Water deferrization system based on a homemade aerator. Faucet aerator: which one to choose, or maybe make it yourself

Almost any faucet in modern apartments is a mixer that combines flows of cold and hot water into a liquid at a comfortable or desired temperature for the user. And the now fashionable word “aerator” also refers to the small threaded part screwed onto the spout of this mixer.

Why is it needed and why can it, and sometimes need to be purchased separately, choosing the “reinforced” option? Let's try to understand the details.

Table of contents:

Why do you need a faucet aerator?

The “official” purpose of any aerator is to reduce water consumption. That is why the second name of such a device is “saver”.

Savings, according to developers and sellers, occur due to mixing the water jet with air. And if, under normal conditions, approximately 15 liters of water per minute flows through a tap that is fully open, then the aerator adjusts this figure to 6-8 liters, with virtually no reduction in pressure.

  • In addition, a saving aerator can:
  • reduce the noise of liquid flowing from the tap (air bubbles in the stream significantly soften its fall);
  • reduce the amount of splashes generated when the flow collides with the container of a sink or bath bowl (thanks to the same bubbles);
  • make the stream softer and more pleasant (especially important when it comes to water treatments for the face and body); work as an additional filter rough cleaning

(by the way, all aerators without exception are equipped with the simplest filters). In general, all this is quite enough to make you think about choosing and purchasing such a device. Moreover, almost all of them have universal design

, which means it can be installed on any mixer.

  • And most aerators:
  • compact and not too conspicuous;
  • easy to use and install;

For the most part, they are quite durable (if you don’t make a mistake with the material, of course).

  • However, aerating devices also have disadvantages:
  • reducing the incoming volume of water flow (and this can be important, for example, when you urgently need to fill some container).

No other disadvantages were noticed with the aerators.

How does a faucet aerator work?

A water aerator is a simple device, however, consisting of 3 components: a body, a cartridge and a sealing gasket. The latter ensures a hermetically sealed installation of the device. The main secret of the aerator is the manufacturing scheme of its cartridge. Depending on this it can be:

  1. Shchelev. In such a water-air mixture is formed using a special disk with technological slots. The flow of water, crashing into the deflecting disk, passes through these narrow slits and breaks into small droplets. As a result, mixing with air occurs, and then the jet, passing through the divider, stabilizes.
  2. Or disk, with a reflector. These aerators have a different operating principle. A disk with small holes divides the water flow into jets that mix with air, breaking against a special reflector. A fine mesh mesh acts as a divider in such devices.

Experts consider both methods of obtaining water-air mass to be effective. Therefore, aerator manufacturers actively use both.

What types of aerators are there: classification

Aerators are not particularly distinguished by the variety of shapes and technical modifications. But these devices still have a classification.

Based on the material used, all aerators can be divided into:

Also by technological features aerators are divided into:

  • internal devices for the faucet, equipped with external threads and screwed into the mixer;
  • external devices (already with internal threads), which are screwed onto the end of the mixer from the outside;
  • rotating or flexible devices that extend the nose of the faucet (they look like a hose, and with the movement of your hand you can direct such a hose, and therefore the water-air flow in the direction you need);
  • the second type of swivel fixtures, consisting of two parts and connected by a hinge (these are ideal for installation on bidet faucets);
  • Illuminated devices that provide visual appeal to the flow of water mixed with air.

DIY aerator

Although store-bought devices for saturating water with air in order to save water flow are inexpensive, there is always a temptation for craftsmen to make an aerator for the faucet with their own hands. Moreover, the design of such devices is extremely simple, which means it can be reproduced even by the most “terry” amateurs who have never created anything.

For such technical creativity you will need:

  1. The body of the future device ( perfect option- the most common faucet attachment).
  2. A piece of dense, durable plastic (a gasket with holes will be made from it to saturate the water with air).
  3. Simple tools for designing the aerator and its subsequent installation.

The manufacturing process itself can be divided into 3 stages:

  1. Making a special gasket (making holes in a piece of plastic cut to the desired size).
  2. Installation of the finished plate into the body of the future aerator.
  3. Installing a homemade aerator on the mixer.

It is clear that the plastic plate will serve as mesh filter- break the flow and saturate it with air. Thus, the main goal is achieved - saving water consumption. You will also be able to save on the purchase of an aerator. Plus, test your own strength as a craftsman, capable of making and installing things that are very useful in everyday life.

Aerator for saving: is there such a thing?

It is believed that installing an aerator on a tap (most often on a mixer) is the most affordable and in a safe way save on water consumption by saturating its flow with air.

But is this really so? Is it really possible to significantly change meter readings? Let's try to figure it out.

The aerator, as a device, gets its name from the process it carries out. “Aeration” is translated from Greek as “air,” and the operation implies the natural saturation of water with air. Such transmission air bubbles through liquid (that is, the transformation of an elastic stream into a seething stream) promises to reduce water consumption at the same pressure. And the recorded data of some studies conducted by reputable organizations allow us to talk about 50% savings in water flow, provided that an aerator is installed on the tap. Therefore, this device definitely makes sense.

Aerator installation

Modern models of water aeration devices are durable, contrary to popular belief that they will soon fail. They are now made from appropriate materials according to the latest technologies(for example, the holes in disks today have a larger diameter than in predecessor devices), which is why they last a long time. And in addition, such aerators are equipped with multi-stage filtration systems, which means they are rightfully considered multifunctional devices.

