Thermal curtains: design and principle of operation. Thermal curtains - basic principles of operation

E. Chernyak

Modern energy efficient heating, air conditioning and ventilation system production workshop, shopping and entertainment center or public building, which is visited by many people, it is difficult to imagine without the use of air-thermal curtains. This material describes the basic principles of operation of this equipment, ways to increase its energy efficiency and the sanitary standards prescribed for it.

Heat air curtains are devices that prevent the penetration of air from outside into the interior of a room or the movement of air from one room to another. The required effect occurs due to a jet of air with a high flow rate, directed parallel or at a certain angle to the plane of the opening.

The main purpose of the curtains is to separate zones with different temperatures, that is, preventing air from entering from the street through gates, entrance doors, etc. This happens by supplying an air stream high speed, which forms a barrier that does not allow warm air to leave the room and does not allow cold air from the street (Fig. 1). The consequence of this is a significant reduction in heat loss, which means a reduction in heating costs. In addition, the likelihood of drafts is reduced and thermal comfort inside a building or individual room improves.

Rice. 1. The influence of the thermal curtain on the incoming air from outside

To improve the microclimate and reduce heat loss in rooms, Various types thermal curtains There are models with electric heating air, as well as models equipped with a water heat exchanger, to which hot water is supplied to heat the air. If the entrance doors are closed, the device simply works as a fan heater.

IN summer time An air curtain can also help save energy resources, significantly reducing air conditioning costs and providing low temperatures in rooms with refrigeration chambers.

Another positive aspect of using air curtains is to prevent dust, odors, insects, and exhaust gases from entering the room from outside, without creating any difficulties for people and vehicles. The design of the thermal curtain, which includes a heating element (electric or water), can be supplemented with an air filter, and the degree of air heating and its flow rate are controlled using a remote control remote control. A remote thermostat, as an additional option, makes it possible to adjust the temperature inside the room.

The most common and effective is the installation of a thermal curtain with inside rooms above the doorway (Fig. 2). In cases of large openings, several thermal curtains are installed so that they create a continuous air flow. When using several air curtains, they can be controlled from a common remote control and have one thermostat.

Rice. 2. Thermal curtains installed above the doorway

If top mounting is not possible, manufacturers offer vertical devices located on each side of the doorway or gate.

The main characteristics used to select a thermal curtain in a particular case are:

  • heating power (ranging from units to several tens of kW);
  • air productivity (from hundreds to thousands m3/h);
  • curtain length (usually from 0.6 m to 2.5 m);
  • heating element type: electric; with water heat exchanger.

When choosing a thermal curtain, you should ensure that it completely covers the doorway (at least equal to its width). At the same time, in the workplace the air temperature must correspond to the established sanitary standards. According to paragraphs. 7.7 DBN 2.5-67:2013 “Heating, ventilation and air conditioning”, air and air-heat curtains should provide:

  • in permanently open openings of external walls of premises, as well as in gates and openings of external walls that do not have vestibules and open more than five times or for at least 40 minutes. per shift, in areas with an estimated outside air temperature of -15 °C and below during the coldest five-day period, with a security of 0.92 according to DSTU-N B V.1.1-27:2010 “Building climatology”;
  • at the external doors of the lobbies of public and administrative buildings when the number of people passing through the doors within 1 hour is 400 people or more.

When justified, the installation of air-thermal curtains is carried out at the external doors of buildings, if the lobby is adjacent to rooms without a vestibule, equipped with air conditioning systems; and also at openings interior walls and walls of industrial premises to prevent the flow of air from one room to another. In addition, installation of equipment is possible in the case of rooms with wet conditions, either according to design instructions, or according to special technological requirements.

The heat supplied by air and air-thermal curtains of periodic action should not be taken into account in air and heat balances building.

Air and air-heat curtains at external openings, gates and doors should be calculated taking into account wind pressure. Air flow should be determined by the calculated outside air temperature in the coldest five-day period with a probability of 0.92 and the maximum of the average wind speeds (but not more than 5 m/s), which are determined for the cold period of the year for the corresponding construction areas in accordance with DSTU-N B V. 1.1-27.

The speed of air exit from cracks or openings of air-thermal curtains should be taken no more than: 8 m/s - at external doors; 25 m/s - at gates and technological openings.

