Gray floor green walls. Hallway floor color

Everything wears out over time and becomes unusable. The same thing happens with wallpaper, painting, and flooring of residential premises. Therefore, at least once in a person’s life, a person comes across the word “repair”. When planning a renovation, the first thing we think about is the color schemes for the surfaces of the room. After all, if old furniture is easy to replace with new ones, then the main components of the interior, that is, walls, floor and ceiling, for a long time remain unchanged. That is why it is so important to approach the choice of colors carefully and thoroughly.

Why is it so important not to make mistakes?

The combination of the color of the floor, walls and ceiling plays a major role in the comfort of the room. Psychologists have repeatedly proven that color affects a person’s consciousness: his mood, mood, and even mental health. For example, red color can cause nervous disorders, irritation, anger, while orange can lead to good location spirit, relieve stress and irritability and improve brain function.

And if all people associate home with a quiet haven, with a hearth to which one certainly wants to return, where a person can be himself, resting his soul and body, then the colors of this very hearth must necessarily be in harmony with each other, evoking coziness and comfort among household members .

Color harmony

A room made in different shades of the same color range, definitely instills calm and tranquility. The combination of wall and floor colors of the same color, but in varying degrees of saturation, is always pleasing to the eye and, in addition, will suit absolutely any style.

Most a win-win involves stretching the color from the darkest on the floor to the lightest on the ceiling. For example, classic version there will be a brown floor and a cream ceiling.

Shades of blue and blue will look very fresh in the living room. This combination of wall and floor colors with other furniture, more like white, gray, black, milky or beige, will add style and taste to your room.

The darkest shade in the range can be found on light walls as doors, picture frames, photographs, clocks and other details.

It would be good to combine shades of the same color scheme in the interior of the kitchen, where women have to spend most of the day. The lighter single-spectrum tones should be made background, and the brighter ones should be used with furniture and interior accessories.

Decision in favor of light

To give the room space and lightness, to visually expand it, you can use a pastel combination of colors of walls and floors in the interior. Pink, blue, lilac, mint, vanilla and cream shades go well together, so they can be perfectly combined with each other.

If you want to attract the attention of guests to trendy furniture or interior details, then the best choice would be plain design walls and ceiling in pastel colors. As for the flooring, here you should give preference to natural wood of a light gray or walnut shade.

Pastel colors also work well in rooms that are deprived of sunlight, such as sand, peach, pink and lilac shades.

Brightness and style

If you are a movement person and you want to bring dynamics, style and eccentricity into your home, bright accents are ideal for you. There is one risk here - the main thing is not to overdo it. When choosing brightness, it is worth remembering that the walls should be catchy, otherwise you can make the ceiling heavier, visually making it lower. You need to be careful with bright walls - the chosen color of the walls should be contrasting with the color of the furniture and doors. The latter should be chosen to match the floor or ceiling. To balance the composition, choose a floor that is several tones darker than the walls.

Contrast is the best choice

Another one - in contrasting shades. For example, yellow and lilac, coloring them opposite to each other.

Contrasting shades include the following pairs:

  • green and red;
  • blue and yellow;
  • orange and turquoise;
  • purple and light green;
  • bright light green and pink;
  • black and white.

Other combinations can be seen in the table of wall, floor and furniture color combinations presented below.

The bright surface of the walls is best matched with light furniture, on which small interior details are placed to match the main color of the room.

Designers do not use contrasting solutions when decorating bedrooms and lounges, since instead of relaxation, they contribute to the activation of mental activity. But in hallways, living rooms, and offices, contrasting color combinations of walls, floors and doors will fit perfectly. As for the nursery, it is worth consulting with a psychologist or taking psychological tests on your own to determine the child’s color preference, since unusual color combinations can traumatize the child’s weak psyche.

Lightness and airiness

If your home lacks light and air, then give your preference to very dark parquet flooring and light walls and ceilings. A monochromatic combination of floor and wall colors will play well into the hands of the owner of a small room. Practical white walls and ceiling will visually increase the space.

When choosing this color scheme, the main thing is not to overload this lightness with heavy curtains, massive dark furniture. If you're confused by a dark floor, throw a small light-colored rug over it to make it even more airy.

Greenery will look good in this interior: houseplants and accents of the color of fresh grass will bring naturalness and harmony with nature to the room.

Naturalness is in fashion

Speaking about plants, we need to dwell in more detail on fashion trend, which does not lose its popularity over time - eco-design. Designers strive to achieve a feeling of unity with nature not only through natural materials And indoor flowers, but also through the colors most common in nature: brown, green, blue, gray, sand.

In this case, they try to make the floor as reminiscent of the earth as possible - dark wooden parquet or laminate. The walls are usually decorated in beige, cream or sand. The ceiling remains unchanged white. Furniture in gray or light brown tones will fill the house with a strict, balanced atmosphere.

Fire and Ice

When combining the colors of doors, floors, walls and ceilings, you need to remember one thing Golden Rule, you cannot mix cold and warm shades. When decorating the interior in warm colors, neutral shades, namely white and black, will help balance the colors or draw attention to a certain color.

To visually bring interior items or walls closer, take note of orange, yellow, peach, brown, beige. Thus, the richer and warmer the color of the walls, the smaller the room will seem. Conversely, to distance objects or visually increase the size of a room, use green, blue, purple, turquoise and others.

