How much timber 200x200 is needed for a house 10x10. We calculate the consumption of materials

Natural wood is regaining popularity as a building material. The construction of structures from profiled timber is free of a number of features that can lead to an increase in the cost of the process and its delay in time. There is no need to build an expensive foundation.

Performance construction process does not involve any difficulties. It can be implemented in a short time. High-precision manufacturing of the material allows the assembly of elements according to the principle of a conventional construction set. The tongue-and-groove pattern guarantees a tight fit of all parts of the structure to each other. This is one of the main advantages of timber construction.

Parameters of timber houses

The resulting structure has a high degree of strength and produces minimal settling. You won't have to wait long before you start. Finishing work and enter the house. There is no longer any need for façade cladding or decoration. internal surfaces. Natural wood itself looks great. Its proper processing special compounds allows you to give it improved parameters.

Determining the required amount of timber per house

If your plans include construction country cottage, you need to decide suitable materials. Profiled timber combines a lot of advantages, which is why it has gained popularity in the construction of housing. Naturalness, excellent thermal insulation parameters, ease of installation are just a short list of all the advantages of this building material. Having decided on it, you will need to correctly calculate the required amount of material. This will help protect yourself from unexpected expenses in the future.

Timber is usually sold in cubic meters. Sometimes you can find an indication of a piece price. Calculating the amount of material will allow you to get a rough idea of ​​the future costs of constructing a housing box.

You can only get an answer to the question of how many cubes of profiled timber you need per house through careful calculations. You need to take into account both the overall dimensions and the design specifics of the structure.

The simplest option is a one-story building. The perimeter of the home remains a constant characteristic. Then you should collect other parameters of the house and material in order to accurate calculation cubic capacity:

  • Height of the walls of the structure;
  • Material cross section;
  • Number of doors and windows.

Calculation one-story project building by cubic capacity is carried out by simply multiplying all values. Then window and door openings are taken into account to clarify the results obtained; if we take as a basis the width of two windows of 140 centimeters and the width of one door of 90 centimeters, we can proceed directly to the calculations.

The dimensions of the beams themselves are no less important. Typical material sections are usually 100 by 100 mm, 150 by 150 mm and 200 by 200 mm. As a rule, during the construction of houses, the latter option is used.

Formula for calculating the required number of timber per house

Let's take standard dimensions of timber with a width of 20 cm, a height of 20 cm and a length of 600 cm. Taking these parameters into account, calculations are made of the number of cubic meters of material for the construction of houses of the following areas:

  • 6 x 6 = 13 cubic meters;
  • 6 x 8 = 16 cubic meters;
  • 6 x 9 = 17 cubic meters;
  • 7 x 7 = 16 cubic meters;
  • 7 x 8 = 17 cubic meters;
  • 7 x 9 = 18 cubic meters;
  • 8 x 8 = 18 cubic meters;
  • 8 x 9 = 19 cubic meters;
  • 8 x 10 = 20 cubic meters;
  • 9 x 9 = 20 cubic meters;
  • 10 x 10 = 23 cubic meters;
  • 12 x 12 = 25 cubic meters.

How many cubes of profiled timber are needed per house depends on the dimensions of the future structure. You must first develop a detailed design and drawing of the home. The calculation principle itself required quantity materials are universal. Anyone can handle mathematical calculations.

The first step is to calculate the volume of all the walls in the building. The material for the floors between floors should also be taken into account. Then the size of the door and window openings is calculated and subtracted from the total volume of the walls.

There is also another method for calculating how many cubes of profiled timber are needed for a house. The required amount of material in jokes is preliminarily determined. The sum of all the lengths of each element for the arrangement of the first row of the building is calculated, and all internal partitions are taken into account. Next, the half-height of the structure is divided by the height of the beams. As a result, the total number of rows of elements in a timber house is determined. Then the calculation is done total number required material in pieces. The final stage - based on the cross-section of the timber, the number of cubic meters for the construction of the building is established.

Enough simple calculations provide the opportunity to calculate the required cubic capacity of material for the structure. There are a lot of nuances in this matter. Since the methods described above for determining the amount of timber per building are superficial. However general idea and it is quite possible to obtain approximate figures. Ultimately, it is possible to determine the amount of costs for the construction of a wooden structure.

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Our projects

1 100 000

Old price: RUB 1,155,000

Total area: 200.1 m 2

413 000

Old price: 435,000 rub.

Total area: 73 m 2

390 000

Old price: 410,000 rub.

Total area: 89.3 m 2

A house made of laminated veneer lumber is a rather expensive solution, especially when it comes to a building large area. Every future owner will face serious preliminary calculations, which will depend not only on the area of ​​the building, but also on other parameters.
Drawing up an estimate is one of the most serious steps in design, since if you incorrectly calculate your strength, it is very easy to turn the construction into a “long-term construction” that will remain unfinished. Where does design and calculation begin?

Calculation of the amount of timber for wall construction

A house made of laminated timber 10x10 meters can be built according to standard project: it can be one-story, two-story, or you can provide it with a spacious attic. Standard thickness timber used in middle lane Russia – 150x150 mm. This is enough to provide normal protection from the cold. Glued laminated timber is available in various cross-sectional sizes; you can consult with local builders regarding best option for the climate of a specific area. How much timber is needed for a 10x10 house? The calculation is carried out in several stages:
  • Determining the perimeter of the building. If you plan to build square house with a length of one wall of 10 meters, its perimeter will be 40 m.

The length of the partitions is added to this value if they are also planned to be made of timber. For example, if there are two main partitions in the house, you need to add another 20 m. In total, the required total length of the timber is 60 m.

  • Calculation of building height. Let's assume that it is being built one-story building, the floor height is 3 meters. To determine the total area of ​​the walls, you need to calculate 60 * 3 = 180 m2.
  • The area of ​​window and doorways. If there is no need to calculate an extremely precise amount, this stage can be neglected: the excess timber will still be used to create floor and ceiling joists, as well as to construct rafters.
  • Calculation of the final volume of timber required for construction: 180 sq. m must be multiplied by 0.15 m - this is the thickness of the timber. It turns out that you will need 27 cubic meters of timber. This amount is approximate, since you will have to additionally calculate how much material will be spent on the construction of the subfloor and beams ceiling, as well as how much it will be required for the construction of the roofing system.

Usually 3-5 cubic meters are added to the main estimated quantity: if the timber remains, it will be possible to find a use for it, and if there is not enough of it, you will have to stop construction and urgently buy additional material, which, moreover, may differ in quality.

Laminated timber is expensive, so every owner tries to save as much as possible. If necessary, you can calculate the exact number of units that will be required for construction, but manufacturers do not like to sell timber separately, and the order will still have to be rounded up to the whole number of cubic meters.