The design temperature of the air mixture entering the premises through external doors, gates and openings should be taken as no less than: 12°C - for industrial premises at easy work and medium-heavy work, as well as for the lobbies of public and administrative buildings; 5 °C - for industrial premises with heavy work and the absence of permanent workplaces at a distance of 6 m or less from doors, gates, openings.

Ways to increase efficiency when using thermal air curtains

First of all, the thermal curtain must be selected in such a way that its technical parameters best correspond to the conditions in which it will be operated (height or width of the doorway, air capacity and direction of its jet, thermal power in case of air heating, etc.). d.).

A correct assessment of the ways air enters the room makes it possible to see ways to increase the efficiency of the operation of air-thermal curtains. This process must be agreed upon between the manufacturer (designer, installer) of thermal curtains and the consumer. Indeed, in some cases, for the most correct operation of the device, it is necessary to make changes to existing building structures.

So, firstly, adjustment of the thermal curtain must be provided:

  • the temperature of the air flow emanating from the curtain should vary depending on the temperature in the doorway;
  • The angle of direction of the air flow must change so that it is possible to adjust it to a specific object (height of doors, gates).

If unregulated thermal curtains are used, then when selecting them it is necessary to give preference to the following types (in order of decreasing efficiency):

  • thermal curtains with vertical supply (bottom);
  • lateral, located on both sides of the opening;
  • top curtains (above the opening);
  • one-sided, lateral.

The directional angle of the air stream coming from the curtain is adjusted in each specific case separately, depending on the air supply from the street.

In cases where the facility is equipped with gates with sliding doors, it is advisable to install side double-sided or one-sided curtains (to use the effect of an overlaying stream). Placing a thermal curtain over the opening in this case is not so effective, because during the process of opening the gate, the curtain runs “idle” for some time.

Thermal curtain must not operate with the gate closed. In this case, there is a possibility of heating the gate itself and heat loss through it.

It is advisable to provide for the presence of stationary or articulated vestibules. Energy losses in this case are significantly reduced.

If the height of the gate is equal to the height of the ceiling, then it is desirable to install flexible ceiling screens. A ceiling with “pockets” is preferred. To allow warm air to circulate and return to the work area.

Particularly noteworthy are two-jet (combined) air thermal curtains, which have good damping properties and low energy losses caused by the exit of heated air from the room (Fig. 3). Such a curtain is a structure that has two vertically installed transfer boxes with power units (or one power unit per two boxes) feeding warm air. Two boxes located closer to the opening provide the supply of unheated air. The efficiency of thermal curtains increases when they are installed in a vestibule with a special wall configuration, thus providing counter flows that prevent the penetration of air from outside.

Rice. 3. Working diagram of a two-jet thermal curtain with a vestibule:
1 - power unit (heater and fan); 2 - box supplying heated air; 3 - box supplying cold air; 4 - vestibule

In preparing the article, materials from the books were used: V. Karadzhi, Y. Moskovko “Ventilation equipment. Technical recommendations for designers and installers", V. Ananyev, L. Balueva, A. Galperin and others. "Ventilation and air conditioning systems. Theory and practice".

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High-quality, efficient heating of rooms and their insulation are a top priority in the cold season. Equally important is maintaining heat in the building. In enclosed spaces, with well-insulated walls, doors and windows, you can always create the necessary microclimate when at the lowest cost. But what about in buildings where the doors must be constantly open, or they have to be opened frequently. These can be public places, supermarkets, sports and entertainment complexes, or country private houses. It is in these cases that the electric thermal curtain, designed to create a stable thermal barrier between the cold outdoor and warm indoor air, has proven itself to be excellent.

A thermal curtain is a purely heat-insulating device that is not used for heating buildings. The main task is to preserve the necessary comfortable microclimate indoors and creation the best conditions For efficient work main heating system. Such units are universal and can be used in the hot season to create a protective barrier from hot street air.

Principle of operation

The thermal curtain is otherwise called a heat separator. Based on the type of air heating, thermal curtains are divided into electric and water.

Operating principle electrical system based on the separation of cold and warm air zones in a room using fan heaters. That is, the separation of two air zones occurs due to the air itself.

Any thermal insulation materials contain air, hold it and thereby create a reliable insulating layer. Insulation made from polyurethane foam, polystyrene and fibrous materials operate on this principle. Due to several layers, the maximum insulating effect can be achieved. The action of the double design is based on the same principle window frames containing air inside.

