cyperus requires a large amount of water.

It is best to place the plant pot in a pan of water.

The plant should be replanted annually.


Homeland: South America, Europe.

About 800 species are widespread.

Oxalis is thermophilic and prefers a temperature of 25 C, but in winter it should not exceed 5 C.

Oxalis is a light-loving plant.

In warm weather it requires abundant watering; in winter the amount of water is reduced.

Oxalis requires frequent spraying.

It is advisable to replant the plant in the spring.


Homeland: Colombia and the tropical jungles of America.

The air temperature should not fall below 16 C.

Grows in both partial shade and shade, but always warm.

Protect from direct sunlight.

During active growth– water abundantly, daily in hot summers.

This plant needs regular replanting.



About 30 species have been identified.

Nephrolepis is a heat-loving plant.

The plant prefers bright, diffused light and must be protected from direct sunlight.

The plant requires abundant watering.

It is important to spray daily.

Replant as they grow - once every 2 years.


Homeland - subtropics of Europe and tropics of Africa.

There are about 220 species.

Grows in both shade and sun, but protect from direct sunlight.

Watering is moderate - 2-3 times a week.

Be sure to spray in summer.

Replant annually, mainly using transfer to a larger pot.


Homeland: tropical regions of Africa and Asia, 70 species are known.

Watering: moderate from spring to autumn - the soil should have time to dry. In winter, watering is limited. When watering, especially in winter, you should not allow water to get into the center of the outlet - this can cause rotting.

Grows well in sun and shade.


Saintpaulia - herbaceous plant, which is also called "Uzumbara violet", "African violet", Latin name "saintpoulia ionantha".

Homeland: Africa.

Hybrid plants are grown in culture.

Optimal illumination is bright diffused light / partial shade for 11-13 hours a day.

Optimum temperature for growing Saintpaulia +(18-23) 0 WITH.

Frequency of watering - with light drying of the earthen clod between waterings. The water temperature should be 2-3 degrees above room temperature.

At heavy pollution their leaves are washed with a warm stream + (35-40) 0 From the water. Remaining water is removed with a napkin.

Replant: as needed, only when the pot becomes too small for the plant.

Propagated by dividing rhizomes.


China is considered the birthplace of hibiscus. That is why among the people this flower called Chinese rose. The plant can also be found in Western India and Polynesia. And some species grow in Africa and South America. In Malaysia, hibiscus is considered national flower– its buds symbolize the feminine principle.

During the hot season, water procedures should be plentiful. The soil should not be allowed to dry out; monitor its condition and moisten as necessary. In winter, watering is reduced - once a week will be enough;

Chinese rose loves well-lit places, but does not tolerate direct sunlight. Therefore, choose a place for it based on these parameters. If there is not enough light, the plant may not bloom or may shed unopened buds;

The optimal temperature is 20-25 degrees. In winter it should not fall below 12 degrees. If possible, take the rose out to open balcony, veranda or courtyard. If the air is too warm and dry, hibiscus is sensitive to leaf spraying. That's why this procedure It is best to do it early in the morning or after sunset.

For the first 5-6 years of its life, the Chinese rose needs annual relocation. Adult plants are replanted every 3-4 years, as the root system grows. Transplantation is carried out in early spring. The soil should consist of humus, leaf and clay-turf soil in a ratio of 1:1:2. It is also advisable to add bird droppings and sand to the soil mixture.

Before replanting the plant, trim off part of the root system. The branches of the plant also need pruning - immediately after relocation, shorten them by about a third. All these manipulations will give impetus to the appearance of young shoots and abundant flowering. In addition, this is how the plant forms a beautiful and neat crown.


The genus Anthurium is the most numerous genus of the Araceae family. The Latin name of the genus comes from the ancient Greek words for “flower” and “tail.”

Be careful when working with anthurium: it contains substances that irritate the mucous membrane.

Bright diffused light or partial shade, anthuriums do not tolerate direct sunlight. In winter it needs to be illuminated for flowering. At the same time, the plants are quite shade-tolerant; they can grow on a northern window, but they will not bloom.

