Common rapeseed. Crescent is not a weed, but a valuable plant for men

Crescent is a herbaceous perennial plant; it belongs to the Cabbage family; it sometimes reaches eighty centimeters in height. It begins to bloom in early May, forming dense clusters.

The fruits are presented in the form of bent pods that are directed upward. The leaves are rosette, slightly pungent in taste, and have a rather pleasant smell. In the very early spring they can be consumed by adding them to vitamin-rich vegetable salads. The plant is considered an excellent honey plant.

Crescent has a special composition and medicinal properties; some recipes are prepared from it, which are used in treatment, and it also has contraindications, but first things first.

High-quality oil is produced from rapeseed seeds, which is successfully used in baking and confectionery production. Traditional healers actively use it for medicinal purposes, but official medicine does not include it in any pharmacological preparations.

This representative of the flora grows throughout Europe and Russia. Colres was also brought to the East, in particular to Japan, as well as to North America, New Zealand, Africa and Australia. We can say that it is classified as a cosmopolitan plant. As a rule, it is localized in the forest zone, growing near roads, along rivers, in parks and squares, in damp meadows, in garbage areas, and in thickets of bushes.

Chemical composition

The plant contains different types of glycosides; it contains thioglycosides such as sinigrin, which, when broken down, form mustard oils that can cause diarrhea and enteritis in large doses. Toxic substances accumulate in the seeds, for example, the content of erucic acid is twenty-eight percent.

If the green mass of plants is fed to cattle, this can lead to poisoning if a large amount of colza seeds gets into the feed.

Medicinal properties

The use of cress helps to cope with asthenic syndrome, hypovitaminosis, chronic fatigue, general weakness, prevents disturbances in the functioning of the nervous system, it is effective for epilepsy, decreased sexual activity, and paralysis.

The leaves and stems of the plant, as well as flowers and young pods, have medicinal value. It is recommended to harvest all parts of the cress during flowering. Dried raw materials should be stored for no more than a year.

Various medicinal drugs are prepared from this plant, for example, an infusion, which has a stimulating, tonic and diuretic effect on the human body.

Treatment with colza, some recipes

In order to prepare the infusion, you will need colza herb, which should first be crushed, it will be required in the amount of fifteen grams, and you will also need a glass of boiling water, which you need to pour over the raw material, and leave for a couple of hours, after which it must be strained through a double gauze layer or used strainer with a fine nozzle. After which it can be used.

It is recommended to take the finished infusion three or four times a day, about fifteen minutes before meals; it is recommended to drink fifty milliliters of this drug. This remedy helps with reduced sexual activity, as well as with neurasthenia.

For general weakness, this plant can be brewed as tea, as it will help give strength. For this purpose, both fresh and dried colza are suitable. And for oligospermia, you can prepare juice from fresh grass, which is recommended to drink thirty milliliters two or three times a day. The course of such treatment will be approximately two months.

For general cleansing of the human body, you can prepare a herbal mixture that will include rapeseed, nettle, plantain, St. John's wort and sage; all plants must be taken in equal proportions. Then a tablespoon of this dry raw material is poured with 200 milliliters of boiling water, after which it is left for forty minutes and filtered.

Crescent is used as a vitamin supplement; it is used in cooking, for example, pre-collected young leaves are added to vegetable salads, thereby replenishing your body with valuable substances.

You can make a puree; frozen leaves are also suitable for this purpose; of course, they do not contain many healing substances, but still. Still, the juicy crispy stem will contain more useful components, and at the same time it has a rather pleasant taste, which is reminiscent of the sweet stalk of cabbage, which is why children love this plant so much.


There are no contraindications to the use of rapeseed. But still, you should be more careful if there is a tendency to increased bleeding. You should not be zealous in its use if you have kidney or bladder stones.


Crescent is truly considered a useful medicinal herb; it is one of the first to appear in spring, so you can, and should, use it for culinary purposes, in particular, add it to vegetable salads and replenish the body with useful substances.

As for the infusion, before using it it is best to notify the doctor and consult with him.

Crescent for men is a useful medicinal plant that restores health in a number of diseases of the reproductive organs. Many people consider cress a common weed that grows in gardens and along roadsides. In fact, this plant is a real assistant in the treatment of prostatitis and other diseases from which representatives of the stronger sex often suffer.

Components of colza and its healing properties

In herbal medicine, the above-ground part of the plant is used: flowers, leaves, and stems. The most valuable substances contained in colza are:

  • flavonoids;
  • vitamins C, B;
  • cellulose;
  • essential oils;
  • organic acids.