Heat cutters separate inner space from the outside (street), creating a wall of heated air. The principle of operation of such a curtain can be considered using the example of a wide stream of water falling down. This is the wall that divides the space. The thermal curtain also works. Here, a heat-insulating barrier is created by continuous air injection. Heat cutters supply air horizontally, vertical movement of the air mass is created by force by a powerful fan.

The forced air of the heat separator constantly comes into contact with the air space of the room and mixes with it. To maintain a comfortable microclimate in the room, the air passing through the thermal curtain is heated. This eliminates heat loss and eliminates discomfort for people in the room.

How to choose

Any electronic device has its own parameters and operating characteristics. From accurate calculation terms of use and the right choice The quality of work and the service life of the equipment depend. Thermal curtain is selected in each specific case. In this case, the main characteristics of the device must fully correspond to the specifics of the room.

Important parameters that you should pay attention to when choosing an electric heat curtain.


This parameter, determined by the air power and pumping of the thermal curtain, is the main one for the efficient operation of the device. Productivity is expressed by the ability of the device to pass a certain volume of air in a certain time - m3/h (cubic meter per hour). The speed of the forced air decreases as it moves away from the device.

For example, if the device is fixed at a height of 2.5 m and the speed of the blown air is 8 m/s, then at the bottom this speed will be about 2 m/s. It is very important to choose a thermal curtain of such power as to completely cover the entrance opening. This will eliminate unnecessary heat loss through the bottom “gap” in the curtain.

Allowable size

This parameter directly depends on the size of the insulated opening. The width of the heat curtain should cover the width of the working opening with some margin. If this requirement is not met, gaps will form at the edges of the zone through which cold air will enter the room, which will increase, rather than reduce, heat loss. The production dimensions of heat cutters range from one to two meters.

Electric heater type

The thermal curtain is not intended for heating, which is why thermal performance is not a fundamental characteristic of this climate control equipment. In inexpensive models, the heating element is a spiral. With sufficiently high electricity consumption, it has low power due to its small size.

It is recommended to choose electric air curtains with a tubular electric heater (TEH). The high cost of such units quickly pays off, thanks to maximum productivity with low power consumption.

Device control method

When choosing, you need to pay attention to equipping the heat curtain with a remote control panel and electronic unit inclusions. The presence of such a block allows you to integrate the heat separator into the overall centralized room control system.

Separate heating and fan control

This important condition when purchasing this device. By turning off the heating during the warm season, you can use a thermal curtain to isolate the hot air coming from the street from the cooled air in the building when the air conditioner is running.

How to save money

Thermal curtains are powerful devices that create reliable and high-quality protection of the room from the penetration of cold air. The price for this climate control equipment quite high. And if we take into account the fact that in large rooms (supermarkets, entertainment centers) the width of the entrance opening is much more than two meters, then the cost of purchasing heat separators turns out to be too high.

In order to save money, they use additional ways heat retention in the room:

