Average humidity in the apartment in winter. We create a comfortable microclimate in the nursery

The norm of humidity in the apartment is important condition comfortable stay. Few of us think about it, however, this indicator is no less important than lighting and noise level. Not only the condition of the premises, but also furniture, household appliances, and most importantly, the health of the residents themselves depends on its compliance.

Negative aspects of increased dryness

So, what does the level of humidity in an apartment affect? First of all, it is its decrease, or rather dry air, that is dangerous. It provokes accumulation large quantity dust, and, therefore, the following health problems:

Negative aspects of high humidity

It should be noted that high humidity also very dangerous. It often leads to the development of asthma, allergies or runny nose. However, such conditions are extremely rare in city apartments; the main problem was and remains central heating, which shamelessly dries out the air. In addition to this, workers can also influence this indicator. Appliances, processes in which a person participates (cooking, ironing, washing, etc.). Weather conditions and, of course, the time of year play a significant role.

It should also be noted that if the humidity level in the apartment is exceeded, this can have a detrimental effect on the condition of the surfaces of the walls and ceiling. Significant excess moisture in the air throughout long period over time provokes the formation of fungus and mold on the walls. If their spores enter the human body, infections and unpleasant consequences are guaranteed.

Existing standards

What is the normal humidity level in an apartment? To answer this question, it is necessary to take into account the purpose of the room. Thus, experts call acceptable indicators that fall within the following ranges:

  • Non-residential premises (dining room or living room) - from 40 to 60 percent;
  • Bedroom (for living adults) – from 40 to 50 percent;
  • Bedroom (for living children) – from 45 to 60 percent;
  • Non-residential premises (office, dark rooms) – 30–40 percent;
  • Kitchen – 0t 40 to 60 percent.

The permissible humidity level in an apartment for a person, animal or thing is significantly different. For example, household appliances, books, and wooden furniture are best preserved at a humidity level of 45 to 55 percent, and houseplants– from 60 to 70. Based on this information, we can conclude that the condition of the air is extremely important not only for humans, but also for living beings and even objects around them.

The indicators are the same for each time of year. Thus, the humidity level in an apartment in winter should be within the range of 50 to 60 percent; similar figures are relevant for summer and the off-season.

Determining the state of the air

How is air humidity in an apartment determined (normal or deviation)? For these purposes, a special device called a hygrometer has been developed. Externally, such a device can be made in several variations (for example, an electronic scoreboard or a clock). Install it in the back of the room, where there are no drafts or distracting external factors. This is done in order to reduce possible errors to a minimum.

Traditional methods

There are a few more simple ones, but enough effective methods, which determines the air humidity in the apartment. The norm or non-compliance with it can be calculated even using an ordinary glass of water. So, a cooled glass container is placed in the center of the room and the evaporation of condensate is observed. If dryness was achieved in less than 10 minutes, you need to take urgent measures to humidify the air; if over the same period of time, condensation has transformed into large droplets, then the situation can be characterized as exactly the opposite.

Improving the current situation

How can the humidity level in an apartment be achieved if special devices are not used? There are several simple ways, which you can also use to combat increased dryness:

  • Ventilation. Regularly open the window (not the window) at any time of the year for 5–10 minutes.
  • Diversify the indoor flora by planting more green plants.
  • If there are no contraindications (asthma), purchase an aquarium.
  • Do not forget to carry out wet cleaning, preferably at least 1-2 times a day;
  • Water containers installed near heating appliances will help neutralize the heat from the battery.

The level of humidity in an apartment in winter is very difficult to achieve. Often the simplest measures are not enough for this, because frosty air contains a minimum of moisture.

Special means

How can you raise the level of humidity in an apartment, the level of which was previously considered almost unattainable? The simplest way out of the situation may be a special device - a humidifier. Today there are several types of them on sale:

Modern devices make it possible not only to achieve the required indicators, but also to maintain them at the proper level. Such properties make it possible to protect the health of residents and ensure the safety of furniture and belongings in the apartment.

Each device has a certain range of action (suitable for the area of ​​the room), which, as a rule, is indicated on the product packaging or in the attached instructions.

To provide comfortable conditions It is necessary to clarify what the norm of air humidity in the apartment is. With the help of today's publication, you can quickly study theory and practice on a given topic. The knowledge gained will be useful for solving practical issues at reasonable costs.

Read in the article:

Air humidity - what is it?

To eliminate errors and better understand individual important processes it is necessary to clarify the basic definitions. Air can contain a limited amount of moisture. When conducting an experiment with maintaining static pressure and decreasing temperature, condensation forms.

This level is called the “dew point” by analogy with the natural natural phenomenon, which can be seen on the grass in the morning

Absolute humidity is called humidity, which is determined by the formula:

P = m/o , Where:

  • m – total mass of water;
  • ABOUT – volume of measured air.