To independently install one of the models of such a device on the mixer, you need to fix the existing aerator at the very end of the tap using threaded connection, according to the diagram below:

Modernized options for aerating devices

For many users, it is the aesthetic rather than the economic capabilities of aerators that are of key importance. For their faucets in kitchens and bathrooms, these people choose decorative devices. And most often we are talking about illuminated aerators. After all, the faucets equipped with them just need to be opened for the water jet to change color.

Modernized modern options aerating devices are equipped with a microturbine with an electric generator, as well as a temperature sensor. These aerators are designed in such a way that the color of the stream flowing from the tap depends on its temperature:

  • cool water (up to 31°C) turns green;
  • warm flow (up to 43°C) turns blue;
  • A hot water(from 45°C and above) comes out already red.

If you look at it, this effect has not only an aesthetic function, but also a practical one - it “informs” the user about the temperature of the liquid that flows from the tap.

As for the operating temperature range of devices of this type, it is limited to 60 degrees Celsius.

Other options

Families with small children often install toy aerators on their faucets. Attachments in the form of animals, as well as fairy-tale or cartoon characters, also have universal sizes and types of fastening, so they can be easily mounted on any crane.

Toys on faucets look beautiful and unusual, and in addition to being aesthetic, they also have a practical option - they make it easier to get even the most stubborn dirty guy addicted to water hygiene procedures.

The aerator model created quite recently by the young London designer Simin Qiu is also considered an innovative development. His device turns the flow of water from the tap into bizarre spirals, creating beautiful, fascinatingly unusual “lattices” of liquid at the outlet.

Cleaning and installation technology

Concerning practical side operation of any aerator, we must not forget that this device also acts as a filter. And if it gets clogged, the water flow will simply dry up. This means that it is necessary to clean the aerator from time to time or change the device when it completely breaks down.


To clean and replace, you first need to dismantle the device. And in order to carry out dismantling efficiently and easily, you should pay attention to 2 edges located on the body of any aerator diametrically opposite to each other.

Holding these edges, you should rotate the device clockwise. If it is difficult to rotate your hands, you need to resort to help wrench or pliers. But you need to act carefully so as not to break the thread or damage either the aerator or the mixer.

Disassembly of the structure

It is easy to disassemble the aerator for cleaning. You just need to remove the mesh gaskets placed in the housing one by one. But first of all, the rubber gasket is removed and its condition is assessed. Cleaning consists of high-quality washing of the elements, removing dirt, suspended matter, and other particles.

The most effective way to remove all excess from the mesh is with an old toothbrush. And if something cannot be removed, you can use a wooden toothpick. Mineral deposits are eliminated with a dissolving acidic medium (for example, if you soak the filters for 30 minutes in apple cider vinegar). Rust is removed with special chemicals.


When all the elements of the aerator are cleaned, you need to assemble the device and then install it in place. And here it is important to adhere to the rule: filter meshes should be laid strictly in layers so that the wires forming the cells are at an angle of 45° relative to each other.

Before installing the nozzle, you need to install a rubber washer and tighten the aerator counterclockwise, but without excessive zeal.

You can check the functionality of the device only by opening the water. If there is obvious leakage from under the head, you will have to tighten the structure a little with pliers.

A device such as a water-saving aerator is an attachment to a mixer, which, according to manufacturers, will help significantly reduce consumption and save family budget. Opinions on effectiveness of this device divided. One side advocates giving the aerator the title of device “ must have“, opponents argue that this device is completely useless from the point of view of reducing water consumption. Why did they even come up with an aerator attachment for the faucet? The purpose of this device is to pass a stream of water through a mesh or slot-shaped cartridge, during which the flow of water is broken into droplets, mixing with air. The water becomes softer and the stream more uniform.

Advantages and disadvantages

Is the aerator really the same device for saving water from the tap, capable of reducing water consumption by as much as 80 percent, or is it just another publicity stunt cunning marketers? So that you can decide for yourself whether this purchase is necessary, let’s look at the essence of this device, which fits at the end of the mixer spout. Having an aerator attachment to save water has its advantages. There are also disadvantages, but in order to really understand whether such an acquisition is advisable, we will tell you about everything in order.

The advantages of the device include:

  • wide price range - on the market you can find models costing one and a half hundred rubles or more expensive options, the price of which exceeds one and a half thousand. The latter may include several attachments;
  • the aerator to save water has a function of reducing water pressure, which results in less noise from the water;
  • This faucet attachment is objectively easy to install. Even if you are absolutely ignorant in terms of plumbing installation, you can handle it without effort - the diagram is understandable at the level of intuition.

The main disadvantage of a water-saving faucet attachment is its short service life. The aerator is sensitive to the quality of the water coming through the pipes, and it is usually far from perfect. The filters inside the structure are the first to suffer and the nozzle fails. The aerator from the budget line must be replaced on average after 6 months. If you purchased more than quality device, then the aeration system can last up to three years. Unfortunately, this period is maximum - after that the device must be replaced with a new one.

The second drawback is the increase in waiting time in the process of filling any container - from a kettle to a bathtub. The same applies to taking a shower. Get ready for the fact that if before it took you 2 minutes to draw water, now it will take 3.

