Technical operation of technological equipment in the hotel. Safe work for hotel workers

1. Basic provisions
General instructions
Hotel management
Acceptance procedure for hotel facilities
Hotel inspection system
Repair and improvement of the hotel fund
Organization of operation of the hotel fund
2. Operation of building structures and hotel premises
Foundations and walls of basements
Windows and doors
Special events for the technical operation of the building
Protection of wooden structures from destruction by smoke fungi and wood-destroying insects
Eliminating dampness in existing buildings
Elimination of noise in buildings
Preparing hotels for winter
Operation of residential and auxiliary premises of hotels
Residential and utility rooms
Attic spaces
Basements and technical undergrounds
3. Rules for the operation of hotel engineering equipment
Central heating
Hot water supply
Air conditioning
Water supply and sewerage
Internal roof drains
Gas supply
Garbage and dust removal
Electrical equipment
Elevators and lifts
Radio and television
Automation, dispatching and engineering equipment, communications and instrumentation
Dispatching service
Main ways to save thermal and electrical energy
Inventory and its contents
4. Rules for the operation of the territory adjacent to the hotel and the implementation of sanitary and hygienic measures
Maintenance, cleaning, sanitary cleaning, landscaping
Sanitary and hygienic requirements for the hotel
5. Safety, labor protection and fire safety rules for the operation of hotels
Occupational safety and health regulations
Fire safety rules
Appendix 1. Acceptance certificate for hotel facilities upon change of director or chief engineer (engineer) of the hotel (hotel branch)
Appendix 2. Time frames for troubleshooting when performing unscheduled routine repairs of individual parts of hotel buildings and their equipment
Appendix 3. Ventilation and air conditioning systems in hotel rooms
Appendix 4. Lowest illumination of hotel premises
Appendix 5. Permissible sound and sound pressure levels and amendments to them
Appendix 6. Recommendations for sealing window sashes in hotel buildings
Appendix 7. Improving operational sustainability and data on water flow control in hotel water supply systems
Appendix 8. Operating modes of air-thermal curtains and air heating in hotels
Appendix 9. Recommendations for organizing a rating system for recording the condition of hotel equipment and structures
Appendix 10. Recommendations for decorative landscaping of hotels
Appendix 11. Forms of logs and checklist for recording safety instructions
Appendix 12. List of professions of hotel workers associated with the performance of high-risk work, subject to annual training and testing of safety knowledge at enterprises (organizations) of the housing and communal services system of the RSFSR
Appendix 13. Individual evacuation plan
Appendix 14. Standards for primary fire extinguishing agents
Appendix 15. Requirements for the maintenance of fire-fighting equipment and fire-fighting automatic systems
Appendix 16. Depreciation rates for fixed assets of the national economy of the USSR
Appendix 17. Standard average service life of public buildings, their structural finishing elements and engineering equipment

The entire range of work on the operation of the hotel premises and equipment can be combined into 4 key groups: Maintenance of the hotel building and structures; Sanitary maintenance of hotel premises and surrounding areas; Providing public services; Repair of premises and reconstruction of hotel buildings and structures. Maintenance is a set of works and measures to maintain all elements of the building and hotel structures in good condition, as well as ensuring compliance with the parameters of these...

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Lecture 2. Management of operation of a hotel complex building.

Any hotel complex – This is not just a service company, this is first of all real estate object,which requires proper operation and management.

The whole complex of works on the operation of the building,premises and equipment of the hotel can be combined into 4 key groups:

  1. Maintenance of hotel buildings and structures;
  2. Sanitary maintenance of hotel premises and surrounding areas;
  3. Providing public services;
  4. Repair of premises and reconstruction of hotel buildings and structures.

Maintenanceis a complex of works and measures to maintain in good condition all elements of the building and hotel structures,as well as ensuring compliance of the parameters of these elements with the requirements of operational standards.

The complex of measures for the maintenance of a hotel building may include the following work:

  • Periodic inspection of structures and engineering equipment of hotel structures,as well as external communications;
  • Carrying out technical supervision and assessment of the technical condition of buildings and communications;
  • Adjustment of technical systems and elimination of minor damage forensuring uninterrupted guest service;
  • Preparation work for seasonal operation spring-summer, and autumn-winter;

Planning maintenance activities includes the following activities:

  • Clarification and updating of design documentation of buildings and communications,its study for existing and expected technical and operational characteristics of building elements and equipment;
  • Determination of requirements and indicators for quality level,which must be achieved as a result of technical operation activities;
  • Drawing up a list of maintenance and repair work inside and outside the hotel;
  • Assessing the frequency of work and the volume of resource support,as well as matching needs and capabilities.

