Wall painting: types, techniques, examples. Decorative wall painting: original do-it-yourself decor Ideas for wall painting

Every person wants his home to be light And cozy, so that it would be nice to come to it after a hard day, relax, relax your body and soul.

Of course, you can furnish your home with the right furniture or stylish wallpaper. But perhaps the most original the way to create a dream interior is artistic wall painting.

This designer the technique began to be used recently, but already won sympathy apartment dwellers and homeowners.

To bring some into your home picturesque beauty, you don’t have to look for professionals. Wall painting It’s quite possible to do it yourself, which will allow you to create unique impeccable interior tailored to individual preferences.

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Wall painting is not difficult, but fun!

In this matter, everything depends on abilities, creativity and the artist's imagination. Yes, yes, this activity will make you feel real an artist.

Your canvas - it is a wall that is like a blank slate, allowing freedom for creativity. At your disposal paints all kinds of colors, brushes, sponges, spray cans and other devices.

Wall painting in interior can be very diverse: from ordinary colors and geometric figures, decorated in the form of an ornament, to entire finished paintings - landscapes, still lifes, illustrations to your favorite books and films.

It is not necessary to be a professional artist. Even a person without drawing skills can paint a wall using stencils.

Types and techniques of artistic painting

One of the oldest techniques used for wall painting. People mastered it back in Ancient Greece, but it gained particular popularity during the period Renaissance in Europe.

With each century, this technique was constantly improved. A fresco is a painting on fresh wet plaster. As a rule, water-soluble paints are used.

When painting, it is necessary track, so that the plaster does not dry out. Only then will you get a true fresco with saturated flowers.

If the plaster begins to dry out, it must be periodically moisturize.

Important: Decorative wall painting is done mainly with large artistic brushes. Paint brushes will not work here!

This technique is very similar to the fresco technique, only it is performed already on dry plaster (Italian a secco - dry).

The undoubted advantage is that you can take your time and thoroughly draw a drawing.

However ordinary paints do not adhere well to such material. Therefore, they need to be prepared: acrylic grind the paints in a mixture of vegetable glue, eggs and lime. It turns out something similar to tempera Paint can be applied in several layers.

Wall painting needs some framing, to aesthetically design its borders at the junctions with the ceiling and pasted wallpaper walls. You can learn how to do this using decorative moldings from

Note: In case of some mistakes when drawing, small areas can be slightly corrected by rinsing with clean water. However, this is not recommended, as the pattern will become less durable and may even crumble over time.

Is one of the most labor-intensive technician. Represents scratching drawing ( Italian sgraffito or grafrito - scratched).

Artistic painting of walls using this technique is carried out colored plaster, and the number of colors will depend on your idea.

Do not make complex paintings using this technique and try to use no more than 4 colors. Apply them sequentially on top of each other, allowing each layer to dry slightly.

The topmost layer will be background Pictures. You can apply it on top sketches future image.

Then in the right places scratch through plaster to the depth of the required color. Here you should show extreme accuracy - nothing can be fixed!

Sgraffito technique


One of the most interesting and unusual technician, from preparing paints to finishing touches.

Here the paint is melted wax, mixed with color pigments.

Such materials are particularly naturalness, which means non-toxic, therefore, they can be used to paint walls in children's room.

Apply Paint should only be applied to dry plaster.

This technique is best used hard non-porous brushes, as the paints are very soft.

To make the drawing look be more careful you can draw the image in advance with a pencil with very soft stylus.

Encaustic in the interior

One of modern and simple techniques that allow you to create various effects - from light airiness to realistic images and even 3D effects.

Performed using spray paint cans for small parts and airbrushes for large images.

To use this technique it is not necessary to prepare surface walls. The paint is easily applied to other paint, plaster and even wallpaper.

It opens new Horizons for design ideas. For example, against the background colored wallpaper, you can draw any objects, and the room will turn into a blooming garden or tropical forest.

Airbrushing You can carry out artistic painting of both walls and ceilings.

Airbrush in the interior

Another fashionable modern know-how in artistic painting, which motley almost all courtyards of large cities. This can be considered hooliganism, or it can be skillfully used for design in the house.

