The most effective exercises to remove belly fat. Dietary curd soufflé

Many women strive for an ideal waist without sides and a flat stomach. But not everyone chooses the right path to the goal, so the result is not the best. It should be remembered that without physical activity it is impossible to solve the problem areas of the body. Read on to learn about effective exercises for correcting the abdomen and sides, as well as the conditions under which they will work fully.

Several muscles are responsible for the condition of the abdomen and lateral surfaces of the lower body, namely the rectus, transverse and oblique external and internal. Therefore, if you want to form a toned torso, you need to use all the listed muscles. To remove the belly and sides, exercises must be performed in conjunction with the following conditions:

  • regularity of classes (at least 4 times a week), with the duration of each of them being at least an hour;
  • if you have an impressive layer of fat, cardio training in the gym is required, or jogging or aerobics, which can speed up metabolism as aerobic exercise;
  • special exercises can be both dynamic and static. They are performed with different amplitudes, but the pace should be slow or medium, so that full contraction processes occur in the muscles and a state of “overtraining” does not arise;
  • the compiled set of exercises must consistently work all the muscles in problem areas, so you cannot perform two exercises in a row on the same muscles;
  • cyclicality is important, the essence of which is 6-10 repetitions of each exercise in 2-4 approaches;
  • following a diet is a prerequisite for the body to spend the energy generated during training not on digesting food, but on burning abdominal fat and building muscles.

It is worth immediately answering the question of where it is better to train - in the gym or at home. It doesn't really matter, especially at first. You can perform equally effective exercises at home, especially if you have at least a couple of items from the auxiliary equipment (gymnastic stick, waist disk, fitball, dumbbell, hoop or hula hoop, horizontal bar, abdominal roller).

What exercises to remove the sides

Answering the question of what exercises to remove the sides, it is worth saying that all actions performed for this purpose will be based on twisting and inclined movements to the right and left. Consider the following examples.

How to remove the sides at the waist

In order to remove the sides at the waist as quickly as possible, you should add exercises on a gymnastic disk and breathing techniques (bodyflex is possible) to the exercises and recommendations mentioned above.

Using a disc, you perform body twists, during which you can strengthen muscle development if you hold a dumbbell in your hands or wear weights (0.5-1 kg each).

Enhancing the “melting” effect of the sides can be achieved with the help of a massage, which is preferably carried out immediately after training. It is worth giving preference to methods for combating cellulite - cupping and honey.

How to get rid of your belly and sides in a week

The above makes it clear that solving the problem discussed in the article takes time. But what if you have one week left before an important event?

With daily training, in seven days you can expect a loss of waist size up to 7-8 cm, if required, and the appearance of a clear-cut figure. Most likely, the result obtained will be a consequence of losing weight on the side surfaces of the body, but not the abdomen, since the external oblique muscle is the fastest to work.

When thinking about how to remove your belly and sides in a week, focus on dynamic exercises. Running, dancing, training on an elliptical trainer will help you quickly burn excess fat, due to which centimeters will be lost.

Perform each static exercise in which the abdominal muscles work while controlling your breathing. The movements should begin on inhalation and end on exhalation. There are options for the so-called cross-breathing, when everything is done the other way around. For example, when pumping up your abs, exhaling as you lift your torso will allow the muscles in your upper abs to do much more work.

Control of breathing will increase the oxidation of the fat layer, as a result of which lipids will be broken down and bound water will be released. But despite this, do not forget about the drinking regime (at least 2 liters of clean water per day), since otherwise the body will retain water formed from fat, causing intoxication and swelling.

Remove sides in a week at home

To remove sides in a week at home, follow all the tips outlined above and perform the exercises listed earlier. In addition to the waist disc, use a hula hoop.

Anti-cellulite massage, peelings, wraps using formulations with stimulating components such as sea salt, seaweed, ginseng, cayenne pepper and coffee extracts not only stimulate blood circulation and lymphatic drainage of the problem area, but also tone the skin.

1-2 fasting days, during which you can only drink water, will not be superfluous.

How to remove belly and sides video

In addition to the article, there is a video on how to remove belly and sides.

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If a person wants to have a slim figure, then he must work on himself: eat right, exercise, lead a healthy lifestyle. When it comes to the process of losing weight, women want to find simple exercises to get rid of the belly and sides, but the fat will not just disappear, you will have to work hard. There are effective programs that help you adjust your waist, remove bulges from your hips, and tighten your abs.

