Washing with mustard powder. What to pay attention to

A kitchen towel is a must-have for any kitchen. Housewives use it quite often, but it should still remain clean and snow-white. Often stains appear on towels that are difficult to remove, but this is not a reason to throw them away. Simple folk methods will help you cope with pollution.

How to wash colored and white towels

Removing stains is half the battle. It is very important to keep them still beautiful appearance. Very often, white towels lose their color and become gray, while colored ones lose their brightness and saturation. Colored towels can be washed at 60 degrees, but white towels can be washed at 90 degrees. If after washing the fabric acquires a yellowish tint, then wash it better with your hands, in water that has been previously purified with a filter.

Mustard is an excellent cleanser. It not only gets rid of stains, but also disinfects. No boiling is required; regular soaking will suffice for cleaning. Take ½ bucket of warm water, dissolve 50 g of mustard powder in it, previously diluted in boiling water. Soak kitchen towels for 3-4 hours and rinse thoroughly.

Dilute a small amount of mustard powder with water, lubricate the contaminated areas, wrap in plastic and leave it until the morning. After soaking, wash towels in the usual way.

If tomato and coffee stains appear on the towel, you won’t be able to get rid of them with mustard. Take advantage of another effective folk remedy. It is prepared like this: in 1 liter of cool water, dilute 1 tbsp. a spoonful of table salt. Soak in the resulting solution for 1 hour. kitchen towels, and then wash it in the washing machine. For washing you need to add regular powder.

Grease stains are easily removed laundry soap. Soak soiled towels in warm water, scrub them lightly with soap. Place soaped items in plastic bag and leave until the morning. In the morning, rinse them in clean warm water.

Whitening kitchen towels with mustard

Combine dry mustard powder with warm water, dilute to the consistency of porridge. The mixture will become similar to sour cream. Apply it to contaminated items, put it in a bag, and leave it overnight. In the morning, wash your clothes and rinse them in warm water.

There are several more mustard whitening options

Fill a basin with 5 liters of boiling water, dilute 5 tbsp. spoons of dry mustard, let it sit, strain, soak for several hours, rinse. The fabric will become snow-white and absolutely clean.

Whitening kitchen towels with sunflower oil

If simple washing doesn’t help, but that’s all traditional methods tried - try using vegetable oil. At first glance, this seems like a strange idea, since oil can leave greasy stains. But put all doubts aside, because this is reliable way, tested by more than one generation of housewives.

So, pour warm water into a bucket, dilute 2 tbsp. spoons of powdered bleach, 2/3 cup regular washing powder and 2 tbsp. spoons of peeled sunflower oil. Place dry kitchen towels in a bucket and leave for a while until the water cools down. After soaking, rinse the towels thoroughly.

This recipe has another variation. In the basin with hot water divorce equal amount vegetable oil, baking soda, laundry detergent and powdered bleach. Soak towels in this solution for 24 hours and wash in a washing machine. Set to quick wash mode.

Some tips for bleaching fabric using folk remedies

Folk remedies include different components: from kitchen salt to silicate glue, so they must be used very carefully.

  1. Before bleaching fabric, apply a small amount of bleach to small plot and leave for several hours or overnight. If nothing happened to the fabric during this time, you can safely use the product on other areas.
  2. Follow the instructions strictly. If you take ingredients by eye, this can lead to unpredictable consequences.
  3. If the chosen whitening method involves the use of aggressive components (potassium permanganate, acetic acid, hydrogen peroxide, chlorine), carry out the procedure in rubber gloves so as not to harm the skin of your hands. A protective mask will not hurt, since the listed components emit harmful fumes.
  4. A large number of bacteria accumulate on kitchen towels, so after washing they must be treated with a solution of acetic acid (0.1 liter of vinegar per 10 liters of water). Thanks to vinegar, 90% of the microbes on the fabric will die.

How to use kitchen towels to make them less dirty?