Most often, painting is done using aerosol cans. Any surface for painting is suitable - be it plaster, dye or wallpaper. But be sure to remember that spray paint is applied only to well dried surface.

Not technology, but piece of art! The drawings are very reminiscent of black and white pencil sketches on paper.

Remember how in such pictures they play out shades gray, the gradation has been recreated. Images similar to black and white photographs. Recently, this type of wall design has become more stylish than ever.

Realistic, The volumetric and graceful image is mesmerizing. But painting walls with your own hands using this technique is extremely difficult and it is unlikely that a beginner will succeed.

Performed on a wall that has been whitewashed. Basic paint - tempera, which is recommended to be applied with a thin, stiff brush using light strokes, as if you were drawing with a pencil. The most small details can be drawn in ink. Be careful in choosing tones.

Author's technique - painting walls with strokes using a sponge

Interesting technique that will help you easily transform interior. It is characterized simplicity execution and the special subtlety and beauty of the resulting images.

You will need:

  • some sponges(depending on the number of paints used);
  • paints(preferably water-based);
  • spray with water;
  • soft simple pencil;
  • stencils.

The working surface, that is, the wall, must be covered white

Note: artistic painting of the walls in the interior creates a certain ease, slight disorder and at the same time airiness.

To begin with, apply it to the wallpaper sketch using a pencil.

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Tsugunov Anton Valerievich

Reading time: 6 minutes

One of the original decorative techniques in the interior, which allows you to break out of the captivity of everyday life and standard solutions, is artistic painting of walls and ceilings. She can transform any room: shift the boundaries of the usual, fill the space with light and air, add romance and bright colors, picturesque zoning and placing accents.

Basic principles for choosing artistic painting

When choosing an image for a painting that you plan to decorate the walls or ceilings of your apartment, you need to take into account several important points.

  • The subject of wall painting is a powerful factor influencing the psychological mood of all inhabitants of the house. This dominant touch of the interior will set the bar for feelings and sensations, so the choice of style, color scheme and theme of the painting should be given special attention.

The basic point, the sweetest highlight in artistic painting is handmade. Yours or a professional artist’s is the second question. What is valuable is the fact of a painstaking individual approach, a thoughtful look and a willingness to combine rough work with creativity.

  • The purpose of each room where artistic painting is planned should be the starting point in choosing a design, its subject and color. You can, of course, continue to destroy stereotypes, but, perhaps, it is worth following the tradition and leaving the kitchen with its still lifes, and the bedroom – scenes in the nude style.

It is permissible to vary the themes of images within the framework of compatibility: for example, the food theme in the kitchen can be diluted with cool abstraction, clouds and stars in the nursery can be replaced with bright cartoon scenes, and the living room and bedroom can be decorated with paintings in a lyrical style.

  • You should pay attention to the relationship between the scale of the wall painting and the size of the apartment. Grandiose historical subjects or complex reproductions will look crumpled and at the same time defiant within a small room.

A suitable solution for painting in a small area would be an ornament or a discreet abstraction.

Important! All inaccuracies and errors in painting with acrylic paints should be corrected immediately. Dried paint is very difficult to clean and impossible to wash off.

Oil paints

Before the advent of new types of compositions, oil paints for a long time held the lead in durability and strength. These paints allow smooth transitions from tone to tone and retain bright colors after drying. But such disadvantages of oil paints as difficulty in preparation and application, toxicity, prolonged drying, cracking and yellowing have over time displaced them from leading positions.

Tempera paints

Tempera is most often used in combination with acrylic paints, which allows you to create complex designs. Images made with tempera paint do not darken or fade, and have a velvety matte surface.

Wax-oil tempera, which combines all the advantages of oil and water-based paints, deserves special attention. It contains pigments, the binder for which is a combination of linseed oil, beeswax, resin, water and other components. This is a transparent paint that allows you to create a variety of shades by overlaying one color on another. Does not change tone when drying, does not dissolve with water, and is resistant to the external environment.

