DIY curtains made of thick fabric. Master class on sewing curtains with your own hands

Lined curtains hold their shape better than single-layer curtains and provide the room with increased protection from sunlight. In addition, the lining protects the front side from fading and thereby extends its service life. It is especially convenient to use such curtains in rooms requiring increased shading or insulation. In the bedroom, nursery and room for a newborn baby, they can be a good budget alternative to products made from blackout fabric. Our master class will help you figure out how to sew a lined curtain with your own hands. This is not difficult to do, the main thing is to follow the instructions and try to make all the seams evenly and accurately.

What fabric to choose for lining

For classic curtains, a universal lining fabric is considered to be plain cotton or mixed sateen in a neutral white, beige or cream color. If you choose a colored material, it will enhance the color of the curtain when exposed to light and give it a slightly different shade. In order not to make up a lining from several pieces, it is advisable to purchase fabric for it that is the same width or slightly wider or narrower than the main one and buy the same amount of both.

In cases where it is necessary to shade or insulate a room more, for sewing lined curtains, preference is given to dense materials with improved thermal insulation characteristics.

Where to start

This is the curtain we will sew

First of all, think about how long your product will be - to the window sill, to cover the radiator, or to the floor (they usually try to make a distance of 2-2.5 cm from the bottom of the curtain to it). In any case, the length itself is measured from the cornice. Also choose the width at your discretion. The larger it is, the more folds you can put on the canvases. But keep in mind that numerous deep folds look good only on floor-length curtains, and on short curtains they should be moderate. If you plan to hang two sliding curtains on a window, they are usually made symmetrical and of the same size.

We will need:

  1. Front and lining fabrics.
  2. Sewing machine.
  3. Iron.
  4. Ironing board.
  5. Tailor's scissors.
  6. Threads.
  7. Safety pins for basting.
  8. Calibration or regular ruler.

You also need a surface large enough to lay out the entire future curtain on it, for example dinner table or gender This will make it easier to cut out and baste.

In the case where the base material is expensive and requires special care, the lining can be made removable. To do this, sew each fabric separately and connect them using braid with buttons.

The entire manufacturing process consists of sewing the facing and lining fabrics together at the sides, working their tops together to sew on braids, patches or insert eyelets, and separately to hem the bottom.

Let's look at how to do the calculations correctly. specific example. We decided to sew one wide curtain just below the window sill for the kitchen window. The window has standard sizes 215X170cm. The cornice is fixed 10 cm above the window opening. The height of the front part of the window sill is 5 cm. We make calculations:

  1. Length: 215+10+5+5 cm (to completely cover the window sill) = 235 cm.
  2. Width: 170X1.5 (allowance for folds) = 255 cm.
  1. Length: 235 + 10 (bottom) + 10 (top) = 255 cm.
  2. Width: 255+ 5 = 260 cm.

In order for the side seams to be completely invisible, the lining must be smaller than the face, so we take into account the hem for it only in the upper part: 235 + 10 = 245 cm.

And so, all measurements and calculations have been made, we cut the fabric and begin sewing.

Step-by-step instructions for sewing lined curtains

Step 1

Fold the bottom edge of the front fabric 2 cm and iron it. To control the evenness of the hem, it is most convenient to use a calibration ruler, but in the absence of one, an ordinary one will do.

Step 2

Fold the bottom edge of the curtain again, this time by 8 cm, and iron again.

Step 3

Repeat steps one and two with the lining fabric: fold the bottom edge 2 cm, iron, fold 8 cm, iron.

Step 4

We prepare the folded edges for sewing: we secure them with safety pins. To the left of the pins, leave enough space to sew a seam 3-4 mm from the inner edge of the hem.

Step 5

We hem the front side of the curtain using a machine. To ensure an even seam, align the inside edge of the left leg of the foot with the edge of the hem. If you want this stitching not to be visible, hem the curtain by hand.

Step 6

Repeat step 5 with lining fabric.

Step 7

Remove the basting pins from the facing fabric and smooth out the folded edge.

Step 8

Repeat step 7 with lining fabric.

Step 9

Lay out the future curtain on a flat surface, face up. We place the lining fabric on it with the wrong side up, as shown in the photo. This is how it should be sewn on.

Step 10

We chop off the front and lining parts from the left sides along the entire length with safety pins.

Step 11

Machine sew the face to the lining along the left side, 2.5 cm from the edge.

Step 12

Repeat steps 10 and 11 with the right sides of the face and lining.

Step 13

We smooth out both side seams, and then turn the resulting “pipe” inside out. Since the lining is narrower, it looks like an edged frame made of the main fabric.

Step 14

We check the evenness of the hem of the turned-out curtain with a ruler and iron both sides.

Step 15

Fold the lower left corner of the front part as shown in the photo and iron it.

