Drywall technology. DIY plasterboard partition

Today, drywall is extremely popular in construction. It is used for the construction of thick soundproof walls, light and thin partitions, some decorative elements interior Its use as facing material due to the ease of working with it. It can be easily processed with any tools. If necessary, grooves or any shaped holes can be milled into its gypsum structure. Partitions made from plasterboard are light and very durable, which, of course, depends on the correct installation technology, frame construction and choice of materials.

Choosing a material for installing a gypsum board partition

Before you start building plasterboard partitions, you need to choose a material. First of all, you should decide on the purpose of the structure, its location and conditions of use:

  1. If the partition is installed in a room in which there is constant moisture of at least 70%, then a moisture-resistant one should be used. To distinguish it from the usual one, just look at the color of the cardboard. Moisture-resistant drywall has a green outer layer of paper. And this is perhaps the only sign by which you can outwardly recognize or see the difference. But the Knauf company claims that its structure is impregnated with special concentrates, and this makes it resistant to humid environments. Its hygroscopic ability is lost. But a plasterboard partition of this type will last a long time in a damp room and will not change its parameters. Such sheets are marked GKLV. It should also be considered important property moisture-resistant sheets are resistant, or, more precisely, the impossibility of the formation of fungi and mold on them as a result of the action of moisture. The manufacturer was able to achieve this by impregnating the sheets with antiseptic preparations, and impregnated and moisture-resistant compounds resist water. Also, a significant difference between gypsum boards and conventional ones is their greater weight and, of course, cost.
  2. If you install a plasterboard partition with your own hands not only in a humid environment, but also in a fire hazardous environment, for example, in a kitchen, then gypsum plasterboard should be used. These sheets of drywall are impregnated with compounds that prevent combustion. The main difference from regular and moisture resistant is external sign– the color of the cardboard, which is red. You can also see the differences in the color of the gypsum filler on the section. It differs in cost and will be more expensive than both the regular and moisture-resistant options.
  3. If you need to design plasterboard partitions with your own hands in an ordinary room with normal conditions (humidity no more than 70% and temperature no higher than 30 and no lower than 5 ° C), then you can use ordinary gypsum board sheets. They have the main difference from others in color - they are covered with cardboard gray. These sheets are not impregnated with any moisture-resistant or fire-resistant compounds, which is why their cost is the lowest. They are widely used in hallways, living rooms, bedrooms and other rooms. They process equally well, so if the conditions are normal, there are no sources of moisture or fire, then it is not worth paying more just because of the resistance properties. When purchasing such a sheet you will save up to 30%.

Kinds plasterboard sheets

Sheets are available in several thicknesses: 6.5 mm, 9 mm and 12.5 mm. In this case, the first standard size corresponds to materials with increased flexibility. It has fiberglass inside that holds the plaster in place when it gets wet. After all, to bend it into an arc it must be saturated with moisture. The second type is used for ceilings, so we choose the third standard size of 12.5 mm. The length can be either 2.5 or 4.8 m; mainly only the first option is on sale. If a large-sized plasterboard partition is required, the sheets can be ordered from the manufacturer according to individual measurements.

Selecting material for mounting the frame

To make a partition from plasterboard, it is also necessary to resolve the issue of frame material. It can be made of either a metal profile or wood. When solving this problem, you should consider some factors:

  • environmental humidity;
  • temperature regime;

If there are frequent changes in humidity in the room, then using a wooden frame will lead to constant movement. Due to the frequent swelling and drying of wood, the putty will simply crumble from the joints of gypsum board sheets. And then the plasterboard partitions you made yourself will become unusable. They will need to be demolished and rebuilt from a metal profile.

The same will happen in rooms with high temperatures with partitions made of wood. If the installation of plasterboard partitions was carried out with under-dried beams, then after they dry, irreversible changes will occur in the structure: the sheets may move or move apart, warp or even break. In addition, wood is prone to cracking, which is also very undesirable when building a partition from gypsum plasterboard.

Interior partitions self-construction, the frame of which is made of wooden beam, less resistant to deformation and tension. In both cases, cracking may occur in the places where the screws are twisted, which will render the entire structure unusable.

So, why do some people choose to install plasterboard partitions with a wooden frame? The answer to this question is quite simple and lies only in the price and availability of the material. But, given the hassle with it, the price indicator still cannot change the comparative bar towards wood. In addition, before installation, the bars must be well treated with antiseptic compounds, which, at a cost, will result in a metal profile for partitions.

Advantages of a metal profile as a frame for a partition

Interior partitions made of plasterboard with a frame made of metal profiles have all the necessary properties for long-lasting and unchanging existence throughout the entire service life of the entire building. Galvanized metal does not rust from moisture, unless you take into account the joints and piercing points with a cutter. The metal profile does not burn, but in the event of a fire you will still have to rebuild the partition. And this is inevitable. The metal structure will not crack or fall apart over time. In addition, the most complex partition can be made from the profile, which you can make yourself. The metal is easy to process, and can be used for joining, and if necessary, the material can be bent into any shape.

The profile width can be any of the existing set: 50, 75 and 100 mm. It depends on the purpose of the partition and its technical characteristics.

If any communications will be laid in the partition, then it is necessary to use a profile with special grooves. This will eliminate the need to make holes yourself.

Rivets, cutter or self-tapping screws

We have already found out which profile to use for plasterboard partitions. Other questions remain to be answered.

How to make a partition from plasterboard, and how to connect the profiles to each other? These questions are next on the list, so first let’s figure out what is the best way to connect the profile.

Today, three types of metal profile connections are used:

  1. Self-tapping screws.
  2. Rivets.
  3. Notcher, punching with bending.

The first two methods are the most common for installing partitions, although they are much more complicated than the latter. Firstly, hardware is required: self-tapping screws, screws, etc. Secondly, it is necessary additional tool– because you can’t twist it with your hands. And for fastening using the second method, you will need, respectively, a drill, rivets and a riveter. All this requires additional costs. Such a not so simple tool as a cutter can solve these problems. He punches a hole and bends its edges into different sides. This results in a fairly reliable connection.

An alternative to choosing a frame installation method

The best option would be a mixed fastening, that is, all facial connections must be made using a cutter. And hidden and most important in terms of loads - with self-tapping screws or rivets. What is the advantage of a cutter when used on the front parts of a structure? And the answer is quite simple and lies in the absence of protruding elements, such as screw heads or rivets. Combined method installation helps answer the question: “How to make a plasterboard partition with high quality and so that the plane is perfectly flat?”

Installation of plasterboard partitions with a metal frame

The construction of partitions with a metal frame is quite simple. But for a high-quality final result, it is necessary to follow some rules and take into account all the nuances when carrying out installation.

In the following figure you can see the structure of plasterboard partitions; the following elements can be distinguished:

  1. A frame consisting of guides and racks.
  2. The cladding can be multi-layered depending on the purpose of the partition.
  3. Insulation or sound insulator.