Sequence of work

A clear plan of work and a flawless, healthy surface will be the key to the success of any finishing, and even more so - artistic painting. At the very beginning, you need to decide on the following questions:

  • where the painting will be done;
  • what is the task of painting - creating a unique artistic accent, visually expanding the space, correcting the proportions of the layout, masking interior defects, etc.;
  • what will be the plot of the image;
  • what paints and painting technique will be chosen;
  • how to prepare a wall or ceiling for painting.

Preparing walls and ceilings

Preparation for painting takes place in several stages.

Cleaning walls and ceilings

The surface selected for painting also requires other types of coatings. Thoroughly clean out all uneven surfaces with a spatula, brush or sander.


Degreasing is necessary for good adhesion of paint to the surface. Using a sponge or rag, you need to treat the walls and ceiling with any degreaser - white spirit, turpentine, vinegar, acetone or special primer.


All surface defects larger than 5 mm must be. Minor irregularities are eliminated by applying putty.

Important! Do not use oil-based adhesive or alabaster putties. They do not allow moisture to be absorbed, which leads to peeling of the paint layer.


  1. A wall or ceiling is marked: the boundaries of the image, the horizon level, and vanishing points of perspective are outlined.
  2. Large lines and the most significant objects are drawn.
  3. Smaller details are applied in detail.

Important! To draw a sketch, you should use colored pencils from the colors present in the plot. It is generally not recommended to use a slate pencil: black lines are difficult to wash off and can appear through the finished painting.

To avoid errors when drawing a picture, the method of transferring a scaled image to the surface is used. To do this, the sketch is drawn into squares and transferred to the walls using a level.

A convenient option would be to project a picture from a slide onto the surface.

The most creative and interesting work is giving the image color and volume. The algorithm for coloring a sketch of a mural may look like this:

  • On the palette, the main color is brought to the desired consistency. To do this, the necessary colorants are added to the white paint.

Advice. It is better to dilute the paint for painting immediately with some reserve, because it can be difficult to obtain exactly the same shade again. But the paint dries quickly, and you can’t leave it and used brushes in the air for a long time.

  • You need to apply paints, moving from darker shades to lighter ones.
  • From time to time it is useful to step away from the image, evaluate it from a distance and simply give your eyes a rest and refresh your perception.
  • It is convenient to paint small details using small brushes or stamps.

People have always believed that painting walls is a wonderful way not only to decorate their home, but also to attract happiness, peace and good luck. This design direction has not lost its relevance at all; rather, on the contrary, artistic wall painting is becoming more and more popular today. This is understandable - an original design option for the surrounding space can transform a room, fill it with warmth, beauty and comfort.

How it all began

Decorative wall painting is associated with the emergence frescoes. Translated from Italian, “fresco” means “fresh.” The technique involved applying paints diluted with lime water to wet (fresh) plaster. This method made it possible to obtain durable paintings that did not lose the brightness of colors over the centuries.


The fresco was widespread in Rome and Greece in the 2nd millennium BC. Aegean art was popular among the elite and was considered the best method of decorating walls and ceilings. The unique technology of work has preserved the creations of ancient masters to this day and told about the beliefs, customs and traditions of their ancestors.

The sequence of creating a clean fresco was first described Cennino Cennini(1447). The image was applied to the plaster using powder, ocher or coal. Only rich people could afford such beauty: artistic painting is a labor-intensive process that requires high skill and appropriate remuneration.

Today, painting walls in the interior has become more accessible, but it still cannot be called a cheap pleasure. Handmade work is considered the best way to create an exclusive interior that has no analogues. The variety of styles and genres guarantees stunning results - mesmerizing and realistic.

Application technique: varieties

The concept of “painting the walls of a room” includes many ways of applying images. It is customary to distinguish between 2 main types: traditional and modern techniques, which in turn are divided into several subtypes.

