Skeleton of a multi-gable roof for a block house. DIY multi-gable roof

Among the various types of roofs, the multi-gable structure is rightfully considered the most beautiful and at the same time difficult to implement. It came to our country from Europe, where people have long had a love for square houses and buildings with a lot of corners. The sophisticated rafter system of a multi-gable roof is erected on structures with complex layouts, and is also an excellent solution for organizing additional lighting in attics.

Advantages and Disadvantages

Those developers who prefer minimalism and practicality are unlikely to appreciate the complex broken lines of such an expensive roof, especially since its main function is similar to more modest single-level models. Aesthetes and connoisseurs of sophistication, for whom decorative characteristics are no less important than functional ones, on the contrary, use every opportunity to arrange such an architectural composition in their home.

Construction of a multi-gable roof is an expensive and time-consuming process.

Although a simpler roofing system can be built with equal success, it would be a mistake to think that a roof with many gables has only one advantage - a beautiful design, this is not entirely true. Apart from the outstanding decorative features, this design has a number of positive aspects, namely:

  • A long operational period, achieved by the balance of the rafter system, thanks to which the roof is able to withstand an impressive load.
  • The ability to plan additional space inside the house through an attic or attic space where you can equip a gym, billiard room or greenhouse.
  • Practicality expressed in the natural removal of sediment. Due to the presence of inclined surfaces (sometimes their slope reaches 90 degrees), snow and rainwater, as well as fallen leaves, branches and other debris do not linger on the roof surface and are independently drained from it.

For construction, it is better to hire a team of professional roofers

If we talk about the disadvantages of the property in question, they are rather arbitrary, because for wealthy homeowners these disadvantages will not be significant. As you understand, we are talking about the high cost of the project, high costs for materials and high wages for the construction team due to the complexity of the work. It is not in vain that we mentioned the need to involve highly professional specialists in the construction of a multi-component roof, because constructing it with your own hands without the appropriate qualifications is difficult and very risky. If you are confident in your abilities and have all the practical skills in this area, you can safely begin to implement your plans.

Main elements of the external structure

The tongs form the base of the roof slopes

So, all the pros and cons have been weighed, there is confidence in your intellectual and physical capabilities, which means you are ready to carry out a complex process with your own hands. The simplest design option with multiple gables is considered to be the combination into a single whole of a pair of gable structures intersecting at right angles in the form of a cross (at the top projection).

Now let's move on to the terms denoting individual sections of the roof:

  • forceps, in the language of professionals, is nothing more than the tops of a wall without a cornice (as opposed to a pediment), forming the basis for two roof slopes;
  • valley– the junction of two planes, forming an internal angle;
  • edge- an outer corner formed at the junction of two slopes. Carpenters call the horizontal top edge a ridge.

Please note that special attention is paid to valleys, because they must cope with high loads caused by the accumulation of precipitation. Even the slightest miscalculations in this area are fraught with leaks and, as a result, premature destruction of the roof.

Rafter system

The rafter system of a multi-gable roof is assembled from many mandatory elements, which are installed in a strictly defined, verified order, and this is its main complexity.

The basis of the system is:

  • rafters (sloping and hanging);
  • Mauerlat;
  • beams.

The slightest violation of construction technology, as a rule, results in serious troubles, the elimination of which, even if possible, inevitably entails a significant waste of time and financial costs. We immediately draw the attention of people who decide to master the construction stages with their own hands to the fact that this complex structure may require a combination of hanging and inclined rafters.

In practice, for the manufacture of rafters, dried and treated with fire retardants and antiseptics are used beams of the same cross-section as the Mauerlat (150 x 150 mm or 100 x 150 mm), which, in turn, evenly distributes the load from the roof to the walls of the house. The upper parts of the rafters are connected by a ridge purlin. It is very important to maintain optimal wood moisture content (maximum 20%).

