The most mysterious mysteries of the world that have been solved. Humanity's Greatest Unsolved Mysteries

Do you know what secrets trouble the minds of millions of people around the world? Today you will learn about the most famous unsolved mysteries in the world.

No. 10. Rongo-rongo

Rongo-rongo is a system of mysterious records that were discovered on Easter Island in the 19th century. Rongorongo is believed to represent a lost writing system or proto-writing.

The first mention of Rongorongo was found in a letter from monk Eugene Eyraud, who arrived on Easter Island on January 2, 1864. Numerous attempts to decipher Rongorongo have been unsuccessful. Perhaps deciphering them would provide an answer to the main mystery of the island - the purpose of the giant statues of Easter Island.

Several dozen wooden objects with Rongo-rongo inscriptions were found on Easter Island. Now they are exhibited in museums around the world, some of them are in private collections.

No. 9. Georgia Tablets

The Georgia Tablets are a granite monument that is sometimes called the “American Stonehenge” (which leads to confusion with the Indian construction of the same name).
The height of the monument is more than 6 meters, it consists of six granite slabs with a total weight of about 100 tons. One slab is located in the center, four around it. The final slab sits on top of these five slabs, aligned according to astronomical events.
Erected in Elbert County, Georgia in 1979. The stones are engraved with inscriptions in 8 languages: English, Spanish, Swahili, Hindi, Hebrew, Arabic, Chinese and Russian. Each inscription contains one of the 10 "new" commandments of the "Age of Reason".

1. Let the earth's population never exceed 500 million, being in constant balance with nature.
2. Regulate fertility wisely, enhancing the value of life preparation and the diversity of humanity.
3. Find a new living language that can unite humanity.
4. Show tolerance in matters of feelings, faith, traditions and the like.
5. Let fair laws and an impartial court stand up for the protection of peoples and nations.
6. Let each nation decide its own internal affairs, bringing only national problems to the world court.
7. Avoid petty litigation and useless officials.
8. Maintain a balance between personal rights and public responsibilities.
9. Above all, value truth, beauty, love, striving for harmony with infinity.
10. Don’t be a cancer for the earth, leave room for nature too!

Although the monument itself does not contain encrypted messages, its purpose and origin are shrouded in mystery. The monument was erected by a man who is known only under the pseudonym “R.K. Christian.”
Among the 10 commandments there are some very controversial ones. For example: “Maintain a human population of 500,000,000 in constant balance with nature.” Some conspiracy theorists even believe that the commandments were developed by a secret society to create a new world order.

No. 8. Letters of the Zodiac

Zodiac is a serial killer active in Northern California and San Francisco (USA) in the late 1960s. The identity of the perpetrator has not yet been established.
Zodiac was the alias the killer used. He sent sarcastic and impudent letters to the editors of local newspapers. In letters, he sent cryptograms in which he allegedly encrypted information about himself. Three of the four cryptograms still remain undeciphered.

Zodiac committed the murders between December 1968 and October 1969. According to Zodiac's own statements, the number of his victims reaches 37, but investigators are only sure of seven cases.
During the investigation, many suspects were named, but no convincing evidence was provided to link any of them to the murders. The California Department of Justice has kept the Zodiac case open since 1969 to this day.

No. 7. Signal "Wow!"

Signal "Wow!" ("Whoa!" signal) was recorded by Dr. Jerry Eyman on August 15, 1977. At the time, the doctor was working on the Big Ear radio telescope at Ohio State University. When Eyman heard the signal, he was so amazed that he wrote “Wow!” on the side of the fixed symbols. (“Wow!”). This signature gave the signal its name. All characteristics of the received signal corresponded to the parameters of extraterrestrial signals. The radio signal observation time was 72 seconds.

Astronomers from the United States suggest that a possible source of the signal could be hydrogen around the nuclei of comets discovered after 2005 and not taken into account as possible sources of the signal in earlier works.

No. 6. Taman Shud case

The Taman Shud case is a criminal case initiated following the discovery of the body of an unknown man on December 1, 1948 on Somerton Beach in the Australian city of Adelaide. The incident also became known as the Somerton Mystery Man Case.
The case is considered one of the most mysterious mysteries in Australian history. There are many versions about the identity of the deceased and the causes of his death.
Public interest in this incident remains very significant for a number of reasons: for example, during the investigation, some facts emerged indicating the possible involvement of special services in the incident. In addition, for more than half a century, the investigation was unable to either establish the identity of the deceased or accurately determine the method of his death. The biggest resonance was caused by a piece of paper discovered with the deceased, torn from a copy of a very rare edition of Omar Khayyam, on which only two words were written - Tamam Shud (“Tamam Shud”).

After a thorough search, the police managed to find one of the copies of the book with Khayyam’s poems and with the last page torn out. On the back of the book, several words were written in pencil that looked like a code.

No. 5. Monument in Shugborough

At Shugborough in Staffordshire, on the grounds of an old manor house that once belonged to the Earl of Lichfield, there is a memorial monument from the mid-18th century. The bas-relief depicts a copy of the 2nd version of Poussin’s painting “The Arcadian Shepherds” in mirror reflection and with the classic inscription “ET IN ARCADIA EGO” in the correct reflection. Below the bas-relief are carved the letters O U O S V A V V - framed by two more letters D and M. DM may mean Diis Manibus, but the central abbreviation remains unclear. The set of letters is a kind of code, the deciphering of which has been going on for more than 250 years.

