Fairy tales about plants and flowers. Children's Interest Library

Spring has come. In a dark dense forest on the ground covered with dry spruce and pine needles, grew up very handsome and delicate flower. He was yellow and bright, like spring sun, which I have never seen. But the flower did not lose heart. He smiled and sang funny songs. It’s a pity, but no one in the dark and dense forest saw him or heard him sing.
The Flower became bored, and he went through the forest to look for friends. He goes and hums his song. Worm heard his ringing voice. He crawled out of the ground into the light to look at the singer. And the Flower, seeing the Worm, was delighted and said to him:
- Worm, worm! Let's be friends with you!
“No, that’s impossible,” answered the Worm. “You don’t want to follow me into the ground.” And I live there, and that’s where my home is.
- How do you crawl there, Worm?
- Yes, very simple. I make passages underground. They look like tunnels.
- No. I don't want to crawl underground with you. “I’d better look for a friend on earth,” Flower decided and moved on.
He goes on and hums his song. The Caterpillar, who was sitting on the trunk of a pine tree, saw him. She crawled closer and listened.
– You sing beautifully, Flower! - speaks.
– If you like it, then maybe you’ll want to be friends with me?
“No,” answered the Caterpillar. “I won’t be able to keep up with you.” Look how fast you are. You run like you fly!
“Well, as you know,” said the Flower and moved on.
He walked and walked all day, but still couldn’t find any friends. The dark forest grew even darker and night fell. The Flower fell asleep, and in the morning he again went in search of friends. He goes and sings his song.
And then he finally got lucky. A Crow flew next to him. She heard the Flower's song and said:
“You won’t find a friend in this dark forest, Flower.” Come on, I'll take you to the clearing. Sunny loves to go there. And the Sun is loved by bees, butterflies and dragonflies, grasshoppers and bugs. They all gather there in the clearing.
- Tell me, Vorona, will they want to be friends with me?
- Of course they will! After all, you are so joyful!
Crow brought Flower to a sunny meadow. And there - bees are buzzing, butterflies and moths are fluttering, grasshoppers are chirping! Oh, how fun, how interesting!
– What a beautiful Flower, it’s like a little Sun! – they all rang and buzzed in different voices.
They surrounded the Flower, looked at it and couldn’t get enough of it. After all, coming out of the darkness to sunlight, it has become even more beautiful and brighter!
The Flower smiled and asked:
– Bees, dragonflies, butterflies and moths! Will you be friends with me?
- Of course we will! You are so cheerful and joyful!
The Flower was delighted, spread all its delicate bright yellow petals, looked at the Sun, adjusted the green cap on its head and sang:

Everyone lives happily in the sunny meadow.
They lead round dances and sing songs.
And I'm so beautiful and joyful Flower!
I will sing you a song and tell you a poem.
And everyone who once came to me here
He will understand that you will never see such a clearing!

The sun listened to this joyful song of the Flower and smiled. And midges, butterflies and moths, bees and bugs danced.
Soon the whole clearing was in bloom! Many, many green blades of grass grew on it, and between them hundreds of babies opened their thin petals - flowers as delicate and beautiful as the bright yellow joyful Flower. The sun painted them in all the colors of the rainbow - purple, blue, light blue, green, yellow, pink, red, burgundy. Oh, how fun it was in the sunny meadow, how beautiful!
Now every day all the flowers sing funny songs, and bees, bugs, butterflies and dragonflies dance and kiss their beautiful heads.
And if you ever find such a cheerful and beautiful sunny clearing in the forest, then, of course, you will definitely see that very beautiful and Joyful Flower on it!

P.s. Picture for the fairy tale by Galina Polnyak.

Read my fairy tales at http://domarenok-t.narod.ru
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Once upon a time there lived a flower named Hydrangea. The seed of this beautiful flower was carried far from the flowerbed, and it grew among other plants. She was surrounded by both simple dandelions and proud daffodils, as well as daisies, roses and chrysanthemums. But there was not a single hydrangea like her around. A fairy tale about flowers will tell you how to grow up among people not like you and find yourself among others.

A fairy tale about flowers for children

Hortensia loved silence very much, but she also loved the wind, which made the grass around her move. The wind was a conductor for the trees and after each of its touches they sang songs with the rustling of leaves. I adored the flower Sun rays, but she also liked clouds. Especially when they gave her raindrops. She liked everything around her: bees and ants, worms and bunnies. Once a snake crawled near a flower:
“Hortensia, talk to me,” said the snake. And the flower was very surprised, because no one had ever spoken to her before. She didn't even know that she could speak.
“Hello,” she said her first word in her life.
- Why don’t you talk to other flowers?
“I didn’t even know I could.”
“You can,” he said slyly and crawled away. And the flower began to listen to other flowers and for the first time heard words in the rustling. And at that very moment I felt sadness inside. After all, the words were offensive.
- Hydrangea smells terrible, completely different from me. - said the rose.
“And she’s too tall,” said the dandelion. “It spoils all the beauty of our lawn.”
“But I don’t like its petals.” Small and collected in one pile. - said the narcissist.

