Tibetan longevity collection. Simple and effective Tibetan recipes for health and longevity

Based exclusively on the gifts of nature, the medicine of the monks from Tibet is the most ancient that modern people know about. All the herbal mixtures she offers have been meticulously developed over thousands of years; the percentage composition and rules of administration have been calculated down to the smallest detail. This is the most effective natural medicine, requiring maximum discipline in everything: from the preparation of preparations to the regularity and timing of their administration. The recipe for rejuvenating the body has lived up to its purpose for many centuries, being one of the most popular means of Tibetan medicine.

Composition of the Tibetan youth collection

The rejuvenation collection includes well-known and easily accessible herbs that can be found in any pharmacy. The value of this recipe lies in the proportions and method of administration, which should be strictly adhered to, disciplined, without interruption for a day.

Chamomile - 100 g
St. John's wort - 100 g
Immortelle - 100 g
Birch buds - 100 g

Grind all components and mix thoroughly. Store in a dry, ventilated place in a fabric or paper container, in a glass jar.

This amount of collection will be enough for one and a half to two months of use. After its completion, you should take a long break - for several months. It is enough to carry out a rejuvenation course once during the year.

How does the rejuvenation collection work?

The herbs included in the collection have properties that accelerate and restore processes in the body, because in order for it not to be affected by the influence of time, it must function correctly. The action of the Tibetan recipe for youth is aimed at:

  • to improve metabolism;
  • getting rid of harmful accumulations in the intestines and joints;
  • cleaning blood vessels from cholesterol, improving their elasticity;
  • removing excess fat and preventing the appearance of new ones;
  • normalization of sleep and brain activity;
  • restoration of appetite.

Video: How the recipe for youth works

How to brew and take herbal infusion for rejuvenation

To prepare one serving of infusion, pour 1 tbsp into an enamel or glass container. l. collection, pour 500 ml of boiling water. Cover with a lid and brew as tea for at least half an hour. Strain the finished infusion and divide into two equal halves.

Drink one part of the infusion prepared according to the Tibetan youth recipe in the morning after breakfast, adding a teaspoon of honey. Any honey will do: flower, buckwheat or sunflower. It must be clean, free of foreign impurities, and of good quality.

Place the second part in the refrigerator until evening. Take it after dinner, heating it in a water bath until pleasantly warm, also adding a spoonful of honey.

After consuming the herbal infusion, it is advisable to avoid snacking: until the morning if taken in the evening, before lunch if taken in the morning. Otherwise, the process of cleansing the body, which is launched under the influence of the drink, will fail.

You should not prepare herbal infusion for future use. It is better to prepare its daily amount every morning. Should be taken warm, but not hot.

Video: How to brew and take medicinal herbs correctly

Side effects from taking the collection

In the first days of starting to take the herbal infusion, you may experience some deterioration in your health. The weakest organ, burdened with a bunch of diseases, reacts to herbs first. Someone will begin to complain of headaches, weakness, fatigue. Some people will have aching joints, stomach pain, and diarrhea. This is a signal that restoration and rejuvenating processes have begun. It is necessary to endure for several days, then the state of health will improve dramatically, so much so that the person will feel incredible lightness throughout the body, which was characteristic of him only in distant childhood.

You can prevent these unpleasant symptoms of rejuvenation by first completing a body cleansing course based on herbal remedies.


Despite its miraculous powers, the Tibetan collection has some contraindications:

  1. Individual intolerance to one of the components of the collection.
  2. You cannot take herbs for longer than the indicated period, making a larger collection than indicated in the recipe. This is especially true for men, because it contains St. John's wort, which suppresses male power.
  3. It is not advisable to start treatment during periods of exacerbation of chronic diseases, during pregnancy and breastfeeding.

Alternative recipes for youth from Tibet

Sometimes in a Tibetan recipe for youth you can find strawberry leaves in the same proportion as other herbs. This does not change the effect of treatment, but only expands the sphere of influence of the herbal mixture on the body. The plant normalizes blood pressure, has a mild sedative effect, removes salts from the body, and is especially useful for problems associated with female diseases.