How to remove fat from the belly and sides

The cause of excess deposits in men and girls is always the same: overeating, lack of physical activity, which leads to a decrease in metabolic rate. In some cases, weight changes occur due to hormonal imbalance, but here you need to contact an endocrinologist, and not look for physical exercises to lose weight in the abdomen and sides. All further actions must be directed against these two factors. It is necessary to follow a diet, maintain regular training and perform effective exercises to lose weight in the abdomen and sides.

Fat burning exercises

This is not so much a type as a method of conducting training. When a person chooses what exercises can be used to remove the stomach and sides, he must take into account that they must be performed at a fast pace. Only by accelerating the heart rate will it be possible to start the process of burning excess deposits. The human body always tries to have a supply of energy material (fat) in order to use it in a critical situation. Fat burning exercises for the abdomen and sides should create it and force the body to get rid of fat.

Fat burning exercises are aimed at burning calories, so they are rarely performed with additional weights; you need to maintain your heart rate for a long time. It is extremely difficult to do this with weights. The following are considered classic:

  • swimming;
  • exercise bike;
  • jumping rope.

Strength exercises

This type of training is aimed at strengthening muscles and giving them tone. This is important if you want to reduce your waist and hip size. If your muscle corset can hold the internal organs, then you will get rid of the “protruding belly”, which is often called “beer belly”. It is very important that strength exercises to remove the belly and sides do not increase muscle volume. For these purposes, take the maximum weight and perform 5-6 repetitions to strengthen the muscle fibers without increasing their mass.

What exercises should you do to lose belly fat?

Beginners in sports mistakenly believe that they can get rid of fat by performing exercises on those muscle groups that are in the problem area. Correctly, the program for losing weight on the abdomen and sides involves increasing aerobic activity (cardio training), which helps speed up metabolism. The whole body will lose weight at the same time, and not just one part. Keep in mind that the duration of cardio exercise should be at least 30-40 minutes for the body to reach fat deposits.

The second part of the lesson for losing weight on the abdomen and sides should consist of working out the target muscle groups so that they are toned and have the correct, beautiful shape. If a girl or guy simply manages to lose weight, but does not tone their body, they will look flabby. For the abdomen, working out the muscle corset is especially important, because it will hold the internal organs and prevent them from protruding.

The best options for removing the sides and making the abdominal muscles elastic are considered to be static training options. Excellently increases calorie consumption, trains the abdominal group - vacuum breathing exercise. It helps to significantly strengthen the abs in a short time (within a few weeks). This is a simple option for training at home, girls really like it because of the quick effect.

Plank exercise

This option can hardly be called simple, because it requires a person to be able to hold static tension in the shoulders, arms, back and abdominal muscles. This is a great option if you want to give yourself a flat, beautiful tummy. The plank exercise for losing weight on the stomach and sides is easy to do at home, because it does not require additional equipment, you only need a mat. This is done as follows:

  1. Roll up the mat several times, placing it only under your elbows.
  2. Take a push-up position with your hands shoulder-width apart.
  3. Lower yourself from your palms to your elbows, keeping your body straight as before in push-ups.
  4. Hold this position. At first, 20-30 seconds will be enough, then increase this figure to 1-3 minutes.

Jumping rope

This is a great way to reduce your waist size at home (just make sure no one is around). Jumping rope will help you lose belly fat because it is a cardio workout option. A simple exercise that only requires free space in the room. You create a constant load on the vascular system, which increases your heart rate and energy costs.

At first, the body will extract additional strength from glycogen, but after 20-30 minutes it will begin to store fat and begin to burn extra pounds. This simple exercise is often included in circuit training complexes and CrossFit programs. This is an easy way to speed up your metabolism without using additional equipment or, if the weather is bad and you can’t go for a run.


This is a classic, simple exercise for training the abdominal muscles. It will not help you lose weight and will not remove your sides, but it will help improve muscle tone. You can see a lot of variations of abdominal training, but they all boil down to maximally straining the abdominal muscles during the contraction stage. You need to be especially careful when performing crunches to lose weight on your stomach and sides, because using them too vigorously can lead to muscle gain, which will make your waist appear fuller.