Step 16

We sew the lining to the face by hand using a hidden seam. Repeat steps 15 and 16 on the other side of the curtain.

Step 17

We process the top of the product. The order of work depends on how you are going to hang it. These could be, for example, patches, eyelets, curtain tape, drawstrings, or the simplest thing - alligator clips.

The lining can also be sewn to the finished curtain; the curtain will only benefit from this.

Sewing lined curtains with your own hands is not difficult. See this for yourself. You will definitely succeed, and the new curtains will pleasantly please you and your loved ones for a very long time, and protect your windows from scorching sun and curious glances from the street.

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Sewing curtains with your own hands is quite easy, having minimal skills in cutting and sewing technology. Almost every housewife can easily master the technology of sewing curtains on her own. Having figured out how to sew curtains with her own hands, a woman is able to independently prepare and decorate a living room for the whole family with original products that will give it uniqueness and can perfectly complement the interior of the living room. Unique curtains capable of surprising the hostess's guests.

You can choose the design of the curtains yourself according to your taste, and the technology of how to sew beautiful curtains should be studied thoroughly. Exists a large number of various types curtains for windows, all these varieties are based on several basic models.

You can choose the design of the curtains yourself according to your taste, and the technology of how to sew beautiful curtains should be studied thoroughly

Having thoroughly studied the execution sequence technological operations When sewing basic curtain models, a woman will be able to sew any product with her own hands.

Sewing curtains with your own hands is quite easy, having minimal skills in cutting and sewing technology

When solving the problem of which curtains to sew with your own hands, you should decide on the required style of curtains. There is a large number variety of options curtains, but no more than 10 main ones. Many of the main styles are very similar to each other and differ in small design nuances. All the rest differ slightly from the 10 primary sources, so if it is necessary to make adjustments to the design of the curtains, this will not be a problem.

For beginning seamstresses, before learning the process of how to sew a curtain with your own hands, you should familiarize yourself with the main types of curtains

For beginning seamstresses, before learning the process of how to sew a curtain with your own hands, you should familiarize yourself with the main types of curtains. The most common styles of window curtains are:

  1. Simple curtains secured with ties.
  2. Lambrequins.

After studying all the design features of each type of curtain, before sewing the curtains yourself, you should prepare the entire set of required tools and materials for the work.

After studying all the design features of each type of curtains, before sewing the curtains yourself, you should prepare the entire set of required tools and materials for the work

Before carrying out the curtain manufacturing process, you will need to prepare following materials and tools:

A sewing machine is used to make curtains

  • pins;
  • pencil for marking;

A pencil is used for marking

  • ruler and tape;
  • nail polish;

Scissors are necessary when making curtains

  • scissors.

Important! If this is your first time doing sewing, it is recommended to look for curtain patterns that suit your tastes.

How to sew curtains with a lambrequin?

Very often housewives wonder how to sew a lambrequin for curtains. Sewing curtains with a lambrequin with your own hands is quite simple. This design has a simple design, but at the same time has a sophisticated and attractive appearance. In order to sew curtains with a lambrequin with your own hands, you should first prepare appropriate patterns that will facilitate all technological operations.

Lambrequins are a decorative element that fits perfectly into most of the most popular residential design styles.

Lambrequins are a decorative element that fits perfectly into most of the most popular residential design styles. This element complements very well and organically shapes the interior of the room.

When making lambrequins, you should Special attention pay attention to the selection of materials. Most often, those women who decide to sew curtains make all the decorative elements for them with their own hands. To make all elements of the curtains, the same material is most often used, but if you wish, you can experiment by using it to create different elements different materials. For example, for the main part a plain material is used, and the lambrequin is made of patterned fabric. There are no special rules or requirements in this regard; the only condition is that the curtains with all the decorative elements on them must fit perfectly into the overall design rooms.

After choosing the main material for making curtains for the room, you should calculate everything correctly. A lambrequin requires 1/5 or 1/6 of the total length of material required for sewing curtains. When calculating the material, you should remember that a supply of fabric will be required to make the hems.

Before making curtains, you should consider whether folds are needed on the curtain, and in what quantity. The location of the folds and their number can be marked using tape.

On initial stage You should fold the fabric on top of the future curtain and make a pocket for the curtain beam. The size of the pocket must be slightly wider than the beam. When making a pocket, the element should be processed using a reverse seam.

Folds, if they are planned to be formed, must be secured with threads and processed efficiently using an iron. Before securing the fold, you must carefully stitch the edge of the lambrequin.

In the process of making a lambrequin, some effort and care should be taken to make it original and unique. When choosing decorations for curtains, you should focus on the material used in the manufacture of curtains.

On a note! Light fabric used for sewing curtains can be supplemented with beads and flowers made from organza; heavy fabric can be decorated with fringe.