The third disadvantage is that the divider may not be suitable for your faucet. If a water-saving nozzle was purchased without due attention or under the influence of an impulse, you will have to purchase an adapter - with an external thread type, or an internal one, depending on the tap in your house on which you plan to install it.

As you would expect, the pros and cons balance each other out. Here the choice will be based solely on your priorities.


Principle of operation

To appreciate the benefits of the device, you need to understand the essence of its purpose and operating principle. Without this, any statement will be considered unfounded. The principle of operation of the faucet device for saving water is based on mixing a water jet with air as it passes through the device:

  • Water pressure builds up at the narrowest point. An expander in the form of a membrane helps distribute pressure over the entire area of ​​the device. All holes are involved - the resulting area high pressure at the top of the membrane. On the other hand, thanks to the features internal structure a vacuum effect is obtained;
  • under the influence of the pressure difference, air enters the aerator through the side openings. The water jet is enriched with air bubbles. In this case, up to 70 percent of the water volume is displaced from the water flow;
  • aeration promotes a 2:1 ratio inside the jet at the air outlet to water. In another way, 2/3 of the jet consists of air. This is exactly what saving water is all about.

The device is so simple in design and operating principle that it will not be difficult to install and clean it with your own hands if it becomes clogged with sediment due to poor-quality water.

Operating principle of the aerator

Types of aerators to save water

Sellers are vying with each other to offer water saving products. Here and simple devices and complex design solutions. What features do water aerators have depending on the type? The variety of models, one way or another, comes down to the following list:

  • vacuum type aerators - a vacuum valve, due to its design, promotes stronger water pressure when the jet is released. This feature allows you to increase water saving by 4 times;
  • adjustable, they are also rotary. They change the power of the water flow by cutting it. They work in two modes, forming a spray or a stream. This scheme is very convenient when you need to quickly draw water;
  • the antipodes of the rotary devices are non-adjustable. Here the stream of water flows out in a given mode, which is no longer possible to influence;
  • aerators with lighting - built-in LEDs color the stream when water is supplied different colors taking into account temperature. Such models operate in a temperature range not exceeding 60 o C. The secret of “light presentation” lies in a small microturbine in combination with an electric generator, so such a “device” does not need an additional power source. Some people see a purely decorative function in the lighting, while for others this indicator allows them to determine changes in water temperature - for example, mothers when bathing their baby;
  • decorative aerators - can be made in various stylized forms and break up the water stream, turning it into beautiful spirals or a mesh.




Another type of means of aerating water and saving it is homemade. You can make a mesh gasket yourself from durable plastic, having previously drawn out the pattern of holes.

This gasket is installed in the nozzle, turning it into an effective aerator.

Material of manufacture The aerating nozzle at the end of the mixer spout can be made of several types of material. Most often this stainless steel

. Experts recommend giving preference to products that have a silicone coating. Such products are more affordable to care for and cleaning takes less time.

ceramic - the body can be made of anything, but the internal parts will be ceramic.



Application practice testifies to the benefits of brass, bronze and ceramic “water savers” as the most reliable and effective. High-quality material will be less susceptible to the effects of corrosive processes, which will significantly extend the life of the device.

To clearly demonstrate the effectiveness of the aerator as a means of saving water, consider a specific example. By opening the tap all the way without this device on the mixer, you will use 12 liters of water in 1 minute. Now we put an aerator on the faucet spout. Consumption per minute is reduced by 3 times. In this case, the stream does not flow thinly, but there is a high-quality intense water pressure. In addition, due to the design features of the aerator, the faucet receives additional opportunities to adjust the flow speed and change its direction in different directions.

The essence of saving is not in reducing the amount of pouring water, but in increasing the time during which this volume is poured.

Let's say you are washing a plate. The water is open both during soaping, when in fact the jet is not used, and when washing off the detergent. Due to the aerator, the amount of water not used during the process is reduced. It is on this principle that the declared savings are based.

Rules of service

  • Caring for the aerator is quite simple. At the same time, remember that using detergents and keeping the device in water for a long time is strictly forbidden. The surface of the device can be easily cleaned with a damp cloth:
  • To install the attachment, the tension should remain moderate. This is enough for the device to lock onto the spout. In this case, the ideal option is when the crane has not yet exhausted its service life;
  • Despite the reliability of the fixation, it is not recommended to use excessive water pressure. Overloading may shorten the service life;
  • To rinse the structure, just unscrew the aerator, carefully remove the filters and rinse them. If the mesh is clogged, use a needle or the tip of a toothpick;
  • if necessary, replace the silicone gasket, which ensures tightness;

Reassemble the aerator and return the device to the faucet spout. Carry out a test by opening the tap at full power; there should be no gaps left.

If the aerator is difficult to unscrew and you decide to use pliers, try to protect the surface from scratches. Appreciating everything possible options

device, operation and maintenance requirements, you can make an informed decision on purchasing an economical water aerator. To experience maximum savings, it is recommended to equip all existing mixers with it.


The aerator is one of the key components of any mixer, significantly affecting the consumer properties of the product as a whole. Currently, aerators are installed in almost all faucets for bathtubs, sinks, kitchen sink or bidet.

Why do you need an aerator?

An aerator is a special attachment on the faucet spout designed to normalize the water flow. We wrote earlier on our blog about how it works and how the flow is aerated (saturation of a water stream with air bubbles).