The maximum visual effect from this crunch can only be obtained if you regularly perform fat-burning workouts and adhere to at least a simple low-carb diet. It is important to perform this movement correctly:

  1. Choose a comfortable place in the apartment so that you can lie down, hook your toes onto something stable, and bend your knees.
  2. Place your hands behind your head, clasp your fingers. If this position is too difficult, you can keep your arms along your body.
  3. Start to reach your chin towards your pelvis. It is important not to simply raise your torso towards your knees (a common mistake), but to reach towards your pelvis.
  4. Complete 15 reps.

Side crunches

Girls need to be even more careful with this exercise, because as the oblique abdominal muscles grow, your waist will only become wider. Many trainers generally prohibit women from doing lateral abdominal crunches. This workout is better suited for men, but girls should avoid it. You can perform this movement in two ways:

  • standing with dumbbells;
  • lying on the floor.

The second option is simpler, because the technique is clear and you can immediately feel the working muscle groups. To do this you will need a mat and some free space. Side crunches are performed as follows:

  1. You need to lie on your side, put your hands behind your head, and clasp them together.
  2. Bend your knees.
  3. Stretch with the elbow of the hand on top by contracting the lateral muscles.
  4. Perform 15 reps, then do a set on the other side.

Bicycle lying on your back

This movement option is designed to train the oblique and abdominal muscles. The abdominal bicycle exercise does not require additional equipment and has a simple technique. The girl should be careful with such training, because there is a risk of increasing the waist area due to the increase in muscle mass. Perfect for men to form beautiful abs. You won’t be able to remove your belly or sides using a “bicycle,” but you can strengthen your muscle corset. This simple exercise is performed to remove belly fat as follows:

  1. Place something soft on the floor.
  2. Place your hands behind your head. close it into a lock.
  3. Raise your legs so that your shins are parallel to the floor.
  4. start moving your legs as if you were pedaling a bicycle.
  5. Pull your elbow towards the opposite knee, lifting your body using your abdominal muscles.
  6. Perform 15 repetitions on each side.

Video: How to remove the lower abdomen and sides

A large belly can occur as a result of an increase in the volume of the stomach, thickening of the subcutaneous fat layer and accumulation of fat on the surface of the internal organs. In most cases, these processes occur simultaneously and are a consequence of poor diet and nutrition, low physical activity, hormonal imbalances, psycho-emotional disorders and diseases of organs and body systems. The situation may be aggravated by a hereditary predisposition, manifested in an increased content of lipid receptors in the waist area. It is necessary to solve the problem of a large belly in a comprehensive manner - an individual physical training program, diet, and lifestyle adjustments must be drawn up.

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Training method for weight loss

For women and men who want to lose belly fat with exercises, but do not have the opportunity to work out in the gym, simple bodyweight workouts are suitable. They can be performed at home without special equipment.

A training complex for eliminating figure defects in the waist area and removing fat throughout the body should include 3 types of loads:

  1. 1. Effective exercises for the abdominal muscles.
  2. 2. Basic training for all major muscle groups.
  3. 3. Cardio loads.

The 4 best exercises for pumping up the muscle corset in the abdominal area are represented by a horizontal bar, vacuum, twisting and leg lifts from a lying position:

Exercise Execution technique Illustration
Horizontal barEffectively works the abs without leading to hypertrophy of muscle tissue. This property of the “Horizontal Plank” makes it especially popular among girls who want to remove fat from the waist and at the same time make it as narrow as possible. To perform the exercise, you need to lie on a flat surface face down, rest your elbows and feet on the floor, raise your midsection and pull in your stomach. Having fixed the body in one straight plane, you should hold it until a burning sensation occurs in the abdominal muscles. Usually this is a few minutes. Next you need to rest for 60-75 seconds and repeat the horizontal plank position
CrunchesThe exercise primarily loads the upper abs. To perform crunches, you need to lie on your back, cross your arms behind your head, and bend your legs at the knees. Having assumed the starting position, you should make 15-20 quick lifts of the chest upward using short-amplitude movements. In this case, the shoulder blades should rise from the floor no more than 10-15 centimeters. The main mistake beginners make is that they lift their torso by contracting the muscles in the pelvis and lower abdominal muscles. To perform it correctly, you need to bend your torso only in the area just below the chest
VacuumThe main task of the "Vacuum" is to reduce the size of the stomach and get rid of hard-to-reach fat deposits inside the abdominal cavity (abdominal fat). There are two main types of performing this exercise: from a sitting position and from a standing position. The first option is more suitable for women and men with a small belly who already have a good level of athletic training. The second is for beginners and those whose huge waist in a sitting position does not allow them to keep their stomach “in”. The vacuum is performed like this: from a standing position, you need to spread your legs shoulder-width apart, lower your arms along your body (or cross them at the back of your head), tilt your body a little forward, pull your stomach “inward” with maximum force and hold it in this state for 1-2 minutes. The number of approaches should be at least 3 with a rest of about 60 seconds between them. Vacuum is recommended at the end of training
Raising legs from a lying positionOne of the most effective exercises for the lower abs. It makes it possible to reduce the size of fat folds on the abdomen in a short period of time (in just a week). Starting position: lying on your back, arms along the body, legs slightly bent at the knees. When performing it, it is important to follow the technique: raising the lower part of the body is carried out by contracting the lower abs, and not the muscles located in the groin area! The movement must be repeated 12-15 times in each of 3-4 approaches. Rest between sets - 40-60 seconds

