Sew short garden curtains. Curtains for the cottage: the right choice for a country house

A dacha is a place that immediately evokes associations with outdoor recreation, outside the city. Therefore, it is logical to base the design of premises in a country house on such concepts as “nature”, “naturalness”, ecology”, “village”. Let's see how to choose curtains for a summer house, following this vector.

Let's start with style

Stylistics is the first thing that sets the tone and mood of a living space. To emphasize the isolation of country housing from the noise and bustle of the city, styles that are suitable for this purpose are most often chosen:

What to expect from country curtains?

When decorating your country house in similar directions, you will select curtains for your country house according to them. We have already talked in detail about window textiles in these areas in other articles. Today we will highlight only the general requirements for them:

  • Natural fabrics. The most suitable materials for such purposes are linen and cotton materials. You shouldn’t buy expensive silk or wool ones: they are more consistent with the atmosphere of a city apartment. Moreover, a dacha in most cases is a temporary home. Therefore, its window textiles will please you only from time to time;
  • Practicality. The dacha is a place where we not only relax, but often also work on the plot of land (and this means extra dirt on our hands). The premises are often ventilated to bring in fresh, clean air (and therefore dust). And where do children most often feel free? Of course, at the dacha! Getting the curtains dirty won't be a big deal for them. Therefore, curtains for a dacha should be chosen from materials that are easy to wash and iron, that will not tear from the slightest draft, that will not fade or become deformed after the first wash;
  • Functionality. Excessive pomp and complexity of the design is definitely not a country story. They will take a lot of time to care for, and you don’t come here just to wash and iron the curtains. What is more important here is protection from street dust, drafts and scorching sun. Therefore, choose the most laconic and functional models without a lot of draperies, folds and expensive decor. “natural-rustic” styles tend to gentle naive simplicity;
  • Orientation to the side of the world. If the windows face south, choose thick textiles in cool shades. For the north, the opposite choice is optimal: thin materials in warm colors;
  • Seasonality. For the cold season, the curtains should be “warmer” (you can buy or sew curtains for the dacha with a lining);

  • Purpose. Curtains in the country can be used not only on windows. Quite often they are also used to decorate doorways. This corresponds to the designated styles and creates an atmosphere of special “village” comfort.

Preferred Models

Based on the above requirements and stylistic features, the most “dacha” models of window decoration can be called:

  • ordinary straight canvases (to the floor or to the window sill, flowing or with tiebacks);
  • lifting models (blinds, roller blinds, Roman blinds);
  • modest curtains with tiebacks with light frill-shaped lambrequins;
  • cafe curtains;
  • “arch” models;
  • models with simple asymmetry.

As decoration, you can widely use rustic paraphernalia: ropes, cords, braid, handmade lace, buttons, patchwork elements (patchwork technique). Of course, the best option for cornices would be wooden or forged ones of simple shapes.

Let's fantasize about the topic

If you are not used to squeezing yourself into a strict framework of requirements and rules, then you will always find an opportunity to show your individuality. And even more so in such a matter as the design of country windows. After all, all the rules given are just a starting point, starting from which you can create your own exclusive curtains for the garden. After all, this is the “just right” place for original experiments.

For example, wooden curtains will fit well into a country house concept. These can be either simple blinds or models in the form of shutters. And also curtains made of bamboo: rolled or in the form of threads. Wood is a natural material, so it will be easy to fit it into the interior of a house located in the lap of nature.

The role of window textiles in a country house can be played by the most unexpected materials. For example, burlap, an out-of-fashion gauze scarf or a thin blanket. The kitchen space can be harmoniously complemented by curtains made from napkins, handkerchiefs, tablecloths, and towels. To decorate doorways, many craftsmen use thread curtains made from wine corks, colored tubes (from cocktails or children's markers), buttons, cords, ropes... You never know what else your imagination can tell you!

We fasten with imagination

That’s right: the mounting method is another opportunity to show originality in the design of country windows. Hooks, eyelets and clips are, of course, good. But here you can realize any idea. For example, sew curtains with ties made of braid, cords or ropes, attach them to a string cornice with ordinary clothespins matched to the tone, make fasteners in the form of loops fastened with buttons or Velcro. You can completely refuse a full-fledged cornice. Let its role be played by point hooks fixed directly to the wall, or even a fancy piece of driftwood. In other words, here you have the widest scope for realizing bold ideas. And what kind of curtains you choose for your dacha is up to you.