  • Equipment for vestibules. An additional small entrance room will help retain heat and create additional thermal insulation like a huge double frame. This measure will allow you to install a thermal curtain with less power and save money.
  • Installation automatic doors. In most cases, they are installed in buildings with a vertical thermal curtain. But, there are options for using automatic doors with horizontal models of heat separators.
  • Automatic doors eliminate continuous heat loss without the need for permanent job thermal curtain. To achieve the maximum thermal insulation effect, it is necessary to synchronize the operation of the system for turning on the electric curtain and the automation that controls the opening of the entrance doors. According to the recommendations of experts, the thermal curtain should start for a few seconds earlier than the start automatic opening doors. Thanks to this, it is created Extra time to overcome the inertia of the air and when the door is fully opened, it will be obtained maximum effect from the air curtain.
  • A combined option is the installation of automatic doors in the vestibule, which allows you to obtain a complete heat-insulating air space. The effect can be enhanced by installing several doors. During peak hours, this creates maximum throughput and reduces time. Good savings The adjusted locking of doors located opposite each other also provides heat. During off-peak hours, such doors are automatically turned off, which eliminates heat loss due to the through flow of air.
  • Device Application required power. Incorrectly calculated excess power of a thermal curtain in small rooms can cause drafts and unjustified waste of money.
  • Varying the heating intensity. During the off-season period, there is no need to operate the heat curtain at full capacity. In models with the ability to vary the heating intensity, the heating is automatically turned off by an electronic thermostatic unit
  • Selecting a device with the desired fan (turbine). If it is necessary to create an air curtain with a width of more than one meter, the fan design should be clarified. It is he who does the “running” of air and its supply. Preferred are units with a solid turbine located along the entire length of the housing. It is driven by a motor located on the side of the device.
  • There are models in which the engine is located in the center, and two turbines are on its sides. When air is supplied, this creates a dead zone at the top of the curtain, through which heat loss occurs. Such thermal curtains are less efficient and economical.
  • Selecting a device according to the air curtain supply scheme. There are two types of air curtain design: with vertical air supply and horizontal.
  • In a vertical curtain, air is supplied from the side of the opening, and not from bottom to top. It is recommended to install such units in rooms where the width of the opening is much greater than its height. Attention! A heat separator designed for horizontal installation. This situation will lead to malfunction mechanics and rapid breakdown of the device.
  • A horizontal type thermal curtain is installed above the doorway and is the most common and in demand.
  • Choosing a universal model. If there are no specific priorities when choosing a scheme, it is recommended to purchase universal models with both vertical and horizontal air supply.
  • Industrial models of electric heat curtains. If it is necessary to install a thermal barrier in warehouse and industrial premises with constantly open openings, it is most profitable to install industrial equipment.

Thermal curtain selected taking into account all required parameters and operating conditions, will help significantly save costs on high-quality heating of the room and maintain a comfortable temperature inside the building at any time of the year.

Heating a room in which one or more doors are constantly open is a thankless task. Heating devices operate at full power, but heat still escapes through doorways.

The optimal solution would be to install a barrier in the opening that allows people to pass through, but is an obstacle to external air flow. Such a device is called a thermal curtain, as it creates a flat flow of warm air in an open opening and prevents warm masses from escaping outside and cold air from entering inside.

Air flow protects the doorway

The operating principle of any thermal curtain

The task of such a protective device is to cut off external air using the air itself. Namely, the creation of an insulating air flow that covers the entire open opening. Such a curtain not only retains heat inside the room, but also prevents the penetration of dust, foreign odors and even insects from outside.

Air barrier

Such devices effectively retain heat where doors are constantly opened - in shops, garages. And in large country houses, situations can arise where the doors are constantly wide open.

Of course, purchasing a thermal curtain costs money, and its operation is accompanied by energy consumption. But the effect of retaining heat in a house protected by a curtain allows heating systems work with less power. And this ultimately results in overall cost savings. Besides modern devices thermal curtains are equipped with automatic equipment, which turns on the air barrier only when open door, and when the door is closed, the curtain does not work and does not consume energy.

Thermal curtain device

In a simplified way, the operation of a device that creates an air barrier can be represented as a combination of heating elements and a fan. The heated air is driven by a fan, and the outlet air ducts and louvres form a wide and flat flow from it, directed along the protected space.

Simplified design of a thermal curtain

Of course, in reality everything is not so simple. Conventional fans axial type are not suitable for creating a wide and uniform air flow. To ensure a high-quality air barrier, radial and diametrical type fans are used. It is shaped like a long cylinder, with blades along its entire length.

Thermal curtain operation diagram

Typically, such a turbine is rotated by an electric motor located on the side. But there are options in which the engine is located in the middle and rotates two turbines on either side of itself. This design requires a complicated air duct arrangement, since otherwise a narrow section is formed in the middle in which an air screen is not created.

The features of air protection devices vary depending on the installation location, the type of heating elements and the control methods.

Installation location

The heat flow created by the curtain can be directed from top to bottom or from the sides of the protected opening. Logically, a device that directs air vertically should be called vertical. But according to a not entirely clear tradition, such curtains are called horizontal. And those that drive air across doorways– vertical type curtains.

Options for curtains at installation site:

  • Horizontal curtains are located above the opening that needs to be “closed”. The air flow is directed from top to bottom. This is the most common type of device. This is due to the fact that their installation is the easiest.