Anthurium is a tropical plant, optimal temperature for it 20-25°C, in winter it can be kept in a room with a temperature of 16-18°C. Drafts and sudden temperature fluctuations are detrimental to anthurium.

Water regularly with lukewarm water, every 3-4 days in warm weather, in winter you can water once a week. Anthuriums are very demanding when it comes to proper watering. They cannot tolerate either drying out of the earthen clod or stagnation of water in the pot. Some time after watering, excess water from the pan should be drained.

Anthurium comes from tropical rainforests and prefers high humidity air. It is advisable to spray the leaves regularly, but do not spray on the inflorescences - they become stained and fall off faster.

Young plants are replanted every year in the spring. Adults are replanted every 2 years. The dish should be shallow and wide, and good drainage is necessary.

Sansevieria ( pike tail)

Sansevieria is a perennial rhizomatous evergreen herbaceous plant with erect succulent lanceolate leaves. It usually blooms in spring, in April - May, with small white flowers collected in racemose inflorescences. At night they give off a fairly strong aroma of vanilla. All species of this genus are extremely unpretentious and very hardy.

Light:bright diffused light, tolerates both light partial shade and full shade. But for variegated plants, bright, intense light is necessary, since the variegated color of the leaves is lost in the shade.

Temperature:The spring-summer period prefers a moderate temperature within 18-25°C; in the autumn-winter period, the temperature should not fall below 14-16°C for a long time; in case of a prolonged drop in temperature, the plant gets sick.

Watering:moderate from spring to autumn - the soil should have time to dry out. In winter, watering is limited. When watering, especially in winter, you should not allow water to get into the center of the outlet - this can cause rotting.

Air humidity:It is useful to wipe the leaves with a damp cloth.


Aloe (Aloe) is a family of asphodelaceae. Tree aloe (Aloe arborescens). Homeland - South Africa.

The aloe plant has a branched, erect stem. The leaves are sessile, thick and succulent. They are convex from below, concave from above. The color of the leaves is gray-green, as they are covered with a waxy coating that protects them from excessive evaporation.

At home and in the greenhouse, adult specimens bloom annually. During flowering, a peduncle grows from the top of the main stem, ending in a cluster of drooping tubular flowers of light red color with an orange tint.

Landing. Soil mixture should be light and contain leaf, turf soil and sand in a ratio of 2:1:2 with the addition charcoal. The reaction is slightly acidic.

Care. Watering is rare, moderate in summer. In summer it is recommended to take the plant outside open air, but it must be protected from rain. Aloe needs dry air.

Reproduction. Propagated by side shoots, after drying them in air. From July to August or in spring, cuttings are planted in sand. Water rarely, do not spray.

Medicinal properties of aloe. In scientific medicine, aloe is used as a choleretic and laxative, as well as to restore damaged tissues. IN folk medicine used to treat ulcers, wounds, pulmonary tuberculosis, inflammatory processes in the gums, as well as in the eyelids and for other eye diseases, in the treatment of eczema, lupus and stomach ulcers. In China it is also used for sexually transmitted diseases. More details about this plant are written in the chapter “Plants - Green Doctors”.

Note. In ancient times, aloe vera was used to decorate houses; they were hung above the door, attributing magical properties to them.

Eucharis (Eucharis), Amazon lily

Family: Amaryllidaceae (Amaryllidaceae).

Homeland: Mountain Columbia.

Flowering: February - March. Depending on care, it can bloom several times a year.

Light: bright diffused. Can tolerate shade. Should be protected from direct sunlight.

Temperature: during the growth period should not fall below 18°C. Strong temperature changes cause flowers to shred.

Watering: moderate, without waterlogging.

Air humidity: insignificant, but spraying and washing the plant is useful. During the flowering period, either do not spray or spray carefully.

Dormant period: after flowering, 1–1.5 months. If eucharis is kept without a dormant period, the likelihood of its flowering decreases.

Transplant: as the pot fills daughter bulbs.

Reproduction: by daughter bulbs and seeds.