Crescent has a tonic and diuretic effect. Successfully used to treat a number of diseases:

  • stroke;
  • epilepsy, paralysis;
  • urinary tract diseases;
  • neurasthenia and asthenic syndrome;
  • avitaminosis;
  • male infertility.

The juice of the plant is also used to treat small scratches on the skin in order to stimulate their rapid healing. In addition, rapeseed restores water balance in the body and normalizes cholesterol levels in the blood.

Thanks to the use of cress, you can not only get rid of the above diseases or reduce the severity of their symptoms, but also strengthen the body, saturate it with necessary vitamins and microelements.

What are the benefits of cress for men?

Along with its tonic and general strengthening effects on the body, cress herb for men has an effect on their reproductive system.

Infusions and decoctions from this wild plant promote better blood movement through the vessels and capillaries in the pelvic organs. This explains the healing effect of the herb colza in the fight against potency. When using the herb, the intensity of the inflammation process in the tissues of the prostate gland decreases, and unpleasant and painful symptoms disappear.

Of course, prostatitis should not be treated with rapeseed alone, because in some cases the use of potent medications is required, but the use of this medicinal plant will speed up the healing process and increase the vitality of the body.

Crescent's medicinal properties for men do not end there. A decoction or infusion of the leaves and stems of this plant improves sperm production and enhances potency. Thus, herbal medicine helps improve the quality of sexual life and increases the likelihood of conception.

Crescent for men has only positive reviews. For many representatives of the stronger sex, treatment using this herb allowed them to get rid of prostatitis, decide, and improve relationships within a married couple.

Most people know what this medicinal plant looks like. If this is not the case, then the photo of colza grass for men can be seen below. In addition, it is absolutely not necessary to harvest the leaves yourself, because you can purchase a herbal mixture ready for use.

Ways to use colza

Once upon a time, rapeseed was added to food like ordinary greens. Salads were prepared from its leaves, and it was added to pancakes or other dough products. Often, rapeseed saved people from hunger and lack of vitamins, because thanks to its wide availability, collecting it in the field or in the garden was as easy as shelling pears.

Now this useful plant is undeservedly forgotten. But, despite the abundance of overseas fruits and vegetables, any person can benefit from diversifying their diet with rapeseed. For example, you can add thoroughly washed, chopped and scalded leaves to a salad as greens. For culinary use, it is better to collect green leaves before flowering.

To treat diseases, it is better to use proven recipes. For prostatitis and impotence, you can prepare an infusion or decoction according to one of the following recipes:

  • take 1 tbsp. green or dry grass, pour 200 ml of boiling water over it. Cover with a lid, wrap in a warm cloth and let brew for 3 hours. Take 50 g in 20-30 minutes. before meals 4 times a day. The course of treatment is from 2 to 3 months;
  • 1 tbsp. pour 300 g of water into pre-crushed colza roots, bring to a boil, then boil for 5 minutes. Let it brew for 2 hours. Strain and take 1/3 cup three times a day;
  • Colleague tea can be prepared as follows: pour 2 tbsp. colza flowers 400 g boiling water, leave for half an hour and strain. Drink 2-3 cups of this tea during the day. The duration of the course of application is 2-3 weeks.

Before using cress, it is advisable to consult a urologist, since the plant has a pronounced diuretic effect. In addition, you should refrain from collecting plants growing along highways or within populated areas, because the leaves can accumulate toxic substances contained in excess in vehicle exhaust gases and industrial waste.

Contraindications and side effects

The use of fresh colza, as well as infusions or decoctions from this plant should be avoided in case of urolithiasis, since colza has a pronounced diuretic effect, then due to increased urination and increased kidney function, stones may be displaced, moving from the kidneys to the bladder through ureters. If there is “sand” or very small stones, this does not pose a danger to humans, but large stones can cause blockage of the ureters and the development of renal colic.

In addition, the use of colza is undesirable for people suffering from increased bleeding. In other cases, this plant will only bring benefits to the body.

As you know, medicinal herbs have a mild healing effect, since they contain beneficial substances in low concentrations. What should a man do if he needs to show his best side in an intimate relationship, but there is not enough time to undergo a long course of treatment?

In this case, special medications designed to quickly get rid of erection problems come to the rescue. One of these medications is the active ingredient of which is vardenafil.