Imperishable classic

Traditional wall painting is a monumental work done manually, without the use of modern equipment. In addition to the above fresco, traditional techniques include:

  • encaustic- applying melted wax or oil paints to the plaster. Although another option is more often used - the image is applied to a canvas or wooden panel and then glued to the wall;

  • alsecco translated from Italian as “dry”. This technique of painting walls involves applying a color mixture to dry plaster. The paints were ground on eggs with the addition of lime and vegetable glue mixed with tempera, acrylic and oil solutions;
  • sgrafitto translated as “scratched.” The procedure is technologically quite complex - the wall is covered first with black and then with white primer. The design is scraped onto the white ground until a black background appears. The technique was invented by the ancient Greeks and became widespread during the Renaissance.

Achievements of the current century

Modern variations are no less interesting, but more varied.

  • grisaille translated from French as "gray". The peculiarity is that the drawing is done in a palette of all shades of gray - this gives the composition a sculptural orientation;
  • drawing on decorative plaster. In this case, before starting work, the walls are finished in order to give the required volume. A painting on a wall treated in this way looks like a real one - “living” and “breathing”;

  • acrylic painting walls are extremely in demand due to quick application and drying, the ability to convey the play of light and tones;
  • visible and invisible colors glow in the dark and attract everyone's attention. The technique allows the use of coloring mixtures with the addition of mother-of-pearl and light-accumulating particles that shine in ultraviolet light - a truly mesmerizing sight;
  • graffiti- a technique familiar to many, which involves the use of aerosol cans of paint;
  • vinyl painting- one of the latest developments, loved by many for its ease of execution and cost-effectiveness. The ornament, which is applied to vinyl wallpaper, brings the desired breath of novelty into the familiar environment and, with the right approach, becomes the main decoration of the interior.

Stencil painting

Question how much does wall painting cost- the first thing that worries those who want to decorate their home with “living” paintings. The cost depends on many factors: the complexity of the design, the application method, the size of the composition, and the chosen subject.
On average, an ornament will cost from 2,000 to 15,000 thousand rubles. per sq.m., landscape sketches - from 6,000 to 30,000 thousand rubles. per sq.m., compositions depicting animals and humans - from 20,000 to 60,000 thousand rubles. per sq.m.

If you want to create on your own, then stencils for painting walls will help you. This is a simple and affordable way to decorate a room with borders, friezes, ornaments and flowers. There are a large number of ready-made templates for painting on sale, but if you want something unusual and definitely in a single copy, then you can make the stencils yourself. It is enough to take a sheet of plastic or thick cardboard, draw the outlines of the desired design and cut it out.

All that remains is to fix the stencil on the wall and paint it using a special stencil brush and water-dispersion or latex paints. To create single-color patterns, single templates are suitable, while the use of multiple shades requires the presence of a multi-stencil consisting of several parts.

Wall painting with stencil pictures is especially popular when decorating children's rooms. The topic can be any depending on the age, gender and preferences of the child. It has been proven that the formation of taste begins in childhood - surround your baby with bright, interesting and educational stories that stimulate the development of imagination, and he will grow up kind, smart and talented.

DIY artistic painting

First of all, you need to decide on the location of the drawing and purchase materials for the work. If the choice of area for juicy experiments depends only on you, then paints and brushes must be purchased, taking into account the recommendations of professionals.

So the best acrylic paints are varnish and matte. They are non-toxic, dry quickly and are resistant to mechanical stress (the created sketch can be washed, but without fanaticism - with special diligence, you can erase anything).
Brushes for acrylic paints must be purchased with artificial bristles. Preferably in different sizes, which will help you choose the optimal smear depending on the tasks at hand.


Next stage - surface preparation. The wall is puttied to perfect smoothness - there should be no bumps or depressions. Then it is painted with white paint, just white, and not tinted - otherwise we will get a faded pattern with spots. Before applying the pattern directly to the wall, it would be a good idea to work out the sequence of sketching the details on paper.

Draw an outline with colored pencils; if you use a simple pencil, then under the influence of acrylic paints it will blur and instead of a picturesque landscape, an artistic “daub” will appear in front of us. Make sketches from large to small details, i.e. identify the main elements first, and then supplement them with secondary ones


It is also necessary to paint over the drawing in stages - give yourself a rest. Intervals will help not only to maintain the thirst for creativity, but also to see minor mistakes and shortcomings. The paint is applied from large to small parts, from light to darker tones.