Stages of the construction process

To install a multi-gable roof with your own hands, you will need a work plan, from which it is strictly not recommended to deviate. Now let's move on to the construction stages:

When installing such a complex roof with your own hands, do not forget that the attic will require additional insulation, otherwise it cannot be used as a living space. Mineral fiber (basalt or glass wool) is best suited for such purposes. If you neglect this rule, you may encounter an accumulation of condensation in the under-roof area, which will lead to rotting of the wood from which the roof structure is assembled.

There are a large number of types of roofs that are built for a particular building. The multi-gable roof is considered the most complex in design and installation. Despite this, she is very attractive and truly decorates the house, for which she is in demand among “wealthy” people. This design is erected on houses with a square or polygonal shape, and on those to which rooms are attached above or below the main building. It is also installed in attics that require special lighting, and in houses with complex layouts.

The main advantage of a multi-gable roof is its beautiful design. It is capable of covering several rooms with one level. In general, this roof does not perform any useful functions, “working” primarily on the architectural style of the building. In another way it is called a tent or hip, and the slopes are called hips. Currently, the most common are half-hip roofs and two-level roofs.

Multi-gable roof design

It consists of three main elements that distinguish it from others: gables, a large number of valleys, pediments and grooves. It is a pitched structure with inclined roof surfaces to the outer walls, which ensures natural drainage of rain and melt water.

The gable is the upper section of the wall, bounded by two roof slopes. However, it is not separated in the lower part by a cornice, unlike gables. The valley is a structural element that represents internal corners at the joints. Any gable roof consists of planes resting on the wall at the same level. At the ends they are limited by pediments or gables.

Square houses with multi-gable roofs look beautiful

A fairly important part of the roof - the valley - during operation takes on the largest part of atmospheric precipitation; rainwater and snow accumulate in it. Therefore, during construction work, it needs to be given close attention, otherwise it will “suffer” from leaks.

The next element of the roof is the rib. It is formed as a result of the connection of slopes and is an outer corner. An example of a rib is the place where two slopes on a quadrangular roof are connected.

Doing a multi-gable roof with your own hands is quite an expensive undertaking, primarily due to the large amount of materials that are spent on the rafter system and roof due to its complex geometric shape. After completion of the work, a lot of waste is generated, especially if metal tiles are used for the roof. You should not build a multi-gable roof yourself without thorough knowledge in this area. It is better to turn to professionals, because the construction of such a complex structure is not without nuances.

Endova. Atmospheric precipitation converges and drains from it, so special attention must be paid to its design.

The rafter system of a multi-gable roof is also not so simple, since it often combines layered and hanging rafters, so the calculation of their cross-section and the installation of stiffening elements must be done especially carefully.

The simplest version of a multi-gable roof is two gable structures connected at right angles. When viewed from above, this structure will look like a cross-shaped figure. Most often, several parts of a building may contain gable structures combined into a single whole. They are what give the building its quaint appearance.

The main elements of the rafter system are the mauerlat, rafters and beams:

  • Mauerlat redistributes the load from the roof to the walls. It is made of timber with a length of 1000 - 1500 mm and a section of 150x150 or 100x150 mm. To prevent the forces from the rafters from pushing the walls apart, the Mauerlat must be firmly attached to the reinforced belt, which is erected during the construction of the walls. After this, the rafter legs are installed.
  • For rafters, beams of the same cross-section are used as for the mauerlat. They can be inclined or hanging, depending on the presence or absence of additional supports.
  • A ridge is made from the beams, which connects the upper parts of the rafters. Sometimes it is necessary to install additional intermediate runs.