When decorating rooms with a complex layout, this rule can come into play.

Adjusting the space

Using different color combinations of walls, floors and ceilings, you can visually correct the shortcomings of the room. For example, owners of an apartment with a low ceiling should pay attention to an interior with a dark shade of walls with a vertical pattern and a light ceiling and a contrasting floor. Due to the dark floor and vertical lines, the space will be visually deep and elongated.

Another option for visually increasing space would be an option with light walls, dark floors and two-level ceiling(with a lower level in dark colors, and the top one is light).

To steal the space in a room with high ceilings, choose ceiling coverings in dark shades.

The combination of floor and wall colors in the kitchen

Everything that was said earlier applies to living rooms, bedrooms and living rooms.

The kitchen is perhaps the most important room in an apartment or house, because this is where culinary masterpieces are created, this is where the whole family gathers at the table, and this is where the average housewife spends the most time. That is why it is so important to pay attention to the combination of colors of walls and floors in the interior of the kitchen.

The rule here is of three color scales, which are distributed in a percentage ratio of 60x30x10. Paying attention to only one “favorite” color is bad taste. And a correctly designed color scheme, where 10% is exactly the “favorite” color, will make the kitchen stylish and seasoned, and the chosen color will in no case be lost, but, on the contrary, will gain new life. This 10% is an accent that you can make in the kitchen: be it wall decoration or a work apron, or stylish kitchen accessories.

60% is the main color of the walls and ceiling. Modern designs kitchens are based on white color, which goes well with wooden furniture, the color of which makes up the remaining 30%.

Today, interior design is also popular, in which all color combinations depend on the work apron. However, it is worth remembering that such a huge detail cannot be combined with bright walls or furniture. Most best option- a bright apron (made of glass or tiles) and plain (discreet) furniture, just like the plain walls.

The influence of colors in the interior on mood

As we said earlier, the color that surrounds us can influence our mental condition, that is why it is necessary to know what shades to use in the interior to change the atmosphere in the house.

  • white - fills with energy, relieves worries and fears, but it must be diluted, since its excess can quickly tire you;
  • red - leads to severe irritation and nervous disorders, especially not recommended in children's rooms and bedrooms. Red details in the interior can help positive thinking, faith in the best and attract well-being;
  • yellow is the color of creative thought, provoking active mental activity, therefore it performs well in offices and in the kitchen;
  • orange - fills with energy, relieves stress, and also establishes positive relationships between household members;
  • green color financial well-being, however, using this color in the bedroom is not recommended, as it always makes you sleepy - because of this color you will not want to leave the bedroom. WITH green walls, the combination of a gray floor will create a feeling of peace and tranquility;

  • blue - healing color by all indicators, he is able to restore strength, cure high pressure In addition, it increases concentration. Recommended for use in bedrooms and children's rooms;
  • pink is the color of tenderness, femininity, tranquility. Designers advise painting walls pink in the nursery, regardless of the child’s gender, living room and bedroom, because it calms nervous system.
  • purple is the color of mysticism, eccentricity and power. Purple the walls are very busy emotional background, encourages quarrels and conflicts.

For comfortable stay in the house, the space is divided by interior partitions. Installing doors in openings allows you to achieve privacy. However, it is not always possible to create a harmonious combination of decor and flooring. Or the significance of this moment is simply ignored. To exclude such an incident in advance, it is necessary to competently approach the issue of choosing products. Because the color of the doors and floors in the interior should form a single ensemble. Therefore, next we will consider the recommendations of experts.

Principles for choosing floor colors

The choice of flooring determines the perception of room decor. The base bears most of the load furniture set. To emphasize the style of the room, choose the texture of the flooring material that will harmoniously combine with the rest of the interior. It is important to take into account the functional purpose of the rooms. If a cozy wood texture (be it laminate or parquet) looks good in the bedroom, then it is recommended to lay a tile or porcelain stoneware floor in the kitchen.

The palette of shades is often presented in two options: light and dark tones. Despite the aesthetic appeal and airiness of light floors, dark ones are considered more preferable. This is due to their practical properties. They hide the presence of dirty stains or dust. A light shade will instantly demonstrate any defect to the owners of the house. Since floor installation is a basic renovation job, the choice of covering material will be decisive for the further purchase of furniture. The combination of these elements should evoke a feeling of harmony, not sharp contrast.

Combination of floor, doors and furniture elements

Combining the components indicated in the header allows you to create a unique design. However, if you choose poorly, you can suffer greatly. The decor will seem boring or overloaded with details. The devil is in the details. Therefore, planning the decor and purchasing of these components should not be done separately from each other.

A popular solution is to install the door leaf to match the color scheme of the floor covering. And only then the harmonious duet is complemented by furniture compositions. It is important to create a “live” atmosphere. Saturate the room with designer accents.

Discreet decoration of walls and floors should be combined with bright furnishings. Because plain materials look unsightly in total.

In order for psychological perception to be normal, color neutrality must be avoided. It is better to try to create a stylish atmosphere in the house, combining rooms with different designs. You need to focus on functional purpose rooms.

Make an accent with decorative accessories. Otherwise, the light-dark palette of the room will resemble a work office. And this will not allow the owners to relax properly. Original design possible even with contrasting decor. When it is complemented by light and bright household items.