Also, the partition may contain parts of communications hidden inside it. Which, by the way, are the advantages of plasterboard structures.

Partition installation technology

When making interior partitions from plasterboard with your own hands, you must adhere to the following instructions:

The guide profile is also used to create lintels or shelves that hold adjacent racks together. It must be strictly horizontal.

Sheathing of the structure

An interior partition made of plasterboard must be strong, therefore, when sheathing a gypsum board structure, there should not be more than one joint on one rack profile. Drywall must be placed in a checkerboard pattern with 50% overlap of the adjacent sheet.

You should also remember the need to move the joint of the sheets closer to the edge above the doors. This is one of the nuances that must be considered at the stage of creating a structure from a metal profile.

If the profile for drywall was attached using a cutter, then the surface always remains flat and smooth. If self-tapping screws were used, then because of their heads, when the cord is tensioned, deviations of several millimeters will be visible in the places where the sheets are fastened to the profile.

The step of fixing the gypsum board to the profile should be no more than 50 cm with a sheet thickness of at least 12.5 mm. This must be taken into account when installing a plasterboard partition with your own hands. At increased load on the wall it should be reduced.

The installation of a plasterboard partition ends with sealing the seams, which are covered with putty. Be sure to put reinforcing tape made of mesh at the joints with a window of 3 to 5 mm. It is also recommended to first seal all the heads of the screws that were used to fasten the sheets before subsequent finishing. To calculate required material for the partition, use ours.

Video: PARTITION made of plasterboard, double CD profile. Partition wall, plasterboard.

Video: How to make a partition from plasterboard

In this article we will study the structure of plasterboard partitions and step by step explore the process of their construction. In addition, we are interested in the pros and cons plasterboard structures inside an apartment or private house.

Light partitions when changing the layout are almost always made of plasterboard. We will try to find out how justified the use of this material is.

Drywall or alternatives

Let's first give an assessment of drywall as a material for internal partitions in a residential area. Perhaps it is really worth looking for alternatives?


  • High speed of construction. Thanks to the solid dimensions of the plasterboard sheet, partitions can be erected in just a couple of days.
  • Minimization of wet finishing processes. To Work with cement mortar you won't have to at all; gypsum plaster Doesn't leave as much dirt in the house.

However: dust, inevitable when cutting drywall, gets clogged into all corners of the apartment. It is better to keep doors and windows closed during work. In addition, all consumer electronics (primarily computers and laptops with their active cooling systems) are completely de-energized and covered with any fabric or, better yet, polyethylene.

  • The material is fire resistant. Gypsum, which makes up most of its volume, does not burn and has poor thermal conductivity.
  • Soundproofing it will be good even without adding insulation to the partitions.
  • The cavities inside the walls accommodate electrical wiring and water distribution. Of course, the frame should initially be installed with the purpose of laying communications in mind.
  • Light weight means minimizing the load on the floors.

In the case of a private house with wooden floors The mass of the septum is an important factor.

  • Last but not least, the material does not emit any volatiles into the atmosphere harmful substances.


Drywall has two serious disadvantages:

  1. Low mechanical strength. It is not difficult to break a single sheet of drywall, simply by leaning on it with all your weight or by hitting it with a fairly massive object.
  2. Low resistance to water. Even moisture resistant drywall will become unusable with prolonged contact with it.

In addition, a plasterboard wall requires finishing- albeit not too labor-intensive.

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What, exactly, can be used instead of drywall?

  • Laminated chipboard used to finish the lower part of the walls. She provides, along with decent appearance much greater strength: it is very difficult to accidentally damage such a wall.
  • Plywood- even more reliable material. You can safely hang cabinets, including quite massive ones, on a wall made of fairly thick plywood; it is also quickly mounted on the frame and is quite easy to process. However, its price, with a thickness comparable to plasterboard, is approximately twice as much.
  • Finally, for interior partitions it is easy to use MDF wall panels. The obvious disadvantage is that the mechanical strength is as low as that of drywall. Plus, they cost about the same amount as 10mm plywood of the same area.

However, we will already receive finished wall, which does not require painting or finishing.

Installation diagram

How is a plasterboard partition constructed?

The most popular plasterboard partition design involves vertical installation of solid sheets. The frame is made vertical, from CW rack profiles, which are fixed to UW guide profiles running along the floor and ceiling.

Horizontal frame elements, in addition to guides, are used to frame openings and arches. The guides are attached to the ceilings with dowel-nails or anchors. A sound-absorbing tape made of polyurethane foam or foam rubber is used as a damper designed to dampen shock vibrations.

The rules for installing drywall are common to all structures made from it:

  • Adjacent edges of adjacent sheets must be attached to one profile.
  • Between the sheets there are gaps of 3-5 millimeters for putty.
  • The seams are reinforced with fiberglass mesh during the plastering process and/or bandaged with paper tape.
  • The attachment points of the frame to the ceiling should be located at a distance of no more than a meter. Optimally - 60 cm. In addition, each separate element The structure must be secured with at least three dowels or anchors.
  • If it is necessary to splice the profiles to a greater length, they are fastened with at least three self-tapping screws.
  • The distance between the standing profiles should be no more than 60 centimeters.

Advice: it is better to install risers with a gap of exactly 40 centimeters along the axes. The rigidity of the structure will be greater. In addition, the width of the sheet will be a multiple of the distance between the risers, and the edges of adjacent sheets will fall on one profile without additional adjustment.

Reinforced and wide partitions

If there is a need for a partition with greater mechanical strength, fire resistance or soundproofing qualities, when there are communications located inside it that occupy large space perhaps a complicated arrangement of plasterboard partitions.

  1. One row of risers can be covered with two layers of plasterboard. This scheme, among other things, avoids the appearance of cracks at the joints of the sheets. There must be overlap between the layers: the joints are attached to different profiles.
  2. If it is necessary to place risers for water supply or kitchen (diameter 40-50 millimeters) sewerage inside the partition, it can be built frame from two rows of standing profiles, sewn together end-to-end with self-tapping screws.
  3. Finally, if a 90- or 110-mm sewer riser, two rows of vertical profiles are located at a distance from each other. They can be connected to each other not only with segments of the same profile, but also with strips of drywall.

Work order

What is the technology for making plasterboard partitions with your own hands?


  1. The axis of the partition is marked on the floor. It's easier to do this with a chop cord. Then the markings are transferred to adjacent walls and ceilings. Mutual arrangement markings are checked by level and plumb.
  2. UW profiles with laid or glued soundproofing tape are attached to the ceiling and floor. As already mentioned, the optimal fastening pitch is 60 centimeters.
  3. CW standing profiles are marked and cut in place. For reliable fastening, they must extend into the UW ceiling profile by at least two centimeters. Fastening - with metal screws (“fleas”) on both sides of each profile. The wall riser is attached to the wall in increments of no more than a meter using the same dowels or anchors; A soundproofing tape is also laid under it.
  4. The opening MUST be edged with a profile around the perimeter. If you plan to install a door, its frame is exposed and attached to the profile immediately after installing the frame, before covering it with plasterboard.