Design of a building made of laminated timber

The plan for a 10x10 laminated timber house can be found online, but it will still need some work. Ready plans reflect only the location of rooms, windows, doors and stairs, the owner will have to additionally resolve the issue of laying communications, ventilation ducts, and creating a sewerage system. It is important to correctly locate a house with a large area on the site so that the distance to the septic tank, bathhouse, fences and other objects complies with established sanitary standards. The site plan also includes the location of all additional buildings and adjacent objects. If you plan to additionally build a bathhouse, garage and other buildings from laminated veneer lumber, it is important to correctly calculate how much material will be required for each building.

When designing a building, it is necessary to take into account the needs of all family members: this concerns the arrangement of rooms, the choice of the type of staircase, the placement of bathrooms, of which there should be at least two in a large house. If children or elderly relatives will live in the house, it is not advisable to install spiral staircase: although she takes less space, it will be inconvenient for her to use. A regular flight of stairs has its advantages, but it will require long, strong railings with the necessary decorations.

The price of the house must also include finishing materials. A 10x10 laminated timber house can be left without wall decoration, but you should still take care to choose a quality one flooring and ceiling finishing. In addition, you need to decide in advance the issue of the size of windows and doors: you can choose standard options, or you can order frames made to special sizes.

What to consider when choosing laminated timber

Laminated timber is one of the most expensive wood materials, therefore, you need to take the choice responsibly. Both domestic and imported products are offered for sale, but Russian laminated veneer lumber is still significantly inferior in quality to Western ones. There are several important signs:
  1. The material must be accompanied by all documents. They should contain information about the manufacturer, the wood used and adhesives. If there are no documents, it is better to refuse the purchase immediately.
  2. The quality of the glue used to connect the slats. Eat international standard DIN EN 204 and the composition must comply with the regulations.
  3. Wood used. It can be one or several varieties; each option has its own advantages.
The reliability of the home depends on the correct choice, so it is better to purchase the most famous brands. However, here too there is a risk of encountering a fake. Poor-quality laminated veneer lumber may crack over time and will not meet many of the requirements for this material.

Construction big house made of laminated veneer lumber is an expensive project, and the most important exact calculations. This will avoid unnecessary costs and successfully complete construction.

Those who decided to build their own timber house, should prepare for the fact that they will also have to independently determine how much timber is needed for the intended purposes. And we are talking not only about the amount of material, but also about cubes. Only after all the necessary calculations have been carried out will it be possible to accurately predict the amount of costs for further construction, as well as the Consumables. Simple recommendations and professional advice will allow you to determine in more detail the number of 150x150 beams needed to assemble houses 6x6, 6x9, 8x8 and 10x10 m.

What will we talk about:

Correct estimation of the required quantity

First of all, you need to accurately determine the amount of timber 150x150. To do this, a thorough study of the drawing is carried out, as well as the design of the future structure, according to which the required amount of material is determined. With such an analysis, it is necessary to establish the number and dimensions of external walls, all partitions inside the space and the number of floors. Based on the data obtained, further calculations will be carried out for houses with dimensions of 6x6, 8x8, 6x9 and 10x10.

What size beams will be optimal for private construction?

Before determining how much timber is needed to build a residential building, it is worth once again taking a closer look at the possible varieties of this material.

The most suitable materials for construction are laminated and profiled timber, as in the photo. Both of these types have excellent quality and performance characteristics. As for the cross-section, they can be represented by the following indicators:

  • 100x150 mm,
  • 100x200 mm,
  • 100x100 mm and others.

In this case, the maximum cross section of such wooden product does not exceed 200x200 mm. For the construction of a private house, experts still recommend using 150x150 mm timber, which is the most practical, convenient and economical to use.

We calculate the amount of material correctly

After the type of material has been chosen, you can move on to solving the next problem - how much 150 by 150 timber is needed for a 10x10 m house. For these purposes, add up the entire length of the beams that will need to be used for laying the first row. In this case, it will be necessary to take into account all partitions and walls located inside. After calculating the material for the first crown, it is necessary to divide the height of the entire structure by the height of the beam. Such simple steps will allow you to determine the quantity in the structure of the rows, and then the number wooden material for their installation.

Detailed examples of calculations

To assemble, for example, a 6x9 building, which has a fifth wall and a height of 3 meters, from 150x150 beams, you will need to fold the perimeter of the walls. At the same time, we should not forget about the fifth wall, which has a width of 6 m. Thus, when summed up, we get 36 linear meters. Next, the resulting figure of 36 must be multiplied by a height of 3 m, which results in 108 sq.m. To convert this indicator to cubic, we multiply it by 0.15.

However, not only the question of how much timber is needed for a house is relevant. Carrying out the construction of a private wooden structure, its owners need to consider the following important points:

  • Correct assembly. A layer of roofing felt or roofing felt is first laid on a pre-prepared foundation (if necessary, other types can be used waterproofing materials). Next, you can begin installing embedded boards, which must be treated with an antiseptic. It is thanks to them that the first crown of the house will be reliably protected from negative external influences.

  • Selecting the angular mating of the material. IN in this case There may be several options: assembly using dowels, in half a tree, as well as ligation with a root tenon. To check the corners, you need to use twine, which is stretched diagonally between the corners.
  • To secure each subsequent row, you need to use wooden dowels or dowels. After drilling the holes (their diameter should be several millimeters larger than the dowels themselves), the beams will be able to slide freely during shrinkage, thus eliminating the occurrence of cracks between the rows.

Thanks to all the recommendations, you can not only determine how much timber is needed for a house with a cross-section of 150x150, but also carry out competent assembly of the entire wooden structure. As a result, such a house, no matter what its dimensions, will be able to last for more than a dozen years. A warm and comfortable atmosphere will always reign in such a home, which is another undeniable argument in favor of wooden houses.

Online calculator for profiled and laminated timber designed to calculate the quantity and volume of lumber for the construction of houses, bathhouses and other buildings. The amount of inter-crown insulation, dowels, crowns, cost and anti-corrosion impregnation is automatically calculated based on the average value. For more accurate calculations, be sure to contact specialists in your region.

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To understand the advantages and disadvantages of profiled timber compared to laminated veneer lumber, you should start with the basic concepts about the production of both.

Profiled timber is made from trees coniferous species. In most cases, it has standard section dimensions:

  • 100x100 mm is best suited for building a bathhouse or summer country house
  • 150x150 mm suitable for a good home
  • 200x200 mm for the construction of large wooden houses or cottages

If desired, you can individually order timber of a different section. The appearance of the timber can be either with a straight front side or with a D-shaped one. A log of the required thickness is processed on planing and milling machines, after which it is ground on the required sides. The side of the beam that will be located inside the future house and may not require further finishing is usually subjected to high-quality sanding. For convenience and reliability of installation of a log house and for protection from cold and moisture, the profile most often comes with 1 or 2 tenons for a lightweight structure or a “comb” for a residential building. The finished log house must shrink for further completion of construction, usually this period is about 1 year. To reduce this period to several months, you can dry the timber in advance in special chambers.