The above version of rejuvenation according to the method of the monks of Tibet is the most accessible, focused on ease of preparation and use. The alternative recipe includes more than 20 herbs. Its medicinal properties significantly exceed the effect of the first collection, but if you decide to resort to it, it is advisable to consult your doctor.

This drink is considered the most popular and effective remedy for cleansing the body and even losing excess weight. It is credited with special properties, and according to legend, Tibetan monks carved the recipe for this miraculous composition on a clay tablet back in the 6th century BC. This is a herbal mixture that is not difficult to prepare in our time. We will introduce readers to a unique remedy called the Tibetan recipe for youth from 4 herbs, as well as reviews and contraindications for its use, and other useful information on the article page on “Popular about health”.

Tibetan collection: what herbs and how to prepare it?

This is a completely simple recipe made from 4 herbs and does not take much time to prepare. To collect, you will need equal quantities of 100 grams of raw materials and you need to combine four plants in it:

St. John's wort;
immortelle flowers;
chamomile flowers;
Birch buds.

All these ingredients are sold in pharmacies, but with sufficient knowledge, you can collect, even if not Tibetan herbs, but on your own. However, the pharmacy also sells local herbs. The collected raw materials will need to be dried and then crushed individually using a coffee grinder, scissors, mortar, etc.

Mix 100 grams of each plant together in one container. You can store this mixture in glass containers or ceramic dishes with a well-fitting lid. It is advisable to put the herbs in a dark place so that the volatile active components do not evaporate and the collection does not lose its medicinal properties.

It is more convenient to prepare the Tibetan collection in the evening:

Pour 1 tablespoon of herbal mixture into a thermos;

Pour 500 ml of boiling water;

Seal and leave overnight.

In the morning the infusion will remain warm. It will need to be strained and squeezed well.

How to take Tibetan infusion of youth correctly

You need to drink the resulting herbal drink twice a day. In the morning before breakfast, immediately after waking up, drink 1 glass of aromatic infusion, adding a little honey if desired. After 15-20 minutes you can eat.

The evening intake should take place before bed, 2 hours after the last meal. After drinking herbal tea, you can no longer eat. This is due to the effect of the decoction: our body will not spend energy at night on digesting the foods we eat and doing other things, which means that recovery and treatment will be as effective as possible.

Tibetan collection has a complex effect on the body:

- diuretic;
- cleanses cholesterol;
- activates the gastrointestinal tract;
- eliminates inflammatory processes.

You can take the infusion in courses: drink for 10 days, break for 3 days. In general, the duration of treatment is no more than 2 months, once every 5 years.

For whom is Tibetan collection contraindicated??

The herbs included in the medicinal collection can provoke an allergic reaction. It is not recommended to take them during treatment with any medications, since it is unknown what consequences such an interaction may cause.

You should refrain from infusion in case of hypertension, gastric ulcer, pancreatitis, diabetes, and cholelithiasis. This recipe is contraindicated for pregnant and lactating women.

When consuming St. John's wort, you should refrain from exposure to the sun (in a solarium), as the skin can instantly burn.

Since the collection has a cleansing effect on the body, discomfort in the liver may bother you, this should not be scary - this is how stagnant bile is removed.

Youth and longevity a dream of all generations and at all times. Astrologers, priests, and alchemists persistently tried to find the secrets; this is stated in ancient myths and legends. Since those times, the remedies they offer have been known: the elixir of eternal youth, the stone of immortality, rejuvenating water...

Among the Egyptians, in order to preserve youth and longevity, it was customary to take laxatives every month for 3 days; frequent sweating was also considered useful for removing substances unnecessary to the body through the skin.