Abdominal exercises done at home must be preceded by a thorough warm-up.

Twisting and lifting legs from a lying position is not recommended for men and women with very large bellies, as well as new mothers for 4-6 weeks after childbirth (6-8 weeks after cesarean section). This can lead to sprains and other injuries. For these people, it is better and safer to use a horizontal bar and a vacuum to get rid of waist fat.

Basic exercises for losing weight in the waist area

The most powerful fat-burning effect on the entire body is exercise that involves several muscle groups simultaneously. At home, these are primarily squats, jumping jacks and push-ups. In addition to spending a large amount of energy, they lead to increased production of anabolic hormones (testosterone, samotropin) and enzymes. These compounds speed up metabolism and make the process of getting rid of extra pounds even faster.

Basic exercise Execution technique Image
JumpingThe exercise simultaneously involves the muscles of the legs, back, abdomen and buttocks. This allows you to give a high functional load to the entire body and activate fat burning processes in problem areas. Jumping is carried out as follows: you should sit on the floor in a squatting position, put your hands on your waist or stretch out in front of you, pull in your stomach, straighten your back and very quickly jump up. Landing should occur immediately in the starting position (squat). You need to repeat the jumps 12-15 times. The first warm-up approach is carried out with incomplete amplitude, the rest - until the body is completely lowered. The number of approaches is about 4.
SquatsAt home, in the absence of a barbell and racks, you need to perform squats with your own weight with a high degree of intensity. To do this, it is recommended to reduce the rest time between approaches (up to 40 seconds) and increase the number of repetitions (up to 20-25). The technique is as follows: standing on a flat horizontal surface, you should stretch your arms forward, straighten your spine, pull in your stomach and, while inhaling, lower your torso to the lower extreme point (there should be no gap between the shin and thigh). Taking a deep breath, lift your body up with the muscles of your legs, buttocks and back. The number of approaches required to thoroughly work out the hips and butt should be performed at least 5. In this exercise, the abdominal muscles and torso extensors also receive a significant load. This positive effect can be used by men and women of mature age and very fat people who are unable to perform crunches and leg lifts due to their large waist.
Push upsAt home, the exercise is performed on the floor without weights (with your own weight). It makes it possible to tone your shoulders, chest and arms, increase the body's energy expenditure, thereby making the fat burning process even more intense. To perform push-ups, you should lie on the floor and take the starting position: your palms and feet hold your body suspended in one plane, your back is straight, your stomach is pulled in. At a fast (explosive) pace, 15-25 lowering and raising of the upper body are performed, after which a pause is made for rest (1.5 minutes) and the exercise is repeated for another 4-5 approaches

The big mistake of many beginners is the desire to remove excess volume on the stomach and sides with the help of abdominal exercises alone. This strategy is ineffective due to the fact that it is impossible to get rid of fat locally over a long period of time: weight loss in one area of ​​the body will quickly be replenished by redistributing fat in the body. For this reason, inclusion of basic exercises in the training program is mandatory.

Aerobic exercise

Cardio exercises will help maintain the correct functioning of the heart, hormonal system and internal organs during the training program. Their benefit lies in the fact that during low-intensity exercise in the fresh air or in the gym, active fat burning occurs, cells are saturated with oxygen, the central nervous system is restored, and the elasticity of blood vessels and heart muscle increases.