How to make Roman style curtains?

Roman blinds are very popular, so very often housewives are interested in the question of how to sew a Roman blind. First of all, you should remember that these Roman blinds are sewn taking into account that they cover the window tightly enough. For this reason, before purchasing the required amount of material for sewing curtains in the Roman style, you should accurately measure the window opening, and add 5 cm to the resulting width on each side for allowances. In addition, the length of the fabric should be increased by 12 cm.

Roman blinds are very popular, so very often housewives are interested in the question of how to sew a Roman blind

The fabric for making curtains in the Roman style can be chosen to suit your taste. Today, fabric manufacturers offer consumers a wide variety of fabric options. Any housewife without special problems will be able to choose the fabric to suit your taste.

Using chalk or soap, mark the lines along which the curtains need to be hemmed.

Fixed on the beam duct tape, a similar tape is also attached to the upper edge of the curtain. At the point of fastening, the curtain fabric is attached to the beam.

After this, the lower side is ironed and hemmed. The next step is hemming the finishing border. The rings are attached to the curtain using wide stitches. Then the curtain is attached to the beam.

The final stage of making curtains is threading the cord into the rings, after which the cord is pulled together and the excess ends are cut off.

The resulting curtains look solid and expressive.

Sewing curtains in English style yourself

Curtains made in english style, look refined, light and airy. Curtains of this type are perfect for any room; the use of this interior element allows you to add a certain zest and uniqueness to the design of the room.

Curtains made in the English style look elegant, light and airy

There is nothing complicated in the process of sewing this type of curtain and almost any housewife with sewing skills can sew such curtains.

To make curtains you should prepare required amount satin, natural muslin and satin ribbon. When calculating the length of curtains, you should take into account the parameters of the window opening. When preparing the material, be sure to take into account the material used for folds and hemming.

The ribbons are pinned to the main fabric and sewn onto sewing machine

On the curtain canvas you should mark the places where you plan to sew satin ribbons. After this, the prepared ribbons are folded one centimeter on each side, ironed and hemmed. The ribbons are pinned to the main fabric and sewn on a sewing machine.

At the final stage, the upper edges of the satin ribbons should be secured. After the entire curtain is ready, its lower edge should be hemmed and thoroughly steamed.

In order to decorate the curtain, you can place several additional satin ribbons

In order to decorate the curtain, you can place several additional satin ribbons.

Sewing simple and beautiful curtains - step-by-step instructions

If you do not want to create complex and binding compositions, you should opt for simple designs, which can be decorated with delicate bows. Very often such curtains are used to create cozy interior in the kitchen. For this reason, very often you can hear from housewives the question of how to sew simple and beautiful curtains for the kitchen with your own hands. Simple curtains can have an unpretentious appearance, but they will be both beautiful and ideal for decorating a kitchen space. If you want to decorate the curtains, you can additionally use a variety of decorative elements, which will give the curtains uniqueness and add a special zest to the interior.

The fabric for making sheets should be chosen in a width that corresponds to the window opening in the kitchen

On a note! The fabric for making canvases should be chosen in a width that corresponds to the window opening in the kitchen.

The length of the curtains in the kitchen is selected by housewives to their taste. Depending on the general interior curtains can be made short or up to the window sill. If necessary, you can decorate the windows in the kitchen with floor-length curtains. If desired, kitchen openings can be decorated with a narrow ribbon made of satin. This tape is sewn to the curtain fabric using threads of the appropriate color.

Lightweight curtains for kitchen windows can be perfectly combined with blinds various designs and with tulle. You can decorate the curtains in the kitchen with the help of bows, which can add uniqueness and tenderness to even the simplest curtain.

You can choose any fabric for making curtains for the kitchen at your discretion. It should be noted that the best option The material for making curtains for the kitchen is blended or cotton fabric.

This type of fabric perfectly allows air to pass through, which creates an atmosphere of lightness in the room. Ribbons made from satin are recommended for use as decoration; when choosing a satin ribbon, it is advisable to give preference to contrasting colors.

Lightweight curtains for kitchen windows can be perfectly combined with blinds of various designs and with tulle

To sew a curtain, you should take the fabric prepared for this and smooth it, and then baste the entire perimeter with the exception of the top edge.

After basting the entire curtain around the perimeter, hem the top edge in accordance with the width of the cornice on which it is planned to fasten the curtain.

Making curtains with eyelets yourself

Curtains with eyelets have recently become very popular. It is the popularity of this type of curtains that is the reason that housewives often begin to wonder how to sew curtains with grommets with their own hands.

It is the popularity of this type of curtains that is the reason that housewives often begin to wonder how to sew curtains with grommets with their own hands

There is nothing complicated in sewing curtains, the main and fastening elements of which are eyelets. Subject to all the technological operations that need to be performed when sewing curtains with eyelets, any housewife can make this element of the interior of the room.