To produce laminated veneer lumber, logs are sawn into boards, they are also called “lamellas”. The boards are cut and laid in drying chamber, where the soft drying process produces material with a moisture content of about 10%. Then the boards are planed again until required sizes, sorted, and then glued into timber using a hydraulic press. For gluing, special waterproof adhesive compositions are used. To make laminated timber resistant to rotting and significantly increase its strength, the boards are laid in a special way - each is laid opposite to the cross-section of the fibers of the neighboring one.

When assessing the strength of materials, it should be recognized best performance on laminated timber.

In profiled wood, during the production process, the outer, stronger part of the wood is cut off to give the desired shape. Glued laminated timber, due to the previously described method of laying boards and gluing them on a hydraulic press, is more durable. As many people know, larch is the most durable and rot-resistant, but also the most expensive among conifers. Making profiled timber from it significantly increases the cost of construction. When producing laminated veneer lumber, it is possible to lay an external larch lamella before gluing, which has a slight effect on the increase in price.

When comparing the moisture content of the material and the shrinkage time, it has already been noted that laminated veneer lumber has a moisture content of about 10% and, accordingly, a short shrinkage time, which makes it possible to reduce the construction period of a house. Profiled timber has the natural moisture content of wood, and even drying it can reduce the moisture content only to 20%, so shrinkage cannot be avoided. When comparing shrinkage periods, we must not forget the fact that solid material, due to its greater massiveness, is practically not susceptible to cracking, but on laminated veneer lumber there is a possibility of small cracks occurring.

Because of technological features each type of timber may have different overall dimensions. The profile usually has a length of up to 6 meters, and a cross-section of 100x100, 150x150 and 200x200 mm. Manufacturing timber of a different section size (for example, with a step every 10 mm) can increase the amount of waste, which cannot but affect the price. The length of laminated veneer lumber can reach 12 meters, and the cross-section is usually made from 80 to 280 mm.

In terms of cost, solid timber is almost 2 times cheaper due to the less complex manufacturing process.

But taking into account only the cost of the finished log house, do not forget that finishing for facades when using laminated veneer lumber may not be required, and comparing them in price is a stretch. Everything will depend on the material chosen for finishing the house, its quantity and cost.

About environmental friendliness, profiled timber is not just a favorite, but rather a champion, preserving all the beneficial properties of such an excellent material as natural wood. For processing, you may only need special mixtures to protect against fire and rot, which the owner of the house can choose. In the production of laminated veneer lumber, adhesive compositions can be used, which are divided into several groups according to the degree of danger, and it is not a fact that the manufacturer did not decide to save on the cost of the glue.

In conclusion, we can say that each of the 2 types of timber considered has its own undoubted advantages when small quantity shortcomings. And only the owner can decide what material to build the house from in order to continue living in it.

Further presented full list calculations performed with a brief description of each item. If you haven't found the answer to your question, you can contact us via feedback.

General information on the calculation results

  • About the total volume of timber
  • - Estimated amount of lumber in cubic meters.
  • About total wall area
  • - Square outside walls Corresponds to the area of ​​the required insulation, if provided for by the project.
  • About total weight
  • - Weight of timber excluding insulation.
  • Number of crowns
  • - Number of rows of timber in one wall. Depends on the height of the walls and the size of the material used. Excluding gables.
  • Quantity of roll insulation for all crowns
  • - Equal to the total length of all beams.
  • Diameter and number of dowels in 1.5 meter increments
  • - This calculation is suitable only for lightly loaded timber buildings. For critical buildings, the calculation of dowels must be carried out by specialists in your region.
  • Amount of impregnation on both sides
  • - The calculated amount of protective impregnation of medium grades, covering the external and internal surfaces of all walls.
  • Approximate shrinkage (4%) of profiled timber
  • - Approximate shrinkage of walls made of profiled timber after 1 year, with an initial humidity of 20%. - Load without taking into account the weight of the roof and ceilings, with support on the entire surface lower crown. This parameter is required to select strength characteristics foundation.

More and more city dwellers are seeking to change their place of residence, moving closer to nature. Many, for example, try to purchase a plot of land in the suburbs and build there small house, in which you can live all year round, enjoying the silence and beauty of the scenery outside the window.

According to statistics, they are increasingly used as building materials. natural materials, which, in particular, include different kinds timber and logs. Each of these materials has its own distinctive features, but if specialists must build a house from rounded logs and timber, then erecting walls from profiled timber is much easier, and almost everyone can handle it.

The photo shows a house made of timber.

This optimism can be explained by the fact that modern designs timber, widely used in the construction of wooden houses, have special grooves, so-called profiles, which facilitate the construction of walls.

And the fact that new developments by technologists make it possible to obtain timber of almost any size, and at the same time save wood consumption, makes this material one of the most popular in private construction. The use of glued and profiled timber will allow even a novice builder to build cottage with your own hands in a short period of time.

Advice. Before starting construction, you should go through a series of necessary procedures, which include obtaining documents for land plot and permission to build your house.

Selecting a project

Photo – project of a house made of timber.

Once the documents for the site have been completed and all formalities have been completed, it is time to begin choosing a house project made from timber and logs. Looking through various drawings published in magazines dedicated to the construction of cottages, you will notice that the most popular house size is 10x10 meters. Such dimensions allow you to make maximum use of the internal space, allocating sufficient area for each room.

The project of a house made of 7x10 timber is more suitable for a small family and will fit perfectly into a plot of land limited by footage on one side. Although total area there are a little fewer such houses, however, having built even one-story cottage, you can place in it everything you need for comfortable life premises, while building up a narrow part of their site.

If your plot is quite large and you are not short on funds, perhaps you should opt for a house project made from 10 x 12 timber. Such an area will not only allow you to plan the necessary interior spaces, but also make them spacious enough. For example, instead of small room you can allocate space for a spacious living room, in which you will not only welcome guests, but also spend time with your family.

As you can see, in most cases the choice of project depends only on your capabilities. But even if you find a project that is larger or smaller than those you expect, then with the help of specialists it can always be replanned taking into account your areas and volumes.

We calculate the consumption of materials

The photo shows a house project made from 10x10 timber.

Before purchasing materials and proceeding directly to building a house, it is necessary to accurately calculate their quantity. If the consumption of concrete for laying a foundation depends entirely on its type, then the number of purchased logs or timber directly depends on their size.

Looking through the price lists of companies or enterprises involved in the sale of lumber, you will probably find advertisements like: timber for sale 15 by 15 by 10 by 15. This means that, regardless of the length of this beam, its cross-section is 15x15 cm or 10x15 cm.

When using dry profiled timber 15x15, the thickness of the walls of your house will be 15 cm, and the wall will be raised by the same amount with each laid crown. If the size is 10x15 cm, then at your discretion you can either make the thickness of the walls equal to 10 cm or 15 cm. But if the timber has profile grooves, then laying should be done only according to their location.

Beam section

Beam length

Project of a house made of 10x10 timber

The photo shows a drawing, the basis for calculating the consumption of materials.