The procedure for organizing and carrying out comprehensive maintenance activities for the hotel building:

  1. Planning and analysis of technical operation activities;
  2. Organization and carrying out maintenance of the hotel building;
  3. Monitoring and evaluating the effectiveness of activities;

Sanitary maintenance.Includes cleaning of guest rooms and public areas.This function is one of the most important in the hotel operation system,and also quite complex from the point of view of implementation due to the large number of premises requiring daily cleaning and the constant need to coordinate information about the status of guest rooms with the accommodation service

Providing the hotel with utilities. Represents the process of planning resource expenditures,ensuring the normal functioning of the hotel,as well as checking the level of resource provision.

Expense planningmay be carried out:

  • Using aggregated indicators of resource consumption,normalized per unit volume or area,taking into account the type of building and technical characteristics;
  • By calculating costs or by the power of resource consumers,available on site,or using calculation models and standards;

Repair of hotel premises and structures.During the maintenance of a hotel building, not only its physical wear and tear is assessed, but alsobut also its functional obsolescence.Depending on the condition of the premises and the level of compliance of the parameters of its elements with standards,accepted in the hotel industry,Repair and reconstruction work is planned.

The entire set of repair or reconstruction work can be grouped into two main blocks:

  • Scheduled preventive maintenance work, those. work and activities to carry out current and major repairs at a certain frequency in order to maintain the operational parameters of the hotel during the standard service life, taking into account physical wear and tear;
  • Repair work to improve the technical and economic characteristics of the hotel to prevent or eliminate obsolescence of the building in order to increase the efficiency of its use;

Maintenance work mostly includes routine repairs.

Current repairs prevent premature wear of structures,finishing and engineering equipment,as well as eliminating minor damage and malfunctions.Depending on the type of work performed, current repairs are divided into:

  • Current preventive maintenance
  • Current unforeseen repairs
  • Emergency repairs
  • Security and maintenance repairs

To repair work to improve the technical and economic characteristics of the hotel, usually, referring to major repairs(disclaimer) Major repairs consist of replacing andrestoration of individual parts or entire structures,as well as the engineering and technical equipment of the building in connection with the physical,obsolescence and destruction.

The following types of major repairs are distinguished:

  • Comprehensive overhaul
  • Selective overhaul

Technical documentation.

Technical documentation is the main basis for planning,organization and analysis of the operational efficiency of the hotel building.The technical documentation of the hotel building includes technical documentation for long-term storage, these include:

  • site plan to scale 1:1000 - 1:2000 with residential buildings and structures,located on it;
  • design and estimate documentation andas-built drawings for the hotel building;
  • hotel building acceptance certificates from construction organizations;
  • technical condition reports hotel buildings for transfer to the owner;
  • water supply network diagrams, sewerage, central heating, heat, gas, power supply, etc.;
  • boiler house passports, boiler books;
  • elevator service passports;
  • technical passports for each building, construction and land plot;
  • as-built drawings of grounding loops(for buildings, having grounding) .

Technical documentation for long-term storage must be adjusted as the technical condition changes,revaluation of fixed assets,carrying out major repairs or reconstruction, etc.

The documentation includesreplaced due to the expiration of its validity period, includes:

  • estimates, inventory of work for current and major repairs;
  • technical inspection reports;
  • order logs;
  • electrical network resistance measurement protocols;
  • ventilation measurement protocols.

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Safe work for hotel workers

A modern hotel is a complex business. It is equipped with a large number of different equipment and property, has dozens of technical services, departments and divisions. It employs a significant number of service personnel with a round-the-clock work cycle and a continuous change of residents. All these factors require strict compliance with labor safety rules and regulations.

Occupational safety requirements contained in the Intersectoral Rules for Occupational Safety and Health in the Provision of Hotel Services (hereinafter referred to as the Rules) are aimed at ensuring healthy and safe working conditions for operating hotels and apply to all employers, regardless of their organizational, legal forms and forms of ownership.

Persons guilty of violating the requirements of these Rules will be held accountable in accordance with the law.

Occupational safety and health management in a hotel is carried out by its head; in the structural divisions of the hotel - by the heads of structural divisions.

In order to prevent industrial injuries and occupational diseases, improve conditions and labor protection of workers in hotels, we are developing and implementing occupational safety action plans.