General principles for using color

To decorate the premises, you can choose a win-win option - a monochromatic color scheme. But then it is advisable to at least play with the texture. Volumetric finishing materials should be left to the walls, and muted textures to the door panels and floors. If you want to make the decor of the room creative, then the following principles can help a beginner:

  • Use no more than three types of color during finishing work;
  • Be based on the palette of a professional designer with the selection of harmonious combinations;
  • Do not combine warm and cold tones;
  • Use one color as the main color and several as shades;
  • Take advantage of special software for decor design;
  • Avoid combining different wood textures.

Also remember that visual perception depends on the decoration of the walls. Therefore, efforts need to be focused on them. Otherwise, the main thing is to adapt.

Popular color combinations

To decide on the color of the door leaf, study current trends in the global market. Now they offer a choice between the following shades:

  1. Dark: Blue-black, classic gray, blood red, brown (interspersed with noble mahogany textures), etc.
  2. Light: Milky white, beige, pastel colors with a hint of yellow, pure tones.

It is important to remember that the combination cold palette the floor covering and the warm texture of the door leaf looks unacceptable, too contrasting. It is much better to use a matching range of shades.

Door leaf color

He is supposed to stand out among others. So that even in semi-darkness a person can unmistakably find his way into the room. The flooring is often characterized by muted tones, but in the same temperature spectrum.

Occasionally, camouflage may be required. doorways, which is achieved by a combination of identical finishing materials.

Despite the fact that the trend includes models light shades, black, brown and gray options are considered optimal for the door leaf. This is due to impracticality white. It does not harmonize well with the rest of the interior, insisting too much on its whiteness.

In this case, the material from which the door is made fades into the background. The canvas can be plastic, and the floor can be wooden. The main thing is that the finish of the first is combined with the texture of the second. Only in this case functional load will be accompanied by aesthetic. The catalog samples help you choose the exact color. However, remember that the same parquet in the photo may differ in reality. It is also important to choose the right fittings. For example, under gray doors In the interior, handles with silver plating are chosen. This will highlight the advantages of the aristocratic gray color.

The dilemma of dark and light floors

When choosing the tone of the floor covering, the following may come to the fore: design idea. Yes, for visual expansion The spaces of the room use dark colors of the material. In this case, the door is decorated in the same palette, with a more saturated shade. For several years, the wenge style was fashionable, providing contrast with white walls. Edging with help complemented the achromatic ensemble. Clear geometric lines formed a unified image of the interior.

How to combine shades correctly

It is an already established habit to buy doors at the last stage of renovation. However, this often introduces strong dissonance into the style of the room. The colors of the doors and floors are in obvious conflict. Therefore, it is extremely important to decide on the exact shades long before purchasing products. The color of the door should be a lighter tone than the floor covering. As mentioned above, the material does not matter. Wood texture may vary.

Some people prefer to use contrast. The symbiosis of radically different wood textures seems to be advantageous. At the same time, we must not forget about the law of temperature. Cold tones and warm tones - do not mix. Otherwise, you will have to quickly correct the mistake.

Choice of colors for doors and floors

Choosing the appropriate shade of all planes in the interior allows you to saturate the atmosphere with atmosphere and stylistic comfort. A monosyllabic color scheme makes the decor look nondescript. Therefore, it is necessary to wisely vary the combinations of and. For example, the light color of the walls is emphasized by the transition of the dark tone of the doors to a darker shade of the floor. If the door leaf is darker than the floor covering, then the baseboard should be the same shade as the door.

The range of products on the construction market allows us to rethink many previously immutable truths. Let's look at some of them:

  • Once upon a time, interior design implied the mandatory same color for doors and floors. However, now these elements may have different shades, and sometimes radical differences in color;
  • The law of spectrum combination remained unbreakable. If the red floor in the interior is characterized warm tones(red, amber), then gray doors of cold shades will not harmonize with it. They may be a different color, but the same. The same applies to cold flooring options. A graphite or blue tint can be combined with the same temperature spectrum of the door leaf;
  • The law of the trinity of color is still observed. Which implies the use of a maximum of three colors in decoration. If blue walls are accompanied by fashionable metallic flooring, then the doors can be made in zebrawood or;
  • The choice of colors for doors and floors may involve one color, but different tones. This is due to the vertical perception of the human eye. When the ceiling is first viewed, then interior partition, and at the end attention is drawn to the floor. Therefore, it is advisable to make the door leaf lighter than the bottom covering. Otherwise it will be difficult to fit into the interior;
  • If the choice of color palette for these two components involves different colors, then their harmonious combination can be achieved using a plinth. The latter repeats the color of the doors, not the floor;
  • The combination of doors and floor can also be achieved by decorative elements. These can be special door linings, original floor vases, decorative rugs. They should repeat the main color of the main components of the interior.

An exception to the rule is the use natural wood as a material for the manufacture of furniture. Its presence suggests the possibility of tying doors not to the floor, but specifically to it. This will create the correct midline for the human eye.

Doors for painting

This type of door has many names. They are called white, primed, Canadian... However, they are all justified. White implies the corresponding dye color. Primed ones indicate the need for finishing the product. The Canadian woman talks about the country of origin of the practical technology. Regardless of the name, the principle of such doors involves painting the product yourself. It seems practical option, if the owners are limited in material resources. Low cost allows for repair or replacement door leaves at any time of life. At the same time, they will be little inferior to expensive models from noble breeds tree.