Taking into account the above information about the influence of temperature, the relative indicator is more informative. To calculate it, take the value absolute humidity and divide by the maximum acceptable content water in the atmosphere corresponding to certain conditions. The result obtained is multiplied by 100. This is relative humidity. This is what is indicated in the standards and measured using specialized instruments.

The relationship between the parameters is shown in the following table:

Air temperature in the room, in °C Level in °C (dew point) which corresponds to relative humidity in %
30% 40% 50% 60% 70% 90%
30 10,5 14,9 18,4 18,4 23,9 28,2
25 6,2 10,5 13,9 16,7 19,1 23,2
20 1,9 6 9,3 12 14,4 18,3
15 -2,2 1,5 4,7 7,3 9,6 13,4
10 -6 -2,6 0,1 2,6 4,8 8,4

Before finding out what air humidity in an apartment is considered normal, you need to understand the mechanism for changing this parameter. From general information we can conclude that there is a significant decrease in moisture concentration in winter period when the temperature drops below zero. Consequently, normal ventilation of premises will have a negative impact on the corresponding standard.

Separately, we need to consider the persistent myth about air “overdried” by heating devices. This technique is actually capable of converting water into steam particles. However, it will not leave the room if there is no effective exhaust ventilation.

What actually reduces humidity levels is equipment that is designed to lower temperatures. Moisture concentrates on the cooled plates of the air conditioner heat exchanger. The drops roll into a special tray and are removed through a special tube into the drain.

The humidity level in the Finnish steam room is constant

However, the use of a “Russian bath” or “hamam” involves high concentration water in the room atmosphere. Humidity increases:

  • in showers and bathrooms;
  • in the kitchen during cooking;
  • during operation of steam generators and air humidifiers.

Optimal air humidity in an apartment - GOST requirements

To obtain detailed information and clarifications, use the original source. IN in this case we are talking about GOST 30494 (2012) “Indoor microclimate parameters”, which came into force on January 1, 2013 (the latest amendments were made in 2016).

For your information! Do not confuse it with the outdated edition from 1996. It is this version that is often referred to in answers to questions about what air humidity in an apartment is considered normal. There are several important changes in the new current documents.

This standard is developed for residential, public, and educational real estate. It defines the limits of humidity, temperature and air mobility, which, with prolonged exposure to human body are not capable of causing harm to health. Acceptable indicators are regulated taking into account the possibility of certain discomfort caused by individual physiological characteristics.

The concept of “optimal” parameters is also used. They mean a combination of the above factors that does not activate natural functions thermoregulation. At the same time, comfortable conditions are provided for people in the room with a statistical sample of at least 80% using a special research methodology.

A person’s stay in a room for at least 2 hours in a row or 6 hours cumulative over a whole day is considered permanent. Cold is the period of the year when the temperature is equal to or below +8°C (24-hour average). The rooms are classified in detail into 6 categories, taking into account the type of activity and clothing. Below are the standards for residential properties.

PeriodsPremisesNormal indoor humidity for humans, %Room air temperature, °CAir speed, m/s
Optimal values ​​(OZ)Acceptable values ​​(V)OZDZOZDZ
ColdLiving room30−45 60 20−22 18−24 0,15 0,2
KitchenNo rationing (N/n)N/N19−21 18−26 0,15 0,2
Bathroom, shower room, combined toiletN/NN/N24−26 18−26 0,15 0,2
ToiletN/NN/N19−21 18−26 0,15 0,2
Bedroom, office30−45 60 20−22 18−24 0,15 0,2
Corridor between apartments30−45 60 18−20 16−22 N/NN/N
StaircaseN/NN/N16−18 14−20 N/NN/N
Storerooms and utility roomsN/NN/N16−18 12−22 N/NN/N
Warm (above +8°C)Living room30−60 65 22−25 20−28 0,2 0,3

What air humidity should be in the apartment in summer?

For the warm season, the standards are increased. When the weather is good, users often ventilate the room. The air parameters outside are quite favorable, so it is not difficult to meet the requirements of the standards.

The use of technical means for adjusting microclimate parameters is discussed in detail below. However, it can be noted that such equipment can be used in rainy weather to reduce humidity levels.

What should be the humidity in an apartment in winter?

During this period, reduced standards are used. It should be remembered that it is necessary to comprehensively take into account all significant factors to create comfortable and healthy conditions.

In winter, you will have to solve the problem of sufficient ventilation while maintaining normal humidity levels.

What humidity should be in a child's room?

At the stage of organism formation, individual physiological mechanisms unable to perform their functions fully. In particular, thermoregulation is difficult.

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In this publication we will consider the selection criteria for humidifiers, manufacturers and best models, optimal prices and recommendations from experts.