In China and India, various organs from tigers and other animals were offered as an aid against senile infirmities. But the Greeks claimed that the path to longevity in the wise use of natural factors. Hippocrates, in his “Aphorisms,” sets out recipes for the treatment of age-related diseases and gives many tips for their prevention, which are still relevant today:

“Gymnastics, physical exercise, walking should be included in the daily life of everyone who wants to maintain efficiency, health, a full and joyful life;

The effects of dietary remedies are long-lasting, while the effects of drugs are transient;

Just as a clothier cleans cloth, knocking dust out of it, so gymnastics cleanses the body;

The doctor treats diseases, but nature heals;

Our nutritive substances must be medicinal substances, and our medicinal substances must be nutritive substances;

Neither satiety, nor hunger, nor anything else is good, if you take the measure of nature.”

Hippocrates recommended moderation and abstinence in everything, the use of clean air, bathing in cold water, gymnastic exercises and daily rubbing of the body. And here is a statement from another Greek scientist Epicurus, who advised using medications less often, being closer to nature, and taking walks:

“Always work. Don’t expect gratitude from people and don’t be upset if they don’t thank you;

Extract threads from nettles, medicine from wormwood.”

Tibetan monks:

It is known that with age, the adaptive capabilities of the body decrease, physiological functions gradually fade away, and people become more susceptible to various kinds of diseases.

I offer you several ancient, but very effective recipes for rejuvenation from Tibetan monks, which cleanse the body of salt deposits and harmful substances, stimulate the body and rejuvenate it.

One of these recipes was found in an ancient Tibetan monastery by a UNESCO expedition in the 70s of the last century. This is the recipe:

Garlic tincture of Tibetan monks, recipe for rejuvenating the body. The treatment is homeopathic, drop by drop, but the results are amazing: blood vessels are completely cleansed of cholesterol, metabolic processes are restored, the tincture serves as a preventive measure against heart disease and the occurrence of tumors, memory and vision improves...

How to prepare garlic tincture of Tibetan monks?

Peel and crush 350 grams of garlic in a wooden or clay bowl. Measure out 200 grams of the crushed mass, along with the resulting juice, transfer to a glass container and pour in 200g. 96 proof alcohol. Place in a dark place for 10 days.

How to use garlic tincture of Tibetan monks?

The tincture is drunk only with milk, strictly following the drip regimen below, 15-20 minutes before meals. Attention: only 1 course of treatment is carried out. You can drink it again only after 5-6 years.

1st day breakfast – 1 drop, lunch – 2 drops, dinner – 3 drops;

2nd day breakfast – 4, lunch – 5, dinner – 6;

3rd day breakfast – 7, lunch – 8, dinner – 9;

4th day breakfast – 10, lunch – 11, dinner – 12;

5th day breakfast – 13, lunch – 14, dinner – 15;

6th day breakfast – 15, lunch – 14, dinner – 13;

7th day breakfast – 12, lunch – 11, dinner – 10;

8th day breakfast – 9, lunch – 8, dinner – 7;

9th day breakfast – 6, lunch – 5, dinner – 4;

10th day breakfast – 3, lunch – 2, dinner – 1;

And here is another recipe, the elixir of eternal youth : recipe for rejuvenating the body from honey, lemon and garlic. You will need 6 lemons, 4 large heads of garlic and 200g. honey Chop the lemons, peel and peeled garlic, pour into a dark glass bottle and place in a dark place for 10 days.

After aging, strain the elixir and take twice a day, morning and evening. In the morning, dilute 1 tablespoon of elixir in a glass of water and drink 15 minutes before. before meals. In the evening - an hour after eating. It is advisable not to interrupt the treatment, otherwise the internal mechanisms of cleansing the body will be disrupted.

And this is the recipe rejuvenating agent is called - rejuvenating wine

To prepare rejuvenating wine, take equal parts of lavender and sage leaves and pour 100 grams of this mixture with 1 liter of dry red wine. Leave in a dark place for two weeks, shake the glass container periodically, then strain.