Periodic monitoring of compliance with labor protection legislation in hotels is carried out: daily, monthly and quarterly.

For the safety of hotel workers, residents and visitors:

· building structures, utility networks of hotel buildings and structures must be operated in accordance with the requirements of technical regulatory legal acts;

· technical operation of buildings must be carried out in accordance with design, operational and other documentation drawn up in the prescribed manner;

· In the process of technical operation of hotel buildings, it is necessary to comply with the requirements of the Technical Standard for Technical Operation of Residential and Public Buildings and Structures. Procedure" (TCP 45-1.04-14-2, approved by order of the Ministry of Architecture and Construction of the Republic of Belarus dated 01.01.01 No. 000;

· During operation, re-equipment and redevelopment of hotel buildings (premises) are not allowed, leading to a violation of the strength or destruction of the load-bearing structures of buildings, violation of fire safety standards and regulations, disruptions in the operation of engineering systems and (or) equipment installed in them, deterioration in the safety and appearance of facades ;

· control over the technical condition of the hotel building is carried out by the employer through planned and unplanned(extraordinary) technical inspections(hereinafter referred to as inspections).

Scheduled inspections are divided into are common And partial. General examinations are carried out 2 times a year (spring and autumn). Unscheduled inspections should be carried out after natural disasters, accidents and when unacceptable deformations of the foundations are identified. Based on the results of the inspection, a report is drawn up, which is signed by all members of the commission and approved by the employer or his authorized person.

Operation of various systems

Every year, hotels must carry out activities related to the preparation for operation in the autumn-winter period of internal heat supply systems, heating, ventilation, and air conditioning systems. All of them must be prepared in accordance with the requirements of technical regulatory legal acts for their design.

The heating system of hotel buildings must be operated in compliance with the following requirements:

– instrumentation, control and shut-off valves must be in good condition;

– the thermal insulation of pipelines in the premises must be intact.

Heating, ventilation, and air conditioning systems must be serviced by workers who have the appropriate profession and have been duly trained in safe work methods and techniques (hereinafter referred to as maintenance personnel).

Maintenance personnel must monitor the operation of heating systems (during the heating season), ventilation and air conditioning, and promptly eliminate malfunctions. Detected malfunctions must be recorded in the appropriate journal, followed by the date of their elimination, the type of work performed and the names of those working to eliminate the malfunctions (carry out repairs).

Personnel servicing ventilation systems must:

– in a timely manner, check the condition of air ducts, air intake and air outlet devices;

– ensure that they are free of blockages and mechanical damage;

– clean dirty air ducts only when the fan is stopped;

– check the integrity of the anti-corrosion coating of air ducts.

Garbage chutes in hotels are located in stairwells or in separate rooms. Garbage chutes are not allowed in workers' rest areas.

The doors (inspections) at the top of the garbage chutes must be locked to prevent them from opening when the garbage catches fire.

Loading valves and the areas in which they are located must be kept clean.

When operating waste disposal systems, you must:

– monitor the integrity and tightness of closing the garbage chute lids;

– regularly lubricate the moving parts of waste collection valves.

Disposal of debris into the loading valve should be done in small portions. Large pieces of debris must be crushed to allow free passage through the loading valve. Before throwing into the garbage chute, small and dusty garbage should be wrapped in small bags that fit freely in the loading bucket.

In the event of blockages or malfunctions of the garbage chute, you must immediately notify the dispatcher, the person responsible for operating the waste disposal systems, or an official and temporarily stop using the garbage chute until the malfunction is eliminated.

Removal of loading valves and their repair should only be carried out by persons responsible for the operation of waste disposal systems.

Cleaning of the garbage chute barrel should be carried out by inspecting the upper part of the barrel by lowering a special weight on a cable, as well as through the openings of the loading valves when removing their moving parts.

To protect workers from injury from falling heavy objects, the gate at the bottom of the shaft should be closed while changing garbage bins and emptying the hopper.

When the collection container is filled, it should be covered with a curtain (cover).

Removal of waste bins manually must be carried out by two workers.

Dust removal in hotels should be carried out using vacuum cleaners or a special centralized dust removal system, as well as manual wet and dry cleaning.

Regardless of the presence and nature of cleaning mechanisms, cleaning equipment must provide the necessary convenience for workers involved in hotel cleaning. When cleaning, you should use self-closing scoops, small portable containers, lightweight carts, etc.