Hearing all these words, Hortensia was very upset. She had no idea that she looked so monstrous. From that moment on, her life turned into horror. Sometimes she saw a bee landing on another flower and realized it was all because of its ugliness. It repels insects. And when the bees sat on her petals, Hortensia believed it was out of pity. And soon the bees left the flower, which was very logical for her. Who can sit for a long time on such a high and ugly plant?

- Oh, I wish I hadn’t heard these words. It would be better not to meet a snake. - the flower said to herself. And almost every day she was drawn to listen to the conversations of the flowers again and again, in order to become even more upset. Hortensia was afraid to speak herself.
One day a butterfly flew up to her and advised her to talk to the neighboring flowers.
- Talk to them and smile at them. You will instantly dissolve their poison. And they will consider your beauty.
That’s what the flower did. She smiled at the flowers and said hello. wished Have a good day. Since then, she no longer heard bad talk about herself. But she still considered herself very ugly.

A short tale about flowers: how Hortense met her kindred spirits

One day Hortensia woke up and, out of habit, began to listen to the conversations of the flowers, and then suddenly saw yellow leaves on the trees. Is it really autumn soon? Will she wither soon? And he will never see the sunrise again, will not feel drops of dew on his petals, will not give pollen to bees, or his scent to butterflies. Does she really want to spend her days eavesdropping on conversations between dandelions and daffodils in order to hear something about herself there? Why does she need all this? And since then, other flowers have ceased to exist for her. Their words were again unintelligible and mixed with the rustling of trees and the ringing of a stream. Hortense admired the beauty of nature and appreciated every moment of her existence. It bloomed so beautifully that one day a girl saw it and fell in love with the beauty of the flower.
When the baby ran up to Hortense, the flower decided this was her last moment. Now it will be torn off. This sometimes happens with flowers. They do not wither from old age, their life is taken by someone higher. Just. Or for some unknown reason. Maybe she was too ugly? And they decided to throw her out of the flowerbed. But suddenly Hortensia heard unusual words:
- Which beautiful flower, mom, come here! What's the name of this one? pink flower?
“This is a hydrangea,” said a pleasant female voice. Because of the sun, no faces were visible. “The same ones bloom in our garden.”
- Let’s dig this one up and replant it in our garden. She’s so beautiful, she’s sad here alone in the middle of the lawn.
“Call your sister and replant together, my beloved gardeners,” the mother said to the girl. Half an hour later, Hortensia was already in the garden, and next to her, flowers just like her were blooming. Beautiful, bright, fragrant.
- Am I really the same as you?
“Yes, honey,” the garden hydrangeas smiled at her.

Suddenly water poured onto the flower.
- How strange. After all, there are no clouds! - Hortense was scared.
“This is what happens when they love you and take care of you,” they smiled at her. garden flowers. “Then you are watered every day just so that you bloom and smell.”
And Hortense smiled. How great it was that at the end of summer, in last days of her existence, she found herself in such beautiful garden and realized what she looked like. And she was even more pleased that she felt a different life. After all, this gave her the opportunity to appreciate her new life more.
The fairy tale about flowers for children is over. Did you like it? Write comments about your impressions and share with friends on in social networks! Sweet dreams!

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Elena Tvorogova
“A Tale of Flowers” ​​(for older preschoolers)

So that flowers bloomed in the forest,

All spring and summer

We won't collect

Their large bouquets...

One Sunday summer days The children and their parents went on vacation outside the city. There they stayed in special houses. The place was wonderful: next to a lake with mirror-clear water and a small forest. At first everyone played a lot, had fun and swam. Then the parents went to rest in the houses. And two girls, friends Tanya and Lena, decided to walk through the meadow to the edge of the forest and pick colors. It seemed that it was close, but in fact it took a long time to walk. The girls were very tired and, exhausted, fell asleep right on the grass to the quiet chirping of grasshoppers.

Through her sleep Tanya heard: “Wow, they’re so heavy, they’re lying down here. Just completely crushed". This said a charming daisy to your neighbor. "And do not say", - Iris echoed her, turning even more blue with indignation and pain. AND flowers take your gloomy one talk: “Remember, daisy sisters, how many of us there once were, entire snow-white fields. We endowed everything around with our delicate aroma. We made friends with butterflies and bees, and they, in gratitude for our sweet nectar, spread pollen from us, and we grew bigger, prettier and enjoyed life.” “And we always stood next to each other at the counter "at attention"“There were so many of us like sentries around you,” the irises mourned. And now it’s sad to see - there’s only one around weed, yes nettle. And all these people are amateurs natural beauty, they tore us indiscriminately, with armfuls, and sometimes it was so painful, even pulling us out by the roots. We will probably soon completely disappear and disappear from the Earth. But we love our planet so much.” AND the flowers cried bitterly.