The best aerobic exercises are:

  • Jogging.
  • Race walking.
  • Swimming.
  • Gymnastics.
  • Biking, roller skating.
  • Sport games.
  • Long walks.

You need to do cardio training at least 3 times a week. The duration of one lesson is 30-45 minutes.

Exercise can be used as an aerobic exercise. You can do it at home using movements such as jumping rope, swinging your arms (or small dumbbells), various rubbing, untwisting and stretching of joints and ligaments. It is effective to exercise 30 minutes after waking up, after drinking 1 glass of water.

Training program

In order to quickly and safely get rid of fat in the waist area, you need to create a training program. Cycling the loads will avoid overtraining and will give maximum effect in losing weight.

The most popular training complex is the seven-day split. It looks like this:

  • Monday: push-ups and crunches.
  • Tuesday: jogging.
  • Wednesday. Squats and leg raises from a lying position.
  • Thursday: swimming.
  • Friday: jumping jacks and horizontal plank.
  • Saturday: active sports games or cycling (roller skating).
  • Sunday: complete refusal of physical activity.

Alternating strength training and exercise allows you to expend a large amount of energy and maintain strength and vigor throughout the week.

It will be impossible to lose belly fat with exercises if you do not follow your diet and diet along with the training program. In order to get positive results from exercise, you should adhere to a low-carbohydrate diet. The basis of the menu should be fish, chicken, cottage cheese, raw vegetables and nuts. It is necessary to adhere to fractional meals - you can increase your metabolic rate if you eat food 7-8 times a day.

Various psychological practices also help get rid of fat on the sides and stomach. Most cases of stopping training “halfway” to the result are the result of emotional breakdowns, loss of motivation and internal mental strength to force yourself to get off the couch and start doing the exercise. You can combat this problem with the help of auto-training, meditation and yoga.

And a little about secrets...

The story of one of our readers, Inga Eremina:

I was especially depressed by my weight; at 41, I weighed as much as 3 sumo wrestlers combined, namely 92 kg. How to completely lose excess weight? How to cope with hormonal changes and obesity? But nothing disfigures or makes a person look younger than his figure.

But what can you do to lose weight? Laser liposuction surgery? I found out - no less than 5 thousand dollars. Hardware procedures - LPG massage, cavitation, RF lifting, myostimulation? A little more affordable - the course costs from 80 thousand rubles with a nutritionist consultant. You can, of course, try to run on a treadmill until you go crazy.

And when will you find time for all this? And it's still very expensive. Especially now. That's why I chose a different method for myself...

Sooner or later, the stomach becomes a problem area for almost everyone. How to achieve perfection in this area, how to keep your waist perfectly thin even over the years? Naturally, you need to eat right. But, unfortunately, it will not be possible to achieve better results without resorting to physical exercise. You will have to work on your own body day after day, because you so want to catch the admiring glances of others... One of the gurus of modern world fitness, Gay Gasper, has compiled a whole complex, which includes best exercises to lose belly fat and make your waist thin and beautiful (video below).

For this purpose, simple movements were selected that can be easily performed at home. In just a week of simple training according to this program, you will be able to lose a few extra pounds, because all the exercises are, first of all, fat-burning. In addition, regular exercises allow you to tone and increase the volume of your back. It is not recommended to violate the prescribed sequence, nor is it recommended to replace one type of activity with another at your own discretion.

The technique is based on the correct execution of 10 basic exercises in the right order. Moreover, you do not need to have any fitness skills, no experience is required. As does a certain amount of physical training. However, a flexible system of changes within the complex for the abdomen has also been proposed. For those who are ready to work as hard as possible on the perfect abs, an improved, more energy-consuming version is offered.

Conversely, if the basic version of the exercise seems too difficult (due to age or a lot of excess weight, weakened state of the body, etc.), you can use it, which will help restore the body to tone and lose a little weight. Professional trainers say that it is impossible to properly remove the hated fat if you limit your approach to solving the problem only to fitness classes, even the most effective ones. It is imperative to switch to a dietary or at least properly balanced diet.

Please note that this is an ideal abdominal exercise system for home, as no special equipment is required. The only thing it is advisable to purchase is a fitness mat.

General ones are also important, since losing weight in one specific place is almost impossible (except perhaps with the help of surgery). Even if you pump up your abs using this method, the layer of fat hiding it will visually spoil the whole result, because it cannot be pulled in or removed so easily. Besides, I want to get rid of the sides. Due to its simplicity and clarity, as well as the absence of the need for expensive equipment, exercises for a flat stomach from Gay Gasper have already been appreciated by very, very many women around the world.