Horizontal type thermal curtain

  • Vertical type curtains are attached to the floor and located on the side of doorways. This arrangement is more difficult to manufacture the device itself and more difficult to install. Why do you need a vertical thermal curtain? You can’t do without it in cases where there is not enough space above the door for installation horizontal device. Moreover, for relatively narrow doors the use of vertical air protection may be more effective.
  • There is another very rare type of thermal curtains - built-in. These devices are designed for concealed installation behind suspended ceiling. The air flow exits through the decorative grille.

Types of heating elements

To ensure reliable protection of the room in cold weather, preheating of the air is required before discharging it outside. This is achieved by blowing heaters. Heating elements used in thermal curtain devices are of three types:


The most common type of heating elements. Traditionally, these are heating elements - tubular electric heaters in which heating is carried out by a nichrome spiral enclosed in an insulating tube. Such heaters are reliable and easy to use.

Recently, electric heat curtains use STITCH elements to heat the air. In them, heat generation also occurs when current passes through nichrome wire or tape. The shape and arrangement of the wire in these elements resembles needle radiators.

Thanks to this design, STITCH elements instantly heat up, providing a high temperature of the blowing air at the outlet. Their disadvantage is that due to high temperature the element itself, dust falling on it burns and a burning smell is released.
The relatively high cost of electricity is also one of the disadvantages of all electric heaters.

Heating STITCH element


These are water heaters that generate heat from the air passing through them. hot water. They are quite difficult to install and operate.

Water type heater for thermal curtain


Perhaps the most profitable in terms of cost. There are models that also run on liquefied gas. The disadvantage is the possible danger of accidents inherent in any gas equipment.

Control methods

Monitoring and control of the operation of thermal protective devices can be carried out manually and automatically. Basic management methods:

  • Turn the device on or off. Automation, synchronized with door opening, saves money and the air curtain's lifespan. The protective flow is activated only when the doors are open.
  • Air flow temperature control. IN simple devices carried out by a manual temperature switch. In expensive devices, the degree of heating is adjusted depending on the outside temperature. In hot weather heating elements can be switched off, and the curtain maintains coolness inside the room.
  • Remote control of operating modes is carried out using a portable remote control.


To understand how to choose a suitable thermal curtain, you need to understand the basic technical parameters these devices. Choose the device that will protect your door:

  • Dimensions. The length of the device must ensure that the heat flow completely covers the width of the doorway. Even a small gap will significantly reduce the effectiveness of protection against external influences. To select protection over wide doors in large rooms - supermarkets, auto repair shops - you can install several devices located along the entire width of the opening. The height of the device also matters. If it is larger than the free space above the protected opening, then you will probably have to abandon the horizontal type of curtain and consider only options with a vertical type, located on the side of the doors.

Creating a long thermal curtain from four elements

  • Airflow performance. The task of a thermal curtain is not to heat the room - this role is performed by other devices. Therefore, the fan power and, accordingly, the volume of air flow per unit time and its speed are the main parameters of the thermal curtain. To reliably set up a protective flow, its speed at the farthest point is required to be about 2 m/s. To ensure such a flow rate near the floor, it is necessary that a device located at a height of 2.5 m “produce” a speed of about 8 m/s. To ensure such speeds, devices with a capacity of more than 600 m3/hour are required.
  • Noise level. If for industrial premises and large supermarkets this is not the most determining parameter, then for household devices he is critical. At home, a noise level of less than 70 dB is required for comfort.
  • Availability of automatic control. Manual mode good only for the simplest and cheapest options. Automatic control the operation of the curtain and the temperature of its heating elements ensures its efficiency and economy.
  • Protective devices. For safety, it is necessary to be able to automatically shut down the system when it overheats.

Popular models of thermal curtains

Let's look at the most popular models:

  • One of the simplest, but at the same time powerful horizontal thermal protection is the Tropic M-9 model. Its purpose is industrial premises, since it operates on a 380 V network, and its design is not brilliant. Two power levels – 9 kW and 4.5 kW. High productivity - more than 1100 m3/hour. Installation height – no more than 2.3 m. Price 12 – 13 thousand rubles.

Powerful curtain Tropic M-9

  • For domestic use in houses and even apartments suitable model may become Ballu BHC-L06-S03. It does not have much power, but is quiet and inexpensive. It operates from a 220 V network and also has two switchable power levels - 3 kW and 1.5 kW with heating from STICCH elements. It is possible to work with the heating switched off. Productivity – 350 m3/hour. Noise level – 46 dB. Its price is 5 – 6 thousand rubles. The disadvantages include the lack of remote control.

