Geranium leaves are drying, what should I do? Why do the leaves of indoor geraniums turn yellow: the main reasons

Geranium, also known as pelargonium, is a common indoor plant. Only two varieties are grown at home: royal geranium and fragrant geranium. Caring for a flower is quite simple, but sometimes it gets sick. Its leaves begin to turn yellow and fall off. If the situation is not corrected, it may ultimately lead to the death of the plant. Therefore, it is important to know the most common mistakes when growing geraniums.

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    There are many reasons why the leaves of royal and fragrant geraniums turn yellow. They can be divided into several groups:

    • errors during planting or transplantation;
    • a lack of minerals;
    • improper care behind the plant;
    • diseases and pests.

    Errors during landing and transfer

    The cause of yellowing of the leaves and their gradual death may be an incorrectly selected pot. If its size is too small, then the root system of the flower will not have enough space to develop. In this case, the leaf blade begins to turn yellow, first at the edges, and then becomes completely yellow. After some time, the leaves dry out and fall off.

    When planting a flower, it is very important that there is good drainage. It is best to use expanded clay, which is sold in flower shops. If there is insufficient drainage, it will not leave the soil. excess moisture. Sometimes the appearance of yellow leaves is associated with damage to the roots due to careless replanting in the spring or moving it from the street to the house when acclimatization occurs.

    Lack of minerals

    The supply of mineral substances in the soil quickly depletes, since geranium spends a lot of energy on growth and flowering. Therefore, it is necessary to add to the soil mineral supplements. The need for them increases during the growing season. A lack of minerals usually leads to yellowing of the foliage. But we must remember that an excess of elements also negatively affects the condition of the flower.

    Improper care

    To avoid the appearance of diseases and yellow leaves, you need to create indoor geranium comfortable conditions.

    Pelargonium loves light very much, but direct sunlight has a negative effect on the flower. In summer, the upper leaves suffer due to sunburn. First they dry out and then lighten. The last stage is characterized by complete wilting of the leaves, and then they fall off.

    Great damage appearance caused by excess or low humidity in the room. Its optimal indicator is 50–60%.

    In autumn and winter, the container is placed away from heating devices in the apartment, since the heat from them causes the leaves to wither, turn yellow completely or at the edges and dry out. Cold also has a negative effect on the condition of the flower. As a result, the edges of the plates first turn red, then the leaves turn yellow, curl and dry out. Optimal temperature in winter for geranium it is +15…+24 degrees.

    Another common mistake is improper watering. In summer, geraniums are watered as often as possible, paying attention to the quality of the water. Too hard contributes to the accumulation of calcium in the soil. The leaves react to this by turning yellow. To make the water suitable for irrigation, it must be infused for several days. You can add a small pinch to it citric acid or a few drops lemon juice.

    Diseases and pests

    If the leaves of a geranium turn yellow while following all the necessary rules for caring for it, then the cause of this is fungal, bacterial and viral diseases, and insect pests:

    • Pelargonium can be affected by mosaic. This viral infection, manifested by small yellow spots on the leaves that gradually merge. The leaf plate itself begins to shrink and deform. This disease cannot be treated and the diseased plant is destroyed.
    • Rust is a dangerous fungal disease. The leaves of a diseased flower first become covered with brown spots and then turn yellow. Also, a fluffy coating appears on the damaged areas.
    • Verticillium wilt is another fungal disease of indoor geraniums. First they are amazed lower leaves, which turn yellow, and then the disease begins to spread throughout the stem.
    • Geraniums can be attacked by spider mites. This small insect feeds on the sap of leaves, which causes discolored areas on them. In addition, small dots or areas covered with a thin web appear on the leaf plate.

    What to do if the leaves turn yellow due to improper care?

    Geranium can be saved if you take the necessary measures:

    • You need to make sure that the pot is the right size for the flower and has good drainage. If necessary, the plant is transplanted into a container that meets all the criteria. If pelargonium blooms, then all flower stalks must be cut off in advance.
    • It is recommended to place the pot on a sunny windowsill. If the flower is exposed to direct sunlight, temporary artificial shading is created. He should not stand in a draft.
    • Geraniums should not be placed near heating devices. Also, if there are signs of freezing, it should be taken to a warm place. You need to make sure that the flower does not touch the cold glass.
    • If the air in the room is too dry, place a container with moistened expanded clay or water next to the pot. It is not recommended to spray pelargonium.
    • It is necessary to adjust the feeding and watering of the plant. It must receive the full amount of minerals and water. But an excess of elements and overflow are also destructive.