Final step- varnishing. Although the procedure is not mandatory for acrylic paints, it is better to play it safe and securely fix the created masterpiece, but when using watercolors and gouache, a varnish coating is extremely necessary! The varnish is applied carefully using a spray bottle in several thin layers. Now your efforts are reliably protected from the influence of dust and time; all you have to do is wipe the created splendor with a damp cloth from time to time.

Artistic wall painting is a very interesting activity that requires inspiration and special responsibility. Try to put a piece of your soul into your work, and then the result will delight the eye and fill the space with a special, festive mood.

One of the popular ways to decorate a house or apartment is to paint the walls in the interior: photos of exquisite paintings that turn typical rooms into stylish corners can be found in fashion magazines and on the Internet. Decorating your home with such images is becoming fashionable, but often in the desperate desire to make their home more attractive, ordinary people forget about style and appropriateness. It is wall painting that is considered the very technique that can both ruin and decorate the interior.

Wall painting: exquisite decor for all rooms

Interior painting, according to the designer, is appropriate in almost any room and in any style. The versatility of this decorative technique, as well as its originality, make such images popular in modern design. Artistic painting can change the mood of a room and make it more aristocratic and sophisticated. A high-quality pattern on the wall will remain unshakable for many years, since the techniques used make it possible to create extremely durable coatings.

ADVICE! You should select an image for wall painting based on the style of the room: pastoral paintings for Provence, pop Art for modernism or abstractionism in a minimalist interior.

Artistic painting of walls in the interior of an apartment is a great way to create a unique design. The choice of subjects, colors and finishing features of the painting will help to add its own unique feature to each room. This decoration technique is appropriate in all rooms of the house:

  • To decorate the living room, a neutral theme will suit all family members. At the same time, it is important to select subjects and motifs that create a positive mood: for example, a seascape or a view of the garden. In addition, plots that can visually expand the space are often used for the living room.
  • Wall painting in the bedroom is used as often as. Peaceful sea and mountain landscapes, images of flowers or the starry sky, as well as all kinds of romantic paintings are considered traditional. You should not overuse the abundance of details in the painting in the bedroom - this can have an irritating effect on the inhabitants of the room.
  • Painting is no less popular walls in a children's room. Instead of standard photo wallpapers with long-familiar cartoon characters, individually designed scenes are used for the children's room, taking into account the child's hobbies and preferences. The standard color scheme for a children's bedroom is delicate pastel colors, calm and expressive. Flashy and bright colors are only appropriate in the interior of a teenager’s room.
  • For kitchen decoration, painting is used a little less frequently due to the usually small size of this room, which does not allow for the most competent use of the wall plane. Most often, the wall in the dining area is painted with an image of a city or summer landscape.

All options for wall painting ideas should be selected only with an experienced designer, since a seemingly attractive picture in a large format on the wall may not look very good. In addition, a specific plot should be selected according to the style of the room, its layout and the furniture that is planned to be placed in the room. Since such a wall inevitably becomes the semantic center of the interior, it should not dominate or suppress.

Types and techniques of wall painting

Wall painting work is carried out by specialists in wet or dried plaster. These techniques differ as radically as watercolor and oil painting.

Experts highlight the following technologies for indoor wall painting:

  • Fresco is the application of an image on wet plaster, involving the use of water-soluble paints. This method of working with wall paintings is considered quite complex and requires the maximum professionalism of the master, which is associated with the instant drying of the paints and the difficulty of making adjustments to the picture.

People began decorating their homes with various designs back in the Stone Age. Cave painting was supposed to help in successful hunting and in solving other problems facing primitive people.

The traditions of this art have been preserved to this day. Artistic painting can turn a typical apartment into a cozy home that reflects the personality of the owner.

On various Internet resources dedicated to construction and renovation, you can find a lot of information about the use of wall paintings in decorating a modern interior.

Interior design features

In ancient Greece, wall painting was done like a fresco. This technique is based on the fact that the plaster has not yet dried. After drying, lime, which was mixed into the plaster, covered the design with a film. The images were so durable that they have survived to this day.