To facilitate all operations, it is recommended to use photographs of the step-by-step implementation of the entire process. Such photos can be easily found on relevant websites dedicated to interior decoration and the development of room designs.

Curtains with eyelets can be used to decorate rooms in a variety of styles

Curtains with eyelets can be used to decorate rooms in a variety of styles. Such curtains can organically complement rooms decorated in styles such as:

  • high tech;
  • minimalism;

Such curtains can organically complement the room

  • Scandinavian;
  • loft;

When the finished curtains are secured to the cornice, uniform and uniform folds are formed, which can be considered a feature of these curtains and their highlight

  • madder.

The folds of waves formed on the curtains, when used to fasten eyelets, contribute to the fact that a person has associations with sea waves; as a rule, they are pleasant for almost every person.

In order to secure the finished curtains to the grommets, the housewife will need to prepare:

  • curtain fabrics;
  • cornice;

The folds of waves formed on curtains, when used to attach eyelets, contribute to the fact that a person has associations with sea waves; as a rule, they are pleasant for almost every person

  • fixed rings;
  • threads for sewing and hemming curtain fabrics;

Sewing needles for making curtains

  • scissors;
  • sewing needles;

  • hammer.

When the finished curtains are fastened to the cornice, uniform and homogeneous folds are formed, which can be considered a feature of these curtains and their highlight. Such folds are formed due to properly carried out drapery.

I like

Decorating a home with textiles is an interesting and expensive activity. To make your home look cozy, you need to choose curtains desired color, drawing, come up with a style, buy required quantity meters of material and sew everything together beautifully.

Curtains are needed in every home. This is the name for curtains of a simple cut, which can be used to close windows from prying eyes and to divide room space. Curtains are used to cover hangers, shelves, and mirrors. They are hung on doorways. They make the house cozier and more elegant by covering unsightly places with fabric and enclosing secluded corners for privacy.

How to sew curtains to decorate your home textile products? There is no need to try to experiment with sewing curtains that are complex in cut. It is best to start by sewing an ordinary curtain, sewing the curtain tape correctly and accurately calculating the fabric consumption.

To sew curtains with your own hands, you need to have a sewing machine that has a lockstitch function set to 4 mm pitches.

Cutting can be done on a large table. If there is no place convenient for cutting fabric, then you can cut it on the floor.

The main stages of the work are creating a sketch of the curtain, making the calculations necessary to purchase the material, and sewing the product. To work, in addition to the sewing machine, you will need:

  • material;
  • threads;
  • piece of chalk;
  • rulers or tape measure;
  • scissors.

Making a sketch of a curtain

To sew a simple curtain from two halves that will be held on the cornice using curtain tape, you need to preparatory work. Before you start cutting the curtains, everything is calculated. It is important to determine what length and height the finished product will have.

When calculating how much material you need to spend on one curtain, you need to consider what the curtain will be supported on. There are many types of curtain fastenings used in everyday life. They can be held on a stretched string, a cornice, or a rod with hanging clamps. How the top edge will be processed depends on the type of fastening. finished product.

Mounting tape equipped with loops can be sewn onto it, on which the finished product is hung on curtain rod hooks. These can be decorative wide loops that fit onto a wooden cornice. An option is possible when the curtain is hemmed and secured with clips. Then it is enough to hem the top and bottom edges without using curtain tape.

After all the calculations have been made, a sketch is created and all dimensions are indicated on it. The simplest type of curtains is drapery with gathers. The assembled width of the curtain is equal to the width of the cornice, to which 4 cm is added for free placement. If you need to sew two canvases hanging symmetrically and moving apart towards the edges of the window, then the width of each canvas will be equal to the width of the cornice, divided in half with an addition of 2 cm for free placement.

The length of the curtains varies. It can be shortened to the window sill, lowered 10 cm under the window sill line, not reaching 1 cm to the floor or touching it. Sometimes curtains lie on the floor because they are 5 or 10 cm too long.

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To sew curtains, you need to take the necessary measurements. First, the width and length of future curtains are checked by measuring the window, doorway or other object for which the curtains are sewn. Calculate the fabric consumption per item, taking into account hem allowances.

When calculating the amount of material required by the width of the product, you need to remember that to form free folds you will need 2 times more material than the width of the space that needs to be hidden under the decorative elements. Taking into account the need to make allowances for side hems, add from 8 to 16 cm to the resulting width. This depends on the type of material used and its density. To determine how much material will go to the height of the curtain, you need to add up the following data:

  • height from cornice or string to end point;
  • fold the bottom 4 cm on the top and bottom;
  • the width of the mounting tape, the hemming of which requires 2.5 cm from the length of the fabric.

If the purchased fabric has a repeating pattern, you need to cut it so that it fits completely into the created product.