  1. To dry your hands after eating or preparing food, use dark or colorful towels on which grease stains are not very visible. If possible, it is advisable to wash your hands with water, and only then dry them with a towel. As an alternative, you can use paper napkins.
  2. Hang not just one, but several kitchen towels in your kitchen. For each process: drying hands, covering baked goods, etc. you must have a separate towel.
  3. Do not use terry towels in the kitchen as they quickly become dirty.

The kitchen is the calling card of every housewife. Clean, elegant and snow-white towels - indispensable attribute the interior of the kitchen space and an indicator of the neatness of its owner. Being an essential item, they are always in sight. Everyone knows how quickly these textiles in the kitchen lose their original fresh look.

In addition, dirty towels accumulate pathogenic bacteria, which can cause infectious intestinal diseases.
In a home where small children, elderly people, pets or people with allergies live, it is especially important to use natural remedies.

Popular folk recipes– how to wash kitchen textiles – are harmless, economical and effective.

One such handy method is washing kitchen towels with mustard. Mustard is an effective cleanser. The procedure can be carried out using mustard according to several proven recipes.

Washing methods, bleaching kitchen towels with mustard

The secret and principle of action of mustard powder is its ability to break down fat and dissolve various traces of oil of organic origin. It also has some disinfecting effect, but it is better to add 100 ml of vinegar per 10 liters of water to the last rinse to neutralize harmful microorganisms.

  • To avoid frequent washing and not have to think about how to wash kitchen towels, you need to have several sets of products in your kitchen that need to be changed more often. It is ideal when there is a separate accessory for each kitchen procedure;
  • Timely washing will rid your textiles of old stains that are more difficult to remove. If possible, it should be daily;
  • When preparing food, try to wash dirty hands rather than dry them with a towel. To do this, you should always have paper napkins on hand;
  • It is advisable not to use terry products for the kitchen. They easily absorb dirt and odor, and caring for them is more difficult;
  • The best choice would be natural cotton, waffle, linen, and bamboo fabrics for towels;
  • Contaminated kitchen items should be washed individually, separately from other fabric items;
  • After washing, towels should be ironed well, so they become less dirty.

Simple, budget ways whitening with mustard will return a fresh look and presentability to your textile products. By using environmentally friendly products, you make your home safe.

Any housewife enjoys using shiny white kitchen utensils. And you don’t even want to pick up washed napkins. Sometimes they become unsightly due to frequent boiling.

How you can bleach kitchen towels at home:

  • A saline solution of 5 liters of water and 5 tablespoons of salt, in which we soak the napkins. Effectively removes traces of tomatoes, coffee, tea and red wine.
  • Thoroughly rub the contaminated areas with laundry soap and place tightly in a bag overnight. In the morning we wash and rinse.
  • The shampoo removes fruit stains well. Rub the product in and wash it off after two hours.
  • Use dishwashing detergent to remove greasy stains on kitchen napkins. Just soak the stains in the product for a day, wash and rinse thoroughly.
  • Use ammonia to remove traces of coffee and tea. And if in water solution add glycerin to ammonia, it will help remove old stains.
  • Citric acid perfectly removes contaminants of various origins when soaked for 10 minutes. Pre-wash the stains with laundry soap and acid for 10 minutes.
  • Hydrogen peroxide removes old stains; you need to soak napkins in it for 30 minutes.
  • A vinegar solution removes mold stains well; soak in it for 10 minutes.
  • A remedy that helps with clogged pipes can remove the most complex pollution. You need to apply a solution of a glass of water and 200 g of product to the stain for 30 minutes.
  • Potassium permanganate diluted with hot water to Pink colour. We put pre-washed towels in it and cover it with plastic. After cooling completely, rinse.
  • You can use a stain remover or bleach to remove the yellowness or grayness of kitchen napkins by diluting 1 tablespoon of the product in 1 liter of hot water.

Note! You should not often resort to bleaching towels; they quickly become unusable. When buying kitchen utensils, pay attention to what they are made of; it is better if they are made from easily washable fabrics.

The most convenient to use in the kitchen is a waffle towel, but a terry towel is better used as a bath towel. Wash frequently in the normal way in the washing machine, without waiting for the stains to penetrate deeply into the fabric.