Levitra is used for erectile dysfunction and helps enhance the response of the male body to sexual stimuli.

The drug can be taken together with fatty foods, but it should be borne in mind that the rate of absorption of chemicals will be slower, so it may take a little longer to achieve the desired effect.

It is enough to take a Levitra tablet 25-60 minutes before the expected time of sexual contact, and you don’t have to worry about the onset of an erection. The drug is well tolerated by the body, side effects are extremely rare.

Another well-known drug for enhancing erection is Sildenafil. The drug has a stimulating effect only if there is an object for sexual stimulation, so a man will not experience discomfort if for some reason an intimate date is canceled.

The drug helps relax the blood vessels in the penis, increases blood flow to this organ, which leads to an erection. It is enough for a man to take it half an hour to an hour before intimate contact, and he does not have to worry about his capabilities.

Sildenafil is quite affordable, and its effect is no worse than that of expensive similar drugs.

The above drugs are presented on our website. The procedure for choosing a product and ordering it is simple and understandable for the client. In addition, online ordering has undeniable advantages - the ability to maintain anonymity and the absence of the need to conduct a dialogue with the seller (pharmacist), in contrast to the option of making a purchase in a regular pharmacy.

The presence of such drugs to enhance erection in your home medicine cabinet will not be superfluous, because it will relieve you of worries about a possible misfire during sexual intercourse, and your partner will certainly appreciate the man’s capabilities.

Along with the use of modern drugs, maintaining a high level of erection during sexual intercourse and ensuring men’s reproductive abilities will be facilitated by proper nutrition, the absence of exposure to toxic substances on the body, minimizing the effects of stress and moderate (and most importantly, regular) physical activity. Only a healthy body is able to function most fully for a long time. To the greatest extent, men's health depends on lifestyle - this should never be forgotten.

Common cress is a herb that is used in traditional medicine to treat various diseases, including male impotence, epilepsy, stroke, paralysis, and edema.


Common cress, a morphological description of which can be found in any reference book on medicinal plants, is known for its healing properties. This is a biennial herbaceous plant, 40-70 cm high with a bare, erect stem. The flowers are yellow, collected in a raceme, the flowering period is May-July, the fruits ripen in the last days of summer. Grass grows in meadows, fields as a weed, pastures, along roads, in ditches. It can grow in any soil, but does best in moderately moist soils. The only method of propagation: by seeds.

Common cress useful properties and contraindications

It is simply impossible to overestimate the beneficial properties of this plant. This perennial herb can truly work wonders. All its parts are used - leaves, flowers, stems, seeds. However, like all other representatives of the flora, this plant also has some contraindications for use that should be taken into account.

Beneficial features

The plant has wound-healing and diuretic properties, tones and improves appetite. There are known cases of using the plant as an antiscorbutic agent. Numerous reviews indicate positive results of taking it for asthenic syndrome, chronic fatigue, and for the prevention of vitamin deficiency. It is known that the herb helps restore male strength, is involved in the production of sperm, and therefore helps in the fight against infertility.


Contraindicated as food for animals and birds, as well as people in the following cases:

Increased bleeding;
bladder stones;
individual intolerance.

Crescent species

Herbalists actively use two types - compressed and ordinary. There are a total of about 20 species of this plant in different parts of the world.


The beneficial properties of rapeseed can affect the entire body as a whole. Also, very tasty honey is prepared from the compressed honey, which is rich in glucose. It is used in cooking to prepare healthy and tasty dishes. It grows mainly near wet places - near water bodies. Often found on railway embankments, fields, meadows, and pastures. This is a biennial plant with a height of 30 to 100 cm.


In many countries, the common cress has received the name “St. Barbara’s grass.” This plant is 30-80 cm high. It is used in cooking, medicine, agriculture, and floriculture. The description and properties are practically no different from the first type.

The use of cress in folk medicine

The benefits of rapeseed have been known since ancient times; this is confirmed by a large number of recipes in folk medicine. Infusions, decoctions, oils are prepared on its basis; honey collected during its flowering period is also useful. There are not many contraindications to the use of drugs, which makes them universal for the treatment and prevention of many diseases.

For men

Along with its general strengthening and tonic effect, the herb has a beneficial effect on the male reproductive system. Infusions and decoctions based on it help improve blood movement through the capillaries and vessels of the pelvic organs. This explains the healing effect in the fight against prostatitis.