Some enthusiasts, including some of the world's greatest minds (Charles Dickens and Charles Darwin), suggested that the code could be the key to the information left by the Templars about the location of the Holy Grail.

No. 4. Phaistos Disc

The Phaistos Disc is a unique monument of writing, presumably of the Minoan culture of the Middle or Late Bronze Age, found in the city of Phaistos on the island of Crete. Its exact purpose, as well as the place and time of manufacture are not known with certainty.
Many works have been devoted to the study of the Phaistos Disc, and the latter have repeatedly made statements about the decipherment of the inscription on its surface. However, none of the proposed readings has become generally accepted in the scientific community.

Work on the study of the Phaistos Disc is progressing slowly, which is primarily due to the brevity of the message and the isolation of the writing system used in it. According to most experts, to successfully decipher the Phaistos Disc it is necessary to find other monuments of the same writing. There are a number of hypotheses about the non-linguistic nature of the images of the Phaistos Disc.
Currently, the Phaistos Disc is on display in the Archaeological Museum of Heraklion (Crete, Greece). Today, the disc remains one of the most famous puzzles in archaeology.

No. 3. Bale cryptograms

Bale's cryptograms are three encrypted texts that supposedly contain information about the location of the treasure: thousands of pounds of gold, silver and precious stones. The treasure was allegedly buried in Virginia near Lynchburg by a party of gold prospectors led by Thomas Jefferson Bale in 1818.
It is known that the first information about the “Bale Treasure” appeared in 1865 along with the publication of a pamphlet by an unknown author, the full title of which read as follows: “The Bale Papers or Book Containing the True Facts Concerning the Treasure Buried in the Years 1819 and 1821 near Bufords, Bedford County, Virginia, and has not been found to date." The publisher was James Beverly Ward, who provided the manuscript to the Library of Congress, where it remains to this day.

The author chose to remain anonymous, explaining this with a desire to protect himself from the persistent attention of the press and potential treasure hunters. The brochure was published by Virginian Book in Lynchburg, Virginia, and was priced at 50 cents.
The author of the brochure managed to decipher cryptograms 1 and 2. Cryptogram No. 1 described the exact location of the cache, and cryptogram No. 2 was a listing of its contents.

The third cryptogram, which supposedly contained the addresses and names of potential heirs, has still not been read. The mystery of the cryptograms has not yet been solved; in particular, the question of the real existence of the treasure remains controversial.

No. 2. Kryptos

Kryptos is a sculpture with encrypted inscriptions created by artist Jim Sanborn. The sculpture is installed in front of the CIA headquarters in Langley, Virginia.

November 3, 1990 is the date of installation of the sculpture. From this moment on, attempts to decipher the mysterious message have not stopped. The contents of three of the four tables have already been revealed, but the remaining last table, containing 96 characters, remains an unsolved world mystery...

No. 1. Voynich book

The Voynich Manuscript, or Voynich Manuscript, is an illustrated codex written in the 15th century by an unknown author in an unknown language using an unknown alphabet. The pages of the manuscript contain many colorful drawings of strange diagrams, descriptions of events, drawings of plants that do not correspond to any known species.
Based on the results of radiocarbon dating of four fragments of the manuscript, University of Arizona chemist and archaeometrist Greg Hodgins determined that the parchment for the manuscript was made between 1404 and 1438 during the early Renaissance.
The manuscript was intensively studied by cryptography enthusiasts and cryptanalysis professionals. Neither the entire manuscript nor even part of it could be deciphered. A series of failures turned the manuscript into a famous piece of cryptology.

In the world today there are many theories about the nature of the origin of the manuscript. Some believe that this is a textbook on pharmacology. Other researchers believe that the plant drawings indicate an alchemy textbook. The fact that many of the diagrams have astronomical content, combined with unidentifiable drawings of biological life forms, prompts speculation about the alien origin of the unusual manuscript. None of the assumptions has received unambiguous confirmation or recognition in the scientific community.
The book bears the name of the antiquarian Wilfried Voynich, who acquired it in 1912. In 1959, second-hand bookseller Hans Kraus bought the manuscript from heiress Ethel Voynich for $24,500 and donated it to the Beinecke Rare Book Library at Yale University in 1969.
P.S. One of the most famous mysterious incidents that happened on the territory of Russia is the mystery of the fall of the Tunguska meteorite in 1908. Several Italian scientists have hypothesized that the crater of the Tunguska meteorite may be Lake Cheko on the Kimchu River, which is located 8 km northwest of the epicenter of the explosion.


Over the village of Shuknavolok near Vedlozero (Karelia), a cylindrical ten-meter body was observed flying, with flames coming out of its tail. Having broken through the ice of the lake, the mysterious object went under water. Since then, local residents began to meet on the shore a strange big-headed creature a little more than a meter tall with thin arms and legs, which dived back into the water when people appeared. In the photo - Vedlozero (Karelia, Russia) today


The first documented sighting of the Nessie monster in Scotland's Loch Ness. To date, there have been about 4,000 sightings and encounters with him. A sonar survey of the entire volume of the lake in 1992 discovered 5 giant lizards.


In October 1943, in the United States, in an atmosphere of special secrecy, the Philadelphia experiment, which had no analogues in history, was carried out on the destroyer Eldridge to create a warship invisible to enemy radar. As a result of the creation of a very strong magnetic field around the ship, the ship allegedly disappeared and then instantly moved in space several tens of kilometers. Of the entire crew, only 21 people returned unharmed. 27 people literally became fused with the structure of the ship, 13 died from burns, radiation, electric shock and fear.