Whiten kitchen towels using vegetable oil

Sunflower oil not only washes kitchen towels, but also bleaches them without boiling.

How to bleach kitchen towels using vegetable oil

How to whiten old waffle towels using mustard?

Bleaching with dry mustard does not harm the fabric.

To remove dirt on kitchen towels, use mustard powder.

Option 1:

  • Pour a little dry mustard into heated water.
  • Mix the solution and let it settle.
  • We drain only the cloudy liquid, do not use the sediment.
  • Place dirty laundry in the drained liquid for at least three hours.
  • We take out the laundry and rinse it.
  • We rejoice kitchen utensils– whitened, clean and without traces of fat.

Option 2:

  • Prepare a thick paste from hot water and dry mustard.
  • Place the resulting mixture on problem areas dirty towels.
  • Let the laundry dry for about 7 hours.
  • We wash everything in the washing machine.

Note! With the help of mustard powder, towels not only become white, but are also disinfected.

Other methods

Bleach dish towels Boiling is effective, but not practical. It is effective to use white, but it deteriorates the fabric, especially colored napkins.

We offer how to correctly and quickly folk remedies clean and whiten kitchen accessories:

  • When rinsing, use baking soda, add it to the water along with two drops essential oil. They give the laundry a pleasant smell of freshness.
  • Fruit stains disappear when exposed to vodka and glycerin mixed in equal parts. Keep the mixture for about 20 minutes.
  • Wash the egg white from the towel with cool water; the hot stain will remain forever. It is better to wash the stain immediately while it is fresh.
  • We remove stains from light kitchen towels with hot milk, to which we add drops of blue.
  • Traces of fat are removed with potato starch - this is effective when the stains are fresh. Just sprinkle starch on the fatty area and leave for 7 minutes. If necessary, you can repeat several times.

To preserve and maintain appearance kitchen accessories housewives recommend:

  • In addition to a set of towels for everyday use, you need to have replacement sets.
  • The kits are changed after three days of use, even if there is no external contamination. Or if you think it necessary, then once a week.
  • Don't forget about ironing your towels, it makes them tidier and allows you to stay clean longer.
  • Keep disposable wipes on hand to wipe away stains and emergency cases. It's not as bad to throw them away as towels.
  • Place towels away from the stove to avoid splashes from pans.

Note! When using bleaching agents, you must follow safety rules when working with hot and chlorine-containing liquids. Wearing gloves will protect the skin of your hands from burns and damage from bleaching agents.

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Currently, washing powders are divided into liquid, dry in the form of helium, for white, colored and children's clothing. In general, the choice is simply huge and price category and in quality, but they all contain the complete “periodic table”. When it comes to children or people suffering allergic reactions, then you should turn to environmentally friendly and proven chemical-free washing recipes, which will be discussed

How to wash with mustard?

Mustard can rightfully be called a universal detergent; it is suitable for laundry, washing dishes and even hair. Woolen and silk items can be easily washed in mustard. To do this, take 15 grams of mustard per 1 liter of water, stir well, and leave for 1.5 - 3 hours. When the mustard has settled into sediment, the upper liquid can be drained into another basin with things (soaked), adding hot water. Pour hot water over the mustard remaining in the sediment, wait until it settles, and drain the top water again. To wash things once in such water is enough, but if they are very dirty, then several times can be done, each time pouring fresh “mustard” water. After such washing, rinse the items thoroughly in clean water. For woolen items, add a teaspoon during the final rinse. ammonia for 1 liter of water, for silk - 1 tbsp. a spoonful of vinegar per 1 liter of water.

How to wash mustard in a machine?

To wash clothes in an automatic machine, 50 grams of mustard powder is enough, just pour it directly into the laundry. Everything is washed with this product, it’s just great, the dirt is gone, and after washing the clothes don’t smell like washing powder, but like freshness. To prevent the mustard from losing its properties and from overcooking, choose a washing temperature no higher than 40 degrees. If the stains on your clothes are serious, then before putting the item in the machine, apply mustard paste to the stained area and rub well.