The most popular construction wooden house from timber 10 by 10. This is explained not only by the sufficient size of the material to ensure comfortable accommodation in the house at any time of the year, but also by the weight of each beam.

Even a six-meter 10 by 10 block can be independently raised to any height and built a house without the use of additional mechanisms or devices. Moreover, its price can be significantly lower than for a size of 15 by 15 or 10 by 15.

  • measure the total length of all walls, partitions and partitions;
  • by adding these values, you will get the length of the timber that will be used for each level;
  • Next, you must divide the total height of the walls by the thickness of the timber, and as a result you will get the number of belt levels that you need to lay to build a house;
  • Now all that remains is to multiply the number of belts by the total length of the timber laid in each of them, and you will get the total length of the timber necessary for the construction of your house.

Calculation of a house made of 10x10 timber

The photo shows a house project.

As an example, let's calculate the amount of timber for a 10 by 10 house, the height of the walls will be three meters. Let's say that inside there are three walls measuring 5 meters each.

Thus we get:

  • 10*4 (the size of the perimeter of the house) + 5*3 (the length of the internal walls) = 40+15 = 55 m of timber will go to one belt of the house;
  • 300 (wall height) : 10 (beam thickness) = 30 belts will need to be laid to raise the walls to the desired height;
  • 30 (number of belts) * 55 m (length of each belt) = 1650 m of timber measuring 10x10 will be needed to build your house.

Let’s say that a 10x10 profiled beam, the length of which is 6 meters, is sold on a lumber base. Then the total quantity of timber purchased will be equal to:
1650m: 6m = 275 pieces.

Experienced craftsmen always buy more building materials than they estimate, since it is not always possible to accurately meet the measurements. Therefore, buy 2-3 more timber and negotiate with the sellers about the possibility of selling the extra ones, if you have any left.

Thus, we have accurately calculated how much timber is needed for a 10 by 10 house and now we can place an order for its delivery to the construction site.

We build a house from timber


Photo – foundation of the house.

Before starting each construction, the site must be carefully prepared. To do this, all debris is removed from it, and the plane of the site is leveled and made strictly horizontal.

The choice of foundation type depends on the number of storeys of the house.

  1. If you will not build above one floor, then pile or columnar foundation completely suitable for this type of construction.
  2. If the soil is excessively moist and significant movement is possible, especially during seasonal temperature changes, then you are better off opting for a slab foundation. He is reinforced concrete slab base, which is poured from reinforced concrete on the site of the future house, and its thickness should not be less than 50 cm.
  3. Even though the lower edge of the slab may be above the soil freezing level, its interseasonal movements will not cause harm to either the foundation or the house itself.
  4. If the soil has normal moisture, and at the same time you are going to build a house with more than one storey, then the choice is in favor strip foundation will be the most justified. Lay it 30–40 cm below the frost line, reinforce it with an iron rod 14–18 mm thick, and such a foundation will last for many years.

Any of these grounds making the right choice and manufacturing copes well with the tasks assigned to it. However, if you have never built a foundation before, you will need instructions to lay it correctly.


Photo - construction of walls from timber.

The construction of walls made of profiled timber can begin without preliminary preparation. Corner connections must be made either by a “connection with the remainder” or by the “corner” type of connection. The timber is connected to each other using wooden dowels, the diameter of which can be from 2 cm to 3 cm.

Since the beam has a horizontal connection, it is possible that moisture accumulates in the grooves, and as a result, the formation of fungus. Therefore, it is necessary to carefully lay each groove with one of the insulation materials, which can be doubled tow, hemp, felt, or, in extreme cases, dried moss.

The most common way corner connections timber is considered a connection of half a tree. It consists of removing half the thickness of the beam at the joints. After the last belt of timber has been laid, you can proceed to the construction of the roof.


Photo of the roof truss system.

Choosing the type of roof is actually not as simple as it might seem at first glance. If you used 10 x 10 timber to build the walls, then the roof covering should not only be reliable, but also blend organically with the walls of the house.

In modern private construction, several types of roof coverings are used:

  • multi-colored corrugated sheeting;
  • traditional slate;
  • metal tiles;
  • seam roofing;
  • corrubite;
  • ondulin;
  • ceramic tiles;
  • soft roof;
  • rolled profile.

As can be seen from this list, the range of roofing materials is quite wide, and the difficulty of choosing lies only in your financial capabilities, and in the choice of color and type of roofing.

But regardless of the appearance of the roof, rafter system must be reliable, professionally executed, and have at least 2 slopes. The angle of inclination of the slopes must be sufficient to ensure that water and snow do not linger on the roof, leading to overloading of the rafters or leakage of the coating.


Building a house from timber yourself is not very difficult, especially according to a ready-made, proven project. For more information about this, watch the video in this article.

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How much timber do you need for a 10 x 10 house?

Even before the construction of any building begins, it is necessary to decide on the choice of building material and calculate its total volume. You also need to draw up an estimate and a detailed plan for construction work.

At this time, in the construction of private houses, timber is the most widely used building material. Depending on the location of the timber in the structure being built, lumber is selected different sizes and sections.

An example of calculating the amount of material required for the construction of a building made of timber measuring 10 by 10 meters

The primary task is to accurately measure the overall dimensions of the future structure and determine the location of the internal walls. Summing up these measurements, we will obtain the final volume of building material needed to build our house.

Photo finished house from timber 10 by 10

Since we will use timber blanks of different lengths to build a house, we will first decide on their quantity and linear dimensions. Next, carefully sort them by length. The next stage is actually the calculation required quantity lumber.

An example of calculating a house made of timber 3.5 meters high with internal walls.

On specific example Let's calculate how many cubes of timber are needed for a house 10 by 10. The height of the house is 3.5 meters. Inside the house there are two walls 6 meters long, which enclose one of the future rooms, and there will also be another wall 4 meters long.

How many cubes of timber are needed for a 10 by 10 house calculator:

The perimeter of the structure is 4X10 = 40 meters. Internal walls– 12+4=16 meters. In total, one belt of our house will need 56 meters (40+16). The height according to the project is 3.5 meters, that is, 350 cm. We divide this result by the cross-section of the beam (10 cm), the resulting value (35) is the number of belts of our future house. Let's proceed to the final stage of calculation: 1 belt is 56 meters, the number of belts is 35, a total of 56X35 = 1960 meters of timber per house.

An example of a log house

Let's say we want to use larch beams 6 meters long to build a house. In this case, the required amount of timber will be 326.66 (1960/6). Therefore, we need to purchase at least 326 pieces.

Calculator for calculating timber for building a house video

Conclusion - timber is worth buying with a reserve.

Of course, during construction work, unforeseen situations may occur, such as accidental defects in work, inaccurate measurements, and so on. Experienced builders advise always purchasing material in reserve. Therefore, when calculating the volume of lumber, you should always focus on large quantity their consumption. Therefore, a few additional pieces of timber will not be ruinous for the budget. But such a safety net will help to avoid problems with excessive consumption of material and will also shorten the duration of the work itself.