Construction of a multi-gable roof gable

Step-by-step instructions for constructing the structure

During construction, the following steps must be taken:

  1. First you need to correctly measure the dimensions of the house. All calculations will be easier for professionals. It will be difficult for a person who does not have experience in the construction of such complex structures to navigate the position of purlins, Mauerlats, etc., so the control and advice of an experienced builder will come in handy.
  2. Calculate the length and cross-section of the rafters. They are made from coniferous trees. Wood moisture content should be no more than 20%.
  3. Then you need to arrange the remaining elements: stops, skates and valleys.
  4. Install the Mauerlat around the perimeter of the wall.
  5. Secure the rafters to the mauerlat using cuts or nails.
  6. At the end, the installation of sheathing, waterproofing of the roof covering, heat and vapor barrier is carried out. Which lathing to choose, in what increments, depends on the roofing material. For soft coverings, it is necessary to choose a continuous flooring, and for profiled metal coverings or hard roofing materials, the lathing is sparse.

A multi-gable roof must have high-quality vapor barrier and waterproofing

The waterproofing film is laid in strips perpendicular to the direction of the slope. An overlap of at least 15 cm is made, in addition, the joints must be sealed with connecting tapes. Much attention should be paid to valleys, since they are the least reliable place on the roof and take on the largest amount of water.

The choice of roof inclination angle depends on climatic conditions, material and architectural features of the building. Sometimes this figure can reach 90 degrees.

During the construction of a multi-gable roof, by default, the presence of attic space for the attic is provided. Therefore, the roof should be well insulated. Also, excess moisture should not penetrate into it.

The insulation should be based on mineral fiber, for example, basalt or glass. These substances have a soft structure, which allows you to insulate hard-to-reach areas of the roof. The insulation prevents the formation of cold zones that contribute to the appearance of strong condensation. Moisture that accumulates in the under-roof area worsens thermal insulation and leads to rotting of wooden elements.

For attic rooms, additional slopes, the same valleys and ribs, as well as rafters and sheathing are required

The presence of an attic in the house allows you to significantly expand the usable space. When arranging it, it is worth remembering about ventilation. It is for the attic that it is needed even more than for other residential premises. Traditional types of roll waterproofing (like glassine or roofing felt) do not provide long service life, durability and environmental friendliness. Therefore, membrane-type materials are now becoming increasingly common, which increase the thickness of the insulation to the entire height of the rafters and significantly reduce heat loss in the attic floor.

Deciding on a price category

Before constructing a multi-gable roof, the issue of price stands apart. After all, this is not only the most difficult option for constructing a roof, but also the most costly due to the large amount of work and expensive materials, which are required in large quantities. This design can cost half as much as another type of roof. It is worth paying attention to the fact that considerable loads will be placed on the rafter system, so you should buy only high-quality beams.

The installation of such a roof will cost at least half as much as another type of roof.

If you build such a roof, you will have a large space at your disposal that you can use as you wish. For example, with the help of this roofing wonderful upper rooms and attics are made. Since the angle of the roof is very large, all precipitation quickly rolls off it.

Key Findings

So, as you already understand, building a multi-gable roof is not an easy task. However, if you approach it professionally, then in the end you can get a real “candy house” in which it is a pleasure to be. In the photo, a multi-gable roof looks very attractive, but in real life it looks even more impressive if you approach its arrangement creatively.

The multi-gable roof combines an attractive appearance and complex installation

The only drawback is that the price of the necessary materials, tools, and roofing services is quite high, which is why this roof is not very popular. Basically, our houses can boast only a gable roof or varieties of a hipped roof. However, the attractive appearance and the presence of space for an attic make a multi-gable roof an excellent option for a private home.

Before you decide to build such a roof, think carefully - are you ready to fork out money in the name of beauty? This roof does not provide any particular benefit, but it also has no serious disadvantages.

For those who are planning to build a house and want to turn it into a real work of art, a multi-gable roof will allow you to realize the most original fantasies in this matter. Multi-gable roofs of houses quickly won the hearts of those who love something sophisticated and have enough finance, because this type of roof is not a cheap pleasure.

Multi-gable roof - advantages and disadvantages

You can often hear that this type of roof is used exclusively in the construction of square houses, but this is a myth. Sometimes all sorts of rooms are added to a house, and it takes on an awkward shape. In this case, a multi-gable roof completely transforms the appearance of the house - it looks very impressive!

