Dream of playing cards. What do cards mean in a dream? What does it mean to play or guess on cards?

Ukrainian dream book Dmitrienko

Why do you dream about Maps in a dream?

Seeing cards, watching someone play cards, or taking part in the game yourself - a dream warns that in reality you should expect some kind of conflict. major quarrel. And most likely, it will happen precisely to those people who sat with you at the card table. The reason may be very unexpected.

If you dream that you win at cards, this is an unkind sign that predicts the loss of money, possibly some property. Be careful, exercise prudence and do not take part in activities or projects that seem dubious to you. On the contrary, if you saw that you lost big, that’s good. The dream suggests that you will be able to avoid many troubles. Playing cards in a dream means losing time or money.

Interpretation of Cards from your dream

Cards in your night dreams are a symbol of lies and falsehood, which are king in your relationships. You and your partner are probably trying to take advantage of each other, looking out only for your own interests, each trying to “beat” the other. Sooner or later this situation will end in great disappointment. However, if in a dream you dream that you are playing cards, this also means that deception awaits you in the business field. Seeing in a dream how you beat someone at cards is a sign of small acquisitions in reality.

The ABC of Dream Interpretation

To dream about Maps, what does it mean?

Cards – Cards indicate your chance, aspects of your life. Suits in a dream correspond to different aspects of life. Worms – love and friendship. Tambourines - business life. Clubs - financial, material situation. Why do you dream about Maps - Peaks - they reflect obstacles in all aspects. See also Games. An ace in a dream is the main sign of encouragement, luck, difficulty or success. Ace of Hearts – romantic relationships. Why do you dream about Cards? If you dreamed about the Ace of Diamonds, a risky scam will bring success. Ace of clubs – financial stability. Ace of spades - difficulties.

Miller's Dream Book

Why do you dream about Maps in a dream?

Cards - If in a dream you play cards for fun, then expect the fulfillment of those hopes that have long helped you “keep afloat”. Minor illnesses will disappear. But a dream about gambling for money will lead you to very serious difficulties in life. – if in a dream you dream that you are losing at cards, then you will have a clash with enemies, and if you win, you will be able to justify yourself before the law, but with great difficulty.

Dreamed of cards - If a young woman sees her lover playing cards, she will have to doubt his good intentions. If we are talking about games in public places or social games, then seeing diamonds means wealth; to see gambling clubs - that you will have a demanding, picky life partner, as well as difficulties in explaining to him the reasons for your frequent absences; to see cards of the worms suit - predicts fidelity and a cozy environment; The peaks foretell that you will be a widow, burdened with huge property that is difficult to manage. In addition, if in a dream you dream that you are playing successfully, then this portends you a very unfriendly reception at a party, but chance will help you at the same time find true friends who will help you survive many trials. If you lose the game, you will be unhappy in your affections and will never be able to settle your affairs, this is how you decipher what you are dreaming about.

Modern dream book

Playing cards - in a dream - in a dream - what does it mean for the dreamer

If you see playing cards in a dream or are sitting at a card table, taking part in a game, it means that in reality you are prone to greed - you are going to commit some not entirely honest act, based on your own selfish motives. If you dream of a specific suit of cards, then your dream has the following meaning: when you dream of diamonds - expect to receive money, worms - a prediction of participation in a love adventure. Seeing cards of the cross suit is a sign of a profitable enterprise that will bring you good profits. Spades are a sad sign, warning of deception, disappointment in love, tears or some kind of illness.

Esoteric dream book

Seeing Cards in a dream

As you know, cards can be playing and geographical. Therefore, before interpreting a dream in which you see cards, you should clarify which cards are being discussed. Accordingly, the meaning of such a dream will be different. When you dream about playing cards, this often symbolizes the anxiety that you experience in reality or that you will have to experience in the near future.

If you dream that you are watching those who play cards - beware! Someone is going to deceive you, trick you. And it looks like this man was very successful in his event. You will suffer great losses through the trap that will be set for you. Playing cards yourself, sitting at a card table means not having a lucky hand in business. Seeing that you are playing solitaire on cards or telling fortunes means that you are overwhelmed by doubts, you do not know how to act in some situation. Showing card tricks in a dream is a good and predictive sign. That you will be able to bring joy to those around you. Build houses from cards in a dream - expect to receive some news. If in a dream you saw a geographical map, it predicts your path, a close journey. Perhaps it will be a trip to nature next weekend or a country trip with friends.

Dream Interpretation of Simon Kananita

Why do you dream about Maps in a dream?