Massive UFO invasion in Queensland (Australia).


The mysterious disappearance of the leaders of the Third Reich (Müller, Bormann and others). No remains found. The emergence of versions of their escape to Latin America. The photo shows Martin Bormann and what is believed to be his skull, the identity of which is disputed.


On July 7, an unknown aircraft crashed in Magdalena (New Mexico, USA). Among the debris, 6 corpses of human-like creatures were allegedly found. In the photo - presumably one of the humanoids who died in a UFO crash in Roswell (New Mexico, USA), July 22, 1947


July 1952. America is in shock. What is happening in the skies over Washington defies logical explanation and gives rise to the most incredible rumors. And the reason for this is the wave of UFO sightings that swept across the District of Columbia. Unidentified flying objects appeared over Washington with enviable regularity from July 12 to July 26. In the photo: a UFO squadron over the Capitol.


In Hopkinsville (Kentucky, USA), after a UFO explosion, a small glowing man with huge eyes was visible for some time.


An explosion of unknown origin that occurred under the bottom of the battleship Novorossiysk on the night of October 29, 1955, claimed the lives of 608 sailors and officers. A huge ship capsized and sank in the Northern Bay of Sevastopol - in front of thousands of citizens.


In August, at a British airbase, a UFO chased a fighter jet for 20 minutes before disappearing into thin air. The photo is presumably a UFO. USA, California, 1957


On December 14, the newspaper “Youth of Yakutia” wrote about a giant monster living in Lake Labynkyr. Local Yakut residents believe that a certain huge animal lives in the lake - the “Labynkyr Devil”, as they call him. According to the descriptions of the Yakuts, this is something dark gray in color with a huge mouth. The distance between the eyes of the “devil” is equal to the width of a raft of ten logs. According to the legend, the “devil” is very aggressive and dangerous, attacks people and animals, and is capable of going ashore. In the photo - Lake Labynkyr (Oymyakonsky district of Yakutia, Russia)


On February 1, a group of experienced tourists led by Igor Dyatlov began climbing to the top of “1079” (Mountain of the Dead). We didn’t have time to get up before dark and pitched our tent right on the slope. We began to triple up for the night. And then something terrible happened... As investigators later established, having cut the wall of the tent with knives, the tourists, in panic, rushed to run down the slope. They ran, whoever was wearing what: in underwear, half naked, barefoot. Later, the corpses of all nine group members were discovered further down the slope. Most died from hypothermia. Several people suffered terrible internal injuries without breaking the skin. The cause of the tragedy is still unknown. The last photo of the Dyatlov group on the Mountain of the Dead:


During maneuvers of the US naval forces off the coast of Puerto Rico, a moving object was spotted developing an unprecedented speed for a ship - about 280 km/h.


On November 22, 1963, the thirty-fifth President of the United States, John F. Kennedy, was assassinated in Dallas, Texas. Despite the fact that Kennedy's killer, Lee Harvey Oswald, was captured a few hours later, the true motives and those who ordered the most notorious murder of the 20th century have not yet been established.


A female Sasquatch was captured on film in the Bluff Creek Valley (filmed by Roger Patterson).


Official date of death of Yuri Gagarin. Few people believed in his death. The soothsayer Vanga claimed that the first cosmonaut did not die, but “was taken.”


American landing on the moon. The fact itself is still disputed. The version of falsification has many supporters.


“Petrozavodsk Miracle”: On September 20 at 4 o’clock in the morning, a UFO in the form of a bright star, from which red rays emanated, was spotted over the main street of Petrozavodsk - Lenin Street. The phenomenon was accompanied by mass UFO sightings in the northern regions of the USSR and in Finland. Later, large holes with very sharp edges were discovered in the glass of the upper floors. The photo shows a copy of the only known photograph of the “Petrozavodsk Diva” - the stage of the fiery rain and rice. V. Lukyants "Solovki" (magazine "Technology for Youth" No. 4 1980)


In Tsemes Bay (Black Sea) on one of the ships of the Black Sea Fleet, all the clocks on board stopped. In the photo - Tsemes Bay today


On January 29, a UFO crashed near Dalnegorsk. The photo shows the crash site and part of the “exhibits” from the crash site: metal drops of different nature with holes inside, black glassy particles weighing up to 30 mg, as well as loose scales in the form of a mesh of quartz fibers 30 microns thick, each of which is twisted from even thinner quartz flagella, each of which, in turn, has a gold thread inserted into it.


Mass suicide of 2000 dolphins - they washed up on the coast of Brazil. Pictured: Pilot whales stranded on a beach in New Zealand in 2009.


140 whales died off the southern coast of Chile. This is the fourth time a mass suicide has occurred.


Explosion on April 12 in Sasovo (Ryazan region), when UFOs were observed over the city. Anomalies near the funnel are still being recorded - reprogramming of calculators and failure of electronic devices. The photo shows the site of the explosion in 1991 and in our time.


Over the course of 10 months, 48 ​​ships and more than 200 sailors disappeared in the so-called “Pacific Triangle” near Western Micronesia.


Near the Czech city of Celakovice, a “vampire cemetery” was found - a strange burial dating back to the end of the 10th - beginning of the 11th century. In 11 pits lay the remains of 13 people, tied with leather belts and with aspen stakes stuck in the heart. Some of the dead also had their hands and heads cut off. According to pagan beliefs and rituals, this was done with vampires who rose from their graves at night and drank human blood.