The girls suddenly woke up from dampness, everything around was covered with abundant dew. After exchanging glances, Tanya and Lena quickly ran back to the houses. “Well, where are your bouquets?”- the parents asked. Girls, lowered their eyes and quietly they said: "let flowers It would be better to live in the meadow. Otherwise, once picked, they will quickly wither and die. Come on, we’d better plant a lot for our bouquets flowers at your dachas, do you agree? Everyone supported this proposal. And dads, hugging their daughters, they said: “Oh, you are our protectors of nature! Well, quickly wash your hands and go to the table, otherwise we’ve already been waiting for you.” Thus ended this unusual day.

A fairy tale for children aged 6-7 years about the beneficial properties of flowers "Amazing Bouquet".

Author: Safargulova Irina Sergeevna, teacher of MDOBU kindergarten No. 1 in the urban district of the city of Neftekamsk, Republic of Bashkortostan.
Description of material: Look around - what beautiful flowers we are surrounded. Do you know that they are not only beautiful, but also useful? Do not know? Well, read the fairy tale.
Target: introduce beneficial properties some flowers of our region.
Tasks: develop memory and cognitive interest.

Fairy tale "Amazing bouquet".

The sun came out and began to warm up more and more. The flowers in the forest clearing felt this and began to pull their heads towards the sun and open their buds.
Narcissus was the first to open his bud and begin to boast:

-I am the most beautiful flower in the meadow. And my name is also unusual - narcissus, which means “beautiful eye.”
“Yes, you really are a very beautiful flower,” answered Dandelion.

-But my name in the language of flowers means “happiness and devotion.” They also make very tasty and healthy jam from my flowers.
-And I, I’m also very useful – Chicory doesn’t lag behind Dandelion.

- I have a lot of useful vitamins and they make a delicious drink out of me. And my name means “modest.”
“But you haven’t forgotten about me,” Bell is offended.

- My flowers and leaves contain a lot useful vitamin C, which helps to cope with any diseases. They also call me “the flower of joy.”
“And my name means “rainbow,” Iris boasts.

- And from my flowers decoction do. Anyone who drinks this decoction will get rid of headaches, and even cure a sore throat.
“It’s good to cure a throat,” Peony joins the dispute.

- And if you drink my decoction, you will sleep well and soundly, and sleep is the best medicine for all diseases. I am also considered a symbol of love and wealth.
The flowers argued and argued until the evening. And they still couldn’t decide which of them was more useful. So, they probably would have argued all night if the little bud of the coltsfoot had not intervened. Bud said:
-My dear flowers, there is no use arguing! You are all good and useful in your own way: the handsome Narcissus, and the sun-yellow Dandelion, and the blue Chicory, and the gentle Bell, and the dazzling Iris, and the handsome Peony. But you are not only useful, but also very beautiful, and together you make an amazing bouquet.

Quiz for older children preschool age about flowers

I offer a summary of the game - quiz for children 5 - 7 years old
Subject:"Flower experts!"

Kiseleva Svetlana Mikhailovna, teacher, preschool educational institution Kindergarten"Berezka" No. 80
This game - quiz will be useful for teachers of older preschool age, teachers additional education when consolidating knowledge about flowers.
Target:– entertain, give pleasure, arouse interest, consolidate children’s knowledge about colors in game form.
- help consolidate children’s knowledge about colors;
- develop curiosity, thinking, ability to work in groups;
– cultivate a humane attitude towards nature, a sense of beauty;
Equipment: crossword with riddles; cards with mixed up color names; pictures with fairy tale texts; cut cards with images of flowers; hats of chamomile, rose, carnation, dandelion and poppy flowers for the game “Find Me”; magnetic boards, magnets; 2 Whatman paper, felt-tip pens; soundtrack of songs:
“The happiest” - p. K. Ibryae, m. Yu. Chichkov
“Magic flower” - p. M. Plyatskovsky, Yu. Chichkov
“Friendship” (CD “Barbariki”).

Progress of the lesson:

They enter the hall to the music “The Happiest”.

If I pick a flower, if you pick a flower.
If everyone: both me and you, if we pick flowers -
All the meadows will be empty and there will be no beauty!
Is anyone here talking about flowers?
The teacher and children greet the guest

I am a Flower Fairy, so I love flowers very much. I came to you not empty-handed, but with riddle poems about my favorite plants. I will read you the first lines of the poem, and you must guess the last words in the lines. If you complete my task, then we will go on a journey through my country together, listen:
Summer is a wonderful time
The kids are screaming…….(Hurray!)
We have both rivers and forests
Give in the summer………(Miracles)
Among the ears of corn by the river
Turned blue...... (Cornflowers)
And greeting the guys,
The bells are ringing)
How nice it is for you to run
Along the chamomile……(Meadows)
Here on the mirror of the river
They danced... (Floats)
And around - gentle, pure,
White lilies…….(Flowers)
Like sunbeams
Going golden... (Dandelions)
To the world of goodness and beauty
Transform the world…..(Flowers)
Well done! We did it! Then let's go, my friends.