As for reliability, the multi-gable roof structure is very strong, but only if the installation of the rafter system is carried out correctly. If you are not a specialist, then it is better to turn to experienced builders.

There is a lot of space under a multi-gable roof; you can make a spacious attic or equip a luxurious attic; often this is why such a roof is built to provide good lighting.

Important: when erecting a multi-gable roof, you cannot equip the entire room as residential - you need to select a part in which there will be a ventilated room, separate from the heated one.

The disadvantages include:

Expensive. Wasteful consumption of wood, you need to constantly cut, trim, and as a result, some of the material is simply thrown away. The rafter system of a multi-gable roof is difficult to install; accordingly, craftsmen charge a substantial amount for the work.

High risk of leaks. A special feature of such a roof is its many slopes, and the places where they intersect are called endoves - the most vulnerable places of the roof. Large flows of water pass through there, and if you do not pay attention to the high-quality insulation of these joints, then at the first opportunity they will leak.

Elements of a multi-gable roof

The rafter system of a multi-gable roof is the same as that of other roofs - a mauerlat, rafter legs, a ridge, grooves for water drainage, sheathing and a larger number of inclined ribs with additional racks. All this is fastened together with metal fasteners.

The difference from a standard roof is the presence of ends, grooves, many ribs and slopes.

It was said above about endovs - these are depressions that are formed at the junction of slopes, they are also grooves. The ribs are also the joints of two slopes, but they go outward rather than inward. It is in these elements that all the “sweetness” lies, because it is they that form the gables and the numerous hips (slopes), giving the roof such a special look.

Types of multi-gable roofs

In architectural terms, a hip roof can be given the most elaborate look. This is where you can show your imagination and surprise with the unusual shape.

Multi-gable roofs are the most popular type. Despite the fact that this design requires careful fastening with proper load distribution. Pointed corners give the structure rigor and laconic completeness. Any country house with such a roof looks rich and original.

Half-hip gable roofing is also a fairly common type. Installation is a little easier. A characteristic feature of this type is “smooth” corners. The roof looks smooth and elegant, somewhat reminiscent of a tent. It is only at first glance that it seems more modest than the previous type, but if you approach its construction creatively, it can turn out unusually beautiful.

Rafter system

To put it simply, the rafter system of a multi-gable roof is two gable roofs that are connected to each other at an angle of 90 degrees.

Due to the large weight and complexity of the structure, both types of rafter systems are used in the design of such a roof - hanging and layered, and also create

multi-gable roof diagram

A few words about how to build a multi-gable roof with your own hands:

    Rafters 150x50 mm are attached to a Mauerlat with a cross-section of 150x150 mm and a length of 1.5 m.

    The rafters are fastened at the top with a ridge of the required section, then the structure is strengthened by installing intermediate purlins.

    Since in this design there are places where two roofs are connected, additional rafters need to be made there in order to attach the eaves to them.

multi-gable roof - drawing

    When all the racks and fastenings are in place, you need to lay a layer of waterproofing film.

    The lathing is made from boards measuring 32x100 mm. You can use 50x50 bars.

Important: before installing the rafter system, you need to correctly calculate the slope of the slopes and the load on the rafters so that the structure is strong. It is advisable to have a specialist do this. In addition, the climatic location is important - if a lot of precipitation is expected, then the slope of the hips should be maximum so that water and snow do not linger. You need to take care of the endovs - remove snow and debris from them.

Be that as it may, experts do not recommend starting to build a multi-gable roof yourself. If only because the material will cost you a pretty penny and it will be a shame if it doesn’t work out. Of course, the craftsmen will also take a lot, but in the end you will be pleased with the beauty and reliability of the architectural masterpiece.


In the case when the “box” of the walls of the house has a complex configuration with various extensions, or the project involves the installation of dormer windows and remote or recessed balconies on the roof, as a rule, a multi-gable roof rafter system is selected, which has a very complex design.