Household thermal curtain Ballu BHC-L06-S03

  • Domestic manufacturer Teplomash produces a whole line of thermal protective devices. One of household models KEV-3P1153E. With decent productivity - 500 m3/hour, but low noise - 45 dB. Two-stage power adjustment - 3 and 1.5 kW. Maximum height installation – 2.2 m. Price 6 – 7 thousand rubles.

Thermal curtain Teplomash KEV-3P1153E

A thermal curtain is climate control equipment, which is a type of room heating. The structure, design, and characteristics of such devices are different, but all devices have a single operating principle. The process of connecting and selecting a thermal curtain requires special attention, since safe and efficient operation depends on it.

Design and purpose of a thermal curtain

To regulate the microclimate, a device such as a thermal curtain is often used. This equipment is a powerful fan heater, which is housed in a metal casing, often having an elongated rectangular shape.

The thermal curtain is installed above the entrance door and does not spoil the interior

The equipment design contains the following elements:

  • an air duct through which warm air masses are carried;
  • heating elements in electric models are heating elements, and in water models - pipes;
  • radial fans or turbine have parameters depending on the length of the thermal curtain;
  • filters clean the air coming from outside from dust and debris;
  • the housing has perforated walls for air flow in and out;
  • control buttons are located on the side panel of the device.

The device is easily mounted on the wall and provides a flow of warm air

The thermal curtain is designed to regulate the microclimate and distribute temperature zones in different rooms. Often the equipment is installed above the entrance from the inside of the room, which helps protect the space from cold currents and ensure a comfortable temperature. This solution is optimal for a private home, store, shopping centers and any other buildings where Entrance door often opens and cold air flows through it.

At the same time, safety requirements prohibit the installation of curtains in rooms with flammable materials, in transport, mines, and automated production facilities.

Operating principle

The simple principle of operation of the air curtain is ensured thanks to the well-thought-out design of the device. A powerful fan draws in air from outside, after which the masses pass through the filter and are cleaned of dust. Next, the air moves through the area of ​​the electrically heated spiral, the temperature of the flow increases and it enters the room through the nozzles. The direction of the jet can be vertical or horizontal.

The air entering the room is cleaned of dirt, heated and supplied to the room Distribution and increased flow of warm air occurs thanks to the fan. The power and operating speed of the equipment may vary, and functional models

have buttons and switches that allow you to configure operating parameters.

Heat curtain options The range of thermal curtains includes several types of devices, differing in design and appearance , placement location. Electric models are in demand and practical to use, but they consume a large number of

electricity to heat the air. The heating element in such devices is an electric coil.

Electric models are easy to use, but not economical

There is also a water type, which contains a heater. This element can withstand changes and low temperatures, which ensures the reliability of the equipment. The device is connected to a central hot water supply, as a result of which the installation and price of the structure are higher than that of electric options.

Water models are difficult to install and have a high cost These options are the main and most popular for providing heat at the entrance to the room. The dimensions and power of the devices are presented in various options

, which allows you to choose the optimal equipment depending on the parameters of the opening, the air temperature outside and the desired level of heating inside the room.

Video: features of choosing a thermal curtain

Preparing to install tools and materials electric model, and for work you will need following materials and tools:

  • screwdriver, screws, pencil;
  • building level, tape measure, hammer drill;
  • mounting hardware included in the air curtain kit;
  • for mounting on the ceiling you will need a pendulum suspension;
  • if several devices are connected in one line, then a connecting kit is needed;
  • M10 bolts, nuts and screws, consoles.

Pendulum pendants are required for ceiling mounting

When purchasing brackets or hangers for fixation, you need to take into account the weight of the equipment. Such parts may be included with the device, but you can also select them separately.

Options for placing thermal curtains

For openings less than 1.5 m wide, horizontal placement is optimal, which involves installing the device above the entrance to the room. In this case, the curtain can be installed on the ceiling or above the door. Thus, the device can be fixed close to the wall or suspended. Other options for placing the curtain are also possible, each of which has certain features.

The curtain must be equal to the width or height of the opening

Horizontal mount

Horizontal fixation can be done on the ceiling or on the wall above the opening, as mentioned above. The second option is the most popular, as it allows you to more effectively prevent cold air from entering the room than when installed on the ceiling. Wherein air flow will be directed from top to bottom.