Aerated water splashes much less when it gets on objects, so washing your face or washing dishes becomes more comfortable. The aerator traps large particles of mechanical impurities (but do not be confused, the aerator is not a filter).
In addition, the aerator promotes the weathering of chlorine compounds.
And finally, the aerator saves water. By cutting the flow into many small ones and mixing with air, the volume of the water jet increases, which means water consumption is reduced.

So, the aerator:

  • Forms a smooth, soft-to-touch jet of the required diameter;
  • Eliminates spillage and splashing;
  • Helps save water by reducing its consumption;
  • Brings faucet performance characteristics into compliance with local plumbing standards and codes.

Types of water flow created

Aerated flow
The aerator saturates the water stream with air, making it voluminous, soft to the touch, and without splashing. Such aerators are usually used in faucets for home use installed in apartments.
Laminar flow
Smooth, crystal clear stream of water without splashing. Used when high flow is required, ideal for medical facilities.
With a minimum flow intensity, the divider creates many miniature jets, while the volumetric flow ensures comfortable coverage of hands when washing. Recommended for use in public areas ( public toilets and so on.).

Types of aerators

Aerators come in several types - with plastic and metal meshes.
Aerators with metal mesh have a significant advantage - their low cost, otherwise they are inferior to polymer ones.

VARION mixers use only polymer aerators from Neoperl (Germany).

Aerator with metal mesh Neoperl standard aerator Neoperl coin aerator Neoperl aerator with rotating mesh Saving aerator Neoperl PCA-SPRAY
Saving water
- up to 5% to 10% up to 25% up to 45%

Advantages of NEOPERL aerators

1. Provide a smooth, well-aerated flow;
2. Reliable and durable, ensuring comfortable use throughout the entire service life;
3. Water savings range from 5 to 45% depending on the model;
4. They operate silently, ideal for installation in any room;
5. High quality polymer materials prevents the formation limescale, the water stream always remains smooth;
6. The design of the internal elements prevents the aerator from clogging;
7. Produced in Germany, which is a guarantee of quality and high consumer properties of the products.

Due to its resistance to various types of contaminants, the aerator does not need to be cleaned. Simply remove it and rinse under running water. Dirt, sand and rust particles are easily washed away, while the water pressure is restored and the water stream takes on its original shape.

Currently exists huge variety aerator models for various applications.

Special aerators

Aerators with rotating mesh
The rotating mesh makes it possible to divert the stream of water from the edge of the sink (or sink), or direct it to the side, which is very useful, for example, when washing large dishes.

Saving aerators
The PCA SPRAY NEOPERL saving aerator saves water up to 45%. At the same time, the reduction in water consumption occurs without a visible decrease in the intensity of the stream and does not affect the quality and comfort of washing. Externally, the stream does not differ from a regular one, and the washing process is as effective as when using a conventional aerator. The saving aerator is installed in batch-pressure and optoelectronic (for public institutions) VARION sink faucets.

There are practically none left on earth natural source, which would contain water suitable for long-term use. This fact has already been repeatedly confirmed by the relevant departments. Therefore, organizing water treatment is one of the main tasks facing owners suburban areas. Of course, you should create a water treatment plant only based on a comprehensive laboratory analysis of the water from your source. But, given that the iron content exceeds acceptable standards Almost everywhere, without an aerator, not a single water treatment system can be called complete.

Today we will talk about assembling a water treatment plant based on an aerator (non-pressure aeration column) on our own.

Briefly about aeration

Aeration is usually called the process of saturating water with oxygen (mainly a forced process) in order to clean it of iron, manganese and other oxidizable compounds. Simply put, we are talking about substances that, after reacting with oxygen, take on insoluble forms and precipitate. Subsequent filtration or settling allows you to rid the water of the formed sediment, which contains harmful impurities.

During the aeration process, the main catalyst that helps remove harmful impurities from water is oxygen contained in the air. In other words, aeration implies reagent-free deferrization of water - the most economical of known methods deferrization.

Another cleaning method, the effectiveness of which is beyond doubt, is the following: iron removal using chemical catalysts (passing water through Activated carbon, porous aluminosilicate with a special coating or other special filler).

Together, both of these methods help achieve excellent results.


In serious water treatment systems, aeration is only one of the stages in the process of iron removal and demanganization. At this stage, the water is saturated with oxygen (for further and complete oxidation of iron with the help of catalysts), and dissolved gases are removed.

It is necessary to distinguish between non-pressure and pressure aeration systems. The design of pressure aeration systems provides for the presence of a closed aerator (contact chamber), in which water is saturated with oxygen using a compressor. In such a system there is no loss of water pressure, so water enters the distribution line under the pressure created by the pump (pumping station) of the first rise. For a pressure system, a second lift pump is not needed.

Main elements of a pressure aeration system:

  1. Supply line with dirt filter.
  2. A compressor that forces air into the aeration column.
  3. Aeration column with air valve (with air vent).
  4. Iron filter.

Making a pressure aeration system yourself is more difficult than its non-pressure counterpart. At the same time, its reliability in comparison with a gravity aeration system can also be questioned.

Andre.voda User FORUMHOUSE

Non-pressure aeration works better and more reliably than pressure aeration! Consider the option with pressure aeration: just look at the leaks that arise from a clogged air vent... And the failure of the check valves, and the failure of the flow sensor... If the compressor stops during pressure aeration, then everything is bad: there is no oxidation, and iron does not fall out.