Attaching the standing profile to the guide is strictly on both sides.

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If trimming is necessary, sheets are marked on the floor or a wide table. Using a square to check right angles is mandatory.

Please note: one of the advantages of drywall is that it allows for fairly large cutting tolerances. Even a three-centimeter gap can be easily filled with putty using reinforcing mesh. Therefore, do not be afraid to make a mistake with the sizes - nothing fatal will happen.

How to cut drywall?

  1. The sheet is cut along the cutting line sharp knife and breaks. Then the cardboard is cut off from the second side.
  2. A jigsaw produces more dust and, often, less straight line cutting However, if you are afraid to break a sheet, it is quite possible to saw it off.
  3. Finally, you can cut with regular sawing hand saw. Both gypsum core and cardboard are VERY easy to cut.

Curvilinear cutting lines are made with a narrow hand saw or jigsaw. Holes for sockets are chosen, as a rule, identical in a fairly large number. For them, it is better to purchase a crown of the appropriate diameter.

After trimming, the edges are processed with a flat or rounded (depending on the shape of the cutting line) rasp. The edge is made straight and even; the edges of the sheets intended for joining are chamfered.

On long straight sections, it is more convenient to remove the chamfer with a plane - manual or electric.

How to bend a plasterboard sheet when making an arch or other curved surface?

  1. Roll the side of the sheet that will shrink when bent with a needle roller and wet it several times until the plaster is completely saturated with water. Then dry on the template or directly on the final installation site.
  2. Make frequent transverse cuts with outside sheet and secure it to the profile. The cuts are leveled when the surface is puttied.

The sheets are screwed to EACH profile in increments of 25 centimeters. On curved surfaces the step is reduced to 15 cm; with a two-layer sheathing, it is permissible to fasten the first layer in increments of 75 cm. The length of the screws is selected so that they extend into the profile by at least a centimeter.

After covering the partition on one side, if necessary, insulation is laid - polystyrene foam or basalt wool.

After finishing the fastening, all the caps should be recessed into the drywall by about a millimeter: they should be hidden with putty.

Sealing seams

There are two main ways to putty seams so that after a couple of years cracks do not appear in their place.

  1. The seam is glued with serpyanka - a reinforcing tape made of fiberglass mesh, then puttyed with gypsum putty directly through it.
  2. The seam is puttied without reinforcement; After drying, the putty is sanded with a mesh float and bandaged with paper tape. The tape is glued with PVA glue or its water solution and stretched with a spatula; excess glue is removed with a sponge.

With a two-layer sheathing, it is theoretically possible to do without reinforcement or banding. In practice... Costs are low; At the same time, you reliably protect the wall from the appearance of cracks due to any deformation. Why not?

At the same stage, the self-tapping screws are puttied. There are no special tricks here: putty twice (since plaster shrinks a little when dried), then sanded.





VSN 27-95

Moscow - 1995

Instructions for the technology of installation and finishing of prefabricated plasterboard partitions on a metal frame of element-by-element assembly were developed by NIIMosstroy of the Construction Department (Dr. Sc., Prof. E. D. Belousov, engineer A. N. Shevchenko, engineer A. Yu. Satirsky, candidate of technical sciences Ya. G. Mogilevsky) with the participation of Mosstroylicense (Yu. I. Stolyarov and candidate of technical sciences V. D. Feldman). The instructions were agreed upon with the Technical Department of JSC Holding Company Glavmosstroy and JSC Trust Mosspetsmontazh "When using these instructions, you should take into account the approved changes made to the standards and technical specifications for materials used in the installation and finishing of prefabricated plasterboard partitions on a metal frame of element-by-element assembly.


1.1. These instructions should be followed when installing plasterboard partitions on a metal frame of element-by-element assembly (hereinafter referred to as partitions) in residential, public, administrative and industrial buildings.1.2. Partitions are used in buildings with relative humidity up to 70% and a temperature not lower than 15 ° C, all degrees of fire resistance, different number of storeys and structural systems, being built in all regions of the Russian Federation, regardless of the engineering and geological conditions of construction, including in seismic areas.1.3. Partitions are designed to separate internal space buildings on separate rooms and provide the opportunity for free planning and transformation of premises. Replacing brick, cinder block and gypsum concrete partitions, they lighten the weight of the building, have high manufacturability and installation, eliminate plastering of surfaces, and increase labor productivity. 1.4. Installation and finishing of partitions are carried out according to the working drawings of the design organization in accordance with the requirements of the album RS 32301 “Partitions made of plasterboard sheets on a metal frame of element-by-element assembly for residential, public and industrial buildings” (working drawings), Mosproekt-2, M. 1968. the instructions provide links to the specified album with the following markings of typical units: for example, RS 32301-54, unit 47, where RS 32301 is a series of standard album; 54 - album sheet number; node 47 - node number on the album sheet.1.5. Scope of application of partitions: in civil buildings - residential buildings, trade enterprises, educational institutions, medical institutions, etc.; in industrial buildings - multi-storey buildings of the radio engineering, electronics, instrument-making industries, engineering buildings, etc.


2.1. Frame materials

2.1.1. The frame elements of partitions and the protection of the ends of plasterboard sheets are made from cold-formed steel bent profiles according to TU 40C-28-287-81. The following designations of elements that are used in prefabricated plasterboard partitions are accepted: PS - stand profile; PN - guide profile; PP - intermediate profile ;PU2 - corner profile;PB7 - end profile (shoulder);SM - self-drilling screws - self-tapping.2.1.2. The grades of metal profiles for the frame and for protecting the ends of plasterboard sheets from damage must be used in accordance with the project instructions. The use of metal profiles from steel tape with a thickness of 0.6; 0.7 mm instead of 0.8 mm is allowed by agreement with the consumer and the organization - the author of the project. 2.1.3. To fasten plasterboard sheets to a metal frame, self-drilling - self-tapping screws are used, which must satisfy TU 400-28-461-84. The material of the screws must have a manufacturer’s certificate certifying their quality.