Such roofs differ from standard ones in the presence of several gables, of which there may be three or more. In addition, the multi-gable rafter system includes several sections in its design, thanks to which the house will look more presentable, especially in cases where a finish is selected for the facade of the building that matches the architectural style decision.

Basic principles of multi-gable roof design

The multi-gable rafter system has a structure that consists of individual slopes interconnected. The upper part of the wall of the building's departments, bounded on both sides by slopes, is called a gable (or pediment, if this section is separated from the wall of the house). Therefore, a roof that has not two gables (gables), but several, is called multi-gable.

Depending on the design features and the number of such sections of the rafter system, roofs can be three-gable, four-gable and even more complex.

This diagram shows the most commonly used design options for these complex structures. Moreover, as you can see, various sections of one roof can be either ordinary gable or.

Installation of a multi-gable roof is quite complicated and requires considerable costs for purchasing materials, since more of them will always be required than for a conventional system. And the point is not only that such roofs have a larger total area - the complex configuration leads to the fact that when cutting the roofing material, a large number of scraps remain.

The complexity of constructing the structure leads to the high cost of the work, so most often such options are chosen for arranging respectable mansions, somewhat reminiscent of ancient castles.

However, in various, sometimes somewhat simplified, versions, multi-gable roofs have become widely used on quite “modest” country houses.

Architects, designers, and builders endow this type of roof with the following positive characteristics:

  • High load-bearing capacity and structural strength.
  • Due to the fact that the multi-gable rafter system is designed taking into account heavy loads, it is highly resistant to external influences, such as sudden gusts of wind or the pressure of large masses of snow.
  • As a rule, the slopes of these types of roofs have a large slope, which makes them easy to maintain, since they do not retain debris, snow and rain flows. Thanks to these qualities, roof repairs are carried out much less frequently.
  • Multi-gable roofs have a high ridge, so it is quite possible to arrange living rooms in the space that is formed under them, which is not always possible to do under traditional roofs.

Let us turn to the basic principles of constructing multi-gable roofs.

As you know, rafter systems can be layered or hanging, and in a multi-gable structure both options can be used at once. For example, a layered system is installed above the main building, if it has a large area and has capital partitions inside, and a hanging system is installed above small compartments.

If the building is square or rectangular and it is planned to install a multi-gable roof on it, then it is recommended to provide additional support for it in the form of a load-bearing partition wall inside the house. This is due to the heavy weight of this type of roof.

This figure shows the main elements that are characteristic of this roofing structure. Please note that both conventional gable and hip schemes can be used at the same time.

1 – Roof slopes - there are always more of them in a multi-gable roof than in a traditional one and they can differ in their structure, area, and angle of steepness.

2 – Ridge – this element will also be presented “in several copies”, since it is impossible to do without it when constructing each of the roof sections.

3 – Ribs are the outward-protruding corners of the intersection of the roofing planes. As a rule, they are usually found on mansard or hip roofs.

4 – Pediment or gable – the number of these elements may vary, depending on the complexity of the roof

5 – The front board frames each of the roofing gables, covering the end edges of the roofing covering.

6 – The valley is the internal corner of the roof, formed along the line of junction of different sections of the structure. This element will also serve as a kind of channel for water drainage.

7 – The eaves overhang runs along the lower edge of the roof. It is covered at the ends with a wind board, and along the edge there is a drip line to drain moisture from under the roofing into the gutter.

8 – An apron installed around chimney and ventilation pipes to prevent water from penetrating under the roof in passage areas.

Perhaps the simplest multi-gable rafter structure with a remote viewing window is shown in the diagram. However, it should be noted that more complex options with two or more built-in departments consist of the same parts, only more of them will be required.

The article will tell you about the types and design of gable and multi-gable roofs. You will learn about design differences, advantages, disadvantages, as well as calculation features and stages of installation of multi-gable roofs, which is carried out in a certain order.


Basic Design Principles

A multi-gable roof is a system of rafters with slopes that are interconnected. The name spitz or pediment is used, but only if the area is separated from the wall of the building. If a wall has several gables or pediments, then it is multi-gable.