The main thing is harmony

Do not think that the dacha is a territory of complete chaos. If you made such a conclusion, then it is fundamentally incorrect. Expanding horizons, showing individuality and experimenting does not mean a complete lack of moderation and taste. Quite the contrary, here they are needed even more. The specificity of the listed materials and their purpose require the most careful selection of all interior elements to each other. Not only style and the concept of “country” are important here. Harmony here is achieved by the right combination of textures, sizes, colors of all components of the space: furniture, wallpaper, bedspreads, tablecloths, dishes, floors, decorative items. By crossing the line in at least one thing, you risk turning your dacha from a cozy place of relaxation in the lap of nature into a colorful circus booth. At a minimum, relaxing in such an environment will be very uncomfortable.

Finally, we note that there are many more places in the country where it is necessary to decorate the space with curtains: a terrace, a veranda, a gazebo, a canopy, a pergola, an outdoor shower, after all... But these are places that require a completely different approach to the selection of materials due to very specific requirements that they must meet. We have devoted several thematic articles to this topic.

Tired of dust, noise and bustle, the townspeople go to their dachas. Some people plant cucumbers and potatoes, some grow flowers and contemplate the peaceful landscapes, others just like to barbecue and breathe in the air.

The photo shows curtains for a cottage in the spirit of Provence, which emphasizes the atmosphere of a country house.

In any case, the desire for comfort and a change of scenery is quite justified. Therefore, when decorating a country house, it is important to emphasize its rustic flavor, simplicity and environmental friendliness. It is better to choose curtains for him that are bright, practical and functional.

What style is suitable for a dacha?

Lush folds and pretentiousness of light classic lambrequins, elaborate curtains or the ultra-modern shine of minimalist curtains are best left for decorating urban interiors.

The photo shows curtains for a cottage in a rustic country style.

Decorating rooms in any direction will emphasize natural beauty and harmony, and will encourage relaxation and replenishment of vitality.

What are the key points to consider?

If you have decided on a textile design style and are ready to buy or sew country curtains, do not forget to take into account several important factors:

  • It is better to cover windows facing south with dense dark material, which will at least keep the house cool a little; if you still want to hang something light, remember that white fades in the sun and acquires a characteristic yellowness;
  • for the spring-autumn season you may need more than one set of curtains, this is especially true if the family comes often on vacation in the winter, so it’s worth choosing a couple of sets that will match the interior and differ slightly in color and style from each other;
  • for a gazebo or veranda, not ordinary fabric, but waterproof fabric, which will serve as reliable protection in the rain, is more suitable;
  • Complex chrome or plastic curtain rods will not be entirely appropriate in combination with simple rural curtains, but wooden or forged ones will be just right, especially if they are equipped with convenient rings or clothespins for fastening.

The rooms will turn out very nice and comfortable if you can choose the right textiles for them. One of the rustic interior styles will very successfully emphasize their originality, and the windows, hung with small curtains overlooking the picturesque landscape, will look simply magical. A little bit of your imagination will turn an ordinary dacha into a place you want to return to.

On the eve of summer, most begin to prepare for the summer season. Many lovers of country holidays collect unnecessary things from the city to transport them to houses on the plots. Few people think about the interior of such a home, because often the design of a dacha is created from what is not a pity. Often rooms are decorated carelessly and without soul.

This approach to a country house interior is fundamentally wrong. After all, people go there to take a break from city life and relax not only in the fresh air, but also to enjoy the comfort of a wooden house with an old Russian stove. Therefore, it is very important that the dacha be surrounded by a pleasant and comfortable environment, which can be created with the help of decorative interior elements.

Features of curtains for the garden

Everyone knows that any home takes on a completely different look if you hang curtains on the windows. The atmosphere instantly becomes warm and conducive to peace of mind. However, few people will decide to specifically buy curtains for their dacha. Therefore, sewing curtains yourself becomes a rather urgent task for people who spend the whole summer outside the city.

To solve this problem, it is not at all necessary to purchase special fabric; it can be found in the remnants of previous curtains. The key requirement for country curtains is comfort and practicality. You should not create an interior with curtains and massive lambrequins; it will look completely inappropriate in a country house style. It is more rational to sew country-style curtains from linen or chintz fabric. Photos of such curtains reflect full compliance with the general theme of country life.

DIY curtains

When sewing curtains for a summer house, there are several key points that will help you cope with the task.

  1. Measurement of window space.
  2. Selection of fabric.
  3. Model selection.

By analyzing these three points, you can get a clearer picture of the future window decoration.

Window space measurement

Determining sizes is the most important step in preparing for self-tailoring. The final result will depend on it. If you incorrectly measure the length or width of the curtains, you can completely ruin the entire interior, since such curtains will stand out due to their inappropriate size.

For a dacha, it is better not to choose floor-length curtains, as this is impractical. It is optimal to sew short curtains that reach the windowsill.

Fabric selection

For a country house, it is better to choose natural and low-maintenance fabrics. Curtains made of cotton, chintz or linen look very organic. You should not create a luxurious interior with silk or velvet. Firstly, such material is completely inappropriate in country house decor, and secondly, it is absolutely not practical.
It is best to choose a neutral shade.