In the Movile Cave (Romania), a closed ecosystem not connected with the earth’s was discovered for the first time. Here, 30 species of plants and animals (crustaceans, spiders, centipedes and insects) were discovered living in isolation in the dark for 5 million years.


A strange half-living creature was discovered in a cemetery in the village of Kaolinovy ​​near Kyshtym by a lonely pensioner Tamara Vasilyevna Prosvirina. The creature became known as the “Kyshtym dwarf”. The creature ate human food and looked and smelled strange. The creature's body length was approximately 30 cm, it had a torso, arms, legs, a head with a high frontal lobe, a mouth and eyes. The pensioner gave the creature a child's name - “Alyoshenka”. “Alyoshenka” lived in the pensioner’s house for about a month.

Other people also saw Alyoshenka: Tamara Prosvirina’s daughter-in-law, as well as some acquaintances. Subsequently, Tamara Prosvirina was admitted to a psychiatric hospital due to worsening schizophrenia. In the end, the creature died, and the causes of death have not been definitively established; among them, death from improper feeding and lack of care or murder under unclear circumstances are most often indicated. Tamara Prosvirina died on August 5, 1999 - she was hit by two cars at night. At this time, she was going to be interviewed by representatives of a Japanese television company who were filming a documentary about this phenomenon. The house where the Kyshtym humanoid lived:

The creature's mummy was discovered in August 1996 by police captain Evgeniy Mokichev (pictured) during his investigation into the theft of an electrical cable. The policeman who discovered the mummy handed it over to his colleague, Vladimir Bendlin, who began his own investigation into the origin and nature of the creature, but soon the mummy of “Alyoshenka” disappeared under strange circumstances. Currently her whereabouts are unknown.

Many scientists have been trying to unravel the mysteries of the past for decades, putting pieces of the puzzle together. But there are artifacts and historical moments that are still shrouded in mystery.

1. Nazca geoglyphs

Geoglyph is a drawing on the surface of the Earth. In Nazca, similar images are made in the form of geometric figures or animals. It looks like they were carved on a hard surface.

To a person on the ground, they appear to be a weave of yellow lines. Only once in the air can you see full-fledged figures: fifty-meter monkeys and spiders, condors 120 meters wide, or lizards one and a half times longer.

No one can say exactly how old the geoglyphs are. They can only be dated approximately. It has been proven that all this was created at different times. The first of them appeared in the 6th century. BC e. And the last ones - in the 1st century AD. e.

2. Mummies from the swamps of Europe

Back in the 17th century, it was mentioned that human mummies were found in the peat bogs of Denmark, Germany, Ireland and neighboring countries, which were perfectly preserved. Some are even worthy of display in museums.

Each body found was carefully studied by many specialists. All of them showed signs of violent death: a cut throat, damaged areas from strangulation and blows, broken main bones, a pierced head. Sometimes all at once.

For example, the “man from Lindow” lost his life due to an ax in his skull. The "Boathouse Woman" died because of the letter V, which was found deep in the back of her head. The “Kayhausen teenager,” who was no more than 15 years old, was found tied up so tightly that he could not even move.

Until now, many experts argue about what exactly it was: execution or sacrifice. After all, each of those found was dealt with cruelly.

3. Easter Island Statues

It is known that graceful stone creatures are the remnants of an ancient civilization. They are noticeably different from those seen in other parts of the Pacific Ocean.

The structures were first noticed by the Dutch traveler Jacob Roggeveen, who ended up on the island on Easter Day.

In 1955, Thor Heyerdahl, with the help of local residents, was able to erect one such statue vertically in two weeks. Using beams, they lifted the block several meters and placed large stones under it. This was repeated until the sculpture was in the desired position. But how exactly the hats weighing several tons ended up on their heads is not yet known.

4. Pope Joan

Medieval biographers report that Pope Ionna was born in 882. Since childhood, she loved to study and as a teenager she went to Athens to obtain the necessary knowledge. At that time, any education related to religion was unavailable to the fair half. Therefore, she decided to impersonate the young man John the Englishman.

When the girl ended up in Rome, she was noticed due to her learning, beauty and piety. After some time, she managed to become a cardinal. And after Pope Leo IV was appointed successor. From the outside, no one had any idea about the trick. But during the next festive procession, Joanna suddenly gave birth to a child right in front of everyone. Soon she died.

After this, starting from 1000 and for five centuries, a mandatory ceremony was carried out, during which the gender of the chosen one for the throne was checked.

This story was considered authentic back in the 13th century. Already in the 15th century they decided to challenge it. In the 16th century, historians had little doubt that this was all fiction. It was believed that the legend appeared as a result of someone's joke, when women dominated the Pope's court - 920-965.

Similar phenomena were noted at the end of the 16th century, when Alexander VI Borgia appointed his mistress as a “medieval accountant”. At the same time, her brother, at the age of 25, without having the corresponding rank, became cardinal-treasurer and bishop of three dioceses. After that, he took the throne under the name Paul III.

It is also known that during the military campaign of Alexander VI, by his own appointment, his youngest daughter was on the throne.

5. Tomb of Genghis Khan

Until now, the best minds in the world have not been able to figure out where exactly the grave of the famous Genghis Khan is located. This place attracts many. It is of unique historical value. In addition, according to legend, incredible wealth is hidden in the ground along with the deceased. According to some estimates, two billion dollars worth of precious stones, weapons and gold can be found in the grave.

After his death, Genghis Khan's body was returned to his place of birth. Now this is Khentii aimag. It is assumed that the great military leader is buried next to the Onon River. Along the way, everyone who met the funeral escort was killed. The slaves who performed the burial were slaughtered. And then the executioners who carried out the execution also died.

