The first factories appeared in. Difference between factory and factory. Distinctive features of the company

Factory … Nanai-Russian dictionary

Logo of the “Star Factory” project Genre music program Production TV company ViD (until 2007), Red Square ... Wikipedia

factory- and, f. fabrique f. floor. fabryka, German Fabrike; it. fabbrica lat. fabrica workshop. 1. In the first decade 18. Structure, construction and type construction work, construction, especially church construction. Exchange 143. The castle was not made by a new factory... ... Historical Dictionary Gallicisms of the Russian language

In early America there was more than one kind of frontier and one of the pioneers. They developed large new commercial enterprises that used mechanical equipment to produce products and goods previously produced in the home or small store. Equipment was grouped in factories.

Some of the technology used to form these new businesses came from England, but increasingly it came from American inventors, scientists, and mechanics. The first plant in the United States was started after George Washington became president.

FACTORY, factories, women. (Latin fabrica, lit. structure). 1. An industrial enterprise that processes raw materials by machine. Paper factory. Match factory. Confectionery factory. Cloth factory. Work in a factory. 2. transfer... ... Dictionary Ushakova

- (Latin fabrica, from faber worker). An establishment for the manufacture of any products needed in life from raw materials; differs from a factory in that the work is carried out for the most part without the help of fire. Dictionary foreign words, included in ... ... Dictionary of foreign words of the Russian language

Distinctive features of the company

The plant had 72 spindles equipped with nine children pushing foot pedals, which were soon replaced by water. Three years later, John and Arthur Schofield, who also came from England, built the first wool mill in Massachusetts. From the textile industry the plant spread to many other areas. In Pennsylvania large ovens and rolling mills replaced small local forges and blacksmiths. Pewterware and clocks were made in Connecticut. Reapers and sewing machines will be made soon.

Cm … Synonym dictionary

Female, German a working establishment, for the manufacture of something, a factory; factories are those plants where fire (heating, smelting, cooking) does not occupy the first place. Cast iron, potash plant; linen, cloth factory. Factory buildings; product. | Factory... ... Dahl's Explanatory Dictionary

An industrial enterprise based on the use of a system of machines, usually in the light, food and mining industries: textiles, confectionery, sintering, processing factories, etc. In English: Factory See also: ... ... Financial Dictionary

The invention of interchangeable parts allowed factories to create watches like this one in mass quantities. At first, these new factories were financed through business partnerships, where several people invested in the plant and paid business expenses such as advertising and product distribution.

In a corporation, individual investors are financially responsible for the business's debts only to the extent of their investment, not to the full net worth of the business, including its home and property. First used by bankers and builders, the corporation concept extended to manufacturing.

A manufacturing enterprise engaged in the production of light and Food Industry. Dictionary of business terms. 2001 ... Dictionary of business terms

- (from Latin fabrica workshop) an industrial enterprise based on the use of a system of machines. From an economic point of view, there is no difference between a factory and a plant... Big Encyclopedic Dictionary

Over the next 15 years, they targeted additional companies in Massachusetts and New Hampshire. Lowell and his partners hoped to avoid the worst evil of British industry. They built their own production capacity in Massachusetts. To work in the textile factories, Lowell hired young unmarried women from New England farms. The "mill girls" were accompanied by matrons and adhered to a strict curfew and moral code.

Although the work was tedious, many women experienced a sense of independence they had not known on the farm. At that time, wages were three times the rate for a domestic servant. The impact of the creation of all these factories and corporations was to drive people from rural areas to the cities where the factories were located. This movement continued as a result civil war. With a huge and growing market unaffected by European traditions to hinder their development, the corporation became a central force in America's economic growth.

Industrial enterprise; historically in Russia the term applied primarily to enterprises in the light and food industries. Raizberg B.A., Lozovsky L.Sh., Starodubtseva E.B.. Modern economic dictionary. 2nd ed., rev. M.: INFRA M.... ... Economic dictionary


  • Factory, Jesse Russell. This book will be produced in accordance with your order using Print-on-Demand technology.
  • High Quality Content by WIKIPEDIA articles! Factory (from Latin fabrica - workshop) - industrial…

Star Factory, Jesse Russell. This book will be produced in accordance with your order using Print-on-Demand technology. Attention! The book is a collection of materials from Wikipedia and/or other online sources.… Human production activity in the 20th century reached a qualitative level

new level

, hitherto unseen. Plants and factories have appeared in all states that produce a huge number of consumer goods. These concepts are not just used as synonyms, but are completely identified. How important is it to differentiate between these categories? The Death of American Manufacturing Factory-made textiles led to cheaper clothing for the masses, but also led to the first American sweatshops. Globalization and outsourcing are killing our industry icons. This turned the tide of World War II and hastened defeat

Nazi Germany ; he subsequently helped rebuild Europe and Japan; this allowed the United States to survive the Soviet empire during the Cold War. At the same time, it met all the material needs of the American people. Many American icons were born during this period. American manufacturing has become synonymous with quality and ingenuity. On the flip side of this industrial production America's middle class has grown. In turn, high-paying jobs helped create a robust and growing economy that relied little on foreign countries for

industrial goods and weapons. Factory- an enterprise with an automated production cycle and relatively big amount. The factory is a new milestone in the development of industry compared to the craft workshop, where the final division of labor took place.