Horizontal mounting provides good protection from the cold

For installation, perform the following basic steps:

  1. Unpacking equipment, checking the quantity and type of fasteners.
  2. Approximately 10 - 15 cm are retreated from the upper edge of the opening, and with a pencil, draw the bottom line on which the body should be located.
  3. At a distance equal to the length of the body, mark the mounting points for the brackets and make holes there.
  4. The brackets are screwed with bolts and nuts to the body, and then the entire system is fixed to the wall.
  5. The equipment is connected to the power grid and the functionality is checked.

Detailed instructions taking into account individual characteristics device, supplied complete with a thermal curtain. Therefore, before installation, you should study the manufacturer's manual.

Vertical installation of a thermal curtain

Placing devices on the sides of the opening to its full height is a vertical method of installing thermal curtains. This technology is optimal if horizontal method does not allow covering the entire area of ​​the opening with a warm air flow, as well as when the entrance width is more than 2 m.

For vertical placement it is required large quantity devices than for horizontal

Installation is carried out according to the instructions, but the main stages of the work are expressed as follows:

  1. You need to step back about 10 cm from the edge of the opening and mark the fixing points of the brackets.
  2. The fasteners are installed in the prepared holes and on the body.
  3. If necessary, connect several buildings with special elements.
  4. Check the functionality of the equipment.

Installation of elements vertically is carried out using the same technology as horizontally. In this case, the housings are fixed on both sides of the opening, which will ensure good protection by cold.

Connection features

Modern equipment has a flexible cable and plug that provides connection to the mains through an outlet. If a stationary installation is carried out, then it is possible to connect the curtain through a central-type switch, which has an air gap and a parameter of 3 mm. This connection option is always performed by an electrical specialist.

You can do the installation yourself, but the connection is carried out by a specialist

Connection diagram thermal equipment to the central switch is developed individually. The simplest thing is to connect one device, and to do this, two wires from the air curtain are connected to the corresponding network cables, taking into account the location of the “zero” and “phase” wires. For safety, an RCD unit is added to the chain, which can turn off the system in an emergency. The housing and all power parts must be grounded.

Video: review of the Ballu thermal curtain

Connecting air curtains from different manufacturers

Most famous manufacturers climatic equipment are produced by Teplomash and Ballu. Each manufacturer includes in the equipment package detailed instructions on connection and installation, but the main features can be considered separately.

The Ballu brand produces various models of thermal devices

Features of connecting and operating Ballu equipment are expressed as follows:

  • connection to the electrical network is carried out through circuit breaker;
  • When installing fixed wiring, use a three-core cable with a minimum cross-section of 1 mm 2 over a copper conductor. The electrical network to which the air curtain will be connected must provide protection of the product from overloads and short circuit currents;
  • To install the control panel, you need to unscrew the screw and remove top cover and the remote control panel, fix the remote control to the wall, install the panel and the top cover.

Teplomash devices have simple design and affordable

The Teplomash device involves controlling air curtains from a remote or remote control. The degree of protection of the control panel shell is IP20. When controlling the air curtain from a remote control, it is necessary to maintain a distance to the infrared receiving device on the remote control of up to 6 m and an angle of up to 60°. The curtains are connected to the network through a circuit breaker and a residual current device (RCD). The RCD response current is 100 mA. The curtains are powered from a three-phase electrical network with voltage 380 V/50 Hz. The control panel requires connecting a 7x0.5 mm control cable using the “ hidden wiring" If cable connection is necessary " external wiring", then you should make a 50x10mm recess in the wall where the wire exits from the remote control housing.

Selection, installation and connection of thermal curtains different manufacturers involve following general rules, including taking into account the required functionality and device parameters. Correct further operation will ensure the safety of the equipment.

There is little pleasure in the fact that cold air penetrates into warm room, cooling it, because in this case it turns out that the street is drowning. Not only does this create uncomfortable conditions, but it also has a noticeable impact on your health and wallet. This problem can be overcome with the help of a thermal curtain, which is a reliable barrier between indoor and outdoor air.

They differ in the heat source, that is, such equipment can be electric or water. A water thermal curtain is economical to use, since the heating element is hot water.