The main positive features of this system for an ideal belly:

  • Explanations for the exercises are given clearly and transparently.
  • It is possible to follow the instructions without physical training.
  • You can save money on going to the gym, but look no worse than those who visit it.
  • Exercising at home is a good solution for those who, due to excessive weight, are simply embarrassed to attend mass training sessions.
  • Suitable for young mothers who cannot leave their baby alone.

But you shouldn’t expect quick miracles of transformation. Yes, the first centimeters will begin to disappear from the waist and sides in just two weeks, if you alternate a training day with a non-training day and fulfill all the requirements of the abdominal system. But the final goal - an attractive flat stomach and slender sides - will be achieved only after 2-3 months of intense exercise.

Expert opinion

Smirnov Viktor Petrovich
Dietitian, Samara

Almost all exercises for pumping the abdominal muscles and eliminating abdominal fat are extremely beneficial if the patient is not contraindicated to experience strong intra-abdominal pressure. Most of these exercises involve the impact of only your own body on the abs, and the fact that they are performed while lying down eliminates increased stress on the cardiovascular system. When exercising while lying down, there is practically no fainting or dizziness.

As is known, obese patients have poor circulatory reserves, which are quickly depleted during intense physical activity, and shortness of breath occurs. These exercises are important for the intestines because they stimulate peristalsis and lead to the elimination of chronic constipation. The only clarification: first you need to consult a doctor to see if there are any contraindications to the exercise. Usually they do not occur, but in the case of severe hypertension, the presence of thyrotoxicosis with high blood pressure and increased heart rate, pathology of large vessels (for example, with an aortic aneurysm), it is necessary to refrain from exercise and normalize the weight and relief of the abdominal press through diet and walking , swimming.

Exercises for the abdomen (photo and description)

Before you begin performing the main part of the abdominal complex, you need to warm up your muscles. Even the simplest exercises for the waist and abdomen at home can be traumatic if you start doing them abruptly and with excessive tension. Therefore, the first point of the program should always be a warm-up - four to five minutes.

What to do:

  • Perform swings and punches.
  • Turn the body left and right.
  • Bend over several times, reaching to your toes (knees straight).
  • Do maximum stretching.
  • Pull in and relax your stomach.

The basis of the set of exercises for the abdomen are crunches, which must be performed strictly according to the instructions. It is advisable to watch several videos of girls performing these exercises at different levels of difficulty. Training will allow you to tighten your stomach and remove your sides.

You need to take a basic position: lie on your back, bend your legs at the knees and pull them towards you, put your hands behind your head. It is advisable to tense the stomach and sides, but not too much. Next, you need to very slowly (without any sudden movements) raise your shoulders. In this case, it is not the strength of the arms that should be involved, but the force coming from the abdominal muscles. In this position, count to two and return to the starting position. The hands should simply rest against the back of the head, without lifting it: this can be seen by how much the elbows try to protrude forward. The head should be level in relation to the back: the opposite is indicated by a drooping chin.

Attention! During training, it is necessary to observe the correct breathing mode: take in air in the starting position and release it as you rise. In addition, at the starting point, pull in the stomach, and at the peak, just keep the muscles tense.

The exercise involves 20 repetitions. After the first ten, you can breathe deeply and stretch, resting for 30 seconds.

Leg Raise

Aimed at strengthening the lower abdominal muscles. This alternation option allows you to train the abdominal areas one at a time, which will allow the muscles not to overstrain. You need to lie on your back, spread your arms out to the sides on either side of you. Raise your legs and bend your knees.

Important! Throughout the entire abdominal exercise, it is strictly forbidden to lift your back from the surface - only your hips. And don't forget about breathing.

There should be three right angles: between the abs and the thigh, between the thigh and the lower leg, between the buttocks and the floor. Next, you should tense your abdominal muscles and lift your hips off the surface, reaching a distance of 2-3 cm. At the same time, the bend of your legs should remain the same - it is important to maintain a right angle in your knees. Count to two and return to the starting point. 10 repetitions before the break and 10 after.

Leg crunches and leg raises

A combination of the first two instructions to consolidate both results. You need to simultaneously raise your legs, as already described, and lift your shoulders off the floor. The knees and shoulders move towards each other during execution. Again, 20 repetitions with a pause are prescribed.