The leaves are large, beautifully curved, dark green, broadly oval with long petioles, slightly reminiscent of aspidistra leaves. An umbrella with 5-6 flowers, each 8-10 cm in diameter, is formed on the flower arrow. The stamens form a crown inserted into a frame of six wide tepals. Upon superficial observation, it seems that the flower looks like a large daffodil. Let us add that the flowers have an exquisite and delicate aroma. Flowering of Eucharis varies among various types, usually flowering occurs in February - March. The flowers open alternately, and therefore the flowering lasts for a long time. Each flower blooms for 8-10 days, and the entire inflorescence lasts about 20 days.

Agave (agave) - agave family.

American Agave (Agave americana). Homeland - Mexico.

Perennial stemless rosette plant. The rosette is formed by large basal leaves. The leaves are gray-green, thick, hard, 20-30 in a rosette, linear-lanceolate, tapering towards the apex, concave above, convex below. The edges of the leaves have sharp spines, the tops end in a hard, sharp spine up to 3 cm long.

It blooms only in nature at 10-15 years of age; it does not bloom or bear fruit indoors due to lack of heat and light and limited space for growth.

Location. The plant is light-loving and drought-resistant; it is usually kept on sunny side window.

Pedilanthus tithymaloides (Pedilanthus tithymaloides)

A plant like pedilanthus(Pedilanthus) belongs to a fairly large family of euphorbiaceae (Euphorbiaceae). It is a highly branching shrub. In nature, such a plant can be found in Central, North, and South America.


Such an unpretentious house plant as sansevieria(Sansevieria) is known to almost every person. It has several more unusual names, and you have certainly heard at least one of them, namely: “ pike tail», « Snake skin», « mother-in-law's tongue", and « wolf tail».

Decembrist (Schlumberger)

Schlumberger also called zygocactus or Decembrist, and it is an epiphytic cactus. In the wild, such a plant can be found in eastern Brazil, and it grows there in humid mountain forests on the trunks of various trees.

Zamioculcas (Dollar Tree))

A plant like zamioculcas(zamyelifolia) is very unpretentious, despite its difficult to remember and rather unusual name. It is also often called “ dollar tree" It is worth considering that, despite all the unpretentiousness, this plant reacts extremely negatively to improper care behind him.


A plant like monstera popular among a large number of gardeners. Quite often you can find such specimens that hardly fit into small city apartments. The thing is that if Monstera, which is a liana, is allowed to grow, it can quickly grow up to 6 meters in height, and its leaves will become very large.


So grassy perennial bush, How chlorophytum (Chlorophytum) very often can be found in houses or apartments. It has narrow leaves, which are most often colored green-white or simply green color. This plant is also characterized by hanging airy tendrils, at the tips of which there are young plants in the form of small bushes.


For a beginning florist, reo is perhaps the most suitable flower, allowing you to withstand the consequences of improper care. Caring for it does not require much effort, just like cyperus, cactus or sansevieria, and it is as beautiful as dracaena. This flower is considered by many to be one of the types of Tradescantia, but this is not entirely true. Reo is indeed a close relative of Tradescantia, but many botanists believe that this flower belongs to a separate genus - the genus reo


The fat woman came to us from South Africa and Madagascar. Some species in nature reach several meters in height. The decorative house flowers in the photo owe their name to their fleshy, coin-like leaves. Crassula or " Money Tree» excellent home plant, which even a beginner can take care of. In terms of endurance and easy reproduction the flower can only be compared with Kalanchoe. Even a fallen leaf soon takes root and gives rise to a new plant.


Perennial hibiscus, related to garden mallows and lavateras, in Russian conditions took root as indoor plant. Large blooming culture grown as a shrub or standard tree. At proper care and sufficient nutrition, it has an enviable longevity, grows to a height of 2–2.5 meters and regularly produces spectacular red, pink, and coral flowers.

Kalanchoes are attractive succulents that are characterized by fleshy leaves and attractive flowers. Most of these plants are famous for their medicinal properties.