There are several legends that explain why searchers fail to find the grave. According to one of them, Genghis Khan’s followers laid a riverbed directly above the burial. On the other hand, a thousand horses were driven across the dug up ground, and then trees were planted on top.

6. Origin of the Basques

The Basques are considered one of the most incredible historical mysteries. At one time they occupied a small part of modern Spain and France. The first thing that is noted is that this people had a unique language that did not overlap with others present in neighboring regions. Genetics were also able to establish that these are people who had the highest percentage of Rh factor in their blood - 25. The difference between these people and others living in the neighborhood stands out noticeably.

Most scientists believe that the Basques can safely be called the indigenous inhabitants of Europe. They came from the Cro-Magnons, who appeared in these places 35 thousand years ago. Presumably, these people decided not to change their location anymore, since no evidence could be found to refute this until the arrival of the Romans.

7. Time Travelers

Scientists have recently become increasingly confident that time travel is possible. And numerous facts serve as proof.

For example, this photo shows the opening of the South Fork Bridge in British Columbia, which occurred in 1941. In the frame you can see a person who clearly stands out from the rest.

He has short hair, dark glasses, a sweater over a T-shirt, and is holding a modern camera.

This image can often be seen these days. But for the 40s it seemed strange. Experts conducted their own investigation, during which they managed to find the person who participated in those events. But, unfortunately, he did not remember the “strange” stranger.

The authenticity of the photo has been proven several times using various analyses.

8. Ancient Swiss watches

This small object was found in a Ming Dynasty burial site. The tomb was opened in 2008 during the filming of a documentary. To the surprise of the operator and archaeologists, a Swiss watch was found inside.

The former head of the Guangxi Museum, who then took part in the expedition, shared: “We were removing soil from the surface of the lid when suddenly a small piece of rock bounced off and fell to the floor with a metallic sound. The object looked like a ring. But when we cleaned it of dust, we discovered a miniature dial.”

At the same time, we were even able to see the Swiss inscription inside. The Ming Dynasty ruled China until 1644. At that time, they had no idea that such technologies would ever become a reality. At the same time, experts claim that this tomb has been closed for the last 400 years and no one has ever been in it.

9. Ancient computer

In Kamchatka, several hundred kilometers from the village of Tigil, the St. Petersburg University of Archeology found unexplained fossilized remains.

According to the head of the excavations, this discovery surprised scientists, but could completely change history. Special analysis showed that these were originally metal parts that form a mechanism that is not yet understood. The most amazing thing is that the find dates back 400 million years.

10. Voynich Manuscript

The Voynich Manuscript is a mysterious book from the 15th century that no one has been able to decipher until now. It was written between 1404 and 1438 by an unknown author. In addition, the words inside have still not been translated. They are made up of a strange alphabet, which no one knows about either.

Book size: 23.5x16.2x5 cm. It contains about 240 pages. The manuscript has been repeatedly studied by many cryptographers, archaeologists and historians. No one could even come one step closer to deciphering even a single word.

After futile attempts, some experts came to the conclusion that the pages contained random characters that were in no way related to each other. Others adhere to the theory that the paper contains not only information telling in detail about that time, but also data about the future.

11. Jack the Ripper

Jack the Ripper is a serial killer (or killers) who committed several high-profile crimes in London in 1888. All his victims are girls of easy virtue from the poorest neighborhoods. The maniac cut their throats, after which he opened the abdominal cavity. He took some organs. It is believed that the killer had good knowledge of anatomy.

Only recently, a collector who purchased a shawl allegedly belonging to one of the victims handed it over to specialists. Using careful testing, they isolated the DNA of the alleged maniac. It turned out to be Pole Aaron Kosminsky, who came to England to work as a hairdresser. Despite this, many have criticized this method, since it does not definitively prove the emigrant's involvement in the murders.

12. Crystal Skulls

Many experts have been trying to solve the mystery of the origin of crystal skulls for a long time. No one yet knows who could have created them and how?

Scientists talk about 13 heads made of rock crystal. All of them are kept in museums or private collections. Artifacts have been found in Tibet and Central America. The exact time of their production has not yet been established. In addition, the tools with which this can be done are not known.

13. Ancient aircraft

The Incas, Aztecs and other peoples living in pre-Columbian America are known not only for their amazing pyramids and strange rituals. They also left behind many small figurines. One of them turned out to be the so-called “ancient aircraft”, which resemble modern aircraft in similar elements.

Initially, experts believed that these were simply figurines of insects or birds. However, it turned out that they have parts more similar to modern aircraft: stabilizers, landing gear, etc. No large aircraft of that time could be found. What the ancient tribes wanted to show by this is not yet known.

14. Phaistos Disc

The Phaistos Disc is a small clay round tablet that was found in 1908 in the Minoan Palace in Italy. Her secret still remains unsolved.

There are various unknown symbols on the plate. It is believed that this language was created in the 2nd century. BC. Some people think that the drawings resemble the hieroglyphs of Crete. However, they cannot find the decryption key. This disk is one of the most famous mysteries in archeology today.

15. The Taman Shud case

So far, the best inspectors have not been able to solve the Taman Shud case. It was also called "The Case of the Mysterious Man of Somerton."

The case was opened when the body of a man was found at half past seven in the morning in the city of Adelaide, Australia. He was on Somerton Beach. It was never possible to establish who the deceased was. Then experts found out that death occurred as a result of drug poisoning.