2.2. Structural and finishing material

2.2.1. The main structural and finishing material for partitions are plasterboard sheets in accordance with GOST 6266-89 (hereinafter referred to as gypsum board), made from building gypsum, fiberglass reinforced, and cardboard firmly connected to the gypsum core.2.2.2. GKL in accordance with GOST 6266-89 are manufactured by industry in the following sizes: - length from 1500 to 4000 mm (standard 2500 mm); - width 1200 mm; - thickness from 8 to 23 mm (standard 12.5 mm). Since 1995 . gypsum plasterboard sheets are manufactured by AOSP "TIGI-K NAYF" according to TU 5742-005-04001508-95 of the following nominal geometric dimensions: - length from 2000 to 4000 mm in increments of 250 mm; - width 1200 mm; - thickness 9.5. ; 12.5; 15 mm. GKL with a thickness of more than 18 mm have a width of 600 and 1200 mm, a length from 2000 to 3500 mm in increments of 250 mm. The length of the sheets is determined when ordering depending on the height of the partition. 2.2.3. Deviations from the nominal dimensions of gypsum boards, the magnitude and number of permissible defects on the front surface must not exceed the standards specified in GOST 6266-89 and TU 5742-005-04001508- Humidity by weight of gypsum boards received from the manufacturer should be no more than 1%. 2.2.5. The volumetric mass of gypsum boards at a humidity of 1% should be no more than 850 kg/m 3 .2.2.6. The strength of gypsum plasterboard, determined by the test method according to GOST 6266-89, must be at least 35 kgf/cm 2 .2.2.7 in terms of breaking bending load. GKL must belong to the group of fire-resistant (low-flammability) materials according to ST SEV 2437.

2.3. Materials for sound insulation and sealing

2.3.1. The following should be used as soundproofing materials: - slab materials in accordance with GOST 9573-82 and GOST 10499-78; roll materials according to GOST 21880-76 and TU 21-RSFSR-1 301- Soundproofing materials received from the manufacturer must have a width of 600 mm and a thickness of 50 ... 60 mm. 2.3.3. Soundproofing materials should not emit harmful substances. The use of soundproofing materials based on phenol-formaldehyde binders is not allowed. 2.3.4. The volumetric mass of soundproofing materials should be no more than 100 kg/m 3 .2.3.5. Soundproofing materials must be non-flammable or difficult to burn.2.3.6. Sealant for filling the joints between partitions and ceilings and walls must be light-colored, waterproof, non-flammable, ready for use in tubes with a set of nozzles necessary for filling joints of different shapes. 2.3.7. For sealing, AK-1 sealant (TU 400-1-411-12-94) should be used. When using other sealants, they must be checked for compliance regulatory requirements sealing.2.3.8. Allowed for filling the junctions of partitions with building structures use tow moistened with gypsum polymer solution.


3.1. Metal thin-walled partition profiles must be delivered to sites in packages secured with metal tapes by any type of transport, provided they are protected from mechanical damage.3.2. Packages with profiles should be stored under a canopy.3.3. The profile provider must ensure that they comply regulatory documents subject to the consumer's compliance with the conditions of transportation and storage. Shelf life is 12 months from the date of shipment to the consumer.3.4. Transportation of gypsum boards should be carried out centrally in containers or on special pallets under conditions that exclude moisture, contamination and mechanical damage to bridges.3.5. When transporting, gypsum boards must be in a horizontal position, and the height of the report card must not exceed 1.5 m. 3.6. To prevent moisture and contamination of gypsum boards, it is recommended that packs (5 - 8 sheets per pack) be packaged in waterproof materials (wrapping paper, plastic film). 3.7. GKL should be stored in a dry, closed room at an ambient temperature not lower than - 5 ° C, at a distance of 1.5 m from heating devices. 3.8. At the construction site, it is allowed to store gypsum boards packed in waterproof paper or film (at a temperature not lower than 0 °C) for a short time, no more than 6 hours, in the installation area. 3.9. Soundproofing materials specified in clause 2.3.1 can be transported by any means of transport, provided they are protected from moisture. 3.10. Storage of soundproofing materials should be carried out in closed warehouses or under a canopy in packaged form, provided they are protected from moisture.3.11. Screws can be transported by any type of transport packed in boxes or boxes equipped with labels.3.12. Screws should be stored under cover. 3.13. The warranty period for screws is 18 months from the date of their receipt by the consumer.3.14. Storage of all elements of prefabricated plasterboard partitions on outdoors not allowed.


4.1. To increase the sound insulation of blind partitions without significantly increasing their reduced surface density *), it is recommended to fill the gap between the gypsum boards with sound-absorbing material over the entire surface of the partition. Particular attention should be paid to the junction of the partition with other structures and the passages of communications through the partition. ______________________ *) Surface density (kg/m2) is the mass per unit area of ​​the partition.4.2. All joints at the junctions of partitions with the ceiling, walls and columns, as well as joints between gypsum boards, must be carefully sealed in such a way that during the operation of the building the sound insulation of the joints is not disturbed. Particular care in sealing joints and holes is necessary for partitions separating rooms, requiring increased sound insulation.4.3. It is recommended to emboss and caulk the joints in the places where the gypsum plasterboard adjoins the ceiling and walls and caulk it with tow soaked in gypsum-polymer mortar to the entire depth of the joint on both sides of the partition, and the joints in the places where the plasterboard lining adjoins the floor must be sealed with gypsum-polymer cement mortar with a lining made of roofing felt.4.4. To prevent deterioration of the sound insulation of partitions, it is not recommended to make holes for electrical sockets on one partition in adjacent rooms; the minimum distance between them must be at least 1 m.4.5. All holes and cracks around electrical sockets and boxes must be carefully sealed with a gypsum-polymer cement composition, pre-primed with polyvinyl acetate dispersion.4.6. When installing partitions, you must be guided by the manual “Fire protection of building structures with plasterboard sheets DS-301” GM Mosproekt-2, VNIIPO Ministry of Internal Affairs of Russia, TsNIISK im. Kucherenko, M. 1988.4.7. To decorate gypsum plasterboard partitions installed along the route of evacuation crossings, the use of polydecor, vinyl wall, paper plastic, wallpaper and films is not allowed.