  1. However, this type of device, like the other, has excellent advantages, due to which it is becoming increasingly popular:
  2. Protecting the building from heat loss.
  3. Protection from cold air, which, thanks to the curtain, cannot penetrate into the room.
  4. Creating a barrier that prevents exhaust gases, dust and insects from entering from the street.
  5. Leveling the temperature gradient.
  6. Protection from drafts, which has a positive effect on health.
  7. Additional heating of the room.
  8. Ability to keep the door open.
  9. The ability to create coolness in hot weather.

Cost-effectiveness due to both less heat loss and the fact that the energy source is not electricity, but water.

The principle of operation is quite simple: a powerful fan creates a high-speed air flow, which forms an “invisible barrier”; thanks to such a system, warm air cannot leave the room, and cold air cannot enter it. The heat source of the water curtain is hot water. It turns out that for work water type The device needs central heating.

Installing such equipment, of course, is difficult, but this cannot be compared with the fact that the operating costs are low and the power is very high. The scope of application of water curtains mostly extends to industrial buildings that have large open openings. The device is indispensable in restaurants, shops and warehouses, that is, those in places where doors open very often due to a large flow of people.

Installation is usually done above the door. Installation above the opening means that the curtain is horizontal, and on the side of the opening it is vertical. It must be remembered that the vertical curtain must be at least ¾ of the height of the opening that needs to be protected. This is the only difference between this type of device and the horizontal one.

Main element

The main design element is a radial fan, which is necessary to create the necessary air flow.

Such a turbine must be single and located along the entire length of the device. It helps create an even flow. The engine is mounted on the side of it. However, manufacturers often decide to place the engine in the center, with small turbines on its sides. The reason for this arrangement of elements is the difficulty of manufacturing a turbine with a length exceeding 800 mm. How effective is this installation method? Of course, such a simplified curtain will cost less, but there will be a “dip” in the central part of the air flow, which significantly reduces protective properties

. In addition, the heating elements will be blown unevenly, and this leads to their earlier failure.

How is the water curtain controlled?

There is a built-in and wired control panel, it all depends on the chosen model. However, the built-in type is used on small-sized curtains that are installed for windows and doors. This is explained by the fact that the ability to reach the buttons depends on the distance. Accordingly, for water curtains it is more rational to use remote control panels that can be installed in the right place.

Sometimes a limit switch is used, which is convenient because it turns on the device only when the gate is open. It turns out that the switch starts working when the doors or gates are opened. Its use is very convenient in warehouses and hangars.

Curtain selection

The following factors influence the choice of air curtain:

  1. Device length.
  2. Power.
  3. Performance.
  4. Type of instalation.
  5. Control method.

We have already discussed the last two factors, now we will talk about the other three.

  1. Performance. The air flow speed and installation height depend on it. For example, let's take a doorway whose width is about one meter and height is about two meters. In this case, the “pumping” of the curtain should be from 700 to 900 cubic meters at one o'clock. With this performance, the air flow speed will be about 8 meters per second at the outlet of the device, and about 2 meters per second at floor level. Of course, the price of such devices is not small, so devices with lower performance are used to protect small openings. Since water curtains are used more for industrial buildings, you cannot save on this factor, otherwise the efficiency will be minimal.
  2. Power is also an important factor, given that the equipment can heat the air in the room, although this factor is not at all necessary. For example, let's take a building at 10 square meters, which is not heated, and the ceiling height is about three meters. The power required under such conditions is 1 kW. However, in this case the building must be permanent, that is, the ceiling and walls must have good thermal insulation. You should not choose a device with high power for well-heated places or even a device without a heating function. It is worth mentioning the peculiarity of the heating function: the air coming out of the curtain will never be hot, even if the power is maximum, it will only be warm. There is an explanation for this: the heating elements have a high blowing speed.
  3. Length. It can range from 600 to 2000 millimeters. Lengths from 800 to 1000 millimeters are very popular; such devices are installed above a standard opening, so they are not suitable for industrial facilities, where water curtains are often used. How to correctly calculate the length in this case? It should be the same as the width of the opening or slightly larger. This is important to ensure that the air flow completely covers the opening and prevents cold air from entering the room.

All this information will help you choose the right one water curtain since she plays important role in building comfortable conditions. The installation of such equipment will indicate that caring for people is an integral part of any organization.

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