Multiply the resulting number of meters that should be spent on one product by the total number and you will get the required number of meters of material needed for sewing. When making calculations, you need to take into account the fact that the fabric on sale may have different widths. Chintz and staple has a width of 90 cm.

Other fabrics intended for decorative works, have a width from 140 to 300 cm. The material chosen in the store may have a repeating pattern called rapport. If you choose such a fabric, then it is important to take into account its size both in height and width.

When purchasing curtain tape, you should decide on its size. It will be the width of the curtain. They buy it with a small reserve, if there are several curtains, so that there is definitely enough for the last copy.

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Cutting and sewing curtains

Before cutting begins, the purchased material is examined for defects. First you need to make sure that the sides of the future curtain are perpendicular to the horizontal line of the floor or ceiling.

If the fabric has creases, they are smoothed out. Material that shrinks after washing must be decatified. To do this, you first need to soak it in water at the temperature at which the manufacturer recommends washing. After drying, it is ironed using the steam function.

Before cutting, cut off the edges that tighten the fabric.

Having laid out the material prepared for work on a flat surface, they begin to apply markings, guided by the prepared diagram. When cutting a curtain, you must remember that all cuts must be made strictly along the thread - longitudinal and transverse.

Sewing curtains begins with processing the sides. First, measure the required allowance for the hem, 2 cm on each side, and iron the allowance on the wrong side. The finished piece with ironed allowances is transferred to the sewing machine. The sides are sewn on it, bending the ironed seam allowance, making a double fold. The line is laid along the edge of the collar. The resulting seams are ironed again.

Atelier services are quite expensive, so if you have a basic set of sewing equipment, right and left hand and there are no particularly complex ideas, then it’s worth learning, how to sew curtains with your own hands. And with the money you save you can buy something nice for your loved one.

How to sew beautiful curtains

Special educational materials that allow you to learn how to sew beautiful curtains, you can easily buy or get free knowledge online. However, the problem is not so much the lack of information as our uncertainty about own strength. Therefore, you should not immediately dare to try complex models with lambrequins, swags, ruffles, etc., try to cope with a simple model, and then you can improve your acquired skills.

For training, you can use several approaches to selecting material. On the one hand, to practice the basic techniques of cutting, draping, and finishing edges, it is better to buy an inexpensive full-size piece of fabric so that you can understand how to work on such a significant scale. But in order to learn how to work with the specific fabric that you have chosen for sewing, you need to take a small piece of it, experiment with washing it, sew it with several lines, and fold it. Useful for finding out how to sew curtains video- and photo tutorials, books and magazines with step by step instructions. You can learn a lot from them useful information and some secret know-how of the masters.

How to sew curtains beautifully

In order to gradually learn how to how to sew curtains beautifully, you need to start with a simple one - single-layer curtains made of fabric of one even shade, not too light and not too heavy material. To attach such an ordinary one, any of the cornice options will suit you. To use its hidden configurations, you will only have to slightly modify the hemmed top, while the main draperies will remain unchanged.

So, you need to take two main measurements using a tape measure, ruler and level. The first of them is the expected width of the finished product (most often it is equal to the length of the cornice minus 10-15 centimeters) and its expected length. Making folds down to the floor is not always practical; in a kitchen it is generally very inconvenient, since the ends will interfere with cleaning and quickly get dirty. Whereas if the fabric covers only the window opening itself, classic models can look scanty and inexpressive. In general, for this we need an initial sketch in order to decide on appearance future decor.

Once you know the size, it's time to start shopping for fabric. Her maximum height most often it is already determined by the industrial width of the fabric roll, so we will adjust the length of the roll (for curtains this will be the horizontal size). The minimum factor by which you need to multiply the width to determine the size of the purchased canvas is two. In fact, the wider it is, the more beautiful the folds will be, but still most often this applies to products made from heavy draping fabrics. The optimal ratio is 2.5 - 3, in this case you will get wide folds.

You need to decide whether you will divide the entire width into two panels or leave one. The second option may be acceptable for transparent light curtains that are not removed from the perimeter of the window opening, while any dense accent fabrics are most often divided into two parts that frame the window on both sides, tied with tiebacks and fasteners.

The panel must be carefully cut into two parts using wide, sharp tailor's scissors. Each section must be carefully folded and stitched on a machine; if necessary, this can be done several times, then ironed well so that the folded fabric does not stand out too much. You can sew a special strip on the top part, which can be bought in the accessories department, it is called curtain tape. Special loops are already placed on its surface, which are perfectly combined with fastenings for any type. In addition, such a tape has another magical property that makes it easy to learn, how to sew curtains yourself even the most inexperienced needlewoman. The fact is that special threads or guide tapes are sewn into the surface of the strip, which, when sewing, must in no case be covered with threads. Once you sew the tape to the size of the fabric, secure the stitching and iron the edge, all you have to do is pull these threads inside the tape to create gorgeous, uniform folds that are the same along the entire length of the fabric. Such a product can be ready in literally half an hour.