If you dream about playing cards, in most cases this turns out to be a bad sign. Seeing playing cards is a greedy act. Probably, in your affairs or relationships you are guided solely by your own benefit, and therefore you intend to use your partner for personal enrichment, without caring about his feelings or future fate. Watching someone play cards in a dream, on the contrary, indicates that you will suffer losses through deception on the part of some person whom you trusted, without sufficient grounds. Beware of falling into the trap that is prepared for you.

Play cards yourself in a dream - expect luck and success in business. Showing card tricks - the dream says that through your deeds you will be able to bring joy to the people around you. Building houses of cards in a dream means receiving news soon. If you dream of cards of the diamond suit, the dream predicts that you will receive money. Seeing worm cards means a love affair, spades means tears, frustration, or illness. Cards of the club suit dream of the dreamer's death.

Intelligent dream book

What to Expect If You've Seen Maps

If you see in a dream how others play cards, but do not take part in the game yourself, it means that in life you will have to watch others do stupid things. If you cannot keep them from doing this, then try not to participate in it yourself. Although, it also happens that only because of someone else’s stupidity you can also suffer material losses. But if in a dream you dream that you are playing cards yourself, this is a warning that by doing something, you are only wasting time and money. This event will not bring you any success or any benefit.

Shuffling playing cards in a dream signifies the troubles ahead of you in preparing for some event. Counting cards in a deck is a good sign; quick success awaits you. If you dream about geographical maps, the dream predicts a trip, an interesting journey. Looking at a geographical map and marking routes, countries or cities on it brings back good memories.

Big dream book of Natalia Stepanova

Why does a woman dream about Maps?

See Playing cards see - Playing cards just for fun foreshadows the fulfillment of long-held hopes, recovery from minor illnesses. Gambling for money, on the contrary, means very serious difficulties in life.

Cards - Why dream that you are losing at cards, you will be unhappy in your affections and will never be able to settle things. If you win, this portends a very unfriendly reception at a party. At the same time, you will find true friends who will help you survive many trials. If a young woman sees her lover playing cards, she will have to doubt his good intentions.

Tarot Cards – Tarot cards have recently regained popularity. As a rule, dreams about fortune telling indicate the dreamer's desire for the arbitrator to shed light on the important decision(s) you have to make and recognize its correctness. You also feel that the decisions you make are unimportant and that your life is in the hands of fate, beyond your personal control. Whether you are actually a participant in such practices is the most important element in a dream.

See Cards (travel, playing) - “Reveal your cards” - reveal plans, intentions; “get your bearings on the map”, “outline your path on the map” (travel); "to confuse the enemy's cards." “your card is a bit” - failure, failure, defeat; “marked cards” – deception; "card sharper" See Add. A game.

English dream book

Why see Maps in a dream

Card Games – There are many games and interpretations. Maybe your subconscious is telling you that you should put on a poker face when dealing with other people, especially when it comes to money or work? If you've played bridge, then perhaps you need to start making connections with the other players at your table? Are you happy playing solitaire or would you rather be part of a team? If during a game you come across a joker, do you suffer from evil jokes in life? Maybe you are the King or Queen of your social circle? If you have lost money, then you should think about all the gambling that lies ahead of you in the future. See also Gambling.

Maly Velesov dream book

Dreaming about Maps in a dream

The playing cards you see are an unkind sign in every way. If you dream of a deck of cards, beware of a fire or major material losses in reality. Watching someone play cards, a dream warns you that you may fall into a trap set for you, through which you will suffer large financial losses. Beware of scammers and do not take part in any dubious activities that promise you quick and hassle-free enrichment. Playing cards yourself in a dream means failures in business and a big loss await you.

Modern dream book / Elena Avadyaeva

What does a dream about Maps mean?

If you dream, it symbolizes the unpredictable game of your life.

You play solitaire - then you will be disappointed in a close friend.

Watching someone play solitaire means they are setting a net against you, and someone is weaving intrigue behind your back.

Why dream that solitaire doesn’t work out - then you will soon be convinced that the choice you made was wrong.

See also: why do you dream about cards, why do you dream about the suit, why do you dream about fortune telling.

Dream Book of Arnold Mindell

Student of the Dream Maker: interpreting Cards in a dream

I dreamed of a Map - it’s as if you were studying a map - you will actually study the essence of the matter, the essence of the issue; then take a series of smart actions that will lead you to well-being; This dream is especially favorable for people involved in finance.

You are looking for a map in a dream - some complications in the life of the team will give you an impulse; it will not be perceived by you as an incentive, but it will increase your activity (it is possible that this will be the fear of losing your job); the results of your activities will provide you with a path to the top - to prosperity, to new opportunities. A young woman dreams of a map - the dream says that this woman at one time held a high, responsible position.