The principle of the staining procedure is simple. Thin panels of pre-treated wood are placed on a wooden frame. Preparing the material allows you to get rid of some disadvantages wooden surface. The space between the panels and the frame is filled with cardboard cellular material. Subsequently, the door surface is coated with a high-quality primer.

The painting procedure does not affect the way the doors open. They can be either sliding or hinged. These products are easy to fit into the interior, be it a residential building or a public building. The range of ready-made models on the market also contributes to the competent choice of the optimal decor. Further coloring over time will only bring joy to the owners. Because updating the design entails changes in life.

Sometimes painted canvases become the main pride of the family. This happens if one of its members has creative imagination. With the help of acrylic (alkyd) enamel it is possible to create a genuine interior decoration and dilute the dull dullness familiar objects. You can enhance the effect by combining different materials, matte or glossy.

A setting with a predominance of wooden elements allows the use of glass or plastic in the manufacture of partitions.

Combination of materials

The harmony of textures allows you to create an aesthetic interior and comfort in the room. When designing, it is important to show a sense of proportion so that the number of different structures is minimal. Don’t get carried away with a pile of plastic, glass, textiles, metal and wood in one room. Experiments are welcome, but with a competent arrangement of a small number of materials. The well-known combination of glass and wooden elements makes up the optimal composition precisely for this reason. The rule of three discussed above also applies here. When no more than three types of finishing materials are used in interior design. If necessary, you can use design rules interior decoration:

  • The use of contrasting door leaves in small room unacceptable for the simple reason that they visually reduce the space. At the same time, monochromatic products create a harmonious union with the floor, visually increasing the volume of the room;
  • For narrow corridors or oblong rooms, it is recommended to use bright accent products. This allows you to bring them closer to distant walls. The room takes on a harmonious appearance. Especially if the gamma matches the color palette of the floor covering;
  • Large areas of living rooms seem designed for daring experiments. However, even here the above-mentioned design laws will be relevant. When the doors are made in one color, and the temperature range of the products is organically combined with the floor covering. Cool duets include cool maple with refreshing mint, French rose or lavender. But you can create a more contrasting floor.


Comfort in the apartment can be ensured different ways. One of the most important is the creation harmonious interior by using correct selection finishing colors. There are certain laws for the color combination of door panels, walls and floors. Experienced designers skillfully operate with these postulates, creating a cozy home space. For example, the covering of doors and floors can be either plain or contrasting. However, the thermal spectrum must always be identical. Only by observing immutable truths can you achieve outstanding results.

Gray color belongs to neutral tones and thanks to this quality it is often used as the basis of the interior, a background for brighter and contrasting accessories. Using gray color for walls fills the interior with calm, balance, and helps to relax. And the variety of possible combinations will allow you not to limit yourself in anything.

Gray color and its shades in interior design, for whom it is suitable

Gray is one of the most unique and neutral colors in the palette. It combines with almost the entire spectrum of colors, perfectly neutralizing bright and active ones and enhancing and highlighting calmer tones. Thanks to the many shades, gray can approach black or become almost white, and can have a warm or cold tone. The overall color scheme of the interior depends on the correctly selected tone.

Recently, the color greige (French gray) has become particularly popular among designers when decorating interiors - a combination with beige that creates a “powdery effect”.

Calm and almost neutral, gray sometimes seems unable to evoke emotion and looks mundane. Because of these qualities, it is better not to use it when decorating a children's room, but it is ideal for a bedroom.

Shades of gray are usually chosen by young people active people for interior decoration in loft, art deco, modern, hi-tech style, adding contrasting color accents. It is also suitable for middle-aged people who prefer a calm and neutral monochrome interior, conducive to reflection and tranquility.

Successful combinations with other colors: beige, brown, pink, blue, red

The choice of additional color depends on the specific shade of gray that is used as the main one. Successful combinations are with pastel colors- pink, blue, beige. The interior becomes light, airy, cozy.

Neutral gray is a wonderful backdrop to highlight the beauty of the complementary color.

But a combination with bright, contrasting colors - red, yellow, blue - is also often found. Thanks to gray, they will become more subdued and calm. Such an interior will look stylish and dynamic.

Classic combination with white

This option makes any room visually larger. Gray shade emphasizes whiteness, but to this combination you will need to add several decorative elements of other colors so that the interior does not seem boring and dull.

For a large and bright room, gray can be used for wall decoration, and white as an additional color.

For small space Gray should be in limited quantities so as not to visually make the room smaller.

Delicate combination with beige

The combination of these two neutral colors is perfect for those who prefer a calm and subdued interior of the bedroom, living room and office.

A warm beige shade is good to use as an additional shade. It is good to add a small amount of white to this combination to emphasize the depth of the shades. For an interior in gray-beige tones, it is good to choose solid wood furniture light colors, handmade items.

Discreet brown

The combination of a light shade of gray and dark brown is calm and laconic. With the right shades, they can look harmonious and balanced. The furniture in the room is massive and elegantly decorated.

You can try a contrasting combination of dark gray and light brown. In this case, the furniture should be lighter, simpler in shape. It is possible to use wicker or rattan.

Both essentially neutral colors can be perfectly complemented by white or gold, which will add lightness and airiness to the interior.