In addition, a piece of paper found in a secret trouser pocket caused a stir. There were only two words written on it - “Taman Shud”. These were words taken from a rare book by Omar Khayyam.

The police managed to find the required copy, which was missing the last page. On the back were several words written in pencil, resembling a code. It was never possible to find out what exactly was written there.

To this day, this case remains one of the most confusing and mysterious.

Each of these mysterious stories could be called a detective story. But in detective stories, as you know, all the secrets are revealed by the last page. And in these stories, the solution is still far away, although humanity has been puzzling over some of them for decades. Perhaps we are not destined to find answers for them at all? Or will the veil of secrecy ever be lifted? And what do you think?

43 missing Mexican students

In 2014, 43 students from the College of Education from Ayotzinapa went to demonstrate in Iguala, where the mayor's wife was scheduled to speak to residents. The corrupt mayor ordered the police to rid him of this problem. On his orders, the police detained the students, and as a result of the harsh detention, two students and three bystanders died. The remaining students, as we found out, were handed over to the local crime syndicate Guerreros Unidos. The next day, the body of one of the students was found on the street with the skin torn off his face. Later, the remains of two more students were found. Relatives and friends of the students organized mass demonstrations, triggering a full-blown political crisis in the country. The corrupt mayor, his friends and the chief of police tried to escape, but were detained a few weeks later. The provincial governor resigned, and several dozen police officers and officials were arrested. And only one thing remains a mystery - the fate of almost four dozen students is still unknown.

Oak Island Money Pit

Off the coast of Nova Scotia, on Canadian territory, there is a small island - Oak Island, or Oak Island. There is the famous "money pit". According to legend, local residents found it back in 1795. This is a very deep and complex mine, in which, according to legend, countless treasures are hidden. Many have tried to get into it - but the design is treacherous, and after the treasure hunter has dug to a certain depth, the mine begins to be intensively filled with water. They say that brave souls found at a depth of 40 meters a stone tablet with the scrawled inscription: “Two million pounds are buried 15 meters deeper.” More than one generation has tried to get the promised treasure out of the hole. Even the future President Franklin Delano Roosevelt, during his student years at Harvard, came to Oak Island with a group of friends to try his luck. But the treasure is not given to anyone. And is he there?..

Who was Benjamin Kyle?

In 2004, an unknown man woke up outside a Burger King in Georgia. He had no clothes on, there were no documents with him, but the worst thing was that he didn’t remember anything about himself. That is, absolutely nothing! The police conducted a thorough investigation, but were unable to find any traces: neither missing people with such characteristics, nor relatives who could identify him from a photo. He was soon given the name Benjamin Kyle, under which he continues to live to this day. Without documents or certificates of any education, he could not find a job, but one local businessman, having learned about him from a television program, out of pity, gave him a job as a dishwasher. He still works there now. The efforts of doctors to awaken his memory, and the police to find his previous traces, did not yield results.

Shore of Severed Legs

"Severed Legs Coast" is the name given to a beach on the Pacific Northwest coast of British Columbia. It received this terrible name because local residents several times found severed human legs here, shod in sneakers or sneakers. From 2007 to the present, 17 of them have been found, with the majority being right-wing. There are several theories to explain why legs wash up on this beach - natural disasters, the work of a serial killer... some even claim that the mafia destroys the bodies of its victims on this remote beach. But none of these theories looks convincing, and no one knows where the truth is.

"Dancing Death" 1518

One day in the summer of 1518 in Strasbourg, a woman suddenly began dancing in the middle of the street. She danced wildly until she fell from exhaustion. The strangest thing is that gradually others joined her. A week later, 34 people were dancing in the city, and a month later - 400. Many dancers died from overwork and heart attacks. The doctors did not know what to think, and the churchmen also could not exorcise the demons possessing the dancers. In the end, it was decided to leave the dancers alone. The fever gradually subsided, but no one ever knew what caused it. They talked about some special type of epilepsy, about poisoning, and even about a secret, pre-coordinated religious ceremony. But scientists of that time did not find an exact answer.

Signal from aliens

On August 15, 1977, Jerry Eman, who was monitoring signals from space at the volunteer Center for the Study of Extraterrestrial Civilizations, picked up a signal at a random radio frequency, clearly coming from deep space, from the direction of the constellation Sagittarius. This signal was much stronger than the cosmic noise that Eman was used to hearing on the air. It lasted only 72 seconds and consisted of a completely definite, in the eye of the observer, completely random list of letters and numbers, which, however, was accurately reproduced several times in a row. Eman disciplinedly recorded the sequence and reported it to his colleagues in the search for aliens. However, further listening to this frequency did not yield anything, as did any attempts to catch at least some signal from the constellation Sagittarius. What it was - a prank by completely earthly jokers or an attempt by an extraterrestrial civilization to contact us - no one still knows.

Unknown from Somerton Beach

Here's another perfect murder, the mystery of which has still not been solved. On December 1, 1948, in Australia, on Somerton Beach in southern Adelaide, the body of an unknown man was discovered. There were no documents with him, only a note with two words: “Taman Shud” was found in one of his pockets. It was a line from Omar Khayyam's rubaiyat, meaning "the end." The cause of death of the unknown man could not be determined. The forensic investigator believed that it was a case of poisoning, but could not prove it. Others believed it was a suicide, but this claim was also unsubstantiated. The mysterious case has alarmed not only Australia, but the whole world. They tried to establish the identity of the unknown person in almost all countries of Europe and America, but the efforts of the police were in vain, and the history of Taman Shud remained shrouded in secrecy.