Dream Book of the Wanderer (Terenty Smirnov)

Interpretation of what Cards mean in dreams (according to Housewives’ dream book)

Map (geographical) – thoughts about travel, emigration.

I dreamed of a Map of what this is (plan) - searching for a solution. Putting the cards in order means achieving your plans; losing or looking for a card is a retreat from your goals.

Modern dream book for 365 days / Evgeny Goltsman

Why do you dream about Maps by day of the week?

Geographic map - Look at the map A dream you had on Monday night means that you will have the opportunity (or the need will arise) to go to another city or to another country. Seen on the night of Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday or Friday, it means that you will receive a message from afar; dreamed on Saturday or Sunday night - to melancholy and sadness.

Dream Interpretation Dream Interpretation of Simeon Prozorov

Meet the Cards in a dream

I dreamed of a map of what it is geographical - your dreams are unrealizable. Imagine that you are burning a map in a furnace.

Dream Interpretation Taylor Joules

Interpretation of more than 1000 characters: Cards in a dream

Map, Globe – Maps and globes embody the planet we live on; they represent the overall view, the planet as a whole. In dreams, they can also symbolize the fragility of the world and the danger of easily polluting or destroying it, making it uninhabitable.

Have you used a map to plan a trip or find a specific place on it? Maybe you're feeling restless and need a change of scenery? Are you looking for a new place to call home or want to get away from your current situation? Dreams of a spinning globe may indicate a feeling of your world spinning beyond your control. If you hold a globe in your hands, it means that you are in complete control of your world.

Creative dream book

Map - in a dream - what does it mean for the dreamer

I dreamed about the Map of what it is for. 1. The appearance of a geographical map in a dream is most often associated with clarification of the direction that we need to take in life. We may feel lost and then we need some kind of guidance to find the right path, especially if ambitions are affected or there is anxiety. A map that has already been used by other people, from this point of view, means that we are able to find the right direction and must learn from the experience of those same people. 2. In the process of growth, it is sometimes necessary to find a way that will help us grow into full-fledged people. In a dream, it can appear in the form of a map, that is, in this way the course that must be followed is suggested. 3. The map can also help in finding a spiritual path forward. You just have to “read” the map yourself, since we ourselves are the rabbis’ guides.

Interpreter of dreams of a Siberian healer

What does a dream with Cards mean, taking into account the date of birth?

In the spring, why do you dream of playing cards? You dream of the unknown. Laying out cards in a dream means putting a boor in his place in reality. Cards - To excitement, to loss.

If in the summer you dreamed that you were playing solitaire in a dream and a bad card kept falling, this means a happy outcome to the business you started.

In the fall, why did you dream of laying out cards in a dream - guessing on coffee grounds. Holding cards in your hands means fortune telling by a fortune teller.

In winter, why do you dream of playing cards - to impracticable plans.

Interpretation of the dream Maps in Miller's dream book

If you play cards for fun in a dream, then expect the fulfillment of those hopes that have long helped you “keep afloat”. Minor illnesses will disappear. But a dream about gambling for money will lead you to very serious difficulties in life. If you dream that you are losing at cards, then you will have a clash with enemies, and if you win, you will be able to justify yourself before the law, but with great difficulty. If a young woman dreams that her lover is playing cards, she will have to doubt his good intentions. If we are talking about games in public places or social games, then seeing diamonds means wealth; to see gambling clubs - that you will have a demanding, picky life partner, as well as difficulties in explaining to him the reasons for your frequent absences; seeing cards of the worms suit promises fidelity and a cozy environment; The peaks foretell that you will be a widow, burdened with huge property, which is difficult for you to manage. In addition, if you dream that you are playing successfully, then this portends a very unfriendly reception for you, but at the same time it will help you find true friends who will help you survive many trials. If you lose the game, you will be unhappy in your affections and will never be able to settle your affairs.

The meaning of sleep Maps according to O. Smurov’s dream book

A deck of cards in a dream represents your worries. Shuffling a deck in a dream means trouble. Counting cards in a dream foretells that you will avoid the unpleasant consequences of your rash behavior. Building houses of cards means disappointment and a precarious position. Card tricks are a sign of deception or fraud. Seeing your friends playing cards in a dream means that you should think about your surroundings and maintaining your reputation. After such a dream, someone may offer you benefits from participating in a risky business. Be prudent and do not give in to the temptation of easy money. Seeing diamonds in a dream means quarrels over money, worms mean pleasant meetings with nice people; peaks - to failures and disappointments; clubs - for money. The higher the card you see in a dream, the more its meaning by suit increases. Seeing all the aces means your wish will come true; all kings - to good luck; I will give all the ladies - to gossip. One ace in a dream is a sign of good luck in a risky business. Having the highest diamonds or clubs in your hands at the same time means the failure of a deal that you thought was a win-win.