Take 50 grams of wine, morning and evening, 30 minutes before meals.

Choose your favorite Tibetan monks recipe for rejuvenation and cleanse your body. Yes, and one more thing... scientists from Novosibirsk invented it, you can read about this in the article, clinical trials are now underway and it will soon appear in pharmacies.

I wish you good health, live long and happily!

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Ecology of health: The recipe for “Eternal Youth” tea is quite simple and to prepare it you need to make a collection of 4 herbs, each of which you need to take 100 grams

  • chamomile;
  • St. John's wort;
  • immortelle;
  • birch buds.

An ancient recipe for youth from Tibetan monks

At all times, people have thought about finding a recipe for a remedy that allows them to maintain health and youth for a long time. Different peoples have come up with many miraculous elixirs, some of which proved their effectiveness, while others, if they acted, did so only as a placebo, that is, they allowed them to get results only because people believed in their help.


One of the secrets of preserving youth and beauty was found in the 14th century BC by monks from Tibet. The Tibetan recipe for rejuvenation became available to modern humanity relatively recently, when, during the study of one of the books, a list of ingredients was found that were necessary to prepare “Eternal Youth” tea.
Recipe for rejuvenation with herbs from Tibetan monks

The recipe for “Eternal Youth” tea is quite simple and to prepare it you need to make a collection of 4 herbs, each of which you need to take 100 grams. These are the herbs:

St. John's wort;
birch buds.

You can prepare the collection yourself by collecting herbs in the spring and summer (necessarily as far as possible from the city, highways and various industries), or purchase dried herbs at a pharmacy.

dried herbs

So, combine 100 grams of each herb and mix thoroughly. The collection must be stored in a clean, well-closed container.

To prepare 1 serving of tea, you need to take 1 tablespoon of the mixture and pour 500 ml of boiling water over it. Leave for 20-30 minutes, strain. Measure out half of the resulting infusion, add 1 teaspoon of honey to it and drink after dinner. Don't eat anything else before going to bed. It is not recommended to modify the recipe by adding additional components or removing something.

The remaining infusion should be consumed in the same way in the morning after breakfast, after slightly warming it up and adding honey. After drinking the drink, do not eat anything until lunch and it is advisable not to drink, because the cleansing of the body, which begins after taking the collection, may be disrupted in this case.

Thus, Tibetan tea “Eternal Youth” will be consumed daily until the dry harvest comes to an end, and this will happen in about 1.5 months.

The Tibetan recipe for rejuvenation has a complex effect and helps improve the condition of the entire body as a whole:

metabolism improves;
the blood vessels are cleansed, freed from cholesterol and becoming more elastic;
slags and lime deposits are removed;
vision improves;
weight decreases and the condition of the skin improves, it is cleared of inflammation;
Headaches and joint pain disappear.

In the first days of using the collection, there may be some deterioration in health, headaches and weakness, which is a signal that the cleansing of the body has begun. Most often, the unpleasant sensations go away after a few days, giving way to lightness and increased vitality. In some cases, before starting to take the collection, it can be very useful to cleanse the intestines for weight loss. published

Be healthy!

The inhabitants of Tibet and its environs are famous for their longer life expectancy than other peoples. They owe their good health and longevity to the gifts of nature, which are skillfully used as therapeutic and prophylactic agents for many ailments.

Cleansing the body with Tibetan herbs is one of the proven methods of traditional medicine, which allows you to restore the full functioning of all internal organs and human systems. Removing toxins is the most important step on the path to health.

Tibetan medicine has been perfecting herbal medicine recipes for thousands of years, making it possible to treat various disorders in unconventional ways. A clear order should be observed not only in preparation, but also when taking natural medicine in order to get maximum benefit from it.

You can brew the finished mixture or assemble it yourself by purchasing herbs separately at the pharmacy. The latter option will have a higher price.