Maintenance of centralized vacuum dust removal systems (hereinafter referred to as CVP) must be carried out by persons who have the appropriate profession (position), who have been duly trained in safe methods and techniques of work, who know the mechanical and electrical parts of the system and remote control of its operation.

Due to the fine dispersion of dust, it should not be allowed to fly away or spill onto the floor surface. It should be placed in tight bags for removal to waste disposal sites.

Operation of electrical equipment

Installation of new equipment, major repairs and modernization of existing electrical equipment must be carried out in accordance with the design documentation.

Workers servicing electrical equipment(hereinafter referred to as electrical technical personnel), are obliged:

– ensure normal, trouble-free operation of all electrical receivers in accordance with the project and the requirements of the relevant regulatory legal acts, including technical regulatory legal acts, as well as the designed levels of illumination in all rooms of the hotel and its territory;

– replace faulty electrical equipment;

– carry out periodic inspections of electrical equipment.

Those working in hotels should be aware of the possibility of electric shock, safety measures and first aid measures for those caught in the voltage.

Guests staying in the rooms must be warned about the prohibition of using electric heating devices in the rooms, with the exception of electrical personal hygiene appliances (electric razor, electric massager, electric hair curlers, etc.).

To connect harvesting machines special plug sockets with a third grounding contact must be installed in corridors.

In bathrooms, toilets, toilets, showers, changing rooms in shower rooms Installation of switches and plug sockets is not allowed.

Installation of plug sockets for electric shavers and hair dryers in bathrooms is allowed only if they are powered through an individual isolation transformer.

Ironing rooms with conductive floors should have insulating floor mats rigidly attached to the floor or dielectric mats glued to the floor.

The working surface of the ironing table must be made of insulating materials (wood, heat-resistant plastic, etc.). The table must be positioned so that the person using the iron cannot simultaneously touch the body of the iron and grounded parts of the equipment or conductive structures or surfaces. The iron stand must be made of insulating material.

Washing, drying, drying and ironing machines, ironing press, centrifuge, elevator must be equipped with mechanical and electrical interlocks that prevent the electric motor from starting when hatches, doors or fences are open.

The serviceability of interlocks must be checked before the start of each shift.

The washing machine, ironing press, and other electrically driven machines must be assigned a serial number printed in a visible place.

All starters and control buttons must be clearly labeled indicating which machines they apply to.

Persons with the appropriate profession (position) who have been duly trained in safe methods and techniques of work and assigned an electrical safety group (II – V) are allowed to carry out operational maintenance and inspection of the hotel’s electrical installations.

The number of electrical personnel performing repairs, cleaning and inspection of electrical installations is determined by the person responsible for electrical equipment.

Personnel with an electrical safety group below III are prohibited from single-handedly carrying out work related to access to live parts of equipment.

Exploitation lamps without protective glass, lenses or grilles provided for by the design is not allowed.

Lamps for public use must undergo periodic inspection and cleaning at least 2 times a year.

Cleaning of lamps should be combined with the replacement of burnt-out lamps, starters, replacement of failed reflectors, protective caps and other elements of lamps.

Electrical personnel performing work in electrical installations, must be provided with protective equipment in accordance with the requirements of regulatory legal acts and standards for equipping with protective equipment for workers in electrical installations. The protective equipment issued must correspond to the working conditions and ensure labor safety.

Electrical personnel must be trained in the rules for using protective equipment and instructed in the use and care of protective equipment.

Electric stoves installed in restaurants, buffets and other hotel premises must be grounded.

The group power supply network of the electric stove must be protected from overloads and short circuits by protection devices installed only in the phase wires.

Electric stoves connected to a three-phase network must be protected by three-phase circuit breakers.

Current repairs of electric stoves must be carried out according to a schedule approved by the person responsible for the electrical equipment of a hotel or restaurant, at least once every 6 months.

Electric stoves must be installed at a distance of at least 0.5 m from grounded equipment. If it is impossible to ensure the specified distance, the installation of enclosing structures must be provided.

Equipment operation

Operation of equipment used in hotels must be carried out in accordance with the requirements of the operating documentation of manufacturing organizations, regulatory legal acts, including technical regulatory legal acts.

Operation of equipment without fencing devices, safety devices, interlocks, alarm systems and other means of collective protection provided by the design is not permitted.

The placement and operation of equipment in premises and workplaces should not pose a danger to workers.

The equipment should not have sharp corners, edges or uneven surfaces that pose a danger to workers.

All moving, rotating and protruding parts of equipment and auxiliary mechanisms must have protective guards to prevent the possibility of injury to workers.