Taking into account all of the above, we will consider the option of installing a non-pressure aeration system, especially since most of the “experimenters” of our portal practice.

In the case of non-pressure aeration, an aerator is used open type, in which there is a loss of water pressure. Therefore, such systems require an additional pump (pumping station) of the second lift, supplying water to the distribution line. Aerator in in this case performs the function of a storage tank, while at the same time allowing to resolve the issue of providing a certain supply of water for the water supply system.

Scheme of a water purification system based on a free-flow aeration column

Schematically, a water purification system operating on the principle of non-pressure aeration looks like this.

  1. Supply line with first lift pump and mechanical dirt filter.
  2. Aeration unit with second lift pump.
  3. Iron filter.
  4. Block fine cleaning water.
  5. Drainage line for flushing the system.

Let's look at the presented elements in more detail.

Supply line

The main element of the supply line (if you do not take into account the pipes themselves) is the first lift pump (pumping station). This device can only be dispensed with if water is supplied to the installation from a centralized water supply system. If water is pumped from a well or well, then an ordinary deep-well pump can be installed in the supply line.

Everyone determines the need to install a mud filter for themselves.

If a float valve is used to regulate the water supply in the aeration tank, then a coarse filter (settler), trapping large mechanical impurities, protects the valve from sticking. If automation is used to control the first lift pump, then the supply line can operate without filters at all.

Operator User FORUMHOUSE

Installing filters means time to wash and maintain them. Without filters, all debris from the well and iron deposits remain in the storage tank. Over the course of a year, about 5 cm of sediment accumulates at the bottom. In the summer I open the drain and flush all the sediment down the drain. Otherwise, all this will need to be cleaned out of the filters. Therefore, I removed all the filters that I foolishly installed in the filling system. I pump everything from the well into the tank. The garbage remains at the bottom.

Aeration block

The main element of the aeration block is the aeration tank, in which water is saturated with oxygen, iron is oxidized and primary sediment is deposited.

To create an aerator, you can use a container that has a specialized purpose and has a design that allows backwash. For example, the photo shows a specialized container with a volume of 1 m³.

An aerator can also be made from a container designed for filtering water in swimming pools. At the same time, some users of our portal use regular plastic barrels for food storage.

valexs User FORUMHOUSE

From the well, water is supplied by a deep pump into a 250 liter barrel.

The volume of the working capacity is a very important indicator. According to user valexs, an aerator with a capacity of 250 liters provides water for a family of 4 people. At the same time, no one experiences a shortage of water. Approximately 94 m³ of water is consumed per year (200-300 liters per day).

As you can see, the system is quite efficient. If your planned water consumption is higher, then the volume of the container can be increased. An aerator with a volume of 1000 liters, for example, allows you to provide purified water not only Vacation home, but also a system for watering the garden. Some users practice creating an aeration block from two containers: in one the water settles, and from the other it is consumed.

The method of ordinary showering will help to start the aeration process in the container. We are talking about spraying water entering the tank under a certain pressure.

Operator User FORUMHOUSE

A very simple method: fill the tank from a well through a shower diffuser. Water doesn’t just flow, but pours out of the shower under great pressure, saturated with oxygen. Almost immediately the water becomes cloudy and iron begins to precipitate.

It is very important to let the water settle after filling the container. Otherwise, all main filters located in the cleaning system after the aeration tank will quickly become clogged.

According to our users, it takes at least 36 hours for the water to completely settle. Therefore, the larger the volume of the aeration tank, the more convenient it is to operate. After all, if you adjust the equipment to fill the aerator in small portions, then the time spent on settling the water will practically not be felt.

The efficiency of the shower head can be significantly increased. This is what user valexs did, for example. He placed an ordinary plastic bucket (upside down) on top of the aeration tank. Water from the sprayer hits the bottom of the plastic bucket under high pressure. This results in the formation of water mist and more efficient mixing of the liquid with oxygen.

The sprayer is built into the lid of the container, in which holes are drilled to drain oxygen-enriched water.

A corrugation is installed on top of the bucket. It provides a connection between the container and the atmosphere and prevents splashing of incoming water.

Taking water and filling the aerator

The water extraction pipe from the tank must be installed at a level that will not allow the formed sediment to enter the water main.


Water from the tank should not be taken from the bottom, but approximately 30% above the bottom. Then the sediment does not enter the system.

Regarding the levels of switching on and off the first lift pump: the pump switch on sensor should be located above the level of water extraction from the aerator. This will create a certain supply of settled water, which can be used even while filling the container. In this case, the amount of unsettled water entering the water main will be minimal, and fine filters can easily cope with mechanical suspensions.


The water supply switch-on level sensor is installed so that between it and the water intake level there is pumping station there was at least 100 liters of water. This volume and contact time is quite sufficient for the uninterrupted operation of the system.

There are two types of water supply control system: mechanical and automatic (based on electronic sensors).

Example mechanical system- This is a regular float from a toilet tank. Its design is extremely simple, and its shortcomings are immediately obvious. It is almost impossible to regulate: the pump turns on as soon as the water drops below the upper level. This process occurs with enviable frequency, which does not allow the water to settle properly.

An automatic system consisting of electrical sensors allows the water supply to be turned on and off when certain levels are reached. Which is much more practical.