Side crunches

Effective gymnastics for losing weight in the abdomen and sides, of course, must be of high quality. You need to sit on the floor, put your hands under your head. Bend your knees, placing your feet on the floor shoulder-width apart. Accordingly, the hips will be slightly moved to the side. Raising your left shoulder, twist, directing your left elbow towards your right knee. No need to take it out. It is enough to hang for two counts in a position where the elbow is at shoulder level. Perform alternately 5 times for each side. Then catch your breath, stretch and repeat the same.

Lunge crunches

Lie on your back and pull your legs towards your pelvis, bending them at the knees. Hands are folded behind the head, elbows should be spread and placed on the floor. Raising your shoulders, as with a simple twist, you need to pull in your stomach, tense your abdominal and side muscles and lift your right leg, pointing it towards the top of the body - towards the face, preferably pressed to the chest. After this, fully extend the same leg, straightening it in the air. Do 10 times for the right leg and 10 for the left. Rest for 30 seconds and do another similar approach, continuing the workout.


Do you want to lose weight in your sides? A classic exercise that children do in kindergarten is useful at any age. So, you need to lie on your back and pull your legs to your chest. And then just “pedal” in the air. In this case, it is advisable to raise your shoulders one by one (when the left leg straightens, the left shoulder rises).

Attention! It is not advisable to be frequent with movements. The maximum effect for losing weight on the abdomen and sides involves a slow “ride”.

Do a total of 20 repetitions on each leg. Maybe with a break.

Wiggle your toes

Lie on your back and raise your legs, bending your knees at a right angle. Your ankles will be on a line parallel to the floor. Bring your knees together. Raise your shoulders and at the same time touch the surface with one foot, but only with the edge of the toe. As usual, two sets of 10 repetitions as part of the workout for a flat stomach.

Circular rotation

Place yourself on the floor. Bend your legs at the knees and place your entire foot on the floor. Place your hands under your head. Tighten your stomach and sides. Raise the body and make a full circular movement clockwise. Then repeat the same thing, but in a different direction. 10 times in each direction. Approach – half: Tighten your stomach 5 times and rotate.

Bending on bent knees

Excellent effect on the abdominal and back muscles at the same time. You need to get on your knees and elbows. The third pair of points touching the ground are the toes. Tighten your stomach and forcefully raise your knees above the floor. In this position, count to three. This needs to be done 20 times. If the floor is hard and there is no rug, it is advisable to place something soft under your elbows.

Support position: leg raise

The final chord, the most complex and effective, is . You need to lie on your stomach. After this, lean on your elbows (do not remove anything soft after the ninth abdominal exercise). Place your toes on the floor. And then rise, holding on to 4 points of support - two elbows and two toes. Lift your legs off the surface one by one and count to two in this position. You cannot arch your back, although this condition is not so easy to fulfill. At the end of the complex, you must not forget about the cool-down, which is a stretch of the abdomen, back and legs.

Exercises to quickly remove the lower abdomen from Ekaterina Kononova:

A beautiful, flat stomach and waist are perhaps the most common desires of women who want to lose weight, because these are the parts of the body that are responsible for the femininity of the figure. A couple of extra pounds in the buttocks area can attract the attention of men, but the same cannot be said about excess fat in the waist area.

In this article we will try to answer the popular question: “What exercises should you do to lose belly fat?”

But before that, keep in mind an important point: exercises for this area alone are not a guarantee of weight loss. You can only lose weight in general, and in order to really achieve a beautiful waist, you need to approach the issue comprehensively and perform not only exercises for the abdomen, but also those that contribute to the fastest weight loss of the entire body, and this is running, exercises for the legs and buttocks. Of course, we cannot do without tightening the muscles in the area we need, because one of the reasons for a flabby, sagging belly is low tone of the local muscles.

How long does it take to lose belly fat?

It is impossible to give an unambiguous answer to this question - it all depends on the intensity of training and the degree of neglect of the abdomen. In any case, the count will not be in days, but at least in weeks, or even months. Provided that you do the exercises every day, eat right and are physically active in general, the owner of a small but lost tummy will see the first noticeable results in two weeks. In addition, many women ask the question: “How is it possible and mean: “How can you make your stomach flat, like that of such and such a model?” This is not always possible. Everyone’s physiology is different, and for some girls it will still be a little convex. In any case, if it is in good tone, elastic and toned, it will look very beautiful, even without being perfectly flat.