The growth of the body is accompanied by active production of heat. Its removal is carried out along with exhaled air and through the skin. The second way is accompanied by the release of sweat, loss of valuable moisture and beneficial salt components. Lack of fluid makes digestion difficult. Drying of the mucous membranes occurs. Getting worse appearance and the condition of the skin.

Taking into account the above facts, experienced pediatric doctors recommend maintaining a temperature range in the children's room from +18°C to +20°C. The value of +22°C is considered a threshold value and should not be exceeded. At the same time, sufficient fluid intake should be ensured along with food and drink. It is necessary to take a bath regularly and maintain the optimal air humidity in the room for the baby at 50-60%. For the prevention and treatment of respiratory diseases, experts recommend maintaining a level of 60−70%

How to measure air humidity in an apartment

Hygrometer - a device for measuring indoor air humidity

This figure explains what a hygrometer measures and how. Ether or other easily evaporating liquid (2) is poured into a small container. Using a conventional “pear” (4), air is pumped through it, which is accompanied by gradual cooling of the metal case. IN certain moment Condensation forms on the outer polished surface (1). This temperature is recorded using the built-in thermometer (3). Next, using the dew point value in the table, find the corresponding relative humidity value.

Devices in this category are more convenient, since with precise adjustment you can immediately see the result on the scale. In this case, we use the property exemplary material change size as air humidity levels in the apartment increase/decrease.

For your information! If hair is applied, it is recommended to remove fat. This treatment will remove barriers to moisture penetration. Instead, special films made from organic materials are used.

If you pump humidified air through a hygroscopic sample, the measured parameter can be determined by the change in weight. But this and the methods listed above do not correspond to the habits of modern users.

This technique performs its functions using different principles:

  1. By adding a condensation hygrometer with a light emitter and a photocell, an automated installation for fixing the dew point is created.
  2. When the humidity level in the apartment fluctuates, the resistance of the electrolyte or porous sensor will change accordingly.
  3. Using appropriate electronic circuits, the capacitance of capacitors is measured (some metal oxide and polymer models are suitable).

The resulting value is corrected taking into account the readings of the built-in sensor and temperature. The final results are displayed on the screen. A well-equipped electronic hygrometer has the following advantages:

  1. The large LCD screen does not consume much electricity.
  2. To improve visibility, install backlighting.
  3. In addition to the relative air humidity in the apartment, temperature, time, calendar, and other useful information are displayed.
  4. It is possible to add external sensors to monitor parameters in several rooms and outside the building.
  5. The received data is transmitted over the Internet and used to control household appliances.

Determination of humidity level using the Assmann psychrometric table

This technology can be reproduced using simple measuring instruments at home. Take two alcohol thermometers and attach them to a single panel for convenience. The tip of one is dipped into a ball of tissue, which is wetted clean water. Using this table, the obtained readings are converted into the operational value of air humidity in the apartment.

Despite the emergence of modern electronic models, such devices are in demand. They are cheap and perform their functions without batteries. Despite the apparent primitiveness, fairly high measurement accuracy is ensured. In some manufactured products, the scale division value is no more than 0.2°C.

For an objective analysis, it is necessary to mention the following restrictions and features:

  1. Alcohol-containing liquid is harmless, but even a slight blow can damage the fragile glass parts of the structure.
  2. A standard room air humidity meter of this type is designed for operation in the operating range from -10°C to +40°C.
  3. If the measurement is performed at a temperature less than +23°C, the air humidity in the apartment is determined only from a level of 40% or more.
  4. A strong draft (flow speed greater than 1 m/s) significantly impairs accuracy.

“Glass of water” and other simple techniques

How air humidity is measured is clear from the previous sections. However, the correct conclusions can be drawn based on indirect evidence or using available means.

Dry skin also indicates the need to correct microclimatic parameters.

Excess moisture, on the contrary, can lead to mold and mildew.

For a quick check, fill the glass halfway with tap water and place it in the refrigerator compartment (standard temperature from +4 to +6°C). After 1-1.5 hours, the measuring device is removed and installed on any flat surface away from heating system devices and other heat sources. Avoid direct hits sun rays. If after 6-8 minutes there are drops of water left on the walls, it means that the air humidity in the apartment is normal. Drying of condensate/drops flowing down corresponds to a decreased/increased level, respectively.

You can also use a standard alcohol thermometer. Measure the temperature as usual. Next, immerse the device in cotton wool or other porous material moistened with water. Using the obtained data and Assmann's psychrometric table, obtain the air humidity value in the apartment.

What are the consequences of deviations from the norm of air humidity in an apartment?

The normal humidity in the apartment should be such that a person feels comfortable. The above figures are based on official studies. However, we must not forget that they are average indicators. In order not to make a mistake, you must take into account individual characteristics. People suffering from asthmatic attacks may experience discomfort with high and low levels of air humidity in the apartment.