Gray and black

A laconic combination. As a rule, black is used simultaneously with white. All three of these colors complement each other. To prevent the interior from becoming gloomy, black should be used in small quantities - as a rule, these are pieces of furniture or textiles.

The combination of these colors always looks expensive, dignified and laconic.

Frivolous combination with pink

Delicate pink color combined with gray is well suited for the design of a small room. Most often, the combination with pink is used to decorate a nursery for a teenage girl. It can be a glamorous interior when using a complex pink shade, or very delicate and neutral when combined with pale pink.

This combination is feminine and calm. It can also be used to decorate a bathroom or kitchen.

Combination with blue (blue)

The combination of these colors is quite cold and strict. As a rule, in this case very light shades of gray are used so as not to cause a sharp contrast - pearl gray or river mother of pearl, antique.

In many cases, the combination with blue is masculine. In a gray-blue interior it is good to use small ornaments and geometric patterns. This combination is used to decorate a teenager’s bedroom or children’s room.

The combination with blue or turquoise is more active, and is good to use in the design of a living room or kitchen. Especially if you add white accents.

Bright contrast with red

This combination is becoming increasingly popular, thanks to its use in fairly new styles - high-tech, art deco, neo-baroque. These styles suggest the presence of bright color accents. And if you add a third color to the combination of gray and red - black, you will get a bright and fashionable interior.

Of course, red and black are best used as complementary colors. They will emphasize the depth of gray and will look muted.

Warm duet with yellow (orange)

Difficult to execute, this combination is often used by designers.

Sunny shades of yellow make the interior warm and cozy. This combination looks good in the interior of any room if you combine the colors correctly. Gray will always be the dominant color, yellow is only an accent color.

For perfect combination gray and yellow, the rule should be followed: the darker the shade of gray, the brighter shades yellow. Conversely, for light gray shades it is better to use sandy yellow.

Photo gallery: examples of successful color combinations in the interior

In combination with gray and white, yellow is a bright accent A few bright accents are enough Pink colour to liven up your living room interior The dark gray shade of the walls emphasizes the depth and richness of the purple The light green color of the wall adds activity to a calm interior.
Gray shades of textiles emphasize the delicacy of the main color of the walls Pastel olive shade perfectly complements the main tone of the bedroom Muted red used in furniture upholstery and on the wall near the fireplace makes the interior active and dynamic. A delicate lilac shade organically complements the gray tone of the walls The use of several shades of blue and cyan in textiles transforms the calm interior of the bedroom The deep anthracite color of the tabletop and fireplace emphasizes the delicacy of the primary colors of the living room The coldness of the kitchen interior balances the warm brown color of the floor To provide color balance to the living room, delicate pink accents and light, thick-pile flooring are used. Beige and black emphasize the beauty of the main tone The gray tone of the tiles makes the bathroom soft and airy The strict dark gray color of the walls is perfectly complemented by beige furniture and decorative elements

Gray color in room decoration: walls, floor, ceiling

Having chosen gray as the main color for the interior, you should be very careful about the selection of materials for finishing the walls and floors. It is equally important to select and additional elements- furniture, textiles, lighting fixtures.

The atmosphere that will be created in the room depends on how harmoniously all the decorative elements are combined.


Depending on the chosen style, the walls can be covered with paintable wallpaper or plastered decorative plaster, painted with water-based paint. Quite often it is practiced to decorate one wall in a darker or contrasting color.

When selecting wallpaper, you can use a glossy pattern or photo wallpaper. It is very interesting to decorate the walls with panels and wood. The main condition is that they must go well with the floor, furniture and textiles.


Since gray color has the property of absorbing light, when developing a design project, it is advisable to make the ceiling as simple as possible, one-level. When painting or selecting material for a stretch ceiling, choose white or very light shades of gray - pearl, antique gray.

The ceiling in a gray interior should be several shades lighter than the main tone.

Should be abandoned multi-level structures. Maximum finishing - ceiling plinth white.


For flooring, natural materials are best suited - parquet, laminate, floorboard. You can use linoleum.

The color of the flooring should be chosen based on the size of the room. IN small room for the floor it is better to choose materials of natural light shades; for a large room you can use dark colors. The use of a carpet or rug will diversify the interior and help highlight areas in the room.

Recently, gray color is increasingly used for floor decoration - it looks interesting and unusual, and is an alternative to the usual brown tones.

For the kitchen, bathroom and bathroom, you can use tiles or porcelain stoneware in gray tones with light marbled veins. Glossy surfaces will give the interior a special chic.

Using gray in furniture and decorative elements

For a monochrome interior, furniture in gray tones is most often selected. It is quite practical - non-staining, and can be upholstered with an interesting texture. If the walls are a fairly dark shade, the furniture should be several shades lighter so as not to blend in. For a light shade of the walls, a darker tone is selected.

It is very important to choose the right textiles for the interior. It should be selected especially responsibly for the bedroom and living room. In most cases, for calm gray interiors, curtains are selected to match the walls, and are, as it were, their continuation. Decorative pillows can be selected in darker shades.

If you are decorating a nursery, or you have chosen one of the modern styles for the interior, you can choose curtains in bright colors or stripes with patterns.

Black and white photos, paintings, and panels are perfect for wall decor. It is acceptable to use decorative elements made of metal, plastic, and glass.

Particular attention should be paid to lighting fixtures - they can become the main accent in the interior.