The flavonoids contained in the composition help relieve the inflammatory process, thereby eliminating unpleasant and painful sensations. You need to know the beneficial properties and contraindications of colza for men so that the medicinal drug does not turn into poison. Use is not recommended for those with kidney failure, gallstones, or allergies to plant components.


Rapeseed oil is a substance that is produced from rapeseed (a perennial herbaceous plant, a member of the Brassica family). The seeds contain about 42% oil, which in its composition is very close to mustard and rapeseed oils. Unlike other vegetable oils, it contains a minimum amount of saturated fat and a maximum amount of Omega-3 essential fatty acids (residents of large cities suffer from their deficiency).

Despite its benefits, it is rarely added to food, and this is due to the presence of euric acid in the composition (a little-studied substance that is believed to be harmful to health). Use of colza oil in food is justified only in reasonable quantities. It can be added to salads, used for frying, or simply drunk 1-2 tbsp. adults and 1-2 tsp. children.

Systematic position.

Brassica family Brassicaceae Burnett (Cruciferae Juss.), genus Barbarea R.Br.

Biological group.

Root shoot perennial with biennial shoots.

Morphology and biology.

The plant is 30-80 cm tall, with bare or slightly downy, highly branched stems. The basal and lower stem leaves are on petioles with 2-4 oblong lateral lobes and a large, heart-shaped, bluntly notched-toothed apical lobe at the base. The upper stem leaves are sessile, entire, lanceolate to obovate, serrated along the margin. The inflorescence is a raceme, unbranched at the beginning of flowering. The flowers are 4-membered, golden yellow, the petals are twice as long as the sepals. The fruit is a pod, oblong-linear, rounded-tetrahedral, with a short club-shaped nose, bivalve, bilocular, multi-seeded. The pod valves are straw-yellow, hard, glabrous, with a clear middle vein and inconspicuous lateral veins; their surface is slightly tuberous. The stalks are short, curved and deflected, directed obliquely upward. The pods open longitudinally from bottom to top with two slits, forming valves that separate from the median longitudinal partition. The seeds are oval, compressed, grayish-brown with a slight sheen, their surface is finely tuberculate. It blooms in April-May, bears fruit in June-July, starting from the second year of the growing season. After fruiting, the above-ground parts of the plant die off, and a new flowering and fruiting stem develops from the root collar every spring. Propagated by seeds and root shoots. Maximum fertility - up to 10,000 seeds. The minimum temperature for seed germination is 6-8°C, the maximum is 38-40°C, the optimal is 18-20°C. Seeds germinate quickly, in summer, autumn and after overwintering in spring, from a depth of no more than 4 cm, preferably from a depth of 0.5 cm. In the first year of life, only a rosette of leaves with a well-developed taproot is formed, which overwinters.


Western Europe, as an alien - in America, Africa and Australia. On the territory of the former USSR - the European part, Ciscaucasia, Western Transcaucasia, Western Siberia, Central Asia.


The plant is not picky about soil type, but prefers damp habitats. Can grow in partial shade. Common cress is seeded already at the beginning of summer before field crops are harvested and heavily clogs the soil.

Economic importance.

A weed plant mainly in the forest zone, it is found less frequently in the south, in places that are excessively moist. It infests crops of perennial grasses and winter grains, vegetable gardens, orchards, and more rarely, crops of spring grains and row crops. It develops especially in large numbers in poorly cultivated fallow fields on clay soils. As a ruderal, it grows in damp meadows, along rivers, in forest clearings, in thickets of bushes, in clearings, near roads, along ditches, in fallow lands and waste areas. Protective measures: low mowing of the weed during the period of mass flowering in crops of perennial grasses, in the fall - shallow plowing, pre-sowing harrowing and cultivation.


Zotova A.P. Weeds and their control. Leningrad: Lenizdat, 1971. 144 p.
Korsmo E. Weeds of modern agriculture. Moscow-Leningrad: State Publishing House of Collective and Sovkh. Literary, 1933. 416 p.
Nikitin V.V. Weeds of the flora of the USSR. Leningrad: Nauka, 1983. 454 p.
The main weeds and field plants of agricultural crops in the Leningrad region. VIR World Collection Catalog, vol. 468. Ed. Agaev M.G. Leningrad: VIR, 1988. 112 p.
Weeds of the USSR, vol. 3. Ed. Keller B.A. Leningrad: USSR Academy of Sciences, 1934. 448 p.
Ulyanova T.N. Weeds in the flora of Russia and other CIS countries. St. Petersburg: VIR, 1998. 344 p.
Flora of the USSR, vol. 8. Ed. Komarov V.L., Bush N.A. Moscow-Leningrad: USSR Academy of Sciences, 1939. 696 p.
Barbarea vulgaris. In: Plants For A Future - Species Database. 1997-2000. IBIBLIO. The public's library and digital archive:

Common cress is a herbaceous perennial plant of the cabbage family with biennial shoots. Distributed in Western Siberia and the European part of Russia, throughout Europe, it was also brought to Japan, Australia, North America, Africa, New Zealand, that is, it turned into a cosmopolitan species. The plant is called “St. Barbara’s grass” in many European countries.