    When caring for geraniums at home, you should adhere to the “golden mean” rule. If all the mistakes described above are corrected in time, the plant will quickly recover and will continue to delight with green leaves.

    Pest and disease control

    If the yellowing of the leaf blades is due to fungal or bacterial infection, you need to remove all affected areas, and treat the plant with systemic fungicides - Topaz, Fitosporin. Such treatment is carried out only if the main stem is not affected, otherwise the plant cannot be saved. To fight with spider mite it is necessary as follows: the infected leaves are removed, and the geranium is treated with Fufanon, Akarin or Fitoverm.

    To prevent pelargonium leaves from turning yellow and drying out, you need to properly care for it. A neglectful attitude towards it leads to sad consequences.

Constant companion cozy home- elegant geranium. A flower that, according to legend, not only brings beauty into the atmosphere, but also gives the owners of the house health and financial well-being, makes the family successful and at the same time protects from negativity. Therefore, geranium in a room or on a plot is not a tribute to fashion, it is a plant for all times. Geraniums are bred by choosing different colors and shades, they take care of it, and if the leaves of a geranium turn yellow, they look for a reason to help their favorite plant

The florists today are known for the most different varieties Garden geranium pleases with the variety of species. Annual and perennial, tall and miniature plants fell in love landscape designers, gardeners appreciated their ability to “fit” into flower bed or an alpine slide.

An amazing flower, indoor geranium can accompany its owner, moving with family members to the dacha in the warm season, and returning to the apartment in the fall. At the site, the flower is transplanted into the ground; at home it feels good in a flower pot.

Geranium, like all plants, changes as it develops; the leaves may gradually dry out and fall off. But it happens that the young leaves of the plant begin to turn yellow, and such yellowing is a signal: the geranium needs our support!

The reasons why geranium leaves turn yellow and dry are:

  1. Improperly created growing conditions;
  2. Flower diseases;
  3. Plant pests.

Having become acquainted with the rules for growing geraniums and caring for them, you will find the answer to the alarming question: “The geranium is turning yellow, what to do.”

We create conditions so that geraniums do not turn yellow

Geranium will not require its owner to create special conditions, this flower is so unpretentious. But this does not mean that the plant is absolutely indifferent to what conditions it grows in. Following the preferences that the plant has will help you grow geraniums without problems.

Choosing a place for a flower

Geranium loves sufficiently lit places, so in winter, when the leaves dry out, additional lighting helps. At the same time, the flower should be protected from direct sun rays and from the location near heating devices.

Drafts are also undesirable for geraniums.

When growing a flower in a pot, you need to remember: the container should not be too large. Geranium feels good when the roots are “crowded” in the pot.
When planting a plant in a pot or in the ground, you need to ensure good drainage to prevent root rot. Violation of any of these requirements leads to the fact that the geranium turns yellow.

The soil

The most suitable soil for geraniums will be soil to which sand and humus peat have been added.

Geranium responds well to fertilizing. For them, it is better to use a complex fertilizer that contains nitrogen, potassium, and phosphorus. However, an excess of nitrogen will affect the flower, and the leaves of the geranium will turn yellow. In this case, watering the plant with water with the addition of a few drops of iodine will help.

Geranium also reacts to soil components such as iron, magnesium, and manganese. With a lack of iron (chlorosis), the veins of the yellow leaf remain green. Yellowness in the center of the leaf indicates a lack of magnesium, yellowness inside the green network that appears indicates a lack of manganese. The easiest way to help a flower in such cases is with the help of specially balanced complex fertilizers for flowers, for example Agricola or Uniflor.


The plant requires proper care. Lack of watering causes the geranium to dry out and the leaves turn yellow. Watering should be regular, but not excessive, so that the geranium does not dry out and its roots do not rot. In both cases, geranium leaves first turn yellow on the edges of their leaves, and then on their entire surface.

Video “How to grow indoor geraniums”

Yellow leaves are a sign of geranium disease

Geraniums are provided with normal conditions, but their leaves still turn yellow and dry out? Possible reason This could be a plant disease.

Root rot

If the roots of a flower begin to rot, this affects its leaves. They will change their color from green to yellow, then the yellowness will acquire a brownish tint, and a whitish coating may also appear.

In this case, it is best to get rid of the diseased plant. But if the disease has just begun, you can try to help the flower. The diseased plant should be isolated from others to prevent the spread of the disease. Damaged parts are removed. Be sure to check the soil drainage, and to prevent excess moisture from harming the roots, it is useful to add an artificial mineral - vermiculite or a special substrate component - perlite to the soil.