So we calculated how much timber is needed for a 10 by 10 house. Of course, the construction of each specific object has its own characteristics, but in general, the calculation of lumber consumption is identical to that given in the article. We hope you found this article helpful. Happy construction.

How many cubes of profiled timber do you need per house?

Natural wood is regaining popularity as a building material. The construction of structures from profiled timber is free of a number of features that can lead to an increase in the cost of the process and its delay in time. There is no need to build an expensive foundation.

The construction process does not involve any difficulties. It can be implemented in a short time. High-precision manufacturing of the material allows the assembly of elements according to the principle of a conventional construction set. The tongue-and-groove pattern guarantees a tight fit of all parts of the structure to each other. This is one of the main advantages of timber construction.

Parameters of timber houses

The resulting structure has a high degree of strength and produces minimal settling. You won't have to wait long before starting finishing work and moving into the house. There is also no need to cladding the facade or decorating internal surfaces. Natural wood itself looks great. Its proper treatment with special compounds allows it to be given improved parameters.

Determining the required amount of timber per house

If your plans include building a country cottage, you need to decide on suitable materials. Profiled timber combines a lot of advantages, which is why it has gained popularity in the construction of housing. Naturalness, excellent thermal insulation parameters, ease of installation are just a short list of all the advantages of this building material. Having decided on it, you will need to correctly calculate the required amount of material. This will help protect yourself from unexpected expenses in the future.

Timber is usually sold in cubic meters. Sometimes you can find an indication of a piece price. Calculating the amount of material will allow you to get a rough idea of ​​the future costs of constructing a housing box.

You can only get an answer to the question of how many cubes of profiled timber you need per house through careful calculations. You need to take into account both the overall dimensions and the design specifics of the structure.

The simplest option is a one-story building. The perimeter of the home remains a constant characteristic. Then you should collect other parameters of the house and material in order to accurately calculate the cubic capacity:

  • Height of the walls of the structure;
  • Material cross section;
  • Number of doors and windows.

The calculation of a one-story building design by cubic capacity is carried out by simply multiplying all values. Then window and door openings are taken into account to clarify the results obtained; if we take as a basis the width of two windows of 140 centimeters and the width of one door of 90 centimeters, we can proceed directly to the calculations.

The dimensions of the beams themselves are no less important. Typical material sections are usually 100 by 100 mm, 150 by 150 mm and 200 by 200 mm. As a rule, during the construction of houses, the latter option is used.

Formula for calculating the required number of timber per house

Let's take standard dimensions of timber with a width of 20 cm, a height of 20 cm and a length of 600 cm. Taking these parameters into account, calculations are made of the number of cubic meters of material for the construction of houses of the following areas:

  • 6 x 6 = 13 cubic meters;
  • 6 x 8 = 16 cubic meters;
  • 6 x 9 = 17 cubic meters;
  • 7 x 7 = 16 cubic meters;
  • 7 x 8 = 17 cubic meters;
  • 7 x 9 = 18 cubic meters;
  • 8 x 8 = 18 cubic meters;
  • 8 x 9 = 19 cubic meters;
  • 8 x 10 = 20 cubic meters;
  • 9 x 9 = 20 cubic meters;
  • 10 x 10 = 23 cubic meters;
  • 12 x 12 = 25 cubic meters.

How many cubes of profiled timber are needed per house depends on the dimensions of the future structure. You must first develop a detailed design and drawing of the home. The very principle of calculating the required amount of materials is universal. Anyone can handle mathematical calculations.

The first step is to calculate the volume of all the walls in the building. The material for the floors between floors should also be taken into account. Then the size of the door and window openings is calculated and subtracted from the total volume of the walls.

There is also another method for calculating how many cubes of profiled timber are needed for a house. The required amount of material in jokes is preliminarily determined. The sum of all the lengths of each element for the arrangement of the first row of the building is calculated, and all internal partitions are taken into account. Next, the half-height of the structure is divided by the height of the beams. As a result, the total number of rows of elements in a timber house is determined. Then the total number of required material in pieces is calculated. The final stage - based on the cross-section of the timber, the number of cubic meters for the construction of the building is established.

Quite simple calculations make it possible to calculate the required cubic capacity of material for a structure. There are a lot of nuances in this matter. Since the methods described above for determining the amount of timber per building are superficial. However, it is quite possible to get a general idea and approximate figures. Ultimately, it is possible to determine the amount of costs for the construction of a wooden structure.

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How much timber is needed for a house: 10 by 10, 6 by 6

Regardless of whether you are going to build a wooden cottage with your own hands or have entrusted this task to a certain company, you should calculate in advance how many cubes of timber you will need per house. To do this, you need to know the basic characteristics of the material that need to be taken into account.

House made of timber

What will we talk about:

Determining the amount of material

All calculations described are indicative, since exact values can be found out only on the basis of a specific plan for the future structure. The number of cubes of timber for a building of 10 by 10 m and 6 by 6 m is calculated as follows:

  • first the perimeter of the walls is determined;
  • then it is multiplied by the height of one floor, and the resulting figure is multiplied by the thickness of the material;
  • the result is the number of cubes for one floor.

In the case where the partitions are made of the same material, they are also calculated and added to the resulting number.

How much timber in one cubic meter

Calculations allow you not only to determine the number of cubes, but also to find out how many pieces are needed for construction. To do this, you only need to define two parameters. The first of these is the number of cubic meters, and the second is the volume of one product. Dividing one by the other, you get the desired figure.

Experienced builders can find out, without calculating numbers, how many pieces there are in a cubic meter of timber of a certain section. As an example, you can take a 150x150 product. With a length of 6 meters in one cubic meter there will be 7.4 pieces. Other meanings are also common:

  • 100x100 – 16.6;
  • 100x200 – 8.3;
  • 150x300 – 3.7;
  • 200x200 – 4.1.

Most owners of future buildings choose the 150x150 section.

Thickness and width

Parameters such as thickness and width of the material also have great importance. When building a 10 by 10 structure for one season, unplaned timber with a section of 100x100 is usually used. To build a house for permanent residence, you need to choose profiled material 150x150 or more, as in the photo.

To reduce costs, you can use high-quality thermal insulation instead of increasing the thickness of the walls. It will not only save on expensive material, but also more effectively maintain the temperature in the room. When purchasing timber, it is very important to check all the specified characteristics, because some sellers provide material that is smaller in size than stated.

House estimate

To be sure of the accuracy of costs and find out how many cubes of timber are needed for a 6x8 house, which is built from material with a cross-section of 150x150, you need to order an estimate with all the characteristics. By selecting several companies and receiving from them a document for the same building, you can determine whether the estimate has been drawn up accurately. Some companies whose activities are based on the construction of houses provide a list of works and materials free of charge.