Lack of water impairs immunity, efficiency protective systems body. The nutrition of hair roots, integumentary and other tissues is disrupted. Cosmetic defects appear. Drying of the mucous membranes is accompanied by pain in the eyes. Blood oxygen saturation decreases.

Excessive humidity creates a favorable environment for the life of mites and various harmful microorganisms. Some of them provoke the emergence of extremely dangerous and chronic diseases. If the standards are not followed, children and older people are at particular risk.

Approximately the same range is provided by developers of household appliances. A high concentration of water in the atmosphere of a room intensifies corrosion processes that destroy durable metals. Under such conditions, oxides are formed that disrupt the normal conductivity of electrical circuits. It is difficult to localize the corresponding faults. They are the ones who quite often damage high-quality smartphones, TVs, and other equipment.

For tropical plants air humidity levels need to be increased

This example once again confirms the correctness individual approach. To maintain a special microclimate, separate rooms must be well isolated from other parts of the property.

Ways to normalize moisture

A summation of all important facts explains the benefits preventive measures. Maintaining an optimal level of air humidity in the apartment helps to save cash, prevents accidents and illnesses. All that remains is to figure out how to solve the problem correctly. To do this, we will consider successively specialized equipment and technologies that are used in practice.

How to increase the humidity in an apartment using modern technology

This technique creates tiny water droplets using high-frequency vibrations of the working element. To the listed advantages we can add compactness, reasonable cost, and attractive appearance of modern models.

Expert opinion

Ask a specialist

“If hard water is used, a whitish coating may appear on the surfaces in the room. Scale salts clog the working ducts, so it is necessary to pre-filtrate the liquid.”

Sets of disks are installed in such devices. When rotating, these blocks are wetted with water at the bottom. Affordable prices distinguish products in this category.

Important! Wet working parts create a favorable environment for bacteria, so during operation it is necessary to strictly follow the rules of regular cleaning.

Multifunctional humidifiers are equipped with a built-in hygrometer. Such devices maintain a user-specified humidity level in the apartment, taking into account real conditions. Additional equipment:

  • flavoring;
  • HVAC design engineer (heating, ventilation and air conditioning) ASP North-West LLC

    Ask a specialist

    “How long a humidifier should operate in a room to normalize parameters is indicated in the manufacturer’s official documents. As a rule, they lead maximum dimensions premises in m². Please remember that the corresponding value is given for rooms with standard height ceilings - no more than 3 m.”

    How to increase the humidity in a room using improvised means

    A similar result can be obtained using a hand sprayer and frequent wet cleaning.

    Ways to reduce air humidity in an apartment to normal

    In swimming pools and to solve industrial-scale problems, specialized moisture absorbers are used.

    It is easy to make such a design yourself. On top shelf a special tablet is placed. It absorbs moisture from the air and converts it into brine. To accumulate it, a corresponding reservoir is installed below. It is emptied manually.

    For your information! Devices of this type are characterized by low productivity. A standard tablet remains functional for up to 5 months. At one gas station it is possible to collect 0.6-0.8 liters of liquid.

    Maintaining a normal level of humidity in the apartment is necessary to create healthy and comfortable conditions. Thorough preliminary preparation will help determine project parameters and select a set of equipment. In emergency situations, improvised means and simple specialized techniques are useful. In the comments to the publication, provide own examples good decisions. Ask questions here and share your opinion about different types of equipment.

    This video shows how to make an air humidity meter in an apartment.

Indoor air humidity, in particular in an apartment, house or office, is a factor that affects the general microclimate, as well as the air temperature. It is worth noting that it is absolutely not advisable to forget about this indicator, since it can cause excessive heat or, on the contrary, cold, and if the norm is not maintained, then there is a high probability of a violation of the health of humans, plants, and even interior items. What is comfortable humidity for a person and what should it be normal in terms of indicators? These are the questions that are discussed below.

Indoor air humidity: norm and consequences of its lack

The optimal humidity in a room is that which is at the proper level.

The indicator affects how much:

  • It's nice to be in a living space;
  • It is convenient for people who have health problems to be there;
  • Household members are healthy.

It is worth noting that too high and too low a percentage of moisture can be dangerous both for health and for the surrounding atmosphere. That is why you need to learn how to check the humidity level in order to maintain the most optimal indicators and avoid problems. If a home humidity test shows that the level is too low, this may cause increased moisture loss from the human body through the skin and respiratory tract.