It’s no less easy to make elegant ones using modern fittings. For the making of their science, how to sew curtains, master class and photo tutorials are not needed at all. All the magic lies in the use of a special eyelet tape and a machine that makes holes in the fabric required diameter, inserting metal rings, which are called eyelets, to process the edges of the resulting hole. For this type, it is worth buying dense, plain fabric, since it is this that will give the most beautiful drapery and straight architectural folds. A fold is made at the upper edge of the fabric, and a grommet tape is laid, which is similar in its properties to interlining for sewing clothes. It glues the place where the holes will be made from the inside, which means that it will become tougher and denser and will hold its shape better. After this, you can use a machine or cut out the holes for the eyelets manually using scissors.

After this, all you have to do is thread the metal rings into the holes formed and clamp their edges. Now thread the panels, stringing them onto a straight thin cornice. With this fastening option, be sure to use special curtain rod stops that will prevent the eyelets and fabric from sliding off the edges. The advantages of this type include very easy closing and opening, without jerking, literally in one movement.

How to sew a Roman blind

We will also benefit from knowledge how to sew a roman blind. This type of curtain is experiencing a huge surge in popularity all over the world, along with all roller systems. The design is simple, but requires sufficient accuracy in calculations. The cornice can be either an ordinary one or a homemade one made from a straight strip.

The panel must be divided into as many parts as you ultimately want to see horizontal folds. can be made from any type of fabric, even light and transparent, because they look elegant both when unfolded and folded due to their original design. But at the same time, you should pay maximum attention to the accuracy of all measurements, since it looks most impressive when it seems to be built into the perimeter of the window. In order not to make a mistake with the dimensions, try to wash the fabric before cutting and iron it well so that it shrinks to its maximum and does not “jump” after sewing.

All necessary elements You can buy the accessories that are described in the master class at the link above in the store or order online. Of course, you can make do with improvised materials, but using rings, Velcro tapes and special guides you will get excellent result even with no experience. By applying the knowledge you have gained, you will be able to master beautifully draped Austrian curtains, made of horizontal wood, roller curtains, etc.

How to sew curtains with lambrequins

To know, how to sew curtains with lambrequins- means moving to the next stage of sewing skills. A lambrequin is the decorative top of a curtain that covers the cornice behind the fabric draperies. However, there are also smooth types of lambrequins, the so-called bandeaus, they are also very beautiful, and sewing them is not so difficult.

It’s difficult to call this look fashionable, rather it’s a tribute classical tradition, and an indicator of the well-being of the owners, because such complex products are very difficult to make on your own, so most often they are made to order in an atelier. However, as practice shows, with proper preparation there is nothing extremely confusing about them, you just need to find out the nuances of such design curtains, how to sew, patterns and sketches.

Typically, for this type of curtains, rich decorative design, decorated with tassels and fringes, they make unusual tiebacks, embroidered with stones, decorated with appliqués, flowers, etc.

How to sew curtains for the kitchen

There are several unusual nuances in how to sew curtains for the kitchen. They should be middle length, as we already said, so as not to lie on the floor and not interfere with your kitchen chores. The ideal length in this case is covering the line of the window sill. The original model is cafe-style curtains, when the cornice is shifted to the middle of the window and, accordingly, only its lower half is covered with fabric, while through the top Sun rays freely enter the room.

Look nice kitchen curtains in country style, for which the fastening rings and clips are replaced with ribbons and ribbons with which the fabric is tied to the cornice. For the same purpose, you can use other original elements, For example, wooden clothespins, painted with multi-colored paints.

Even novice dressmakers can decorate a window themselves. All you need is needles and thread, scissors and a sewing machine. For these purposes, even a simple model without additional functions, the main thing is that you can sew a large fabric on it. Of course, you can go to the atelier and entrust everything to a tailor, the work will be done flawlessly. But this is expensive and difficult for many young families.

How to sew curtains with your own hands? Stores offer various additional fittings which helps in work. Why not try sewing curtains yourself? Let's not touch technically complex lambrequins and jabots, let's start making a simple model with braid or loops.

How to sew curtains with ribbon

Let's learn to sew starting from the very beginning simple models. Having decided to please yourself and your loved ones with a new window design, despite the fact that the last time you sewed was at school during labor lessons, you can start with straight canvases.

By sewing a special curtain tape to them, you can get elegant drapery for windows and home textile models that exist only in a single copy in your home.