Frame partitions

Determining the volume of material for internal partitions is somewhat different, since it has a smaller cross-section and is used only as a frame. If plasterboard is used, then the distance between the frame elements will be 40 cm, and for plywood you can leave 60. In both cases, the cross-section of the beam will be 50x50.

If we take as a basis a partition 5 m long and 2.8 high with a step of 60 cm, then we can calculate how much material is needed:

  1. First, the upper and lower bars are considered, which will have the same length (5 m).
  2. Next, you need to calculate the same value for the remaining elements of the frame. The result will be 32.4 m.
  3. After this, an adjustment is made for cutting the timber.
  4. Finally, the data is calculated. Based on the fact that there are about 400 linear meters in one cubic meter, the volume of timber for the partition will be approximately 0.093.

External walls and rafters

To determine the volume of the external walls of a 6 by 6 building, for example, a simple method is used that uses knowledge of basic geometry. First, the total area of ​​all walls is calculated. To do this, you need to multiply the height of the wall by its length. Next, you should calculate the area of ​​​​all openings in the building and subtract this figure from the one obtained earlier.

After this, the found figure is multiplied by the thickness of the external walls of the house made of timber. This method can be used when constructing a room of several sizes (6 by 6, 10 by 10 or 6 by 8 m). All this must be done only after a detailed plan has been drawn up, in which all dimensions are indicated. After all, it is these numbers that you will start from when performing computational operations.

In order for the roof to be stable, it is necessary to correctly calculate the amount of timber needed for supports. For a house 10 by 10 (as well as for buildings 6 by 6 and 6 by 8 m), it is necessary to calculate the length of the rafters, which will converge at an angle of 45 degrees. To do this, it is enough to apply the simplest geometric formulas. Having determined the length of a separate part of the rafter system, you should multiply it by the number of all similar elements.

Having calculated the number of linear meters, it is easy to convert them into cubic meters. But when making calculations, you should remember that the length of the rafters is not equal to the distance from the ridge of the roof to the wall, because they fall below this level.

instructions for calculating cubic meters of material (photo and video)

This article is devoted to solving practical problems in calculating some parameters of the future cottage. How to calculate how much timber is needed for a house? How to calculate the load on the foundation? These questions inevitably arise during the construction process.

Let's try to find answers.

Construction begins with calculations and measurements.

Volume and section

We will have to divide the task into several components:

It is worth clarifying: the floor of the first floor does not necessarily have to be laid on wooden beams.
A monolithic slab foundation is an expensive but worth considering solution for unstable soils.

  • Calculation of the rafter system. Let’s say right away: its design can vary greatly depending on the shape of the roof. We will look at one of the simplest options.
  • Calculation of the amount of material for external walls.
  • Estimation of the amount of timber for internal partitions. Note: most often they are frame structures; Partitions built from profiled timber inside the house are required only if the beams need additional support.

We will move forward in this order.


Typical thickness of the genitals and ceiling beams- 100x150 millimeters with a step between them of 0.8 - 1 meter. The beams cut into the crowns in a vertical position: in this case, their maximum rigidity is ensured in relation to the load directed along the gravity vector.

The floor beams are embedded in the first crown.

  1. The quantity for each overlap is determined simple division the length of the house per step between the beams, subtracting one. So, for a house measuring 6x10 meters with a step between beams of 90 cm, you will need 10 / 0.9 - 1 = 10 beams.
  2. With a beam length of 6 meters (which is the same as the standard beam length), you will need 6 x 10 = 60 linear meters.

However, lumber is usually sold in cubic meters. How to calculate the cubes of a beam, knowing its cross-section and length? It’s as easy as shelling pears: multiply them, after first converting all values ​​into meters. In our case, for a material with a cross-section of 100x150 mm, the volume with a length of 60 meters is 0.1 * 0.15 * 60 = 0.9 m3.


Let's assume the roof slope is 45 degrees; rafter spacing - 60 centimeters; their material is timber with a cross-section of 50x150 millimeters.

Captain Obviousness suggests: the thicker the rafters, the smaller their cross-section can be under constant load.
By the way, about the load: with an increase in the roof slope, the maximum mass of snow that can accumulate on the roof decreases, but its windage increases.
Practical conclusion: in snowy regions it is better to make the roof with a large slope, in windy regions - with a smaller one.

The rafter system itself in our case is designed extremely simply: two rafter legs converge above the middle of the house and are fixed by a longitudinal girder - a beam of the same section, connecting the vertices of the triangles along longitudinal axis Houses.

In the photo - straight rafters gable roof, not connected by the run.

  1. The run located along the axis of the house will obviously be ten meters high, like the structure itself.
  2. With a roof slope of 45 degrees, calculating the length of the rafter legs comes down to calculating the length of the legs of an isosceles right triangle with a known hypotenuse (it is equal, recall, to the diameter of the house - 6 meters). The sum of the squares of the legs is equal to the square of the hypotenuse. Solving a simple equation, we get the length rafter leg at 4.24 meters. This means that each triangle will require 8.5 meters of timber.
  3. The total number of triangles forming the roof ridge is 10 / 0.6 - 1 = 16 (rounded to big side to an integer value). In total, the total length of the rafters will be 8.5 x 16 = 136 meters. By adding the run, we get 146 linear meters of 50x150 timber.
  4. We already know how to calculate how much timber is in a cube. Let's convert the molding into cubic meters: 146 x 0.05 x 0.15 = 1.095 m3.

In practice, it is better to multiply the calculated amount of timber by about 1.3 times. Why?

Because in previous calculations we deliberately neglected a number of factors.

  • With a rafter leg length of 4.24 meters, we will have a lot of scraps left. Yes, they can be used; but when building up, sections of the rafters will overlap as the length decreases.
  • To protect the walls from precipitation, the roof protrudes beyond their limits, forming overhangs. The actual length of the rafter leg will be slightly greater than the value we calculated.
  • Even in an ideal case, some amount of material will end up as scraps.

Exterior walls

Let us clarify: to calculate external walls and load-bearing partitions made of timber, the same simple calculation method is used.
In a separate section we will consider only the manufacture of a frame partition.

Actually, the instructions in this case also come down to solving a number of simple geometric problems.

  1. Representing walls, pediments and partitions in the form of simple geometric shapes, we calculate their area.

When calculating, you will have to remember some formulas.

  1. We calculate the area of ​​all openings and subtract it from the previously obtained value.
  2. By multiplying the area of ​​the walls by their thickness, we obtain the total volume of timber required for this part of the construction.
  3. We have already found out how to calculate how much timber is in a cube. If during procurement you need to convert cubic capacity into linear meters or into the number of products of a fixed length, you only need to multiply their number per cubic meter by the total volume of material.

Let's solve a small problem practical problem. How to calculate timber for a bathhouse measuring 6x4 meters with a wall height of 2500 millimeters?