The consequences of such processes may be the presence:

  1. Reduced hair elasticity.
  2. Reduced strength of the nail plate.
  3. A decrease in the elasticity of the skin, which is accompanied by the formation of microcracks, wrinkles and peeling.
  4. Drying of the mucous membrane in the eyes, which can cause itching, redness and a feeling of the presence of sand.
  5. Thickening of the blood fluid, which can cause a slowdown in its circulation and the formation of blood clots.
  6. Viscosity of gastric and intestinal juices, which significantly impairs digestion.
  7. Drying of the mucous membrane in the respiratory tract, which leads to weakened immunity, as well as the frequent occurrence of acute respiratory viral infections.

Insufficient humidity contributes to reduced resistance to the formation of an allergic reaction.

Normal humidity in the apartment and high

Some believe that required humidity Even in winter, even in summer it should be extremely high, but in fact, excess moisture can cause the formation and spread of fungus and mold, as well as other pathogenic bacteria. These problems are far from pleasant and it is almost impossible to get rid of them, even if you use strong and expensive means.

The presence of mold and mildew leads to:

  • Frequent respiratory diseases;
  • Chronic runny nose;
  • Bronchitis;
  • Asthma;
  • Allergies;
  • Feeling of dampness around;
  • Unpleasant odors;
  • Stifling;
  • Deterioration of general condition;
  • Dizziness;
  • Increased time needed to wash bed linen.

If the relative humidity is too high, this can negatively affect the condition of interior items, finishing materials and even plants, as they begin to rot and die. Parquet, wood coverings and similar elements begin to swell, crack and significantly lose their proper appearance. Too much humidity in a child's bedroom is literally hazardous to health.

How to measure air humidity at home

What the humidity level should be today is a very popular question. It is worth noting that you can measure the indicator in the bathroom and other rooms of the house yourself. There is a special household moisture meter that can measure humidity without outside help. In another way it is called a hygrometer, which is recognized as the ideal and most in an exact way, not capable of giving an error.

Before measuring the humidity in the room, you need to choose the type of hygrometer, as it can be:

  • Electric;
  • Chemical;
  • Condensation;
  • Hair and more.

To determine the humidity in an apartment, you can use the simplest measuring device, in which the error is only 3%. As a rule, the device is combined with a clock and a thermometer. The measuring device must be placed as far as possible from the source of moisture and heat, and in order to interpret the data that the indicator shows, you need to use the standards contained in the Assmann table.

There is an easier option to measure the humidity level and for this you need a moisture meter in the form of an ordinary glass of water.

Water is poured into the container, cooled to - 3 - 5 o C, after which it is placed on the table surface, but as far as possible from the batteries. It is enough to observe for 10 minutes and condensation will begin to accumulate on the walls, which becomes a consequence of the temperature difference. If, after condensation forms, the glass dries as quickly as possible, then the humidity is very low, and if it remains foggy, then the microclimate is normal. There is another option when trickles of water begin to flow, which indicates the presence of high humidity.

What humidity should be in the room

It is believed that the average room temperature should vary between 20-22 o C, however, from this indicator, if it is unstable, the humidity may be too low or too high. There are many factors that can affect changes in humidity and, first of all, air temperature. Accordingly, the warmer it is, the more water vapor will be dried and vice versa.

Relative humidity is assessed according to the rule - the warmer the air, the lower its relative humidity, even if the same volume of water vapor is present in it.

To carry out the maintenance process optimal humidity need to:

  • Carry out regular ventilation;
  • Maintain warm temperature;
  • Remember that if it is low, then you need to increase it a little, which can be done by hanging wet laundry, installing an aquarium, heating a pot of water without a lid, and also installing plants that can maintain an optimal microclimate.

Air drying: furniture, Decoration Materials, heating appliances, carpets, air conditioning and more.

Acceptable indicators: normal air humidity

Favorable humidity is the correct selection of interior items, as well as maintaining optimal microclimate in room. To determine humidity, you need to use a special meter, but to increase the indicator, provided that it is low or, on the contrary, to reduce it, you need to pay attention to the standards. It is worth noting that they directly depend on the time of year and where exactly the measurement is taken.

For residential premises:

  1. In summer, humidity is 30-60%, but the maximum permissible level for regions with a subtropical climate is 75%, and in cold weather it is 30-45%, but 60% is acceptable.
  2. There is no specific humidity level in the auxiliary room in the form of a bath, toilet, corridor and pantry.
  3. In which there is a lot of upholstered furniture and antiques, the temperature should be maintained at 60%.
  4. In which there is an emphasis on the furnishings and equipment, it is advisable to maintain a humidity of 40%.
  5. Where are the books located? open shelves The humidity should be no more than 36%.

In places where a large number of plants are present, 80-95% is sufficient, provided that they are suitable for a subtropical climate.

Comfortable indoor air humidity for humans

Permissible humidity in the apartment or wooden house on average it should be no less than 30-40% and no more than 65%. Now there are many ways to maintain this level, but you need to take into account that humidity is the ratio of warm and cold air flows. If the humidity deviates from the norm, it means that sharp drop between them in terms of volume.