5.1. Installation of partitions should only be carried out during finishing works(V winter time with the heating turned on) and before electrical, sanitary and ventilation work is carried out, including piping in the floors. Finishing work associated with wet processes and preparation for floors (installation of screeds and leveling layers) must be completed.5.2. Installation of partitions must be carried out before the installation of a clean floor.5.3. In accordance with the project, the partitions are marked, for which it is necessary to draw the entire thickness of the partition directly on the floor slab. Then, using a magnetic plumb line, transfer the markings to the ceiling.5.4. Level out unevenness in the base using cement-sand screed grade not lower than 150, the thickness of which in the standard album (RS 32301, working drawings) is conventionally accepted as 30 mm. After which the partitions are marked by transferring the layout from the top guide.5.5. Fastening the guides to the floor and ceiling. Install the lower guides in accordance with the markings made, securing them to the base with dowel-nails in increments of no more than 1 m. The length of the dowel-nail must be at least 50 mm (taking into account the thickness of the screed and leveling layer). 5.6. The upper guides of the partitions are secured with dowel nails in increments of 400 ... 600 mm. To attach the top guide, the length of the dowel-nail must be at least 30 mm.5.7. The size of the dowel-nail is determined by the project depending on the grade of concrete and is regulated by the “Instructions for the installation-piston gun PTs-52-01” compiled by Glavelektromontazh of the USSR Ministry of Montazhspetsstroy, 1978. 5.8. In case of unevenness of the ceiling planes of more than 3 mm, install a rubber seal simultaneously with the upper guide or cut the guide in places of differences, ensuring its tight connection with the ceiling plane.5.9. To avoid chipping the building base, it is necessary to shoot with a retreat from the edge: - when concrete base not less than 100 mm; - for steel - not less than 15 mm.5.10. Align the upper and lower guides using a magnetic plumb line.5.11. Installation of the partition frame. Install PS racks into the PN guides with a pitch of 600 mm and secure them using the OR-361 cutter using the cutting method with a bend." It is allowed in certain places specified in the project to install racks with a pitch of 300 or 400 mm (see RS 32301 -15).When installing racks, the holes in the profile walls should, if possible, be located at the same level with a deviation of no more than ± 10 mm.5.12. Installation of racks begins with the installation of the two outer racks, and then the row racks are arranged according to the template and according to the building level.5.13. The racks should be cut in construction conditions according to the actual distance between the upper and lower guides, while the length of the rack valley should be 1 cm less than the height of the room (RS 32301-68, unit 74). 5.14. When the floor deflects from temporary loads of more than 10 mm, fasten the racks to the upper guide using undercuts, while ensuring independence of the deformation of the frame of the partitions and the floor (RS 32301-69, unit 81). 5.15. Do the joining of the frame posts and guides according to the album (RS 32301-68, nodes 75, 77). In this case, the joints of the racks should be positioned with mutual offset (no more than 20% of the racks are allowed to be joined in the same plane).5.16. If the height of the partitions is more than 3 m, it is necessary to install additional horizontal guides at the level of 2.5 ... 3.5 m (RS 32301-02, unit 80), securing them to the frame posts.5.17. Where the partition meets vertical building structures (columns, brick or panel walls), install end posts. At the same time, if in a building the difference in deformation of load-bearing structures is excluded, it is possible to fasten the outer posts to vertical structures with dowels and nails with a pitch of 600 mm (RS 32301-29, node 14). 5.18. Install the door frames simultaneously with the installation of the partition frame (RS 32301-10), for which it is necessary: ​​- on both sides of the frame, mount paired racks, fastened together with screws using liners from the PN profile;- door frame fasten to the racks with screws; - mount the jumper above the opening from the guide and secure it with screws; - install intermediate racks above the door frame.


6.1. After installing the frame of the partitions, installation of electrical, low-current wiring and sanitary equipment is carried out.6.2. In the places indicated in the project, it is necessary to mount the transverse elements of the frame for installing electrical boxes, securing them to vertical posts (RS 32301-12). For fastening the following can be used: - frame profiles type PN or PS; - galvanized strip d - 0, 6 mm.6.3. The boxes are fixed to the transverse elements of the frame.6.4. Installation of electrical and low-current wiring must be carried out by specialized teams of installers in accordance with the development of Mosspetspromproekt GMMSS software “Constructive solutions for the installation of electrical wiring with a set of products in plasterboard partitions.”6.5. In places where electrical and low-current boxes are installed, behind the partition plane, install a gypsum board screen measuring 600×600 mm, securing it to the transverse element of the frame with screws (RS 32301-65, nodes 62 ... 66).6.6. Install in cases provided for specific project, embedded parts (for fastening stationary attachments and interior elements), securing them to the vertical posts of the frame with screws (RS 32301-13, - 14, -15, -75).6.7. In the places where the partitions meet the communication trusts between the racks, install framing profiles made of horizontal profiles of the PN type, vertical profiles of the PS type, attached to the frame racks (RS 32301-11).6.8. When laying pipelines in groups, a common frame may be installed. 6.9. If it is necessary to pass large utility lines, it is allowed to cut off the vertical posts and install additional posts along the edges of the opening for the entire height of the partition (RS 32301-11).6.10. At the intersections of partitions with steam, water heating and water supply pipelines, it is necessary to install sleeves (RS 32301-64, node 59).


7.1. After installing plasterboard sheets on one side and installing electrical and low-current wiring, if required by the project, soundproofing boards are laid between the racks and secured with special fasteners. The size of the fastening elements and their number depend on the brand of frame racks and the layer of soundproofing boards used (RS 32301-03). 7.2. Before installing soundproofing boards on the frame posts, markings are made for installing fasteners.7.3. The distance between the fastening elements of 300 - 400 mm is taken so that the fastening elements are spaced from the edge of the soundproofing slab at a distance of 120 - 150 mm (RS 32301-03).7.4. The method of fastening depends on the type of soundproofing material (slab, roll) and is carried out: - using adhesive mastics applied in strokes to one of internal surfaces sheathing; - due to compression (at least 5%) of the end sides of the slabs.


8.1. After measuring, the gypsum boards are installed on one side along the frame, and then secured to the posts with self-drilling-self-tapping screws type PT (RS 32301-89) with a pitch of 300 mm at a distance of 12 mm from the edge of the sheet, but not less than 10 mm. In this case, the formation of cracks, gouges and other defects of the plasterboard is not allowed.8.2. The distance between the gypsum board and the enclosing structures (ceiling, wall, cement-sand partition under the floors) should be no more than 8 - 10 mm.8.3. When installing a single-layer partition, the gypsum boards are fastened to the studs using CM screws with a pitch of 300 mm, retreating from the ceiling by 60 mm (RS 32301-01).8.4. When installing two-layer partitions, the first (inner) layer of gypsum plasterboard is fastened to the studs using CM screws with a pitch of 300 mm, retreating from the ceiling by 150 mm; The second (outer) layer of gypsum board is fastened with SM screws with a pitch of 300 mm, retreating from the ceiling by 60 mm (RS 32301-01).8.5. The seams of the second layer of gypsum board should be made with an offset of 600 mm in relation to the seams of the first layer.8.6. When making horizontal joints, you should install metal profiles(PN or PS) to form a reliable fastening of gypsum boards.8.7. Plasterboard sheets are placed on the frame only vertically.8.8. When installing partitions in rooms with a “dry structure” of the floor (plank floors, parquet, etc.), gypsum boards must be mounted on a layer of sealant 6 ... 8 mm thick (RS 32301-45, -46, node 32, 34). Use AK-1 mastic TU 400-1-411-123-87 as a sealant, followed by installation of the baseboard (RS 32301-45).8.9. When installing plasterboard partitions in rooms where, during operation, it is necessary to regularly wet-clean floor coverings, to protect the bottom layer of gypsum plasterboard from moisture, it is recommended to lay a strip of rolled waterproofing material (roofing felt, roofing felt) under the lower guide and place it on the gypsum plasterboard (RS 32301- 47, -48, -49, -30, nodes 36, 38, 40, 41).8.10. When installing partitions, pay attention Special attention on the quality of gypsum board cutting: - to building structures (columns, walls, floors); - to communication routes; - to door frames; - to electrical and low-current boxes. In all cases, fastening the main gypsum board cladding to an additional metal frame is mandatory (RS 32301 -10, -11).8.11. If there is a high saturation of communication routes and the associated complexity of high-quality cutting of gypsum boards, it is possible to install additional linings from gypsum boards, securing them to the frame elements (RS 32301-63, node 57). 8.12. To protect against rodents, install in food warehouses steel sheet 0.5 ... 0.7 mm thick to a height of 0.5 ... 0.6 m from the floor, securing it to the frame posts, and filling the cavity of the partition to the same height with soundproofing material (RS 32301-50).8.13 . To fence off rooms with storage of material assets, a mesh of Ø 16A reinforcement with a cell of 150×150 mm (RS 32301-08) is installed inside a plasterboard partition. 8.14. In buildings of all degrees of fire resistance, including fire partitions, for enclosing rooms with an airborne noise insulation index of no more than 47 - 48 dB with increased strength requirements, including for enclosing elevator shafts, it is necessary to use the design of plasterboard partitions, in which GKL packages with a thickness of at least 14 mm (RS 32301-05, -06, -07, -33 ... -38).8.15. The external corners formed by plasterboard sheets are finished with an angle profile, which is secured with a notch with a bend (RS 32301-22).