The number of tongs is not limited. But most often designs consist of two, three or four systems. The purpose of the tongs varies.

The installation process itself is complex and costly due to the design features and the amount of materials required.


Multi-gable roofs are a common choice for those home owners who can afford to build a building somewhat similar to a castle. But over time, it became possible to use simpler designs for the construction of tongs in budget country houses.

Design and installation of gable roofs

The upper part of the building, which is limited by two slopes, is called a gable. The complexity of the design directly depends on the number of slopes crossed.


A gable roof is the most popular option in the construction of residential buildings. Its advantages include the following points:

    some options diagrams of corners for connection;

    under the roof there may be a used attic or a residential attic;

    duration service life directly depends on the materials used;

    ease of installation, repair, reconstruction;

    inclination angle, thanks to which rainwater and melted snow are effectively drained.

The supporting frame of a gable roof is built from rafters or trusses. The first is used in most residential buildings.


The second is during the construction of a building with a large area, where there will be a high operational load.

Rafters in a gable roof can be hanging or layered. The former do not direct the load onto the supporting structure due to the lack of support. The second type of rafters has a support - a purlin installed on vertical posts.

Hanging rafters are used to create a usable attic or attic. Layered - to enhance the strength of the structure when heavy roofing material is used or significant snow loads are expected.

A roof truss is a structure that uses straight members and hinged joints to avoid bending loads. The truss allows you to reduce the weight of the frame, increase spans and reduce material costs. Sometimes the structure is assembled on the ground and then raised up. This improves build quality and speeds up the installation process.

Hip roof

A hip roof appears as a result of the intersection of gable structures.

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Because of this additional design element, two simple systems form the technological complexity of a multi-gable roof. Difficulties arise in the calculations and installation of parts for a multi-gable roof. If the inner corner has flaws, this can lead to leaks and damage to the integrity of the coating.

Other types of gable roofs

Multi-gable roofs make it possible to combine different types of structures. In this case, all crossed slopes can have dormer windows.

A gable roof is the best option when constructing single-story buildings with a large area.


If the building is made in the shape of the letters “P”, “G”, “T”, then in this case only a multi-gable roof can be used. Hip slopes are an effective option for getting rid of gables.

Pros and cons of multi-gable roofs


    external view;

    opportunity use in complex projects;

    duration operational period;

    can be used in homes from any materials;

    does not accumulate snow;

    space under the roof can be rationally used;

    diversity architectural solutions;

    effective drainage.

The multi-pitched roof has the following flaws:

    the drainage system must be branched;

    high material consumption;

    high price due to the need to use additional elements in large quantities;

    can only be used some from roofing coverings;

    competent approach to design and installation.

How are the dimensions of a multi-gable roof calculated?

The complexity of the calculation process will depend entirely on the individual elements of the project.


Experts break down the entire project into simple figures to make calculations easier.

How is the calculation carried out?

A three-gable roof is used in the calculations. The calculation begins by determining the height of the ridge, which depends on the width of the building or extension and the angle of the slope. If a problem with another unknown is being solved, then the slope angle is first determined.

When determining the length of the slanted rafter leg, there are some features.


The red line is the hypotenuse, and the blue (the length of the rafters of the main building) and green (1/2 the width of the extension) are the legs. Calculations are carried out using the Pythagorean theorem.

Calculation of the length of the sloped valley rafter leg

To determine the length of the hip roof extensions, use a calculator for calculating hip roof extensions. The calculation procedure in both cases is identical, only the direction of installation of the spigots changes.

If the rafters additionally perform the functions of a cornice overhang, then the length of the leg increases. To do this, use a calculator to calculate the elongation of the rafters to form the eaves overhang. In some cases, experts resort to using lengthening fillies, but for them it is also necessary to calculate the required length.