Any interior will be decorated with vases, decorative dishes, and unusually shaped clocks. Don't forget about plants - they are a universal decorative element that will be appropriate in any room.

Photo gallery: decor in a gray interior

Wall panel, made in the same color with vases and decorative pillows, adds dynamism to the interior For a more delicate and calm interior, just add a few pieces of ceramics and panels The main emphasis is on the warm-colored carpet in the sofa area Moldings and geometric carpet patterns transform the calm interior of the room A dark-colored chandelier accentuates dining area Striped curtains make the room visually taller A collage of photographs in dark frames is a wonderful addition to the interior.

All shades of gray in the design of different rooms: living room, bedroom, kitchen, children's room

Shades of gray are ideal for bedroom decor due to their ability to relax and soothe. With the right decorative elements, you can create a luxurious and modern interior in the bedroom and kitchen.

For a children's room you need to very carefully select warm and light colors. After all, it is very important that the child does not fall into melancholy and despondency, and does not lose activity.

Living room

Since the living room is one of the largest rooms in the house and a relaxing place for family members, the atmosphere in the house depends on its design.

It is best to choose shades of gray that will promote relaxation, but will not look gloomy and dull.

Calm and solemn gray-blue, warm gray, and gray-yellow are good options. You can use several shades of gray or highlight one wall.

For the interior of the living room, it is important that there are few color accents - it is enough to use one large object and several small ones to give expressiveness.

Try combining different patterns and textures - on wallpaper, in textiles. This will add variety to the sophisticated gray palette. Almost any complementary color will do - from soft blue to bright red.


It is better to emphasize the area near the sofa with a carpet in sand tones with thick pile. A logical and always appropriate addition would be indoor plants in large outdoor pots.

For the bedroom you should choose light shades of gray. A duet with white suits very well - the bedroom will be light and airy. Particular attention should be paid to textiles. The final result largely depends on the choice of color and texture of curtains and bedspreads.

It is enough to change the color of the textiles in the bedroom to get a completely different interior.

You can select fabrics with different pattern sizes - this will add tenderness to the interior. Darker shades of gray will emphasize the light tone of the walls.


Gray color has recently become very popular in kitchen interiors. Calm, balancing - it is associated with purity and coolness. When decorating a kitchen, gray can be combined with almost all colors, with the exception of blue and purple, which reduce appetite. It can be porcelain stoneware, stone, linoleum. The furniture should be light, interesting shape and light colors.

Metal or plastic decorative elements in light or silver colors are perfect.

Children's room

For a child's room, gray is not considered the most suitable color, but you should not completely abandon it. Can be picked up interesting options design in gray tones for both girls and young men.

If you choose a delicate shade of pink as an additional color to the main gray color, you will get a very soft and interesting interior for a young girl. With a more saturated shade - a glamorous interior for a high school student. Pink can be used both in furniture elements and in textiles and decorative elements.

No less interesting combination with shades of blue, turquoise, blue. Male character The design of a children's room will be emphasized by ornaments, geometric patterns on the bedspread, curtains, and decorative pillows.

The delicate shade of the curtains will add lightness and airiness to the interior.

Photo gallery: examples of decorating various rooms in the house

The dark gray shade of the walls is favorably emphasized by the carpet and furniture warm shades Pearl gray color makes white home furnishings look brighter and fresher Monochrome kitchen looks stylish and laconic Additional accents - a delicate antique chandelier and plants in flowerpots The main attention is attracted by the unusually shaped lamp, which illuminates the dining area very well
Delicate beige decorative elements were selected to complement the complex dark color of the wall. A table with a complex shape in yellow tones and a black tabletop immediately attracts attention. In order not to oversaturate the interior with color, it is enough to make one wall contrasting Decorative pillows and furniture modules of various colors and textures will help diversify the interior. Warm brown shades of furniture and textiles soften the anthracite color of the main wall Calm interior complements glossy surface ceiling and a large black and white photo The bedroom can be used diversified yellow color and ornamental textile patterns Gray color emphasizes and sets off purple colour walls and textiles Just enough curtains and a pouf to make your bathroom bright and interesting

Classic or high-tech: the most successful use of color in various styles

Gray as a background color can be used in almost all styles, depending on the shade. It is becoming increasingly popular and some modern styles- high-tech, urban, loft - they declare this color as the main one, without which it is difficult to imagine the interior. And the elegant classical style, baroque and modern will look softer and calmer.

Classic style

For creating classic style The best combination is gray and white. It is enough to make the ceiling snow-white, paint the walls light gray, attach white baseboards, use trim moldings and decorate the walls or ceiling with stucco.

Furniture or textiles can be chosen in darker tones, with interesting drawing or texture.

High-tech, loft, modern

For these high-tech styles, gray is one of the main colors. In combination with plain walls they will look good metal surfaces, shiny plastic coverings.

With the addition of decorative elements in one or two warm shades, the interior will become warmer, the room will feel cozy and warm.

Art Deco

A style for which gray is one of the main colors. It is used as often as black, white and neutral beige. Silver shades of gray are often used to give interior elements a metallic touch.

Furniture parts can be made of stainless steel or aluminum in combination with glass or lacquered surfaces.

If the walls are covered with wallpaper, then a monochrome version is very often found - on a dark gray background, a pattern of silver or a lighter shade.