9.1. It is recommended to install mounted partitions floor by floor or section by section.9.2. When accepting work on the installation of partitions, you should check the reliability of fastening the gypsum board to the frame with screws (their heads should be deepened into the sheets within 0.5 ... 1 mm), the absence of cracks, damaged areas, tears in the cardboard, broken corners, and the absence of instability in the partitions .9.3. The ledges between adjacent sheets, including the joints of straight gypsum board edges, should not exceed 1 mm, the gap between adjacent sheets should be within 1 mm. The surface of the gypsum board must be flat, smooth, free of dirt and oil stains.9.4. Plasterboard partitions should not have surface deviations exceeding the requirements specified in the table.

Name of surfaces and linear element

Permissible deviations during finishing


high quality

Surface irregularities (detected when applying a rule or template 2 m long) No more than three irregularities with a depth or height of up to 5 mm No more than two irregularities with a depth or height of up to 3 mm No more than two irregularities with a depth or height of up to 2 mm
Deviation of the wall surface from the vertical No more than 15 mm for the entire height of the room 1 mm per 1 m height, but not more than 10 mm over the entire height of the room 1 mm per 1 m height, but not more than 5 mm over the entire height of the room
Deviation of husks, usenki, window and door slopes, pilasters, pillars 10 mm for the entire element 1 mm per 1 m of height or length, but not more than 5 mm per element 1 mm per 1 m of height or length, but not more than 3 mm per element
9.5. Check the installation and fastening of the overlay framing elements on all external corners and open ends of gypsum boards in partitions. 9.6. Check the sealing of all junctions between partitions and building structures (sealant must be laid without breaks along the entire interface contour to the full depth of the joint).


10.1. Before finishing the surfaces of the partitions, construction and installation work must be completed, including finishing work associated with “wet” processes (plastering, installing cement screeds, etc.). 10.2. The temperature and humidity conditions of the room during finishing work must comply with SNiP 3.04.01-87 clause 3.1. 10.3. The surfaces to be finished must be cleaned of dust, splashes and smudges of solution; it is necessary to inspect the surfaces of the partitions, identify all existing defects (leaks in joints, protruding parts of fasteners, dents and damage to gypsum boards) and eliminate them. 10.4. The gypsum board joints should be sealed with putty over perforated paper or fabric tape. The compressed longitudinal edges of the gypsum boards allow the joint to be made invisible. 10.5. At the joints of gypsum boards, where two adjacent sheets do not form a beveled chamfer, it is necessary to remove a strip of cardboard 3.5 ... 4 cm wide along their longitudinal edges. The joints are sealed with putty over perforated paper or fabric tape. 10.6. All internal corners seal in the same way. At the same time, bend the paper or fabric tape in the longitudinal direction in the center of the joint, smearing both sides of the corner with putty. 10.7. Sealing screw heads: - check and correct protruding screw heads; - coat the screw heads with drying oil or oil dyes; - cover the screw heads with putty to seal the joints, performing the following operations: smearing, sanding (there will be shrinkage), smoothing and further sanding. 10.8. Coating corner overlays with putty is carried out similarly to paragraph 10.7 with preliminary gluing of the profile (due to insufficient relief of the walls) with paper or fabric tape on PVA mastic. 10.9. When installed indoors suspended ceilings Sealing joints and sealing seams should be carried out along the entire plane of the partition to its entire height before installing the ceilings. 10.10. For high-quality finishing of premises, it is recommended, after completing the puttying operations outlined above, to cover the entire surface of the gypsum board partition with a thin additional layer putties followed by general priming with water or oil (for film coatings) compounds. 10.11. When applying aqueous putty compounds to gypsum boards, do not allow the facing cardboard to peel off.10.12. To increase the water resistance of gypsum boards after puttying operations, the entire surface of the gypsum boards must be primed. 10.13. The primer layer is applied 2 times with intermediate drying between layers of 24 hours.10.14. As a primer, it is recommended to use organosilicon liquid GKZh-11 GOST 13004-77, which is diluted with water to a 10% concentration. Application of the primer can be done with a brush or roller. 10.15. The facing of partitions with ceramic glazed tiles must be done in accordance with SNiP 3.04.01-87 table. 13. It is recommended to use PLC adhesive mastic (TU 400-2-399-88) or a polymer cement composition with the addition of a 10% polyvinyl acetate dispersion as an adhesive composition.10.16. It is not recommended to pre-soak the tiles. The tiles are laid on a thin layer of adhesive. The adhesive is applied to the surface of the gypsum board using a spatula with soft teeth, ensuring a thickness of the adhesive layer of 2 ... 2.5 mm. 10.17. Places for installing plumbing fixtures must be shielded with glazed facing tiles using PLC.10.18 glue. GKL cladding with roll wall material made of soft foam polyvinyl chloride is produced with adhesives based on latex SKS-65GP-latelin (TU 400-2-234-87) and based on acrylic dispersion ADM-K (TU 400-1/51-124-76) . The adhesive composition is applied to the plasterboard using a spatula with a flat surface on the working side with a thickness of 0.2 ... 0.3 mm. 10.19. Wall roll material is glued from the edge of the partition. The attached part is smoothed to the plasterboard with a roller, and then this operation is performed to the right and left.10.20. Joints between panels of wall material can be made in two versions: - overlapping with one edge of the adjacent panel being inserted by 10 mm; - butt joints. To obtain a normal seam, cut both panels vertically and remove the cut edges, after which wall material glued onto the gypsum board. In both cases, to obtain a monolithic seam and prevent moisture from entering the gypsum board, it is necessary to carry out cold “welding” with TGF-70M glue (TU 400-1/411-82).