Let's agree that:

  1. We are building a bathhouse from timber with a cross-section of 200x200 millimeters.
  2. The roof is a simple pitched one, with a minimal slope. This is very easy to build with your own hands without complex rafter calculations.
  3. There is one transverse in the bathhouse internal partition from solid timber the same section. In this case, we do not need strength, but maximum thermal insulation of the steam room from the colder dressing room.
  4. The size of the entrance door is 200x90, the door to the steam room is 180x80 cm, the window in the steam room is 40x30 cm, the two windows in the dressing room are 80x120 cm each.

Let's start with the calculations.

  • The total length of the walls and partition is 6 + 6 + 4 + 4 + 4 = 24 meters.
  • Their total area excluding openings is 24 x 2.5 = 60 m2.
  • Openings will reduce this area by (2 x 0.9) + (1.8 x 0.8) + (0.4 x 0.3) + 2 x (0.8 x 1.2) = 1.8 + 1 .44 + 0.12 + 1.92 = 5.28 m2. There will be 60 - 5.28 = 54.72 m2 left.
  • With a wall thickness of 20 cm, the volume of the walls will be approximately 11 m3 (54.72 x 0.2). Taking into account the margin for trimming (in general, it is taken equal to 15 percent), we should purchase at least 12.5 cubic meters.
  • There are 25 linear meters of timber of a given section in a cube (1 / (0.2*0.2)). With a length of one product of 6 meters, 12.5 cubes correspond to 12.5 x (25 / 6) = 52 pieces.

Compact one-story bathhouse.

Frame partitions

It all depends on its design. A typical solution is a frame made of a bar with a cross-section of 50x50 millimeters in increments of 40 cm for plasterboard sheathing and 60 cm for plywood covering. Frame - vertical; From below and above, along the entire length of the partition, there is a strapping - a longitudinal beam of the same section.

Useful: the price of drywall is noticeably lower; however, if the walls made of timber are covered on the inside only with varnish, it will look somewhat alien.
But varnished plywood will fit perfectly into general concept wooden house.

The lack of length of the bar in this case does not pose any problems: it is easily spliced ​​with a simple half-tree connection.

Let's calculate the consumption of the bar for a solid interior partition 5 meters wide and 2.8 meters high.

Sheathing material - plywood; Accordingly, the step between the vertical frame elements will be 0.6 meters.

  • The upper and lower longitudinal bars will have a total length of 5 + 5 = 10 meters.
  • The number of vertical bars 2.8 meters long is 5 / 0.6 - 1 = 8 (rounded up to the nearest whole number). Their total length is 2.8 x 8 = 22.4 meters; taking into account the longitudinal bars, we will need 22.4 + 10 = 32.4 linear meters.
  • Let’s not forget to make allowances for cutting the timber: 32.4 x 1.15 = 37.26 meters.
  • In a cube with a cross section of 50x50 mm 1 / (0.05 x 0.05) = 400 linear meters.
  • 37.26 linear meters will be 37.26 x 0.05 x 0.05 = 0.09315 m3.

If the partition height is high, the racks can be connected by horizontal crossbars.


We learned how to solve various problems regarding how to calculate a cube of timber. However, no less has escaped our attention. important problem- calculation of the load on the foundation. Let us hasten to correct this misunderstanding.

Why is this necessary?

Of course, to calculate the foundation itself for a timber house.

Since relatively light houses made of timber are usually built on light foundations - screw, columnar and strip, during construction it is necessary to solve a couple of typical problems:

  • Calculate the area of ​​the foundation with the known mass of the house and bearing capacity soil.
  • Calculate the number of screw piles given the known mass of the house and the load-bearing capacity of one pile.

Reference values

How to estimate the weight of a house? It's not easy to weigh it, isn't it?

The task will be simplified for us by an observation made long ago: if the design of the building is more or less balanced (that is, for example, reinforced concrete floors do not lie on walls made of sip panels), the maximum load on the foundation is approximately twice the total mass of the walls.

We learned how to calculate the volume of walls. It is clear that to calculate the mass we lack a mere trifle: reference values ​​for the density of wood of popular species.

In order not to bother the reader with searching for reference books, we present them.

Please note: the wood density is given at a moisture content of no more than 18%.
The so-called timber natural humidity can be much more damp and, accordingly, have much greater density.

A device for measuring wood moisture.

  • Siberian fir - 390 kg/m3.
  • Cedar - 420 kg/m3.
  • Spruce - 450 kg/m3.
  • Pine - 520 kg/m3.
  • Cypress - 600 kg/m3.
  • Birch - 650 kg/m3.
  • Cherry, larch - 660 kg/m3.
  • Beech - 680 kg/m3.
  • Oak - 690 kg/m3.
  • Ash - 750 kg/m3.

The most popular are cheap spruce and pine; golden mean between durability and cheapness - cedar. Oak timber is extremely resistant to adverse factors external environment; however, making it from it will cost the annual budget of a small African state.


A simple calculator looks like this:

Beam section

150x150 mm. 180x180 mm. 200x200 mm.

Beam length

5 m.6 m.7 m.8 m.9 m.10 m.11 m.12 m.

Calculation example

The floor height is 3 meters, the wall material is oak timber with a section of 150x150 mm.

  • The area of ​​the walls of a two-story house is (10 x 4) x 6 = 240 m2. We will neglect openings and pediments: firstly, the reduction in area due to openings partly compensates for its increase in pediments, and secondly, the errors will still be too large.
  • The volume of timber in the walls is 240 x 0.15 = 36 cubic meters.
  • The mass of the external walls at a density of 690 kg/m3 is equal to 690 x 36 = 24840 kg.
  • The total mass of the entire structure can thus be roughly estimated at 50,000 kg.
  • The minimum number of piles will be 50,000 / 1,500 = 34. In practice, it is better to increase their number by 30%: in this way, we will be safe from overloading the roof in a snowy winter, from local soil subsidence and other unaccounted factors.

The mass of snow accumulating on the roof can amount to tons.


As you can see, the calculations are not particularly difficult. The video in this article contains helpful information on this topic, see. Good luck in construction!

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Timber 10 - Help me calculate how many cubes of timber are needed for a 10x12 two-story house. - 22 answers

Beam 10 10

In chapter Construction and repair to the question Help me calculate how many cubes of timber are needed for a 10x12 two-story house. given by the author luxury the best answer is You select a beam, calculate its cubic capacity (one beam (for example 6.00 x 0.15 x 0.15). You calculate the cubic capacity of the walls, where:
– perimeter 10 + 12 + 10 + 12=44 linear meters.
– building height
– wall thickness (in the version with timber 150x150) = 0.15 meters. You multiply 44 x 3 x 0.15 = 19.8 (cubic capacity of a house box without partitions)
Then you divide 19.8 by the cubic capacity of one timber (0.9225 m3). You get the required cubic capacity of the timber + 10% for trimmings, jambs, theft of builders (NEGLENTS).
Total: for a 10x12 house box you will need 150x150mm timber—21.46 (21.5 m3)+10%
21.5 x 7 (number of timber in one cube) = 151 pcs. About 170 pcs will be required.