Konstantin11 User FORUMHOUSE

A rod with control frogs (there are four frogs in total: two working and two emergency). The container is filled to 80% (maximum). Deep well pump It turns on when there are about 100 liters of water left in the tank, and turns off when about 800 liters are filled.

Reinsurance in the form of installation of emergency sensors is important point. If the pump does not turn on in a timely manner, nothing terrible will happen. A real disaster can befall the owner of an aeration unit if the pump does not turn off after filling the container.

This is how one of our users insured his premises against a possible “flood”.


I also have a three-level system of insurance against overfilling the barrel: an electric float, a mechanical float and draining into the street into a storm drain.

Second lift pump

The second lift pump ensures stable pressure throughout the entire water distribution system. Also, with its help, water is supplied to the deferrization filter and fine filters.

To operate the second lift pumping station, you should use a pump equipped with an automatic on-off system, triggered by a signal from pressure sensors (which it is advisable to duplicate).


The photo shows the second lift pump (standing to the right of the tank). The drain line is clearly visible. Also clearly visible are pressure sensors, which, due to their tendency to stick, are located with removed covers. It’s good that they are duplicated, and their sticking does not affect the performance of the system. The mud trap and check valve, but they are needed there.

In almost all systems, the pump is located at the outlet of the aerator. But users of our portal have their own view of things. For example, there is an opinion that if the pumping station is located immediately after the aerator, then under-oxidized iron accumulates in it, which clogs not only the pump, but also the control sensors. For this reason, it is advisable to locate the pumping station after the deferrization filter. It’s hard to disagree with this conclusion, especially since the author of the concept (user – Operator) was able to collect working installation in accordance with such a non-standard scheme.

The second lift pump should be selected based on the hydraulic characteristics of the device. The reputation of the manufacturer is also of no small importance.

Iron filter with filler

The bulk of the iron contained in the water precipitates to the bottom of the aeration tank. But for better cleaning, we will definitely need a system of additional filters. To get rid of unoxidized iron residues, an iron remover filter is used. It is a vertical column with bulk contents.

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The column is a plastic pipe with a diameter of 300 mm and a height of 2000 mm. The bottom (stainless steel b=8 mm) is screwed through rubber seal M8x40 bolts with a pitch of 40 mm. The lid is the same as the bottom, only a 3/4" stainless steel bracket is welded in the center, and 60 mm from it there is a second one of the same kind.

In this case, a polyethylene pipe is used, while the design of serial installations involves the use of fiberglass.

When determining the filter volume for your system, you should be guided by the dimensions standard settings: Their diameter varies from 6 to 16 inches, and their height is 17-65 inches. The exact volume of the filter (as well as the volume of the filler) can be calculated by knowing the characteristics of the backfill, water consumption and the level of impurities.

When determining the filter loading level, it should be taken into account that during washing or regeneration, the filler layer increases under the influence of the back pressure of water. Taking into account the expansion coefficient, the filter should be filled approximately 60% with catalytic filler.

The internal design of the deferrizer is designed in such a way that water enters it from above, then passes through a layer of catalytic backfill and then enters the water main (through the lower intake pipe).


A pipe is screwed to the central outlet of the lid, and an assembled slot filter is attached to the end of the pipe. When the cover is installed on the column, this filter does not reach the bottom by approximately 30–50 mm. A slot filter is also placed on the drainage squeegee screwed into the lid. It is needed to ensure that the backfill is not washed out of the column during backwashing.

The intake tube passes through the entire layer of catalytic filler.

In some cases, it is possible for mechanical impurities to slip from the aerator into the deferrization filter (if the water in the aerator has not yet had time to settle, if the tap in the house was turned on while the aeration tank was being filled, etc.). Therefore, it is advisable to protect the iron remover by installing a filter at the outlet of the aerator mechanical cleaning.


For example, after the tank (or rather, between it and the second lift station) there is an ordinary mud pan.

It is better to choose a filler for the deferrizer that does not require additional regeneration. It is characterized by ease of maintenance, which boils down to periodic washing of the filter with a reverse flow of water. Fillers of this type are available in large quantities on the market.

If the iron content is low, quartz sand can be used for iron removal. The following fillers have also proven themselves well: activated carbon and aluminosilicate coated with iron and manganese oxides.

An example of a filler that requires periodic regeneration with acids or table salt, is an ion exchange resin.

In order to determine the type of filler and its quantity, it is necessary to conduct a comprehensive analysis of the source water at the source and study the properties of a particular backfill.


I chose the filter materials myself - based on water analysis and technical descriptions filter media In the left column: below is quartz sand (a tube sits in it), then industrial filler. On the right is a softener.

The user implemented a two-stage cleaning system with a combined filler. The first stage is used to remove iron residues (which did not have time to oxidize in the aerator) and for mechanical cleaning, the second - to soften the water.

Pressure gauges built into the line allow you to monitor the degree of filter clogging.

Washing filters

Even if the backfill of the deferrization filter does not need to be regenerated, the owner will still have to wash it periodically during operation. Therefore, all self-washing filters (including containers for iron removal and aeration) must be equipped with a bypass and drain lines.

It is worth installing several additional taps, and the flush line will allow the flow of water to flow in the opposite direction (almost directly from the source). Drain lines can be routed to sewer system or storm drain.