Common cress: description

This is a taproot plant with a height of 30 to 80 centimeters. The stem is slightly downy or bare, highly branched. The lower and basal stem leaves are located on petioles with 2-4 lateral oblong lobes and a core, large at the base. The upper stem leaves are sessile, entire, and serrated along the edges.

The inflorescence is a raceme, unbranched at the beginning of flowering. The flowers are golden yellow, bisexual, four-membered with a double perianth. The petals are 5-7 millimeters long and twice as long as the sepals.

Pollen grains are ellipsoidal or spherical, tricolate. The rods on the mesocolpiums are thin, have a height of 0.8-1 microns, with rounded small heads. The pollen is bright yellow.

The fruit is a round-tetrahedral, oblong-linear pod with a club-shaped short beak, multi-seeded, bivalve. The valves are hard, straw-yellow, glabrous, with a slightly tuberous surface. The stalks are curved and deflected, short, directed obliquely upward. The seeds are compressed, oval, with a finely tuberculate surface, grayish-brown in color with a slight sheen.

Life cycle and ecology

Common cress blooms in spring and early summer for about a month, bearing fruit from the second year of the growing season in June-July. After fruiting, the above-ground parts die off, and every spring a new flowering, fruit-bearing stem develops from the root collar.

The plant reproduces by root shoots and seeds. Seeds quickly germinate in summer, autumn, spring, after overwintering, from a depth of no more than 4 centimeters. In the first year of vegetation, only a rosette of leaves with a developed tap root is formed.

The perennial can grow in partial shade. The common weed common colza is distributed mainly in the forest zone, in excessively moist places. It is less common in the south. It grows as a ruderal in damp meadows, in forest clearings, along rivers, in thickets of bushes, near roads, in clearings, in ditches, in garbage areas. Already at the beginning of summer, the common cress is seeded and significantly clogs the soil.

Chemical composition

The plant contains different types of glycosides. Some species are poisonous to insects because they contain saponins. Like many cabbages, common cabbage contains thioglycosides, which when broken down form mustard oils that can cause enteritis and diarrhea. The greatest accumulation of toxins occurs in the seeds. Poisoning occurs when feeding green mass or grain mixed with plant seeds to animals.

Common cress: application and importance in agriculture

The plant infests crops of winter grains and perennial grasses, orchards, orchards, and, less commonly, crops of row crops and spring grain crops. It grows abundantly on clay soils and poorly cultivated fallow fields. As protective measures during the mass flowering of perennial grasses, low weed mowing is used; in the fall, pre-sowing harrowing, shallow plowing, and cultivation are used. Due to the substances contained in the seeds, rapeseed can be dangerous for horses, cattle, and poultry.

This is a honey plant that provides bees with a lot of pollen and nectar. Honey productivity reaches 40-50 kilograms per hectare. Honey has a weak pleasant aroma, has a greenish-yellow color, and is characterized by an increased level of glucose, which leads to rapid crystallization.

In medicine

Common cress is used as a medicinal plant. Ground parts are collected for medicinal purposes. The seeds are rich in thioglycosides, and the leaves are rich in ascorbic acid. Crescent has a diuretic and wound-healing effect, and increases appetite. The plant is also used as an antiscorbutic.

Leaves, stems and inflorescences, harvested during flowering, serve as medicinal raw materials. They are dried in the shade, on verandas, attics, in well-ventilated areas, and stored in wooden boxes or paper bags. The shelf life is one year.

In cooking

Purees, soups, and side dishes are prepared from the green rapeseed greens. In cooking, mostly unopened inflorescences and young leaves are used, which taste somewhat like mustard. It is necessary to use the plant for food with caution, since it contains substances that, if consumed in large quantities, can cause poisoning.

As a food plant, the common colza is most popular in Canada and the USA.

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