Answer from 22 answers[guru]

Hello! Here is a selection of topics with answers to your question: Help me calculate how many cubes of timber are needed for a 10x12 two-story house.

Answer from Legal awareness[active]
useful site with various construction calculations link

Answer from Eurovision[guru]
Let the computer count:

Answer from Lotos live[active]
Without a project, it's nonsense. At least the construction designer will give you a picture.
By production processes glued, profiled, locks. Each has its own standards and price range. From such materials, either a chicken coop is made on site, or the product is made in a workshop and sent to the finished foundation.
residential complex project ( reinforced concrete structures) also provides options for geological and load standards.
The box is on average 20% of the cost of the house. It is more practical for seasonal or year-round use.
This is how it is done. We got a piece of land. Do you understand that:
The project (required - the estimate assumes a cost of up to a ruble) - costs 10 euros per m2. (2 floors - 15 euros / m2 on the floor)
Turnkey box only:
From round timber pine - from 150 per cube, or cedar from 500 (does not require insulation)
From cylindrical logs – from 150 (the protective layer is removed)
From a carriage from 450 (the facade does not require insulation)
From laminated timber from 400 (does not require insulation)
Made from profiled timber 200 – dry (huts)
Dry designer – from 350
Budget options for seasonal cooking: frame and frame-panel houses. The minimum configuration is 100 m2 of floor space.
from block from 30 per cubic meter
bricks from 60 cubic meters
You need more cubes for round timber - 2 times!

Answer from Satisfaction[guru]
perimeter – (10+12)*2=44 m, + one load-bearing wall inside the box = 56 m floor height with all construction “allowances” – 3 m, total -56*6=336 m2, minus 6 windows 2*1.5= 18 m2, loss perimeter 336-18 = 318 m2.... beam thickness 10?15? let's say 15 cm...
then 318 * 0.15 = 47.4 m3... about that... multiply by 1.1 = 52.5 m3 - this is for scraps and all sorts of little things

Answer from Dmitriy[guru]
what kind of timber, what is the height of the ceilings of the first and second floors, what are the gables made of????

Answer from 2 answers[guru]

Hello! Here are more topics with the answers you need:

Answer the question:

instructions for calculating material for a specific project (photo and video)

Wooden houses have been built in Rus' from time immemorial. And even with the advent of more reliable materials, the love for such houses only intensifies. So, since you are reading this article, then, apparently, you have already decided on the material for the future construction.

And since you have already made a decision, we will tell you how much 150x150 timber is in 1m3 and help you calculate how much 150x150 timber is needed for a 6x6 or other size house.

The beams we are interested in are 150x150, stacked

Timber: its parameters, types, pros and cons

Timber house, immediately after completion of construction

You can't clearly decide what kind of house you want to build? Well, we will try to explain to you what advantages and disadvantages timber has, what types it comes in and how the price of such buildings varies accordingly. (see also the article Choosing which is better - timber or log)

Types of timber

  1. Unprofiled array. He is shown in the photo below.

Wall made of non-profiled beams

As you can see, this material does not have profiling grooves that make laying easier. However, its price tempts many. Well, you can try to lay it even with your own hands. But be prepared for some difficulties.

The fact is that saving on material will lead to additional work. Non-profiled beams are prone to severe cracking during shrinkage, and their very shape does not allow them to be laid perfectly flat.

Do not repair uneven areas immediately after construction! Wait until drying is complete, and only after a year repair all cracks and uneven areas.

Also be prepared for additional expenses on finishing, both internal and external. Such a house without proper finishing is not at all pleasing to the eye.

  1. Profiled array. See photo below.

Wall made of profiled beams

This material, unlike the previous one, is equipped with special grooves, which allows you to speed up the laying and save on thermal insulation. The beams fit very tightly, and even the use of seals is not strictly necessary. (see also the article Insulated timber - sandwich technology in action)

Again, the cost will pleasantly surprise you; it will not seriously exceed the cost of non-profiled timber.

Choose your material carefully. Be sure to find a well-dried one, otherwise there will be too much shrinkage.

Another advantage of this material is its excellent ability to “breathe”.

  1. Glued profiled timber. Picture below.

Corner made of laminated veneer lumber

The most expensive of all those described above, the cost is 2.5-3 times higher.

However, it cannot be said that the price is taken out of thin air.

  • Firstly, such timber is laid without a seal, with almost no gaps. The construction speed is the highest.
  • Secondly, it is made from the highest quality wood, using harmless antiseptics and adhesive mixtures.
  • Thirdly, its shrinkage is so insignificant that it is often not taken into account. And the appearance of the building itself is so attractive that there is no need to decorate it with anything.

How much timber is in a cubic meter, and what is its weight?

Let us immediately stipulate that timber can be made from various wood species, and the degree of drying is also not always the same.

  • Therefore, it is worth clarifying that we are talking about pine timber, which grows in central Russia. So that you understand, for example, Siberian pine weighs an order of magnitude more due to its denser structure, and its price is much higher.
  • In addition, it should be mentioned that in this question we cannot talk about a reference weight, so we use the average. Experienced way it was found that freshly cut pine and processed into lumber weighs 820-860 kg per cubic meter. We will rely on the maximum figure.

Unloading timber 150x150: not an easy task

Now let's move on to our main question. Many people ask how much a 150x150 beam weighs, meaning one beam standard sizes 150x150x6000.

Let's count:

  1. let's find out how many beams are in 1 cubic meter: 1: 0.15: 0.15: 6 = 7.4 beams in 1 cubic meter;
  2. 860:7.4=116.2 kg – the weight of one beam of given dimensions.

Calculation of timber consumption for a specific project

Once again, we need to cover a few details. We will not take the roof into account, since it can be made using various technologies, and it is impossible to calculate the material consumption without knowing the specific project.

The height of the building can also vary. Let's say we are dealing with a one-story log house with a ceiling height of 2.7 meters.

Besides, of course, you cannot build a house without load-bearing walls. In our calculation, only the “box” of the building is taken into account, without them, because in each project they are located differently. (see also the article How projects of houses and cottages are created from timber)

So, the calculation:

  • first of all, we find out the perimeter of the building: 10x4 = 40 meters;
  • Next, we need to find out the area of ​​the walls: 40x2.7 = 108 square meters;
  • then, you need to find out the volume of the walls: 108x0.15 = 16.2 cubic meters of timber needed for the “box” of the building.

Let us remind you that you should always take the material in reserve, because errors, defects or other troubles are possible. In addition, the walls of our house are longer than standard beams, which again can lead to errors. So for such a house you should purchase approximately 20 cubic meters of timber.

Let's sum it up

Let's hope that the instructions provided will help you correctly calculate the material consumption and choose the most suitable one.

Trying to tell you as much as possible about the parameters and calculations of the material, we did not pay enough attention to the construction process itself. Spend a few minutes watching the video in this article and you will see that even non-professionals can do it.

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