Gray rot

With gray rot, grayish spots appear on yellowing geranium leaves. In addition to the leaf, they are formed on the stems of the flower. In this case, treating the plant with a fungicide such as Fundazol or similar preparations helps.


Yellowing of the upper part of the geranium leaf occurs when the plant is damaged by rust. Its characteristic feature is also brown spots on the yellowed part. Manifestation of this fungal disease requires special treatment of the diseased specimen. Having removed and destroyed the diseased parts, the flower is placed separately from the others. The remedies used for rust include colloidal sulfur; its use will help the plant.

Ring spot

Light yellow round spots on the leaf, resembling a ring in shape, are a symptom of ring spot. An additional sign of the disease is further curling of the diseased leaf, slowing down of plant growth, and cessation of flowering. To combat the disease, damaged leaves are removed, and the geranium is treated with any fungicide.


An unhealthy type of plant, in which its yellowness becomes more and more noticeable; the leaf turns yellow gradually, first in its lower part, and then completely - a sign of verticillium wilt. With this wilting, yellowness spreads from the leaves to the stems of the flower, and if action is not taken, the plant may die. Adding a fungicide to the soil will help the geranium and stop it from wilting.

Flower pests

The appearance of yellowness can also be caused by the appearance of pests of geraniums.

Root mealybug

When the soil is over-moistened, a pest such as a root worm may appear in the roots of geraniums. Small yellow leaf, the cessation of normal growth and development of the plant is its manifestation. Harmful insects however, it cannot be seen on the soil surface. Therefore, to get rid of them, the diseased plant must be removed from the pot and completely freed from the soil, rinsed in water. Having carefully examined root system, roots damaged by scale insects are removed. Then the roots are immersed in hot water, dry them and treat them with charcoal. You cannot use the same soil for planting! The plant needs to be replanted using a special soil mixture.


Living in colonies, aphids can also cause geranium leaves to turn yellow and dry out. Seeing aphids on back side sheet, carry out machining plants and remove all leaves as well as buds. To prevent the reappearance of aphids, the flower is treated using the drug Fitoverm according to the instructions.

Having found out why the leaves of geraniums turn yellow, you can provide the plant with timely help, allowing the geranium all year round remain a symbol of your cozy home.

Geranium is grown not only for its beautiful leaves and inflorescences, but also because medicinal properties which she possesses. Despite its unpretentiousness, as a result of improper care it can get sick and very quickly turn from a flowering green plant into a dry bush. Let's figure out why geranium leaves turn yellow and dry, and also what to do about it.

What to do if the leaves dry out on geraniums?

If problems with leaf coloring appeared after you moved a flower pot or brought it from the street into the house. There is no need to panic; as soon as the begonia acclimatizes in a new place, everything will return to normal.

If a plant is infected with rust, its leaves begin to dry out with the appearance of brown spots. To save it, you should treat it with a 5% solution Bordeaux mixture. After 1-2 sprayings, the geranium should begin to sprout new green shoots.

The color of the leaves changes especially often if the watering regime of the flower is not organized correctly. If the lower leaves of a geranium dry from the edges, this means that it lacks moisture. The amount of watering should be increased or removed from direct sunlight. Remember that it does not like spraying or top watering. Therefore, even a plant suffering from a lack of moisture does not need to carry them out; it can only make things worse.

If there is excessive moisture, the leaves begin to dry out, on the contrary, from the top. Do not forget that in winter period Geraniums should not be watered as often as at other times of the year, as this can also cause yellowing.

Yellowing of leaves is also associated with fertilizing organic fertilizers, especially nitrogen. Indeed, this is so, therefore it is recommended to strictly adhere to the dosages indicated on the packaging of the drugs. Add frequently Only potassium-containing fertilizers are allowed.

If you notice yellowing in time, then by changing the care of the flower, you can return it to its usual color. All yellowed or damaged leaves must be cut off immediately, this will help avoid the death of the entire plant and give it a neater appearance.

To avoid problems with growing geraniums at home, you should immediately read the recommendations for caring for them when this color appears. It is necessary to be very careful when choosing a pot for it (so that it is not too small) and the location (light, but without direct rays hitting its leaves).

Geranium is a rather unpretentious plant, so it is often chosen by beginning gardeners who want to decorate their windowsill. In general, pelargonium is undemanding to living conditions - it is enough for it to provide standard care to achieve beautiful and bright buds.