Confederate Treasures

This legend still haunts American treasure hunters - and not only them. According to legend, when the northerners were already close to victory in the Civil War, the treasurer of the Confederate government, George Trenholm, in desperation, decided to deprive the victors of their rightful spoils - the treasury of the southerners. Confederate President Jefferson Davis personally took on this mission. He and his guards left Richmond with a huge cargo of gold, silver and jewelry. No one knows where they went, but when the northerners took Davis prisoner, he had no jewelry with him, and 4 tons of Mexican gold dollars also disappeared without a trace. Davis never revealed the secret of the gold. Some believe that he distributed it to the planters of the South so that they could bury it until better times, others believe that it is buried somewhere in the vicinity of Danville, Virginia. Some believe that the secret society of the Knights of the Golden Circle, who were secretly preparing revenge in the Civil War, put their paws on him. Some even say that the treasure is hidden at the bottom of the lake. Dozens of treasure hunters are still looking for him, but none of them can get to the bottom of either the money or the truth.

Voynich manuscript

The mysterious book, known as the Voynich manuscript, is named after the Polish-born American bookseller Wilfred Voynich, who bought it from an unknown person in 1912. In 1915, having taken a closer look at the find, he told the whole world about it - and since then many have not known peace. According to scientists, the manuscript was written in the 15th-16th centuries in central Europe. The book contains a lot of text, written in neat handwriting, and hundreds of drawings depicting plants, most of which are unknown to modern science. The signs of the zodiac and medicinal herbs are also drawn here, accompanied by text, apparently, of recipes for their use. However, the contents of the text are just speculations of scientists who have not been able to understand it. The reason is simple: the book is written in a language still unknown on Earth, which is also practically indecipherable. Who wrote the Voynich manuscript and why, we may not know even in centuries.

Karst wells of Yamal

In July 2014, an inexplicable explosion was heard in Yamal, as a result of which a huge well appeared in the ground, the width and height of which reached 40 meters! Yamal is not the most populated place on the planet, so no one was injured from the explosion and the appearance of a sinkhole. However, such a strange and potentially dangerous phenomenon required an explanation, and a scientific expedition went to Yamal. It included everyone who could be useful in studying the strange phenomenon - from geographers to experienced mountain climbers. However, upon arrival, they were unable to understand the reasons and nature of what had happened. Moreover, while the expedition was working, two more similar failures appeared in Yamal in exactly the same way! Until now, scientists have been able to come up with only one version - about periodic explosions of natural gas coming to the surface from underground. However, experts consider it unconvincing. The Yamal failures remain a mystery.

Antikythera Mechanism

Discovered by treasure hunters on a sunken ancient Greek ship at the beginning of the twentieth century, this device, which at first seemed like just another artifact, turned out to be, no less, the first analog computer in history! A complex system of bronze disks, made with precision and accuracy unimaginable in those distant times, made it possible to calculate the position of stars and luminaries in the sky, time in accordance with different calendars and the dates of the Olympic Games. According to the results of the analyses, the device was made at the turn of the millennium - about a century before the birth of Christ, 1600 years before the discoveries of Galileo and 1700 before the birth of Isaac Newton. This device was more than a thousand years ahead of its time and still amazes scientists.

Sea people

The Bronze Age, which lasted approximately from the 35th to the 10th centuries BC, was the heyday of several European and Middle Eastern civilizations - Greek, Cretan, and Cananese. People developed metallurgy, created impressive architectural monuments, and tools became more complex. It seemed that humanity was moving by leaps and bounds towards prosperity. But everything collapsed within a few years. The civilized peoples of Europe and Asia were attacked by a horde of “people of the sea” - barbarians on countless ships. They burned and destroyed cities and villages, burned food, killed and took people into slavery. After their invasion, ruins remained everywhere. Civilization was thrown back at least a thousand years ago. In once powerful and educated countries, writing disappeared, and many secrets of construction and working with metals were lost. The most mysterious thing is that after the invasion, the “sea people” disappeared as mysteriously as they appeared. Scientists are still wondering who and where this people came from and what their future fate was. But there is no clear answer to this question yet.

Murder of the Black Dahlia

Books were written and films were made about this legendary murder, but it was never solved. On January 15, 1947, 22-year-old aspiring actress Elizabeth Short was found brutally murdered in Los Angeles. Her naked body was subjected to cruel abuse: it was practically cut in half and bore traces of many injuries. At the same time, the body was washed clean and completely devoid of blood. This story was widely circulated by journalists, giving Short the nickname “black dahlia.” Despite an active search, the police were unable to find the killer. The Black Dahlia case is considered one of the oldest unsolved murders in Los Angeles.

Motor ship "Ourang Medan"

In early 1948, the Dutch ship Ourang Medan sent an SOS signal while in the Strait of Mallaka off the coast of Sumatra and Malaysia. According to eyewitnesses, the radio message said that the captain and the entire crew were dead, and it ended with the chilling words: “And I am dying.” The captain of the Silver Star, having heard the distress signal, went in search of the Ourang Medan. Having discovered the ship in the Strait of Malacca, sailors from the Silver Star boarded it and saw that it was indeed full of corpses, and the cause of death was not visible on the bodies. Soon the rescuers noticed suspicious smoke coming from the hold and, just in case, chose to return to their ship. And they did the right thing, because soon the Ourang Medan spontaneously exploded and sank. Of course, because of this, the possibility of an investigation became zero. Why the crew died and the ship exploded is still a mystery.