To remove belly fat, you need:

1. Strengthen your abs. Moreover, a banal press swing will not be enough. You need to work all the abdominal muscles.

2. Do exercises that burn fat. If you don't pay attention to this, you will get excellent abs that simply won't be visible.

So, what exercises should you do to lose belly fat?

1. Abdominal stretching. It can be done lying down. Lie on the floor on your stomach, lean your arms straight on the floor, stretch your body upward, keeping your feet on the floor. Stretch your body up and slightly back.

2. Standing or sitting, keeping your hands clasped above or at the back of your head, bend your body. Watch your hips - they must remain motionless! Tilts can be performed forward, backward, to the sides, or in circular movements. This simple exercise allows you to stretch your muscles and strengthen them.

3. Lying on the floor with your knees bent, alternately lift and lower your pelvis, and also fix it in the upper position for a few seconds. Usually they start by counting by eight. This exercise strengthens not only the abs, but also the buttocks.

4. Lying leg raises and 90-degree body raises are perhaps the most well-known exercises for strengthening the upper and lower abdominal muscles. Be sure to include them in your weight loss program, but you shouldn’t get too carried away. You can really pump up your abs, but you won’t lose a single gram of excess fat at all, and your belly will remain as bulging as it was, only it will become very hard.

5. Exercises to strengthen the oblique abdominal muscles: lying on your back, bend your knees and place your heels on the floor. Extend your arms next to your body, placing them palms up. Now, without lifting your heels, hips and one hand from the floor, bring your palms together. Alternately do the exercise on one side, then on the other.

This amount of abdominal strength is quite enough.

What exercises should you do to lose belly fat? - Let's adopt belly dancing

It is not necessary to seriously learn belly dancing if you are not passionate about this type of art. But you can take many elements, because they perfectly promote deep muscle development, while providing stretching. It is this kind of belly, like that of oriental dancers, that is considered the sexiest: not over-pumped, not too thin, but elastic and harmonious. So, a few exercises.

1. Starting position - standing. Stand firmly, feel as if your feet are stuck to the ground. Keep your back and neck straight, but don't stiffen them. At the same time, your knees need to be slightly relaxed and even bent a little. Now pull your stomach in, lifting your hips up (not forward). Try to perform this movement using only your abdominal muscles. Then push your hips down. The upper body should remain motionless. If you do this exercise carefully, even eight repetitions will be enough. In the same way, you can try moving your hips up and down from the sides. Notice that the hips move in a plane up and down, but not sideways. If you combine these movements, you get a very beautiful rotation of the hips, which is called internal.

2. Side turns. The starting position is almost the same: stable position, straight back, but it is better to straighten your knees. Perform hip crunches. Please note that it is the hips that should move, and not the sides, as is often the case with beginners.

3. Shaking. It will be difficult if you are unaccustomed to it, but any girl can learn to do them. Relax your knees, relax your hips as much as possible, your feet are stable, your back is straight, your gaze is dreamy at the sky. Slowly (very slowly at first) move your hips out to the sides. Gradually speed up. If you started shaking quickly and suddenly stopped for some unknown reason, it means that the relaxation was insufficient and the speed is still too high for you. Do the shaking for as long as possible. Even if you stop, inhale and exhale, sharply tighten your abdominal muscles, then relax and continue shaking.

And finally, a very effective way to get a beautiful tummy is a hoop. How to twist it correctly to lose weight?

Remember, the wider your feet are, the easier the exercise is and the less effective it is. Try spinning a hula hoop with your feet together and you will understand how powerful this simple exercise can be. But such difficulties are not required: place your feet shoulder-width apart or slightly narrower. you need at least 15 minutes without a break twice every day to get really fast results. In any case, continuous twisting should last at least ten minutes. increases significantly after the first 20 minutes of training, so if time permits, you can spin the hoop for half an hour or an hour - it is impossible to overdo it with the hoop, as is the case with strength exercises. Of course, the time also depends on the type of hoop; if it is a massage hoop, then 15-20 minutes will seem like a lot.

So, what exercises should you do to lose belly fat? Minimum strength, maximum stretching and flexibility. Intense dancing is perfect. And of course, you need to pay special attention to proper nutrition, because a piece of cake will be deposited first on the stomach, and will “go away” from there last.

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