Playing cards in Hasse's dream book

Seeing playing cards - you will experience anxiety; build houses of cards - get news; playing cards - you will not be very lucky in business; see or show card tricks - you will become a source of joy for people; watching the players - losses are coming due to someone's tricks.

play cards for money in a dream

As for all kinds of toys, it is a senseless passion for an unnecessary task - that is, according to our senile side. You are probably ready to be accepted into our ranks. Contact Medv or Paganoid urgently! If you see Cards in a dream Seeing playing cards in a dream foretells greedy but stupid actions at your own loss. A deck of cards scattered in disarray on the table indicates that you will soon find yourself in a motley society with people of a wide variety of activities and interests.

New family dream book

If in a dream you played cards for fun- wait for your hopes to come true. Minor illnesses will disappear.

Here is a dream about gambling for money- portends very serious difficulties.

If you dreamed that you lost at cards- There will be a clash with enemies.

Won- you will be able to justify yourself before the law, but with great difficulty.

If a young woman dreams that her lover is playing cards- she should doubt his good intentions.

Modern combined dream book

Cards- greedy act; diamonds- receiving the money; worms- love affair; cross- profitable enterprise; peaks- deception, illness.

Playing cards- troubles, quarrel with friends.

But if you play to win- You will have quite serious difficulties.

If you counted cards in a dream, then success awaits you in the professional sphere. Ace of trumps - to victory in any business. Possibly winning the lottery.

Prosperity and profit await you after winning at cards in a dream. Seeing how the cards were dealt to you predicts successful completion of affairs and solution to problems.

Towards difficulties

Successfully playing cards according to this dream book means making new wonderful friends. These people will be able to help in difficult situations. Thanks to their support, you will be able to avoid serious problems. Losing a card game in a dream means disappointment in your friends and partner. Also, even if you put in a huge amount of effort, you will not be able to solve your problems.

Taking part in a card tournament organized in a public place and seeing diamonds on the other participants leads to wealth and universal recognition. To achieve them you don’t even have to try very hard. Luck will take over everything.

Interpretation of dream cards according to various dream books

I mean that your lack of mental awareness will lead to sadness and loss. about peak cards Dream
It can also mean that you will not be able to complete the work, which you will not be able to manage. Spades suit in a dream
, then unsuccessful transactions will negate the result of his defeat. pi-ki – ko-zyri If the player dreams that


Solomon's Dream Interpretation

If a girl dreams that her lover is taking part in a gambling game of cards, this means that she will have doubts about his love.

If you dream of a gambling house, it means that your spouse will make excessive demands on you. It is also possible that he will be unfaithful to you.

If you see cards of the heart suit, it means loyalty to your loved one, cards of the spades suit mean that you will be a rich widow, but money will not bring you happiness. Losing at cards means disappointment in matters of the heart.

In this case, the dream promises unexpected news. This may also be a symbol that in real life you will learn a secret that will greatly disappoint you.

Women's dream book

Why do you dream about Maps according to the dream book:

Seeing playing cards in a dream - Playing cards just for fun foreshadows the fulfillment of long-held hopes, recovery from minor illnesses. Gambling for money, on the contrary, can mean very serious difficulties in life.

Fortune telling cards in a dream mean that you are not sure about something, it is difficult for you to find a way out of the current situation.

As the dream book writes, tarot cards that are simply lying near you indicate that you will make your own decision, and it will be correct. And to guess with their help is to hope for the help of strangers.

If you dream of fortune telling cards in the hand of a gypsy, it means that you will receive advice that is given to mislead you. The Dream Interpretation recommends not listening to these recommendations, but acting as you see fit. The unfolded tarot is dreamed of before an important event that will affect your destiny.

A game

Ukrainian dream book

If you dreamed about Maps, it means:

Geographical map of the world - a journey, some distance

Maps in a dream from Tsvetkov's dream book

Did you see cards in your sleep? Get ready for troubles, deception or fun. The dream book can explain exactly the opposite of what cards mean in dreams. The accuracy of the interpretation depends on details such as the type of deck and suit. If you remember these points well, you can easily predict your future.

The interpreter of Medea attaches particular importance to the suit. According to him, cards symbolize aspects of life. Suit represents different aspects of life. Hearts are responsible for friendship and love, diamonds for the sphere of business relationships, clubs mean financial status, and spades warn of all kinds of obstacles.