Competition 1. Crossword

Fairy: We have a crossword puzzle on the board with riddles about flowers, it has a secret! If you and I solve it correctly, then the secret will be revealed.
Teams take turns solving a crossword puzzle. If one team fails, then the right to solve the puzzle passes to the opposing team.
1. He is a flower prince - a poet, wearing a yellow hat
An encore sonnet about spring will be read to us... (narcissus).

2. We carried mushrooms in a basket and also a blue flower
This blue flower called... (Cornflower).

3. A small flower grew in a thawed forest patch
Hiding in the white dead wood... (snowdrop).

4. A wonderful flower is like a bright light.
Lush, important like a lord, delicate velvet (tulip).

5. Look - by the fence, the queen of the garden has blossomed.
Not a tulip or a mimosa, but a beauty in thorns... (rose)!

6. Golden and young became gray in a week,
And after two days my head went bald,
I’ll hide the former...(dandelion) in my pocket.

7. Here is a clearing all covered in flowers, like light blue dots.
I’ll collect blue ones here for Anyutka... (forget-me-nots).

8. A long thin stalk with a scarlet light on top.
Not a plant, but a lighthouse - it’s bright red... (poppy).

After solving the puzzle, children find the word in the middle - the secret “flower”

Held game "Find me".
Children stand in five circles. A character stands in each circle - Chamomile, Rose, Carnation, Dandelion and Poppy. Children move freely in circles to cheerful music. The music stops. Children sit down and close their eyes. The characters change places. The music starts again. Children “wake up” and look for their character.

Competition 2. The wind is mischievous.
Fairy: I prepared cards with the names of the flowers, but the mischievous wind mixed up all the letters.
Rearrange the letters, restore the names of the colors.
Summing up the results of the competition: a flower for the winning team in this competition.

Competition 3. Flowers in the kingdom of fairy tales.
On the cards are excerpts from fairy tales where flowers are found. Your task is to guess the name of the fairy tale and the author.
The teacher and the Fairy take turns reading passages, and the children guess.
Team assignment #1.
1. She “... planted a grain of barley in flower pot, and immediately a big wonderful flower will grow from it...
- What a nice flower! - said the woman..."
But suddenly! “Something clicked and the flower blossomed...”
(“Thumbelina” by H.H. Andersen)

2. Which petals amazing flower helped you get mountains of toys, lots and lots of sweets, you will visit the North Pole... And finally, understand that happy man Can you become only when you help others, take care of someone?
(“The seven-flowered flower” by V.P. Kataev)

3. “The youngest daughter bowed at her father’s feet and said these words:
-Sir, you are my dear father! Don’t bring me gold and silver spoil, nor black Siberian sables, nor a necklace... nor a gem crown... but bring me... a flower that would not exist in this world.”
(“The Scarlet Flower” by S.T. Aksakov)

Task for team No. 2
4. In what fairy tale, a girl with blue hair, washing her face in the morning, powdered her cheeks and nose with flower pollen, and then tried to teach a disobedient wooden boy to read and write, forcing him to write a magic dictation: “And a rose fell on Azor’s paw”?
(“The Adventures of Pinocchio” by A.K. Tolstoy)

5. The children sang, holding hands, kissed roses, looked at the clear sun and talked to it...
How wonderful it was under the bush of fragrant roses!
One day, when Gerda was looking at a picture book... Kai suddenly exclaimed: “I felt a pain right in the heart and something got into my eye!” And then winter came...
(“The Snow Queen” by H.H. Andersen)

6. On New Year's Eve
We issued an order:
Let them bloom today
We have snowdrops!
The grass is turning green
The sun is shining
Swallows Happy Spring
It's flying towards us in the canopy!
(“Twelve months” by S.Ya. Marshak)

Competition 4 involves the game “Collect a flower”.
Children collect flowers from cut-out pictures.
Then the children name these flowers.
Collect a flower from the cut material on a magnetic board and sign its name.
Summing up: a flower for the winning team in this competition.

Competition 5. “Draw a daisy” relay race.
On command, children draw 7 chamomile petals with a marker (each child one chamomile petal)
Fairy: What wonderful daisies appeared in our hall.
(whose team was the first to complete the task receives another flower in the bouquet)
How much wind and space!
How many songs and flowers!
Let's wake up together with the birds,
And with flowers we grow!

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