Kalanchoe: growing from seeds

To propagate such a plant, you can use seeds. They are sown at the end of spring, using a mixture of sand and leaf soil. Sowing is carried out directly on the soil surface, after which it is necessary to provide shading and a temperature of 20-22 degrees. If the sown seeds were fresh, it only takes up to 2 weeks for them to germinate. After this, the seedlings are planted in the same soil and placed in a lighted place. In summer, young Kalanchoes are transplanted into soil for adult plants - a mixture of turf, humus and peat land, as well as sand in the ratio 2:2:2:3.

Reproduction of Kalanchoe

This plant reproduces very easily apical shoots. To do this, in the spring, cuttings up to 10 cm long are cut from young shoots, planted in a mixture of sand and peat, after which the pot is covered with polyethylene. Every day it will need to be removed to ventilate the soil and, if necessary, water it. The temperature throughout the germination period should be maintained at 20-22 degrees.

After rooting, young Kalanchoes are seated in separate pots, which are exposed to diffused light. When the third pair of leaves appears on the plants, the tops of their shoots are pinched.

You can also use individual leaves instead of cuttings to propagate such a plant.

Kalanchoe Degremona is also easily propagated using daughter plants that appear on its leaves.

In both cases, the propagation process is the same as when using cuttings.

Kalanchoe: growth pattern

The Kalanchoe genus has more than two hundred plant varieties, the most popular of which are the following:

Kalanchoe Daigremontiana is a plant that forms one unbranched root up to 90 cm tall. Fleshy length elongated leaves it will reach 20 cm. These leaves have a blue-green tint, with purple spots on the lower part of the blade. Along the edges of the leaves there are young baby plants.

Mature plants sometimes bloom in late autumn or winter. Inflorescences of tubular orange-pink flowers appear on a long peduncle.

Kalanchoe purphyrocalyx - the fleshy leaves of this plant reach 5 cm in length and are distinguished by jagged edges. The plant is valued primarily for its bell-shaped leaves, which are collected in inflorescences of 35 pieces. The flowers are purple and have a yellow edge.

Kalanchoe tomentosa is a plant, the main difference of which lies in the silver fluff that covers its leaves and prevents the rapid evaporation of moisture. The plant has several stems that branch near the base, their height reaches 30 cm. The leaves of this variety of Kalanchoe are gray-blue with jagged edges.

Kalanchoe tubiflora – different rapid growth, therefore it reaches a height of up to 90 cm. Tubular-shaped leaves grow in groups of 3-4 pieces, the length of each of them reaches 10 cm.

At the top of the stems of this variety of Kalanchoe there are inflorescences of drooping flowers, which can have a bright red or lemon pink hue.

Kalanchoe: care features

All varieties of Kalanchoe are easy to care for plants. The main thing is not to water them too often and always empty the water from the stand. Replanting is required only as needed - when the root ball fills the entire pot.

Water the plant moderately during active growth so that the soil has time to dry out sufficiently. In winter, sparing watering is required. Feeding is required only during active growth - once a month.

Kalanchoe is a light-loving plant that needs a lot of diffused light. In summer, it feels normal at room temperature; the optimal temperature in winter is 15-17 degrees.

Possible problems

If the soil dries out too much, the plant may drop leaves and flowers. In this case, watering needs to be increased slightly.

In poor lighting and excessive feeding the plant may be slow growing. In this case, the Kalanchoe should be moved to a more illuminated place and fertilized more sparingly.

In case of excessive watering, the plant may be damaged powdery mildew and gray mold. In this case, watering should be stopped for a while, all damaged parts should be cut off, and the remaining parts should be treated with a fungicide.

Some varieties of this plant can be attacked by aphids. To get rid of it, you will need to treat it with an insecticide.

Decorative Kalanchoe has more than a hundred species, one of which, bryophyllum, is both decorative and medicinal at the same time. The history of its appearance in Europe and Russia is connected with it.

Madagascar island homeland many interesting plants, including Kalanchoe. In addition to Madagascar, it is found in some Asian countries located in the tropical zone.

Ornamental varieties grow and in tropical Africa. Herbaceous ones are found in South and Central America.

Kalanchoe used by priests of African tribes to perform rituals, because they considered this plant a symbol of strength.

Powdered Kalanchoe leaves were smoked during droughts to induce rain. A drink was prepared from the stem and leaves and given to the seriously ill. Kalanchoe leaves were part of the diet of many tribes.