However, in some cases the plant begins to “show its character” - its leaves turn yellow. This is becoming a cause of concern for amateurs indoor flower. As a rule, the cause is improper care at home.

Leaves on geraniums turn yellow at any time of the year for the following reasons:

  • Wrong pot. Similar problems arise when the plant is planted in a container that is too small, where the root system does not have enough space for normal development;
  • Overfeeding with nitrogen fertilizers. It is recommended to use fertilizer with a high nitrogen content only if geraniums need to be helped to quickly grow foliage. An excess of this component in the soil can negatively affect the condition of the flower and even destroy it;
  • Unregulated watering. Geranium loves moderate watering without excessive soil moisture. Frequent drying out of the substrate, as well as its soaking, will cause rotting of the root system, its death, yellowing of the leaves and even the death of the entire flower;
  • Lack of drainage. If there is no drainage layer at the bottom of the pot, if the soil is over-moistened, water will stagnate at the bottom of the container. Later this will affect the condition of the leaves - they will begin to change color to yellow;
  • Improper care in winter. In winter, geranium needs special conditions content - it does not tolerate drafts, high humidity, high temperature, especially if the flower is located next to the battery. The combination of all these factors with the onset of cold weather can first cause yellowing and then falling of the deciduous mass.

How to fix the problem at home

You can help geraniums with yellowed leaves by taking into account the reason that caused this condition. Timely intervention will help the plant adapt faster after suffering stress.

Transplant the geranium into another pot

At proper care For geraniums, it is recommended to change the substrate and pot every 2 years. If a young geranium seedling grows in a small container, or an adult flower has not been transplanted for a long time, then it is necessary to plant the plant in a container bigger size By following diagram:

  • Carefully remove the geranium from the old pot along with the earthen lump, being careful not to damage the roots;
  • Remove the substrate from the root system and carefully examine the roots. Then remove all damaged, dry or suspicious roots;
  • Take a container for replanting - it should be no more than 2 cm larger in volume (an overly spacious pot is also undesirable);
  • Place a drainage layer at the bottom of the pot using purchased expanded clay, red brick or small crushed stone;
  • Prepare the substrate using garden soil, humus and sand in a ratio of 2:1:1;
  • With absence drainage holes in a pot, do them yourself using a hot needle or knitting needle;
  • Place geranium roots in new pot, and fill all voids with earth;
  • Near the trunk, carefully compact the soil with your fingers, then water moderately.

After transplantation, the geranium is placed in a dark place for 2-3 days, and then placed on a well-lit windowsill.

Adjust watering and fertilizing

Geranium loves moderately moist soil, so watering should only be done if the top layer of the substrate dries out. It is also not recommended to allow the soil to dry out too much, since in this case the plant begins to experience stress. If such a situation does occur, you should moisten the soil in the pot abundantly, and drain the accumulated water in the pan, not allowing it to stagnate. If necessary, it is recommended to repeat the procedure after a few days.

In winter, watering is reduced, since moisture evaporation occurs more slowly in the cold season. If you continue to water the flower by analogy with in the summer time, you can provoke not only yellowing of the leaves, but also rotting of the roots.

You can remove the effects of overfeeding with nitrogen fertilizer by using regular iodine when watering geraniums. The solution is prepared according to the following scheme: in 1 liter of settled water room temperature add 1-2 drops of iodine.

To ensure that geranium receives all the necessary substances and components for development, it is better to feed it with complex liquid or dry fertilizer for flowering indoor plants (as in the photo). In this case, it is best to reduce the dosage by adding 2 times less composition than indicated by the manufacturer. It is optimal to fertilize in the spring once every 2 weeks, during active growth geraniums and buds.

Temperature and air humidification

In order for geranium to fully develop, it needs to be provided with the appropriate temperature at home. You need to place the flower on a windowsill where there are no drafts. It's best if it's south window, where the temperature in summer is kept at +18-20 degrees, and in winter does not fall below +13-14.

High temperatures cause accelerated evaporation of moisture through the leaves. From a lack of liquid, the leaves quickly turn yellow and begin to fall off. This situation is especially dangerous in winter, when a pot of geraniums is placed near a radiator - dry air begins to harm the flower, and it withers. If it is not possible to remove the geranium from the battery, you need to take care of humidifying the air using improvised means:

  • Place wet towels on the radiator;
  • Place trays with expanded clay filled with water next to the pot;
  • Place glasses or bottles of water on the windowsill.