Why do you dream about cards according to Miller’s dream book?

Just playing with someone is the fulfillment of absolutely all hopes. You can forget about the illnesses and financial problems that tormented you. Life will be joyful and no worries will darken it for a long time. In a dream, winning at cards means winning a court hearing. But keep in mind that it will be difficult. You'll have to spend a lot of nerves.

In a dream, losing at cards according to Miller’s dream book means a clash with enemies. In reality, you will have to desperately defend your reputation, dignity or property from your enemies. Be unshakable and then everything will succeed. If a young girl, during a night's rest, saw that her lover was taking part in the game, then very soon in reality she would have to seriously doubt the purity of his intentions.

Seeing playing cards in a dream according to this dream book means an overly picky and demanding life partner. In real life, you will have to conflict with him quite often, because of his constant demands to explain your tardiness and all kinds of absences. If the relationship is expensive, then do not get into arguments and be confident in your innocence.

Miller's dream book explains why worm cards are seen in dreams. Such a dream promises excellent relationships with people from your environment. Friends will be faithful to you, and together you will experience many pleasant and joyful moments. The Queen of Spades card seen in a dream predicts in reality the difficult fate of a widow burdened with numerous monetary debts. Getting out of debt won't be easy. It will take many years of work and saving.

Successfully playing cards according to this dream book means making new wonderful friends. These people will be able to help in difficult situations. Thanks to their support, you will be able to avoid serious problems. Losing a card game in a dream means disappointment in your friends and partner. Also, even if you put in a huge amount of effort, you will not be able to solve your problems.

Taking part in a card tournament organized in a public place and seeing diamonds on the other participants leads to wealth and universal recognition. To achieve them you don’t even have to try very hard. Luck will take over everything.

Interpretation of dream cards according to various dream books

Fortune telling in a dream using cards according to the Esoteric Dream Book means that in real life you are in the grip of doubts. Take your time to make decisions. Wait. Now is not the best time to rush. Playing with someone means deception. In reality, someone will trick you around his finger “in no time.” Do not let your guard down, even when communicating with those you completely trust.

Why Tarot cards appear in dreams is explained in the interpreter by David Loff. Fortune telling with Tarot cards suggests that you feel that little depends on you in making an important decision. The opinion of some authoritative person will be decisive in resolving a serious issue.

The 20th century dream book says that the meaning of cards in a dream is vain expectations and false illusions. Do not count too much on the successful completion of expected events. It is possible that their influence on life will be excessively illusory. If in a dream a fortune teller read fortunes on cards, then all the events she predicted should be interpreted in reverse. Playing with a stranger means making a fatal mistake in life.

O. Smurov's dream book explains why kings, aces and crosses are seen in dreams. The king promises good luck in real life. The more kings there were, the more successful things would be. Ace promises the fulfillment of absolutely all desires in the near future. Crosses predict financial profit. Card ladies warn about gossip. Try not to tell too much about yourself to anyone.

Why you dream about a deck of cards is described in the most complete interpreter. Such a dream is a sign warning of complete uncertainty in the future. Open the deck to losses. The reasons for the losses will be forgery or the most common deception. A medical card warns of health problems. If you are sick at the moment, your condition will soon improve.

Why you dream about fortune telling cards is explained in one of the dream books. Most likely, you take many things too seriously. Don't give them too much importance. Often, these are just coincidences and nothing more. The geographical map promises an exciting journey in real life. The journey of this will be memorable and very interesting.

What a bank card means in a dream is described in a modern dream book. It promises financial stability. But, if you lose it in a dream, your strong financial situation in reality will be shaken. A gypsy reading fortunes on cards symbolizes deception. You should not get involved in various money scams. You should also beware of tempting offers from strangers.

What the world map means in a dream is explained by two dream books at once. According to one of them, seeing a world map in a dream means new acquaintances, interesting offers, as well as changes in business. Another source says that this dream advises you to understand your thoughts and actions. If this is not done, then many problems will arise due to your fault.

The noble dream book of N. Grishina explains the playing deck seen during a night's rest as numerous troubles on the road. Seeing yourself in a game predicts misunderstandings, quarrels and great anxiety. Counting the deck means good luck. Fortune telling in a dream means unexpected news. The news can be both tragic and joyful.

Why you dream of a credit card in a dream can be said for sure. According to the dream book, it promises prosperity in family life. In the near future, you and your household will be deprived of financial worries. It is worth taking advantage of this blissful period and recharging yourself with optimism and only positive emotions in the future. Such a charge in the future will provide serious assistance in overcoming the “dark” periods of life.

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