Opening doors, covers, equipment panels must have devices that prevent their accidental removal and opening.

Guards that open upward must be locked in the open position.

Fences that, due to operating conditions, do not require frequent removal should be dismantled only with the help of metalwork tools.

A fence that is periodically opened manually must be painted on the inside in a signal color.

Depending on the type of hazard, a safety warning sign is applied or attached to the outside of the fence.

The hazardous area of ​​the equipment, where operating conditions make it impossible to completely enclose it, must have a non-contact lock.

The design and location of equipment controls must prevent spontaneous changes in their position due to vibration and other influences.

Equipment components that are dangerous for maintenance must be painted in identifying colors and have safety signs in accordance with the requirements of technical regulatory legal acts.

Auxiliary operations (cleaning, lubrication, cleaning, changing tools and accessories, adjusting safety, safety and braking devices, etc.), as well as equipment maintenance and repair work, must be performed with the equipment turned off. Posters are hung on the starting devices: “Do not turn on! People are working!”

It is not allowed to work on faulty equipment, if there is a malfunction of instrumentation, grounding devices, technological equipment, tools, protective fences, interlocks and devices, electrical equipment, starting equipment, buttons and control handles.

Currently, all hotels are computerized (PC), therefore, when working with a PC, workers may be adversely affected by the following hazardous and harmful production factors:

· increased level of electromagnetic radiation;

· increased level of ionizing radiation;

· increased level of static electricity;

· increased electrostatic field strength;

· increased or decreased air inonization;

· increased light brightness;

· direct and reflected gloss;

· increased voltage in an electrical circuit, the closure of which can occur through the human body;

· static overloads of the musculoskeletal system and dynamic local overloads of the muscles of the hands;

· overstrain of the visual analyzer;

· mental stress;

· emotional overload;

· monotony of work.

To reduce the level of electrostatic field strength, screen protective filters are used if necessary. During operation, the protective filter must be tightly installed on the monitor screen and grounded.

To ensure optimal microclimate parameters, regular ventilation and daily wet cleaning of premises are carried out during the working day, and air humidifiers are used.


· install the system unit in closed furniture volumes, directly on the floor;

· Use sockets and extension cords that are not equipped with a grounding contact (bus) to connect the PC.

Baggage transportation

When transporting luggage on a trolley, do not load the trolley beyond its carrying capacity.

Transported luggage must be placed evenly over the entire area of ​​the trolley platform. Heavier loads should be placed at the bottom and lighter ones at the top.

When placing high-stacked luggage on a trolley, the load must be secured to prevent it from falling.

It is necessary to move the cart along the surface only in the direction “away from you”, always being behind the cart being moved.

Room service

Work on servicing hotel rooms must be carried out in accordance with the requirements of Sanitary norms, rules and hygienic standards "Hygienic requirements for the design, equipment and maintenance of hotels."

Before starting work on cleaning the premises, you should inspect the premises, remove objects that are in the way or could cause injury - blades, needles, nails, buttons, glass fragments, etc.

Cleaning of premises should be carried out in sufficient lighting.

Hotel staff who have been trained in safe methods and techniques and assigned electrical safety group I may be allowed to work with vacuum cleaners and other cleaning machines.

Special carts must be used to transport cleaning equipment and materials. The cart should have space for placing laundry, a vacuum cleaner, a box with chemicals, a broom and dustpan, rags and a trash can.

Leaving cleaning equipment and cleaning products in aisles, driveways, doorways, etc. is not permitted.

The ladders (ladders) used must be tested for static load.

Before starting work on cleaning glass in window frames, the strength of the glass and the frames themselves must be checked.

Special electrical appliances (floor polisher, vacuum cleaner, cleaning machine, etc.) and cleaning equipment used during cleaning must be used in accordance with the cleaning technology.

When cleaning, you must use only working electrical appliances and cleaning equipment. Maids are prohibited from making repairs themselves.

When operating electrical appliances, the operating mode specified in the operating instructions of the manufacturer must be observed.

Before connecting electrical appliances to the network, you should check that the insulation of wires and plugs is in good condition, and that the voltage indicated on the device matches the voltage in the network. Do not use electrical appliances with a damaged cable or plug.

It is not allowed to bend electrical cords, pinch them in doorways, or stand on them with your feet.

When working with electrical appliances, it is prohibited:

· leave them connected to the network unattended;

· disconnect by pulling the plug from the socket by the cord;

· move by power cord.

It is prohibited to place rags or other objects on electrical appliances and heating devices.