First mentions Europeans date back to the 18th century. In the surviving ship's log of that time, a record was found of the recovery of a Russian merchant who fell ill on the ship with tropical fever, from which Europeans almost always died.

He was removed from the ship and left on the island in the care of local residents. When the ship was heading back, the merchant boarded it alive and well. He constantly chewed some thick-skinned leaves, which he called "kalah", translated as "health".

Kalanchoe appeared in Europe only at the beginning of the 19th century. The plant surprised with many of its qualities, although at that time they were just beginning to guess about its medicinal properties.

Numerous, sometimes unusual forms aroused interest, abundant flowering, pachyderms leaves.

The ability of a flower to give birth to viviparity struck the writer and poet Johann Wolfgang Goethe. He mentioned it more than once in his writings, and subsequently one of the plant species was called the “Goethe tree.” There is a species named after the Russian traveler and explorer A.P. Fedchenko.

Kalanchoe like medicinal plant began to be studied only in the 60s of the last century. The Kyiv Medical Institute received a letter in which a resident of one of the southern villages asked whether a plant given to him by a relative could be used as a medicinal plant if its leaves healed wounds.

This letter prompted scientists to conduct a comprehensive study of the plant.


What does it look like?





In a pot:


Plant characteristics

Kalanchoe are succulents, which are very diverse in appearance. Kalanchoe belongs to the Crassulaceae family. Among them there are shrubs, vines and even epiphytes.

Plant passport:


The plant has a stem, it grows from 40 cm and is colored pale green. There are ones that reach up to 1 meter in nature. The plant most often has the form of a bush.


The leaves are juicy green in color, sometimes along the very edge they have a narrow red border. The leaf shape is ovoid. The structure is dense.

The ends of the leaves, tightly adjacent to each other, point upward, giving the plant, which has a stem, the appearance of a rosette.


The flowers are collected in large apical inflorescences, which look like an umbrella and form a bright cap of a wide variety of colors.

There are species whose flowers resemble bells in shape. In some varieties they grow together into a large tube.

Now breeders have bred a large number of plants with double inflorescences and decorative dwarf varieties.

Not blooming

Kalanchoe not blooming description. These are herbaceous perennial plants with a stem growing up to 1 meter. The succulent, erect, bare stem bears leathery, fleshy, oblong-ovate leaves of a dark green color.

In some species, new plants are almost constantly developing at the edge. When the small plant falls off, it easily takes root because it already has tiny roots on the mother plant.

Although such Kalanchoes are considered non-flowering, some species bloom from time to time with inconspicuous paniculate inflorescences.


In the wild, the main type of reproduction is by seeds, or by young plants formed on the leaves of the mother plant.


Indoor flowering plant been grown for a long time. Many types of plants are suitable for this. The most common are Degremona.

With proper care kalanchoe blooms all year round. Caring for the house is not difficult, the main thing is to always keep the earthen ball slightly moist, do not allow the temperature to drop below 10 degrees, feed it with fertilizer in a timely manner. flowering plants, remove faded flower stalks. In addition, the plant is easily propagated by all possible ways.


This medicinal plant grown on plantations on an industrial scale in the southern regions of the country, where it is planted in furrows on loamy and sandy loam soils. The collection of raw materials begins after two to three years, when the young plants have grown sufficiently and are full of juice.

There are species that grow in the south of the country, in places where the temperature does not drop below 5 degrees, in the garden for decorative purposes.

Many flowering varieties They are planted in flower beds as annuals in the central regions of the country; the plants die at the first frost.


Both on the street and in room conditions Kalanchoe lives a long time.

There are cases where Kalanchoe grew in a room for about 20 years, constantly being pruned.

Any type absorbs radiation from household appliances, purifies the air. The plant has a beneficial effect on the elderly and children, on those who are recovering from a serious illness.

It helps people with weak character cope with problems, feeding them with energy. And it helps strong people to discover their talents and internal reserves.

Used for a long time.

It helps fight inflammation, fights viruses, stops bleeding, and heals burns.

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