Of course, not everyone could afford such luxury. The work was labor-intensive, time-consuming, and also required great artistic taste from the craftsmen. Naturally, only the richest citizens could pay for such work.

In the modern world, decorating ceilings and walls in this way has become easier. However, the cost of such interior design still cannot be called small.

Based on this, some people prefer to do such work themselves. However, before starting work, you need to find out how to properly paint walls in the interior.

Today, experts identify several techniques:

  • Encaustic— paints stick to plaster with wax. It is not very difficult to perform, but wall painting using this technique looks very effective. And the creator gets great pleasure from his work.
  • Alsecco. Unlike frescoes, paints are applied to. The images are strict but stylish.
  • Sgrafitto. First, a black primer is applied to the surface, then the wall is covered with white paint. This paint is then scraped off in the right places to create a black design on a white background.

Wall painting today

The latest technologies have helped make the methods of applying paint to walls more diverse.

  • Grisaille. The image is in gray color. All kinds of shades are used to achieve the desired effect. Due to the play of light and tone, the image resembles not a drawing on a plane, but a three-dimensional sculpture.
  • Volumetric painting. You can add volume not only using the grisaille technique. The walls are plastered to create a three-dimensional image. It is then painted.

  • Acrylic painting. These paints appeared relatively recently. They are easy to work with and dry quickly. The specificity of the material allows the use of methods that artists use when creating paintings. This allows you to create a picturesque and realistic image.

Fluorescent paints retain their shades not only in natural light. In ultraviolet rays they are also beautiful and pleasing to the eye.

  • Graffiti- youthful, and even somewhat hooligan style. The drawings were made with spray paint and markers. Primitive images in this style can be seen in any city on the walls of entrances and houses. However, artists can paint real pictures using such means.

  • Vinyl painting. Manufacturers have developed special wallpapers on which not only naughty children, but also adults with a creative streak can now draw. First, a sketch is created, and then it is transferred to the wallpaper.

All these methods allow you to create an individual home design from the usual design and find an application for your creative abilities.

The collection of photos presented below will help you choose an option for people with different tastes and creative abilities.

Preparatory work

If you do not pay due attention to this stage, the applied paint will not adhere properly. This means that all further work on painting the walls will go down the drain.

First you need to decide where exactly the picture will be painted. The place must be chosen wisely so that the painting fits organically into the surrounding environment, emphasizing all its strengths, and, if possible, diverting attention from the shortcomings of the interior.

Walls before painting must be carefully processed! There should be no remnants of old paint or whitewash on them. Small pieces of wallpaper will also get in the way. After this, the surface is thoroughly sanded.

After completing the preliminary work, putty is applied to the surface. She must make the surface perfectly flat. Then comes the primer's turn. For it, paint of the same color is used, which is used to cover the surface several times.

Painting using a stencil

A stencil is an ideal option for people with little income or completely devoid of talent for drawing. In addition, such a drawing is done very quickly and does not require highly complex devices. It can be applied either to the entire wall or to highlight any part of it.

The stencil is also suitable for painting on furniture. The technique is the same as for doing work on walls. The place where the drawing is applied is cleaned, after which the picture itself is completed. This design can turn ordinary furniture from a store into a truly stylish and beautiful thing.

Creating drawings

The first step is to thoroughly prepare the wall surface. We clean the work area, putty and prime. For primer it is best to use white paint. It will not change other shades or show through. The picture will turn out the way it was planned.

You must first use the sketch! First, the main details of the composition are sketched out, and later the small ones are drawn.

Lighter shades should be used first, followed by bright or dark ones. For greater safety of the painting, it is best to cover it special varnish.

If a person doubts his ability to create a full-fledged picture, then he can buy a special film produced by the Orakal company. It needs to be glued, and then used as a stencil. Afterwards the film peels off very carefully. The picture is ready.

Painting walls and ceilings in the interior of an apartment or house is not an ordinary boring renovation. You can turn this process into a fun activity for the whole family. The result will please everyone! The home will have a unique design that will reflect the personality of the owners and create additional comfort for them.

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