However, manufacturing as a share of the economy is falling sharply. Given America's prodigious record of manufacturing achievements and the vulnerabilities associated with foreign dependence when the country lacks strong domestic manufacturing, it is alarming when economists warn that the US faces "the gutting, hollowing out and shutting down of American manufacturing forever."

The loss of the manufacturing industry is most evident in job losses. According to the economist: “For the first time since the Industrial Revolution, manufacturing now employs less than 10 percent of American workers.” But even this figure is likely twice the actual percentage, since many workers in a typical manufacturing firm have service-type jobs.

Factory– an industrial facility that produces products, or an enterprise that breeds horses and other purebred animals. The most important attribute is a complete automated cycle, requiring minimal human intervention. In the literature, factories are often referred to as those facilities where means of production are produced. Deep processing of raw materials involves a minimum amount of waste.

More recently, these job losses and loss of American manufacturing have been confirmed in the auto industry. According to its goals, the decision was an attempt to "get its costs in line with major global competitors" and "return North American operations to profitability as quickly as possible."

It's now five steps below investment grade. Ford, another American icon, is also cutting jobs. However, the auto industry is just one example of the overall decline in American industrial power over the past few decades. S. has lost 3 million manufacturing jobs, as anyone in Pittsburgh can tell you how unprofitable the steel industry has been over the last 20 or so years. Production losses occur due to globalization and outsourcing.


At first glance, it seems that the differences between these categories are purely etymological in nature. The concept of “factory” is of European origin, the concept of “plant” is Russian. But there are some other differences that allow you to better understand the essence of the categories. Thus, the plant must have its own power plant, which is involved in production. The factory does not have it, which makes it dependent on external energy sources.

Globalization is the increased mobility of goods, services, labor, technology and capital around the world; Outsourcing is manufacturing activity in another country that was previously done by a domestic firm or factory. At the dawn of globalization, the removal of trade barriers opened up access to foreign markets for American manufacturers in exchange for building factories abroad. Over time, more and more manufacturers set up shop overseas, producing goods to sell to Americans.

Today, the trend is so severe that analysts predict that some industries may see between a quarter and half of all jobs displaced. Currently, Mexico is the world leader in the production of auto parts and one of the largest producers TVs in the world.

During the Soviet era, factories primarily included those facilities that produced equipment, means of production, and technically complex objects. The factories included light industry enterprises with relatively shallow processing of raw materials. Factories are also called specialized farms for breeding purebred animals.

Asia has also been a long-time recipient of American manufacturing outsourcing. China has also gained hundreds of thousands of outsourced jobs. While this argument may be superficially compelling, it ignores the dangerous long-term consequences of production losses.

In fact, outsourcing is making Americans poorer over time because America's wealth and technology are slowly migrating to other countries. America's prosperity grew as profits from domestic production were reinvested in buildings, machinery, and technological change.

Novo-Lipetsk Metallurgical Plant

Otherwise, the differences are rather traditional in nature and practically do not reflect the essence of the object: a champagne wine factory, a bakery, a dairy, etc. Along with them, steel factories are known. At both types of production facilities, a closed cycle operates, at the start of which raw materials are consumed, and at the output, products are produced. The system is fully automated; human participation in these processes is minimal. At a factory, the production cycle is usually much deeper and longer than at a factory, but everything depends on specific examples.

But now outsourcing is diverting that income to foreigners. America can access cheaper products through outsourcing, but also has attendant problems, including downward pressure on wages. Displaced manufacturing workers largely move into low-wage service sector jobs. S. fell for the first time in 14 years.

If America doesn't produce and sell goods, then money leaves the country. Unfortunately, this trend shows no signs of abating. Even in agriculture last year there was a deficit in living memory. Every time a US manufacturer closes and then reopens elsewhere, foreign country receives American technology. Without having to spend resources on developing technology, foreigners can focus on improving or beating up.

Conclusions website

  1. Origin. The word “factory” came into our language from Latin, while the word “plant” is originally Russian.
  2. Mode of production. A factory can produce not only products, but also means of production, while a factory can produce consumer goods.
  3. Meaning. A factory is always an industrial enterprise, while the term “plant” can also mean an organization for the breeding and selection of purebred animals.
  4. Source of energy. The plant has its own power plant, but the factory does not have one.
  5. Degree of processing. Standardization is increasingly used in factories; resources are supplied both in the form of raw materials and individual parts. In factories, the production cycle is narrower and involves fewer steps.

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