Matte gray surfaces are complemented by a bright yellow accent that makes the kitchen warmer and more inviting. To add brightness and freshness, one wall and stools in the kitchen are painted in Orange color
Various shades and the textures of gray are emphasized by natural brown floors and furniture Against the background of light laminate, white furniture and gray walls look softer and warmer The combination of gray and purple emphasizes the whiteness of the living room in a high-tech style The combination of a glossy tile surface with unplastered walls and matte kitchen facades looks modern The gray shade of the walls emphasizes the delicacy of the beige upholstery Gray color in the bedroom interior acts as an additional color and perfectly complements the interior

Video: gray color in the bedroom interior

The modern interior, decorated in gray tones, is conducive to philosophical reflection. Dullness does not mean boredom and melancholy if you correctly set the main tone and choose accessories to match it. More and more respectable and successful people, when decorating their interiors, give preference to this calm color, abandoning bright and provocative colors.

Color is a powerful tool in creating coziness. Beautiful interiors unthinkable without harmonious combination shades. How to choose a palette so that you feel comfortable, can relax after a busy day, and wake up in the morning full of strength?

How to decide on a color?

There are many different theories regarding which paints to use for certain spaces. At the same time, you decide for yourself which color scheme you feel best in.

For example, there are people who love their homes decorated in black, red and white. And for some, this combination has a negative effect, because it increases blood pressure and provokes the release of adrenaline.

The first question a designer asks his clients is: “What is your favorite color?” And if family members cannot come to a common opinion, the specialist tries to combine their favorite shades in a single combination and find compromises that suit the customers.

How do you know which color you like better than many others? Just choose any image that is pleasing to your eyes. Using special services, for example, Bighugelabs, you can determine the palette of each image and photograph.

In this case, the program will mix the shades and give an average result of three or five tones. You can see the accents in the original picture and use these colors in the interior.

If you don't find anything suitable, you can use the color wheel. Online services like Colorscheme help you choose harmonious combinations for monochrome, contrasting and accent palettes. In this case, you can change the degree of lightness of the main tone, darkening or lightening it.

Important! In order for the interior to look professional, it is necessary that the main color occupies at least 65% of the entire space. The remaining 35% is allocated to additional shades. And about 5% of the space is allocated to accents.

For example, if your main color is chocolate and you want to use 5 different colors, then 65% will be the main tone.

In our case, it will be on the sofa, wardrobe and armchair. It will be accompanied by delicate turquoise on the walls. And use orange pillows and curtains as an accent. At the same time, a delicate toffee in the form of parquet will appear on the floor. And the cherry on the cake will be mint or mustard greens in the form of a discreet bouquet.

Style and color

Each style has its own palette, from which you should not deviate. By introducing, for example, neon colors into classic interior, you will get kitsch bordering on bad taste.

Physiologically, a person evaluates an environment as safe and stable when the darkest shade is underfoot, the midtones are at eye level, and sky-white shades extend above the head.

At the same time modern interiors they say that designers love to play pranks and turn everything upside down. Therefore, we can find chocolate and even black stretch ceilings over beige and white floors.

So, here is a style sheet and color schemes.

Color Style Combination with other colors Suitable for: Peculiarities
White Modern, classic, modernAllAll roomsAdds airiness and increases space
Grey Provence, country, classicYellow, green, red, orange, black, white, purpleOffice, living room, teenager's room, kitchenNeutral color. Suitable for a relaxing time
Black Art Deco, high-tech, modern, loft, minimalismPurple, white, gold, red, orangeLarge living roomVisually reduces space and is associated with luxury
Red Modern, high-tech, minimalism, classic, art decoWhite, brown, purple, gray, orangeLiving room, kitchenActivates the optic nerve
Orange Art Nouveau, Provence, minimalism, contemporaryBeige, black, white, blue, green, redLiving room, kitchenStimulates appetite, associated with oranges
Yellow Modern, minimalism, ProvenceWhite, grey, purple, brown, black, red, blueSpacious living room, children's roomReminds me of summer, the sun, and lifts my spirits. Often used for emphasis.
Green Classic, country, modernBeige, brown, white, grey, yellowKitchen living room, hall, children's room, kitchen, bathroomAdds freshness to the interior
Pink Modern, classic, shabby chic, countryBlack, red, purple, white, grayChildren's room for girls, living room, kitchenPastel pink soothes, bright pink tires
Blue Classic, high-tech, country, loftWhite, green, red, grey, brown, yellow, blackLarge living room, children's room, kitchen, bathroom, toilet, studio apartmentAdds solidity and at the same time calmness. Represents originality and practicality.
Violet High tech, classic, loftWhite, pink, green, yellow, black, blueApartment studio, bathroom, living room, kitchen, children's room, bedroomAssociated with lilac, spring shades
Brown Modern, country, Provence, classicWhite, red, green, grey, purple, yellow, black, orange, beigeLiving room, kitchen, bedroom, corridor, bathroom, officeCreates a homely atmosphere, adds comfort and warmth

If you follow the designers' recommendations and use color palettes that suit your style, you will always win. Use color circle in situations when you are in doubt about the choice of one or another interior element. Better yet, trust the masters to create the project. In this case, your home is guaranteed to be decorated tastefully and in full accordance with the chosen style.