Sew simple curtains The braid will help, which is a kind of frame for the folds. Inside the fabric along the length there are twisted different ways cords, which are tightened to create artistic drapery. By choosing the one you need, you can get a wide variety of folds: pencil, bow, puff, French, Flemish, etc. Sewing the product is preceded by carefully measuring the width and height of the window and creating a pattern.

Sewing on braid

How should I sew the braid? To do this, you can watch the master class.

  1. Before sewing on the ribbon, you should trim the edges of the curtain. Moreover, we turn the top edge to the wrong side to the width of the braid.
  2. Training courses show that curtain braid is sewn from the wrong side at the top of the fabric in this way: the ends are folded inward by 2-3 cm, and the cords are released. The distance from the fold is 0.5-1 cm.
  3. First, the top edge of the tape is sewn, then the bottom. If it has 3-4 cords, then the stitching also runs along each one.
  4. The cut of these curtains is the simplest; now we steam them, tighten the threads to the required width, and form decorative folds.
  5. The loops are on the ribbon itself, so all that remains is to hang the product on the hooks located on the cornice, hide the knots from the tightened threads, and the work is finished. Don’t forget, the more folds there are on the canvas, the more hooks you will need.

That's the whole master class. If you want to see noble classic curtains on your window, then you can sew them together, adding various decorative elements. For example, you can decorate with beads, beads, fringe, or make a pick-up contrasting color. If this is a children's room, then when sewing curtains with your own hands, you can use bright fabrics with your favorite cartoon characters, and they will serve as tiebacks Stuffed Toys hugging the hanging canvas with its front paws. Lovers of cross stitch and cutwork will be interested in hand-made embroidery on canvases. You will have to tinker with the work, but this way you can decorate a small kitchen curtain or a curtain for a children's room. Sewing curtains with its variety can decorate any corner of the apartment.

Curtains with hinges

Sewing curtains with hinges will not be difficult even for novice craftswomen. They are a simple canvas that is attached to the cornice using decorative loops. These would be suitable unusual elements for decorating rooms different styles. Models with hinges can be made in several versions, so they can give the room a simple or stylish look.

Another master class will help you figure out how to sew such beauty for your window.

  1. The height and width of the product have already been decided. Now, for the facing, you need to cut out a strip of fabric from the same material, equal in length to the width of our curtain, and only 10 cm high. If the fabric is very thin, it is worth gluing non-woven tape.
  2. We know how to hem curtains. Turn part of the edge inside out twice, baste and stitch. Determine the number and width of the loops (usually cut to 6-7 cm).
  3. Cut the loop blanks, and their width should be 2 times the intended width plus 1.5 cm for the seam allowance. Fold in half lengthwise, right sides facing in, and baste. If the work turns out smooth, you can stitch it on a machine. Turn right side out and iron, especially the side where the seam is.
  4. Fold the prepared loops in half lengthwise and place them on the front side along the upper edge of the large fabric with the cuts facing up, pin them in place. Add an additional strip of fabric and baste along the top line. Stitch.
  5. Fold the spare strip inside out, the loops will be at the top. Iron it. Now all that remains is to baste the facing from the inside and also secure it.

The finished curtain can be hung on the cornice; to do this, we thread it through the resulting loops.

Curtains with drawstring

The most versatile curtain model is drawstring curtains. For those who have not taken a sewing course and have no idea what it is, we can explain that a drawstring is a specially sewn pocket where an elastic band or cord is pulled through in sewn items, and the curtain will have something threaded through it on which it will hang. The cornice should be tubular or in the form of a stretched string.

Considering the simplicity of this model, you can sew it yourself. Curtains made in this way can be either light daytime curtains or night curtains made from thick curtains. They are used in different rooms, giving them a character of ease and lightness. And if you add decorative elements to the cut, you can even slightly change the existing design. Such curtains are very suitable at home for the following rooms:

  • children's room, living room, if the windows have an arched appearance;
  • dachas and country houses;
  • kitchen windows, especially if the fabric is in a large checkered pattern that matches the tone of the textiles available here: towels, tablecloths, potholders;
  • closed verandas or terraces.

Sewing curtains with drawstring

How to sew a model with a drawstring? First, we determine the height of the product and the width of the window, then add 2-3 cm on the sides, which will be used to hem the fabric. If you plan to make lush waves, then multiply the width by 1.5-2.6. How to calculate correctly if we have a window 2 m wide and want to make a lush curtain? Then we multiply 2 by 2.6 and get a fabric width of 5.2 m. The larger the multiplied coefficient, the more magnificent the folds will be.

The measurements are determined, add another 2 cm to the pocket for the drawstring. This is required to move the finished model along a rod or cornice. Now we cut the fabric according to the received measurements. For beginner tailors this is easy. After ironing, we baste the bottom fold 2 cm wide, then sew it on with a machine.

To make a drawstring, the upper edge needs to be folded twice and basted. The width of the hem should be of such a size that the rod on which the curtain will hang freely fits into it. Next along the basting comes machine stitching.