Baghdad battery

Until recently, it was believed that humanity mastered the production and use of electric current only at the end of the 18th century. However, an artifact found by archaeologists in the region of ancient Mesopotamia in 1936 casts doubt on this conclusion. The device consists of a clay pot in which the battery itself is hidden: an iron core wrapped in copper, which is believed to have been filled with some kind of acid, after which it began to generate electricity. For many years, archaeologists debated whether the devices were actually related to the generation of electricity. In the end, they collected the same primitive products - and managed to generate electric current with their help! So, did they really know how to install electric lighting in ancient Mesopotamia? Since written sources from that era have not survived, this mystery will now probably forever excite scientists.

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There are many blank spots and unsolved mysteries in our history that excite the minds of scientists and ordinary mortals, be it an unsolved murder, mysterious ancient civilizations or amazing archaeological finds. Many mysteries of the past are yet to be revealed, and who knows, maybe fortune will smile on you.

Assassination of John Kennedy

John Kennedy was professionally shot with just two shots (one in the back, the other in the head) as his motorcade passed through the streets of Dallas, Texas on November 22, 1963.

Lee Harvey Oswald was arrested 45 minutes after the shots were fired. After several hours of interrogation, for which prosecutors' warrants were not even issued, Oswald was charged with premeditated murder and sentenced to death. The sentence was carried out by Jack Ruby in the garage of a police building in the presence of hundreds of journalists on November 24 of the same year.

On November 29, President Lyndon Johnson creates a Commission to investigate this daring murder. The commission was headed by Earl Warren, Chief Justice of the United States Supreme Court. He later discovered that Oswald had acted alone, firing from the sixth floor of the school library building with a Mannlicher-Carcano rifle.

Jack the Ripper

The oldest and most mysterious murders of Jack the Ripper, which struck fear in the heart of Victorian London, still capture the imagination. Between August and November 1888, five prostitutes were murdered in east London, Whitechapel.

Everything, from the crime itself to the identity of the killer and detailed letters about the crime committed, was shrouded in mystery. It is generally accepted that there were five victims in total, but this number was enough to agitate the whole of Great Britain.

Jack the Ripper became a kind of personification of the social problems of that time: poverty, crime, diseases that awaited every Briton on the threshold of his home.

Mysteries of Stonehenge

Built in three sections over 6,400 years ago during the Neolithic period on Salisbury Plain (southern England), Stonehenge has been impressing visitors with its majesty for several thousand years. This architectural monument consists of 30 vertical and 30 horizontal slabs, each weighing about 6 tons.

All the slabs were cut from basalt, mined 400 kilometers northwest of Salisbury Plain. Both the goals and methods of construction of this open-air stone temple are shrouded in mystery. There are different versions voiced: from an observatory and a pagan temple to a UFO landing site.

Lost Island of Atlantis

One of the oldest mysteries in the world, the legend of Atlantis, has fascinated the inquisitive minds of mankind since ancient times. According to the Greek philosopher Plato, Atlantis was a large island somewhere west of the Pillars of Hercules (the Rock of Gibraltar) and home to an incredibly advanced civilization known as the Atlanteans.

Plato described Atlantis as a place with an unusually beautiful palace complex surrounded by three ring canals. Each ruler, inheriting a palace, wanted to surpass his predecessor, so the palace complex was constantly expanding.

The Atlanteans were the richest nation of their time, but irrepressible ambitions and the constant desire for power gradually undermined the foundations of this civilization, and a natural disaster, a powerful earthquake, completed the fall of Atlantis. Whether this is true or a myth, we will never know. All that remains is to believe Plato.

Riddle of the Sphinx

The Sphinx is not only a symbol of Egypt, but also of Greece, Phenicia and Syria. In fact, the riddle of the Sphinx dates back far before its appearance at the pyramids of Giza. The famous question that cost travelers who met the Sphinx their lives: Who walks in the morning on four legs, in the afternoon on two, and in the evening on three? If you answer this question correctly, then the Sphinx will collapse.

The only person who, according to ancient Greek myths, answered the question correctly is Oedipus (answer: man). Despite the fact that the mystery has long been solved, the stone Sphinx still raises many questions.

Bigfoot (Sasquatch)

The Yeti is the nightmare of all tourists and hunters in North America. Scientists consider the Yeti to be just part of folklore. However, many people still believe that these humanoid creatures live throughout the globe.

Eyewitnesses describe the Yeti as an ape-like creature:

  • 2.5 – 3 meters tall;
  • weighing more than 500 kg;
  • covered with dark brown or red hair;
  • big eyes;
  • heavy forehead, and a crest on the head, like a male gorilla.

The Yeti footprint can reach up to 60 cm in length.

Lost cities in the sands of the Sahara

The ruins of long-forgotten civilizations have been found beneath the sands of the Sahara Desert. Evidence of the existence of the highly developed civilization of Garamant remained undocumented due to the harsh regime of Gaddafi (Libya). However, now, due to changes in the political situation in the country, archaeologists have a chance to uncover the secrets of this ancient culture.

An elongated skull found in the city of Andahuaylillas pretty much frayed the nerves of anthropologists. The skull has an unusually elongated crown, enlarged eye sockets, and a full set of adult teeth, despite the fact that the skull is clearly that of a child.

A group of anthropologists who visited the excavation site disagreed. Some argue that this is not even a human skull, while others are inclined to believe that its owner underwent a special procedure to lengthen the shape of the skull from early childhood, as part of an ancient rite.

Is there a chance of ever finding answers to these still unsolved mysteries of humanity?

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