11.1. Installation of prefabricated plasterboard partitions on a metal frame should be carried out in compliance with the requirements of SNiP III-4-80* “Safety in Construction”. 11.2. Persons at least 18 years of age who have been instructed on the work floor in safety precautions, industrial sanitation, trained in work techniques and have a certificate authorizing the work are allowed to install partitions. 11.3. Workers must be provided with special clothing and personal protective equipment.11.4. The installation of partitions should only be carried out if construction organizations have special tools that ensure mechanization of the assembly process metal frame partitions, tools for attaching plasterboard to it, as well as tools for sealing joints, applying a putty layer and other work.11.5. Taking into account the specifics of the work, it is necessary to carry out the installation and finishing of partitions by specialized organizations with experience in the installation and finishing of these structures.11.6. The area where partitions are being installed must be marked with clearly visible warning signs “No entry, installation in progress.”11.7. When working with a mounting piston gun, it is necessary to comply with the requirements of the “Safety Instructions for the operator working with a mounting piston gun PC-52-1 on construction sites Glavmosstroy", Mosorgpromstroy, M. 1976.11.8. When installing prefabricated plasterboard partitions, you should use inventory prefabricated mobile scaffolds, towers, and assembly tables.11.9. In order to reduce dust in the workplace, it is necessary to avoid cutting gypsum boards at the installation site. Cutting may only be permitted in a specially designated room equipped with a dust extraction device.11.10. When working with mineral wool slabs, it is forbidden to throw them in order to avoid rupture of the shell and dust. If mineral fibers come into contact with the skin, they must be carefully removed without rubbing.11.11. If it is necessary to cut mineral wool slabs, this work should be performed by an insulator who is part of the unit (crew). 11.12. Persons working with mineral wool slabs should rinse their skin with running water without rubbing before using soap. 11.13. It is strictly prohibited to store and eat food in workplaces. Before eating, you should take off your overalls, wash your hands with soap and rinse your mouth.11.14. After finishing work, the worker must clean off dust and return the protective clothing and personal protective equipment to the storage area. 11.15. It is not allowed to drive dowel nails into fragile materials that can cause a large number of fragments (cast iron, ceramics and others), into easily pierced Construction Materials, into materials that cause destruction of the dowel-nail (granite, basalt). 11.16. Workers with the first qualification group in safety precautions when operating electrical installations are allowed to work with power tools. 11.17. The power tool must meet the following requirements: - quickly turn on and off from the mains (but not spontaneously); - be safe to operate, all live parts must be well insulated. 11.18. Before handing over a power tool to a worker, it is necessary to check the serviceability of the grounding wire and the absence of a short circuit to the housing. 11.19. Before starting to work with a power tool, the worker must: - receive instructions on safe methods of working with power tools; - check the serviceability of personal protective equipment; - inspect and check the power tool at idle speed. If any malfunctions are detected, stop work and notify the foreman or foreman about this. 11.20 . When installing prefabricated plasterboard partitions, it is PROHIBITED to: - work with power tools from ladders; - transfer power tools to others; - disassemble and repair power tools yourself; - hold on to the power supply wire while working; - leave power tools connected to the electrical network unattended.

1. General Provisions. 1

2. Technical requirements to materials used for the construction of prefabricated plasterboard partitions. 2

2.1. Materials for the frame. 2

2.2. Structural and finishing material. 2

2.3. Materials for sound insulation and sealing. 3

3. Transportation and storage of plasterboard partition assembly elements. 3

4. Requirements for sound insulation and fire resistance of prefabricated plasterboard partitions. 4

5. Technical requirements for the technology of installation of internal enclosing structures made of plasterboard sheets on a metal frame of element-by-element assembly. 4

6. Requirements for the installation of electrical and sanitary equipment in prefabricated plasterboard partitions. 6

7. Requirements for installation of soundproofing materials. 7

8. Requirements for the installation of plasterboard sheets on a metal frame. 7

Today the most popular method of device interior partitions– installation of plasterboard systems.

And this is not at all surprising:

  • low cost of basic materials;
  • high speed of installation work;
  • relative ease of assembly; if desired, everything can be done with your own hands and without helpers;
  • many design options;
  • low weight of structures.

And it is worth noting that in addition to all these qualities, the installation of plasterboard partitions can be done at a variety of facilities. Let's talk a little about this.

Where and how can plasterboard partitions be used?

In fact, it is, of course, impossible to list all the areas of application, but basically such partitions are made:

  1. in apartments and private houses;
  2. V office buildings and government agencies;
  3. in entertainment and shopping centers;
  4. in cafes and nightclubs.

Double skin partitions

The technology, when the partition frame is sheathed with two layers of sheets, can be used in several cases.

  1. When you need to maximize the level of sound insulation between rooms. For example, these could be partitions between rooms in nightclubs.
  2. When you need to make the wall plane very rigid. As clear example Again, we can cite discos, nightclubs, and places with high traffic volumes.
  3. When, for one reason or another, it is impossible to make the frame itself sufficiently rigid. This is usually due to a lack of profiles for the structure or the use of low-quality metal. In such cases, the rigidity of the partition is achieved by screwing additional sheets on top of the main ones.

Now let's look at the classic design.

Standard partitions

Such systems are essentially a solid wall without additional reinforcements.

They can be installed in any room, but it is worth remembering a number of important points:

  1. If the installation of a plasterboard partition is carried out in rooms with high humidity, for covering the frame should only be used moisture resistant sheets. (see also article)
  2. The rules of technology should not be neglected. Be sure to place mineral wool inside the frame between sheets of drywall. Even if you don’t need to insulate anything. The fact is that creating an empty structure not only allows sounds to pass between rooms well, but also slightly enhances them. It's unlikely that you need such an effect.
  3. If there will be a stove, heating boiler or fireplace near the partition, the frame must be sheathed with fire-resistant plasterboard.

Partitions with doorway

Tips for DIY arrangement:

Firstly, if a door is included in the design, the partition will vibrate slightly when opening. To prevent this “slightly” from becoming a problem, you need to fasten the metal to each other, to the walls, floor and ceiling really well, as required by technology!

Otherwise, all the connections of the structure will gradually loosen, and this threatens not just vibration, but also constant unpleasant sounds.

Secondly, additional reinforcement needs to be installed around the perimeter of the door. This is done using a strong beam, which is inserted into internal sides profile around the entire perimeter of the door. That's what you need to screw it to. interior doors. It will be strong and reliable!

Now let’s look at what a craftsman will need to install a plasterboard partition on his own.

Necessary equipment

From Supplies In addition to plasterboard sheets, we will need:

  • guide (marked CW) and load-bearing (UW) profile for partitions. The photo clearly shows what these materials look like;

  • a set of self-tapping screws for installing plasterboard systems;
  • mineral wool in rolls.

Regarding the last point, you can also find denser mineral wool in sheets on the market. Its effect in terms of heat and sound insulation is better, but it also costs an order of magnitude more. And as practice shows, standard cotton wool in rolls is quite enough to create a normal insulating layer.

Advice! Be careful when buying self-tapping screws, use products from good manufacturers.