If decorative elements are planned, we attach them to the canvas. Then we remove the basting thread and iron it well, especially the hems. Our work is ready. We carefully thread a tubular cornice into the sewn product and hang it on the fastenings.

How to choose curtains for the kitchen (video)

Curtains with eyelets

Modern and stylish option window decorations are canvases on rings. Eyelets are accessories designed for attaching fabric to curtain rods. They frame the holes at the top of the canvas. If you string the eyelets onto the cornice, the fabric forms beautiful, even folds. Such elements are made of plastic or metal. The technique for attaching eyelets is not difficult at all.

When choosing a fabric, you need to take into account that to obtain a beautiful drapery you need at least 2.5-3 times the width of the fabric, otherwise you can forget about elegant curves and waves. When calculating the amount of fabric yourself, you need to remember to add 3-4 cm to the side and bottom hems. The top hem requires more fabric, especially if the material is thick and dense. It can be calculated as follows: the diameter of the ring plus 1.5 cm from it to the top edge and 2 cm to the end of the hem.

Step-by-step instructions for working with eyelets:

  1. Having hemmed the fabric on 3 sides, all we have to do is process the top and insert eyelets. The number of cooked rings must be even. In addition, you will need scissors, grommet fabric (or non-woven fabric), and an iron.
  2. The cut of the fabric requires correctly calculating the distance between the eyelets. For soft folds, 15 cm is enough, for deep and embossed ones - 22 cm. The optimal length between the rings is 18 cm. Place the side ones at a distance of no more than 4-6 cm from the edges.
  3. Fold the top edge by the calculated number of centimeters, glue the grommet (or non-woven) tape inside, which is required so that the fabric does not pull the rings down. Iron everything.
  4. Make markings on the canvas by attaching a grommet and tracing it from the inside. The hole must be carefully cut with scissors.
  5. In order to figure out how to attach eyelets, you do not need to take special courses. You need to take one half of the ring and apply it on the wrong side. Cover it with the other part from the front side and, pressing with your fingers on both, snap them into place.

DIY curtains

Curtains tied with my own hands, will become a real decoration of your home. Knitted models can also be suitable for village house or dachas, they will look appropriate in a city apartment. They can be hung in the kitchen, in the children's room, even in the living room, where they will organically fit into retro, country, shabby chic interiors, that is, where the decor requires the presence of hand-made things. But even an ordinary small kitchen in a city apartment, decorated with such curtains, will become much cozier and more comfortable.

Do not think that this work requires great skill. With the basics of crochet techniques, you can create original item, which will delight the owners and surprise the guests. The thinner the threads that are chosen for knitting curtains, the more airy such a curtain will look and the more time it will take to complete it.

When planning to knit a product, you should first find out the size of the window. It is worth adding to these measurements: the width plus 50 cm, the height is measured depending on how long the product you want to see. Don't forget to think about how it will be attached to the cornice. Decide on the technique in which you will perform your model. For kitchen window Light fillet knitting, Vologda lace, simple patterns in the form of pineapples or fans are suitable.

When a pattern you like is selected, a sample is knitted, usually measuring 10 x 10. Then it needs to be washed and ironed so that the threads shrink a little. Then calculations are made for a large canvas. You can use any thread, the color matches the tone of the kitchen. The amount of yarn depends on the size of the window and the length of the thread in the skein. On regular window in a typical high-rise building, 15 skeins weighing 100 g will be enough.

Having prepared such a product, before hanging it, you need to:

  • wash as written in the instructions for the yarn;
  • You can also starch it so that the knitted curtains don’t sag;
  • dry thoroughly and iron with steaming;
  • It is worth hanging on the cornice after the canvas has completely cooled.

If you don’t know how to knit a large fabric or don’t have so much free time, but want something new and unusual, you can knit a lower border and tiebacks for ready-made curtains. You can find an independent pattern in the form of a circle or a polyhedron, which is how napkins are knitted, calculate how many of these parts are needed for a kitchen curtain, knit the required number and join them into one, crocheting them again or simply sewing them in several places.

How to sew an arched curtain (video)

Conclusion on the topic

As the lessons show, do beautiful curtains It’s not at all difficult to do it yourself. Even an ordinary light fabric, placed on a drawstring and decorated with a spectacular tie, will add a fresh touch to the familiar decor of the room.

If you dream of knitting curtains, but don’t have enough time for a large fabric, knit small elements on weekends that can be assembled later into a single mosaic of window decorations.

For beginning craftswomen, we suggest sewing models with paired loops that are tied on the cornice with lush bows. You don’t need design courses to sew on a braid with lush drapery.

If you combine 2 suitable type fabric, you can get an original solution for window decoration.

Products with embroidery also look good.

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