Preparation of the infusion:

  • 1 tbsp. l. chop the vegetable mixture;
  • pour into an enamel container with a volume of up to 1 liter;
  • pour 0.5 liters of boiling water;
  • to cover with a lid;
  • leave for 30 – 40 minutes;
  • strain, divide into two parts.

One portion is intended for morning intake, the second for evening. The cooled drink can be heated to a temperature of 36 - 38 degrees using a steam bath.

3 best cooking recipes. How to use?

Tibetan teas contain herbs widely known for their healing properties. Among them:

  • immortelle;
  • pharmaceutical chamomile;
  • St. John's wort;
  • strawberries;
  • oregano;
  • angelica;
  • nettle;
  • plantain;
  • Linden;
  • motherwort;
  • mint;
  • eucalyptus, celandine and many others.

In alternative medicine, the most popular are 3 recipes. The first Tibetan collection of 5 herbs for cleansing contains:

  1. Immortelle, or dried flower, stimulates the production of digestive juices, accelerates metabolism, and prevents congestion in the gallbladder.
  2. Chamomile flowers are a natural antiseptic, have an anti-inflammatory effect, and reduce pain.
  3. Roots and leaves of strawberries - relieve swelling, improve the functioning of the cardiovascular system, eliminate problems of the gastrointestinal tract.
  4. Birch buds - have an antibacterial, anthelmintic effect, prevent the development of infectious and inflammatory processes in the gastrointestinal tract.
  5. St. John's wort is a powerful antiseptic, antimicrobial, anti-inflammatory agent, and has a mild sedative effect.

The combination of 5 herbal preparations has a positive effect on the body:

  • effectively cleanses the circulatory and lymphatic systems, improves the elasticity of vascular walls;
  • provides detoxification of the liver and intestines;
  • restoring intestinal microflora, promotes better absorption of nutrients;
  • prevents the progression of degenerative-dystrophic processes of the musculoskeletal system.


  • grind 100 g of each plant component;
  • measure out 2 tbsp. l. herbal mixture;
  • pour 200 ml of boiling water;
  • leave for 40 minutes;
  • strain.

Take a glass of freshly prepared decoction 30 minutes before meals. The duration of treatment is 2.5 months. Therapy should be carried out no more than once a year.

All components must be taken in equal proportions, crushed and mixed thoroughly. Further:

  1. Measure out 14 tbsp. l.
  2. Pour 2 liters of boiling water in the evening.
  3. Leave until morning.
  4. Strain through cheesecloth folded in several layers.

It is convenient to prepare the infusion in a thermos. The amount of ingredients can be reduced by a multiple of the volume of the brewing container.

Drink warm one hour before meals, a glass three times a day. The evening reception should be no later than a few hours before bedtime. To enhance the therapeutic effect, it is recommended to take medicinal herbal baths. It is necessary to re-brew the plant mixture in a similar proportion. Wait about 40 minutes. Add liquid to the filled bath. The optimal water temperature is 40 degrees.

A Tibetan collection of 26 herbs for cleansing the body has the following effects:

  • improves the functioning of blood vessels;
  • normalizes acid-base balance;
  • stimulates the natural elimination of toxins with liquid and feces;
  • activates the activity of the immune system;
  • helps overcome many diseases of internal organs.

The third collection, “Royal”, received its name due to references to the treatment of rulers of states and members of their families. According to information from historical chronicles, the recipe was documented in the 4th century BC. e. on clay tiles. Thanks to the efforts of scientists, it was translated into modern languages, which made it accessible to specialists in alternative medicine.

According to information from reliable sources, the traditional recipe was found in 1971 in one of the Tibetan monasteries, after which it began to be actively used by monks for therapeutic and prophylactic purposes.

The “royal” Tibetan collection of 4 herbs for cleansing the body contains:

  • birch buds - used for metabolic disorders, excess weight, vitamin deficiency, chronic fatigue, atherosclerosis;
  • St. John's wort - effectively cleanses the liver, has choleretic and diuretic properties, and is used for helminthiases;
  • chamomile - helps eliminate infectious and inflammatory processes, neutralize toxins, relieve intestinal spasms, normalize the functioning of the endocrine system;
  • immortelle is an active choleretic natural drug with a powerful antibacterial and anti-inflammatory effect.