The catalyst barrel is regularly backwashed. There is a six-position tap on the barrel. And at the outlet of the deferrizer there is a regular filter - a 0.5 micron cartridge. For the aerator, I made the following flushing system: at the bottom of the barrel there is a drain with a tap, once a year I open the drain and at the same time pour, washing the sediment into the sewer.

The frequency of washing the deferrizer and other filters is determined by everyone for themselves. It depends on the degree of water contamination, on the volume of its consumption and on the characteristics of the backfill (its tendency to caking). You can read more details in a special section of our website.

To ensure high-quality washing, the water flow rate in the reverse flow should be 2–3 times higher than the flow rate of the working flow. The pressure in the flush line must be at least 2.5–3 atm. (more is possible, but it is necessary to ensure that the backfill is not carried into the drainage).

If the second lift pump does not have sufficient power, an additional pumping station can be installed for flushing.

Filler regeneration is slightly different from regular flushing. Indeed, during the regeneration process, special reagents must be added to the flushing line (which ones depend on the type of filler). First, the filler is washed with water to remove mechanical impurities and at the same time loosened (for 15–20 minutes). Then a reagent (salt solution, acid, etc.) is supplied to the flushing line using a pump and an additional container. At the last stage of regeneration, the filler is washed from the reagent.

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Just a few years ago, when purchasing a faucet for a kitchen or bathroom, you could sometimes see kits with a removable or built-in aerator on sale. Many, considering them to be an ordinary filter, filmed them themselves this modification from the tap, citing the fact that they already have a built-in filter installed.

Today it is quite difficult to purchase any mixer without this additional element, which not only performs its direct function (filters and saturates water with oxygen), but also helps to significantly reduce water consumption.

Description and features

An aerator for a faucet is a nozzle in the form of a small mesh filter installed on the spout. This device allows you to saturate ordinary water with microparticles of air, that is, aerate it. An aerator is often called a “diffuser” because it splits one large stream of liquid down the spout into many smaller streams.

The main details of such a device are:

  • housing (most often made of metal or plastic);
  • filters for additional purification of water from small debris;
  • water and gas mixer (air is sucked into the housing using holes around the perimeter);
  • outer mesh (to divide the main stream into many small streams);
  • various bushings and seals (for a tight connection).

The aerator allows you to create Various types water flow:

  • aerated – volumetric soft jet without splashes;
  • laminar – intense crystal clear jet;
  • spray - many miniature streams.


The main function of the aerator is for tap water is its saturation with oxygen microparticles. This not only significantly changes its taste properties in better side, but also contributes to faster weathering of chlorine if the water in the region is chlorinated. In addition, the stream itself falls more gently onto the bottom of the sink and onto objects placed in it, which significantly reduces splashing of liquid into the surrounding space. If a rotary aerator is installed in the kitchen, then washing large kitchen utensils is simplified several times; the water flow reduces its impact force and more gently washes away cleaning agents from the soaped surface.

Another function of the faucet aerator is water saving. Although the device itself is not very reliable and needs to be replaced often (at least once a year), it reduces water consumption by two or more times.

At the same time, the convenience of washing dishes with such savings does not become lower, but even increases due to more high efficiency use. A wide jet washes dishes several times faster, which also saves time on housework. The second drawback, in addition to frequent replacement, is the slow speed at which water fills the container, but this drawback is so insignificant that it can be safely ignored.

What are they?

The simplest aerator is a small round sprayer with a metal mesh, screwed into the spout of the faucet. Today, such a standard device comes complete with any faucet purchased and, like the bottom valve, will reduce water consumption by at least 30 percent. It will last about six months, after which it will need to be replaced with a similar or more complex device.

Rotary aerators are also called flexible, as they can be rotated in different directions. One option for such a device is a special elongated hose tube, which is attached to the spout. This device allows you to collect liquid even in containers that do not fit into the sink bowl.

The second option is an aerator in the form of a small watering can, similar to a shower head. Adjustable in length, it can be moved around the sink area and used in “spray” and “jet” modes. By adjusting the tilt of the aerator head and water pressure, you can achieve the ideal result in each specific situation.

The liquid stream in an interesting backlit device is illuminated depending on its temperature. Cold water (up to 29 degrees) is highlighted in green, warm water (from 30 to 38 degrees) is highlighted in blue, and hot water (above 40 degrees) is highlighted in red. This is achieved through internal temperature sensors that do not require connection to the mains. The built-in turbine that powers the LED lamps rotates due to the flow of water when the tap is opened, so this method of saturating water with oxygen is also called ejector.

Illuminated devices are especially convenient for families with small children, as they will allow you to immediately determine the temperature of the liquid by the color of the flow when opening. In addition, bright colors will help attract the child’s attention, and bathing will take place in a more relaxed environment. Also, an illuminated aerator is often installed on touchless touchless faucets in order to immediately see what temperature the water is pouring out of it.

A vacuum aerator is considered the most economical; it allows you to reduce the amount of water used by half. The price of such attachments is significantly higher than usual, but quickly pays off. Vacuum system compresses water with a special valve, after which it forms a strong jet passing through the filter cells under a stronger pressure than the pressure in the central system.