Is washing in mustard powder suitable for cotton?

Mustard is not suitable for cotton. When washed in mustard water, fabrics shed and shrink less than when washed detergents with chemical content.

How to wash with table salt?

This is truly a miracle, but table salt also washes things very well. This “powder” has the power to wash both linen and colored items, especially linen and chintz items. Using when washing table salt, colored things do not lose their brightness at all even after large quantity washes

How does salt wash things?

Before washing, put the items in a basin and fill them with warm water, so you measure the required water level so that after immersing the items in the basin, the water (already with salt) does not spill out or there is too little of it. When pouring water, use a measuring cup so you can find out the volume of water poured. When items are immersed in water, wring them out thoroughly and set aside. In the remaining water in the basin, dilute salt in the proportion of 1 tbsp. heaped spoon for 1 liter of water. Stir the salt until it is completely dissolved, then put the things in and leave them soaked for an hour. Afterwards, all that remains is to wring out the clothes and rinse them, just like after a regular washing powder. This washing option is suitable for lightly soiled clothes; salt will not help remove stains.

For what items is washing with salt most suitable?

From frequent washing, summer clothes made of chintz and linen very quickly lose their attractive appearance. Washing in salt water will help preserve the original structure and color of the fabric. In addition, the eco-effect of such washing is maximum.

The kitchen is the face of the housewife. How important it is to keep the stove, refrigerator or sink clean. But if you wash the kettle and microwave it doesn’t matter special labor, then dealing with dirty kitchen towels at home is usually very difficult. However, there are interesting and effective ways, with which you can bleach and wash kitchen linen with ordinary mustard. All you need for this is mustard powder and water.

What is the principle of operation

For connoisseurs of hot and aromatic seasoning mustard is known that with the help of mustard powder you can fight excess weight. Mustard is used to wash very oily scalps and even wash clothes with stubborn stains. What is the secret of regular mustard? Everything is very simple. Its grains are capable of breaking down fats and oils of organic origin. First of all, you can quickly wash kitchen towels with mustard powder. Moreover, this seasoning, after removing the stain, kills fungi and microbes. And this is so important, especially for kitchen items that come into contact with plates and food.

Let's get started

Mustard can wash away dirty stains and remove fresh and old greasy marks. It will return whiteness, freshness, and brightness to towels at home. This universal remedy will protect the family from intestinal infections, the causative agents of which are dirty cloth napkins and kitchen sponges.

Method 1

To wash and bleach kitchen towels with mustard, you will need:

Data-lazy-type="image" data-src="https://ladykrasotka.site/wp-content/uploads/2016/10/Kuhonnye-polotenca1.jpg" alt="The secret of mustard is in its ability to break down fats." width="323" height="215">!}

Preparation of the solution:

  • Pour water into the pan. Put on fire.
  • After the water boils, turn off the fire. Add mustard to hot water. To stir thoroughly
  • Wait for the solution to settle and strain it through a strainer.

Place kitchen utensils into the strained solution. dirty towels and leave for 2 hours. Then all that remains is to rinse them, dry them and iron them. To wash things even better, after rinsing you can send them to the washing machine at high temperature conditions. It is worth remembering that colored kitchen towels should be washed separately from white ones.

Method 2

With this option, you can use mustard to remove very dirty, old stains, including oil and greasy stains. The color of things will become brighter. To do this, dry seasoning must be diluted in warm water to a thick porridge and, using a spoon, apply the resulting paste directly to the stains of wet fabric. The paste should be left on contaminated areas for 2 hours. After this, the laundry can be washed by hand at home using washing machine or just rinse.

Method 3

White towels are a special detail in the kitchen interior. But when these things get dark, their appearance spoils not only the kitchen, but also the mood of the hostess. To whiten kitchen items using mustard, follow the instructions:

  • Dissolve one pack of dry mustard in a bowl of hot water.
  • Mix the bleach solution thoroughly.
  • Place white laundry in a basin and leave overnight.
  • In the morning, rinse the towels and wash them with powder.

Important Rules

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