If you stick to the country style, you can find fabric with a small check or with the image of country flowers. Photos of such interiors will appeal to all summer residents, because even in the house there will be an elegant hint of nature. You can also sew curtains from a combination of two shades or apply sunflowers or cornflowers to light fabric yourself.

Model selection

The country style is becoming the undisputed leader in country interior design. It is specialized for life outside the city and is built on the principles of simplicity and comfort. Curtains of this theme look most organic and very colorful in a country house ensemble. In addition, they are easy to use and low maintenance.

When the key nuances are taken into account, you need to stock up on a little patience and diligence. In order to create curtains with your own hands, you will need basic sewing skills, a sewing machine and a pattern of the selected model. With their help, you can sew very beautiful and cozy curtains, the photos of which will be no worse than store-bought options.

A cozy home is a home in which the interior looks complete and harmonious. And it is textiles that play an important role in creating a cozy interior. Today we will talk about an important element of a country house - curtains.

How pleasant it is to look out of a window decorated with curtains made of natural or artificial fabric, light tulle blowing in the wind. And tastefully chosen is the completion of the entire composition.

Curtains come in different styles and trends, colors and textures, price categories and purposes.

A country house or dacha is a place of relaxation, an opportunity to get in touch with nature. And most often its interior differs in simplicity from the interior of a city apartment.

Familiar modern city interiors are rarely transferred to a country house. Here, preference is given to styles created by generations, incorporating the most valuable architectural heritage of the past, such as country, Provence, Scandinavian, English, Russian hut, less often classical, baroque. Such interiors are characterized by warm colors and natural fabrics.

Country style curtains

Country style literally translates as “country”. And each region is characterized by local features of this direction in the interior. Everyone has the right to define and choose for themselves the style that is closest in spirit and attitude.

When creating the interior of a dacha, someone bases it on childhood memories - time spent in the village with their grandmother in a cozy house. Others, traveling through European cities, fall in love with the French “Provence”, which they certainly want to embody in the decoration of a country house, or a Mediterranean interior. Still others like American country or Scandinavian style.

Russian country - This is a familiar village hut. Textiles are characterized by simple (homespun) fabrics, chintz, plain or with small patterns. The curtains were decorated with cross stitch with stylized images of plants, birds, and people.

An important attribute of the Russian hut was the kutnaya curtain. This is a kind of partition separating the living part of the hut from the kitchen and stove corner. Often curtains were also hung on doorways.

Windows were usually decorated with short curtains with lace or embroidery.

French Provence – the style of a sunny French province, rich in vineyards, lavender fields and a variety of spices.

The abundance of sun and hot climate dictated the presence of light but cool shades in the interior: white, blue, lavender, in order to create a calm, fresh atmosphere inside the house. The style is characterized by a large amount of textiles made from natural fibers (linen, chintz, cambric).

The windows have light curtains with motifs characteristic of this region: flowers, sprigs of lavender, bunches of grapes. And of course, don’t forget about the companion fabrics that are present in home decoration in the form of tablecloths, napkins, pillows and bedspreads.

Additionally, curtains can be decorated with ribbons, tiebacks in the form of tassels and flowers. You can often find in Provencal style curtains a combination of several fabrics that are similar in shades, as well as the presence of ruffles and frills.

American country – colorful colonial ranch style, bold and simple, a little rough, but at the same time natural, with natural materials and simple shapes. Textiles are characterized by floral or checkered colors.

And so let's summarize: Curtains for a country-style cottage are curtains in a rustic style, assembled from natural materials, such as linen, chintz, cotton, cambric. In country music, it is customary to use a layering of colors and textures: checkered curtains with inserts of colorful fabric painted with small patterns.

The color scheme for selecting fabrics is varied, but the distinctive feature is warm tones: shades of beige and ocher, honey, green, shades of red. In country style, it is also permissible to have a lambrequin above the window, but in a slightly different interpretation than in the classic style.

Folds of linen, decorated with lace or bows made of satin ribbons, will create an atmosphere of grandma's country house and comfort. The use of a lighter system for hanging curtains instead of curtain rods (with ties or ordinary ribbons). Such curtains will look just perfect in a wooden house.

Mediterranean style

Mediterranean style– embodies several directions. As long as the Mediterranean Sea is, Mediterranean styles are so diverse. The main styles that stand out are Greek and Italian.

The Greek Mediterranean is characterized by cooler shades: white, blue, indigo.

Italian style is distinguished by a warmer palette: beige, sand, olive, yellow.

The Mediterranean style involves a lot of light in the room, so the windows, as a rule, are large, decorated with transparent and translucent flowing fabrics, often with floral patterns.