Adjustment of such an indicator as the room humidity level can be carried out independently and without special investments, and to reduce it you need to do the following:

  • Regular ventilation;
  • Installation of an exhaust fan;
  • Using a special dehumidifier or climate system;
  • Timely repair of water pipes to prevent leaks;
  • Use heating devices;
  • Installation of hoods in the kitchen and bathroom.

As for increasing humidity, it is enough: install an aquarium, purchase decorative fountain, use the air conditioner and heater in a minimal amount, hang wet towels, periodically spray the room with a spray bottle, or install a special humidifier. Each room has its own optimal humidity level and therefore it differs significantly, for example, in treatment room or in the children's room.

A device for measuring indoor air humidity

A device that determines and displays the level of humidity is called a hygrometer, as already mentioned earlier. The principle of operation of the device is very simple, as it allows you to measure the humidity in the room as a whole and by examining each individual piece of furniture. A striking example is an ordinary hair hygrometer, which requires degreased human hair to carry out diagnostics.

The most common simple human hair can show what humidity is in the air, since if:

  • It is overdried, then it is correspondingly reduced;
  • It's too fatty, then elevated.

No less in demand is a device called a film-type hygrometer, which is the most sensitive regarding the level of humidity, and an organic film is used to study the indicator.

There are other types of hygrometers, but it is not only not advisable to use them at home, but it will also not work, since they are directly related to industry.

There are also a number of devices for measuring humidity, called psychrometers, which are in great demand in everyday life.

It is worth noting that a hygrometer can give an error of 5% when identifying an indicator, but a psychrometer is the most accurate equipment that cannot lie. The simplest psychrometer has two sensors - dry and wet. The principle of operation is simple to the point of impossibility, since if the humidity is high, then the sensor set to moisture is triggered accordingly, and if it is low, then to dryness.

Normal air humidity (video)

Humidity can be dangerous both at low and at too high levels, and therefore it is important to monitor indicators and take certain measures in a timely manner. If persistent mold forms, it is best to reduce the humidity.

IN modern society People increasingly began to think about the quality of the air around them. And if on the street due to the abundance of exhaust gases and natural features it is impossible to influence the airspace, then own home You can freely create a comfortable and healthy atmosphere. That is why the level of humidity in a residential area began to be carefully studied by people who care about the state of their health and home. Recently, various air purifiers and air conditioners have gained popularity. Very often, people, worrying about the temperature of the atmosphere and its cleanliness, completely forget about the level of humidity. Namely, this parameter has an active effect on the condition of human skin, ease of breathing, sensation of space temperature, and the service life of household items.

What is affected by the level of humidity in the apartment?

The state of air humidity is based on indicators of the saturation of the atmosphere with water-vapor masses. In order to determine the percentage of the number of masses air humidity in the room or in a building you should use the following calculations:

  • the absolute indicator of air humidification is determined from the number of grams of water per cubic meter of air space;
  • the relative indicator is determined after calculating the absolute indicator and looks like a percentage of the maximum acceptable indicator in a particular room.

To determine the comfort level of humidification in an apartment, you should use a relative parameter expressed as a percentage. For what purposes should moisture parameters be taken into account? When. if the atmosphere is excessively dry, then there is a high probability negative influence on the external state of human health. Namely: constant dryness and flaking of the skin appears, hair becomes less elastic and manageable, nails become susceptible to separation and brittleness, the mucous membrane of the eyes dries out quickly, causing fatigue and drowsiness, the blood in the vessels thickens and blood circulation is impaired, slowing down occurs. metabolic processes and metabolism. A low level of humidity in an apartment reduces the level of human immunity, since microbes and irritants penetrate more easily through the unmoistened mucous membrane of the respiratory tract. People living in rooms with dry air are most susceptible to colds and allergies. Except negative impact per person, low indoor humidity, the norm of which is significantly deviated from the necessary one, affects the condition of household items.

Quick-drying plants and cracked wood floors are the consequences of a lack of moisture control in a space.

Excessive humidity in the room also affects people and surrounding objects. Namely, an abundance of water in a space tends to make a person feel drowsy and unfocused, and also makes breathing difficult. The abundance of water in the atmosphere negatively affects household appliances and electronics. Metal parts They quickly begin to rust and become unusable.