Recipe for preparing herbal complex No. 3:

  • all 4 components are crushed in quantities of 100 g;
  • 1 tbsp. l. the dry crushed mixture is brewed with 500 ml of hot water;
  • leave for 20 minutes covered;
  • filter.

Take a glass an hour after the last meal, drinking the entire volume slowly, in small sips. For the rest of the day, you should not eat or drink except a small amount of water. In the morning on an empty stomach, an hour before breakfast, drink a glass of infusion.

To improve taste and enhance benefits, it is allowed to add 1 tsp to the medicinal drink. natural honey.

Rules and duration of taking Tibetan tea

According to Tibetan prescriptions, herbs are beneficial and have a healing effect only if they are properly collected, stored, brewed, and consumed in accordance with the recommendations.

To obtain the maximum therapeutic effect, you need to follow simple rules:

  1. Use the medicinal drink warm, but the temperature should not exceed 40 degrees.
  2. It is advisable to prepare the infusion daily. If necessary, storage in the refrigerator is allowed. Heat in a steam bath.
  3. If your health changes for the worse, consult a doctor immediately.
  4. The course of treatment with Tibetan herbs is usually 2.5 months. You should take a break between courses. The duration of the interval depends on the state of health, the characteristics of the course and nature of the disease.

Note: if there is a tendency to constipation, then buckthorn bark should be added to set of herbs No. 2. If there is no stool for several days, you need to increase the concentration of the solution - brew 14 tbsp. l. in 1.5 liters of boiling water. If you have loose, frequent stools, it is recommended to reduce the number of doses of the medicinal drink to 1 – 2 glasses per day. It is better to drink the infusion in the first half of the day.

The effectiveness of rejuvenating tea

In Eastern culture, the human body is compared to a clay vessel. If you pour pure spring water into it and do not purify it, then sooner or later it will become cloudy, deteriorate, and over time make the walls thin and fragile. That is why in Tibet the basis of any treatment is getting rid of toxins.

Timely cleaning with natural remedies helps:

  • increase the absorption of nutrients, due to which a person receives maximum benefit from food;
  • normalize metabolic processes, stabilize weight;
  • activate natural mechanisms of cell regeneration;
  • slow down the processes of aging and withering;
  • align the emotional background due to a positive effect on the central nervous system;
  • increase the biological resources of the body.

A healing drink based on natural herbs has a comprehensive rejuvenating effect and helps maintain the flexibility of the joint and ligamentous apparatus.

Side effect of taking Eternal Youth tea

The advantage of natural teas is the absence of adverse reactions from the body, which are often observed during the period of taking pharmaceuticals.

An exacerbation of the symptoms of existing chronic diseases after the start of the use of phytotherapeutic agents is considered normal. Allowed:

  • deterioration of the skin condition, since a significant portion of toxins are removed through the pores along with sweat;
  • discomfort, pain in the right hypochondrium may occur with increased outflow of bile;
  • frequent bowel movements and increased sweating are the result of the launch of a natural cleansing mechanism.

Normally, all symptoms disappear on their own as soon as the balance in the body is established.


A natural Tibetan collection of 4 herbs for cleansing has some contraindications. You should avoid taking this medication if:

  • pregnancy;
  • lactation.

It is necessary to delay treatment until complete recovery if:

  • acute viral infections;
  • systemic diseases of the blood, lymphatic system;
  • kidney and cholelithiasis.

Detoxifying the body with the help of natural Tibetan plants is an effective way to improve health and prolong life. According to Tibetan monks and according to reviews from those who have gone through the path of self-purification with herbs, this really helps to cope with many diseases without pills, significantly improves well-being and gives a feeling of youth.

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