How to prevent yellowing leaves at home

It is much easier to prevent yellowing of geranium leaves at home than to care for the affected flower later. Simple preventive measures are enough for this:

  • Provide geraniums with timely transplants;
  • Create suitable conditions for wintering (coolness and diffused light);
  • Ventilate the room regularly, avoiding drafts and cold air on the leaves;
  • Plant geraniums in loose and light soil enriched with nutrients.

If you properly care for pelargonium, it will not only be healthy and strong, but will also delight you with long, abundant flowering.

Geranium (pelargonium) is an unpretentious indoor flower,
which is grown by many gardeners.
This unique plant with decorative and medicinal
His beautiful flowers different colors are blooming
early spring and bloom until late autumn. Therefore it
loved by many gardeners.
Geranium growing in the house restores
positive energy, and bright and colorful flowers
simply mesmerizing. But, unfortunately, not always
Growing this flower is successful.
Why do geranium leaves turn yellow and what should be done?
in this situation is one of the most common problems,
which is found among flower growers.

Yellowing of geranium leaves - the main reasons

There are several reasons why pelargonium foliage loses its decorative effect:

Too much small pot. This flower likes to grow in a small container. Therefore, many gardeners plant the plant in a pot so small that the plant cannot fully develop. To solve this problem, the geranium needs to be transplanted into a larger container. If the plant is not properly cared for winter time of the year. In geranium, like most indoor flowers, in winter there comes a period of rest. It should not be exposed to drafts and should not be watered frequently. Ideal temperature maintenance in winter – 10-12 degrees. The plant is not recommended to be placed next to heating devices, which significantly reduce indoor air humidity. It is better to place it on a glassed-in balcony.

Improper watering and waterlogging. If a flower is planted in a container without drainage and is often watered, then the overflow of such a specimen is guaranteed. Such a plant stops blooming, its leaves turn yellow, then dry from the edge to the center and fall off. An excess of moisture can be indicated by rotten lower leaves on the plant. This situation can be corrected by systemic watering and frequent loosening soils will restore oxygen access to the roots. If watering is too poor. Many gardeners, afraid of overwatering the geranium, reduce its watering to a minimum. This causes the edges of the plant's leaves to dry out. Over time, all the foliage dries out and falls off. Pests appear. Geranium is very often affected by a fungus - rust. Its appearance is indicated by reddish or brown spots on the surface of the leaves. In addition, rust causes the leaves of the flower to dry out and fall off. What to do in this situation? Treatment of pelargonium is carried out using Bordeaux mixture. Excess nitrogen fertilizers. Any nutritional components must be added strictly according to the instructions. IN summer time For geraniums, it is recommended to use preparations containing potassium.

How to save geraniums from wilting?

With all this, geranium is considered an unpretentious indoor plant, which very easily takes root in any conditions. You just have to stick to some simple rules to care for her.

With the onset of warm weather sunny days geraniums can be taken outside provided they are protected from direct sunlight. It is worth remembering that lack of light is one of the reasons why geraniums do not bloom. The temperature in the summer is 17-20 degrees. This flower reacts very poorly to drafts. Ideal conditions plant growth - Fresh air with low humidity. In winter, pelargonium is placed in a cool room with a temperature of about 11-13 degrees, with a possible decrease to 9 degrees. At temperatures above 14 degrees, the likelihood that the plant will bloom in summer decreases.

As for watering, it is better to underwater this flower than to overwater it.

In the warm season, geraniums are watered as the top layer of soil dries; in winter, watering is reduced. In extreme heat, geranium leaves can be carefully washed with water so as not to touch the flowers, which fall off from the water.

Transplanting geraniums

This procedure is carried out every 3 years in the spring. To do this, you need to take a container one size larger than the previous one. Additional space contributes to the active growth of green mass and root system. True, such a plant will flower no earlier than in 2-3 years. Cover the bottom of the flowerpot with a drainage layer of pieces of broken brick, small pebbles or charcoal. On top we place a soil mixture of peat, garden soil and sand in equal parts. Soil for planting geraniums can be purchased at any flower shop.

90 days after transplantation, the first feeding of the flower is performed. Liquid ones are best mineral fertilizers or organic based mixtures. To obtain thick green mass, nitrogen-containing preparations are applied once every 10 days. To stimulate flowering, phosphorus-potassium fertilizers are applied.

If this plant is given the right and timely care, it will definitely bloom. Geranium flowering begins in April and lasts until mid-November. In order for pelargonium to bloom as long as possible, it needs to be given attention and proper care. To do this, it is often taken out into the fresh air, fertilized with preparations containing phosphorus every third week, and dried flower buds are removed to allow new ones to bloom.

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