Beautiful DIY curtains

Here are a few examples of how to sew curtains for a garden with your own hands.

We sew simple two-piece curtains from two pieces of fabric. The length of the cut corresponds to the length of the curtains plus allowance for hemming. We calculate the width depending on the width of the window and the desired assembly; as a rule, it is two or three window widths.

You can collect the folds using a special curtain tape, or stitch the folds at the top of the curtain, or “string” them onto a tubular cornice using the provided drawstring. You can decorate the curtains with a decorative lambrequin and tiebacks to match the fabric or a contrasting shade.

Curtain-arch - a simple solution and a beautiful window frame. This is, as a rule, a short curtain that looks organic both in the kitchen and in living spaces.

The curtain is sewn from a single piece of fabric, the ends are much longer than the center, reaching the window sill or slightly covering it. The arched shape can be achieved in two ways. We offer two pattern options.

An arc is cut out at the bottom of the fabric on a whole piece of fabric corresponding to the finished product plus some reserve for hemming. The edge is finished with bias tape and the top is gathered to form folds. The curtain can be decorated with ruffles.

The second sewing method is similar to the first, but two arcs are cut out. The upper arc (cut B) is stretched, finishing tape, loops or hooks are sewn to it, which are attached to the cornice.

The flowing soft folds of the curtain are formed by the fabric that hangs on the bias. The lower arc is the arch framing the window. It needs to be hemmed or trimmed with trim; you can sew on a ruffle.

You can decorate with curtains not only the windows of your house, but also the veranda. Even an open terrace will be transformed, and in sunny weather it will protect from scorching rays if you hang curtains on it. A curtain made of thick fabric can protect from wind and rain.

Roller blinds that can be easily lowered and raised are suitable for the terrace. Their raised or lowered position will depend on weather conditions.

Modern dachas are cozy, comfortable country houses where people come to spend a vacation or weekend with the whole family. Country houses have long ceased to look like small sheds for storing household equipment. Today, country property owners think through their interior design and carefully select furniture and accessories. Therefore, more and more often many people are thinking about what curtains to buy for the dacha in order to create a cozy atmosphere there?

Basic parameters for choosing country curtains

  • Practicality of curtains.
  • The degree of density of the material.
  • Functionality and simplicity.
  • Easy to attach.

Curtains in the country should be made of natural material that does not accumulate dust and is easy to clean. Plus, the curtains must allow air to pass through, which is important during hot summer days. The best option would be cotton, linen or chintz products.

Depending on whether the windows face the sunny or shaded side, choose dense or light material. If a large amount of sunlight penetrates into the room, then to keep cool on a hot summer afternoon, it is recommended to cover the windows with blackout curtains. For rooms in the shade, the windows are covered with tulle curtains, allowing warm air from the street to pass through.

A dacha is not the place where you should use curtains with lambrequins and other decorative elements. In this case, simplicity of design is valued. It is important that the curtains protect the room from mosquitoes, excess sun and drafts.

Often country houses are equipped with a veranda or gazebo. For such rooms it is necessary to choose curtains made of fabric that does not allow moisture to pass through. This will protect you from sudden rain.

In a country house you should not use complex curtain rods. Rings or clothespins from which the curtain can be easily removed are ideal.

Choosing a curtain style

The ideal solution for a summer house would be to buy rustic-style curtains with a colorful print, as shown in the photo. Bright patterns of flowers, vegetables and fruits will organically fit into the country house design. As a decorative finish, you can use a tape that gathers the curtain on both sides.

For a country interior, you can purchase curtains in a checkered or striped pattern. This design will go perfectly with wicker chairs and homemade rugs. For an interior with a fireplace, linen curtains would be the best option.

Of course, not all country houses are decorated in a rustic style. For high-tech interiors, black and white curtain options with a shiny surface, as shown in the photo, are suitable. You can also use shiny fabrics in other color combinations that match the overall design of the house.

If the dacha is decorated in a luxurious, pompous style, then the curtains can be decorated with tassels and velvet hangers.

Fashionable options

Every housewife wants not only her apartment, but also her dacha to look stylish. Therefore, it is worth paying attention to the fashionable new items that are offered this season. Some of them can be easily selected for decorating a country house.

An excellent option for a country house would be blinds. Today they are made from various materials, in different colors and prints. For a dacha, it is recommended to purchase bamboo models that are easy to clean, allow air to pass through and fit perfectly into the interior of the dacha design.

Roller curtains provide excellent protection from the sun, do not accumulate dust and beautifully decorate the room. We can verify this if we look at the photo.

Those who prefer a minimalist style are advised to pay attention to Japanese curtain models. They create a calm, laconic atmosphere at the dacha, which allows you to take a complete break from city problems.

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