Now about the tool:

  • hammer drill and screwdriver;
  • grinder and metal scissors;
  • set of screwdrivers and hammer;
  • square, rule with level and construction thread;
  • pencil and upholstery cord with paint;
  • roulette;
  • ladder.

Tip: If the price of a power tool isn't right for you, you can always save money and rent one.

So, let’s assume that we have everything to carry out the work, let’s consider the rules that the assembly instructions contain.

Partition installation

As an illustrative example, consider a standard one-piece “wall to wall” structure without openings, shelves, or niches.

First of all, you need to make markings. At this stage you need to be as patient and attentive as possible, since this is the very case when it is better to “measure 7 times and cut once.”


  1. We determine the point that will be the starting point for the line of the future frame.
  2. We put a mark on the ceiling near one of the walls of the room.
  3. Place a mark on the ceiling near the second wall and use upholstery cord to connect the dots.
  4. Using a square, we check whether we have drawn the line correctly.
  5. Using a plumb line and upholstery cord, transfer the line to the floor.
  6. We connect the edges of the top and bottom lines along the walls.

At this point, the marking is completed, we have received the drawn perimeter of the future partition, along which we will now attach the guide profile.

Frame assembly

  1. We measure the distance along the floor and ceiling from wall to wall, as well as the height of each wall.
  2. In accordance with the obtained figures, we prepare profiles of the required size.
  3. We place them on the plane, drill the walls and nail them with quick installation.

But now you need to prepare marks in order to determine the place of insertion of vertical posts and CW profiles.

This is done quite simply.

We place marks along the guide profile along the plane of the ceiling every 60 cm. Using a plumb line, we duplicate them onto the horizontal profile at the bottom of the frame. Focusing on these points, we will mount the pillar profiles.

Why exactly 60 centimeters?

Because we will attach the sheets to the frame at their full height and we need to have a stand along each edge of the sheet and its middle, and the width of the sheet is 120 cm.

Let's start installing the racks.

  1. Relative to the set points, we measure the height near each future rack.
  2. Cut the profile to the required length. If the ceiling height larger size profile, there are special adapters on sale for fastening the racks together. However, it is better to use longer racks (they come in 3.4 and 6 m) and not use adapters so that the racks do not have weak points.
  3. We insert the supporting profile into the grooves of the guides and connect them.
  4. We do the same along the entire guide line.

The frame is almost ready. Almost, because you will also need horizontal jumpers, which will need to be inserted between the pillars in those places where the sheets of drywall will touch.

But you can do it differently and immediately screw the metal, and then we will “adjust” the size of the sheets to the jumpers.

It is advisable to place the jumpers not only at the boundaries of the sheets, but also every 50 cm from bottom to top, so the frame will be stiffer and the sheets are guaranteed not to bend inside the structure.

The process of making jumpers is very simple. In essence, this is a regular piece of supporting profile with small “lips” at both ends. The “lip” is needed so that the supporting profile fits comfortably into the grooves of the jumper and so that there is a point where the screws actually need to be screwed in.

You need to understand what will be attached to the partition in the future. If you plan to hang an air conditioner or shelves on its plane, you need to make one more additional embedded lintel from a strong wooden beam.

Did you make jumpers and screw them on?

Then let's get started last stage assemblies.

Frame covering

This is actually the fastest and easiest step. It is generally accepted that assembling the partition frame is 75% of the entire work, the rest is cladding.

We won’t explain how to screw sheets to metal, but rather we’ll talk about a few important points, which should not be forgotten.

  1. Before covering, plan where the switches and sockets will be located, and in accordance with this plan, insert the cable inside the frame.
  2. Mineral wool is laid only after the frame is covered with sheets on one side.

  1. Use exactly as many self-tapping screws per sheet as required by the technology. As a rule, along the middle of each sheet you can see marks that show how far apart the screws should be located (approximately every 20 cm).
  2. Don’t forget to screw in the screws all the way so that there are no protruding heads; this will get in the way when puttingtying the surface.

It is impossible to “recess” the screws into the sheet too much, as this will break the edge of the gypsum board and, accordingly, the strength of the connection will be compromised.

  1. And here it is also very important to follow several rules:
  2. It is necessary to clean the plane of the partition from dust and thoroughly prime the drywall. Acrylic primer is best suited for this.

  1. All seams must first be treated with a special glue, which is applied to the reinforcing mesh.

Each subsequent layer can be applied only when the previous one has completely (!) dried.

Only in this way, following the rules of technology and the recommendations of experienced craftsmen, will you get a good and high-quality result.

Conclusion We hope that you understand the technology of constructing plasterboard partitions and all described key points

. Well, if some points still remain unclear, we recommend watching the video at the end of the article - this is an excellent addition to the instructions provided.

We wish you successful, high-quality and, of course, fast repairs!

Photo gallery To date ideal option A simple redevelopment of the house is to install a partition made of plasterboard. Installation of prefabricated wall panels considered more acceptable and economically profitable solution

than the process of building walls using bricks or blocks. Moreover, this technology is not particularly difficult and it is accessible to anyone who can work with power tools and has at least some understanding of plasterboard sheets.

Drywall is a material that is a gypsum layer lined on both sides with cardboard. GCR is made of special building gypsum, which allows you to both absorb excess moisture, and give it back. The material is non-toxic and has enhanced fire-resistant characteristics. Used for the construction of internal partitions, wall cladding and suspended ceilings.

Design features of plasterboard partitions

The construction of plasterboard wall partitions comes in three types, the choice and arrangement of which depends on the purpose of the room:

  1. Simple. This technology involves covering a metal frame with one sheet of plasterboard.
  2. Reinforced. In this case, to install plasterboard wall panels, it is assumed that the frame is covered with plasterboard on both sides.
  3. Reinforced. Reinforced metal structure has double plasterboard sheathing.

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Partition device

Main structural element Interior plasterboard wall panels are a rigid metal frame consisting of steel profiles. During installation, several types of profiles are used, each of which is designed for a specific type of load. The frame element is made of cold-rolled steel strip, the width of which varies from 0.55...0.8 mm. They are galvanized to protect them from environmental influences. In addition to resistance to such influences, the profiles can withstand sufficient load when attaching additional finishing and various hanging elements

. For this purpose, they are provided with stiffening ribs.

  1. The following profiles are used to assemble the frame: "PS" - rack profile, used as vertical stand
  2. , onto which the gypsum board is subsequently attached. Its cross-section has the form of a channel.

“PN” - used as a guide base for rack profiles or as a jumper between them. It also has a channel-shaped section. In some cases, for sound and heat insulation, it is laid special material

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. Drywall partitions typically use mineral wool or expanded polystyrene, which is a thermoplastic foam (2% plastic and 98% air).

Installation of drywall to the frame Before proceeding with the installation of drywall, you should complete the installation of ventilation, electrical and plumbing work

in the house. The technology for installing plasterboard partitions begins with markings. Did you like the article?