Reasons why deviations from the norm occur

First of all, the temperature of the space has a huge impact on the state of the air in the room. It is believed that heat promotes greater retention of water vapor. That is why the relative humidity at warm temperature there will be a strong concentration of vapors in the space. In winter, when ventilating the room, entering cold air has very low relative humidity, despite being fresh and pleasant to breathe. Normal temperature To maintain comfortable humidity, the temperature will be no more than 20 degrees Celsius. One should also take into account the fact that pieces of furniture also affect the water level in the atmosphere. They take up a lot of water Stuffed Toys, upholstered sofas and armchairs. In winter, the relevance of using means that regulate indoor humidity increases significantly, since in addition to the cold, dry winter air in the apartment, heating devices and air conditioners remove all moisture.

Having an aquarium with fish in your home increases the humidity level

The following factors influence the increase in vapor in space and the creation of a wet steam room in an apartment:

  • presence of an aquarium with fish in the house;
  • sources of moisture such as indoor plants;
  • boiling water in the kitchen;
  • drying wet linen and clothes;
  • leaks in the plumbing system;
  • condensate on pipes;
  • holes in the roof.

If there are such situations and problems in the room, then in this case we can say that there is high humidity. Also, evidence of a deviation from the standard level towards an increase in water in the atmosphere is evidenced by drops of condensation on the windows.

Indicators of indoor humidity standards

What humidity in an apartment can be considered normal? How should it be in a nursery? Before rushing out to buy a humidifier, you need to figure out how the humidity in a living space will be considered optimal for living. Perhaps, after some calculations, we can come to the conclusion that the room does not require additional steam generators at all. As a percentage, comfortable air humidity in the house should range from 30 to 60 percent. At the same time, the maximum possible and permissible value water per cubic meter of house should not exceed 65%. However, assumptions have been made based on climate and temperature characteristics in environment and this figure was increased to 75% water.

The amount of water in the atmosphere should be determined in the bedroom, living room or other living room, except for such spaces as the bathroom, toilet, pantry, corridor. The parameters of the amount of moisture for specific items that may be in the apartment should not be excluded from attention, namely:

  1. If there are antiques in the house, then it is important to control the humidity level at 50%;
  2. For home appliances, a fifty percent amount of water will also be comfortable;
  3. Books are best stored in a specialized room with a relative humidity of no more than 60%;
  4. Tropical and indoor plants are very popular high humidity and for them you can specially organize a place on the loggia with an amount of moisture of almost 100%.

Moisture control for baby

Many parents who are concerned about their child’s breathing condition install specialized air humidifiers in the children’s room. However, what should the air humidity be for children? Small children and adolescents are extremely often susceptible to various infectious and viral diseases.

In the children's room it is necessary to control the humidity level

This may also be due to drying out of the mucous membrane of the respiratory tract. Children's bodies are most susceptible to temperature and atmospheric changes and changes in the internal climate of the room. It is important to maintain a constant temperature, air purity and humidity in the children's room to eliminate reactions to interseasonal changes in humidity in the room. The humidity level in an apartment for a child's room will be at least 50 percent, but not more than 70. The higher the humidity in a child's room, the easier it will be for him to fight colds and flu. Additional hydration of mucous membranes respiratory system helps to quickly flush out pathogenic bacteria and germs from the body.

Determination of relative air humidity

In order to determine the amount of water in space, they were invented special devices- hygrometers. At the moment there is no problem purchasing one for home use. Such devices can be ordered in an online store and are relatively inexpensive. To meet the needs of consumers, hygrometers were invented to measure humidity using electricity, chemical analysis or condensation. In some cases, you can purchase a watch dial combined with a hygrometer or an air temperature meter.

It is absolutely not necessary to purchase an overly expensive and accurate device for your home; errors of 5 percent will not be a strong drawback. It is important to consider the location of the device, namely, it needs to be installed as far as possible from sources of moisture. In this case, the indicators will be most accurate. There are also folk remedies air humidity measurements. These include the method using a fir cone. If you bring a cone from a Christmas tree into your house and place it away from heating systems, then after a few hours you can determine by the reaction the presence or absence of water in the atmosphere. If the scales of the cone are closed and smoothly adjacent to each other, then such a reaction indicates humid air. If the cone opens, then it is believed that the atmosphere is very dry and the space needs moisture.

How to regulate water levels in an apartment?

There are several ways that can help easily, stylishly and without extra costs adjust the moisture level in the space. What kind of humidity can there be in an apartment without proper control? In order to increase the amount of water per cubic meter of space, you can do the following:

  • buy an aquarium with fish;
  • hanging on heating devices wet towels;
  • using a spray bottle with water;
  • increasing the number of wet cleanings;
  • purchasing a large number of indoor flowers for the room;
  • using a special air humidifier or steam generator.

You can increase the humidity level in your apartment by growing indoor plants.

If, on the contrary, it requires reducing the amount of water per cubic meter of space, then in this case you need to use the following methods:

  • minimize the use of heaters in the apartment;
  • dry laundry and clothes on the balcony or in the bathroom;
  • install an additional device for extracting moist air from the kitchen;
  • increase ventilation of rooms;
  • installation of a special air dryer.