Electric machines used for cleaning must be equipped with sound and light alarms.

Cleaned areas in common areas should be fenced off with special warning signs.

Used electrical appliances and cleaning equipment should be stored clean and in good working order in the rooms designated for these purposes.

Cleaning the dust collection tanks of vacuum cleaners should be done with the vacuum cleaner disconnected from the power supply.

Cleaning of lampshades and other electrical fittings should be carried out when the power supply is turned off.

It is prohibited to wipe switches, repair electrical wiring, switches, plug sockets, install or change electric lamps, or touch bare wires.

Heated floors must be turned off before cleaning. Detergent compositions used in the care of electrically conductive floor coverings should not lead to a decrease in electrical conductivity.

Electrical sockets, switches and lighting fixtures are not allowed to be wiped with a damp cloth.

To prevent slipping, floors should be wiped dry after washing.

Any liquid or water spilled on the floor should be cleaned up immediately.

Cleaning of sanitary facilities must be carried out using the necessary personal protective equipment.

When carrying hot water in buckets, ensure that the buckets are not full and have lids.

Heat the floor polishing paste only on a closed electric stove in a metal container in a water bath.

When serving food to hotel rooms, the connection between the main catering unit dispensing unit and the residential part of the hotel must be provided through service corridors and stairs, an elevator or using special lifts.

When providing food delivery services to your room, you must use a special cart.

When transporting, you should use serviceable carts, and move the carts in the direction away from you.

When carrying hot food, do not press the dishes towards you.

The lids of dishes with hot food should be opened carefully towards you.

Dishes containing hot food must be placed securely on the trolley.

When coming into contact with hot surfaces of equipment and kitchen utensils, hand protection should be used.

Chemicals (detergents, cleaners, disinfectants, protective varnishes, mastics, crystallizers, etc.) used during cleaning must be used in accordance with the requirements of the manufacturer’s instructions.

A separate room must be allocated for the storage and preparation of detergents and disinfectants used.

The design of racks for storing chemicals must be designed for appropriate loads, ensure a stable position of stored materials and prevent them from falling during storage.

When using several cleaning products simultaneously during the cleaning period, it is not allowed to mix them with each other in order to prevent the formation of harmful substances or gases.

Chemicals should be stored only in the original packaging of the manufacturing organizations.

Do not leave diluted (mushy) bleach indoors or pour hot water into it to avoid intense formation of harmful gases.

It is prohibited to use gasoline, kerosene, acetone, turpentine, or other flammable and combustible liquids for washing floors, window frames, furniture and the like.

Chemical products must not be stored in open containers.

All chemical containers must be clearly labeled with the name.

The chemicals used should not have a harmful effect on workers.

When working with chemicals that contain harmful substances or release them during use, personal protective equipment must be used in accordance with the instructions of the manufacturer.

The use of foreign-made chemicals that do not have instructions for their safe use in Russian or Belarusian is prohibited.

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Attic spaces
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APPENDIX 1 Acceptance certificate of a hotel or hotel management upon change of director or chief engineer (engineer) of the hotel (hotel branch)
APPENDIX 2 Time frames for troubleshooting when performing unscheduled routine repairs of individual parts of hotel buildings and their equipment
APPENDIX 3 Ventilation and air conditioning systems in hotel rooms
APPENDIX 4 Lowest illumination of hotel premises
APPENDIX 5 Permissible sound and sound pressure levels and amendments to them
APPENDIX 6 Recommendations for sealing window sashes in hotel buildings
APPENDIX 7 Improving operational sustainability and water flow control data in hotel water supply systems
APPENDIX 8 Operating modes of air-thermal curtains and air heating in hotels
APPENDIX 9 Recommendations for organizing a rating system for recording the condition of hotel equipment and structures
APPENDIX 10 Recommendations for decorative landscaping of hotels
APPENDIX 11 Forms of logs and safety briefing registration checklist
APPENDIX 12 List of professions of hotel workers associated with the performance of high-risk work, subject to annual training and testing of safety knowledge at enterprises (organizations) of the housing and communal services system of the RSFSR
APPENDIX 13 Individual evacuation plan
APPENDIX 14 Standards for primary fire extinguishing agents
APPENDIX 15 Requirements for the maintenance of fire-fighting equipment and fire-fighting automatic systems
APPENDIX 16 Depreciation rates for fixed assets of the national economy of the USSR
APPENDIX 17 Standard average service life of public buildings, their structural finishing elements and engineering equipment

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