Next, the cross-section of the rafters is determined, which completely depends on the loads imposed on the roof. To correctly calculate the cross-section, additional support elements for the rafter legs are placed. The appropriate calculator is used: calculation of a certain unloading on the legs.


To purchase the correct amount of required materials, the roof area is calculated. The total area includes:

    a couple rectangular slopes without taking into account the triangle layered with rafters along the line of the valleys;

    a couple trapezoidal stingrays

Main types of connecting nodes

The large number of different types of multi-gable roofs does not allow defining a single system for installation. Connection methods can be simple or complex.

The beginning of the construction of a multi-gable roof truss system begins with laying and securing the Mauerlat to the concrete base. There are 3 types of fastenings:

    Used embedded pin with thread. The distance between the studs is approximately 70-80 cm. Holes for further fastening are drilled in the timber, 1-2 mm larger in diameter than the studs themselves.


    Smooth steel wire. The method is divided into two possible options. The first is laid across the beam, which eliminates the need to drill holes. The beam is attracted by wire to the concrete. The second is that the segments are mounted along the wall, and the ends extend above the formwork. This will require drilling holes so the ends can be threaded through the timber and twisted.

    Using staples. There are several bracket configurations on the market. Models differ from each other in the fastening element. Some are attached to the sides or wall using prepared anchors or holes. This method of fastening is the most popular when installing timber on a wall.

Regardless of the chosen method of installing the Mauerlat, it is necessary to take care of the waterproofing cutoff between the concrete and the wood. For this, bitumen mastic is used to treat the surface, and then several layers of roofing felt are laid.


Several connection methods are used when attaching the attic floor beam to the mauerlat.

    Using fortified corners connecting the beams to each other using self-tapping screws.

    In the traditional way - cutting. To do this, a groove of ½ thickness is cut out in the Mauerlat, and a tenon of a shape and size identical to the groove is cut out on the floor beam. The spike is installed in the hole, and a hammer is additionally used to knock it out. Some designs use additional fastening using corners.

    When using floors in the overhang design, they are cut into the mauerlat, grooves with a depth of ½ timber are created in the parts. Metal corners are used for additional fixation.

    Fastening the beams to the mauerlat using steel staples, driven into the beam and timber.


When attaching a beam to a rafter leg, one of several methods is used:

    The rafter leg is fixed using staples, the length is set within 25 – 35 cm.

    The simplest method of fastening is to fix it with corners. To ensure the tightest possible fit, grooves for the corners are cut in the rafters.

Making a gable roof

The manufacture of the roof is based on a structure consisting of rafters. The rafters themselves are made of wood or profile pipe. But the stages of work will be largely similar:

    Removal sizes.

    Definition the correct length and cross-section of the timber.

    Fold out valley, stops, skates.

    Installation Mauerlat.

    Installation rafters from timber.

    Installation battens, waterproofing layer, insulation and roofing.


The slope of the slope is selected depending on the climatic conditions of the region and the wishes of the customer. In some cases, a right angle of inclination is selected.

Frame installation

Installation work of the rafter system is carried out in accordance with the algorithm:

    Creation waterproofing layer the top of the walls using mastic, roofing felt.

    Mounting the Mauerlat.

    Mauerlat marking. It is necessary to mark the points of attachment of the timber to the ceiling. There should be a distance of about 60 cm between the bars for filling with insulation.

    On top of the floor beams must be made rough flooring, for which inch boards are used. This is necessary to facilitate movement at roof level.

    Installation of central racks.

    Installation of ridge timber on racks.

    Fixing the frame at using two triangular segments.

    Installation rafters for valley formation.

    Installation of others rafter legs.

    Installing Items for strengthening designs.

At the end of the work, the protruding ends of the rafters are trimmed.


Video description

In the video you can see the roof structure:


Construction of a multi-spoke roof is a complex process that requires not only knowledge, but also skills. Therefore, construction should be carried out by professionals. Financial and labor costs directly depend on the number of pliers, type and features of the project - an accurate estimate can only be obtained after preliminary calculations.

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