To control moisture in the air on a budget, it is enough to ventilate the room in a timely manner, and in the case of dry air, place containers of water around the room. For complete and reliable control, it would not be superfluous to purchase specialized devices for climate control of the air space of an apartment, such as air purifiers, humidifiers, air conditioners, and climate control units. Controlling your own comfortable breathing is the concern of every self-respecting person.

Most people, first of all, pay attention to the air temperature, forgetting about such an important indicator as humidity. But the feeling of heat or cold, general well-being, the condition of plants and the safety of household items depend on it. What is the normal level of air humidity in an apartment, how does it affect the human body and more.

Problems arising from lack or excess moisture

Dry indoor air provokes increased moisture loss through the skin and respiratory tract. This can lead to such unpleasant consequences as:

  • decreased elasticity of hair, nails and skin, accompanied by the appearance of microcracks, wrinkles, peeling, dermatitis;
  • drying of the mucous membrane of the eyes, the symptoms of which are itching, redness, and a feeling of “sand”;
  • thickening of the blood, leading to a slowdown in blood circulation, weakness, headaches, decreased performance, and increased stress on the heart;
  • an increase in the viscosity of gastric and intestinal juices, causing a slowdown in digestion;
  • drying out of the mucous membranes of the respiratory tract, which results in a weakening of local immunity and an increase in the frequency of acute respiratory viral infections;
  • an increase in the amount of respiratory allergens in the atmosphere, which should normally be bound by liquid droplets.

Excess moisture in the air creates acceptable conditions for the growth of mold, fungi, and bacteria. As a result, you may encounter the following problems:

  • respiratory diseases - chronic runny nose, bronchitis, asthma, allergies; feeling of stuffiness or dampness in the room;

  • unpleasant odor due to the proliferation of pathogenic microorganisms;

  • increasing the drying time of washed laundry.

Excessive or an insufficient amount moisture in the house has a bad effect on the condition of home furnishings. Plants dry out or begin to rot, wooden furniture and parquet become deformed or “shrink,” paintings fade, paper products lose their structure.

Factors affecting humidity

The main factor influencing indoor humidity is temperature. If you ventilate a room in winter, the air will become fresher, but less humid.

Reduce air humidity:

  • heating appliances;
  • air conditioner;
  • constant ventilation at outside temperatures below -10C
  • interior items, especially cushioned furniture, toys, carpets.

Any sources of water and steam increase air humidity:

  • aquarium;
  • houseplants;
  • wet laundry;
  • containers with boiling water;
  • faulty water pipes and plumbing.

Constant condensation on the windows indicates an increased level of humidity in the room.

Indoor humidity level:

  • warm period - 30-60%, maximum permissible - 65%.
  • cold period - 30-45%, maximum permissible - 60%.

Young children have increased heat exchange processes, so they are especially sensitive to non-compliance with microclimate parameters. Ideal humidity the air in the children's room is 50-60%, and if the child is sick with ARVI, it is recommended not to lower it below 60%.

Indirect signs of low indoor air humidity are drying out the tips of plant leaves and electrical discharges emanating from synthetic clothing.

How to regulate air humidity?

At any time of the year, normal air humidity in the apartment should be no less than 40% and no higher than 65%.

Ways to reduce humidity:

  • frequent ventilation of premises;
  • installation exhaust fans;
  • use of air conditioners and heaters;
  • serviceable pipes and plumbing;
  • refusal to dry clothes in the room;

How to increase the humidity in a room:

  • presence of an aquarium or decorative fountain;
  • minimal use of heater and air conditioner;
  • hanging wet towels on radiators;
  • periodically spraying water from a spray bottle;
  • using a humidifier;
  • regular wet cleaning;
  • growing a large number of indoor flowers.

Air humidity in the house - important parameter, affecting both the well-being of residents and interior items. Normally, this figure ranges from 40 to 60%. It is especially important to monitor the humidity in rooms where children and people with respiratory diseases spend most of their time. To regulate the moisture concentration in the air, it is convenient to use household humidifiers and dehumidifiers.

What are the health risks of dry air?

If the air in the room is dry, then the “transportation” of oxygen into the circulatory system is difficult. As a result, a person constantly feels drowsiness and increased fatigue, while often not understanding where the poor health came from. When a person breathes dry air for a long time, his susceptibility to various infections increases, hence the appearance of a runny nose in the morning. Due to dry air, the nasal mucosa and bronchial tube cannot clean themselves as effectively as with air of normal humidity. As a result, the body easily succumbs to infections and various respiratory diseases. This is especially true for the little ones, whose immunity is weaker than that of adults. It’s not for nothing that even in a newborn’s room it is recommended to hang wet laundry to make the air more humid.

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