In addition to the design of the device itself, aerators may differ in the type of nozzles. Disc devices are a nozzle with a round disk in which small holes for liquid are located. With their help, the main flow is divided into thin streams and dissected by a reflector (metal mesh). The slot aerator saturates the liquid with air by breaking the water flow into individual droplets through special slits in the deflecting disk, after which the oxygen-enriched stream is cut through a metal filter mesh.

Since the design of any aerator includes various filtering and separating meshes, the difference may be due to the type of material from which they are made:

  • Made of metal. The simplest and cheapest elements that have the shortest service life.

  • Made from polymers. Polymer dividers can be either simple disks, similar to metal ones, or complex “tunnel” systems. The plasticity of the material allows you to create not only round aerators, but also rectangular, hexagonal and devices complex shape. They practically do not oxidize from contact with water and air, which significantly extends their service life, but at the same time increases their price. In addition, polymers are most often quite fragile and can break under slight pressure when washing plumbing fixtures.
  • From non-ferrous metals. Brass and bronze aerators require large manufacturing costs, as a result of which they have a fairly high price. However, the service life and reliability of the design perfectly compensate for their cost.
  • Nets made of plastic and extruded aluminum. Both of these options have many disadvantages: they are fragile, short-lived, aluminum is strongly oxidized and tightly welded to inner surface spout pipes, plastic can be deformed at high temperatures. Their only advantage is low price, however, the risks posed by choosing such low-quality products are too high.

Based on the installation method, we can distinguish between an internal aerator (screwed into the spout) and an external aerator (screwed onto the spout).


In addition to differences in design features and materials, aerators differ in thread sizes. Since its size must correspond to the diameter of the spout pipe, it is very important to choose the right required parameters(an aerator with an 18 mm thread will not fit on a faucet with a spout diameter of 22 mm and vice versa). The diameter of the aerator can range from 12 to 1200 mm. The height of the device is 14-2000 mm, and the diameter of the air channel is from 20 to 2200 mm. The thread size is indicated alphanumerically (M20, M24, M28, and so on) and is indicated on the packaging by the manufacturer.

Most often, three standard thread diameters are used: 28/26, 24/22 and 18/16 mm. From this relationship it follows that if an external thread of 28 mm is used, then the internal thread for the same tap will be 26 mm. Another important point is to purchase an aerator with external threads for a spout with external threads, respectively. The same is true for spouts with internal threads.

Review of manufacturers

The more reliable the manufacturer, the less likely it is to buy a defective or counterfeit product, so when choosing a faucet attachment, it is best to choose companies that top the ratings of the best according to customer reviews.

  • Grohe. Sanitary fittings made in Germany are distinguished by high quality, wide operational modifications and original design.
  • Jacob Delafon. French nozzles, predominantly made of sanitary porcelain, are considered elite equipment. High price guarantees long term service and excellent quality products.

  • Finnish Timo aerators created using modern technologies from various materials, including both complex polymers and bronze or brass. For products various forms, sizes and colors are provided with a five-year warranty card, which indicates a serious approach to the quality of products.
  • Oras. Aerators produced in Poland, Finland and Norway with an innovative approach entered the domestic market not so long ago, but have already firmly taken a leading position in it. Plumbing accessories of this brand are equipped with automation and are easy to use, and the price can compete even with their Chinese counterparts.

Depending on the design of the material and the manufacturing company, the cost of aerators on the construction market ranges from 2 to 10 dollars.

How to choose?

In order to choose a suitable aerator, you need to focus primarily on the quality of the product and its price. The cheapest, but least reliable plastic and aluminum attachments will last from a couple of months to six months. More expensive metal and ceramic aerators are considered slightly more reliable. However, they are also highly susceptible to corrosion and their service life leaves much to be desired. Brass nozzles are considered the most durable and reliable.

The second thing you should pay attention to is the mounting on the faucet spout. The device can be with external or internal thread and is selected depending on the thread of the mixer itself. Last but not least important aspect– this is the presence of additional functions. An illuminated aerator will look good in the bathroom, and any housewife will be delighted in the kitchen flexible device, allowing you to comfortably wash even the largest pot in the sink.

Is it possible to make it yourself?

Knowing the operating principle and design of a purchased aerator, in order to save money, you can try to make it yourself. In order to make such an attachment, you must have an empty body from any faucet attachment and a durable plastic plate. Gaskets are cut out of plastic that match the size of the inner diameter of the nozzle.

Using a hot needle or a sharp awl, many holes are made in such a gasket so that it resembles a fine mesh. The finished meshes are placed in the empty nozzle body instead of conventional filters, and the nozzle is attached to the spout. Such an aerator will perform all the functions assigned to it, but its service life is significantly lower than purchased products, especially with brass meshes.

Installation instructions

Installing an aerator is not particularly difficult even for a person who has never encountered this device. In order to install a new or replace an old aerator, you must adhere to a certain algorithm.

First, you need to remove from the mixer all the attachments that were previously installed on it. Unscrew the housing and remove the old rubber gasket placed on the spout. The joint must be thoroughly cleaned and washed, and then allowed to dry slightly.

In the package with the device you need to find a seal in the form rubber gasket and place it on the faucet spout. If the kit does not include such a seal, you will have to buy it yourself. It should be of such a diameter that it fits the faucet. If the diameters of the aerator and the mixer itself are different, then you must additionally purchase a special adapter and additional gaskets. The material of the adapter must match the materials of the mixer and aerator. After the adapter, a rubber gasket is also placed on it.

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