Rules for choosing colors for floors, walls, furniture and ceilings

So, we figured out which color goes with which. Next, we will dwell on the objects that are present in each room, and we will understand the principles of using certain shades.


There are several unspoken rules that should be considered when choosing a color scheme for the floor.

Light floor:

  1. Increases space.
  2. It is a reflective fabric.
  3. Can be used with a light shade of walls.
  4. Suitable for bedroom, bathroom, toilet, living room

Dark floor:

  1. Combines with light walls, ceilings, and dark ones. But it should be at least 1 tone darker.
  2. Suitable for any room.
  3. Bright accents look good against its background, provided there is good lighting.
  4. Doesn't go well with a dark door.


The walls can be made in absolutely any color. Depending on the purpose of the room used, it can be active, passive or neutral.

Active colors are an accent. Combined with either the opposite bright color, or less bright, calm.

A popular solution is walls in pastel colors. They play the role of background to the main view of the room. IN in this case You can use any floor, furniture, ceiling. Because this is a universal option.


The ceiling is most often chosen in white or light shades. Since it is a universal color and can be combined with any furniture, ceiling, floor. Can be matte or glossy. If you want to add contrasts, it is better to add a rich color to the walls or interior items. Can be used in any room.

If the choice fell on dark ceiling, then it is worth considering several nuances:

  • A black ceiling can only be done on large space with high ceilings. Minimum height 3 meters.
  • Combines only with white and light furniture and milky colors of walls, floors, furniture
  • Suitable for minimalist style
  • Creates an expensive effect in a room with panoramic windows


When choosing the color of furniture, remember 2 basic principles:

  1. It should be darker than the walls
  2. Lighter than the floor

9 successful color combinations in the interior of an apartment

The color scheme of a room is very important when creating a comfortable space. And there are quite a few tricky tricks in order to breathe light and air into a small room, and make a spacious one with too high ceilings more comfortable and warmer.

Let's look at several options for color design of a living room that may be useful to many of you during your next renovation.

How to combine the color of the ceiling, floor and walls: bright walls, light ceiling, dark floor

A room that uses contrasting colors always looks stylish and catchy. In addition, by combining frankly light shades with richly dark tones, you can greatly correct shortcomings or emphasize the advantages of a room.

For rooms with low ceilings

Use a thick and dark shade for the walls, for example, in the form of wallpaper with a vertical ornament or pattern. You can do without a cornice or choose a thin one ceiling cornice, no more than 5 cm wide to match the walls. The ceiling should remain light, and the floor, on the contrary, dark. Thanks to the even, rich color and verticals, the walls seem to “stretch out”, and the weightless ceiling against their background seems to float. The choice of a dark floor is not accidental, since it is it that creates the depth of space.

For narrow rooms with low ceilings

Using all the same techniques as in the first option, but supplementing them with contrasting light color one of the walls, you can visually shorten an overly long room. You can also decorate the window (if there is one on the far wall) with light floor-length curtains using a ceiling cornice. Thus, two problems are solved at once: the room seems taller and visually less elongated.

In a room with dark walls and floors, it is better to use, and accessories can be bright. For a small room Such techniques will add the necessary volume. And if you want to visually “spread” the walls a little, then install the carpet, sofa or bed across.

Current gradient: light ceiling, darker walls, dark floor

The living room, bedroom and any other room that uses different shades of the same color scheme looks harmonious and very traditional. If you are a fan of a measured lifestyle and you like the classics more than other styles, you can choose, for example, the color of dark chocolate for the floor, cocoa for the walls, and cream for the ceiling.

Stretching from dark to light brings harmony and peace. This combination is designed to balance and correctly distribute the load of all horizontal and vertical planes. To this it should be added that this combination of colors of walls, floors and ceilings is perfect for rooms of any type.

The selected range can be supplemented with white or dark brown and black on skirting boards, doors, trim and cornices, depending on the task. Colors and shades for furniture and accessories are chosen at your discretion, but based on the thermal saturation of the walls, floor and ceiling.

Light and air: light ceiling, light walls, dark floor

If you have chosen dark parquet or laminate for the room small size with low ceilings, there is no need to be afraid that the color of the floor will steal precious centimeters of height. We recommend that you correct the situation by simply using only light transparent shades for all walls and ceilings and curtains. Platbands, cornices and skirting boards should also be used in white or the most suitable light tone.

We do not recommend cluttering the already heavy-toned floor big amount furniture, with rich texture and color of the upholstery. Use only necessary items with laconic shapes and graceful lines. You can lay a light light rug on the floor, which will visually distract from the dark floor.

Opposites attract: dark ceiling, light walls, dark floor / light ceiling, dark walls, light floor

Oddly enough, but this method color scheme can be suitable for rooms with both tall and low ceilings. The whole point is that the single shade of the walls should be invariably light or dark, and, accordingly, the floor and ceiling should be of the opposite tone to the walls.

For rooms with high ceilings

To visually reduce the height of the room, choose dark colors for the floors and ceilings. And remember that a cold shade has the ability to distance, and a warm shade, on the contrary, has the ability to bring objects and surfaces closer.

For rooms with low ceilings

In order to apply this method, you will need to construct two levels of ceiling above your head. The point is to paint the first (basic) level in a dark, cool shade, and make the second (suspended) level light. This technique will visually lift and deepen a low ceiling. Light walls will expand the space, and the dark floor will balance the load of the top of the room.

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